What is the shelf life of raw chicken eggs at room temperature according to SanPiN? Early research into the effects of low temperatures on eggs.

05.08.2019 Dishes for children

How to store eggs correctly? Those who buy them in the store do not ask such a question. But for those who keep domestic chickens - the topic is very relevant. It's always easier in the store, go, buy, eat. Domestic chickens lay regularly only in summer or spring. In autumn or winter, you can go without eggs.

Can such a perishable product be stored long enough to have summer testicles in winter? It turns out you can.

Proven method

This method allows you to properly store eggs for up to six months, without fear of rotting or contamination with putrefactive bacteria. You will need melted lard, unsalted or any other animal fat, a dark, cool place, eggs themselves. They should be unfertilized with no cracks or other signs of damage. Desirable - immediately from under the chicken.

With a simple pencil, they sign the date right on the shell, day, month. Then carefully coat with lard on all sides with a thin layer. Placed on cardboard or wooden trays, then left in a room that is cool, but does not freeze. It can be an underground floor, a canopy, a heated balcony.

This method was popular with our grandmothers when they didn't hear about refrigerators. Of course, it's better not to keep that much, but if you really need to ...

By the way, lard is well replaced with glycerin or petroleum jelly. Then the shelf life of the testicles is reduced to 4 months.

Advice. It is strictly forbidden to wash eggs before storing them! It is best to do this just before use.

Refrigerator - more familiar

Any eggs, homemade or factory-made, are perfectly stored in the presence of an ordinary refrigerator. Many manufacturers of refrigeration equipment equip the unit door with a special tray. Ideal if this tray is removable. Because the door is far from the best place to store eggs properly. Constant movement with an influx of warm air upon opening - and now the chickens are barking or the "most pleasant" hydrogen sulfide amber is covering.

It is advisable to keep the tray with eggs close to the freezer compartment or to the cooling holes. And the testicles themselves are properly stored with the sharp end down. This will place the yolk in the middle of the protein and will not come into contact with the air bubble from the blunt side.

If the eggshell is heavily soiled, it is advisable to wrap it in plain paper so as not to stain the tray. Just do not wash before bookmarking !. But just before use, please. At least in three waters with five rinses.

Advice. It is best to place the egg carton in the fruit and vegetable compartment. Through a porous shell, the protein remarkably absorbs the smells of sausage, smoked meats, cheese. And there are no strong sources of aroma in the department.

The refrigerator has broken. What to do?

We present the situation. No refrigerator. No, that's all. The electricity was turned off, broke down, but you never know? Or they came to the dacha and bought a cell on the occasion of the neighbors, two, they didn't eat everything at once, but there was no cellar or basement. It's a pity to throw it away. There is an exit.

There are several methods for storing eggs properly at room temperature. All of them have been tested by several generations.

  1. Vegetable oil. Eggs are smeared with a thin layer of any oil (corn, olive, sunflower), then placed in storage in the darkest cool place of the room. For example, the lower cupboard. It should be borne in mind that olive oil goes rancid faster than others.
  2. Egg white. Without beating, cover the shell with a layer of protein. After drying, apply the second one. Then, after final drying, the eggs are wrapped in paper and sent for storage. You can put them under the bed with a tray. It's dark and cooler than the room. For reliability, you can add a third layer.
  3. Salt. Salt is poured into the bottom of a small box in a thick layer. Eggs are laid with the sharp end down so that the shell does not touch. Fall asleep with a generous portion of coarse salt. You can make two such layers. If you put more, the shell may crack. Salt absorbs moisture remarkably, so the testicles should not lie for more than 3 months, they will begin to dry out.
  4. Paraffin or wax. Melt it in a water bath. With a quick, gentle movement, dip the egg into the resulting liquid. Allow to solidify and put away for storage. They try to keep the wax layer as little damaged as possible.

All these methods are correct, because they close the shell from the access of pathogenic bacteria, while simultaneously allowing the eggs to breathe.

