How much to cook condensed milk at home. How and how much to cook condensed milk at home

05.04.2019 Dishes from Yaitz

How to cook cook delicious condensed milk, how to cook delicious dessert Or stuffing from boiled condensed milk? That's about it will we are talking In this article. The taste of condensed milk everyone knows from childhood. How much was joy if white-blue was in the refrigerator iron can. Sometimes there were no delicacies tastier buns, anointed condensed milk.

Indeed, when referring to condensed milk in the head, an image of a jar with a blue paper label is automatically drawn. This is the most familiar look in which everything used to see it. Time goes, and now on the store shelves you can find a condensed milk different marks perfectly in different packages. Unfortunately, not only the design of labels changes, but also the taste of the product itself.

Now everything is more complicated, and sometimes it is impossible at all, find favorite delicacyLooking like a childhood taste. Modern manufacturers are actively using vegetable fats, flavors, various preservatives, as a rule, in order to increase the shelf life of goods. As a result, his taste and quality deteriorates. How to find a way out of the current situation? To learn from this article, how to cook condensed milk at home.

1 - How to cook condensed milk at home

Be able to cook condensed milk - the desired business. You will know exactly what the product is natural, prepared without the use of harmful additives. So the condensed milk will get much more useful and delicious shopping.

It should be immediately noted, the cooking of homely condensed milk occupies approximately one and a half time. Therefore, in order not to be distracted from the process, it is worth postpone the planned things for later. At least a lot of time is required, the cooking technology is very simple. Everyone can cope with her.

The minimum set of products required for the preparation of condensed milk - cow's milk and sugar. Milk need to use fat, optimally 5% fator fresh pair. To get a more rich taste, you can add the main composition of the ingredients powdered milk. And thanks to a thick consistency.

Ideal proportions:

  • 0.5 liters of milk,
  • 300 g of dry milk,
  • 600 g of sugar (300 g of ordinary and 300 g of cane).

You can avoid burning, if you cook using two pans (small and more).

Pour water into a large dishes and put it up. Dry milk mix with drinking in a saucepan smaller and add sugar. When the water boils, we lower the small pan in the big one. Next we cook on a small fire, after periodically stirring the contents. Cooking will have somewhere in an hour and a half until the mixture thickens.

It is impossible to increase the fire in order to accelerate the cooking process, since milk quickly fodder.

Ready condensed milk is rarely clean white colorbut but taste properties It always exceeds analogue from the store. If you hold it on the plate more of the last time for approximately 2 hours, it will become too thick and acquired brown tint. It turns out boiled condensed milk. Many sweets she likes more than usual.

Boiled condensed milk is often used in culinary recipes As a filling. Lubricate cakes of cakes, start baked tubes and nuts. In this case, the preparation is once given three hours of time. To reduce the cooking process, ready-made condensed milk, packaged in tin cans, is boiled.

2 - How much to cook condensed milk in the bank

To prepare boiled condensed milk in the bank you will need about two hours.

The iron can of condensed milk purchased in the supermarket, we clean from the paper label and omit into the container with water. Cook on slow fire. Throughout the time of cooking, the jar must be completely in the water. If the water rolls out, it must be poured.

After the last time, turn off the slab and get a condensed milk from the water. When it cools, the delicacy can taste.

How to make condensed milk in a jar on the kitchen plate we found out. Now consider how to cook it in the oven and microwave.

3 - How to cook condensed milk

This method provides for cooking condensed milk without a can.

Condensed milk pour into heat-resistant dishes or pan and plunge into a large vessel with high side, until the middle filled with water. Sweet mass from above is covering foil and put in advance preheated oven. Cook for two hours, at times adding water. After that we remove from the oven. Let cool home boiled condensed milk before use.

So now it is clear how to cook condensed milk at home without using the jar.

4 - How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

Another way of cooking condensed milk - in microwave. It is considered the fastest. If there is no time to wait long cooking or fail to quickly taste sweetness, it is better to use this method.

Condensed milk should be pulled out of packaging in a container, specially intended for microwave oven. Then turn on the average cooking power mode, set the time of 15-20 minutes. Every three minutes you need to turn off the microwave to mix the sweet mass. This will not allow the milk to "escape", and protects from the formation of lumps. The readiness of boiled condensed milk is determined by brown. What he is darker, the thickened condensed milk.

