Medium heat 5-7 minutes. How much to fry the cutlets until tender? How to fry eggplant in batter

28.10.2019 Egg dishes

Indian elixir of immortality

In the morning, put 2 cloves of garlic in an enameled saucepan.
small. Pour in 1 liter. milk, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes,
then remove from heat, leave for an hour in a warm place, then divide into 4 servings and eat in
throughout the day. Take 5 days, repeat every 3 months. (the pungency of the garlic is removed
milk). In India, this recipe is called the elixir of immortality.

Chinese tincture "Long life"

Pour chopped garlic into a half-liter bottle up to the neck, pour in two glasses
vodka and put in a cool dark place for 15 days. Add 1 tsp daily at lunch.
l. tinctures for food.

Slavic drink "Zdravushka"

Grind the rose hips and rowan berries in a 1: 1 ratio in a coffee grinder. Brew the mixture for 1 tsp.
l. in a glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes warm and drink like tea 2 times a day.

Swedish anti-aging drink "Viking"

Mix a teaspoon each of dried rose hips, nettle and knotweed herbs, pour over
a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours. Drink in the morning instead of tea.

Italian drink of vivacity and longevity

2 tbsp. l mint pour 1 liter of boiling water to insist 5 minutes, drain. Add 1/2 lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l.
honey. Take 1 glass at night from February to April and from October to December.
Polish youth cocktails:

"Pani Valevskaya"

Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of black currant, oregano, 3 tbsp. l blackberry leaves and
bones. 1 tbsp. l. pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 20 minutes, strain and
drink 1/2 cup after meals ..
2nd cocktail:

Mix 2 tsp. blueberry leaves, string herb, St. John's wort, stone leaves, 3 tsp. fruit
rose hips, 1 tsp. thyme. Brew 1 tsp. mixture in a glass of boiling water and drink like tea.

Longevity recipe: licorice root or licorice infusion.

Pour a tablespoon of powder with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, drink warmed up on
a tablespoon 3-5 times before meals. An excellent remedy for a breakdown and apathy. With herpes on
lips, purulent pimples: soak a piece of paper towel in lotion and for 3-4 minutes
apply to the painful area.
Apply lotions 4-5 times a day until the inflammation subsides. Store lotion in

Elixirs of vigor

When the body is depleted, it is useful to apply the recommended folk
medicine general strengthening recipes:

500 g of chopped walnuts mixed with 300 g of honey, 100 g of aloe juice, 50 g of powder
from the roots of the parsnip. Store in a dark place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3
once a day 30 minutes before meals.
Grind washed black currant berries and pour honey in a 1: 1 ratio,
stir well. Store in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon in
a day 3 minutes before meals, washed down with a decoction of the rhizomes of radiola rosea.
Instead of water, it is recommended to drink a decoction of oats - 2 tbsp. Spoons of oat grains pour 0.6 l
water, cook over low heat in a sealed container for 30 minutes, cool, strain, add
1 lemon, ground with peel, but no seeds.

Eastern Elixir of Youth

100 ml lemon juice.
200 g of honey.
50 ml. olive oil.
Mix all the ingredients and take one teaspoon on an empty stomach.
In addition to the fact that using this remedy you will look younger before your eyes (the complexion will improve,
eyes will shine, skin will be smoothed), you will get rid of constipation (if you suffer from such) and
never know what sclerosis is.

Elixir of Youth-1
This remedy perfectly cures shortness of breath, rejuvenates, cleanses the blood. Especially useful
its application to complete, middle-aged people.

Crush 400g of garlic, squeeze the juice from 4 lemons, pour into a jar with a wide mouth. Juice and
mix the chopped garlic, close the jar with a light linen cloth and put on 24
day in a dark place. Shake when taking. Take once a day before bedtime 1 tsp.
mixture in half a glass of water. In 10-12 days you will feel no fatigue, improve
deep sleep.

Elixir of Youth-2
The proposed elixir of youth will help in cleansing blood vessels, as well as relieve shortness of breath.
To prepare it, you will need 1 liter of May honey, juice of 10 lemons and 10 heads of garlic.

