Delicious cream made of boiled condensed milk. Cream of boiled concentric

03.05.2020 Bakery products

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you how to make a cream for a cake of condensed milk and butter. This is a very fast and simple recipe. It is well suited for both layers of cakes, and for stuffing nuts, waffle tubes, eclairs, custard cakes.

We will need only 2 ingredients and 10 minutes of free time. The cream is so simple that even a schoolboy will cope with him.

One rule - oil and condensed milk should be one temperature - room. I get in advance the creamy oil and leave it for the night. Then I am exactly sure as a result. I do not recommend drowning the oil in the microwave, we need a not melted view, but chilled. In order to speed up the process, you can cut the oil into small cubes and put in a warm place, next to the stove or battery. Then the oil for an hour will reach the consistency we need.

Boiled condensed milk can be bought in the finished form, but I went along the way the longest, in order to tell you all the nuances.

In order for us to turn a thickening into a boat to remove the label, put the jar in the pan, pour water so that the water covers the bank completely.

We put on fire and cook from 1.5 to 3 hours, depending on the effect that we need, periodically add water if necessary. The longer we boil, the thick we get a consistency at the exit. I needed a cake cream Snickers, so he had to be very thick. Condensed milk I cooked for 3 hours for a more thick consistency.

So, how to cook cream from boiled condensed milk and butter for biscuit cakes and cakes cakes recipe with photographs step-by-step.


  1. 1 Bank of boiled condensed milk (380 grams)
  2. 1 pack of cream oil 82.5% fat (180 gr.)


In the bowl of the mixer, put the butter of room temperature. Beat a couple of minutes at low speed for oxygen saturation. Mandatory condition - very good oil. Then the cream will be stable.

Everything, our cream is ready! It must be removed in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes.

If nevertheless your cream was smelled, do not worry, heat it a bit in a water bath, jerk a blender or take a mixer again.

Ready cream you can miss the cakes. Delicious combination in ,. By the way, if you like in a crisp, then this cream is ideal.

That's how it looks like a layer in. By the way, in the next article there is a full recipe for this delicious dessert.

This amount of cream is enough for a layer of cake in 18 diameter.

Bon Appetit.

Cream from condensed milk is much softer than traditional oil cream whipped with sugar. It is suitable for cooking cakes, cookies, waffles and home cakes.

On the basis of condensed milk, you can prepare several types of cake cream. A variety of additives - fruit and berries juice, nuts, honey, chocolate, sour cream - will allow you to arrange the most bold experiments, getting a new taste every time.

The classic of the genre is a cream based on condensed milk and butter. Many hostesses love him for the speed and ease of preparation.

Cream-Brulet software. Watch the video!..

Recipe for a classic condensed milk cream

What do you need:
1 bank of condensed milk
250 g Room temperature butter

How to prepare a classic condensed milk cream:
1. Cut the oil with small cubes and place them in a deep saucepan. Turn on the mixer at low speed and use it to take the oil into a homogeneous mass. Usually it takes only five seconds.

2. Gradually add condensed milk. Just do not pour it at a time. Add milk literally 1-2 tbsp., No more. Mixer speed can be enhanced. Continue to beat the cream until it stops sticking to the pans walls.

3. Use the resulting cream immediately, do not store it. It is perfect for the preparation of any cake, but especially good in combination with biscuit, sandy and wafer korzhi. Cream can be used both for layers and for decorating the cake.

Cream Cream Recipe With Sour

What do you need:
200 g of room temperature butter
0,5 banks of condensed milk
200 g sour cream (it is desirable to use sour cream with increased fat content)
300 g of walnuts


How to cook condensed milk cream with sour cream:

1. Beat the mixer condensed milk with softened creamy oil. Add sour cream and beat again.

2. Grind walnuts and add them to sour cream and condensed milk.

3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. This cream is great for cakes on a biscuit base.