To prepare boiled condensed milk, it is advisable to use condensed milk made from natural products. When choosing high-quality store milk, you should be guided by certain rules.

5 - How to choose a condensed milk in the store

The first thing to pay attention to - name. "Milk condensed whole" and "milk condensed with sugar" - these phrases are always indicated on the label of high-quality condensed milk, in which the content is not allowed vegetable fats, palm oil. This requirement is enshrined by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Manufacturers of low-quality products referred to their products with the names that are not protected by law - "Warehouse", "condensed milk", "milk natural product". Goods with such name is better not to buy.

Its preference should be disposed of condensedume, which corresponds to GOST. It, as a rule, has the following composition:

  • cow's milk,
  • cream,
  • water,
  • sugar,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • derivatives from sodium and potassium.

Shelf life must be 12 months. More long term speaks about the presence of various products not very useful additives. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the need for its purchase.

It is important to know the subtleties on which attention should be focused when choosing a condensed milk. But it is equally important to know how to cook condensed milk at home. Then behind this product do not even have to go to the supermarket.

Video about the preparation of condensed milk

To secure the material and understand how it is better to cook this wonderful dessertWe recommend watching a video about cooking condensed milk at home:

Condensed milk is one of the most beloved sweet toes. Many are smell, and the taste of condensed milk is associated with childhood and the most brightest children's memories.

In addition, condensed milk is a universal product. It can be just like this, you can add to diverse dishes and baking. Very tasty and make it very simple. Exist great amount ways of her cooking. But it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of cooking and know how much cooking condensed milk. Otherwise, instead of a tasty dessert, you can get a lot of problems. The fact is that with improper cooking, the bank may explode. And this will not only spoil the product itself, but also add a lot of trouble harvesting kitchen.

How much cooking condensed milk

The preparation time of condensed milk depends on the recipe you chose. You can boil milk, as in a bank without violating its integrity until the end of the entire cooking process, or only the condensed milk, after delivering it from the container.

How much to cook condensed milk in the bank

The method is the first and one of the simplest - cooking in water.

Water is poured into the cooking container, which placed a bank of condensed milk. It is necessary to ensure that the water is completely covered with a jar. The saucepan put on the stove and on a fairly big fire, water is brought to a boil, after which the fire is reduced and leave the jar to boil for 2-2.5 hours. As it swallows, water in the saucepan is periodically added. Remember - it is very important. Otherwise, remaining without water, the jar can explode.

The second method is to prepare boiled condensed milk with the help of a pressure cooker.

This recipe for those who like to cook, not tightened at all. As they say - put and forgot. No need to constantly monitor the water level and cooking time. Fill out the pressure cooker with water, we put into it the bank of condensed milk (the water should completely cover the jar) and they bring to a boil on a very strong fire. After the water boiled, we are waiting for another 10-15 minutes and turn off the pressure cooker. The jar is not taken out until the water cooling.

If you have very little time or you simply do not want for 2 hours, follow the process of preparing condensed milk, you will be more suitable for the preparation of condensed milk in the microwave oven.

How much you need to boil condensed milk in the microwave.

You will not believe - only 15 minutes. Yes, it is for such a short period that you can cook it delicious delicacy. Well, what. Let's just say thanks to the creators of this miracle of technology and forth for business. Open the jar with condensed milk and pour its contents into a deep vessel (the dishes should be designed for use in a microwave) and, putting the average power mode, we start the microwave for 15 minutes. During cooking, the condensed milk must be prevented several times, as radio wave emitted by the furnace, the liquid is unevenly warmed up.

Several useful Soviets For sweet tooths.

Buy only high Quality. Quality product It contains only milk and sugar. A condensed milk, with many impurities, not only harmful to health, but also when cooking can give a completely unexpected result. For example, to curl with lumps or "please" by crystallized sugar grains.

The longer the condensed milk is boiled, the more dark and viscous on the consistency it becomes.

If you boil the condensed milk in the bank, then after the completion of the cooking process, you need to give water to completely cool and only then you can remove the bank from it. In no case cool cold waterOtherwise, the taste of dishes can be very injured.

