The nozzle for crushing grapes with the crest. Crusher for grapes do it yourself drawings

09.03.2021 Soups

Grapes is a popular culture among gardeners. High vine with thick greens is often used as shelter for a gazebo or recreation area. And when the crop-shaped clusters can additionally get aesthetic pleasure. The benefits of berries should not even be reminded, the bunches are enriched with a large number of minerals and vitamins, valuable for the human body.

Why do you need a crusher for grapes

Many daches grow grapes for homemade winemaking. The process of recycling the berry includes the spin of the juice and the separation of the cake. You can only perform work in small volumes. More stock gardeners use special crushers for these purposes. They can be purchased in the factory assembly or make it yourself. For self-installation, it will be necessary to first examine the types of design and the principles of the mechanism.

Types of crushers and principle of work

All crushers are divided into mechanical and electric. The principle of operation of equipment on electric power is almost no different from the design of a manual type. The peculiarity of productive aggregates is the presence of a row separator, with the help of which quickly and high-quality grapes are separated from the twig. Only pure juice and grapes come to the crushing compartment.

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The simplest design is the wooden crusher equipped with shafts, a juice container, separately for cake and a handle, the rotation of which leads to operation mechanism. This option is with a comb separator and without it.

Roll crushers have a more complex device, which makes it possible to get high quality wort. The principle of functioning is based on rolling rolls in different directions. The distance between moving parts is adjustable, it allows you to adjust the equipment under certain varieties of berries. The surface of the working elements may be smooth, embossed or blade. Often, preference is given to the profile rolls. The ridge separator accelerates the process of processing grapes, separating qualitatively berries from the twig.

Impact-centrifugal structures work with shock and rotational movements of the mechanism. Under the influence of rotor strikes, which at the same time makes rotation at high speed (300-500 rpm. / Min.), Berry is recycling. This form of crushing guarantees the preparation of high-quality wort with a large content of natural pigments. In the equipment of this type, the comb separator is a mandatory element.

Advantages and disadvantages

To assess the need and usefulness of the grape crusher, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the preferences of the equipment:

Obtaining high-quality mezgi, which is not containing a large number of comprehensive components;

Rational spending for forces and time;

See also: Quartz heater: principle of operation, pros and cons

A simple and durable construction that can be improved infinitely;

The possibility of using submitted means when assembling the crusher;

The use of sheet stainless material for assembling the unit reliably protects against the formation of rust during operation, and also prevents the formation of third-party odors in the juice.

The equipment does not have significant deficiencies, except that there is no possibility to apply aggregates with a comb separator to produce mezgi from nutmeg varieties.

How to make a crusher with your own hands

Very technologically, but overnight, a simple crusher for grapes is quite realistic to collect independently. The cost of its production is minimal, and in efficiency it is not inferior to factory goods intended for the processing of small amounts of raw materials.

Stages of mounting

1. Load the frame from the boards. Preferably use oak blanks. This element in form represents two long boards, connected between two short transverse elements. The parameters are determined depending on the size of the rolls and the bunker, which are subsequently installed on the frame.

2. Prepare rolls. They can be taken from the old washing machine (element for pressing linen) or make independently made of wood, giving the surface of relief. Also suit the pipe. To make the relief on the surface, you need to spend a few lines along the ends of the roll diagonally or along the end sides. At the backbones every 5 mm, holes or penetrations of a depth of 5 mm are done, a diameter of 10 mm.

Many gardeners are engaged in growing grapes for the manufacture of homemade wines. The operation of the berry processing includes: extraction of juice and the mezgi branch. It is possible to crush and flicen the berries manually (with minor volumes) or in the press. More exciting gardeners use specialized crushers in these purposes. They can be bought in factory execution or to build it yourself. For independent manufacture, it is necessary at first to study the types of structures and the basis of the functioning of the mechanism.


All aggregates are divided into mechanical (manual drive) and electric (electric). Mechanical and electric davels may have a completely different performance principle. The difference lies only in the absence or presence of an electrical drive. Any of varieties of grape davockers have a number of positive qualities and disadvantages. The selection of the winemaker device is implemented taking into account the volume of processing and the necessary productivity.

With comb separator

A device equipped with a comb separator is a mechanism that performs not only crushing berries, but also relieves them from fruits (ridges). This device has a simple device. Grapes are laid in the tray, and auxiliary roller is applied to the sinking of berries and fruits. After that, grapes are gridled by two crushing rollers placed on opposite edges. Mezga falls into a special compartment. Mechanisms with a separator of fruits are centrifugal and shock and rolls.

Important. The use of a crusher with a hand-type comb separator is not practiced for nutmeg varieties of table grapes. The harvest of this grapes are collected when the fruits are slightly enhancing and separateding them from the fruits is no longer possible.

