Chum salty steaks recipes. How to salt chum salmon in different ways

13.04.2019 Fish dishes

How to salt chum salmon? Many people ask themselves this question. After all, the presence of salted red fish on the festive table is a tradition of our Russian feast. IN holidays are in special demand among our population inexpensive varieties fish, for example, chum salmon is such a fish. It has the most pleasant taste and very tender meat.
Salted chum salmon is one of the delicious and wonderful dishes that you can easily cook at your own home. At the same time, you can salt chum salmon both frozen and fresh. And I assure you, it will come out no worse than a store one. The main thing when salting any fish, not only chum salmon, is full compliance with the instructions for salting fish.

Just imagine how for breakfast or dinner you will serve boiled potatoes with red fish, which you yourself have salted. And how will the guests be amazed who have tasted the salted chum salmon at your festive meal!

Purchase of chum salting.

Salting chum salted is still quite simple, even at home. But for salting, first, all the same, you also need to choose the right fish.
In order for your fish to be tasty after salting, of course, you should buy it in fresh... To do this, go to the supermarket or to the market closest to your home for a fresh (you can also buy a frozen, but not yet defrosted) and whole carcass of your favorite red fish, for example, salmon, trout, chum salmon or pink salmon. The main thing in this case - do not take the fish cut, without fins or a head: do all this work on cutting fish better at home yourself. Well, you've made your purchase and are the happy owner of fresh or freshly frozen red fish.

Preparation for salting chum salmon.

If you have purchased frozen chum salmon, then put it to defrost for several hours, but do not try in any way to put it in the microwave - all this should happen naturally. In the meantime, while the chum salting takes place, prepare everything you need for salting the fish: a carving knife and oppression, a mixture for salting and culinary scissors, a container for salting fish. Under a container for salting chum salmon, you can use both plastic containers and use enameled dishes... It is better not to use metal dishes, as the salted fish will then acquire a characteristic metallic taste.

A sharp and medium-sized knife for cutting fish is best, but it is better to use culinary scissors to remove the fins.

Perhaps the most important point in salting red (and indeed any) fish is the preparation of a special mixture for salting. To do this, take coarse salt (it, unlike finely ground salt, absorbs excess moisture better and, thereby, allows the chum salty "in own juice". Also take sugar. Take it in a ratio of 3: 1 (take 3 parts salt and 1 part sugar). Prepare the salted mixture so that 1 kg of fish requires about 3 tablespoons of this mixture. You can weigh your fish for this, but usually all this is done by eye. Of course, the fish will not take excess salt into itself, but based on my own experience I will tell you - it is better not to overdo it with salt.

When salting chum salmon, you can use as additional ingredients, but this is at your discretion, bay leaves (take 3-4 bay leaves for the chum carcass), black allspice (take 5-6 peas) or you can use special spices for cooking fish, since they are freely sold in grocery stores. In this case, the main thing with spices is not to overdo it.

For oppression, you can use the usual two- or three-liter cansfilled with water.

Butchering chum salmon.

After we have prepared the pickling mixture, it is time to start cutting the chum salmon. First of all, cut off the fish's head with a sharp knife. You can use the fish head later for cooking delicious fish soup... We cut off, using culinary scissors, fish fins and only then cut along the fish belly and take out all the insides present there.
If you purchased a female chum salmon, then it is possible that you may be lucky and you will find caviar in its insides. If so, carefully remove it and, after processing with boiling water for disinfection, place it in salted warm water (based on half a liter of salt water 2 tablespoons) for 8-9 minutes. And if there are milk inside (in a male), then gently wipe them from all the remnants of fish giblets and salt together with the fish carcass. At the same time, pre-wipe the milk with a slightly prepared salting mixture.

But let's get back to our fish. Remove all the insides of the fish through the cut belly. Cut the carcass to the right and left of the spine, using scissors, as if separating the back of the fish from other bones. After all this, you should be left with a fish carcass with a small set of bones, which you will need to remove in a neat way. This is usually done with the hands, they are removed quite easily. A chum carcass cut in this way, but already without any bones, head and entrails, you can cut into two parts if it is large. And here small size You can leave the chum as it is.

