How to make wine from cucumbers. Kabachkov Wine Drink

09.03.2021 Dishes from Yaitz

Cucumber vodka to its taste resembles a canned salad. It does not prevent it from using it for the preparation of various cocktails and, as a means for skin care. Her presence is seen in the Dutch line of alcoholic beverages of the EFFEN premium class. The full name of the drink Effen Cucumber.

Useful properties of cucumber

Quick crossing

A vegetable consisting by 97% of water and 3% of vitamins, carotene, potassium and trace elements, used for therapeutic purposes in the hippocracy. Cucumber juice or decractions were reduced in those times blood pressure. The basis of such treatment was the diuretic properties of cucumber, which are known to a large number of citizens. No less effectively, this tool helps to cope with constipation and overweight. Modern nutritionists very often recommend cucumber diet with obese.

The wonderful property of tincture is to improve the metabolic processes. She shoots swells very well, removes salt from the body, treats various female diseases. The drink increases the ability to work and is able to fit the pain in the spine and the lower back.

Tip: To stimulate metabolism in the body, tincture or juice cooked from cucumber must be drunk regularly on an empty stomach.

The use of products based on this amazing vegetable contributes to the normalization of acid-alkaline balance in the human tract.

In cosmetology, cucumber juice or decoction is used to strengthen hair and improve their growth. Cucumber tincture on vodka or alcohol is used for face. It helps to fight acne, aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Home cucumber tincture on the moonshine, on vodka and alcohol

Copyr, fruit and seeds can be used as raw materials for cooking.

- 1 cucumber;

- 100 g of lettuce leaves;

- 100 ml of vodka.

From the chicken cucumbers and the lettuce leaves, the juice is pressed through gauze, which is mixed with vodka. After 2-3 weeks of insteading, the product can be taken inside 1-2 teaspoons after meals.

Recipe beverage from despicable cucumbers

Such a drink is prepared on cognac. For its preparation take:

- 1 kg of cucumbers;

- 250 ml of brandy.

Tip: drink it is better to cook in a glass jar.

Finely chopped cucumbers poured cognac, the jar is covered with gauze and put in the sun. The product will be ready for 8-10 days. During its preparation, the product must be constantly sharpened. The finished drink is filtered through the gauze and goes on storage in a cool place. Take it on an empty stomach of 1-2 tablespoons.

Recipe from peel

It is used externally for whitening the skin, getting rid of pigment spots and freckles. Crushed peel is poured with vodka or alcohol. The product is insistant to gain sustainable green color.

Holders of dry skin must be added to the glycerol agent.

Apply the tool only room temperature.

useful cucumber.

1. Cucumber contains all the necessary vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Vitamin C; Foliic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

2. Do you feel fatigue in the afternoon? Drinks with caffeine will not help you. To restore the strength you need a product that contains vitamins of group B and carbohydrates. All group vitamins are contained in cucumbers, but it turns out, the cucumber contains carbohydrates. Enough to eat one cucumber to restore forces.

3. Are you tired of wiped out the mirror in the bathroom after taking the soul? Before taking a bath, lubricate the mirror with a cucumber circuit - it does not stop, and the bathroom will stand a pleasant smell.

4. If your garden is often visited by harmful insects, put the cucumber mug into one-time aluminum dishes. The connection of cucumber with aluminum will cause a chemical reaction, as a result, a smell will appear, which does not feel a person, but for insects he is unbearable.

5. You are going to go to the pool, but are shy for cellulite on your feet? Take 1-2 cucumber mug and lubricate these places. The cucumber has a cosmetic property to push the skin for a while. Wrinkles on the face are also smoothed by cucumber for a while, the skin becomes more elastic.

6. You drank an alcoholic drink, and you have a lot of my head. Do not drink more - first, and secondly, eat cucumber and go to sleep. In the morning, it wakes up fresh, without headaches. The cucumber also contains sugar, and electrolyte, which, together with vitamin in regulates the metabolism, broken by the adoption of alcohol and caused a headache.

7. Do you want to get rid of the bad habit of snacking before bedtime? The cucumbers served the good service of travelers, hunters and boxes who needed a full-fledged food on an ambulance hand.

8. You have an important meeting, but you do not have time to start shoes. Take the cucumber circle and walk on the surface of the shoes once. Boots will immediately take as new. In addition, the cucumber contains waterproof substances, and in the case of rain, the legs will not get wet.

9. Wripped the wheel or door, and the WD-40 oil ended. Take the cucumber, lubricate the axis and the creak will stop.

10. You are worried before the exam, and there is no time to make a soothing massage? Take the cucumber, cut the circles and pour boiling water on it and squeeze in pairs - calm down immediately.

