How much to cook condensed milk in a tin can. Diy boiled condensed milk

05.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Boiled condensed milk is popular. This delicacy is delicious in itself and is suitable for filling in cakes and pastries.

You can find a finished product on store shelves, but it is often made with the addition of vegetable fats. Therefore, many people still brew condensed milk at home. It's easy, a little attention and patience - and you get a fragrant sweetness with a beautiful caramel shade.

Delicious boiled condensed milk is obtained from a high-quality starting product. You should not give preference to a cheap product. It is very likely that it contains additives that, when cooked, will not allow it to thicken.

To get a fragrant viscous mass, you need to carefully approach the choice of milk with sugar:

  • buy a product with the GOST sign;
  • check the expiration date;
  • do not take damaged and wrinkled cans.

But even high-quality condensed milk from different companies differs in taste. After trying different varieties, choose the one you like best.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk

The proverb that says that there are no comrades for taste and color, completely refers to boiled condensed milk. Many boil it to a dark, solid mass. There are also lovers of a soft texture of a light shade. This option works well for adding to cakes and other desserts. And everything depends only on one parameter - the cooking time.

  • Condensed milk must be cooked for at least 1.5 hours. At this stage, a mild sweetness of light beige is obtained. It is easy to mix and beat and is therefore often used to make cream.
  • After 2-2.5 hours, the product becomes brown and medium thick. This mass is convenient to use as a filling for everyone's favorite "nuts" cookies. Or you can simply lick off a spoon with hot tea.
  • If heating continues for more than 3 hours, the milk is boiled down and turns into a dense dark clot. At the same time, it acquires a thick chocolate color and a slight smell of burnt sugar.

How to properly cook condensed milk at home

You need to remove the label from the jar purchased in the store and wash the jar itself, if possible, cleaning the remaining glue on it.

Examine the composition

For homemade boiled milk, you need to take condensed milk containing only milk fat. Actually, it should be 100% milk and sugar.

The addition of palm or other vegetable oil changes its properties and spoils the taste. It also means that starch and other thickening components have been added to the milk.

Top up water on time

The cooking process takes several hours, so the water in the pot will inevitably boil away, and you have to add it.

To do this, be sure to use hot water. If you take a cold one, then a sharp contrast in temperatures may occur, and the jar will burst. To save yourself from the worries of adding water, it is better to immediately take a saucepan of a sufficiently large volume.

Do not open a hot can

You cannot open an iron can immediately after cooking, no matter how much you want to see the result as soon as possible. As soon as a hole appears in the lid, the hot contents will forcefully splash out. The boiling sticky mass can severely burn your skin, not to mention cleaning up.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Condensed milk is usually sold in cans. We used to cook it in this container since Soviet times. In fact, there are various ways to prepare this yummy. All of them are suitable for independent home use in the kitchen.

In a tin can

Condensed milk is boiled without opening a tin can. It is simply put on its side in a saucepan, poured over with cold water and simmered over low heat. To reduce the evaporation of water, you can use a loose lid on the pan.

Milk fat

Milk, which contains more fat, needs to be cooked longer. Therefore, it is better to check what value is indicated on the label. On average, the time ratio is as follows:

  • with a fat content of 8-8.5%, the approximate cooking time is 1.5-2 hours;
  • with a fat content of more than 8.5%, you need to focus on the time of 2-2.5 hours.

Amount of water

The size of the pot is of great importance. There must be at least a centimeter of water above the jar. If the water boils away, the can will simply explode and decorate the entire room from floor to ceiling with sticky stains. Therefore, the more water that fits into the pot, the better. It is not necessary to pour to the very edges, otherwise, when boiling, water will splash onto the stove.


The cooking process itself is not complicated. First, the dishes are put on high heat so that the water heats up faster. Then the stove is put into the minimum heat mode to maintain a slight boil.

The main thing is not to forget about the ongoing culinary action and regularly check the water level, adding it as needed.


To cool, the jar is simply left to lie in the water in which it was cooked. When it has cooled to room temperature, you can take it out and open it.

In a glass jar

Some manufacturers produce condensed milk in glass containers. You can also make boiled water from it.

