Do you need to soak mushrooms before cooking. Do I need to sore water when you cook mushrooms

20.04.2019 Fish dishes

Collect mushrooms in the forest - a pleasure that's and fresh product On the table, and the time spent with the benefit. Waves, mice, freight, raw and chanterelles, they all demand heat treatment Before use in food. Therefore, lovers of this product should be known how to cook the mushrooms correctly, so as not to poison and enjoy this delicacy.

The biggest mistake of many culinary is ignoring cooking before frying or stew mushrooms. Do not underestimate the need for this type of processing, as it is often the negligence that becomes the cause of many troubles.

All these reasons are important to boil mushrooms before eating them or add them to the component in the dish. The cooking process itself is replaced by soaking, but it is not so effective.

Mushrooms are well washed cold waterBut to do it quickly so that they do not have time to have it. After that, they start cooking. How much process takes time depends on the type of mushroom.

  • Champignons -5-7 minutes.
  • Weighs - 15-20 minutes.
  • Chanterelles - 20 minutes
  • Boosynoviki -17-20 minutes.
  • Syrozhka - 25-30 minutes.
  • White mushroom - 40 minutes.
  • Podberezovik -50-60 minutes.
  • Love - 1 hour.
  • Groove (after soaking in salt) - 15 minutes.

The cooking process itself is simple enough. It is necessary to lay the purified mushrooms into the container, pour water so that it is completely covered and satisfy them. Cook the above time, to full readiness. It is not difficult to determine this if they started to fall on the bottom of the pan when it is lifted, it means it's time to remove them from the fire.

Dried mushrooms as well as raw, need thermal processing. Before start, they are thoroughly washed under running cold water. After that, the process will look like this:

  • The washed product is laid out in water tank room temperature For 4 hours. During this time they will acquire almost the initial volume, and will resemble fresh.
  • Before cooking mushrooms can be cut on slices of desired size.
  • In the enameled container poured pure water And the prepared product is placed there.
  • Water is brought to a boil on minimal fire. In the process, it is important to clean the foam so that it does not flow on the stove.

It should be noted that the dried mushrooms have a more rich fragrance and bright taste. If you want them more reminiscent of fresh, then you should rinse them after they were clumsy, then they will be softer and more pleasant to taste.

Many frozen mushrooms immediately after collecting, to then enjoy them in winter. If they were not cooked before going to the freezer, then you need to do it immediately after defrosting. In this case, the actions algorithm will be as follows:

  • Mushrooms are thoroughly washed under running water.
  • Water poured into the container and satisfied.
  • The product is put in cold water And put on fire.
  • Time is chosen depending on the species of the fungus.

After they were boiled, they can be added to any dish. Little secret proper cooking Frozen mushrooms is that after extracting from freezing chamber, give them yourself to melted without using a microwave or hot water. Then the taste will be saturated, and there are few differences from fresh mushrooms.

Not only fresh copies are suitable for frying, but also frozen, dried. But all of them need to carefully prepare before starting. This is done as follows:

  • Rinse mushrooms thoroughly using cold water.
  • Clean and soak (if required).
  • Hard the product you need to half a ready. That is, hold them on the heat of half, recommended time.
  • Boiled mushrooms are laid out in a colander and are washed with water. After the water is completely glass, they go to dry, but a well-hot frying pan.

In order for the fungi beautifully fried, it is necessary to add oil only after the water has completely evaporated. It is advisable to use the creamy, it gives the dish a special taste.

Having learned how to make fungi correctly, you can prepare unusual and delicious dishes with them, on festive table Or just for every day. Enough to choose some not sophisticated but interesting recipe And experiment with them.