11. You have an unpleasant smell of mouth. Take the cucumber slice and shake it for 30 seconds. The smell will disappear.

12. Cranes and gas stove need cleaning. Take the cucumber slice and wipe the right place several times. The surface will not only be born, but also there will be no traces. In addition, your hands and nails come in touch with natural material, not chemistry.

13. Have you written something handle and mistaken? Take the skin of the cucumber and carefully erase the unnecessary letter. Cucumber can even erase felt-tip pen.

The pulp of cucumber contains iodine.

Treatment with cucumbers

Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the treatment. Not just good, but tangible help in the body. Let's start with the fact that the fiber of cucumbers largely stimulates the intestinal functions. If a person suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidney or liver, obesity, gout or exchange polyarthritis, then the ration is simply necessary to include cucumber flesh and cucumber juice. This vegetable improves appetite, has diuretic, choleretic and laxative properties. Folk medicine recommends applying cucumber with water origin.

The closer the cucumber to his bed, the more useful. After separating the cucumber from the fruits, the cucumber begins to lose the concentration of all useful substances. Even 15 minutes plays a role, while the cucumbers dry out, a day, the percentage of the content of vitamins falls by 15-30%, and in two or three days almost half. That is why it is important to eat cucumbers with a "personal" bed.

Therapeutic and diabetic are considered 10-12-day vessels. The cucumber helps to fight swelling, reduces blood pressure, is a strong diuretic product, in addition, the cucumber has a positive effect in violations of the heart rhythm, prevents various inflammatory processes in the heart muscle, as well as dystrophic states. The optimal combination of salts in the pulp and cucumber juice is indispensable in diseases of the thyroid gland, and the zinc contained will help in treating diabetics.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice contains many mineral salts, as well as calcium, phosphorus and sodium. It improves memory, strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to preserve the health of the teeth and gums, and also gives freshness and supports the skin tone. In addition, the cucumber juice prevents atherosclerosis, is an excellent diuretic product, cleans the body from slags and prevents salt deposits.

Cucumber juice, mixed with juices of apples and tomatoes (in a 1: 1: 1 ratio) and with the goodness of the garlic clove helps to improve blood composition.

A day permissible to drink up to 1 liter of cucumber juice, but it is not recommended to receive more than 100 ml at a time.

Cucumber pickle

They drink cucumber brines not only with hangover, but also for cramps or spasms in the legs. When it is prepared, it is recommended to add dill, mint leaves, cherries, or currants, as well as garlic and estragon.

How to choose the cucumber?

When choosing cucumbers, you need to pay attention to the following features: the skin of the cucumber should be evenly painted, dark or light-colored (depending on the variety), the fruit must necessarily be a touch of solid and heavy by weight, without signs of stains, graziness, lethargy and other damage .

How to keep cucumbers?

Cucumber - the product is very gentle, so it very quickly loses the appearance and taste. If you save cucumbers on an open speech (in an open container) at an average temperature of 18-20 degrees, then the fruits are quickly spoiled, faded. However, in the refrigerator, with sufficient humidity, the cucumbers can be stored until 15-20 days. But not all varieties behave in the refrigerator flawlessly, some fruits already at a temperature of about 0 ° C begin to deteriorate faster. It is best to keep the fruits of cucumber in tight-sauged polyethylene packages.

Cucumbers: benefits and harm

Every year, closer to the spring, we are still pulling to buy a fresh cucumber. However, we often do not suspect that the consequences can be used by early cucumbers, which are "assigned" with interest. In order to raise a crop faster, every 15 minutes in vegetable farms produce cucumbers, which leads to the delivery of their fertilizers. All other things, cucumbers may be nitrates that cause sharp poisoning, vomiting, gastric colic and disorders. It is possible to even such a reaction to the body, as an increase in temperature, however, as in severe poisoning. Therefore, early cucumbers can not be given to children up to 3 years, since the child's body will be very hard to cope with the consequences of poisoned fruits.

Cucumbers are contraindicated: with acute and chronic nephritis, exacerbation of chronic renal failure, renal diseases; With jade with alkaline urine reaction. It is necessary to limit the use of cucumbers when aggravating ulcerative diseases, gastritis, enterocolites, colitis.

Salted cucumbers do not advise cons:with obesity, obesity, acute and chronic jade, pyelonephritis, with exacerbation of gastritis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of bile moves.

The cucumbers are indispensable for unloading days. They are combined with all the products, except for milk.

Therapeutic properties have seeds of cucumbers, which derive excess cholesterol from the body. And the juice of cucumbers has a healing and rejuvenating effect on the body and skin.