This method is also suitable for those who believe that metal cans are harmful to health and spoil the taste of the product.

The plus is that you can observe the process through transparent glass.

  • We pour condensed milk from an iron can, or we immediately take one that is packed in glass at the factory.
  • We put a rug on the bottom of the pan, put a jar on it, cover it loosely with a lid.
  • Pour water to a level just above the milk level.
  • We boil over low heat for 3-4 hours, not forgetting to add evaporating water.

You do not need to stir the milk during cooking. For cooling, the jar is left in the same water without removing.

No can at all

You can cook condensed milk directly in an aluminum saucepan. But it is better to take a cast iron pan with thick walls. It will provide more even heating. Condensed milk is poured into a bowl and brought to a boil over medium heat .

It is important to constantly stir the contents of the pot with a spoon or wooden spatula. It is worth distracting for a while, and the milk will burn to the bottom.

Reduce heat to minimum and continue boiling until desired density and color. The mass is regularly mixed so that a hard crust does not form on the walls.

On a water bath

There is a way to avoid constant standing at the stove and stirring. If you place a rack or colander on top of a pot of water, you can organize cooking in a water bath.

The boiling water will evaporate and heat the condensed milk bowl on the wire rack. You do not have to be afraid that the delicacy will burn. But you still need to monitor the water level and add it to the dishes.

We use kitchen appliances

Many housewives are already accustomed to preparing all meals using household appliances. Boiled condensed milk is no exception. A modest saucepan can be replaced with a modern machine.


A jar is placed in a multicooker bowl in a horizontal position and filled with water just below the maximum level. The device is started in the "Boiling" mode and wait for the water to boil. Then, in the "Stew" mode, condensed milk is boiled for two to three hours.

At the end, the lid is opened and the condensed milk is allowed to cool. After that, it is ready to eat.

The video will tell you how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker in 13 minutes.


In no case should you put a tin can in the microwave. Condensed milk should be transferred to a ceramic pot or just a glass bowl.

The total cooking time is 10-15 minutes if the microwave is turned on at full power. But every couple of minutes you need to open the door and stir the mass. This method is much faster than traditional cooking, although the taste will be slightly different.

Pressure cooker

Using a pressure cooker will not significantly reduce cooking time. But you don't have to monitor the boiling off of water, and there is no danger that the can will explode.

You just need to put the jar in the pressure cooker, fill it with water and boil for 15 minutes. Then turn off and leave to stand with a hermetically closed lid. In about 3 hours, the contents will cool down, and the condensed milk will reach the desired condition.

Although boiling condensed milk is a simple matter, some sweet lovers are afraid to spoil something. A few helpful tips can help you build self-confidence.

What to do to prevent the bank from exploding

Everything will be fine if:

  • make sure that the can does not stick out of the water;
  • do not add cold water to boiling water;
  • do not cook condensed milk in a damaged jar.

How to cook a lot of condensed milk at once

If you have a large enough saucepan, you can cook several cans at once. The main thing is to fit more water. It is recommended to put a silicone mat on the bottom. Then the banks will roll less and bump against each other.

No wonder everyone loves boiled condensed milk. You can buy condensed milk with sugar in any store, and it is very easy to make an original, unique treat from it. Appetizing smell and beautiful color turn a simple dish into a real culinary masterpiece. It decorates any sweet table and is part of various desserts.

Modern housewives are used to buying almost everything in the store, and boiled condensed milk is no longer in short supply. But the quality of the product often leaves much to be desired even from the manufacturers who have proven themselves on the positive side. Therefore, those who are used to natural products will find useful information on how to cook condensed milk in various ways, and what desserts can be prepared with this ingredient.

How to cook condensed milk at home

You can get a healthy and aromatic delicacy, the taste of which will be "the same", natural, from childhood, in several ways. Choose the most convenient one, set aside a couple of minutes for preparation, a few hours for cooking and proceed.

The classic way of cooking

Despite the prohibitions of condensed milk producers, boiling in a tin can has become a classic way of cooking boiled condensed milk. How much to cook condensed milk in a jar, and how to prevent general cleaning in the kitchen with washing off the sweet milk-caramel mass from the walls and ceiling - these are not idle questions.