Custard Custard Recipe

What do you need:
200 g of condensed milk
1 tbsp. milk
100 g of butter
2 tbsp. Sahara
2 tbsp. flour

How to prepare a custard with condensed milk:

1. Pour milk in the pan, add sugar and flour, mix. After adding flour, lumps may appear, but do not try to get rid of them, because they then disarm the mixer.

2. Cook cream on a small fire, stirring constantly, until thickening. Do not get carried away by cooking, otherwise the cream can burn.

3. Cool the cream to room temperature, add condensed milk and butter, and then sculpt the mixer. Optionally, you can put a little vanilla for fragrance.

4. Try to experiment with additives. Pour into the cooked cream tea spoon of Roma, brandy or any liqueur, and it will become much fragrant and tastier. A fruit essence or vanillin can also be involved in the role of flavoring.

And now it's time to prepare a delicious Cake "Napoleon" with your favorite cream!

So that the cake is tasty, it must be impregnated with gentle cream. For example, a dessert with cream from sour cream and boiled condensed milk is delicious. How to cook it in this step-by-step recipe with photos. Video recipe.
Recipe content:

One of the important elements in the preparation of the cake is a cream, which should be delicious and well to impregnate the cakes. Of many different types of creams, perfectly impresses the cake cream from sour cream and boiled condensed milk. The product with it turns out gentle and tasty. At the same time, cream is very easy to prepare. Sour cream with fatty from 25% and higher and very well cooled. Such easily shakes and turn into a delicate air mass.

It is equally important to acquire a real condensed milk, and not a mixture of palm fats, milk and sugar. Therefore, before buying carefully look at the packaging: read the composition and find the GOST icon. Only from the quality of the ingredients used depends on the taste of the final product. In condensed milk should not be other ingredients, except for milk and sugar. Only then the cream for the cake will be truly tasty.

This cream recipe is prepared from 2 ingredients. But at will, every hostess can add it to other products: butter, cocoa powder, chocolate, nuts, chicory, vanilla. When cooking cream, it is important to observe the temperature of the products that should be the same. This will prevent the separation of fats, the formation of lumps and the mass will be homogeneous.

  • Calorie per 100 g - 285 kcal.
  • Number of portions - 600 ml
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes, plus time for cooking condensed milk


  • Sour cream - 400 ml
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 ml (very thick)
  • Sugar - to taste and at will

Step by step cooking cream for cake from sour cream and boiled condensed milk, recipe with photo:

1. In a bowl for cooking cream, pour cold sour cream. I draw attention that the sour cream should be exactly from the refrigerator so that it begins well.

2. Optionally, you can add sugar to sour cream. But, in my opinion, in the cream sufficiently sweetness from condensed milk. Therefore, this additive is optional, add it to your discretion.

3. The mixer whip the sour cream first on medium turnover, gradually increasing the speed. Whip sour cream about 7 minutes. During this time, it will increase twice, rolling with oxygen and will become air. Keep in mind that the blender will not allow the lush mass. Therefore, use an exceptionally ordinary mixer for whipping.

4. Add boiled condensed milk to the whipped sour cream. By the way, you can use condensed milk. But then it put a little less, because It with liquid consistency and cream can get very liquid.

5. Continue to beat the cream so that the condensed milk is completely distributed throughout the mass. You will have about 2-3 minutes to this process.

6. The cream is ready and you can use it for its intended purpose. By the way, you can still make a tasty jelly or jelly cake. To do this, in the sour cream mass, pour the diluted gelatin, add fruit and bulk the plastic molds or enamelled cups.

Condensed milk was invented in the 19th century in order to increase the product storage period. Later, it began to be submitted to heat treatment - the manner turned out to be boiled condensed milk, which was brown and brightly pronounced caramel taste. Over time, it has become the basis of a variety of desserts - candies, some cakes and cakes, tubes, cookies. The cookie "nuts with condensed milk" is especially famous, which consists of two halves of sand dough stuffed with boiled condensed milk.

