Why is carbonated water harmful? Carbonated water: benefits and harms to the body

21.08.2019 Buffet table

Plain and sparkling water differ only in the presence of carbon dioxide.

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • increased breathing;
  • increased pressure.
  • it causes belching and fermentation in the intestines, bloating;
  • appetite increases, which is difficult to resist;
  • carbon dioxide promotes digestion, that is, speeds up the process. So digestion occurs in no more than half an hour. And then the feeling of hunger arises again. At the same time, useful nutrients from food do not have time to be absorbed, they begin to rot in the intestines;
  • if you drink carbonated water on an empty stomach, then the cold liquid goes into the lower sections of the intestine, and carbon dioxide expands the stomach. A person experiences severe hunger, the produced hydrochloric acid begins to corrode the walls and mucous membranes, which leads to gastritis and ulcers.

Dcarbonated water for weight loss will do much more harm than good. Therefore, such drinks should be excluded from your diet.

But mineral water of natural gas can be useful:

  • useful for low stomach acidity;
  • natural gas alkalizes blood plasma well and nourishes cells;
  • thanks to sodium, the acid-base balance is maintained and the production of enzymes is enhanced;
  • bones are strengthened by calcium and magnesium, the nervous system is supported;
  • natural aeration improves lymph drainage, blood circulation, heart function, increases hemoglobin in the blood;
  • water energizes and improves muscle tone.

But you can't drink it constantly... You need to use mineral carbonated water of natural origin according to the scheme. To do this, you should consult a dietitian.

Useful natural mineral water includes "Essentuki", "Borjomi"... They improve intestinal peristalsis, cleanse the body of toxins. You can drink naturally aerated mineral water for no longer than a week according to the scheme:

  • to cleanse the intestines and liquefy gastric juice in the morning before meals;

Mineral water diet involves adherence to a certain diet. It is necessary to give up fast food, sweets and flour, alcoholic beverages, semi-finished products and pickles. Losing weight with soda waterwill be very slow. Exercise is a must.

Due to the high salt content when losing weight, the maximum amount mineral sparkling water - no more than 500-600 ml per day... The mineralization level should not exceed 4 mg.

As for sugary carbonated drinks, even those labeled "0 calories" or "dietary", they must be completely excluded. These are just marketing gimmicks.

Carbonated water is not only dangerous in itself, but also does not go well with many foods. Among them are dairy products, in particular, kefir. At first glance, two drinks are quite good for the body. Kefir and soda should help you lose weight.

But their combination gives an interesting reaction: connecting in the stomach, kefir with soda provoke a small explosion, like in a chemical plant... The consequences take a long time and are unpleasant for a person. He begins to belch, colic and heaviness.

Therefore, combine kefir with carbonated water for weight loss is impossible... Better to drink at different times. For example, kefir in the morning for breakfast or in the evening before bedtime, and natural mineral water for lunch before meals to reduce appetite.

If you really want to drink carbonated water, then you should follow the following recommendations:

  • so that phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide do not corrode the enamel of the teeth, you need to use the liquid through a straw;
  • do not drink sugary drinks, as they contain a lot of sugar, flavorings, chemical additives, preservatives. All this slags the body;
  • you can let the water stand for a while to release carbon dioxide.

Read more in our article on soda for weight loss.

Read in this article

The benefits and harms of soda water

All diets start with increasing your drinking. It is recommended to use plain, clean water. But many people like to drink carbonated. At first glance, it seems that there is no difference what kind of water to drink. Simple and carbonated differ only in the presence of carbon dioxide. It is formed in the body on its own in order to ensure normal life. Carbon dioxide is useful for the body with the following properties:

  • regulation of the synthesis of digestive enzymes;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • improving the assimilation of essential nutrients;
  • increased breathing;
  • increased pressure.
  • gas accumulated in the stomach stretches its walls;
  • it causes belching and fermentation in the intestines;
  • since the stomach is stretched, the appetite increases, which is difficult to resist;
  • carbon dioxide promotes digestion, that is, speeds up the process. So digestion occurs in no more than half an hour. And then the feeling of hunger arises again. And useful nutrients from food do not have time to be absorbed, they begin to rot in the intestines, causing bloating;
  • if you drink carbonated water on an empty stomach, it gets even worse. The cold liquid goes into the lower sections of the intestine, and carbon dioxide expands the stomach. A person experiences severe hunger due to the increased production of hydrochloric acid. But if the stomach does not fill, then erosion of the walls and mucous membranes begins. This leads to gastritis and ulcers;
  • sugary drinks contain many preservatives, chemical additives, dyes and acids that disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. They eat away at the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach and intestines. Sugar substitutes provoke increased insulin production. Glucose does not have time to be processed and consumed, therefore it is deposited in problem areas.

Thus, soda will do much more harm than good for weight loss. Therefore, such drinks should be excluded from your diet.

But if the mineral water is natural gas, it can be useful:

  • in a cool state, it quenches thirst better;
  • it is useful for low stomach acidity;
  • well alkalizes blood plasma and nourishes cells;
  • thanks to sodium, the acid-base balance is maintained in mineral water and the production of enzymes is enhanced;
  • bones are strengthened by calcium and magnesium. And also the nervous system is supported during weight loss;
  • natural aeration improves lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, heart function. Thanks to her, hemoglobin in the blood increases;
  • it energizes and improves muscle tone.

But you can't drink it constantly. It is necessary to consume mineral carbonated water of natural origin according to the scheme for losing weight... To do this, you should consult a dietitian.

You can or can not drink while losing weight

Given the harmful qualities of carbonated water, it can only be consumed in limited quantities when losing weight. This only applies to plain water, no additives. The only exception is mineral with natural gas. These include "Essentuki", "Borjomi". They improve intestinal peristalsis, cleanse the body of toxins. You can drink naturally aerated mineral water for no longer than a week. This should be done according to the scheme:

  • to cleanse the intestines and liquefy gastric juice, you need to drink it in the morning before eating;
  • throughout the day, half an hour before meals. It helps to reduce appetite and eat 30% less.

In addition, a diet on mineral water involves adherence to a certain diet. You need to give up fast food, and flour, semi-finished products, etc. Losing weight with soda will be very slow. Therefore, it is imperative that you do physical exercise.

In addition, due to the high salt content during weight loss, the amount of mineral carbonated water should be consumed no more than 500-600 ml per day. The mineralization level should not exceed 4 mg.

As for sugary carbonated drinks, even those labeled "0 calories" or "dietary", they must be completely eliminated. These are just marketing gimmicks.

Watch the video about the benefits of soda water:

Is it possible to kefir with carbonated water

Carbonated water is not only dangerous in itself, but also does not go well with many foods. Among them are dairy products, in particular. At first glance, two drinks are quite good for the body. Kefir and soda should help you lose weight.

But in fact, their combination gives an interesting reaction. When combined in the stomach, they provoke a small explosion, like in a chemical plant. The important thing is that the consequences take a long time and are unpleasant for a person. He begins to belch, colic and heaviness.

Therefore, it is better not to combine kefir with carbonated water for weight loss, drink them at different times. For example, kefir in the morning for breakfast or in the evening before bedtime, and natural mineral water for lunch before meals to reduce appetite.

How to drink if you really want

As already mentioned, carbon dioxide is harmful to the body. Plus, it upsets the acid-base balance in the mouth. If you really want to drink soda water, then you should follow these recommendations that will help reduce harm:

  • so that phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide do not corrode the enamel of the teeth, it must be consumed through a straw;
  • do not drink sugary drinks, as they contain a lot of sugar, flavorings, chemical fillers, preservatives. All this slags the body;
  • you can let it stand for a while and release the carbon dioxide.