Now you know how much brewing condensed milk. So, it remains only to wish you a pleasant appetite.

Condensed milk is a favorite dessert of many people since childhood. Nowadays to purchase ready product The store is easy. But it turns out tastier if you boil it yourself. How much to cook condensed milk in the bank and how much time will take cooking, we will tell in this article.

    1. Purchase products on which the inscription "GOST" is located, because it does not contain chemical additives.
    2. Check out the freshness of the purchased milk.
    3. Variable banks should not be purchased, because the bacteria are formed, leading to the damage of milk.

About how to choose a condensed milk, read.

Cooking time

People wonder how much time will need to cook condensed milk. If the fatness of the milk is 8-8.5%, then cooking will last two hours. If fat is exceeding 8.5%, then 2.5 hours. By the way, the higher the fatness, the longer the condensed milk is preparing.

The hostess want to know what time the delicacy will acquire a pleasant, brownish color. The answer to this question is simple:

  • After the hour of preparation, there is a shade of beige.
  • Two hours later, bright brown paints appear.

Standard cooking method

To prepare boiled condensedume, do the following:

Cooking in a slow cooker

  1. Place the silicone tissue on the bottom, and put the jar on the fabric.
  2. Fill the Multivarku icewaterBut consider the water level. It should not reach the extreme value to one division.
  3. Tightly close the lid and turn on the boiling function.
  4. How the water starts to boil, press the "quenching" function and begin to prepare the milk of 2.5 hours.
  5. After cooking, lift the lid and wait until the bank cools.

Condensed milk at home amazing delicacy, After all, you yourself prepare it before the level you need. You are in the right to choose the watch of cooking, give the necessary shade to a lot.

Why the bank explodes and how to avoid it

Why is the condensed milk exploded? This happened to many housewives. Similar troubles occur when:

  • the bank enters the numerous number of bacteria;
  • a person forgets about cooking and digesting the product;
  • the bank is not fully immersed in water;
  • condensed milk is prepared on a high flame.

Use these tips to avoid explosion banks:

  • prepare on slow fire;
  • fully immerse the jar into the water throughout the cooking;
  • if a hot water Begins to pour, slowly pour more;
  • leite boiling water is not on the bank, but between it and the wall of the pan;
  • check the bank to defects. If it is damaged and express, it is better not to use it.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar. How much to cook a jar of condensed milk: video

Good day, dear admirers of my blog! Have you tried to make conpocency yourself yourself?

It's not so difficult and taste home Product No comparison comes with store analogues. This is a universal product that can be added to different sweets, as well as apply how independent dish For snacks to tea or add to porridge.

Purchased products are stuffed with all sorts of preservatives and thickeners, so it is worth trying to make a delicious dessert yourself.
So, I suggest you to learn how to cook condensed milk at home.

Properly cook the delicious dessert you will help you know some tricks:

  1. For cooking you will need a pair homemade milk. But not trouble, if not. It is possible to replace it with a fatty pasteurized product or the same amount of cream.
  2. In order for the product does not carry, choose a container with a thick bottom of aluminum or steel. You can also cook in a water bath.
  3. Instead of sugar, you can use sugar powder. It is believed that starch is present in the shopproof, which helps better thicken product.
  4. So that the condensed milk acquires a more homogeneous appearance, at the very beginning of the cooking, add a little soda to the mixture on the tip of the knife.
  5. For diversity you can add cocoa condensed milk. It will give the dish a special taste.
  6. To get more sweet, you can use reed sugar.
  7. Store the finished product follows in closed glass containers in the refrigerator.
  8. If to slaughter the composition more for a long timeYou can pour it into the molds and cool. At the same time get iris.
  9. The more sugar you add, the faster the dish will cook.
  10. Creamy oil can become a wonderful ingredient. It makes the dish more gentle.
  11. As a thickener, an ordinary soda is used when preparing a dish of the house, and vanillin is applied to the fragrance.

By the way, the soda protects the product from folding. Even if the product is not quite fresh. Sometimes for more saturated taste Add milk powder.
If you boil the product for an hour and a half longer, you will get boiled condensed milk.

Now let's go through separate recipes.