Video instruction

Help me please! Over the past two weeks, 2 regiments of the freezers mushrooms (white, subbertoviki) scored. It would be necessary to make a thread with them. And then soon they will go, but there is no places in the freezer. Advise Pgete any thread proven salting recipes / marinovka mushrooms. Thanks in advance


do you cook before? I want to freeze cheese - they are obtained by crispy with frying, and the boomines, etc. NO (((

I am salt mushrooms like this:
Mushrooms clean well, wash, cut, but not finely. Conditionally edible mushrooms (Chernushki, Ryzhiki, Syroezhka, etc.) Cook 3 times. Each time merging water and poured with new cold water. White and others are simply edible - each time 2 times. During the last cooking, add spices boiling into the water: black peas pepper, carnation, bay leaf and salt to taste. Water should be specifically salty.
Remove from fire. Merge excess water. Mushrooms shift into clean (you can a sterile jar) and when they cool add dill fresh, garlic chopped not finely (much), add a bit of vinegar 7% (per liter near the tablespoon), add a bit sunflower oil and a little (a couple of pinch per liter) ground cinnamon
Do not close the banks tightly (not roll). Keep refrigerated. You can have days after 5. If you are unsalted, you can add salts directly to the bank and stir. Butulism is excluded. For a long time not stored (a couple of months), but very very tasty.
Of course, the conditionally edible tastier. But I did and from the oh and yes white added this year.

On (2 servings):
Crab sticks - 200 g,
boiled eggs - 3 pcs.,
parsley greens,
Mustard - 1 tsp,
Cottage cheese 0% - 50 g,
Kefir 0% - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

Breaking eggs in "Cool". Crab sticks, eggs and parsley finely cut, mix.
Then we make a refueling - invert in the bowl of cottage cheese, mustard and a tablespoon (you can a couple of kefir.
Let's refuel the salad and ready! Very tasty and very satisfying.

Mushroom Soup in Swedish 400 g of fresh white mushrooms, 2 heads-shalot heads, 300 ml chicken broth, 200 ml fat cream, 50 g of oil; salt, white pepper, Parsley greens to taste. White or other mushrooms rinse, cut into pieces, leaving some young mushrooms. Onions onions finely cut and fry with butter until soft, add sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms, pour chicken broth and cook for 10 minutes. Then pour soup into a mixer, grind to the formation of a puree mass and pour back to the pan. Add cream, salt, pepper and slaughter for another 5 minutes. The remaining mushrooms cut into thin slices and fry on a well-warmed pan with not large quantity Oil. Ready-made Pour in plates, put in soup fried ...


Something in our region this year mushrooms at all (thanks for recipes, but mostly all recipes from fresh mushrooms. And for some reason I like the dishes and filling prepared from dried mushrooms. Coca, the taste of the original is added and they become not only the basis of the dish, but also a pleasant seasoning.

My husband gathered a pig. Well, I do not know how I saline mushrooms, and the public in the face of a beloved requires. Therefore, questions - whether it is necessary to soak pork and how much to water them ... and ... share delicious recipe Soldering, huh? PS Search for a family of results did not give, and I want a proven recipe ...


i do not know how others, and my mom, which mushrooms all life collects, she never takes a twin. He says that it is impossible.

Do not believe the widespread view that poisonous mushrooms Cause darkening of the bulbs if it is omitted in dishes with mushrooms. This is not true! Do not collect mushrooms along the roads, even if they are edible. If you even doubt the "edibleness" of the mushroom, then it is better to throw it away. If you are going to salt mushrooms, then be sure to dare beforecetring or extinate them to remove harmful and bitter, irritating stomach, substances. The belief that the poison of mushrooms can be removed if they are boiling for several hours, erroneously, since these fuses are heat-resistant. Do not trust the hand drawn images of mushrooms in books - as a rule, they are far from reality. What if poisoning mushrooms, still happened? As soon as possible, seek medical ...

Any fern dish to taste will remind of mushrooms.
... how to dry / saline, I will not take it, because you are familiar with these processes only in literature. It is better to tell about what I did and more than once. Salty fern (And he, believe me, very salty) you need to soak well. According to some recommendations, for this, a day with a repeated change of water is required, but I do easier. Watches at seven in the evening I fuel a bundle with cold water, not to unleash the threads, and before I go to bed, I change the fill a couple of times, I put it in the refrigerator for the night, and the next morning can already be prepared. The fern did not react to the falling proposals, and about whatever dish it was discussed, used in a fried form like H ...


The Orlyak and Ostrivnik grow naratile. I was very bitter.

11/10/2013 09:22:47, Valery

In general, for the first time I hear that the fern in food is applied. Judging by readers' reviews, even tasty it. I don't know, but it will be possible, I will definitely try.