In addition to the desserts described, boiled condensed milk is the basis for many confectionery creams. The unconditional dignity of the majority of them is a preparation. As a rule, they do not require special skills, and the process itself consists of just a few steps.

Cook of boiled condensed milk

A simple cream that does not require culinary processing consists of available ingredients. It is suitable for filling and layers of various confectionery products - cakes, cakes, eclairs. It will be interesting to use it to prepare a cake "Medovik", as an alternative to the traditional sour cream. It can be replaced with such cream and classic custard for Napoleon.


  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • one-piece milk is 90-120 ml (depending on the desired chust of the cream);
  • nuts (any) - 50 g;
  • kuraga - 50 g;
  • prunes - 50 g


  1. Connect condensed milk and milk in one tableware, beat them with a mixer to homogeneous mass.
  2. Nuts crush dried fruits.
  3. Mix all together and the cream is ready.

Cook of boiled condensed milk and butter for biscuit cortex

Cream from condensed milk and butter prepare is also simply as the previous option, but the sphere of its use is somewhat wider. It is suitable not only for the filling and layers of desserts, but also as the so-called confectionery putty. In other words, cream under mastic.


  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank;
  • creamy oil - 1 pack.


Creamy oil from the freezer, cut into small panels and leave soften at room temperature.

Warm oil whipped while its volume will increase roughly.

Add boiled condensed milk to it and beat again to a homogeneous state.

Oil cream with a boiled ready! You can lubric biscuit cakes and pastries.

Cream of boiled condensed milk and cream

The cream on this recipe is much more gentle and the air of the previous oil. It is perfectly combined with various baking or just with fruit. But for the decoration of desserts, such a cream is completely not suitable due to its consistency - it practically does not hold the form.


  • fat cream - 0.4 l;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 bank.


Chilled cream whipped to the formation of stable peaks.

Select a third of the cream and in a separate container mix them with boiled condensed milk using a mixer.

Mixer Switch to the smallest turnover and with it to connect the resulting mass with the main part of the whipped cream.

After the ingredients are mixed well, beat the cream for another 1-2 minutes.

Cream of boiled condensed milk and sour cream

Perhaps this is one of the simplest recipes for a confectionery cream based on condensed milk - in its composition only boiled condensed milk and fat farm sour cream. It is absolutely easy to make such a cream, but the scope of its application is quite wide - it is used to miss the cortex, biscuit, for the filling of some cakes and other desserts.


  • fatty sour cream - 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g.


Pre-cooled sour cream beat with a mixer for the formation of lush air mass.

Not stopping the beat, on a spoon add all the condensed milk and continue to beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.

With butter

Cream for cake from boiled condensed milk and sour cream can be prepared differently - with the addition of oil. This option will be better to keep the form, so suitable for external design of baking.


  • condensed milk boiled - 300 g;
  • sour cream fat - 150 g;
  • creamy oil - 200 g.


Beat to puff butter.

Add sour cream and continue to beat up to the formation of a homogeneous mass.

In parts add condensed milk, without stopping to beat.

Thickest condensed milk-based cream is ready. Suitable for lubricating cortex, well impresses biscuit, you can lubricate the rolls and pastries.

  • Choose boiled condensed milk quality. Invalid the presence of any lumps or crystals of sugar in the mass.
  • To improve the fragrance of the finished cream, add a couple of spoons of cognac or brandy into it.
  • The cream oil must be pre-removed from the refrigerator, and the milk, cream and sour cream, on the contrary - cool.
  • To whipping the cream, it is better to use a mixer or manual coin. The blender will not allow the necessary air consistency.
  • In the finished cream to taste, add nuts, various berries and fruits, seeds.
  • For the preparation of the cream, you can choose any dishes, except for aluminum - it can give a metal taste.
  • If only ordinary condensed milk turned out to be at hand - this is not a problem. It can be welded independently at home.
How to cook condensed milk alone