Carbonated water, when consumed in moderation, cannot seriously harm a healthy body. She can diversify the water diet. But for weight loss, it is better to choose natural mineral water. It can not be drunk with dairy products and on an empty stomach.

In many diets, there is a recommendation to expand the drinking regime. This means that you need to drink not the duty 1-1.5 liters of water per day, but 2-2.5. Not everyone succeeds in pouring liquid into themselves in the right volumes, and tricks are used. For example, they drink water with lemon or even replace it with carbonated or mineral water. Is it reasonable to do so, let's figure it out.

How does carbon dioxide work?

In terms of chemical composition, carbonated water is no different from ordinary water, except for the content of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the body synthesizes this chemical on its own for normal life:

  • regulates the production of enzymes;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • helps the absorption of nutrients;
  • being a specific causative agent of respiration, it reflexively affects the respiratory center through the carotid glomeruli;
  • increases blood pressure.

It is logical to assume that the introduction of carbon dioxide into the body with carbonated water activates these processes even more, which ultimately will lead to weight loss. Is it so?

Gas water entering the body affects the walls of the stomach. Carbon dioxide builds up in the lumen, stretches, and naturally evaporates, causing belching or fermentation in the intestines. An increase in stomach volume causes an increase in appetite. More food will now be needed to eat.

In addition, carbon dioxide stimulates digestion to work faster. The digestion of food does not take place in 4-5 hours, but in 20 minutes, after which the person begins to feel hunger again. Nutrients from food and liquids are not absorbed.

In the intestine, stagnation occurs, causing putrefactive processes. The food is not digested, but simply softens, filling the intestines. Such food residues are "brought to the desired condition" already in the intestine, decomposition stimulates additional release of carbon dioxide, which causes painful colic.

Slightly more complicated is the situation with drinking soda on an empty stomach.

Pure cold water fills the stomach, thinning gastric secretions and reducing appetite. The intestine begins to contract, it comes in tone, old toxins are expelled.

Feces - while the liquid is not heated - liquefy, toxins and toxins leave the body more easily.

In addition, cold has a weak anesthetic effect - stomach receptors no longer require saturation.

If water with gas enters cold, the picture changes. On an empty stomach, it is immediately expelled into the lower intestines, and the distended stomach begins to vigorously produce hydrochloric acid. As a result, you want to eat very much. If the requirements of the body are not met, hydrochloric acid eats the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which threatens the formation of ulcerative defects.

How to drink soda water

During the diet, table mineral water contains an important vitamin and mineral complex, since more nutrients are dissolved in it than in ordinary water.

Stick to the following scheme of use:

  • in the morning to wake up the body and stimulate bowel cleansing;
  • half an hour before meals to reduce appetite and partially fill the stomach - then much less food is required to satisfy hunger.

Expansion of the drinking regimen during the period of weight loss is necessary in order to reduce the concentration of salts in the associated fluid and remove them from the body. Mineral water itself contains an increased amount of salts, the volume of consumption should be limited.

Caucasian drinks "Essentuki No. 17", "Essentuki No. 14", Glauber and bitter waters increase perturbation, cleansing the intestines during the diet. Irritation of the receptors in the intestinal walls causes them to contract vigorously, driving away waste and toxins. At the same time, the stool becomes watery, liquefied.

Losing weight on mineral waters should be no longer than a week. Drink 30 minutes before each meal - excluding breakfast - or only in the morning on an empty stomach. Fluid up to body temperature or slightly higher.

Losing weight with mineral water does not exclude nutritional adjustments - excluding fatty foods, sweets, muffins and alcohol from the diet. Increase physical activity - without training, weight will go away slowly.

Drink 300 ml of laxative water a day - a little more than a glass. The rest of the liquid is neutral mineral water.

The optimal choice of a drink for weight loss is still water with a mineralization level of 3-4. If the mineralization index is higher, the risk of urolithiasis increases.

