How much to boil quail eggs. Quail eggs - how to cook right

14.09.2019 Meat dishes

Many people do not think their morning without eggs. What other dishes do not do. These are all sorts of omelets, scrambled eggs and just boiled. The use of eating chicken eggs is known for a long time. But they have two drawbacks. The first is that they are subject to salmonellosis. And the second - they often cause allergies in children.

About the benefits of quail eggs

A good alternative to this product is quail eggs. Despite its small weight (5 times less chicken), they contain much more vitamins, less often cause allergies and are not infected with Salmonella. They are useful for diabetics, with gastric diseases and neurosis. If many know about their benefits, then how many minutes to cook quail eggs, not everyone knows. Moreover, it is important to also prepare them correctly. Like any other eggs, they must be washed with soda. So that the eggs do not crack, it is necessary to lower them in boiling water. After that, cook no more than one minute for eggs skeyka and five minutes to get steep. After cooking, you must be cooled under running water. This is done in order not to darken the yolk due to sulfur, which is contained all quail eggs. How much to cook them in quantity depends only on taste preferences. Nutritionists recommend eating at least one or two eggs for breakfast.

Quail eggs as the first dust

In addition, in recent times, more and more pediatricians are talking about the benefits of quail eggs for children. They are recommended to give kids from six months as a source of vitamin D. This is due to their low allergenity. In addition, the content of trace elements such as phosphorus, magnesium and potassium contributes to his assimilation. Of course, children need to give only cooked quail eggs. How much cook and in what quantity to give the baby as a dust, it is best to consult with a pediatrician. Usually recommend starting from the fourth part of the yolk. For children, older can be eaten already to give more such eggs. Surely the kids will like their appearance and size. In addition, they can be prepared in the same way as from chicken, omelet or scrambled eggs for a child.

Quail Egg Dishes Recipes

Speaking about how much quail eggs are cooking, you can not forget that this product will greatly decorate any festive table. It is added to salads, sandwiches are made with him. For example, you can cook eggs for such a recipe. To the cracker lay out with a confectionery syringe or a spoon a bit of liver pate. Cut the cooked twisted quail egg in half and put on top of the yolk down. The original snack is ready. No less tasty they are in salads. For example, in combination with shrimps. On the plate lay out lettuce leaves, then peeled shrimps, crackers and halves of quail eggs. From above to pour mayonnaise. For 4 portions, lettuce will be needed 300 g of shrimp, 100 g of crackers, 8 eggs, a little lettuce and mayonnaise. Knowing that they are not only useful, but also tasty, for sure, most will replace chicken in their diet for quail eggs. How much can you eat them during the week? Nutritionists recommend still not to abuse this product, however, as many others. The use of quail eggs one or twice a week will be quite enough.


Despite the fact that their benefits have long been proven, most still believes that this is a luxury - there is daily quail eggs. How much cooking and use it is possible that it is so expensive? But maybe quail eggs can be compared in their composition with chicken? Of course not. Therefore, they should be included in their diet at least for this reason.

Quail eggs have long become famous thanks to their original appearance, miniature, a variety of valuables.

It is important to prepare a natural product correctly so that your dishes are really useful and tasty, and quail testicles retain all their valuable properties, a pleasant consistency.

Remember how much cooking quail eggs. This information is helpful for you, since this product really should be included in the menu, wanting to strengthen the body. At the same time, it is the correct grade that guarantees the safety of valuable trace elements, amino acids and vitamins.

Did you decide to figure out exactly how much better to cook quail eggs? Do you want to please your loved ones with delicious dishes? Consider the basic methods of cooking, useful tips and algorithms.

Cook or not cook? Why many people prefer to do the heat treatment of quail eggs

How much time to cook quail eggs? Should they treat them at all? In some people, in the first place there are doubts about the effectiveness of making eggs.

Twisters are practically not subject to infectious diseases, so specialists note that quail testicles can not be prepared. The probability of infection with salmonellosis when eating such eggs is extremely low.

However, in most cases, the hostess prefer to process this product. When you learn how much to cook quail testicles, you can accurately determine which method is more suitable for you. They are not necessary to cook skidding, digest. You can boil eggs sick, in the bag, do a delicious pashot dish.

People are more often boiled quail eggs, because the eggs prepared in this way have several advantages.