How much and how much cooking condensed milk worries not one mistress, because it does not want to eliminate the consequences of the exploded bank. Therefore, we will understand in detail in all methods of cooking and duration:

  • In the saucepan of condensed milk, 1 hour is boiled to the state of a light caramel shade and lightweight. So that it becomes very thick, similar to Irisk, you need to increase the cooking time to 2.5 hours.
  • In a multicooker, the condensed milk is quite simple. To do this, you need to put the jar on the side, pour water so that it is completely covered. Bring water to boiling water in boiling mode or "frying". Then close the device and translate into the "quenching" mode. Condensed milk will boil for 2-3 hours, depending on the desired density.
  • In the pressure cooker, the condensed milk is welded for the same 2-3 hours, but it certainly will not explode. Place the jar on the bottom of the device, pour with water, close the pressure cooker and bring water to a boil. You need to boil it for 15 minutes, turn off, and then completely cool, without opening the lid.
  • In the microwave, the condensed milk is brewed faster than in just 30 minutes. To do this, it is necessary to overcome the contents of tin cans in a microwave bowl and prepare at 400 W for half an hour. The only drawback of this method - milk must be mixed every 2-3 minutes so that it does not fit.

IMPORTANT: No matter how the way the condensed milk is not cooked, the bank can always be fully covered with water. Otherwise, the bank risks explode.

Most of the creams based on boiled condensed milk are extremely simple, because they consist of 2-4 ingredients and do not require the use of complex culinary techniques. All you need for them is a mixer or manual whisk. No water bath, special devices or nozzles and other things, which are not all hostesses.

The thick boiled condensed milk has a saturated caramel taste, which will saturate the finished cream. Therefore, desserts with it in the composition are almost always obtained.

Cream of condenbies. Cream of condensed milk is a fairly popular variety of cream used in the preparation of cakes, cakes, donuts or pancakes with filling. Such a cream pleases the hostesses not only with its naturalness, but also a stunning taste!

The condensed milk is known for a person for a long time - she was invented by American named Gail Borden back in 1856. A seamless man decided that retaining the freshness of milk as long as possible by its boilion with sugar. Since then, the popularity of condensed milk gradually began to gain momentum, and now it is consumed not only in self-form, but also when preparing a wide variety of dishes. Currently, you can find several types of condensed milk on sale: both classic with sugar or boiled, and with various additives: vanilla, chicory, cocoa or coffee.

For the preparation of creams in turn, there is usually a classic condensed milk, which is subsequently connected to the rest of the ingredients in accordance with the recipe. At the same time, it should be tried to acquire a real high-quality condensed milk, and not a base surrogate from dry milk, sugar and palm fats. In order not to make a mistake in the choice, you should search on the packaging the word "GOST" or carefully to familiarize yourself with the composition - in addition to sugar and milk, there should be no other ingredients in high-quality condensed milk. Delicious and useful condensed milk cream can be prepared only from a natural product!

As for the remaining ingredients of the condensed milk cream, they can be the most diverse: these are other dairy products, nuts, and chocolate, and cocoa. It is from these ingredients that the taste of the final product depends.
Cooking cream from condensed milk is very simple - all ingredients are simply mixed with each other or whipped. It is important to trace only that all products have the same temperature - only in this case will be able to obtain a homogeneous mass and avoid the formation of lumps or bundles. Various essences, vanillin or fragrant spices add only at the very end of cooking cream, and if you want to make the taste of the finished cream deeper and give him a walnut flavor of walnut, you can add to it and a spoon of cognac.

If fruits either berries will be used as a supplement to the cream, or in no case should there be traces of rot or damage, otherwise the cream will have an extremely unpleasant taste. And the condensed milk cream is categorically not suitable for continuous storage, that is, it is necessary to use as quickly as possible. And you should not cook it in aluminum dishes - the enameled or plastic bowl is suitable for these purposes. And if the cream should be taken, it is better to prefer the blender an ordinary mixer, since with the help of a blender to achieve a lush mass is extremely problematic.