Traditional condensed milk

To make such a recipe, you will need the following products:

  • 600 g of sugar sand;
  • fatty milk - 1.3 liters;
  • 20 g Vanilina;
  • 4 gr. soda;
  • 100 ml of water.

Cook such a dish in a saucepan possessing non-stick coating, as well as with thick walls.

The composition with powdered powder can be burned, so if there is no such dishes, then the mixture must be constantly interfered.

The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. Sugar sand should be mixed with vanilla, add water, and then mix all components.
  2. Put the saucepan slow fire. Stir the mixture to completely dissolve crystalline.
  3. Then slowly pour milk and bring the mixture to a boil.
  4. After the appearance of the first bubbles, put the burner to the lowest value. Pour the soda and immediately stir the composition so that it does not burnt.
  5. The condensed milk must languish on slow heat for an hour. In this mixture, interfere every 10 minutes.

If you want to get a liquid mixture, then the pot needs to be removed from the fire, as soon as the condensed mass acquires a light chocolate tint.

To get more thick milk, it needs to be boiling for another 40 minutes. The longer the mixture will be boiled, the more thick and sweet it will turn out.
When the product cools, it is transferred to the jar and clocked.

Need to store in the refrigerator. Unlocked milk without cans stored in special containers.

Recipe with cream

You can quickly prepare a milk mixture based on cream.

To do this, you will need such ingredients:

  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 00 grams of dry milk;
  • 1.2 liter cream;
  • children's mixture - 250 grams;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • vanilla sugar 10 grams.

But a detailed recipe:

  1. Mix sugar, vanilla and water in a saucepan.
  2. Put the container on a small fire, and wait until the mass is dissolved.
  3. Then add cream in a homogeneous mixture, dry milk and a dry mixture. Put the capacity to the minimum fire again and interfere until the lumps disappear.

Mass must remove for one and a half hours. When the product becomes sweet and drum, remove it from the fire.

Creamy oil condensed milk

You can see how to cook such sweetness.

To do this, prepare such components:

  • 350 grams of water or milk;
  • 500 grams of dry cream;
  • 270 grams of sugar; 80 grams butter.

Preparation is done in this way:

  1. Milk or water is poured into the saucepan. Then the fluid is brought to a boil.
  2. Dry cream is poured into the composition and whipped with a whisk.
  3. Then do water bath. To do this, boiling water is flooded with a saucepan, and a smaller size is put in the container.
  4. Mass need to be cooked on medium heat for two hours.

After cooling, the condensed milk should be cooled and pour into banks.

Recipe in Multivarka

You can try to prepare a sweet mass in a slow cooker. For this you need to prepare two multistakan sugar, milk and dairy mixture.
Pour milk in the cooking bowl, and then a mixture and sugar.

All components need to be thoroughly mixed, and then put the distribution mode. This should determine the time for 30 minutes.
Do not forget to periodically stir the composition so that no lumps are formed.

Then the delicious delicacy should cool. You can also try to make condensed milk.
Also in a slow cooker you can cook such options:

  1. Vegan condensed milk is preparing from the bank of coconut milk, a teaspoon of vanilla and 125 ml of sugar syrup. For cooking puzzled coconut milk And put on the soup mode. Then the contents must be mixed and put on 40 minutes per capita mode. After that, it is poured sugar syrup, and the composition is copied again in the same mode. When the condensed milk is ready, add vanilla.
  2. Children's option can be prepared from powdered sugar and milk that you need to take 200 grams, as well as from 25 grams of cream oil. The saucepan is poured milk and powdered sugarand then a piece of oil is added. After that, the distribution mode is included. After boiling, cook more 20 minutes.
  3. Chocolate condensed milk is much better than shopping. For her cooking, fatty milk, sugar, cocoa and water will be needed.
  4. For the preparation of reed condensed milk, you need to prepare milk, as well as vanilla and cane sugar.

How to roll out condensed milk in banks

You can prepare a delicious delicacy of the future and use it as a filling for cakes and pancakes.

If you can preserve the product, then you must add some soda. This component does not only make a mass more homogeneous, but also contributes to its longer storage.

To make the product, it must be prepared in deep dishes. At the same time, three pieces of milk are mixed, one piece of sugar and a little soda is added.