Therefore, do not deviate from the algorithm below:

  1. Put a jar of condensed milk in a large saucepan and fill it with water to the maximum possible level, so as not to frequently add water during cooking. Send the pan to the stove and wait for the active gurgling of water.
  2. After boiling, boil condensed milk for a couple of hours, if in the future it is planned to use it to make creams in cakes or pastries. To get a thicker and darker composition (for example, for filling "nuts"), it is necessary to cook condensed milk for about an hour longer.
  3. During the cooking process, you need to make sure that the jar is not "exposed" and, if necessary, add hot water to the pan. After finishing the heat treatment, the jar should be left to cool in the water in which it was cooked. Meeting these two conditions will help you avoid an epic explosion.

When choosing condensed milk for cooking, you need to carefully study its composition on the label. A quality product should not include anything other than dairy and sugar. Condensed milk with palm oil in the composition, it is better to stay on the store shelf.

Diy boiled condensed milk

Boiled condensed milk can be made not only from a store product. It is quite possible to make it from sugar and whole cow's milk, while spending not much more time than with the classical method.

For one and a half liters of homemade boiled condensed milk, you should take:

  • 3,000 ml whole cow's milk (better than home milk, not store-bought);
  • 1000 g of granulated sugar;
  • 45 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 g of soda.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the milk with sugar in a saucepan of a suitable capacity on the fire and heat, stirring continuously, until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. When the composition boils, remove the pan from the stove, add lemon juice and soda to its contents. The milk will begin to foam actively. Now it should be stirred vigorously and returned to the fire.
  3. From the moment of re-boiling, note the time and boil the condensed milk over medium heat for three hours. During this time, the milk will darken and thicken.
  4. During the cooking process, it is necessary not only to periodically mix the composition, but also to take a sample for readiness. If a drop of milk does not spread on a cold saucer, the boiled condensed milk is ready. The finished product should be poured into half-liter jars for further storage.

Cooking in the oven

Condensed milk, which is sold not in cans, but in tetra packs, cannot be cooked in a saucepan in the classical way. For such a product, cooking in the oven is more suitable.

The sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Pour condensed milk into a metal or glass heat-resistant container and close this container on top with a sheet of food foil.
  2. Place the container with milk in another container with water so that the liquid level reaches the middle of the height of the condensed milk in the mold.
  3. Then put the condensed milk for 2 - 3 hours in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. If necessary, add boiled water during cooking. Take the boiled condensed milk out of the oven, free it from the foil and use it as directed.

The easiest way in the microwave

Owners of microwave ovens should know how to cook condensed milk using this device. Moreover, the whole process will take no more than 8 minutes.

The cooking algorithm in a microwave oven is as follows:

  1. Pour condensed milk into a ceramic or glass dish and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. The power of the device should be set at 700W.
  2. After the sound signal, stir the condensed milk and send it back to the microwave for 2 minutes. It is important to ensure that the milk does not run away and warms up evenly, so it must be mixed. Repeat this periodic heating no more than 4 times.

Having brought the product to the desired consistency and color, it can be used for its direct culinary purpose.

Baking recipes with boiled condensed milk

Of course, there is natural boiled condensed milk just with a spoon - a pleasure that cannot be achieved, even with the help of the “heavenly” Bounty bar. However, baked goods with condensed milk can turn out to be an even more delicious delicacy. Cakes, pastries, cookies with such a component come out just fabulously tasty.

Boiled condensed milk and butter cream

This cream is suitable as a filling for various homemade cakes made from biscuit, honey, puff or waffle cakes, as well as all kinds of cakes and cookies.

The proportions of ingredients for its preparation:

  • 380 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 200 g softened butter;
  • 20 - 40 g icing sugar;
  • 5 ml of liquor (or other alcohol for flavor).

We cook as follows:

  1. Beat the soft butter with the powdered sugar until a white and fluffy mass. Do the same with boiled condensed milk separately.
  2. Then combine both masses by mixing them with a silicone spatula.
  3. At the end of cooking, add a little liquor for flavor. The cream is ready.

Classic biscuits "Nuts"

Unsightly condensed milk, boiled in a jar in a saucepan, can be an excellent filling for homemade "nuts" cookies.