Fully mechanize this process is impossible: since the fungi is still a product of increased danger, strict control From the human side, it is necessary at every stage. "Then the mushrooms are marinated. And almost never satisfied - although salted mushrooms, celebrate specialists in Russian cuisine, often like people more than those in which vinegar has been added. The case is explained by IP in the company "Ice" that marinated mushrooms are preparing much easier than the salty, which must "mature" before canning, that a few days extends technological process. There is one more reason: when compliance with the technology, pickled mushrooms always retain taste, aroma and appearance, like just ...
... In addition, it is worth remembering that in addition to edibles there are conditionally edible mushrooms: these are a favorite twist, worshi, freight, whitening, Valui. They deserved their name due to the increased content of toxic substances or bitter taste. All these disadvantages are eliminated if they comply with their cooking technology. Cooking such mushrooms must be twice in an hour, every time changing water. Broth can not eat in food. Finally, it is worth remembering that the incubation period in poisoning is from 2 to 36 hours. The first signs are: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Temperatures, as a rule, no. In this case, drink a large number of Water (two or three liters) and make a stomach wash. Then drink cold strong tea, milk, ...


Honestly, I was looking for an answer if you can eat raincoats. Indirectly realized that you could find a recipe now. And from the article I learned a lot of interesting things, and most importantly found a confirmation that I myself thought about mushrooms. In particular, their danger exaggerated in the press. All troubles again from our ignorance and laziness.

09/17/2007 09:15:11, Sergey

Therefore, it is necessary to boil them as quickly as possible so that at least the existing poor vitamins get to the table. For this, vegetables are laying in boiling water and prepared under the lid. But with the amount of water and with what add to it, it is already more difficult. Water for cooking vegetables is recommended to saline. The ideal, proven generations of cooks proportion - 10 g of salts per liter of water. This rule applies to the cooking of all vegetables, except beet and green peas. The beets in salt water is made tasteless, and the peas simply refuses any cooperation. That is, it is not welded. Now about the amount of water. Absolutely all roots, and car ...
... True, the most important thing is how to boil the broth properly - even not a trifle. Here are the rules, directly opposing the rules of cooking vegetables as such. That is meat, vegetables and spices It is necessary to put in cold water and cook for a long time so that as much flavoring components as possible went into water. It should not solit the broth, since it makes it difficult to calculate the correct samp of the soup itself. A foam released during cooking is removed simply with maniacal perseverance. BUT ready broth Be sure to strain, best through a paper filter. Then put it for a few hours in the refrigerator and remove the fat frozen on the surface. By the way, it's ...

Champignons and oysteries - also a good thing. But will they compare with a real borovik or forest hassle? They even go through it nice - where the leaf will stick, where the chewing. And stock-ah! ..
... If you still decide to "roll up", and the hats, and the legs need to clean and wash and add and add to canned concentrated acetic acid (5-6 ml per 1 liter). What to prepare from 0.5 kg of mushrooms Chicken fillet 6 halm foxes chicken breast Reject from both sides, salt and pepper. Mushrooms to peel 15 minutes in a frying pan under the lid with two spoons of water. Dry water, chopped fine mushrooms. Two bulbs crush, fry in vegetable oil, mix with mushrooms and grated cheese (approximately 100 g). We lay out this mince on slices of fillet and make rolls. Low-calorie variant. To deceive the rolls from above sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven. Classic option. Each rolls dive into ...

Easy reasons can be fixed with additives in puree flour, fats, sour cream, whipped egg squirrel. Mushrooms. Mushrooms can be corrected by adding flour, rice, mashed potatoes, sour cream, onions - depending on the degree of reconnaissance. In the absence of sour cream, it is possible to add some water to the mushrooms, acidified lemon. Sometimes add a new portion of mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms, of course, do not delay excess saltBut, evenly mixed with salty, create the illusion of a weakly saline dish. Salted soup. First of all, several rules, the observance of which should prevent the reasons: to cool the soup taken for the sample, and in a wooden, and not in metal ...

Tea mushroom It will be ready to use after 5-10-day insteading at a temperature of 25 degrees. Periodically, the fungus should be flushed in clean water. Mushroom gives useful drink Only when complying with certain conditions for its preparation. It is better to start two banks: one mushroom will live in one, and you will merge the finished drink to another. Bank S. ready drink can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Optimal temperature For mushroom - 25 ° C. The temperature is below 17 ° C is harmful, as it reduces the activity of the fungus and the blue-green algae can be labeled. The mushroom does not like direct sunlight, and it is better to keep it in a darkened place. Infusion should be ...