Salted chum salting

Ketu was prepared and cut. Now you can start salting it. This process is not as complicated as it might seem to you at first glance. The main thing here is compliance with the measure when using the salting mixture. And if, nevertheless, it so happened that after salting the chum salmon turns out to be somewhat salty - it does not matter. You can always bring it to the required condition. Just soak it in water for a while.

Composition for salting chum salmon:

Chum salmon carcass - 1 piece

Coarse salt -3 teaspoons

Sugar - 1.5 teaspoons

Garlic and black allspice peas - according to your taste

Bay leaf

Vegetable refined oil

After cutting the chum salmon, you will have a fish carcass covered with skin.

Uncover it and sprinkle evenly with the prepared pickling mixture. Place black allspice peas, cloves of garlic and bay leaves directly when placing the chum salmon into a container for salting it. Cover the laid fish with oppression and leave in a warm place for two to three hours, for example in the kitchen, and then put it in a cold place.

At the end of the day, our chum salmon will be salted and you can serve it to your table.
Tips for salting chum salmon and other red fish.

Before you salt the chum salmon, read some useful tips that may be useful to you in the process:

do not use aluminum or iron dishes for salting;
use spices for salting fish in moderation, otherwise they will simply kill the taste of the chum salmon itself;
for salting fish do large pieces, then it will be easier to cut them before serving;
the ridge, fins, head can be used to prepare fish soup (they do not have to be thrown away);
the oppression used when salting chum will contribute to its uniform and quick salting.

When salted, chum salmon or pink salmon do not turn out to be as fatty as trout or salmon. That is why, when salted, they are slightly flavored with olive or vegetable oil.

Useful properties of chum salmon.

Despite the fact that chum salmon contains a certain amount of fat, it can be safely attributed to dietary products. Calorie content of chum - is only 127 kcal per 100 grams of product. And this is taking into account the fact that most of it falls on substances that are very useful for our body. But the calorie content of such a product as "Salted Keta" per 100 grams of the product is 184 Kcaloria. Chum fish contains a large number of protein, which undoubtedly leads to a fairly rapid saturation of the human body. By including chum salmon in your diet, you will avoid overeating and balance your diet. The beneficial properties of chum salmon are complemented by the fact that the fats contained in this fish are easily absorbed by our body and are excellently reflected in the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Why is chum salmon still useful? There is an opinion that when regular use This fish in food can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. Also, its composition has useful properties for normalizing the work of the biliary tract and gastrointestinal tractas well as for normal work an organ such as the liver.

Take a look video recipe How to salt chum salmon.

Recipes: how to salt chum at home. Photo from

Chum salmon belongs to the genus of Pacific salmon, this sea fish is quite large in size and is one of the most common representatives of its genus, which makes it an object of wide fishing and a frequent guest on the tables of people all over the world, especially residents of the northern regions from Russia to Canada. Chum salmon meat is red, tender, different pleasant taste, suitable for frying, smoking, but when salting, if the procedure is not followed correctly, it may turn out to be too dry and harsh. Properly salted chum salmon will be as tasty as salmon or salmon.

Knowing how to salt chum salmon at home, you can provide yourself with a delicious dish at an affordable price and in a fairly short time. In this matter, it is important to choose the right fish, be able to correctly cut it and pick the most suitable recipe.

Selection of ingredients, meat

For salting red fish, you need to choose the right ingredients - the fish itself, salt, sugar and spices.

When choosing a chum salmon, first of all, it is worth considering the need to buy a whole carcass - it is worth immediately discarding the cut options, a fish without a head, tail and fins, especially already cut, will be too dry when salted, will lose a significant share of its taste and will definitely not become a decoration of the festive table.

The ideal option for most connoisseurs is to buy live chum salmon at the market or in the store. This approach ensures that the meat will be fresh, will not lose its useful properties and will be convenient with any cooking technology. You can also buy a chilled or frozen product, but again - whole.

Some people prefer frozen fish - after defrosting, the meat becomes softer and more tender, but it has almost no useful properties. In any case, you can immediately sweep aside any version of the product that has been re-frozen. Double frozen fish will have neither useful properties nor convenience in cooking.

What spices go perfectly with chum?

Red fish meat has useful property - it perceives exactly the amount of salt that is necessary for a weak salting, it can be oversalted only when using a strong brine.