Grind all components well, and leave for a week in a closed jar. Take 1 tsp.
l. in the morning on an empty stomach, not missing a single day. The medicine should last for 2 months.

The effect is amazing: vision is noticeably improved, skin becomes smooth, gray hair disappears,
hair becomes thicker and grows darker. And the tool is.
- 200 g of flaxseed oil (sold at the pharmacy),
- 4 lemons,
- 3 small heads of garlic,
- 1 kg of honey.
grind the peeled garlic cloves, 2 peeled lemons, 2 peeled lemons in a meat grinder.
Mix all the declared products, transfer to a glass jar with a lid and store in
take one tablespoon (wooden) half an hour before meals. Preferably 3 times a day,
but you can do it 1 time (this is better than nothing).


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs;
  • butter - 40 grams;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon.


  • whipping container - 1 piece;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;
  • a frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 20 cm - 1 pc.

French omelette recipe for 1 portion (150 grams)

  1. Beat the eggs gently with a fork until smooth without foaming. If you beat them too hard, the omelet will turn out to be lush, dense and not plastic.
  2. Heat the skillet well over medium heat and spread the butter. As soon as the oil is completely liquid, pour the egg mass in an even layer. Fry over medium heat for 1-2 minutes.
  3. When the base and edges are baked until golden brown and the middle remains slightly viscous, the dish is ready. We remove the fire. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.
  4. Bend the two edges to the center in the pan and let it stand for a while, but not more than 15 seconds. And fold it in half again so that it resembles a large waffle tube.
  5. We put it on a plate, serve it with black bread and fresh herbs.

How to make an omelet with milk


  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • milk - 120 grams;
  • salt - 1/4 teaspoon;
  • butter - 40 grams.


  • container with high sides - 1 piece;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;

Recipe for omelet with milk for 2 servings (300 grams):

  1. Take a bowl with high sides and carefully break all 4 eggs into it.
  2. Add salt and begin to beat with a whisk or fork until smooth. Eggs, beaten until stiff, will add fluffiness to the dish.
  3. Pour milk into the egg mass and mix.
  4. Melt butter in a hot skillet and pour out the resulting egg mass.
  5. Fry on low heat for 5-7 minutes. The omelet tends to burn on thin-bottomed pans because the heat from the burner passes through the bottom too quickly and turns it into a burnt porridge.
  6. After the mass has almost completely thickened at the edges, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the stove.
  7. Let stand under the lid for another 15 minutes. During this time, it will completely thicken and completely cook, while it will not burn from the bottom.
  8. We put the dish on plates with a long plastic spatula and serve to the table.

With milk

How to make an omelet with tomatoes


  • eggs - 3 pcs;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • tomato - 1 medium;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;


  • a container for beating with high sides - 1 piece;
  • whisk or fork - 1 pc;
  • board for cutting vegetables - 1 piece;
  • a frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 24 cm - 1 pc.

Recipe for omelet with tomatoes for 2 servings (350 grams):

  1. In a tall bowl, beat the eggs lightly with a whisk or fork.
  2. Add milk to the egg mass.
  3. On the board, the onion mode is thin half rings.
  4. Pour oil into a frying pan preheated over high heat. Add chopped onion to the oil and fry it until tender yellow for no more than 1 minute. Add a small pinch of salt.
  5. While the onions are fried, cut the tomato into medium-sized squares. When the onion is ready, put the tomatoes in a skillet and mix them with the onion.
  6. Immediately add the eggs mixed with milk, and shake the pan a little so that the mass is evenly distributed over the bottom.
  7. Add the remaining salt and pepper.
  8. Reduce heat to medium and fry for 5-7 minutes until the edges and base set.
  9. We remove the heat completely, cover with a lid and leave for another 10 minutes until completely baked.
  10. We put the finished dish on plates.

How to make a sausage omelet


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • fresh onion - 1 medium head;
  • raw smoked sausage / salami - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • olive / sunflower oil (deodorized, refined) - 1/2 tablespoon.