To bake it, you must prepare:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 250 g butter;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 5 g of slaked soda;
  • 320 g flour;
  • 380 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • kernels of any nut at the rate of one kernel for one nut.

A step-by-step recipe for baking the sweetest, most high-calorie and such amazingly delicious "nuts" in the world:

  1. Before you start kneading the dough, melt the butter and leave to cool slightly, but continue to be liquid.
  2. Grind eggs with sugar and salt with a hand whisk until smooth. Then pour in liquid oil, stir, add slaked soda and flour.
  3. Send the finished shortbread dough to the refrigerator for an hour, so that it will be easier to work with it later.
  4. Grease a baking dish for nuts (hazelnuts) with vegetable oil. Roll out the dough into balls with a diameter of cherries and put them in the recesses of the mold. Do not make larger pieces, otherwise the dough will definitely try to escape during the baking process.
  5. On low heat, bake the "nuts" for one - two minutes on each side. Very carefully remove the finished portions and cool.
  6. Then it remains only to collect the "shells" by filling them with boiled condensed milk and hiding a nut kernel inside each.

Delicious muffins

The thick consistency of boiled condensed milk allows you to use it as a filling for muffins. Such pastries with a delicious milk surprise will please both adults and children.

The proportions of the products included in its composition are as follows:

  • 1 egg;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 200 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3.5 g vanillin;
  • 2.5 g salt;
  • 7 g baking powder;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 190 g of boiled condensed milk.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Foam the egg with a whisk along with sugar, pour in milk and vegetable oil, shake everything again.
  2. Then add the bulk ingredients (flour, vanillin, salt and baking powder). The finished dough should be thick, like sour cream.
  3. Put a tablespoon of dough in greased silicone molds, on top of it - a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk. We hide the tasty filling under the second portion of the dough.
  4. Cook the muffins in the oven at 180 ° C for approximately 30 to 40 minutes. Decorate cooled muffins with powdered sugar.

Waffle cake with boiled condensed milk

Having on hand a package of ready-made wafer cakes and a can of boiled condensed milk, you can make a delicious cake in just a couple of minutes.

One such dessert will require:

  • 6 - 8 wafer cakes;
  • 380 g of boiled condensed milk;
  • 100 g soft butter;
  • 100 g chopped roasted peanuts;
  • 50 - 70 g of chocolate.


  1. Beat the condensed milk with softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Collect the cake from ready-made cakes, sandwiching them with the composition obtained in the previous step.
  3. Grease the dessert with cream and sprinkle with crushed peanuts.
  4. Melt the chocolate and use a cornetic to apply a chaotic pattern of viscous sweet threads over the nuts.
  5. Let the cake soak for about an hour, or you can serve it straight away by slicing it into portions.

Bagels with "boiled"

For fluffy bagels on yeast dough stuffed with boiled condensed milk, you should prepare:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 150 g of sugar (of which 50 g - in the dough);
  • 1 egg;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 50 g yeast;
  • 630 g flour;
  • 370 g of boiled condensed milk.

Baking method:

  1. Dissolve sugar and yeast in milk. Pour in the egg and melted butter, loosened until smooth. Adding flour in small portions, knead the dough.
  2. Let the mass stand warm until it increases in volume two to three times. Then knead it well, divide it into three parts, roll each of them into a circle. Cut workpieces into conveniently sized segments.
  3. Put condensed milk filling on the edge of each portion, roll everything up, roll in sugar and bake until golden brown in the oven preheated to 180 - 190 degrees.

Baking with boiled condensed milk can be quite varied and invariably delicious. But when starting to prepare it, it is worth remembering that the result will largely depend on the quality of the starting products. In this regard, it is worth spending a little time and preparing "boiled" yourself, because now you know enough about how to do this!

Method 1: elementary

All you need is a can of condensed milk and a large old saucepan.

Bring water in a saucepan to a boil. First, make sure that the volume of liquid you have collected can completely cover the can of condensed milk.

Remove the paper label from the can. Glue may remain on the surface and stick to the pan during cooking. That is why you need to take the old container so that you do not mind throwing it away.