  • In the choice of salt, you should give preference to the stone or option coarse, such salt will be the most convenient to interact with excess fluid from the body of the fish, giving an excellent, well-controlled result.
  • Sugar is the second most important ingredient in the process; it is also necessary to select large grains, preference should be given to ordinary granulated sugar. If you wish, you can take a rough cane sugar, but completely dismiss the options for finely ground sugar or especially sweet options.
  • Spices - traditionally, peppercorns, chopped, are used along with sugar and salt bay leaf and dried parsley. You can also use cumin, coriander, ground pepper different types, separate spices for fish, the main thing here is to observe moderation - it is important to preserve natural taste fish, only highlighting it with aromatic additives.

Studying recipes on how to salt chum at home with a photo, you should pay attention to the location of the spices over the fish - usually experts try to distribute them as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the piece. As additional ingredients cognac, vodka can be used, vegetable oil, to give a special piquancy to the taste of the dish, water and vinegar are used for brines.

Material preparation

Fish - fresh or frozen, you will need to properly cut it yourself.

  1. The first step is to separate the head from the carcass, it can be thrown away or set aside for other culinary purposes (making soup or fish soup.
  2. With a sharp knife or large scissors, you need to strip the carcass of the fins without touching the meat.
  3. Then the body must be gutted by making an incision from head to tail and removing the insides with hands or with a special knife.
  4. Finally, the carcass is cut to the left and right of the spine and then the bones are removed, thus completing the thinning process. There should be one large piece fillet, especially large chum salmon can be divided into two or more pieces for convenience. Some recipes suggest not removing bones before salting - this improves the taste of the dish, but this is a matter of preference.
  5. Also, if desired, the fish can be cleaned of scales, and the fillet can be separated from the skin, but then again there is only a moment of personal preferences, this procedure does not particularly affect the taste of the dish.
If the fish was frozen before cutting, it must be allowed to defrost. naturally, an attempt to speed up the process hot water, oven or use microwave oven will greatly spoil the taste of the fish.

Chum salmon in brine

Almost every family knows how to salt chum salmon at home in brine - this way cooking has been traditional for Russia for more than a century. The brine allows you to better control the softness and degree of salting of the product, depending on the desired result.

Chum salmon in brine will require

  • a kilogram of prepared chum salmon fillet;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • ground black pepper, allspice with peas to taste;
  • two tablespoons of chopped bay leaves;
  • water.


  • fillet is prepared without scales, but not separated from the skin;
  • half a liter-liter of water is brought to a boil in a small saucepan;
  • spices (bay leaf, ground pepper and peas) are added to boiling water, mixed, boiled over low heat for five to seven minutes;
  • the finished brine is cooled naturally to room temperature;
  • the prepared fillet is placed in a large container - better glass or enamel, an unprotected iron surface can convey a metallic taste to the dish. In a container, fillet is poured with ready-made brine at room temperature;
  • the container is covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator (medium or vegetable compartment) for a period of 10-15 hours;
  • the finished fish can be separated from the skin, cut into slices and served.

Quick recipe

Knowing how to pickle chum salmon quickly at home, you can have time to prepare an elegant treat even for unexpected guests or pamper yourself delicious dish without a long wait. Of course, quick pickling can be rough and not so gentle, but it is strong in taste ready meal will not affect, and you will have to wait much less.

Fast salting will require

  • a kilogram of prepared fillet;
  • a teaspoon of peppercorns;
  • three to four tablespoons of salt;
  • two bay leaves;
  • vegetable (olive or salad sunflower) oil - 30-70 grams;
  • onion head;
  • table vinegar six or nine percent.


  • the prepared skinless fillet is cut small slices and folds into glass, plastic or enamel dishes;
  • in another dish, a brine is prepared from three to four tablespoons of salt mixed with half a liter of cold water;
  • the fish is poured with the resulting brine, covered with a lid and oppression from above (a weight or a can of water, another heavy object;
  • fillet is left under oppression room temperature for one and a half to two hours;
  • after the expiration of the period, the water is drained, the dishes are freed from oppression;
  • water and vinegar are mixed separately - a spoonful of vinegar in a glass of water, the fish is poured into its bowl with the mixture, kept for up to ten minutes. After the time has passed, the mixture is poured out, the fish remains;
  • fresh onions are cut into rings;
  • in separate dishes the onion is laid out in rings and mixed with spices (pepper, bay leaf), as well as oil;
  • fillet slices are added to the mixture of onions, oil and spices, everything is mixed again, left for a period of 10-20 minutes;
  • after the expiration of the term chum quick salting turns out to be ready.