Advice. It is recommended that the testicles be tested for an "expiration date" before trying any storage recipe. You never know what the neighbor's grandmother said! Or the factory markings are perfectly counterfeit. The salt water method is the most handy and gives the most reliable results.

Alternative ways

In the vastness of the mighty Internet network, you can meet such recipes, from which sometimes the hair on the nape of the neck stands on end. What is it worth only storing eggs with a solution of potassium permanganate or lime, and even 9-12 months! Moreover, such shock doses of drugs are indicated that it is just right for the shell to dissolve. You can try ... If only as an experiment ... to feel the real aroma, like the famous Norwegian surstremming ... For extreme lovers. Or, nevertheless, to clarify the doses for the preparation of the mixture.

What about the method of storing eggs in sugar syrup? For 2 liters of water - 2 kg of sugar, boil, cool. Lower testicles, let them float. Well, it would have been written "dip, dry", but no! Exactly - they swim. What will emerge there after 6 months? What is ichthyander or homunculus?

Although, there are some pretty funny methods. For example, it is argued that instead of being dragged to the refrigerator or prepared for breakfast, homemade eggs should be buried in a tub or tank of grain. The main thing is to remember from which edge? And how to dig it is interesting. The attraction is straight!

Or a way to use fish glue. The effect will undoubtedly be, since the method resembles smearing with protein. Another question: where to get so much glue?

Some comrades pour the contents of the eggs into containers, then freeze them. After thawing, all nutrients and vitamins are retained. The only negative: defrosted whites with yolks cannot be whipped. You won't be able to make an omelet, scrambled eggs are quite real.

Drying. Generally nonsense. After all the procedures done, egg powder remains. Stored for a long time, no taste or smell.

Advice. After any alternative storage method, do not break all testicles into one dish. Better each separately. After visual and olfactory inspection, it can be poured into a frying pan, into a dough, etc.

Boiled - safer?

Many people mistakenly believe that it is correct to store eggs - only boiled ones. Set up an experiment: put two eggs next to each other at room temperature - raw and boiled. Check the result after a week. To avoid olfactory shock, it is recommended to make the comparison outdoors or with good ventilation.

So it is in the refrigerator. A raw egg can be stored up to 40-50 days, a boiled one - only 5.

Advice. If you really want to store boiled eggs, it is recommended to pickle them. Of course, the taste will be completely different, but at least there will be no risk of poisoning.

  1. Eggs can only be stored properly when they are initially fresh. Factory stored no more than 45 days. Pets - no more than 4 months.
  2. Quail, guinea-fowl testicles are stored longer than chicken, duck testicles. They contain amino acids, which are an obstacle to the penetration of putrefactive bacteria.
  3. The ideal temperature for storage is + 2-4 ° С, air humidity is about 75-80%. Regular airing, darkness is welcome.
  4. If there is no room in the vegetable compartment, it is advisable to pack the eggs more tightly, otherwise the smells of other foods will permeate the protein.
  5. Colored eggs are stored in the same way as boiled eggs. If thermal film was used, the period is reduced by 2-3 days.
  6. Instead of salt, sand or ash from oak wood is sometimes used for storage.
  7. With the "grease" method, the protein may become slightly cloudy. This does not affect the taste or nutritional qualities in any way.
  8. A broken egg can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Boiled without shell - 2 days.

How to store eggs correctly? To avoid unexpected surprises - no more than 3 weeks. Better to buy new ones more often. It would be right to take care of your health by eating fresh products, rather than spending money on treatment after experiments on safety.