  • whisk or fork - 1 piece;
  • board for cutting vegetables and sausages - 1 piece;

Recipe for omelet with sausage for 2 servings (400 grams):

  1. Beat the eggs with a fork in a high container. If you don't feel like messing around with whipping with a fork, take a clean, wide-necked milk bottle and gently pour the eggs into it. Close the lid tightly and start shaking. 10 seconds is enough and the eggs are perfectly beaten.
  2. Add milk to the container and beat a little more.
  3. Pour oil into a preheated skillet and add onion.
  4. While the onion is fried, cut the sausage into thin strips. For the preparation of an omelet, it is better to use aromatic sausages. Boiled or boiled-smoked sausages are not suitable, they will give the dish a not very pleasant aroma.
  5. Add the sausage to the onion and fry a little, no more than 10 seconds.
  6. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and distribute it evenly.
  7. Add salt and pepper. If the selected sausage is salty, then the amount of salt can be reduced or not used at all.
  8. Fry over medium heat for about 10 minutes until a crispy, crisp crust forms.
  9. We remove the heat and, without covering it with a lid, let the dish stand for a while and come to readiness.
  10. Place the finished dish on plates and serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipes for omelet with tomatoes and with sausage can perfectly complement each other, just mix sausage and tomatoes when frying.

How to make a spinach omelet


  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • fresh onion - 1 medium head;
  • frozen / fresh spinach - 50 grams;
  • salt - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • black pepper, ground - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • butter - 40 grams.


  • a container for beating with high sides - 1 piece;
  • medium-sized saucepan - 1 piece;
  • whisk or fork - 1 piece;
  • a frying pan with a thick bottom with a diameter of 24 cm - 1 piece.

Recipe for omelet with spinach for 2 servings (320 grams):

  1. If we use fresh spinach, then you need to start cooking with it. We wash the spinach well in running water, since harmful substances and bacteria can get onto the spinach during cultivation and storage.
  2. Put spinach in a saucepan and pour boiling water over for 1 minute. We carefully drain the water and repeat the procedure. After removing excess moisture, place the spinach leaves on a kitchen towel and allow to dry slightly.
  3. Beat the eggs with a fork in a high container until smooth.
  4. Add milk to the container to the eggs and beat a little more.
  5. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  6. Put the oil in a preheated pan and add the onion.
  7. Fry the onions over high heat until tender golden brown, about half a minute and salt a little.
  8. While the onion is fried, chop the spinach and add to the onion in a skillet. Fry the spinach and onions for another 1 minute.
  9. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet and distribute it evenly, stirring gently with the onion and spinach.
  10. Add salt and pepper.
  11. Fry over medium heat for about 5 minutes until the edges set.
  12. We remove the heat, cover the omelet with a lid and let it stand for a while and come to readiness.
  13. Fold the finished dish in half and put it on plates.

The spinach omelet is delicious and healthy. Spinach is high in antioxidants and folic acid. According to some publications, spinach is contraindicated in people suffering from urolithiasis because of the high content of oxalates in spinach.

Cutlets are one of the simplest and most common dishes in almost any family. For the sake of bachelors, manufacturers of semi-finished products have long begun to sell them frozen, so there is no need to make minced meat or mold them anymore. Throw in a frying pan ... But stop! How much to fry cutlets? How to do it? To an inexperienced person, all these questions seem very difficult. But in fact the situation is simple.

How long does it take to fry the cutlets? Depends on cutlets, here their thickness and temperature play a role. Frozen ones are fried a little longer, home-made from fresh minced meat - a little less, but in general, frying lasts a maximum of half an hour. The most serious danger is to burn the dish, since the undercooked meat can always be thrown back into the pan and brought to the desired condition. And there is another important factor that determines how many minutes to fry the cutlets - the type of stove. The fact is that the working temperatures of gas, electric and induction cookers are quite different. The fastest way to prepare meals is on induction and gas hobs. The electric one heats up and cools down more slowly, so you can always leave the pan on the burner - the dish will reach the desired condition.