Recipes from cucumbers

Recipe for salted cucumbers

Especially delicate taste of salt cucumbers, if you cut yellow and large cucumbers and put them with the lower layer. Put good small cucumbers on it. Each row sprinkled with chopped cucumbers. Salt, the leaves of black currant, garlic, water should not be poured. It does not prevent a little adding a shrink.

Delicious marinated cucumbers can be made without vinegar with red currant juice (on 1 liter of water -150 g of juice).

So that salty cucumbers become soft, cherry and oak leaves should be added to the brine; To save the color of cucumbers in the salting to pre-bind them 2-3 seconds in boiling water.

Recipes Recipe Cucumbers:

to withstand cucumbers in salt water month, strain the brine, stored in the refrigerator. Drink at 2-3 tbsp. Roma several times a day after eating after 20-25 minutes. Cucumbers throw away.

Cucumber Lotion Recipe

The cucumber is washed and squeeze the juice, pour it into a pan, bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes on very low heat. Cool Strain. Boil the twigs and leaves of forest walnut (flavory). On 2 tbsp. Juice Cucumber Add 1 Article. Decoration flare. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. You can add 4 tbsp to the mixture. Rhara mint or melissa.

Cucumber Recipe

This cucumber wine follows in the morning and in the evening wipe the face.

Cucumbers can be cut into slices, put in a bottle, pour with vodka or diluted alcohol, put a bottle for 2 weeks per sunny window sill. Periodically shake. After 2 weeks, the cucumber wine is ready. It should be stored in a dark place.

Recipe for grazers from cucumbers

From the cucumber you can make a row for the eyes during fatigue and redness.

Clear cucumbers, grasp and squeeze juice. Put in the refrigerator. Two pieces of cotton fabric moisten in water, then omitted into cold cucumber juice and impose 2-3 times a day. If you add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to water, then less wrinkles in the eye area.

Fresh cucumber salad recipe without salt

Slim chopping 4 fresh cucumber, 2 boilers, green onions, dill greens, parsley, 200 g of white cabbage; Add vegetable oil.

Fresh cucumber soup recipe

1.5 liters of water, 4 fresh cucumber, 1 carrot, parsley root, 3-4 potatoes, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 0.5 glasses of sour cream, 1 tbsp. Wheat flour, parsley greenery, dill, citric acid, salt.

Purified carrots, parsley root, onions chopping and swipe until prepared in a closed dish in a small amount of water and oil. Purified cucumbers cut into cubes, add some water, citric acid and stew 10 minutes in closed dishes. Peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes omit in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, add carrots, parsley, cucumbers, dried flour, diluted with vegetable decoction. Salt and cook for another 10 minutes. Soup fill sour cream, finely chopped parsley greenery, dill.

Cucumbers Recipe in Klyar

2 cucumber, 2 tbsp. flour, 1 egg, salt.

Drink into a homogeneous mass, flour, salt. Cucumbers cut into mugs, to dip in the clarity and fry before the formation of a ruddy crust.

Recipe cucumbers baked in sour cream

4 Fresh cucumber, 2 tbsp. cream oil, 70-100 g sour cream, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of wheat flour, salt.

Large cucumbers clean, cut in half in length, cut into flour and fry from two sides on a frying pan with preheated oil before the formation of a ruddy crust. Then put in the pan, lubricated with oil, pour sour cream, mixed with egg and salt, bake in the oven.

Recipe stuffed cucumbers

2 Cucumber, 20 g of potatoes, 10 g of beets, 15 g of carrots, 10 g of the replied Luke, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 25 g sour cream, salt, sugar, pepper to taste.

Cucumbers cut along into two parts. Package to remove, crush, combine with cooked potatoes, beet, carrots, fried onion with cooked and sliced \u200b\u200bcubes. Mix mix, fill with salt, pepper, sugar, butter. Fill the cucumbers obtained. Serve with sour cream.

Cucumbers are the most ancient vegetable culture. Cucumbers The smaller, greener and unfortunate, the better and tastier. In the ancient times of the Greeks they were called "Aguur": which means "unworched, uncooked." From here and their name went - cucumber. From the country of eternal summer, India came to us cucumbers. Wild cucumber at home, tropical liana, grows in the woods, long branches are closed high on the trees, and the fruits hang down. Almost six thousand years, people know and love this culture, as evidenced by findings in the ruins of the Khazar city of Sarkepa, where the seeds of cucumbers were discovered.

The Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he always served to dub fresh cucumbers. And one and a half thousand years ago there were no greenhouses: drawers with cucumber seedlings were placed on the wheels, the wheels turned over the sun. Cucumbers for a long time held on the table second place after the cabbage, but quite recently the tomato began to compete with them.

cucumber It appeared in culture more than 6 thousand years ago. His homeland is the tropical and subtropical regions of India and China, where it is still growing in natural conditions (Harder's cucumber). The fruits of wild cucumber are small and inedible due to the content of bitter substances - Cukurbitatsins.
In Russia, this culture is widely known since the XVI century;

The first printed references to the cucumber culture in Russia belong to the beginning of the XVI century. In the time of Peter I, two garden gardens were established in the village of Zamailovo village near Moscow, where, along with other vegetable crops, cucumbers were grown in the greenhouses. Two centuries, this culture has spread all over Russia.
. cucumbers contain Only 4-6% dry matter, about 2% of sugars, 1% protein substances, 0.7% fiber and 0.1% fat. The fruits are not rich in nutrients, the calorie content is low (113-148kkal), but they are valued for taste and dietary qualities, which are determined by the presence of tonic enzymes that contribute to the absorption of protein products and improving the secretion of the digestive glands. Fresh taste and odor of cucumbers are due to the presence of free organic acids and essential oil in them. Many mineral salts, various vitamins, iodine in cucumber.
Cucumbers are in food fresh, salty marinated.

Temperature mode: cucumber -the culture is thermalized, absolutely not even minor frosts. Plants sharply slow down at a temperature of about + 15 ° C and completely stop the growth at + 10 ° C and below. Optimal for normal life Cucumbers temperature + 25-30 ° C, relative humidity of air 70-80%
watering: . Before flowering, we watered moderately, 3-4 liters per 1 m2 in 5-7 days, and during flowering and fruiting 2-3 days 6-12 liters per 1 m2 (depending on weather conditions);
. It is not recommended to water a strong jet, otherwise the soil is blurred, the root system, leaves, stalks are damaged
feeding: For the season, 6-8 feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers are carried out:
- The first feeding is made at the beginning of flowering - in 10 liters of water dissolve 1 tablespoon of complex mineral fertilizer type Azophoski and 1 cup of cascidular cowboat;
- During the period of fruiting, the feeders are carried out after 10-12 days (10 liters of water take 1 cup of cascidious cowboat and 2 tablespoons of nitroposki), poured at the rate of 5-6 l / m2;
. The last feeder is carried out 15-20 days before the last harvest collection
Hybrids and varieties:
Hybrids (Adam, Alliance, Cupid, Annushka, Antoshka, Business, Break, Brigantine, Buyan, Faithful friends, View, Virtuer, Herman, Cheetah, Hercules, Bluebone, Claudia, Katyusha, Emelya, Swallow, Libella, Othello, Pasaden and others ) give a higher, aligned and high-quality harvest
Timing of ripening:
Early: up to 45 days from the date of mass searches: Adam, Altai, Ajax, loyal friends, view, squad, Katyusha, Claudia, competitor, bush, julian and others
Middle: 45-50 days: Russian style, serpentine, Sagittarius, Farmer, Filipples and others
Late: Over 50 days: Phoenix, Far Eastern, Santana and others
Assignment of a variety:
Salad: Adam, Vladivostok 155, Elegant, Movir, Nonsense, Saltan, Synthesis, Phoenix and others
Canning: for salting - avant-garde, altai, business, brigantine, faithful friends, view, Aquarius, Vyaznikovsky-37, Daynok, Far Eastern-27, salting, cascade, competitor, kudesnik, bush, mig, murom, finger, spring; Marinization - Chizhik, Philippok, Staros, Annushka, Ajax, Bimbo Star, Boris, Vivat, Harmony, Hermann, Palace, Debut, Dzentameron, Dean, Gin, Katyusha, Quartet and others
Universal: Farmer, Photon, Khabar, Epilogue, Sagittarius, Serpentine, Pazamont, Moravian Cornishon, Marinda, Libella, Levina, Cruise, Whale, Crane, Unity, Duet, Druzhina, Blider and others

There are varieties and cucumber hybrids for open and protected soil, beeland and parthenokarpic (fruits are tied without pollination by insects).
. Fresh cucumber has pronounced diuretic and antipyretic properties, sharply reduces the acidity of the gastric juice. The vegetable fiber, which is part of the Zelentsov, is almost not absorbed by the body, but plays an important role in regulating the intestinal activity, enhancing its peristaltics, and favors the removal of excess cholesterol from the body.
Cucumber puree (100 g of an empty stomach) is recommended for spastic colitis. The fruits discovered an enzyme close in nature to insulin, which makes cucumber a particularly valuable dietary product. The fruits contain enzymes that enhance the formation of vitamin C and contributing to the absorption of vitamin B2.
. In folk medicine, the cucumber is used to treat gouty tumors, lung diseases and kidney. Apply cucumber and for cosmetic purposes - "There is no better cucumber juice for freshness and beauty!"