The harm of carbonated drinks to health and the effect on the body of your favorite lemonades filled with carbon dioxide is a fairly relevant and popular topic.

At the same time, the more doctors, nutritionists and supporters of a healthy lifestyle talk about the dangers of soda, the more actively its assortment increases, and people quickly buy it off the shelves, often not paying attention to the composition of the drink at all.

What's in soda?

Despite the abundance of assortment, the composition of carbonated drinks is about the same, it includes:

  1. Sugar or its substitute substances, the so-called sweeteners.
  2. Substitutes and enhancers of taste, flavorings, the most common sodium benzoate.
  3. Food acids are usually citric.
  4. Caffeine.
  5. Carbon dioxide.
  6. Water.

This combination of ingredients, in conjunction with the taste that a person likes, stimulates both taste sensations and the production of pleasure neurons in the brain. This is why soda is often addictive and has the highest "brand loyalty" statistic in marketing research.

Why are the components dangerous?

Each of the components of any carbonated drink is potentially dangerous to human health:

  • Sugar - in the case of sugar, the harm is in its quantity. Any lemonade contains at least four dessert spoons per glass. Since sugar is a simple carbohydrate, it is absorbed very quickly and completely. Accordingly, regular soda drinking leads to an increase in blood glucose, and, of course, an overly active production of insulin. That is, several years with your favorite lemonade guarantee the development of diabetes mellitus or depletion of the pancreas. Also, thanks to sugar, the body accumulates as a result of increased synthesis of excess dopamine, a kind of neurotransmitter of the pleasure center and the reward system in the brain. Thus, addiction arises either to all carbonated lemonades in general, or to a certain drink. This is the greatest harm of sugary carbonated drinks, which they deliver to health.
  • Sugar substitutes - on the one hand, their use allows you to reduce the amount of sugar, or not use it at all, thereby solving the issue of excess glucose intake into the blood, but, on the other hand, sugar substitutes are far from being so harmless. The most famous of the sweeteners, xylitol, causes grit and stones in the kidney and gallbladder. E420, or sorbitol, like astarpam, provoke visual impairment. Cyclamate is a carcinogen and causes allergic reactions, such as swelling of internal tissues. Such manifestations of allergies are not particularly noticeable, but very dangerous. Since, with a sufficiently strong reaction, they can lead to angioedema.
  • Acids - Used for flavor enhancing effects like preservatives and flavorings. Most often in the composition of lemonades, you can find orthophosphoric and citric acids, which for convenience are designated by codes - E338 and E330. The regular intake of these substances into the body can cause caries, urolithiasis, gastritis, osteoporosis.
  • Flavor enhancers are hydrocarbon compounds, mainly manufacturers use sodium benzene or sodium benzoate. Both of them are carcinogenic; when combined with ascorbic acid, they become toxic. And with long-term consumption, they inevitably lead to the formation and progression of oncological and other malignant tumors, and cell mutations.
  • Caffeine is found in many sodas. Its presence in the composition allows you to give a person a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength, energy. However, a reverse reaction occurs fairly quickly and irritability, yawning, and difficulty in understanding come. This is because the effect of carbonated drinks on the human body has ended. Of course, in such a situation, a new jar of lemonade is taken. Thus, persistent addiction arises.
  • Carbon dioxide - itself the "culprit" of bubbles that everyone loves so much - is safe. The harm of carbonated water is that the combination of gas and, directly, water can cause damage in the gastric mucosa and lead to gastritis or peptic ulcer disease.

The most common consequences of use

The harmful, even dangerous, effect of carbonated drinks on the human body is very diverse. Among the abundance of the consequences of the lemonade habit, the most dangerous and most common can be distinguished:

  1. The appearance of obesity, overweight or obesity.
  2. Diabetes mellitus, most often of the second type.
  3. Urolithiasis, kidney stones and gall bladder.
  4. Inflammation in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, gastritis, ulcers.
  5. Caries that does not respond to treatment.
  6. Osteoporosis.
  7. Dystrophy of the liver functions of a fatty nature.
  8. Hypoclemia.
  9. Thinning and deterioration of bone density.
  10. Early development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Who shouldn't drink soda?