Salted chum salmon can become great dish for filing on festive table to sandwiches, to eat in slices, as an element of salad or complex dishes... Chum salmon can also be prepared without brine, using deboning in coarse salt with sugar and subsequent holding under pressure for two to three hours at room temperature, and then a day in the general compartment of the refrigerator. Any recipe for salting red fish, if it has been correctly followed, will result in a tasty, nutritious, pleasant and healthy dish better than store counterparts.

Is very popular snack on holidays and everyday tables... Many shops can be found various types: salmon, trout, pink salmon. One of the affordable and delicious varieties of fish is chum salmon. It will be a good alternative to expensive trout and chum salmon, we will tell you in this article. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the recipes.

How to salt chum salmon at home: method one

Required Ingredients:

  • chum fillet (or whole carcass) in the amount of 2 kg;
  • lemon juice, lavrushka, salt, sugar, dill, ground white pepper.

Cooking technology

In a container, mix half a glass of salt with one teaspoon of ground. Grate prepared (peeled, gutted) fish with this mixture. Use plastic container or container. Place dill sprigs and a couple of bay leaves on the bottom. Then place the piece of fish with the skin facing down. Pour the pulp with lemon juice, add more dill and lavrushka. Put the next piece of fish on the contrary - with the skin on top. So lay it out until you run out of fish. Do not forget to sprinkle each piece with lemon and shift with lavrushka leaves. Put the fish under oppression, put it in the cold for a couple of days. During this time, the chum salmon is saturated with marinade. Excess salt when serving, you can shake off or remove with a napkin. Do not rinse the fish under water as this can spoil the taste.

How to salt chum salmon in brine: method two

This salting method is ideal for chum salmon and pink salmon. It adds extra juiciness to the fish. What do you need:

  • 8 st. l. salt and granulated sugar;
  • a couple of fresh lemons;
  • dried basil, black pepper, nutmeg, curry and olive oil.

Place fillets or prepared fish pieces in layers in a suitable plastic container. Sprinkle each of the slices with salt and spices, shift with lemon slices. Don't go overboard with curry and peppers - you need very few of them for each piece (at the tip of a knife). You can crush the peas to add flavor Pour the fish into the container boiled water (room temperature). The water should completely cover the chum. Then cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

After the chum salted, remove it from the brine, cut it into thin pieces with a knife and place in a bowl with a lid. Pour olive oil over the chum. So salted fillet will not dry out and for a long time will remain juicy.

How to salt chum salmon at home: way the third

Required Ingredients:

  • fish fillet (or prepared chum salmon with bones) in the amount of 2 kg;
  • salt in the amount of 8 tbsp. l .;
  • lavrushka, peppercorns and ground black pepper,.

How to salt chum salmon at home: technology

This recipe is popular in the Murmansk region. There are known to have an abundance of red fish and salt it the traditional way... First you need to cook the brine. Boil 1.5 liters of water on the stove, adding pepper, lavrushka, ground pepper and peas, salt. Heat the marinade for 10 minutes, then cool. Place the prepared fish in a container and fill it with cooled brine. Cover with a lid and refrigerate for 14 hours. After the brine is drained, the fish is cut into pieces. In order for it to be stored longer, it should be filled with vegetable oil and vinegar.

Chum salmon - delicious and nutritious fish the salmon family. Contains a large amount nutrients and minerals. To salt chum salmon at home quickly and tasty, it is not necessary to have a variety of products and ingredients on hand, and a lot of time in stock.

There are express recipes for dry salting based on salt and sugar. Minimum investment of time and maximum natural taste. If desired, the hostess can prepare a pickle or spicy marinade, make preparations for the winter.

Calorie content of salted chum

Ketu is used in in different ways, but most housewives prefer to pickle. Calorie content salted chum is about 180-190 kilocalories per 100 grams... The high protein content (about 24 g per 100 g) deserves special attention.