Video: how to store chicken eggs in the refrigerator

45 interesting questions and answers about chicken eggs

31. How long can boiled eggs be stored?
In-shell hard-boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, but it is best to eat them within 3 days. Boiling destroys the protective film on the shell, which helps the egg to keep longer. Dishes with eggs must be kept in the refrigerator. Egg salads are stored for 3-4 days, stuffed eggs - 2-3 days.
32. Can eggs be stored at room temperature?
You can, but better not. Eggs spoil very quickly without a refrigerator, even in one day at room temperature they lose their freshness. One day of keeping eggs at room temperature equals one week of refrigeration.
33. How much does one chicken egg weigh?
Egg weight ranges from 35 to 75 grams. The average weight of a chicken egg is 50-55 grams. This means that a dozen medium eggs can weigh 500-550 grams, and a kilogram will be about 20 eggs.
34. How much do egg white and yolk weigh separately?
The weight of the yolk is about 1/3 of the weight of the whole egg, and the weight of the protein is 2/3 of the weight of the egg. That is, on an average egg, the yolk weighs 17 grams, and the egg white weighs 34 grams. And in one kilogram there will be 59 yolks or 30 whites.
35. What determines the color of the yolk?
The color of the egg yolk - light yellow or bright orange - depends on the nutrition of the chicken. The carotenoids in chicken feed give the yolk a yellow color. Carotenoids are naturally occurring natural pigments of yellow, orange or red color. They give color to many plants, including vegetables and fruits. The more the chicken eats feed containing carotenoids (corn, alfalfa, grass meal), the brighter the yolk color is. However, not all carotenoids give the yolk color. For example, canthaxanthin and lutein impart a golden yellow color to the yolk, while beta-carotene does not affect color. It should be noted that the color of the yolk does not affect the quality, nutritional value and taste of the egg.
36. What does the marking on the eggs mean?
Every egg produced in a poultry farm and sold in a store must be labeled. Eggs are divided into dietary and table eggs. Eggs are considered dietary for the first 7 days after they are laid. Therefore, it is important to look at the date of manufacture. These eggs are suitable for dietary and baby food. Diet eggs after 7 days of storage are considered table eggs.
The first mark of the marking indicates the permissible shelf life:
- The letter "D" means a dietary egg, which is realized within 7 days.
- The letter "C" means a table egg, such eggs are sold within 25 days.
These periods are valid provided that the eggs are stored at temperatures between 0 ° C and + 20 ° C.
The second character in the marking indicates the category of the egg, depending on its weight:
- "B" the highest category - 75 grams or more.
- "O" selected egg - from 65 to 74.9 grams.
- "1" first category - from 55 to 64.9 grams.
- "2" second category - from 45 to 54.9 grams.
- "3" third category - from 35 to 44.9 grams.
If eggs are sold without any designation at all, you should not risk your health and buy them. Eggs of different categories differ only in weight, and their shell color may be different. In addition, some eggs come with two yolks.
37. And what does the size of a chicken egg depend on?
The weight and size of the eggs depend on various factors. The main one is the age of the laying hen. Young chickens are more likely to lay small eggs, while older chickens lay larger eggs. At first, the weight of eggs can be 40-50 grams, and by the age of the chicken it increases to 57-65 grams. Egg size also depends on the breed and weight of the laying hen. Underweight chickens lay small eggs. Housing conditions, bird feeding, climate, season of the year and time of day for laying also affect egg size. For example, in warm weather, chickens eat less, which often leads to a decrease in egg size. Although sometimes young hens also lay large eggs or even eggs with two yolks. And it happens that more yolks are found in the egg!
38. Why do hens lay two-yolk eggs?
According to experts, eggs with two yolks are an anomaly. Two-yolk eggs are produced when two cells mature at the same time and pass through the hen's reproductive system together. Usually, such eggs are laid either by young laying hens, which have not yet established reproductive cycles, or by mature birds (about one year old). The largest number of two-yolk eggs is laid by hens in the first weeks of laying. The ability of hens to lay two-yolk eggs can be inherited. However, sometimes eggs with two yolks can be a sign of bird illness. If hens have problems with ovulation, inflammation of the oviduct, then they can lay eggs with two yolks, no yolk, too small or with different defects. Diseases of the oviduct in chickens can occur due to a violation of the conditions of feeding and keeping hens, dampness and dirt in the room.
Eggs with two yolks are quite rare in nature and are not viable. They never hatch chickens. Previously, these eggs were considered non-standard and processed into egg powder. But then they began to be in demand among buyers, because they taste no different from ordinary ones, and weigh more - 70-80 grams (while selected eggs weigh 65-75 grams). Therefore, now in poultry farms, chickens are specially raised that lay eggs with two yolks. Eggs with two yolks are completely harmless and suitable for consumption.
39. How many eggs does a hen lay per year?
In one year, a laying hen lays about 220-250 eggs, and some hens lay up to 300 eggs or even more. It takes a hen approximately 24-26 hours to lay an egg. Half an hour after the hen has laid an egg, a new egg begins to form in her body. It has been noticed that white chickens per year lay on average 45 eggs more than red or dark ones.
40. What determines the egg production of chickens?
The number of eggs obtained from a chicken for a certain period of time, that is, egg production, depends on the breed of the chicken, its age, housing conditions, nutrition, health of the bird, and also on hereditary properties and individual characteristics. For example, chickens of egg breeds lay 10-12% more eggs than meat and egg chickens and almost twice as many as chickens of meat breeds. Chickens of egg breeds begin to lay their first eggs at the age of 5-6 months. Chickens are capable of laying eggs for about 10 years. But increased egg production is observed in the first year of laying, during which hens can lay 250-300 eggs. As the bird ages, egg production decreases by 10-15% per year compared to the first year of laying. Therefore, it is economically profitable to use chickens on industrial farms only during the first year of laying, and in breeding farms - 2-3 years. And for the second or third year, only the best layers are left. Typically, a breeding flock consists of 55-60% young chickens, 30-35% 2-year-olds and 10% 3-year-olds. Roosters are used up to 2 years, the most valuable - up to 3 years.