Some nerds: cucumber- Annual, lio-like herbaceous plant.

Root systemthe rod, the bulk of the roots is located in the upper layer of the soil at a depth of 15-20 cm and diverges from the main root within a radius of 1.5 m. The cucumber has a high ability to form an additional root system, especially in conditions of increased soil and atmospheric humidity. Due to this, the surface of the roots of the cucumber exceeds the surface of the leaves of 75-140 times.

Stem The branching, pentighed, furor, sown, the length of the stem to 1.5-2 meters. Along with this, there are bush and semi-leaf forms with a length of the stem 20 cm, as well as determinant varieties and hybrids, in which growth stops over 10-12 by the node, i.e. after 40-60 cm. From the main stem, the shoots of the first, second and subsequent orders. In some hybrids, the development of side shoots is limited only by one order and the branch ends with the formation of fruits.

Leavespainted with varying degrees of edge corrugation, solid, slightly blade, pentagonal shape, with a smooth or wrinkled surface, have the downstairs both above and below (there are forms and without omission). Location next. In the sinuses of the leaves are formed lateral shoots of first order. In the nodes of the stem, except for the leaves, are formed thin, simple, not branched, spirally swirling mustache, which plants are attached to the soil or support.

Flowersthe cucumber has two types - male and female. Cucumber - the plant is mostly monocomated, separation, that is, on one plant there are men's (sticky) and female (pestle) flowers. However, there are partially domestic forms, only with female or only with male flowers, among which there are rim plants that have men and female organs in one flower.

Male flowersusually collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces of the type of brush or a shield, and women are located alone, less often - 2-3 in the top of the sheet.

Cucumber flowers have a five-partition, invigorate or a glass-like, densely hairpiece. The wheel is a wheel, consists of five petals, at the bottom of those who have grown up with a cup. Coloring the wreath bright yellow. Men's flowers have five stamens, four of which have grown in pairwise, and one free.

Female flowershave a lower marking of the ellipsis form and a 3-5-blade stylus.

Hermaphroditic flowers Have a midnight zeror and pestle, surrounded by six stamens.

The cucumber also has forms with partial disadvantages - with the predominant number of female or male flowers (some samples from Japan, China and other areas of the East). This phenomenon is widely used in the heterose seed of cucumber, forms with predominantly female and mostly male flowering type are obtained.

Cucumber is a cross-peer plant. Even ripple flowers prefer Pultret from another plant or a flower carrying tow. Cases of self-pollution are very rare. The color of the cucumber is short-lived - in the northern regions they are revealed usually at 6-7 o'clock in the morning, they are open 1-2 days, after which they are closed. In the south in the hot season, they are open only from 4-5 am to noon. Female Flowers are most susceptible, and the pollen of male flowers is most viable in the first hours after the flower opening, when the fertilization is usually occurring.

Male flowers in plants of monocotted cucumber forms are usually much larger than female, and in different parts of the plant, their ratio is not equally.

With an increase in the order of the weave and elongation from the base of the plant, the relative amount of female flowers on the raids increases. The ratio of flowers is also influenced by the factors of an extraordinary environment and by artificially affected by plants. Reduced temperature and increase in air and soil humidity, reduction of the light day during the formation of flowers, fumuring of carbon monoxide or feeding carbon dioxide, planting of plants, the effects on them acetylene and other techniques are those methods that contribute to an increase in the number of female flowers and enhance the harvest in a protected ground . When growing cucumber in the open soil on the ratio of flowers, you can affect the powerborns and changing the acidity (pH) of the medium. Enhanced nutrition with phosphorus, potassium, boron and nitrogen limit contribute to strengthening the formation of female flowers. The largest number of female flowers is formed at a neutral medium in a nutritional solution.

Fruit cucumber- False berry (Thawina) with 3-5 seed cameras. Different cucumber varieties have fruits of various shapes, size, drop, color, drawing and other signs. The fruits contain from 100 to 400 pcs. seed. There are also deposited, the so-called partrenokarpic cucumber forms. The length of the fruit in technical ripeness varies from 5 to 70 cm and more, the diameter is 3-5 cm and above, the color of the Zelets from the milk-white to green different shades. Physiologically mature fruits (with mature seeds) of different varieties have different color and various thickness cracks on the surface of the peel - from individual unrelated cracks to the thickness of the associated grid.

Seedscucumber elongated or short-elliptical shape, white with a yellowish tint. Mass 1000 pcs. I fluctuate within 16-35 g. They have high vitality, retain the germination for 7-8, and sometimes 10 years.