How to properly cut chum salmon

  1. Separate the head and tail from the mascara. In the process of salting, these parts are superfluous. The head can be used in cooking fish soup (other fish soup), take as the basis for the broth for aspic.
  2. I remove the fins with a sharp kitchen knife or large scissors. I carry out the procedure carefully and slowly so as not to damage the meat.
  3. I gut the chum salmon by making an incision going from head to tail. The insides can be removed either by hand or with a special knife.
  4. I make incisions on the right and left sides of the spine. I remove the bones. Tweezers can be used for convenience.
  5. The scales do not affect the taste of the snack, so you don't need to clean it right away.

Classic salting recipe


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Ground black pepper to taste.


  1. I mix sugar, salt and ground pepper in a bowl. I chop a bay leaf with a knife. I add to the rest of the ingredients.
  2. I clean the fish, cut it into portions. I put it on a plate. Roll on all sides, not forgetting to turn over to evenly apply spices over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe fish.
  3. I transfer the chum salmon to a clean deep plate. Close the lid tightly. I put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, like salmon or pink salmon.
  4. Then I wrap each piece in cling film or plastic bag... I put it in the freezer for 48 to 72 hours.
  5. After the specified time, the dish is ready.

Video recipe

The fastest and most delicious recipe under yoke


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Coarse salt - 3 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Lemon - 1 piece
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaves - to taste.


  1. Preparing fish for salting. I remove the bones, using tweezers for convenience, I cut off the head, fins and tail.
  2. Cut into portions. To make the chum saline faster, I make pieces no more than 2-2.5 cm. I transfer the pieces to a plate. Sprinkle lemon juice.
  3. Rub with sugar and salt.
  4. I take a deep non-metallic dish and lay out the fish. I add a bay leaf (you can break it into several pieces) and a few peas of black pepper.
  5. I put a heavy saucer on top as oppression.
  6. For lovers of lightly salted fish, it is enough to keep the product in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. After the chum salmon is ready to eat like trout.

Lightly salted snack can be served with greenery decoration, along with olives and white wine. Enjoy your meal!

How to salt chum salmon in brine


  • Fish - 1 kg
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Allspice - 5 peas,
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bunch each,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces,
  • Lemon is half the fruit
  • Dry cumin - half a teaspoon.


Helpful advice. The speed of salting depends on the size of the pieces. The larger the particles, the longer it will take to prepare a delicious snack.

  1. I pour water into a saucepan. I bring it to a boil. I add spices.
  2. I turn off the stove. I leave the brine to cool to a temperature of 28-30 degrees.
  3. I am preparing the fish for salting. I remove all unnecessary parts. I cut it into portioned particles of the same size.
  4. I transfer the pieces into glass containers ( big jar). My bunches of parsley and dill. Chop coarsely, sprinkle on top.
  5. I pour the brine into the jar, cooled to the required temperature. I add lemon, cut into thin slices.
  6. I move the jar to a cool place for 60 minutes. Then I put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. After a specified time, you can treat household members and guests.

Video preparation

Juicy chum salmon in pieces in oil


  • Fish carcass - 1 piece,
  • Sugar - 40 g
  • Salt - 80 g
  • Black pepper - 6 peas,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • Refined vegetable oil - for salting.


  1. Butchering the carcass. I carefully separate the sirloin. Cut into portions and put 1/2 of the total in a deep container with a flat bottom.
  2. I add sugar, black peppercorns to the dishes. Salt. Toss in the peeled garlic cloves and whole bay leaves. I use half of the ingredients.
  3. I post the second fish layer, then the remaining components.
  4. I pour vegetable oil into the bowl so that the fish completely disappears. I set the oppression (for example, a heavy saucer or plate).
  5. Leave at room temperature for 120-180 minutes. I put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Salting with dry salting for the winter


  • Fish - 1 kg
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Vodka - 3 large spoons.


  1. I carry out all the necessary preparatory procedures with the keta. I cut the tenderloin into 2 halves, remove the bones.
  2. Stir salt, sugar and vodka in a small bowl until smooth.
  3. I lubricate fish particles from all sides. I transfer it to a deep plate. I close it with a saucer or lid on top. I leave it on the kitchen table for 2-3 hours. Then I put it in the refrigerator for 24-36 hours. After that, the fish is ready to eat.
  4. For long-term storage, I put it in the freezer.