Hike, if young children are involved in the campaign, take a blanket with you, and even better - a tourist mat "Penko", it is perfect for rest, not going cold and moisture. And you will certainly be more pleasant to sit on it than on the stump. It is also necessary to take with me food and water, tea or compote. But do not take a gas composition, she does not quench her thirst and shaking it in a backpack, you risks at some point, turn into a geyser ... Do not forget to ointment from the bite of insects and a mosquito remedy. As well as a camera, or notebook and pencil to photograph or draw the most interesting finds. Let the child also take part in the fees, express his ideas and will carry his part of the cargo in a small backpack - it will help him develop ...
... a big danger in the forest represents ... Champignons. Mushroom, perfectly growing in urban parks and greenhouses, is practically not found in the forest. But the poisonous mushrooms are masked under it, including the famous "pale custodia". It is better not to risk and not collect them. Late summer and autumn, stumps and snags are coated with hassle. Fine taste qualities This mushroom is known since ancient. On Russia, the way was harvested for the winter: Solioli and marinated. But if you are too lazy to engage in salting mushrooms, you can simply boil them and freeze in the freezer. Mushroom soup will magnificent dish In cold winter days. It will be interesting to know the child that mushrooms are multiplied not only by roots (mushrooms), but also small, not visible.

I froze a bunch of my own collected, but did not bother them, but I just kicked in bags (I wanted it better, that would be fresh). I tried to cook at the weekend :(


1 to those who said they are no longer saving

Frost in cheese is well kept white and chanterelles. And I'm bad. Especially bad rhyge. Now, if you were welded them at least shortage before ...

Mushrooms are absolutely not because they deteriorated, you just fell along with the sedobic and non-deeds (there are a lot of them, there are even poisonous). So if all mushrooms are in the freezer of one collection, throw them better (who knows what it fell there).
If not, you can freeze on them carefully, and try to define whether all the mushrooms are, those that need (if you understand well in mushrooms).
I would have grown everything.
I always go through the mushrooms after gathering myself (and for my husband too) - who knows him that he has collected there

In the cooking mushrooms take up by no last place. In Russia, for simple peasants, the eats of meat and birds were almost always a non-disabilities, so large ligaments arrested for the winter various mushroomswho were satisfying and delicious add-on to different garniram And allowed in the hardest times not to die with hunger.

Mushrooms can be cooked, sorry, fry, stew and harvest in the future. But quite often before inexperienced hostesses who decided to prepare dried or fresh mushrooms, there is a question - how to do it correctly? The fact that mushrooms before cooking always need to boil, many know. Therefore, the question of the preparation of mushrooms gently flows into another, how to cook mushrooms correctly, how long does it take scolding them?

How to cook dried mushrooms

Not everyone can handle correctly dried mushrooms. With poor processing, mushrooms become very hard, similar to rubber and lose all useful vitamin and taste. Therefore, before cooking dry mushrooms, it is necessary to soak by 3.5-4 hours in cool water.

Some after soaking mushrooms pour water and boil mushrooms already in fresh water. But it is better not to do this, because together with the infusion, some of the taste and aroma will also disappear. Cook mushrooms in the same water where they are soaked. But still appreciate this water. If cheops, leaves, sticks or sand pop up from the bottom after a poor-quality drying, then the water is better changed.

If you boil the mushroom from dry mushrooms, then the water from under the clumsy mushrooms is better done to merge, and cook mushrooms in fresh water, which will become the basis for the broth. In the dark, the soup is better not to cook soup. For frying, extinguishing or soup mushrooms should boil around two hours, then they will become delicious and soft. Their readiness can be determined simple way - You need to lift a saucepan from the stove. If all mushrooms fell down, they prepared.

If you boil mushrooms to fry them, then the water in which they are boiled, you need to salute. Posly, you need to push mushrooms on a colander and rinse with water. Cut into pieces if necessary, and put it on a frying pan into the heated sunflower oil.

