Thyme tea: benefits, how to brew, ingredients and additives. Thyme tea - useful properties and contraindications

19.10.2019 Bakery products

Thyme is an amazing herb that grows right under your feet. It has many medical indicators, it is successfully used in official and traditional medicine. What is thyme tea for, how to make it, what does it heal? Find out from this article.

Herbal teas have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. At first, herbs were brewed with boiling water and used for medicinal purposes. After the spread of tea, a variety of flavor compositions are created based on it. Thyme tea is one such drink. In addition to excellent taste, it has a number of characteristics that make this drink healing.

What is thyme?

The medicinal herb that grows in the steppe, forest-steppe zones of our country has many names. Mother of God herb, thyme, bonnet, thyme - these are some of its names. This herb is used as a spice and as a medicinal drug. Almost all recipes recommend using the top of a flowering plant or its young leaves. Grass is harvested while it is blooming; it should not be dried in the open sun, but in a cool, shaded, well-ventilated area. It is not recommended to brew this herb separately - it has a rather spicy and specific taste.

How to brew?

Thyme in tea gives medicinal properties to the usual drink. In summer, such a drink is pleasantly refreshing, but in winter it warms. It is quite simple to prepare black tea with thyme at home: throw a pinch of thyme into the teapot along with the tea, brew this drink in the usual way. Some people add a slice of lemon to the finished tea. The sour fruit will further enhance the taste of the tea.

Beneficial features

Why is black tea with thyme useful? What diseases does this drink help?

  • A morning cup of tea improves blood circulation, enhances brain activity, and increases body tone.
  • The drink relieves fatigue well, gives strength to convalescents.
  • Such a drink is prescribed for patients who have digestive problems.
  • Black tea with a pinch of thyme helps in the treatment of colds - it dilates blood vessels, removes phlegm, improves appetite, and reduces fever.
  • This drink is successfully used for allergies, soothes the skin with allergic rashes, and you can drink this tea, and apply it externally in the form of lotions.
  • Traditional medicine recipes significantly expand the range of beneficial properties of thyme in tea. Such a drink is used as an anthelmintic drug, and is recommended for female diseases (anorrhea, amenorrhea).
  • Men are also shown regular use - the drink gives masculine strength, increases endurance.

Thyme tea during pregnancy

The question often comes up on the Internet: Can pregnant women drink herbal teas and infusions? " Expectant mothers and their relatives should understand that pregnancy is a special form of a woman's body condition. For nine months, she directly participates in the formation of a new life. At this time, it is undesirable to use any medicines - artificial and natural.

Herbs are no exception. Their effect on the body has not yet been fully understood. Thyme during pregnancy can be used by mothers with good kidneys and good digestion. But women who suffer from thyroid diseases or chronic gastritis should not abuse such tea. In general, the beneficial properties and contraindications of black tea with thyme are considered individually for each woman in a delicate position. It is necessary to take into account many factors to conclude about the indication or contraindication of a particular herbal collection. Therefore, let the attending physician evaluate the benefits and harms of thyme tea.

Important! Official medicine warns that during pregnancy, you should regularly take any herbal teas and infusions only under the supervision of a doctor.

You should also inform the doctors about your habit of drinking herbal teas and medicinal preparations. This information is needed to determine the compatibility of the prescribed medications and those herbal preparations that a pregnant woman is used to. Therefore, the doctor will tell you whether it is possible to drink tea with thyme for the expectant mother and what possible consequences will arise from the abuse of herbal teas. Well, the irregular use of this tea will only give strength to the expectant mother.

Delicious recipes

  • It is interesting to add certain herbs to thyme tea for medicinal purposes or simply to create a unique flavor composition. Fans of aromatic, aromatic hot drinks will surely like black tea with thyme, oregano and a drop of honey. This composition is great for colds.
  • Tea with mint and thyme is good for people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract, the drink "extinguishes" pain, relieves gastritis and peptic ulcer diseases.
  • As you can see, this is a unique natural drink that gives a good mood and excellent health. See for yourself. Brew black tea, add a pinch of thyme to it and surprise your family with this aromatic and healing drink.

Thyme, also known as thyme or Virgin Mary herb, grows throughout the Eurasian continent, in latitudes with warm and temperate climates. This fragrant plant with delicate pink flowers is used in cooking and traditional medicine, as it has a number of beneficial properties. Thyme is an excellent honey plant, therefore it is grown on an industrial scale for pharmaceutical preparations and for beekeeping. Thyme honey is also very useful and helps with many diseases. The highest concentration of nutrients occurs during the flowering period, so the thyme must be harvested in the summer. Drying does not deplete this herb at all, it retains all its valuable properties.