Although the harm from carbonated drinks can affect everyone, there are people who should not drink carbonated water at all.

You can't drink lemonades with gaziks:

  • children under 3-4 years old;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • with a tendency to overweight, natural obesity and, of course, obesity;
  • in the presence of diabetes mellitus of any type and with a pre-diabetes state of health;
  • with peptic ulcer and gastritis;
  • with tumors or ulcers in the intestines and stomach;
  • with a tendency to digestive disorders;
  • with liver diseases;
  • in case of violations in hormonal balance;
  • with renal failure and other kidney pathologies;
  • with the deposition of salts in the body, with stones;
  • with diseases of the gallbladder;
  • in case of frequent gingivitis, stomatitis and other "dental" diseases.
  1. Flatulence.
  2. Seething.
  3. Resi.
  4. Bloating.
  5. Darkening of the urine.
  6. Heartburn.
  7. Belching.

In general, the effect of carbonated drinks on the human body is like a minefield - you can pass and not notice, or you can get blown up. In this case, it all depends on the hereditary predisposition, the general state of the body and health, and, of course, on the amount of lemonade with gas drunk.

Is there a benefit?

If what carbonated drinks are harmful is clear to everyone who reads the composition on the label and knows chemistry and biology at the high school level, then whether there is any benefit from them is not entirely clear.

Meanwhile, it is quite possible to enjoy bubbles and hiss in a glass without harming your health:

  • For example, if homemade fruit drinks are carbonated, directly in your own kitchen and for quick use, for example, for a children's birthday, then there is absolutely no harm in such a drink, of course, you should not drink too much of it.
  • Lemonade is a very old drink, even ancient. Its classic composition contains only lemons and water. In the 18th century, sugar began to be added, and the southern states of the United States became the birthplace of such an initiative. When such a drink prepared with your own hands is carbonated, there are no harmful impurities in it, you can put a little sugar, or you can not add it at all.
  • As for ready-made sodas filled with harmful components, the liquid poured in them is not only harmful. For example, these lemonades may well replace champagne in a festive feast, or complement pizza or popcorn while watching a movie at home, or while going to the cinema. That is, it is quite possible to replace alcohol with fizz.

The harm of carbonated drinks lies in the regularity and large amount of their use, in addition to their components, of course. If you love soda, it makes sense to buy a siphon and make drinks yourself, they will be no less tasty than purchased ones, but they will not pose any health risks.

In addition, home cooking will open an unlimited field for imagination, which is especially important in the presence of small children, because almost everything can be gassed, even vegetable juices, for example, pumpkin juices, which children do not drink very willingly.

Video: 10 facts about the dangers of soda.

How to reduce harm?

Sweet soda, as well as sour taste, is loved by everyone. Therefore, talking about refusing them because of the obvious harm to health is meaningless, the situation with lemonades is developing according to the famous Russian proverb - "until cancer whistles, no one will cross."

However, in the power of every person to reduce the danger to health when drinking soda, for this you need to:

  1. Consume a reasonable amount of lemonade, no more than 0.5 liters at a time and do not do it daily. That is, in fact, turn lemonade into an analogue of champagne, making it a status drink designed to highlight a special occasion, event or holiday.
  2. To prevent the risk of premature occurrence of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, avoid lemonades in aluminum cans or plastic. Everyone remembers the "folk experiments" to remove rust, lime, and other contaminants from any objects using soda - the same thing happens with aluminum and plastic. The part of the coating in contact with the product dissolves in it. This is especially true for cans stored at room temperature and plastic bottles that are exposed to direct sunlight. It is these impurities that contribute to the early appearance of diseases. The best and safest container for health is glass.
  3. If you are worried about the sugar level, but do not want to purchase lemonade with its substitutes, you can either dilute the drink with water, for example, a simple mineral water with gases, or drink soda with ordinary drinking water. But the best thing is to cut down on the amount of lemonade you drink.
  4. In order to reduce the effect on tooth enamel, you need to drink with a straw, it is also advisable to rinse your mouth after drinking sweet lemonade.
  5. To stop the habit of drinking carbonated drinks as a tonic, you need to replace them with tea or coffee at least once. Over time, the body will accept a new habit and the need for fizz will disappear.