Video recipe

First, remove the chum salmon from the freezer before serving. After thaws (in natural conditions, without "water baths", microwave ovens and boiling water), proceed to portioned cutting. Garnish with herbs and thin lemon wedges before serving.

How to salt chum salmon with salmon


  • Chum salmon - 800 g,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Black pepper - 4 peas,
  • Coriander, bay leaf - to taste
  • Cognac - 25 ml.


  1. I clean the fish. I remove the insides and cut off the excess outer parts (on the ear).
  2. I mix salt and sugar in a separate dish... I wipe the cut fillet particles with the resulting mixture. I put it in a container. Sprinkle black peppercorns and coriander, add bay leaves.
  3. Sprinkle with a small amount of cognac (20-25 ml) to make the fillet more delicate in taste. Cover with a plate.
  4. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Pickling recipe in marinade


  • Chum salmon - 1 kg,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vinegar - 1 tablespoon
  • Onion - 3 heads,
  • Horseradish root - 30 g,
  • Water - 150 ml,
  • Olive oil - 2 large spoons.


  1. I clean the chum salmon. I remove the tail, head and fins. Removing entrails and bones. Cut into slices 2.5 cm high. I fold into a large pot.
  2. I peel onions and garlic. I cut the onion into thin rings. I cut the garlic into medium-sized pieces. I grind horseradish on a grater with a fine fraction.
  3. I dissolve salt and sugar in warm water. I add the rest of the ingredients.
  4. I fill the chum salmon with the resulting mixture. I put a tablespoon of vinegar. I squeeze the juice out of 1 lemon.
  5. I close the dish with a lid.
  6. I put chum salmon pieces in the refrigerator for 48 hours. After the allotted time, the fish can be served on the table.

The appetizer is great for sandwiches with butter, goes well with boiled potatoes.

How to salt chum salmon caviar

The universal quick recipe

Fast technology salting chum salmon caviar. After 2 hours, the product is ready for use.


  • Caviar - 150 g,
  • Salt - 30 g
  • Sugar - 15 g
  • Black pepper - 3 peas,
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece.


  1. I spread the caviar in a deep plate.
  2. I pour warm boiled water. I dissolve sugar and salt in the liquid. I pour caviar for 30-40 minutes.
  3. I take it out of the brine with a tablespoon, let the excess liquid drain. Dry gently kitchen towel.
  4. I transfer the caviar into a plastic container. I add 1 bay leaf (chopped) and 3 black peppercorns.
  5. I close the container. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

After the specified period, you can use chum salmon caviar in the preparation of sandwiches with butter. Take sprigs of fresh herbs for decoration. Eat to your health!

Sugar-free vegetable oil recipe


  • Caviar - 500 g
  • Salt - 500 g
  • Water - 1.5 l,
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


Helpful advice. If you are going to store caviar for a long time in sterilized jars, keep it in the brine for a longer time. Common caviar is stored for no more than 7-10 days.

  1. Gently rinse the caviar in a colander. If the film is damaged, it is better to use salted water for this process (1.5 tablespoons of salt is enough for 1 liter). I remove damaged eggs, film residues, etc.
  2. I put a pot of water on the fire, bring it to a boil and dissolve the salt. I leave it to cool.
  3. I fill the eggs for 60-80 minutes.
  4. I put the caviar on a sieve. I'm waiting for the brine to drain. I add vegetable oil (replace with olive oil if desired).
  5. I spread the caviar over glass containers (small jars). Covering on top parchment paper... I close the lids and put it in a cool place.

For long-term storage use sterile glass jars with sterilized lids. It is advisable to store the blanks in the cellar.

Helpful advice. The main tasks of the oil are to prevent the eggs from sticking to each other, to make appearance more presentable. If you wish, dispense with this ingredient in the recipe.

Which is tastier - chum salmon or pink salmon?

Pink salmon and chum salmon are fish of the salmon family. The second is larger. The length of individual individuals reaches 0.8-1.1 meters. Pink salmon has more modest dimensions and lighter weight.

Experts consider chum salmon meat and caviar more useful and valuable productscontaining more quantity substances and minerals necessary for human body... This applies to protein, vitamins D and PP, phosphorus. Chum salmon caviar is larger, has a pronounced color.