Carefully immerse the can of condensed milk in boiling water. It is best to do this with tongs or a slotted spoon. The jar must be stable, upside down, otherwise it will roll, bounce during cooking and make annoying sounds.

Boil condensed milk over low heat for three hours.

Important: always make sure that the water completely covers the jar, otherwise the condensed milk may explode. If necessary, simply add boiling water to the pot.

Use tongs or a slotted spoon to remove the jar from the pot and let it cool to room temperature. In no case cool boiled condensed milk in cold water and do not open it ahead of time: it may explode.

After the boiled condensed milk has cooled, open it and stir until smooth.

Method 2: natural

If you don't trust the producers of condensed milk, you can prepare it from scratch.


  • 1 liter of fat milk (it is better to take homemade or store-bought maximum fat content);
  • 450-500 g of sugar.


Pour milk into a large saucepan and place over medium heat. Add sugar and, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil.

You really need to stir constantly, otherwise the sugar will burn.

After boiling, reduce heat to low and cook condensed milk for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally. Determine readiness by the color and consistency of the dish. Drop condensed milk on a plate: if it spreads slowly, then it is already ready. Note that the milk will harden after cooling, so do not try to boil it until it is too thick.

Chill the condensed milk at room temperature and pour into a clean jar.

How to cook condensed milk in the oven

Transfer the condensed milk to an ovenproof dish and cover with foil. Place on a high-rimmed baking sheet or other oversized dish. Fill the second container with hot water so that it reaches the middle of the form with condensed milk.

Send the baking sheet to an oven preheated to 200 ° C. After 1–1.5 hours, remove the milk from the oven, remove the foil and stir. If the condensed milk has not reached the desired color and consistency, cover it again with foil and return to the oven. Check it every 15 minutes until it's ready. Top up the baking sheet with water if necessary.

How to cook condensed milk in the microwave

This is the fastest way to cook boiled condensed milk. But it also has its drawbacks: the consistency may not turn out to be as viscous and uniform as during long cooking. However, if time is running out, then feel free to use this particular method.

Transfer the condensed milk to a glass dish and cook it on medium power for two minutes. Then remove from the microwave and stir.

You can do four to eight of these repetitions, depending on what result you want to achieve. True, after the fourth time, it is better to set the timer not for two minutes, but for one, so as not to miss the moment of readiness.

Recipes with boiled condensed milk


  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g sugar;
  • 200 g butter;
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 450 g flour;
  • vegetable oil - for lubricating the mold;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.


Combine eggs with sugar, add melted butter and stir again. Add vinegar slaked baking soda and stir again. Then gradually start adding flour and kneading the dough. It should be soft and elastic.

Roll the dough into small balls a little smaller than a walnut. Put them in a special form for "Nuts", pre-oiled with vegetable oil and heated on fire on both sides. Bake the dough in a mold on one side for 4-5 minutes and then on the other for about three minutes. If you use an electric hazelnut maker, you can cook the dough in it even less: about four minutes.

Remove the shells from the mold, let them cool and fill each with boiled condensed milk. Join the two pieces of cookies together and trim off any excess edges.


  • 1 egg;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 200 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 240 g flour;
  • 1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
  • ½ cans of boiled condensed milk.


In a bowl, combine egg, sugar and vanillin. Add a pinch of salt, sunflower oil, milk and stir well. Sift flour and baking powder into the dough, mix again.

Put a tablespoon of dough in silicone muffin tins, add a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk in the center and cover the filling with another tablespoon of dough. Bake the muffins in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 90 g flour;
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk;
  • 170 g cream cheese.


Cook first. To do this, separate the yolks from the whites. Whisk the whites until hot peaks, gradually adding sugar in the process. Continuing to beat, add the yolks to the mixture (add one at a time, not all at once).

Mix the flour and cocoa separately and sift the mixture. Add it to the beaten eggs in portions and stir gently with a spatula from top to bottom.

Line the bottom of a 24-centimeter form with parchment, distribute the dough in it and send to the oven preheated to 170 ° C for 40 minutes.

Cool the sponge cake (it is better to let it rest for a few hours in a form turned upside down) and cut it into three cakes. Assemble the cake, smearing each cake with cream of whipped boiled condensed milk and cheese. Spread the remaining cream on the outside of the cake and put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours. Garnish the cake with biscuit crumbs or cocoa before serving.