41. What does the egg white consist of?
An egg block consists of water (85%), proteins (12-13%), carbohydrates (0.7%), fats (0.3%), glucose, various enzymes, vitamins of group B. The protein contains half of the protein contained in the egg. It contains all the amino acids necessary for building protein in the human body, as well as lysozyme, a protein substance that kills and dissolves microorganisms, including putrefactive ones. But the protective properties of the protein are reduced with long-term storage. The white is liquid near the shell and thicker around the yolk. Egg white is the most easily digestible and complete among the proteins found in food. It is considered a reference protein and other proteins are evaluated against it. Egg white contains approximately 17 calories.
42. What does the egg yolk consist of?
Egg yolk consists of water (50%), fat (over 30%), proteins (16%), carbohydrates (0.2%), cholesterol and minerals. However, eggs are not a fatty product, since the yolk contains more harmless unsaturated fat (70-75%), and saturated fat - about 28%. Egg yolk is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D, E, PP and others, and also contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, manganese, iodine, copper, cobalt. In addition, egg yolk contains lecithin, which is involved in metabolism and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. The yolk is covered on the outside with a thin transparent membrane and consists of alternating concentric dark and light layers. The yolk contains about 60 calories, which is three times more than the protein.
43. What is the use of chicken eggs?
Eggs contain all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. It is an indispensable food product that prepares quickly and is inexpensive. Eggs perfectly combine proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eggs are a valuable source of protein. One egg contains 12-14% of the RDA for an adult. The average chicken egg contains about 6.5 grams of protein (protein), as well as 5.8 grams of easily digestible fats, rich in phospholipids, which are involved in the transport of fats in the body, are included in all cell membranes. Proteins and fats of chicken eggs are well absorbed by the body. Eggs are the only product that is digestible by 97-98%. In terms of nutritional value, one chicken egg is equivalent to 200 ml of milk or 50 g of meat. For young children, this is the second most important product after breast milk. Eggs are low in calories - one medium egg contains 75 calories.
Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary in the daily human diet. Eggs contain vitamins A, D, E, H, K, PP and B vitamins. They only lack vitamin C. They also contain phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, fluorine, manganese, iodine. Phosphorus is a part of all body tissues, participates in metabolism, affects the activity of the heart and kidneys, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Calcium forms the basis of bone tissue, is contained in the skeleton and teeth, and affects blood clotting. Iron is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, it is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, and provides the transport of oxygen in the body. Magnesium supports normal brain function, is involved in bone formation and blood sugar regulation. Potassium regulates the acid-base balance of the blood, participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, improves the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
Eggs are a valuable source of folate, biotin, and choline, which is found in egg yolks. Folic acid (vitamin B9) normalizes the functioning of the circulatory system, supports the immune system. Biotin (vitamin H) is part of the enzymes that regulate protein and fat metabolism. It improves the condition of skin, hair and nails. Choline (vitamin B4) prevents the formation of fats in the liver, lowers cholesterol levels, activates the brain, and improves memory.
44. Is it harmful to eat eggs because of their cholesterol content?
It used to be recommended to limit the amount of eggs consumed due to the presence of cholesterol in them. But after many studies, it turned out that the main cause of high blood cholesterol levels is the consumption of foods high in saturated fat (mainly meat and dairy products). Eggs contain relatively little saturated fat, and egg yolk contains more healthy fats that help cells function properly. Out of 5 g of fat in an egg, harmful saturated fats that contribute to the production of cholesterol are only 1.5 g. And the harm from even this insignificant amount of saturated fats is compensated by nutrients that prevent the body from assimilating cholesterol and contribute to its elimination. Choline lowers blood cholesterol, prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Choline is a part of the phospholipid lecithin, which is an important component of the cells of the body, helps to maintain normal cholesterol levels, prevents the development of liver cirrhosis and cardiovascular diseases, and 50% of the liver is made of lecithin. The body's daily requirement for lecithin is about 5-6 grams. Egg yolk contains about 3.5 grams of lecithin per 100 grams of product (and 100 grams of lamb, beef or peas contains only about 0.8 grams of lecithin).
45. How many eggs can you eat per day or per week?
One egg, and it is in the egg yolk, contains about 215 mg of cholesterol, and the daily intake of cholesterol is about 300 mg. Therefore, people with normal cholesterol levels can safely consume 1 egg per day. With high cholesterol levels or certain diseases (atherosclerosis, cholecystitis, liver diseases), you should limit the consumption of eggs to 3 eggs per week. When using butter, sour cream, fatty meat, sausages or nuts, it is also worth reducing the number of eggs eaten to 2-3 pieces per week. With an elevated cholesterol level, you can eat proteins, and refuse yolks, because it is they that contain cholesterol. Interestingly, it is in Japan, which is considered one of the world leaders in the consumption of chicken eggs per capita, that a record number of centenarians live and there the lowest rate of cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the previously popular prejudice about the dangers of eggs due to the content of cholesterol in them has long outlived its usefulness.