How to cook ice cream mushrooms

It is always possible to freeze mushrooms with a minor amount of ice, because during freezing it is not possible to remove all moisture. Cooking such frozen water can not be in any case, so you need to defrost such mushrooms. You can do it either on fresh air, or in the microwave. This is related to any ice cream mushrooms: hats, chanterelles, champignons and others.

After the preliminary defrost, rinse mushrooms under the jet of water, throw them into the pan and put cooking. Ice cream mushrooms should be prepared only on a weak heat under the lid, constantly stirring and removing the foam. The cooking process will take 20-30 minutes.

How to cook fresh mushrooms

Sign of the readiness of mushrooms is focusing on the bottom when you raise a saucepan. But there are certain temporary gaps that should not exceed during the cooking of a certain variety of mushrooms.

  • White mushrooms should be cooked well fastened and cleaned for 35-40 minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.
  • Podbrazoviki is boiled for 40-50 minutes, also removing the foam.
  • Champignons are equipped with only 5 minutes.
  • For cooking, chanterelles will need 20 minutes. Support boosts are cooking as much, taking the hats from the film.
  • Cheeseing must be boiled for half an hour.
  • 15-20 minutes will need to prepare an oyster.
  • But the freight before cooking should be soaked for 3 days. It is very important during this time to change the water into the fresh several times.
  • They need to boil until water boiling, then water must be drained, add fresh and cook for another 45-60 minutes.

How to cook mushrooms? Mushrooms are used in different dishes, soups, baking. But before applying them in the process of cooking with other products, they are most often pre-prepared: clean, they are soaked, boiled either fry depending on what kind of mushrooms it is and in what condition they got to us before cooking: dried, frozen, or Fresh or in general salty.

Most often mushrooms boiled. So how to cook mushrooms? Let's deal with it.



Those champignons that grow on the lawn for the nine-storey house are better not to use in cooking, because mushrooms like a sponge absorb all volatile stuffing substances around, including toxins and heavy metals. Through this, the champignons are best to go to the supermarket. So you can buy champignons in stores, they are specifically grown in greenhouses. Unlike those that grow by themselves in the wild or in the city, they are much more useful to health, and tastier. But before cooking dishes from them, they need to be processed.

And so: champignons need to rinse, clean from the garbage if necessary. You need to remove the films from the hats of champignons, cut into pieces (or leave it all depending on your further target), put them in a pan and pour cold water. You can add a knife on the tip citric acid Or squeeze a little lemon juice in water. It's a little bit alone, with salt, neatly, mushrooms must be unfavorable. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.

If you have champignons in a dried form, then they must be predefined in cold water for a few minutes. They will quickly acquire the same properties as fresh. Consider that 30 grams of dried champignons replace 250-300 grams of fresh or frozen. Dried champignons Basically go for sauces, or they can be added to mushroom soups, pizza or salads. You can also use both stuffing for pies, etc.

White mushroom

White mushroom

White mushroom (or elsewhere called him borovik) Always considered the king among edible mushrooms And any mushroom will be happy to be so prey in the forest and all the more sooner will be glad to the culinary, whose kitchen will get this miracle of nature. White mushroom has beautiful taste And attaches unique aroma Dishes in which are present. In addition, unlike other mushrooms, white is perfectly absorbed by the body. It also loves him for impressive sizes. It is inherent in the property, which does not have any other fungus - when cutting and even during the subsequent drying his pulp does not change the color. White mushrooms can be frying, stew, cook, bake, as well as dry, marinate and shed.

If you went to the forest (or to the market) and brought fresh white mushrooms from there, they should not be stored, but you need to immediately make some manipulations with them, depending on what you need in the future.
  1. Treatment.

    When you bring a basket with mushrooms home, rinse them in cool water, cut down the bottom of the leg, and if you have large mushrooms, then cut them with pieces. Fresh white mushrooms love worms very much. On this immerse them for a while, about half an hour in the cold salted water. Worms do not like it and come out. After all the worms crawled, you need to wash mushrooms again and further act.

  2. How to cook fresh white mushrooms.

    If you want to cook mushroom soup or get aromatic broththen you need to pre-trigge the manipulation specified in paragraph 1 and cook white mushrooms 35 - 40 minutes, removing the foam all the time, which will be formed during cooking. The readiness of mushrooms can be determined by appearance - Mushrooms will be devastated to the bottom of the pan. But the time must pass at least recommended.