Do you have a favorite dish with boiled condensed milk? Tell us about it in the comments.

Boiled condensed milk, or, in a simple way, boiled milk, is not only an excellent delicacy, but also an irreplaceable ingredient for a layer of cakes and pastries.

It would be nice if such condensed milk was sold in any store. However, not all so simple. There is boiled condensed milk in stores, of course, but does it correspond to the quality that real boiled milk has, which in taste and consistency resembles toffee? Not always.

So we have to remember the forgotten recipes for cooking condensed milk, which the hostesses of the Soviet era were proud of in the absence of it on store shelves.

And, it turns out, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is that when cooking condensed milk, you need to know a few simple rules.

Rule 1. Not every canned condensed milk can be boiled.

It is known that the composition of milk is indicated on all jars. But it's not a secret for anyone that condensed milk is now often made from everything that is possible, adding powdered milk, vegetable fats in the form of palm oil, preservatives, thickeners, starch and other non-dairy ingredients.

And if you try to make boiled milk from such condensed milk, you still won't succeed. It will either become liquid, or simply curl up and not thicken.

Therefore, only a product made from real milk and sugar is suitable for cooking. Such a jar will be equipped with the corresponding inscription: whole milk with sugar.

Rule 2. Fat content plays an important role in the quality of boiled condensed milk.

Condensed milk should be at least 8.5% fat. Only such a product will make a high-quality boiled milk, which needs to be cooked for 2-2.5 hours.

Rule 3. A jar of condensed milk intended for cooking must be free from mechanical damage.

After all, even a slight dent can serve, sadly enough, for a can to burst during cooking, because a small defect during long boiling can easily break the integrity of the container, and the huge pressure inside the can will contribute to its rupture.

Preparation for cooking condensed milk

So, condensed milk has been selected. The next stage is the choice of the container in which the condensed milk will be cooked... A large capacious pan is suitable for boiling condensed milk, into which you can pour so much water that it covers a jar placed vertically by at least 10 cm.After all, there is a long boiling ahead, and, as you know, active boiling of water occurs.

The main point: while boiling condensed milk, the can should not appear on the surface of the water for a second. This is especially true of those cases when the jar is not put in the pan, but put.

There is a very simple explanation for this: the seams on the can are located in a circle on the bottom and lid, when the top of the can looks out of the water, there is a sharp temperature drop, which can provoke an explosion of the can.

Therefore, it is best to place a jar of condensed milk when cooking in a saucepan horizontally... And even if it happens that the barrel looks out of the water for a minute, you can always have time to quickly correct the situation.

Therefore, a kettle with boiling water, or at least boiling water, should always be ready next to it, so that the refilling process can be carried out as quickly as possible.

When boiling water, even a slight one, the bank will surely roll along the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the bottom of the pan with a soft cloth, as the hostesses do when they sterilize jars of canned vegetables and fruits.
There is only one little thing left - to cook condensed milk.

  • A can of condensed milk is placed in a prepared pan, from which the label has been removed, since it will still lag behind the can during the cooking process and will float in the pan, making it difficult to observe the process. The paper must be removed by soaking in water, and not ripped off with an iron brush, which can not only scrape the jar, but also cause micro-scratches that can break the integrity of the jar during cooking.
  • A jar of condensed milk is poured with cold water so that there is a large supply in case it boils off, since it is better not to add water again, artificially creating a temperature difference.
  • Place the saucepan on the stove, cover it and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire so that there is an even, mild boil. Only with this method of cooking condensed milk eventually acquires a homogeneous consistency without lumps.
  • Cooking continues for at least one and a half hours. It all depends on how thick the boiled food they want to end up with. After an hour, the milk acquires a creamy hue, but there is still no thickness. After 2 hours, the color darkens slightly, and the milk becomes slightly thicker. After 3 hours, the milk becomes light brown, thick and toffee-like. And after 4 hours you can talk about real toffee and dark brown milk.
  • If, despite all the precautions, the water still boils away, it must be refilled. To do this, take a kettle and slowly add boiling water to the pan, but not aiming at the jar, but pouring it between it and the wall of the dish.
  • The dumplings are ready. In no case should it be removed from the pan, let alone rinsed with cold water! It is very dangerous! And not only because of the walls splashed with a sweet treat during the explosion of the can, but also because of the very real threat of being burned with hot boiled water. Therefore, the jar is left in a saucepan until it cools completely. And only after that they take it out of the water, open it and enjoy delicious boiled condensed milk - boiled milk.