Eggs are the only livestock product obtained in natural "packaging"... Obtained from healthy birds, they are sterile. But, cooling down, during the first two hours, viruses, bacteria, fungi are affected through the pores of the shell. This is why the house and nests must be kept clean.

Eggs are best eaten no later than 5 days after demolition. True, the egg must ripen. A few days after removal by enzymes, the taste of the yolk becomes especially pleasant, and its aroma resembles that of a nut.

During storage of eggs profound qualitative changes occur. To delay the loss of moisture, the development of microorganisms and biochemical processes that occur under the action of enzymes, they should be stored in conditions of low temperatures and high humidity.

With short storage of eggs kept at a temperature of 8-12 ° C and a relative humidity of 75-80%. However, after 30 days, eggs lose a third of their nutrients, and those stored at a temperature of 15 ° C become unusable in 25 days.

An easier and more reliable way is to store eggs in a clean, odorless container at a temperature of about -1 ° C, then they remain fresh for 4-6 months. For long-term storage, only fresh, clean eggs should be selected, since they quickly deteriorate with dirty shells.

When selecting, it is necessary to inspect each egg. so that the shell is intact, without cracks, notches and damage. It is impossible to wash the eggs before placing them for storage: it is necessary to preserve the bactericidal film covering the shell, which protects the egg from the penetration of bacteria.

Chill as soon as possible after laying. until bacteria began to develop in them. It is convenient to store eggs in the refrigerator in special plastic sealed containers. In this case, it is desirable that a stable temperature is maintained.