Scientists have studied thyme and found that it contains many valuable substances, namely flavonoids, tannins, bitterness and resins, thymol, carotene, gum, organic acids, vitamins C and B group, minerals potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, manganese , iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, copper. The calorie content of thyme is 65 calories per 100 grams.

Thyme can be taken in the form of a decoction, infusion, and essential oil is also produced from it. But the most common and enjoyable way is thyme tea. Dry herb can be mixed with any tea - black, green, fruit and other herbs. Thyme should be added to your liking - this will be an excellent prevention. You can also use the recipes for making medicinal tea with thyme. Any thyme tea has a beneficial effect on mood, relieves fatigue, soothes in case of neuroses and restores strength in case of their decline.

How to make thyme tea - recipes

1. If you take 15 grams of dry thyme, 15 grams of St. John's wort, 15 grams of green tea or chamomile and 15 grams of lingonberry leaves per 2 liters of water, then you will get a healing drink that perfectly helps with heat, colds, kidney diseases, cystitis, relieves swelling , helps to normalize blood pressure and stop indigestion.

2. For making diuretic and soothing tea you need to take 5 grams of dry thyme, 3 grams of mint, 3 tablespoons of rose hips, a slice of lemon and 2 tablespoons of honey. The dry ingredients are poured with boiling water and kept warm for half an hour, then lemon and honey are added.

3. Against colds and fever ginger tea with thyme will help. Take grated ginger root - 2 teaspoons or one of dry powder, two tablespoons of dried thyme, and one tablespoon of tea - black, green, or any other. The drink helps to ease the course of the disease and relieve the symptoms of a cold.

4. Delicious, soothing tea, which helps to relax and improve mood, to restore strength can be prepared by taking a tablespoon of dry thyme, 1 teaspoon of valerian root, a few dry orange peels, a teaspoon of green tea, a few mint leaves.

5. Such tea is very useful: in equal parts it is necessary to take thyme, chamomile, lemongrass, celandine and green tea. 5 teaspoons are poured with two liters of water and insisted for 2 hours, then honey, lemon or jam can be added there as you wish.

Useful properties of thyme tea

Thyme is an incredibly strong plant, tea with it helps with many diseases. The main useful properties are the following:

- antiseptic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- antimicrobial;
- pain reliever;
- expectorant;
- expanding the bronchi;
- antispasmodic;
- sedative;
- sleeping pills;
- antihelminthic.

- radiculitis;
- rheumatism;
- pneumonia;
- bronchitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- a cold;
- stomach ulcer;
- gastritis;
- cholecystitis;
- duodenal ulcer;
- intestinal colic;
- liver inflammation;
- cystitis.

Infusions and teas based on thyme relieve muscle and joint pain well, help relieve discomfort and swelling in case of bruises, dislocations and other injuries. Thyme is also used to treat dermatological diseases, in these cases, the broth is added to the bath or used for rubdowns. Thyme essential oil is also very effective. It is used to treat blood diseases, including anemia, neurasthenia, whooping cough, mycosis, hypotension. For inflammatory skin diseases such as boils or acne vulgaris, it is reasonable to use thyme essential oil.

Contraindications to the use of thyme tea

Despite the fact that thyme is very useful and valuable, some people need to refrain from using it.

First of all, these are allergy sufferers, people with an individual intolerance to thyme, pregnant women. And here lactating mothers thyme in small quantities will only be useful - it will increase the production of breast milk. Contraindications to thyme are thyroid disease, atrial fibrillation, serious liver and kidney disease.

The ancient Greeks knew about the benefits and properties of thyme tea. The drink has won the honorary title "fortitude".

The Greek sages believed that the drink restores mental strength. Healers admired him for his ability to heal, and magicians and sorcerers believed that the drug protects a person and a home from evil spirits.

In Russia, black tea with thyme gained popularity as a drink from God, giving strength. No wonder the grass was named "theotokos". In the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, with the onset of spring, women gathered grass and prepared teas, decoctions, potions, and also dried them for the winter. Since ancient times, healers have noted the ability of thyme tea to remove phlegm.

Tea with thyme and mint has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. The drink is useful in the prevention of gastritis and colitis. It prevents colic, bloating and flatulence.

Thyme tea is useful for people with hypertension. The drink relieves spasms, dilates blood vessels, eliminates attacks of acute headaches and insomnia.

Tea can be drunk by children from 4 years old as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory and sedative agent. If the child suffers from insomnia - make a cup of weak tea with thyme and mint.

All the benefits of thyme tea are explained by the main component - the thyme itself. When brewed, the plant does not lose.

Medicinal properties of thyme tea

Thyme tea is a remedy to restore strength, health and vitality. Black tea with thyme and oregano quenches thirst in summer, warms in winter, fills the air with a pleasant aroma and improves immunity.