Without a comb separator

According to its design, the aggregates equipped with a separator of crests and not having such, do not have significant differences, with the exception of the absence of ridges and the functionality of the fruit separation from the brush. The processing procedure of raw materials is being implemented slower due to the fact that the grapes are required to prepare - the branch of grapes from scallops.


There are mechanical pressing of two ways to load: horizontal and vertical. In most cases, this applies to centrifugal type devices. This type of pump is functioning through a centrifugal (tangential) force, with which the borders with force be afraid of the inside of the bunker. Fruits are not only perfectly crushed into small parts, but also drink with oxygen.

The mechanisms of this type are used for the manufacture of red wines. Since it obtains satisfying the requirements of a wine vehicle with an increased amount of tannic and coloring compounds. This device simultaneously with the fragmentation of the fruit separates them from the fruits. The design of the unit includes: a housing equipped with a lid with a power drive, a shaft with blades, a receiving bunker and tray, which is removed from the ridges.

With electric drive

This design is equipped with two handles, leading the shafts and separator of the ridges in the working condition. It is easy to modify the snap-in, linking both mechanisms into a holistic manual or electrical control (electric drive).


Crushers of this type are intended for the separation of grapes from the ridges with further crushing of raw materials. The structure of the roll davil includes: a billar shaft, perforated (with holes placed in a certain order) cylinder and 4 rolls made of rubber "food" destination, which function in pairs. The principle of the functioning of the crusher is:

  • berries entered the device, where, under the influence of bile shafts, the scallops are separated from grapes and removed from the cylinder with perforation;
  • then grapes through perforation fall on the shafts through which crushing is performed.

The crusher is equipped with auxiliary devices that adjust the distance between the rolls in the borders of 3? 8 millimeters. This allows for the need to apply gentle pressure on berries depending on their quality characteristics and varieties


If the crop is insignificant, then you can replace any dft with a manual device. To do this, you need to purchase a whin for building mixers. The use of a wreath, made on the basis of metal rods, will be productively and freely crushed grape berries, but the bones along with it will not warm up.

For the fragmentation of grapes in this way we fall asleep into the container a small amount of berries and whipped by a whisk. After 2-3 minutes it will turn out ready mezga. The use of this method of crushing is good since that after its grinding you can safely remove separated scallops. The finished mezdu is poured into another container and leave to be fermented.

How to make a duty do it yourself

Today, stores have an extensive selection of devices for treating the resulting grape harvest, in particular, a mechanical type pressure for DV-3 grapes. However, if for some reasons you are not suitable or does not suit the available range, you can take on the personnel manufacturer of such an instrument. The grape davilka is a simple device from a technical point of view.

Creating such an aggregate will not take much time and will not require solid financial investments. At the same time, the performance of the handicraft crushing device is not a drop of not worse than the factory equipment.

Stages of creating the simplest design are as follows.

  1. Make a drawing of the device or take advantage of the basis in the form of a basis.
  2. Mount the receiving bunker for filling the raw material. By configuration, the bunker is similar to an inverted truncated pyramid. The optimal material for its creation is wood solid rocks (for example, oak). It is also possible to use stainless steel and plastics.
  3. Under the lower section of the receiving hopper, a paddle shaft is mounted (from 4 to 6 blades). To create it, it is necessary to take the tube (with a diameter of 30-40 millimeters) and the plate (in length of 15-20 centimeters, in the width of 8-10 centimeters) from the stainless steel. Swelling the plates to the tube are needed in a checker order (mover after the parties interfaces).
  4. We insert the blade shaft into the holes in the lower segment of the receiving bunker.
  5. Fix in the lower section of the receiving bunker grid. Its diameter must be responsible for the size of the treated grapes. You can prepare a certain number of elements from a steel mesh with various cell sizes and replace them with regard to the used type of grapes.
  6. The shaft is activated by means of a handle. For this, it is necessary to be a rod (a thickness of at least 10-12 millimeters), informing it the form of a broken line. One edge of the handle is fixed to the shaft.
  7. The base of the device is a frame. It must be led from wooden parts by dimensions, slightly overlapping the dimensions of the lower section of the bunker. In height, it should be at least 15 centimeters.
  8. 2 shafts are fixed to the frame with a distance between them 2-3 millimeters. In order for the shafts to make turns towards each other, tightening the fruits inside, 2 gears will be required. They can be taken from any mechanical adaptation or order in a workshop that carries out turning work. It is especially important that the details are the same type. The gears are mounted on shafts from the outer part of the frame.
  9. On one of the trees it is worth putting a handle.

As a result, the most uncomplicated crushing device for grape processing is ready to use. Buy a factory crusher for grapes or make an easy-to-fit your own hands - to solve everyone at your discretion.

In any case, this simple technique will facilitate and speed up the procedure for the preparation of the original winemaking product.