  • You need to boil quail testicles to diversify the menu. It is the eggs prepared in this way that can be added to most dishes, decorate salads, sandwiches.

Be sure to remember how much it is possible to prepare quail eggs, because they are very easy to reappear on the stove. Then they lose many valuable properties, pleasant taste, become too dense.

How many minutes do you need to cook quail eggs? Several secrets and recommendations

Do you think, how much time do you need to cook twist eggs? Understand the attention of some nuances so that your dishes are delicious and helpful.

It is necessary to comply with the basic principles of the preparation of the product, otherwise most of the beneficial substances will be destroyed due to excessive heat treatment.

Within two minutes you need to cook the eggs sick. If you keep them in boiling water for more than two minutes, inside there will be no liquid yolk.

  • Do you think how much quail eggs boiled eggs? Want to quietly add them to salads, various dishes, decorate them sandwiches?

Quail eggs screwed up no more than 4 minutes. Otherwise, they will become "rubber", they will lose a pleasant taste and lose the bulk of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

  • Always remember that you decide to boil the quail, and not chicken eggs. It is necessary to carefully monitor the time so as not to spoil the product. If you keep quail eggs in boiling water for 5 minutes, they will already become noticeably less useful, tasteless.
  • For a long time it is impossible not only to cook, but simply keep the twinks of hot water. They should be immediately removed from the pans, otherwise they will digest. Please note that even in the hot saucepan spoils quail eggs. As soon as the right time passed, no more than five minutes, it is necessary to immediately remove the testicles and put them on a separate dish.

If you decide to prepare quail eggs without a shell, you need to keep them in boiling water no more than 3 minutes. You will have a great dish - Pashota.

Such testicles are very familiar with children, gourmet, connoisseurs of original solutions. The taste of eggs will be neutral, a lot of useful substances will remain in them.

You need to boil quail testicles correctly, always follow the time. If you comply with recommendations, your dishes will be especially useful and tasty.

So that your dishes are really delicious, attracted by beauty, supplied the body with all the useful substances, you need to use several useful tips.

It is best to cook quail eggs according to the algorithm. Pay attention not only to how much the testicles need to be prepared, but also on the principle of cooking.

Many souls are welded without a shell. They need to be prepared in a slightly salted water for three minutes. To carefully break the quail egg, do not damage the gentle shell of the protein, it is important to act correctly, carefully.

The egg is cut into a knife from a stupid end, and through the resulting hole is slowly poured into boiling water. When no more than three minutes goes, it is necessary to remove the cooked quail eggs shimmer and lay out on the dish.

Want easy to clean eggs? Then you just need to lower them into cool water. Some hostesses prepare a weak vinegar solution in order to quickly process the testicles in it.

It is enough to hold them in solution, cool water literally a couple of minutes. The shell is perfectly shaken without the slightest problems.

Recently, the demand for quail eggs exceptionally increased. It is just to clarify that such a product is rich in vitamins, including iron and potassium. In Japan, such a product is even included in school meals, as they improve memory, eyesight and enhance immunity. Almost all owners are interested in the question of how to cook quail eggs to save all their caloric content and value.

How to cook sick?

In order to cook quail eggs using 2 methods.

The first is that the eggs are lowered in cold water and 2-3 minutes are counted from the start of the cooking process. The flaw is that the exact moment the start of cooking is hard enough to determine.

The second method takes into account the boards of eggs in the already swashed water for 1-2 minutes. Eggs are boiled on a small flame and the algorithm of action is actually no different from the cooking of eggs, screwed, about which we will definitely tell.

How to cook quail eggs screwed

Cooking of quail eggs Drinking actually does not stand out from the process of bearing chicken eggs. True there are some interesting moments that will help find out how without mistakes to cook quail eggs.

  1. Unlike the chicken product, the eggs have a rather thin shell and so that when heated it does not damage, the eggs must be put out of the cold during a certain time before the boiling process starts.
  2. It is not necessary to pour a lot of water into the scenery, enough that the liquid only covers the contents of the saucery.
  3. It should be laid carefully, you should not throw them, because when you hit one container, they can simply break.

The method of bunching actions of eggs volokuyu and the schochka is similar, the difference is only in the time of cooking.