  3. How to fry fresh white mushrooms.

    If you want to fry white mushrooms, they do not need to smoke them so that they do not lose their nutritious and taste. First you need to carry out the manipulations specified in paragraph 1, then chop and send to the pan. With frying, moisture is highlighted and foam is formed, here it must be removed. If you are still not sure about the quality and freshness of mushrooms, you can boil them before burning them in salted water for about 7-10 minutes and then fry 15 -20 minutes.

  4. How to dry fresh white mushrooms.

    For drying, you can use in two ways:

    Slide microwave. For this, it is necessary to cut down, put on the dish, set up a microwave to the power of 100-180 W and put for a while 20 minutes. Then open the microwave, without getting mushrooms to give it to ventilate 5 minutes and repeat the same 2-3 times.

    - put in the oven (gas or electrophovka) . Heat the oven to 50 degrees. White mushrooms put on parchment for baking, send to the oven, but to leave the door ajar. Drying time in the oven - about 6-7 hours.

  5. How to cook dried white mushrooms.

    If you already have dried mushrooms and you are going to boil them, then you need to do the following: Soak in cold salted water for 2-3 hours. The ratio is the following: We take 1 cup of water on the handful of mushrooms. After this time, we put on fire in the same water and cook 30 minutes, and if you have whole mushrooms, and not chopped, then cooking time should be increased to 40 minutes.


Podberezoviki can be boiled, fry or dry. He has a rather calm taste and aroma and it is very easy to learn among other mushrooms. Unlike a white mushroom, the stabber has one drawback - it darkens with any processing and becomes almost black. However, it does not affect this.

Than valuable bocery:

In the stabberon contains vitamins of group B, which help our cells in the body breathe and produce energy. Contain these mushrooms and vitamin C, which we need to maintain immunity. Vitamin D is responsible for their bones and teeth healthy. The content of vitamin E helps maintain our blood vesselsand nicotine acid is responsible for the redox processes of the body.

Brewer need to clean, cut dirty or damaged places, chervichi mushrooms need to soak B. salt water Just like white (see above) or if very worm, then it is better to throw such a mushroom. Usually booty boreships in two stages:
  1. They poured with cold water mushrooms, bring to a boil, climb a little and drain the water.
  2. Then the boletins are moved to another container in which the water is already boils and boiled 30-35 minutes. Female formed during cooking need to be removed.

At all experienced mushrooms It is believed that the boletins are better suited for frying. They can be combined with white, chanterelles and oils, and from this taste only improve. Mushrooms (and not only boubsts) after collecting can be stored no more than a day and only in the refrigerator in the compartment for fresh greenery. In general, the faster they fry them, the brighter the taste and fragrance will be expressed.

How to dry upbrazoviki:

If you decide to dry upber, then you need to choose only the most top mushrooms, not worm and without damage. If young fungi, they are worn on the whole and dried. If already big and mature, they are cut into large parts. You can dry by open air, not on the sun. And you can also dry in the oven at a temperature of 50 degrees and with an open door.


Supports wear such a name because hismycelium (or academic mycorrhosis) is associated with Osin, and on this they are very often found in aspen forests or not far from Osin.
At the boosionans, a reddish-orange hat, and the leg is dense and covered with gray "scales". If it is cut, I will save his flesh or black - this is the main characteristic sign Real boost. Boostries can be frying, cooking and marrying.

There is one very important rule! Supports can not be stored and need to be recycled and prepare immediately after collecting. They very quickly deteriorate and can start rotting even right in the basket in the lower layers of mushrooms. And spoiled mushrooms can cause serious poisoning. So be extremely careful and use only young and non-torn mushrooms.

We clean the boosts from dirt, mine, remove the films from the fungi hats and omit in boiling water. We bring to a boil again and drain the water. In another pot, boil fresh water and shift the boominuses into it. Bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.

How to fry booms

For those who are afraid of poisoning, you can first boil, then put out of the pan and wait until the liquid evaporates and the mushrooms will begin to roast. Way to this hour and a half.