There is no need to remove the peel with vegetables, but wash them with a brush and remove damaged space. Vegetables must be mature and high quality. Better to focus on those that are most damped in this season.

From vegetable materials of sweet wines do not make, because in this case they are tasteless. Below are the recipes of wines from the most common vegetables in our country.

Feature of vegetable wines:
- Pretty strong, similar to Portver.
- Sherry dry.
- White wine.
- Dry white wine without smell.
- Pretty strong white wine.
- Dry, very strong white wine.
- Dry golden white wine.
- pink wine.
- Dry, rather strong white wine.

Beet wine

2 kg of crude beets, 3.5 liters of boiling water, 50 g of ginger, 4.5 liters of juice 4 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice 2 lemons.

  1. Wash and cut the beets of slices.
  2. Pour boiling water and add ginger.
  3. Let's give to stand 4 days. .
  4. Measure the amount of juice, add sugar, yeast and lemon juice.
  5. Put in a warm place (18-24 °) for fermentation.
  6. After grazing, mix well.
  7. Give to stand 3 days.
  8. Strain, pour into the barrel and leave for 8-9 months.
  9. Pour bottles, seal them and put it on storing into a cool dark place.

Carrot wine

2 kg of carrots, 4 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 4-5 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange, 1 tear. It is done on the previous recipe. In paragraph 4, changes: measuring juice, add sugar, lemon and orange juice and yeast, smeared on the tear.

Wine from Celery

2.5 kg of celery, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 6 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, single lemon juice, juice of two oranges, 25 g of ginger. It is done just like wine, but an exposure time is 10-12 months.

Wine from Kabachkov

3 kg of zucchini, 4.5 liters boiling water, 25-50 g of ginger, 4.5 liters of juice 6 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of three lemons.

  1. Zucchini use completely.
  2. Cut into pieces and add ginger, pour boiling water.
  3. Insist for 6 days, increasing the press every day.
  4. Measure the amount of liquid, add sugar, lemon juice and yeast.

Pea wine

2.5 kg of pea of \u200b\u200bthe podlock, 4.5 liters of boiling water for 4.5 liters of juice 6 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange. It is done on the recipe of wine.

Potato wine

2 kg of potatoes, 3.5 liters of boiling water, 40 g of ginger, 4.5 liters of juice 4 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, 125 g of raisin, 1 tear, juice of one lemon, juice of one orange, 225 g of barley grains.

  1. Wash and cut potatoes without removing the peel.
  2. Add ginger and pour boiling water.
  3. Insist 4 days.
  4. Measure the amount of fluid, add sugar, raisins, barley, smeared on the tear yeast, lemon and orange juice.

Wine from trousers

2 kg of trousers, 6.5 liters boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 4-5 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons, juice of one orange. It is done on the recipe of wine.

Tomato Wine

4 kg of tomatoes, 1.2 liters of boiling water, pinch of salt, 4.5 liters of juice 4 cups of sugar, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons.

  1. Cut tomatoes, sprinkle them with salt.
  2. Pour boiling water and press.
  3. Insist 4 days and then strain.
  4. Add sugar, yeast and lemon juice.

Wine from the turnp

2 kg of turnips, 3.5 liters of boiling water, 4.5 liters of juice 5-6 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, juice of two lemons. It is done on the recipe of wine.

Wine from Petrushki

225 g of parsley, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 6 sugar glasses, 1 tablespoon of yeast, 25 g of ginger, juice of one lemon.

  1. Pour the parsley with boiling water and boil 10 minutes by adding ginger.
  2. In a warm decoction, add sugar and lemon juice, and then yeast.
  3. Put in a warm place for fermentation.

Wines from Zlatkov

In the manufacture of wines from cereals, a greater number of yeast is required than for other wines, because you have to make natural sugar and starch contained in cereals. Wines from most cereals are similar to very strong port.

600 g of wheat, 4.5 liters of boiling water, 50 g shivering, 7 sugar glasses, 1 kg of raisins.

  1. Put in a vessel wheat, sugar and raisins.
  2. Pour boiling water and cool.
  3. Add yeast.
  4. Insist 3 weeks, stirring from time to time.
  5. Strap in the vessel.
  6. Give it over, after the end of fermentation to clog.
  7. Withstand at least 6 months (and better year) before bottling

A peculiar vegetable wine for lovers of extraordinary drinks. Memorable with a light flavor of greenery and almost complete absence of aroma. The shade depends on the grade of zucchini, mainly obtained yellowish with green shades.

Before starting cooking, not to infect with third-party microorganisms, it is necessary to sterilize the ferry all the containers used.