So, the technology for cooking cutlets is quite simple: put cutlets on a hot frying pan with oil. For about a minute, the temperature should

be high so that the crust grabs and it is easier to turn the minced meat. Then you need to reduce the heat to medium and fry the patties without a lid for about 5-7 minutes. Turn over, add the temperature again for a minute, and then fry over medium heat. Can be closed with a lid to keep the meat juicy. If necessary, you can darken the patties longer at a low temperature. This method is better suited for the type of stove, where you can quickly change the temperature of the burner - gas.

How much to fry cutlets? This question also depends on the type of meat. Poultry roasts faster, minced pork a little slower. The type of pan is also important, but these are all secondary factors.

There is a second method, which is better for electric and induction cookers. Well, how much to fry cutlets on them? Frying takes a little longer on each side. How many? You need to fry the cutlets for about 10-12 minutes over medium heat for the first time with the lid open and literally 5 minutes for the second time with the lid closed. For those who like semi-cooked, the initial frying is quite enough, although the cutlets are, of course, not steaks, it is better to fry them until fully cooked.

And how much to fry homemade cutlets and why a little longer? Self-made cutlets from minced meat, as a rule, are obtained

thicker than purchased ones, so it is worth holding them in the pan longer so that the meat is fried evenly. Although minced meat cooks faster than a regular steak or chop, it still needs to be cooked completely.

In fact, there are no intricacies in frying cutlets. On each specific stove and frying pan, the exact time is determined by trial and error. The main thing in the process is not to be distracted and burn the dish. And the cutlets can be brought to readiness in the oven - it will turn out yummy, especially if you pour them with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

Liver in sauce is considered by many to be the pinnacle of culinary art.

This is because this dish has an exquisite taste, and not everyone knows how to cook it. The reason is ignorance of the basic rules that should be followed during the preparation of the liver.

Therefore, a simple liver is equated with delicacies if properly processed and cooked.

Liver in sauce - general cooking principles

You can choose the sauce for the liver at your discretion. As a result, the dish can have a spicy tomato flavor or a delicate, creamy one. There are recipes with little tricks, after trying such dishes it is even impossible to immediately determine which product is their basis.

The liver is a rather delicate product, the preparation of which requires certain knowledge. It is quite simple to master them, as a result, any dish with a liver will be a real work of culinary art.

The basic rule is to choose only the freshest ingredients. The liver should be fresh, without the slightest signs of deterioration. There is no need to be lazy to touch the product before buying and to smell the degree of its freshness. The liver should be firm and have a pleasant, milky smell.

First, we properly prepare the liver itself, then we supplement it with various ingredients that will be part of the sauces. Many products are combined with it. Therefore, dishes based on this offal can be very different. They should be cooked as often as possible, because the liver is a dietary product that includes many vitamins and minerals, it actively increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

It is equally tasty to cook chicken, turkey, pork and beef liver. But for different types, certain recipes may be applicable that will emphasize the taste of the product and fully reveal its properties.

The most successful options for cooking liver in sauce will be given below.

Chicken liver in vegetable sauce

An excellent recipe for cooking in the summer season.


One large carrot;

Two small bell peppers or one large, we take varieties of juicy and sweet peppers;

One hundred grams of white cabbage;

Large onion;

Three cloves of garlic;

A mixture of peppers;

Vegetable oil for frying liver and vegetables.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the liver under running water in a colander. Let's drain.

2. Put the pan on a moderate heat, pour in some vegetable oil and wait until it warms up. We spread each piece of liver separately. Fry on each side for 3-4 minutes, until a light brown tender crust forms on its surface. The liver inside should be damp, don't let that confuse you.

3. When the liver is ready, remove it from the pan and put it on a separate plate. Salt and pepper a little on top.

4. Peel the carrots and cut into circles of about 3 mm. thick. If the carrot is thick, you can cut it in half lengthwise and cut into semicircles.