The harm of soda to the body is felt only when it becomes an everyday “flowing” drink, replacing water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes and much more. Therefore, the main rule of reducing the harm from lemonades is to reduce their quantity and use irregularly.

Speaking about the dangers of carbonated drinks, we must not forget that, like any other product, with constant and excessive use, they begin to participate in the metabolic process in the body, interfering with the absorption of calcium, promoting salt deposits, and generating the release of lactic acid. Although, this is not as dangerous as the threat of diabetes, but such changes can affect the overall well-being and significantly reduce immunity.

The question of what soda is harmful has been discussed by doctors for many years. On a hot summer day, a rare person will refuse a sip of cold mineral water, which perfectly quenches thirst. For children, there is nothing tastier than the sweet fizzy lemonades that tickle the nose so pleasantly.

It would seem, what's wrong with ordinary sparkling water, which we drink so often? It turns out that this drink is not as useful as it is usually said about it. Let's try to figure out how negative the effect of carbonated drinks on the human body can be. Why is carbonated mineral water harmful to us?

The harm of sugary carbonated drinks

The benefits and harms of soda

The harm or benefits of mineral water have been discussed by doctors for many years. Natural mineral springs are a real storehouse of trace elements, minerals and salts. People suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, migraines, high blood pressure, asthma and other ailments are prescribed vouchers to health resorts. Natural, gushing from the bowels of the earth, water in the gas is only beneficial. However, you need to remember that drinking carbonated water must be dosed, in small sips, and strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

The problem is that natural water containing carbon dioxide is extremely rare. In bottles, which can be found on store shelves, water is artificially carbonated with carbon dioxide. In such drinks, there is much more harm than good. If you drink one glass in one gulp, there is a violation of peristalsis - bloating, hiccups and flatulence appear.

Molecules of carbon dioxide in high concentration can disrupt the functioning of the stomach, increasing the secretion of gastric juice. For patients suffering from gastritis, ulcers or colitis, carbonated drinks are contraindicated.

Why do people drink carbonated water?

The answer is simple - it tastes better than usual, perfectly quenches thirst. In addition, water with gas contains more minerals and trace elements in its composition. A keen desire to drink soda water may indicate a lack of calcium in the body, which is necessary for the formation of strong and hard bones.

0.5 liters of mineral water contains 25% of the daily calcium intake. Also, the desire to drink water with gas may indicate a lack of magnesium or chlorine - the former is responsible for the elasticity of blood vessels, the latter - for proper digestion and breakdown of protein entering the stomach with food.

Why are carbonated drinks bad for the body?

One glass of carbonated unsweetened mineral water a day will not harm the human body in any way. More frequent and heavy use can negatively affect health.

Is sweet soda water harmful?

More than 70% of the production of soft drinks and soda comes from the United States of America. The famous Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite are imported to Russia from the USA. According to statistics, every American drinks about 15 liters of sugary carbonated drinks a month. Is carbonated yummy harmful to humans?

The harm from carbonated drinks containing sugar, dyes, flavors and preservatives is enormous. One 1 liter bottle contains approximately 20 tablespoons of sugar, or 400+ calories. A shock dose of glucose is detrimental to the pancreas - after drinking such a drink, a huge amount of insulin is produced, which can provoke diabetes mellitus.

How does soda affect the human body?