For male strength

The drink is also called "fortitude" because it helps in the treatment of male problems. 70% of men face the problem of sexual impotence, complaints of prostate diseases or urinary disorders. Drinking tea helps to cope with the problem of weak potency. It eliminates burning sensation during urination, pain in the pelvis and perineum, increases potency and normalizes lymph drainage.

Thyme tea during pregnancy

Compresses and the use of thyme tea have different effects on the health of a pregnant woman.

Pay attention to the dosage of thyme in your tea. A high concentration of the plant can lead to miscarriage, bleeding or premature birth. Talk to your doctor before use.

Harm and contraindications of thyme tea

The power of thyme tea in the fight against diseases does not negate caution in its use. Although contraindications are kept to a minimum, pay attention to the exceptions.

Thyme tea is harmful if you have:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • progressive cardiosclerosis;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • heart rhythm disruptions;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pregnancy.

To avoid negative consequences, check out the correct recipe for the drink.

Thyme (thyme) is an unpretentious, aromatic plant. It is usually used to impart pleasant taste and aroma to drinks, desserts, some meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Also, thyme is known as a herb with healing powers. Therefore, it has been used in folk medicine since ancient times.

For example, the ancient Greeks used it to calm their nerves. Healers of Armenia used it to treat atherosclerosis, bronchitis, cataracts. In Tibet, it was used in pediatrics. It is known that thyme has a calming, anti-inflammatory properties, helps with spasms, and relieves pain.

Tea with this herb improves well-being, warms in winter, refreshes in summer heat. This is just wonderful, and therefore let's talk about what else tea with thyme can be useful to our health, what beneficial properties and contraindications are, and also consider the recipe for its preparation. Let's figure it out together:

How is the plant useful?

Let's start with the fact that the composition of thyme is very diverse. For example, grass contains vitamins B, C. There are a lot of useful bitterness, tannins, organic acids. There are flavonoids, resins. Substances such as cymene and thymol give it the very pleasant, unique aroma for which this plant is so famous.

Thyme is useful for diseases such as sciatica, sciatica, neuritis. In these cases, an infusion is made from it, which is used for lotions and is taken orally.

Traditional medicine uses this herb in the complex treatment of bronchitis, tracheitis, whooping cough in children. For this, 2 tbsp. l. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the crushed plant and wrap it well. After 4 hours, the infusion is ready for use. You just need to strain it and give the child 0.5 tsp. three times a day. Of course, you first need to consult a pediatrician.

Adults use thyme in the treatment of tuberculosis, relieve pain, abdominal cramps, eliminate insomnia, wash wounds and ulcers. And it is also an effective remedy for the treatment of alcoholism, as it causes a persistent aversion to alcohol.

Also, to heal the body, to heal from many ailments, they prepare aromatic tea with thyme.

The benefits of thyme tea

First of all, this drink has an unforgettable taste and aroma. Only high-quality, exquisite varieties of high-mountainous black tea should be used for its preparation. Green tea can also be used, but this is not for everybody. If you prefer green varieties, use large leafy natural Chinese tea.

A freshly prepared drink improves tone, improves performance, and vital functions of the body. The drink can easily help cope with fatigue. A cup of tea drunk in the morning will fill the body with vivacity, give energy.

Thyme tea will help strengthen the immune system. It effectively cleans blood vessels from deposits. May help relieve some allergies. It is considered an effective prophylactic agent against the development of cancer.

It is recommended to drink it for coughs, poor digestion, pain, abdominal cramps. It is useful in the treatment of neuroses, dysbiosis. Effective for urolithiasis. Tea with this plant is recommended for men to drink. The drink contains zinc, which is known to improve male sexual function. The drink is indicated for all people who have suffered a serious illness and are recovering strength during the recovery period.
Hot tea will warm you very well on a cold winter evening. A cool drink will refresh you on a hot, sultry afternoon.

And most importantly, thyme has few contraindications. Therefore, it can be drunk every day, both for adults and children. This distinguishes thyme tea from most other medicinal plants. If your child gets wet feet, sniffles, brew fresh, weak tea with thyme. And give your child a healthy drink. Just add a little honey. This will prevent a cold from developing.

Tea recipe

To prepare a healing, aromatic and tasty drink, we need a teapot. Scald it with boiling water first. Then pour 1 tbsp there. l. black tea, add 2-3 fresh sprigs of thyme. After that, pour boiling water, but not to the brim, but about 2/3. Close the kettle, wrap it up with something warm. After 5-7 minutes. invigorating, healthy drink will be ready. Top up with boiling water to full volume and drink to your health.