  • zucchini - 2 kg;
  • water (boiling water) - 4 liters;
  • lemons - 3 pieces (or 15 grams of citric acid);
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • unwashed raisins (fresh berries) - 50 grams (or wine yeast).

Lemons are needed to stabilize acidity, in the zucchini zucchini, the fermentation will be weak without additional acidification.

Zucchini Recipe

1. If there are no wine yeast, then 3-5 days before the processing of the zucchini, it is necessary to prepare a wine starter from the raisin or fresh berries (raspberries, currants, etc.), which will replace the yeast.

For this, the unwashed raisins (berries) fall asleep in the bank, add 25 grams of sugar, pour 150 ml of water temperature. Mix, bandage gauze and put in a dark warm place. When the foam appears, the hissing of light source (usually after 2-3 days) is ready and you can go to the next step.

If the mold appeared, it means that the soldered is infected and it will have to start everything first using other raw materials for cooking.

2. Wash zucchini, cut into several parts, remove the core and seeds.

3. The flesh along with the peel to skip through the meat grinder or grind in any other way, for example, a blender, to a state of homogeneous mass.

4. The resulting cleaner is folded into the enameled pan with a wide neck, pour boiling water, mix, cover with a lid. Leave for 24 hours.

5. Profiltrate the contents of the pan through several layers of gauze, the pulp is well squeezed.

6. Add 0,5 kg of sugar, citric acid and made at the first stage of Zero (without berries) or wine yeast to the resulting zaper juice. Mix.

7. Pour the wort to the fermentation container, fill in a maximum of 75% to remain a place for the next servings of sugar, foam and carbon dioxide. On the neck to install hydraulicum of any design, for example, a medical glove with a hole in one of the fingers.

Glove inflated - fermentation goes

8. Transfer a container with future zucchini wine into a dark place (you can cover) with a temperature of 18-27 ° C.

9. After 5 days, remove the water shutter, merge separately 0.5 liters of wandering wort, stir 250 grams of sugar in it. The resulting syrup is pouring back into the fermentation container and close with water shutter. After another 5 days, repeat the described procedure, adding the last serving of sugar - 250 grams.

10. Depending on the temperature and activity of yeast, the fermentation of wine from zucchini lasts 25-60 days. The end of the process is evidenced by the lack of gas from the hydraulic assembly (the glove faded) and the layer of precipitate at the bottom. The victorious wine needs to drain through the tube into another capacity without precipitate.

11. Try a drink. If you want to sweeten with sugar to taste or secure with vodka (alcohol) 2-15% of the volume. In this case, the consolidation almost does not affect the taste and aroma, only increases the fortress.

12. Fill the wine capacity for storage (preferably toast to avoid contact with oxygen) and closed hermetically. If sugar is added, the first 7-10 days to keep under the hydropitus in case of re-fermentation.

13. Transfer Wine to exposure to a dark cool place with a temperature of 5-16 ° C (refrigerator, cellar or basement). Leave for 3-4 months.

14. Once in 20-30 days, as the sediment appears with a layer of 3-5 cm, filter the drink with overflowing through the tube.

15. When the precipitate no longer appears, the wine from the zucchini is ready. It can be poured into bottles and close the corks. Fortress - 10-12%, shelf life during storage in the basement - 2 years.

It is difficult to imagine modern beauties, but only 30 years ago there were no such a variety of cosmetics. From a series of cleansing means you could only buy a "cucumber lotion" of the factory new dawn.

By the way, perfectly cleaned and dried pimples, brightened the freckles and level the complexion! He today has not lost its popularity. The secret of the effectiveness of the miracle means lies in the naturalness of its composition: nothing superfluous - only alcohol and cucumber essence. It is the cucumber extract that has a beneficial effect on the skin.

What useful cucumber?

Cucumber - a vegetable, familiar to us since childhood, but what do we really know about him? Many to the question about the beneficial properties of the fruits of this plant are divorced by their hands: "What is the benefit? One water ... "

There are really much water in cucumbers, almost 97%, but also benefits for our organisms they bring a lot. The fact is that very important trace elements are dissolved in the water contained in cucumbers, such as calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, and many others. Polysaccharides, organic acids, food fibers and vitamins of groups A, RR, C, V. So that the use of cucumbers is not only tasty, but also extremely useful.

An interesting fact: not everyone knows that the cucumber is considered to be vegetable only by culinary classification. Botany belongs to this fetus to false berries, and according to the classification of scientific, this is a fruit.

Tonic or Lotion - Make the right choice

Many well-known cosmetic firms took note of the useful properties of cucumber and set up the production of products based on it. In stores and pharmacies, a large range of products with extracts and extracts from the fruits of this plant: creams, masks, tonic, cleaning napkins and other cosmetics for every taste and wallet.