When the temperature rises the process of egg spoilage is accelerated, since this stimulates the vital activity of microflora, and when the temperature drops too much, they freeze and lose their taste. Egg contents freeze at temperatures below -2 ° C.

Household poultry farmers use a number of methods to store eggs. They are stored in dry oven ash, fine peat, in dry clean oats, a clean shell is covered with a thin layer of melted paraffin-rosin mixture, petroleum jelly, bacon, vegetable oil. The shell is wiped off with a cloth soaked in these substances or immersed in a fatty solution for a few seconds. Shelf life in the refrigerator - 7 months.

Back in the old days peasants placed their eggs in a dry barrel, sprinkling them with oats, barley or millet. The effect of storage in grain was always higher if the eggs were previously wiped with vegetable oil, lard or other fat.

In other cases eggs were greased with sunflower oil, wrapped in paper, put in wooden containers and covered with sand. Eggs were stored for a long time in wood ash, bran, a mixture of chalk and charcoal, they were immersed in salt, in oak sawdust.

Eggs laid in October are stored better. Sometimes the eggs were placed in the water and periodically changed. Eggs within 5-6 months. can be stored in a lime solution in a room with a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C in an enamel or earthenware dish, tub. Lime is poured into a bowl at the rate of 300-400 g per bucket of water.

When the water has settled and becomes clear, bluish-greenish, eggs are laid in the solution, it should cover them for 20-25 cm. A film forms on the surface of the solution, if during storage it disappears, the solution should be replaced with a fresh one. Cover the dishes with eggs with a lid. However, when stored in a solution of lime, eggs acquire a special flavor.

Container with eggs laid for storage, put in a cool room, best of all in the pantry, on the veranda in the basements, where the air temperature is maintained at 8-10 ° C.

Speaking of egg storage records

The effectiveness of long-term storage of eggs with different methods is different. In Belgium, eggs were stored in sealed tin containers in a mixture of carbon dioxide (88%) and nitrogen (12%) for 8-7 months. with satisfactory results.

Scientists at Cornell University in the United States have managed to keep eggs fresh for 2 years in a package that has been evacuated from air.

In the UK, about 80 years ago, various methods of preserving eggs were evaluated.
First place in terms of quality, they took eggs stored in bran. They were almost fresh, odorless and tasteless.
Second- lubricated with a mixture of beeswax and vegetable oil, sprinkled with salt.
Third- oiled with mutton lard and laid in dry lime powder. It is noted that when salicylic acid is added to lard or petroleum jelly, the aging of eggs slows down.

21. How to avoid food poisoning while eating eggs?

When buying eggs, check the expiration date. It is better to buy eggs in the store - there is usually a date stamped on the shell. Make sure the eggs are not cracked or broken - they are best avoided. If the egg turns out to be stale or has an unpleasant odor, it must be discarded immediately and in no case should it be consumed or given to animals, otherwise you can get severe poisoning. Fresher eggs are less likely to breed Salmonella. A natural defense mechanism inhibits their growth in eggs for 20 days. It is better not to take risks and not drink raw eggs, do not cook soft-boiled eggs or fried eggs. Recipes using raw eggs should be avoided.

Bacteria can be found both inside the eggs and on the shell, therefore, before cooking, the eggs must be thoroughly washed with hot water (temperature 80 ° C) for at least 7 seconds. The fact is that Salmonella bacteria can enter the egg from the surface of the eggshell when it breaks. In addition, bacteria very easily spread to hands, dishes, table, other foods and objects, so it is imperative to wash your hands before and after touching the eggs, and after cooking, wash everything that touches the eggs. Be sure to wash your hands after breaking a raw egg for cooking. When cooking, never place raw food and then cooked food on the same plate. Even properly prepared food can be contaminated with bacteria if drops or small particles of raw food accidentally enter it. Make sure that the scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs are well done and do not remain soggy. Boil well or fry semi-finished products (dumplings, cutlets and others). Cooking food until cooked is the only way to kill potentially harmful bacteria and avoid severe food poisoning.