The container must be put on the stove and wait when the mixture will boil. After that, the fire should be treated greatly. Periodically interfere with the condensed milk until it becomes yellow-brown.
Then the container must be removed from the stove and wait until it cools. The mixture is poured on sterilized banks and rolled out.

Store better in a cold place.

I hope that my simple recipes. Try to do home condensedumeAnd you will no longer want to purchase it in the store.

This is a great way to save money and get a delicious product.
if you have interesting recipe delicious milk, write it in the comments.

Do not forget to subscribe to updating my blog to receive only fresh information.

To new meetings, dear friends!

Lovers of sweets probably love boiled condensed milk, that's just in stores it is some kind of "chemical". And let's find out how to cook condensed milk in the bank yourself?

Tender, sweet, with a characteristic caramel flavor, such a condensed milk not only looks great as a cream for waffle cakes and filling for "nuts". It can be straight as a spoon from the can, in a rustling of pleasure, forgetting the charming taste about the figure. Another question is that food industry Often creates a characteristic color and taste in a chemical way, mixing various harmful additives. So you have to learn to cook condensed milk in a jar on your own plate.

Precautionary measures

Yes, yes, today we will start with them. The consequences of a big explosion you can see in the picture, and we are not even so much about the leaned kitchen, how much about what it would be if there was someone at this time in it. After all, on the parties flew not only condensed milk, but also fragments from the iron can! therefore rule number 1: put cooking - make sure that the water covers the bank completely, with a margin. The cooking procedure takes a few hours, so if you do not have time and desire to follow you, use the "open" method.

Rule number 2, no less important: do not attempt to cool finished condensed milk at cold water - these are not fresh brew eggs! Bank will certainly burst, although not so effectively. Wait until it cools out naturally, do not remove it out of the water. Ideally put cooking in the evening: before going to bed you turn off the gas and leave the pot on the stove, and in the morning you can remove, open and taste.

"Closed" way

Tin with condensed milk (buy with fatty at least 8.5 and GOST on the label) large saucepan, poured it with cold water with the calculation so that the water covers it at least 5 cm, turn on middle fire, we wait until the water boils, we reduce the gas to weak. Cover the pan with a lid, leaving the air slot: Then the water will slowly evaporate, and the fire can be reduced to a minimum, creating a fat effect. If there is a divider, you can boil on it, - in terms of safety, it is even better.

How much to cook condensed milk in the bank? Take time!

Actual question - how much to cook condensed milk in the bank. It is especially important for beginner cooks, seeking to do everything in the maximum compliance with the recipe.

The cooking time depends on what degree of suprepare you want to get. Minimum term - 2 hours. You can boil up to 6 hours, - in this case, it turns out quite dark, thick nougat. In any case, after every half an hour, look under the cover to the water level, as needed to top up boiling water.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar: "Open" way

Do not like to experiment, and besides, the repair in your kitchen is quite expensive for you? Let's find out how to cook condensed milk in the bank in an open way!

  1. Press the condensed milk in glass container (You can open several cans at once);
  2. Put a filled glass container in a cold water pan, placing a small towel under this container (we create a water bath effect). If there is a divider, use it. Water must reach the tank neck, although it is not so critical here;
  3. We turn on the fire, waiting for boiling, we drag it, - let the bouffags rack. And we bite the neck with a lid, tin or glass, turning it over and leaving the gap for air intake (if you do not turn over, it can slip and completely close the jar).

Cook from one and a half hours, everything is just looking at the volume of water.

Did you know?

Some craftsmen adapted to cook condensed milk in the microwave - this is the most fast way. It is necessary to pour it into the dishes suitable for use in the microwave furnace, and put for 15 minutes, turning on average power. That's just a question: at the same time, they say it must be stirred. How interesting?!

Or maybe you are trying to use exclusively if possible healthy food? Then you can cook condensed milk alone!

How to make condensed milk at home: recipe

Already after 40 minutes, the milk will begin to darken and thicken, acquiring a yellowish tint. And if you hold it on fire one and a half or two hours, thickens so much that it will be possible to prepare candy type of iris, spill into the molds and putting them in the refrigerator.

Now you know how to cook condensed milk in a jar, and even how to cook it yourself from beginning to end. And there are advice on what exactly to do with the product received, you will probably not be needed!