By taste Chum salmon is somewhat superior to pink salmon (the meat of the first is more tender, contains less fat), but a lot depends on the culinary skills of the hostess, the cooking technology and the ingredients used (for example, the selected products, the combination of spices and seasonings, etc.).

  1. For salting, it is better to take frozen chum salmon.
  2. It is not recommended to quickly defrost fish. Do not allow a sharp drop in temperature (from the freezer directly to the microwave or warm water). The fish should be thawed in the refrigerator. Later, you can put it on the kitchen table and leave it on for several hours.
  3. Do not separate the skin from the fillets when cooking. Otherwise, chum salmon pieces will lose their shape. It is better to cut off the sirloin immediately before serving the snack.
  4. Metal dishes are not suitable for salting. Use enamelled pots or bowls, glass jars.
  5. The following seasonings and spices are perfectly combined with fish: bay leaf, allspice peas, beet sugar, coarse salt (special product for preservation and pickles), dried parsley, nutmeg, coriander, cumin.
  6. Do not add a lot of spices and herbs. This can completely overwhelm the natural taste and aroma of the fish. Choose combinations of several spices.

This recipe for salting chum salmon is suitable for cooking any sufficiently oily red fish. Not only chum salmon, but also salmon and coho salmon. But it is better not to cook pink salmon this way - it may turn out to be rather dry.

Salting chum salting at home can be done in three ways.

  • First, you can use the simplest pickling mixture - salt and sugar.
  • Secondly, you can add a little dry zest of some citrus to salt and sugar. The most suitable is orange peel. However, the zest of lemon, grapefruit, or tangerine works great.

Why add zest to the pickling mixture? This helps to give the fish a fresh scent and eliminate the fishy spirit that is unpleasant to many people.

  • Thirdly, you can salt chum salmon or any other red fish using spices. This makes a real spicy ambassador.

What ingredients are needed?

Everything depends on the method of pickling you have chosen.

Normal salting

For 1 kg of fish fillets on the skin, you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt (not iodized) and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar.

Salted with citrus

Everything is the same, only you will need to add a little more dry citrus zest.

Spicy pickle

To the indicated amount of salt and sugar, add ½ teaspoon ground coriander, one 1 teaspoon of mustard seeds, one teaspoon of dill seeds. You can also add 1 or 2 bay leaves, smashing them finely to get this mixture for salting.

How to salt chum salmon at home. Cooking steps

Defrost the fish fillet. If possible, we do it slowly - in the refrigerator compartment. Not at room temperature.

When the fish has melted, wash it, clean and blot if necessary paper towel.

We spread the fillets in a glass or enamel container. And sprinkle on both sides with a salting mixture. We sprinkle it, not rub salt into the pulp.

If we use citrus zest for flavoring, then put a few small pieces on and under the fish.

If we cook chum salmon spicy salting, then in the same way we fall asleep with a mixture of salt, sugar and spices fillets.

In total, the chum salmon will be salted for 24 hours.

Initially, we put it skin side down. Turn over after 12 hours. Then after 12 hours we turn it over again, etc.

We do not carry out any more manipulations with the fish. We just turn it over and that's it.

In two days slightly salted chum salmon ready.

Separate the pulp from the skin.

Mode in small pieces. And we eat with pleasure.

By the way, before you start to salt the fish yourself, it's not a bad idea to look at how real professionals do it.

How useful is chum salted at home for health?

After all, it contains salt, sugar and fats. Can't you put on weight from her?

No you can not. And yes - it is useful.

  1. You should not be afraid of the presence of salt in the dish, because if something happens. We have lightly salted fish. And, therefore, about no excess consumption salt of speech can not go.
  2. As for sugar, it is included in the flesh of the fish in such a negligible amount that there is also no negative impact on the body is not capable of.
  3. And finally, the most important thing is fats. In red sea \u200b\u200bfish there is a lot of omega-3 fatty acids... And it is the presence of these compounds that explains the benefits of this product... Especially if our fish is wild. Since there are significantly less omega 3 acids in farm options.

You can't get fat from omega-3 fatty acids. Since they lose weight from them. These fatty compounds will also not be able to cause any other harm to health.