22. What is the most famous bacteria in eggs?

It is a salmonella that lives in poultry eggs, meat, milk and dairy products. Salmonellosis (or paratyphoid fever) is an acute intestinal disease caused by various types of Salmonella, a very common form of food poisoning. The main route of salmonella infection is through food. These bacteria multiply rapidly in food (especially when warm), but do not change their taste or appearance. Salmonella accumulate in animal products, tolerate drying, freezing well, and survive in water for up to 2 months. They are resistant to smoking, salting, marinades, but quickly deteriorate when boiled. The incubation period lasts from 2-6 hours to 2-3 days. Salmonellosis is characterized by damage to the gastrointestinal tract and the development of intoxication and is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, headache, malaise, and fever. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Salmonella enteritidis is the most common bacterium in many countries.

23. How many minutes do you need to cook the eggs?

Salmonella is very resistant and die only after prolonged heat treatment. They reproduce at temperatures from +7 to + 45 ° С, and the best temperature for them is + 35-37 ° С. At temperatures below + 5 ° C, the growth of Salmonella stops. At + 70-75 ° C, salmonella die within 5-10 minutes, and instantly when boiled. Therefore, only hard-boiled eggs can be completely safe. Eggs should be boiled for 8-10 minutes from the moment the water boils, and fried eggs or omelette until dry.

24. At what temperature do egg white and yolk harden?

The protein thickens at + 60 ° C and hardens at + 65 ° C. The yolk begins to thicken at + 65 ° C and becomes hard at + 73 ° C.

25. At what temperature should you cook and store dishes containing eggs?

When cooking, dishes containing eggs must be heated to a temperature of at least + 70 ° C in order to kill bacteria. It is also necessary to reheat food that has been stored for some time to a temperature not lower than + 70 ° C. Food should be stored at a temperature either above + 60 ° C or below + 10 ° C. Cooked food should not be stored at room temperature. At + 20-40 ° C every 20 minutes the number of bacteria doubles and the risk of poisoning increases. A favorable environment for the growth of microbes is warm and humid. And the cold stops their growth. Therefore, after eating, the remaining food should be immediately put into the refrigerator.

26. How to store chicken eggs correctly?

Eggs should be placed in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing. It is recommended to store eggs in the coldest place of the refrigerator (closer to the back wall) separately from other products and in special packaging. Although most refrigerators have a dedicated egg compartment on the door, it is wrong to store eggs in the refrigerator door. This is the warmest place, and the refrigerator is often opened and the eggs are exposed to frequent temperature fluctuations.

27. Why is it better to store eggs in a container?

There are thousands of pores in eggshells through which odors and bacteria can penetrate. Therefore, eggs should be kept in special trays and away from foods with a strong smell, so they stay fresh longer. In addition, storage in egg trays will prevent the spread of bacteria from eggs to neighboring foods.

28. What is the best way to store eggs - sharp or blunt end down?

Eggs are best placed with the pointed end down so that the yolks are centered. In this position, the eggs will be able to "breathe" and maintain their freshness longer, since there are more pores at the blunt end through which oxygen enters the egg and carbon dioxide escapes. In addition, there is an air space at the blunt end of the egg, in which there can be bacteria, and when turned over to the blunt end, they float up and fall into the egg.

29. Can eggs be stored in the freezer?

No, you shouldn't store eggs in the freezer - they will freeze there. The ideal temperature for storing eggs is + 4 ° C.

30. How long do eggs keep in the refrigerator?

Fresh eggs are stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 weeks from the date of production. It is not recommended to store eggs for more than 6 weeks, even in the refrigerator. Eggs are stored for a rather long time due to the fact that there is a protective film on their surface. Therefore, it is advisable to wash them immediately before cooking.

The egg is a mysterious, magical and legendary product.

The Slavs met a chicken and a rooster several thousand years ago. It is noteworthy that in ancient times they raised chickens not for the sake of eggs and meat, but as a decorative bird. Roosters served as "alarm clocks", and chickens were kept to decorate gardens.