5. Peel the onion, cut it into half rings of the same thickness as the carrot.

6. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stem and seeds, rinse well. Cut the halves lengthwise and cut the pepper into strips of about 5 mm. thick.

7. Cut the cabbage into squares of about 2X2 cm.

8. Cut the garlic into small strips.

9. Put a clean frying pan on the stove again, pour in some vegetable oil. We wait until it warms up enough, and spread the carrots. Fry it for 5 minutes over medium heat, while stirring, so as not to burn.

10. Put the onion to the carrot and sauté for another 3-4 minutes.

11. We spread the cabbage, mix everything, reduce the gas and simmer for 7-10 minutes. In the process, the vegetables will need to be mixed 2-3 times.

12. Then add bell pepper, garlic, salt and pepper mixture, mix everything and cover with a lid. Simmer for about ten minutes on low heat.

13. Remove the lid and add about a glass of water. You can use low-fat chicken broth. Trying for salt and pepper. Simmer for 15 minutes.

14. Then put the liver in a frying pan and mix everything. Without a lid, simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes. Finally, add parsley.

Beef liver in pomegranate juice sauce

An unusual combination of products in a liver delicacy.


Beef liver - 600 gr.;

Soy sauce - 50 gr.;

Pomegranate juice - 400 ml;

One leaf of lettuce for each serving;

Fresh parsley for garnish;

Ground black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Cut the liver into steaks approximately 2 cm thick.

2. Put them in a bowl and pour in the soy sauce, add pepper and stir. We leave for half an hour. It can be longer.

3. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. To do this, pour the sauce into a small container and put on low heat. We evaporate the juice until the volume is 2 times less. That is, about a glass of the finished sauce should remain. Its readiness can be determined using a regular tablespoon. If it becomes slightly viscous when dripping from the spoon, then the sauce is ready. You don't need to add any seasonings, salt or sugar to it.

4. The sauce should cool completely, after which it will thicken even more.

5. We begin to fry the liver. Put the pan on the fire and pour in some olive oil. You can also use sunflower seeds. The fire should be moderate. We spread the steaks in the pan, they should not be located close to each other. Fry on each side for 3 minutes. The inside of the steaks should be pink and soft.

6. On each plate, put a leaf of lettuce, lay out the steak and pour the sauce over it. Decorate with a parsley leaf.

Chicken liver in mushroom and cheese sauce

A dish with an exquisite and delicate taste.


Chicken liver - half a kilogram;

Champignons - 300 gr.;

One and a half processed cheese;

Half an onion;

Half an onion;

Butter for frying;

2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the liver, cut into separate lobes, fry in butter until golden brown for about 3-4 minutes on each side. We spread and lightly add. You can add some black pepper.

2. Preheat a frying pan with a small piece of butter, when it melts - we begin to fry the mushrooms. They should be pre-washed and cut into about 6 pieces each.

3. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown, add a little salt.

4. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. We spread to the mushrooms, mix and fry for another 3 minutes.

5. Pour 300 ml into the pan. water or broth. We are waiting for the sauce to boil.

6. Grate the curds or cut into small cubes. Choose soft varieties that melt easily. We spread it to the mushroom and onion sauce. We cover with a lid and wait until they are completely melted. The sauce should be creamy. Salt. Add finely chopped garlic.

7. We spread the finished liver and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Pork liver in sour cream sauce

An original presentation of a classic recipe.


Pork liver - 300 gr.;

Mayonnaise - half a glass;

Sour cream - a glass;

A little flour to roll the liver;

Medium onion;

Fresh parsley;

Black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the liver and cut into slices about the size of a finger.

2. Mix with mayonnaise, add black pepper and leave to marinate for about half an hour.

3. Cut the onion into half rings.

4. Heat the pan and pour a small amount of sunflower oil.

5. Fry the onion until golden brown.

6. In another pan, begin to fry the liver. Pour some flour into a flat plate. Heat the frying pan over moderate heat, pour in oil for frying. When it heats up, roll each piece of liver in flour and put it in a frying pan. Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes.