Another option (if you do not like when liquid squals): Do not wash boomies so that there is no extra fluid, but! Carefully clean them, with the help of a knife, brushes and everything you have at hand. At the same time, it is important that the mushrooms are as low as possible, young and without confusion. Old for frying are not suitable. Cut the mushrooms as you like, but consider that when burning, they will decrease in volume three times. The frying pan with oil to warm and quit there prepared booms. Fry 5-7 minutes before golden color. Very well they are combined with onions. Add it with frying.

How to dry boosions

Before drying, in no case wash the booins! They quickly raise water and rot for a couple of days, and not dry. You need to go through them, take away only the best, the youngest and not worms. Clear from dirt, leaves, twigs and other garbage, which priest in the forest. It is better to dry on a thread - so mushrooms will better retain your taste and aroma. But it is possible in the oven. Then heat the oven to 50 degrees and dried with a dutched door.



Chanterelles are valuable because they are almost never worm. Chervi bypasses chanterelles by side, because they contain a substance - chitinnosis - which destroys the larvae of any worms and insects. Despite the fact that chanterelles are very useful, they are used in cooking less often, because they are absorbed by the body is not as good as, say, white mushroom or stabber. Chanterelles can be frying, cooking, drying, making or salting.

Lisichek utility

Chanterelles still in antiquity were used to prepare informations from angine, furunculus and various injections. These influences were treated with tuberculosis, since chanterelles detain the growth of tuberculosis sticks. Many pharmaceft companies add in their drugschitinnosis B. pure formwhich is isolated from chanterelles.

The chanterelles contain a large amount of vitamin A, B, PP, many amino acids and microelements (copper and zinc), and this good prevention Many diseases. Very useful for chanterelles. They not only improve vision, but also moisturize the mucous membranes of the eyes,improve their condition and protect against infectious diseases.Substances contained in chanterelles are used to treat liver and even hepatitis C. Also chanterelles are used in the treatment of obesity.

Before cooking chanterelle you need to clean, wash. It is best to dock chanterelles in milk for 1 hour, then all unnecessary bitterness will go away and the taste will be unusually gentle. This secret is often used. professional cooksTo hit the taste of your guests.
Then place chanterelles in a saucepan (better enamelled) with a lot of slightly salted water, bring to a boil and cook 25-30 minutes, constantly removing the foam. Another little secret: To keep the bright color of chanterelles during cooking, you need to add a bit of lemon juice into the water.

How to fry chanterelles

Before hot chanterelle you need to wash, cut into the desired pieces and decompose on paper towelSo that the extra liquid is absorbed. Next, put the creamy oil in the pan. Chanterelles do not recommend frying on vegetable oil. It turns out very tasty on the creamy. Lay out chanterelles in preheated oil. You can immediately salt. This highlights a lot of fluid. This liquid needs to merge, add more butter and continue to fry to golden crust. Tip: Do not pour just so liquid allocated during frying. This juice is perfect for mushroom soup Or for sauce to the same chanterelles. Approximately the fry time is 15-20 minutes. If you want to add onions, carrots and other vegetables, it is not recommended to fry them with mushrooms, taste will lose. It is better to fry them separately and at the end to connect all the ingredients.

Oily - very delicious mushrooms, useful and nutritious. And you can collect them almost all over the entire autumn. But it is important not only to distinguish ancase from other mushrooms, but to cook them correctly. Cleaning and cooking will take some time, but considering amazing taste These mushrooms, spending time will not be aimless.

Cooking - required condition Cooking mushrooms. At the end, it is possible to do with mushrooms that the soul is pleased: to fry, freeze, pick up or leave to dry, but the mushrooms brought from the forest must necessarily have a series of processing, after which they will become suitable for either afraid.

How to brush oils

For collected oils exists the most important rulewhose stick to: clean and cook mushrooms is necessary on the day of collection. Why? Because if you postpone this case for later - disappear.

The product is easily cleaned, albeit long. Step-by-step instruction:

How and how much boil an oil to readiness

Give the product much faster than to clean. If briefly, in time it takes from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on what further plans are prepared. So, for example, how much to cook the butter in front of hot, is somewhat different from how much they can be cooking in front of frost or salting. Now on items.

Oil can be cut by slices, cubes, or to cook integers. Immediately after cleaning and cutting them into a saucepan, add water to cover completely. Recommended legs and hats Cook separately. If desired, add salts, with a calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.