  1. Eggs are rinsed under water.
  2. On the slab we put a saucepan with water, we are swaying the salt and give water to boil.
  3. With the support of the spoon, immerse the eggs into the boiled water, cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Then we merge the water, and the product is brought to the required temperature. The main thing, the eggs do not reap, otherwise the yolk will be dark color, the protein rubber is taste, the product itself will lose its own unique properties.

Cooking features for children

There are many vitamins and minerals in quail eggs. They are 5 times more focused iron and potassium than in chicken product, so all experts advise to include in their diet of baby food.

For kids, only those eggs are suitable for the kids that they have passed heat treatment, with all this product should be only fresh, you should not take those that were demolished more than a week ago. When cooking the product, it is not necessary to add salt, which adversely affects the flavor qualities of eggs.

The process of bunching eggs of quail for children is that the eggs are well washed right with soap. Next, they put into the boiled water and boiled 5 minutes. It is impossible to feed the babes with the testicles of the schousek, because There is a risk of illness due to weak yolk processing.

Preparing quail eggs in the microwave

As a rule, eggs are boiled on the stove, but there is a more entertaining option - in the microwave.

  1. In the utensils for microwave, we put the eggs of quail, pour cold water so that the eggs are in it.
  2. We put the oven, run middle power (500 W) and time - 3 minutes.
  3. After removing, lay out in cold water and then clean.

How easy and quickly clean eggs?

Due to the small size, the cleaning of the eggs of quail from the case of the case becomes long and not comfortable. The awkward movements have every chance of damaging the protein, then the egg will look unsuitable. So that with such an action managed to cope and the child, you need to know any secrets of how to cook quail eggs to be easily cleaned.

  1. After the eggs are welded, it is necessary to lower for some time into the ice water, then the shell is easily and sharply.
  2. In cold water, a vinegar is allowed (1: 1 ratio) and hold the boiled quail eggs in the solution for 3 hours. After them, it is necessary to simply wash and remove the film.
  3. Eggs can be ride a bit along the working plane of the table. A crack will be discovered on the shell, which will distinguish the solid shell of the egg in half.

In a slow cooker

In a slow cooker you can also boil the eggs of quail. To do this, it is necessary to pour water into the bowl, the eggs are added to the basket for steam dishes and turn on the "pair" mode.

Time will come from the desired result. It is necessary to extract the product from a multicooker after 3 minutes, "in the bag" after 5 min., Screw - after 10 minutes.

In order to prepare a nutritional product, and with all this beautiful on the view you need to use some tips. So in food you need to consume exclusively fresh eggs, and you can qualify the degree of freshness of the product to be submitted:

  1. The shelf life of quail eggs is less than in chicken eggs. So the shelf life at a temperature of 0 to 15 is 2 months, at a temperature of 0 to 20 degrees - 1.5 months.
  2. The weight of fresh eggs must be at least 15 grams, if the product has an extremely light weight, it means that it is already stored long enough.
  3. The shell of a fresh egg does not give off with glitter and the touch feels a roughness, in case it is smooth, then you can not cook this egg.
  4. If you shake a bad egg, then you can hear that something in it rides.
  5. If during cooking eggs surfaced, then they are exactly damaged, and they are categorically prohibited. Boiled eggs can be stored for up to 2 days.
  6. You can also cook those eggs that just got from the cold. From a sharp difference in the temperature of the shell, the burst and the product will deteriorate.

Delicate taste, anti-allergenicity, high nutritional, panacea with many diseases and disorders in the body are all about quail eggs. So that the whole value of the product was learned and obtained by the body, it is allowed to eat quail eggs in raw form. However, some people, by virtue of their physiology, cannot transfer the taste of raw eggs. Children are also not recommended to give such a product. In this case, quail eggs can be boiled. Let's figure it out how to cook quail eggs hard so that all useful substances are saved as much as possible.

How to choose quail eggs

The safety of quail eggs is relative. The fact that the purchased product is reliable and harmless to your health, you can only be sure under such conditions:

  • Verified shopping point. Buy the goods only if the seller has a quality certificate for it.
  • Even the responsible seller sometimes occasionally occasionally, and damaged quail eggs can be received. Always carefully examine the appearance of the purchased goods. Good fresh eggs clean, without outsiders with a holistic shell.