Why don't we try to make a cucumber lotion at home? The recipe is simple and all the necessary ingredients are easily found in the kitchen.

But before proceeding to the manufacture of lotion or tonic, it is necessary to deal with the difference between these cosmetics. They are intended for different types of skin and have different impact on it.

  • The lotion is designed to purify the skin and disinfection, is a good antiseptic, as it contains alcohol. Lotions are recommended to use if the skin of the face is fat, prone to the appearance of rashes and acne (acne). The high content in the alcohol lotion contributes to deep penetration into the pores of active substances, dry and disinfect.
  • The tonic does not contain alcohol or alcohol present in a very minor quantity, therefore recommended for dry and sensitive skin. Tonic moisturizes, nourish, saturate the skin with active ingredients.

Lotion prepares the skin to accept useful nutrients, and the tonic satuates it with these substances. Ideally, we need both.

Cooking homemade cucumber lotion

To avoid unpleasant consequences after using home care products, you need to know - all products must be fresh and purely washed, it is impossible to use tap water, and instead of vodka it is better to take a diluted medical alcohol.

From personal bitter experience I can advise to prepare cosmetics from the cucumbers that you have grown. Fruits purchased in the near supermarket can provoke allergies, cause rash, redness and itching.

If you have already configured to prepare a cucumber lotion, you can use the following recipes.

Main recipe

You need to take the average for the size of the cucumber, finely cut together with the peel and pour vodka. Vodka can be replaced with diluted up to 40 alcohol. Both ingredients are taken equal to quantity (proportion of 1: 1). The resulting mixture is shifted into the glass dishes, we close a tightly cover and leave in a warm solar place for two weeks.

Lotion is ready - wipe the skin one - twice a day and enjoy cleanliness and freshness. This recipe is ideal for care for problematic and oily skin.

Recipe for dry skin

People with dry or sensitive skin are not recommended to use alcohol-containing means, as they are even more dried with epidermis. If nevertheless has the need for deep purification, it is necessary to soften the infusion obtained.

For this, the prepared lotion is diluted with clean (better distilled) water in proportion 1: 2 (part of the infusion and two parts of water) and add glycerol - for every 100 ml of solution 1 teaspoon. After applying the lotion, do not forget to apply moisturizing or nutrient cream.

Option on wine

As an option, you can cook a cucumber face lotion on white dry wine. It is less dehydrated cells and is suitable for all skin types. 60 grams (4 tablespoons with a slide) finely chopped cucumber peel mixed with a tablespoon of crushed parsley leaves.

Fill wine (200 g) and insist 2 weeks in glass transparent dishes, tightly closing the lid. This lotion will not only clean, but also clarify the skin, and pigmentation will become less noticeable. It is worth taking a recipe on the notes to those who want to get rid of the freckles.

Seed Lotion

If the cucumber is a little overripe, then the lotion can be prepared from its seeds. We take out the seeds of fresh cucumber, crushing.

Three tablespoons of the resulting mass pour a glass of vodka and insist the week under the lid in glassware.

The resulting infusion should be strain, add a glass of distilled water and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. This recipe is suitable for oily skin - it will help to remove the greasy shine, refresh and whiten the skin.

It is important to remember - all cooked lotions are needed only in the refrigerator. You can use for a month, and then replace freshly prepared.

Cucumber tonic for different skin types

Prepare a cucumber tonic is also easy, here are a few recipes

If the skin is fat, prone to rash:

  • Grinding cucumber pour lemon juice, withstand an hour, squeeze. 15 minutes after applying this tonic, it is recommended to wash cool water.
  • Cucumber juice to mix with an equal amount of yoke or sour milk, leave in the refrigerator for an hour. You can use several times a day.

Dry, sensitive skin:

  • Half cucumber medium sized chopping and pour warm milk. Insist half an hour, strain. Apply two - three times a day.

For all skin types:

  • Grated on the grater cucumber pour a glass of freshly groomed green tea. Cook the dishes with a lid, wrapped with a towel and wait until the infusion completely cools. You can brew in the thermos. Fire tonic to wipe the skin several times a day.
  • Squeeze the juice of one cucumber, add a couple of spoons of distilled water, shake well. Use as needed during the day.

It is not necessary to prepare a cucumber tonic in large quantities, because the shelf life of the cooked house is just two to three days and be sure to refrigerate.

It is difficult to argue with scientists who speakers about the benefits of the use of natural vegetable cosmetics, especially since its effectiveness is tested for centuries. Perhaps you have your little beauty secrets. Let's share your favorite recipes with each other, because your feedback on cucumber lotion or tonic can be very useful for many.