If you need to get rid of a cold, add some linden honey to your tea. Only the tea should not be very hot. By the way, for a cold, you can prepare a drink according to a different recipe:

Cold tea

Also warm up the teapot with boiling water. Now add 1 tbsp. l. black tea, 1 tsp. chopped dried thyme, 1 tsp. chopped rose hips. Pour boiling water over as described in the first recipe. Drink a freshly prepared drink in the morning for breakfast. Add honey to slightly cooled tea.


Thyme tea is definitely healthy. But it also has some contraindications for use. For example, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should not drink it. There are contraindications for drinking tea for hepatitis, pyelonephritis. Therefore, it will be better if you still consult with your doctor before using it. Be healthy!

The herb thyme or thyme is a powerful remedy for various ailments. It has long been used by our ancestors to treat colds, coughs, as an antispasmodic for abdominal pain. Today thyme is a component of some pharmaceutical preparations, which means that its healing properties are recognized by official medicine. It is known that many people drink tea with thyme with pleasure, without even thinking about what benefits or harm it brings to men and women. This drink tastes good and has a delicate aroma, but what are its properties? Since thyme is a medicinal herb, it is important to understand this. So, dear readers of "Popularly about health", let's talk about the plant and tea with it.

Tea for men

Thyme is often called a male herb, and this is no coincidence, because the composition of this plant includes substances that have a beneficial effect on the potency and work of the genitourinary system of men as a whole. We are talking about selenium and molybdenum. These chemicals can improve the production of male hormones. An increase in testosterone in the blood can achieve the following results:

Improve sperm quality;
Get rid of premature ejaculation;
Strengthen an erection.

But this is not all that tea with the addition of thyme can be useful for men. This pleasant drink can prevent the onset of inflammatory processes in the male genitourinary system, in particular, prostatitis. With the existing inflammation of the prostate, tea helps to relieve swelling and relieve unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

How to make thyme tea to enhance male strength? It is best to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. You can prepare it using regular black or green tea, adding 5 inflorescences of grass to one cup. Then the tea leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for about 5 minutes. It is enough to drink 1-2 cups of black or green tea with thyme per day to feel the result.

Why is thyme tea harmful to men??

Although the herb thyme is very beneficial for both men and women, it can harm a person in some cases. For example, if a man is elderly and has problems with high blood pressure, then drinking a lot of tea with thyme is harmful to health. Overdose is very dangerous - if you brew tea incorrectly, put a lot of herbs in a cup or teapot, this leads to overexcitation, nightmares or insomnia. If a man drinks alcohol, it is important to know that the tandem - alcohol plus thyme can cause nausea and vomiting. The medicinal herb contains thymol, which is incompatible with alcohol. It is known that this property of thyme was used by our grandmothers to treat alcoholism in men.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme is also useful for women, especially for nursing mothers who have a reduced production of breast milk. This herb is always one of the components of lactation herbal preparations. If you are feeding your baby and notice that there is less milk, the breast does not fill completely, then it makes sense to prepare for yourself once a day warm tea with the addition of thyme. Below is his recipe.

Place in a three-hundred-gram cup one teaspoon of green tea or half of this norm of black velvet without additives. Add half a spoonful of thyme, brew. Pay attention to the dosage, it cannot be exceeded. Cover the top of the cup with a lid. After waiting five minutes, remove the lid. Black tea with thyme is ready, but it is better not to drink it hot. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to drink warm drinks. Thyme should not be overused as it is a medicinal herb. It is enough to drink this remedy to improve lactation once a day (preferably in the morning).

For women, thyme tea is also beneficial for its ability to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. Women are very emotional, and sometimes it is difficult for them to control themselves if there are conflicts at work or troubles at home. Thyme will help to cope with nervousness and irritation. Just have a cup of drink before bed.

Harm of thyme tea for women

The harm of tea with the addition of thyme can bring those girls who already produce a lot of milk in their mammary glands. Excessive lactation is already a problem, since with an excess of milk you will have to express it, thereby an even greater influx of milk occurs. This process can result in mastopathy. Without the need, you should not additionally stimulate lactation.

You can not get too carried away with tea drinking lactating women also because thyme can cause allergies in the baby. Thyme is useful, it has a calming effect on babies, stimulates a good restful sleep, but only if taken in moderation. Drinking this tea is detrimental to pregnant women. Doctors warn that thyme tones the uterine muscles, which can provoke a miscarriage or premature labor.


Thyme tea is good for both men and women, but not always. In some cases - with hypertension, peptic ulcer or problems with the thyroid gland, you cannot drink it. In addition, excessive use of such a drug can result in new health problems. This gift of nature must be treated with respect, because it is not just an herb, but a medicine, with a pronounced effect on the body. Therefore, everyone can enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of thyme tea, but not too often.