How to cook quail eggs screwed correctly

The most important condition for the beading of quail eggs is screwed up accurate observance of cooking time. If you keep the product longer than the last time - eggs will not retain useful substances, lose your tenderness, get rubber and unpleasant taste. Remember! Quail eggs are boiled not more than 5 minutes. The cooking process itself is simple enough:

  • Carefully wash the eggs so that the product laid in the water was clean.
  • Retained to boil water, subsolid.
  • Gently, with the help of a conventional tablespoon, immerse the eggs into boiling water (quail eggs, unlike chicken, if they deepen them in boiling water, never cracked) so that it completely covers them. Boil the laid time.
  • Small quail eggs as well as chicken, can not be bad after cooking. In order to avoid this, after the eggs were welded, immediately put them in cold water. If you do not rush anywhere, you can leave the boiled product to climb in the water in which they were prepared. A variant of salted water is also working: in the process of cooking, add a sufficient amount of salt into the water in which quail eggs are boiled.

How to cook quail eggs Screw - cook in microwave

In order to save a little time, boil the quail eggs is possible in the microwave. Prepared Product Place in deep ceramic container, cover completely warm water. Mode 500 W. Quail eggs are boiled in this way 3 minutes. The advantage of such cooking will be another fact that you can easily monitor the time and control the process.

Cooked twisted quail eggs perfectly give their taste in salads and as refueling for the first dishes.

The meat of quail is characterized by gentle and rich taste, juitness and wonderful aroma. The meat of quails is rich in an easily dismantled protein containing all indispensable amino acids and vitamins. It is also a good source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, copper, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. Unlike classical cuisine, the hunting represents these birds on a spit or grilled grilled. In European cuisine, quail is served under various sauces, and vegetables and fruits are used as a side dish.

The French prefer stuffing these little carcasses. In Western Asia, they are used to prepare a pilament. Italian cooks most often prefer to cook quail, and the broth is used for soup and sauces. In Greece, fried meat of this bird is perfectly combined with a salad with olives.

Quail carcasses stuffed with various fillings. Especially tasty, these birds are obtained with mushrooms or citrus. Also, quails are dried, and the resulting brewing fat broth is used in the preparation of soups and sauces.

Rice rice, buckwheat porridge, potatoes, beans, fresh vegetable salads are served as a side dish.

How much do you cook quail?

Quail boiled under the lid and in sufficient water - it must completely cover the carcass.

Quail in the oven in sour cream sauce


  • 3-5 car masters;
  • 5-7 teeth;
  • 5 tablespoons sour cream;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 1-2 beam of greenery of dill;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to cook?

  1. First prepare quail carcasses. Rinse them in running water and dry well with paper towels. Then sprinkle every carcass lemon juice and soda salt. Let the twirls wrap at least half an hour.
  2. Now proceed to cooking sauce. First clean and grind garlic. It is most convenient to do this with the help of garlic press. Mix garlic with sour cream and add salt and pepper. Mix well well.
  3. Prepare a baking sheet. Lubricate it bottom with vegetable oil so that nothing has burned. And even better shutter the bottom of the foil (it should also be lubricated with oil).
  4. Now every carcass is abundantly smearing the creamy garlic sauce and put on the tray.
  5. Send a baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, approximately 40-50 minutes.

Quail with ramberry sauce


  • quail - 350 g or 2 pcs.
  • sauce Brusnik - 40 g
  • tomatoes Baku - 70 g
  • mix Salad - 15 g
  • sauce "Vinaigrette" - 15 g
  • vegetable oil - ½ tbsp. l.
  • salt - 7 g
  • water - 70 ml
  • paprika - 1.5 g
  • soy sauce - 5 ml or 1 tsp.
  • dry garlic - 3 g or ½ tsp.

How to cook?

Prepare a saline solution, collecting 7 g of salts in water. Quails remove the ass, clean up and mucus. To dial the saline solution into the syringe and enter the cords under the skin, with a paprika, dry garlic, soy sauce. Leave to pick up for two hours.

Pickle quails put on the grille, put in the smokehouse (without sawdust). Enable preparation by + 120 ° C, probe at + 40 ° C for 50 minutes.

Quail lubricate with vegetable oil, fry from all sides on grill grill.

Prepare salad. Tomatoes cut into slices, mix with salad mix, salute, pour "Vinaigrette" sauce. Put quails on the wooden board, near the slide - salad. Separately in the savory to file a brushing sauce.