Why are carbonated drinks harmful, the use of which makes you feel so much better on a hot summer day? What negative consequences can an innocent passion for sweet water carry?

  1. Obesity. Since one bottle of soda contains a huge amount of sugar, metabolism is unable to neutralize the harmful component without consequences. The liver converts excess sugar into fat, which is stored in the hips and waist. For this reason, most Americans who are fond of fast food and Coca-Cola are overweight.
  2. Destruction of tooth enamel.The benefits and harms of carbonated water in this case are not equivalent. The drink contains citric acid, which destroys and thinns enamel, making teeth sensitive. A child who is overly addicted to soda will have to visit the dentist more often.
  3. Destruction of bones. Soda water should be blamed for the early development of osteoporosis. The abundant content of phosphoric acid in the drink flushes calcium out of the body. Carried away by lemonade, children stop drinking milk and other dairy products rich in calcium. Several decades ago, people over 60 years of age suffered from osteoporosis. Today the disease has become younger, this diagnosis is often found in children aged 6 to 13 years.
  4. Hypertension. The composition of sweet soda contains a high concentration of caffeine - a substance that stimulates the nervous system and brain function. After drinking the drink, mood and performance increase, but at the same time, pressure rises. The problem is that after 30-40 minutes the action ends, apathy, lethargy and drowsiness appear. The body requires a new dose of caffeine - you want to drink soda more and more. The harm of sugary drinks is that a kind of addiction is formed. A person is forced to drink several liters of soft drink a day, causing destructive harm to his body.
  5. Oncology. The huge harm of soda is the content of dangerous carcinogens in the drink - sodium benzoate, sulfites and other substances that provoke the development of lung, liver and thyroid cancer, cause difficulty breathing and headaches.
  6. Allergy. Carbonated drinks contain aggressive stabilizers and colorants, the regular use of which can provoke the development of allergies, chronic rhinitis and even asthma.

What can replace soda?

Is drinking soda harmful for pregnant women?

In a fit of whim, under the influence of hormones, a woman in a position may want not only salty. What to do if a pregnant woman suddenly wants to drink mineral water?

There can be no talk of sweet soda - it is harmful to everyone to drink it. The benefits of ordinary mineral water in this case are also questionable. If the desire to drink a drink is irresistible, it is better to go to the pharmacy and buy the so-called "healing" mineral water. Its composition is healthier than the usual "canteen" soda, which is sold in the store.

It is still not worth getting carried away with medicinal water - an increased concentration of carbon dioxide can provoke a violation of the stool, bloating and nausea, and in some cases, allergies can occur.

The harm of carbonated drinks directly depends on the composition of the water. Try to choose drinks with medium to low carbon dioxide concentration. In the summer heat, you can make homemade lemonade from fresh lemons, which will perfectly quench your thirst, cheer you up and increase your tone, without having to worry about extra calories and harm to the body.


Here are 10 top facts about the dangers of soda in this video.


There has long been talk about the dangers of carbonated sugary drinks, and scientists have confirmed that the abuse of such drinks is associated with many health risks. It became clear that in terms of the number of calories, these products have long surpassed white bread, since they contain a huge amount of sugar.

Soda is considered one of the most unhealthy foods we consume. One small bottle of sweet water (0.33 liters) can contain about 16 teaspoons of sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup! This is about 3 times the daily norm, according to American Heart Association.

This syrup usually contains a mixture of 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose, but some research has shown that some well-known brands of such drinks add syrup with 65 percent fructose.

When you drink such a sweet drink, your pancreas begins to produce insulin at a high rate, in response to sugar ingested. As a result, blood sugar levels rise sharply. Here's what happens in your body after you drink the sweet soda:

In 20 minutes Your blood sugar rises to high levels, and your liver reacts to the resulting insulin by converting huge amounts of sugar into fat.

In 40 minutes caffeine absorption stops, your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, and your liver releases more sugar into your blood. This can be easily traced with tests.