How to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

Condensed milk is cooked much faster in a pressure cooker. But you must follow the instructions exactly.

  • Condensed milk, correctly selected for cooking, is placed in a pressure cooker.
  • Pour it with water and close the lid.
  • Turn on at full power and quickly bring to a boil.
  • Cooking is continued for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Unplug the pressure cooker but leave the lid closed.
  • Don't open for 3 hours.
  • The pot is then opened, but the jar is allowed to cool completely in water.
  • They take out a jar of boiled water, open it and conduct a tasting.

Many people love boiled condensed milk. This delicacy was one of the most popular in Soviet times. But now both adults and children eat it with pleasure. Condensed milk is used to stuff tubes and custards, it is used to make creams for cakes and pastries. This product has always remained popular.

Today, this delicacy is quite possible to buy. But the hostesses are sure that the boiled condensed milk cooked with their own hands much tastier... Indeed, purchased condensed milk often does not have good taste, since it contains all kinds of additives.

To get the best result, it is important to choose the right condensed milk:

  • it is advisable to buy only products with the inscription "GOST" on the packaging, since the "TU" icon indicates that milk contains various additives, including those of chemical origin;
  • it is imperative to make sure that the milk is fresh;
  • it often happens that a product with a good composition is not very tasty, so you have to choose using trial and error;
  • Crumpled cans are not worth buying, because dangerous bacteria can penetrate inside, causing damage to condensed milk.

How to prepare a can of condensed milk for cooking?

Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the jar:

  • remove paper label;
  • wash the container thoroughly;
  • if the glue is not completely removed immediately, wipe it off with a stiff metal brush, only carefully so as not to damage the jar.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar?

Cooking time for homemade condensed milk directly depends on the fat content of the raw material:

  • milk with a fat content of 8-8.5% will be ready in 1.5-2 hours;
  • milk with a fat content of more than 8.5% is prepared 2-2.5 tsp.

In a word, the higher the fat content, the longer the condensed milk is cooked.

How much to cook condensed milk in a jar until brown?

Many housewives are interested in how much to cook condensed milk in a jar in time so that it acquires a pleasant brown tint. You should know that:

  • after 1 hour of cooking, the condensed milk will be liquid and beige;
  • after 2 hours, it will acquire a medium density and light brown color;
  • after 3 hours it will become thick, brown;
  • after 4 hours the milk will turn into a dense chocolate-colored curd.

Cooking condensed milk requires a large saucepan. The fact is that the milk takes several hours to cook, so the water will inevitably boil away. You can only add hot water. It's troublesome enough. Therefore, it is better to immediately pick up a large cooking container so that there is enough water for the entire cooking time.

Helpful information:

How to cook condensed milk in a jar?

You can make a treat like this:

  • put the jar in a prepared pot and fill it with water;
  • put on the stove and turn on high heat;
  • when the water boils, reduce the gas and cook the milk for the required number of hours;
  • then turn off the stove and leave the jar in water until it cools completely.

Boiled condensed milk is ready. You can open the container and enjoy the excellent taste!

Cooking in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an excellent kitchen appliance that makes life easier for housewives. It is quite possible to cook boiled condensed milk in it. It is important to follow all the rules to avoid the explosion of the can:

  • put a silicone mat on the bottom of the container, put a jar on it;
  • fill it with cold water so that it does not reach the extreme mark by 1 division;
  • close the lid and turn on the Boiling mode;
  • after boiling, turn on the "Stew" mode and cook milk for 2-2.5 hours;
  • when done, open the lid and let the jar cool in water.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar so that it does not explode?

Some women are afraid to cook boiled condensed milk because they are afraid that the can will explode. If a follow the tips below, such a nuisance will not happen.