The egg is a symbol of new life and rebirth

Over time, recognition and eggs came, the attitude towards which people developed a special one, it was considered a symbol of new life and rebirth. The very new life, the source of which, indeed, is the egg, was a mystery to the ancient peoples. Some believed that the world began with a huge egg. The pagans used it in their rituals, since the egg yolk reminded them of the sun, which was considered the most powerful natural phenomenon.

The egg is a symbol of new life and rebirth

The egg has always played a big role as a symbol of Slavic holidays and ceremonies. For example, on Easter, we all know a bright, painted egg (dye, pysanka) symbolizing spring renewal and the beginning of a new life.

Useful properties of eggs

The egg is not only a symbolic product, being the largest cell in the world, it is very useful and nutritious. Since the egg white is a complete digestible protein, which makes up 75% of the egg weight. And the yolk contains vitamins B1, B2, D, E, PP, carotene, mineral salts and lecithin. In our time, no everyday meal or festive menus are unthinkable without eggs.

Egg storage secrets

It should be noted that on the egg shell there are on average up to 17,000 tiny pores through which foreign odors and microbes penetrate into the egg. Therefore, great attention is paid to egg storage. We will tell you about the little secrets that you need to know in order to properly store this not simple, amazing and delicate product.

So, eggs intended for storage must be whole, clean and fresh - 5-6 days old. They must be cooled as soon as possible after demolition, kept clean and only dry (do not rinse with water). It is best to lay daily eggs with strong shells for storage and store them in the cold, in a clean, odorless container, at a temperature - (-1 ° C) with a humidity of 72-75%. Laying the eggs with the sharp edge down. Under these conditions, the eggs remain fresh for 4-6 months. Eggs freeze at temperatures below - (-2 ° C).

Storage conditions for more than a month

However, you must agree that at home it is not all the time, it turns out, to withstand such a storage regime. To keep the eggs long enough, more than a month, you need to do the following.

Prepare a container for storage - it can be wooden, plastic, enameled, glass, clay. The essence of this storage method is that one of the following filler materials is poured onto the bottom of the container. Eggs are laid with the sharp end down so that they do not touch each other, covered with material and so several rows, depending on the size of the container. It is best to lay 5-6 rows.

The filler can be used:

  • dry table salt;
  • dry sawdust or shavings;
  • dry wood ash or powdered charcoal;
  • talcum powder or chalk powder;
  • fine peat;
  • dry and clean grain (wheat, oats, barley, rye, millet).

Put the top layer of filler 2-3 cm. Put the eggs in a cool dark (5-8 ° C) place.

Another storage method - eggs must be treated with sunflower oil, melted lard (lard), petroleum jelly, immersing them for 5 seconds in an appropriate fat solution. Or wipe it with a clean cloth soaked in one of the specified fats. Wrap the processed eggs in paper, put in a box. Store in a cool, dark, ventilated place.

Storing eggs in a lime solution

Alternatively, eggs can be stored in a lime solution. For which 600 - 800 grams of quicklime are placed in a bucket, two liters of boiled chilled water are poured, after dissolving the lime (carefully! Quicklime releases a lot of heat when dissolved, resulting in boiling and the solution is sprayed) add water to 10 liters, mix well. Moreover, it is necessary to mix several times, at intervals of 2-3 hours. The resulting solution must be filtered, it is enough for laying 120 - 150 eggs.

Eggs are laid with the sharp end down and poured with a solution. With this method of storage, it is better to use glass or clay containers. The solution level above the eggs should be 5 - 10 cm. After a lime film forms on the surface of the solution, the container must be tightly closed with a lid. You can seal it with wax or paraffin and put it in a cool dry place (at a temperature of 10-12 ° C, eggs can be stored for up to 6 months).

You can use a solution prepared slaked lime... Why take 300 - 400 grams of slaked lime on a bucket of water (10 l).

We have told you the most affordable and reliable ways to store eggs. And if you know and have tested your methods in practice, share with us. Write. Good luck everyone.