After about 45 minutes your body increases production dopamine, a hormone that stimulates the pleasure centers in the brain. By the way, something similar happens after heroin is used.

After 60 minutes your blood sugar drops sharply, and you feel like drinking the evil drink again.

If insulin levels rise continuously, which is usually the case with drinking soda regularly, this leads to insulin resistance, which in turn leads to the development of chronic diseases, from diabetes to cancer.

Fructose converts to fat much faster than other types of sugar and fats

Research on fructose has shown that it is much more dangerous than other types of sugar. It is processed by the liver and, unlike other sugars, most of it is converted to fat deposits. That is why fructose is the main culprit for obesity, while other types of sugar are inferior to it. According to new research, 2 bottles of soda water each day can "deposit" as much as 0.5 kilograms of fat per week!

In addition to making you fat, fructose is also linked to increased levels of triglycerides... One study found that men who consume sugary drinks had an average of 32 percent higher triglyceride levels. These substances are the chemical form of fat and are found in some foods, accumulating in our body.

Research by scientists over the past 40 years has shown that high levels of triglycerides in the blood, known as hypertriglyceridemiasignificantly increase the risk of heart disease. Consuming fructose not only induces insulin resistance, but also inhibits leptin send signals to the brain correctly. Leptin is responsible for controlling appetite and fat storage, and tells the liver what to do with stored glucose.

If your body cannot “hear” the signals of leptin, weight gains, diabetes and other chronic diseases develop. That is, fructose has a very detrimental effect on our health, using various mechanisms of action.

What else is in sweet soda?

1) In one glass of soda about 150 empty kcal, which are mainly stored as fat

2) One glass also contains approximately 30-55 milligrams of caffeine which causes tremors, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heart rate, high blood cholesterol, depletion of vitamins and minerals in the body, breast lumps, congenital malformations in children, and even some cancers!

3) It contains artificial food colors, including burnt sugar, which has recently been recognized as a carcinogen. An artificial brown color can be achieved by reacting corn sugar with ammonium and sulfite at high pressure and temperature. This reaction produces byproducts that studies in mice and rats have shown can lead to lung, liver and thyroid cancers.

4) Sulphites. People who are sensitive to sulfites (sulfurous acid salts) can suffer from headaches, breathing problems, and allergies. In some rare cases, sulfites can even be fatal!

5) Benzene. Although there are regulations for the use of this aromatic hydrocarbon in the food industry, studies have shown that there is significantly more of it in carbonated drinks.

6) Phosphoric acid, which can affect the body's ability to absorb calcium, leading to osteoporosis, bone and dental problems.

7) Aspartame. This chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet drinks. There are a myriad of problems associated with excessive use of this substance, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders, epilepsy, and convulsions.

8) Tap water. We all know perfectly well that drinking tap water is highly discouraged because it contains a large amount of harmful components. Unfortunately, in sweet soda, tap water is used as the basis.

9) Sodium benzoate is a preservative commonly used by soda makers. This substance causes DNA damage, which leads to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver and Parkinson's disease.

When you look at all of these dangerous ingredients found in soda, it's no surprise that drinking it causes so many health problems and obesity.

One study published in a British medical journal The lancet, showed that a 12-year-old child who regularly drinks soda is more likely to be overweight compared to the rest. Indeed, if you consume sugary drinks daily, in 2 years the risk of obesity increases by 60 percent!

As mentioned earlier, soda raises insulin levels, and this, in turn, threatens the appearance of chronic diseases. Even 1 serving of sugary water a day increases your risk of diabetes by 85 percent, and in addition, you face the following diseases:

--Heart diseases



Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Reducing your consumption of soda to zero can help prevent more diseases. This also requires normalizing insulin levels. Clean water is the best way out, and if you just can't live without soda, at least make homemade lemonade by adding lemon and a little sugar to the mineral water.