7. Put the finished liver to the onion, add sour cream. Mix everything and simmer over medium heat for 5-7 minutes. The marinated liver is tender and the sauce has a creamy consistency. Finally, add the required amount of salt, pepper and chopped parsley.

Liver Chops in Cream and Mushroom Sauce

Can be served as a snack.


Chicken liver - half a kilogram;

Egg - 1;

Mayonnaise - a teaspoon;

Soy sauce - 30 ml.;

Fatty culinary cream - a glass;

Champignons - 100 gr.;

Butter and sunflower oil for frying;

Black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the liver, add a little salt and pepper. We beat it lightly with a hammer. The pieces of the liver must maintain their shape.

2. Beat the egg with a teaspoon of mayonnaise and 50 ml. water, lightly add some salt.

3. Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it well. When the pan is hot, begin to fry the chops over medium heat. To do this, first roll each piece of liver on both sides in flour, then dip it in an egg and put it in a frying pan. Fry on each side for 5 minutes.

4. We begin to prepare the sauce. My mushrooms and chop finely. Preheat a frying pan with butter, fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add salt and pepper. Pour the cream and soy sauce into a skillet and simmer for another 5 minutes over low heat.

5. The sauce must cool completely before serving. Water the chops generously. Best served on lettuce leaves.

Chicken liver with fresh tomato and basil sauce

A spicy summer dish, delicious and very healthy.


Liver - 400 gr.;

Fresh tomatoes - 3 large;

Nice bunch of basil;

A little fresh red pepper;

Dried paprika;

Small onion;

3-4 cloves of garlic;

Olive oil for frying;

Half a tablespoon of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Fry the liver in olive oil for 3 minutes on each side. At the end, add a little salt. We put the liver aside.

2. My tomatoes. Pour water into a saucepan and wait for it to boil. Then put the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds. We remove the skin from them. You can first make cuts so that it comes off faster.

3. Cut the onion into half rings. Fry until golden brown. Cut the tomatoes in half, then - into slices half a centimeter thick. Place the chopped tomatoes on top of the onions, which are still fried. Add chopped garlic and a finely chopped piece of hot pepper to them.

4. Add a little water, about half a glass. Salt to taste.

5. Rinse the basil under running water, chop quite coarsely and add to the sauce.

6. Season everything with paprika, add sugar and mix everything.

7. Put the liver to the sauce, simmer for about five minutes. You can add finely chopped parsley if desired.

Pork liver in onion sauce

A savory dish with a French accent.


Pork liver - 300 gr.;

Chicken broth (you can from a cube) - a glass;

Large onion;

Red pepper;

Butter for frying;

Hard cheese, better - parmesan - 100 gr.;

A little bit of flour.

Cooking method

1. Cut the liver into slices about the thickness of the little finger.

2. Preheat a frying pan, melt a piece of butter. There should not be too much of it in the pan.

3. Dip each piece of liver in flour and fry everything on each side for 3-4 minutes. At the end, salt and sprinkle with a little red pepper. It will take about 1/5 teaspoon.

4. In another frying pan, begin to fry the onions in butter. First, it should be cut into thin half rings. Pass until it becomes soft.

5. Pour the broth into the pan and simmer until the onion is fully cooked. The process will take about 10 minutes. The excess liquid will evaporate, the sauce will acquire the desired consistency.

6. Put the liver in bowls, pour over the sauce.

7. Rub the cheese on a fine grater.

8. Sprinkle them generously over the liver and sauce.

9. Put the bowls in the microwave for 2-3 minutes to melt the cheese.

10. Serve directly in bowls.

1. Do not salt the liver at the beginning of cooking. Possible only at the end of roasting.

2. It should be fried over low heat, the pan should not be very hot.

3. Marinade will soften the liver, but salt should not be added to it.

4. The liver is better undercooked than overdried.

5. To make the liver soft and fragrant, when frying in vegetable oil during cooking, put a small piece of butter in a frying pan.

6. Always rinse the liver before cooking, otherwise it will taste bitter.

If you follow these simple rules, your liver will never be hard and dry.

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