Put on the stove, cover with a lid before boiling.

After boiling, remove the lid and leave to boil on time:

  • for frying - 15 minutes;
  • for freezing - 30 minutes;
  • for salting or drying - 40 minutes.

At the end, laying mushrooms in a sieve, decoction to strain. Now they should be put on the sheet back and leave dry from the water.

Instructions for frying oil

Highly tasty dish - Roasted mushrooms collected by their own hands. For this uncomplicated recipe it is necessary:

  • Boiled product cut down slices onion Cut with circles.
  • Roll over the pan, pour sunflower oil.
  • Lay onions and fry to a yellow shade on the pan.
  • Lay out the oils, mix with a bow and fry for 15-20 minutes, stirring periodically.

Such food is considered the most delicious. Moreover, in case of frying, you can not separate the caps from the legs.

How to freeze and defrost

After all the procedures for processing mushrooms, you need to dry well from water. To do this, they are enough to decompose on a paper towel for 20 minutes, after which turn over and leave at the same time. In the freezer put every mushroom separately from the other so that they do not stick. You can choose a lot flat dish Or cutting board and decompose the product there, one to another one. After 1.5-2 hours, remove them from the board and folded into one package. Poket - in the freezer.

Frozen oils can be stored for a very long time. With defrost, there will also be no problems. You can pull out and leave for some time until they become soft, but you can cook without defrosting.

Hanging mushrooms

Each mushrooms to ride on the thread at a distance of each other at 3-5 cm. Through the threads so that the mushrooms do not slip each other. Drying will take several days, after which the mushrooms need to be removed and placed in a hermetically closing jar.

Why to dry them?

From dried blanks you can make a beautiful mushroom sauce, whose recipe is slightly lower. It turns out very delicious seasoning To meat, fish and stew vegetables.

And also removed from drying products will make an ideal composition to the soup. With this preparation you can cook soup, whose taste will be unforgettable.

Rules of Marination

For Marinovka it is necessary to prepare a sterilized hermetically closing jar and the following products:

  • oil - 1 kg;
  • dill - beam;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • bay sheet - 3 pcs.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 6% - 100 ml;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Optionally, you can add some cinnamon.

Marinovka Stephava:

  1. Prepare billets by cleaning and cooking.
  2. Prepare marinade: boil the water, add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  3. In Marinade, put mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. At the bottom of the banks lay pepper, dill, bay leaf.
  5. Shut up to the jar of ancillage, adding garlic. Pour marinade, completely covering mushrooms.
  6. Leave mushrooms in a jar in a turned under a blanket for 2-3 days. Then remove into the cool place.

For salting, prepare two pans and two sterilized hermetically closing banks.

For 1 kg, the oils for each pot will need:


  1. Prepare mushrooms to salting: clean, cook, strain, separate legs and hats. It will be cooked and sued, they will separately.
  2. In one pan, put the caps, in the other - legs. Add water, boil and boil 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam.
  3. Add to each container pepper, cinnamon and carnation, turn off the fire, cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Prepare banks: to shoot, on the bottom to put the leaves of black currant.
  5. Purl the contents of the pan in the jar, roll and leave in a cool place for 45 days.

After the expiration of the product is ready to use.

Delicious recipes

Below are the three best, according to consumers, the recipe for the preparation of forest mushrooms. It turns out that the butter is not only fried insanely pleasant to the taste. In other dishes they play no less interesting. The main thing is to do everything right.

Delicious cooking

Here, an example of how to boil mushrooms right after cleaning, taking into account further heat treatment. But there is another option that will not require any action after cooking.

To do this, you will need:


  1. Cut the oil, put in a saucepan, pour water, boil and cook half an hour.
  2. Wine pour into a metal bowl or a small saucepan, boil, add dill, basil, pepper, salt, turmeric, onions. Give boiling and tomorrow on slow fire for 5 minutes.
  3. Turn off the fire, put a bowl with wine sauce In cold water, combine with vinegar and butter and stir well.
  4. Mushrooms straighten through colander, lay out in a dish, pour wine sauce.

Masterpiece is ready, you can serve on the table.

Soup Maste

It will take:


The portions submitted to the table can be decorated with parsley or basil.