What are the types and rules for using a crusher for grapes, see the next video.

Crusher for grapes with her own hands, design drawings with one drive roll, with the possibility of adjusting the gap between the rolls.

This mechanism is designed to grind grapes and combing comb.

Before starting the design, it is necessary to conduct an easy technological calculation.

1. Calculate the performance of the roll crusher (kg / s) by the formula:

N \u003d ½LDΔωρφ.

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126
Δ - gap between rolls (M), 0.006
Ω - Roll Angle Speed \u200b\u200b(Run / s), 6.28 (60 rpm)
ρ - grape density (kg / m3), 1364
φ - the coefficient of use of the crusher, 0.5

N \u003d ½ x 0.215 x 0.1126 x 0.006 x 6.28 x 1364 x 0.5 ≈ 0.3 (kg / s)

2. The profile is an eight-blade.

The diameter of the blade is taking the maximum diameter of the berry 18 (mm).

3. Technical parameters of the ridge separator:

The length of the steps of the cooler (mm), 200
Number of beaches at the length of the step (pcs), 8
Distance between Tichami (mm), 25
Number of turns, 3
Rotor speed (rpm), 120

4. We build a crusher kinematic scheme based on the parameters received.

5. We define the power of the electric motor (kW) by the formula.

N \u003d 0.119LDN (120D + D2)

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126
d - Berry diameter (M), 0,018
n - Roll speed (rpm), 60

We substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula and get:

N \u003d 0.119 x 0.215 x 0.1126 x 60 x (120 x 0,018 + 0.215 x 0.215) ≈ 0.38 (kW)

[i] 6. We proceed to building the product.

The rolling crusher of grapes consists of the following components:

  1. Case.
  2. Bearing enclosures cover.
  3. Roll.
  4. Comb separator.
  5. Sieve.
  6. Plexiglas.
  7. Electric motor AIR63B2.
  8. Bunker unloading ridges.
  9. Bulk bunker.
  10. Gear.
  11. Belting.

Drawing of general form.

Stainless steel welded design. The main requirement is to comply with the alignment of holes and grooves, their perpendicularity to the plane of drilling and frees.

Cover of bearings enclosures

Consists of a plate to which the bearings housings are welded. When installing the cover on the housing, the axis of all holes and the lid grooves, must match the axes of the holes and the sliding grooves and lie on the same line.

  1. Roll.
  2. Rubber compressor.
  3. Prismatic key 6x6x20.
  4. Sponge Prismatic 6x6x70.
  5. The retaining ring is external 20x1.2.
The design provides two rolls, left and right. The left roller is driven by gear. At the right roll there are no twiners Prismatic 6x6x20, which ensures its rotation from the effects of the left roll and the grinding product.

Comb separator

Made of thin sheet metal made of stainless steel, in the form of a half-cylinder with a holes of diameter 16 squeezed in a checked manner along the entire length.


Closes the ridge separator from above and makes it possible to observe the process of separating the ridges.

Motor AIR63B2.

Since the working turns in the mechanism are small, it is necessary to use the frequency converter along with the selected electric motor.


Parameters of gear wheels.

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126

0.3 (kg / s)

The length of the steps of the cooler (mm), 200

Number of turns, 3

N \u003d 0.119LDN (120D + D2)

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126
d - Berry diameter (M), 0,018

We substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula and get:

0.38 (kW)

Budget crusher-comb separator for grapes.

We proceed to building the product.

  1. Case.
  2. Bearing enclosures cover.
  3. Roll.
  4. Comb separator.
  5. Sieve.
  6. Plexiglas.
  7. Electric motor AIR63B2.
  8. Bunker unloading ridges.
  9. Bulk bunker.
  10. Gear.
  11. Belting.

Drawing of general form.

Cover of bearings enclosures

  1. Roll.
  2. Rubber compressor.
  3. Prismatic key 6x6x20.
  4. Sponge Prismatic 6x6x70.

Comb separator


Motor AIR63B2.


Parameters of gear wheels.


How it works.

Batherka for grapes do it yourself

Sale of juicers here!

The history of grapes begins from time immemorial. Already in ancient times, a person realized the high value of this wonderful berry. Grapes are mentioned even in the Bible, and repeatedly, which indicates its special significance. Not only wine made from grapes. Grapes are a powerful drug to overcome diseases of the pulmonary and cardiovascular system. In addition, grapes at all times were actively used as an effective cosmetics. However, the main purpose of grapes was and remains, winemaking. Grape wine contains a huge number of trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Almost every owner at least once in his life I tried to cook homemade wine, and knows not when blyalka for grapes. With your own hands, this device is completely simple, given the sufficient volumes of literature on this topic. Nevertheless, you can not complicate your life, and buy an electric pump for grapes and other fruit and berry crops. Press or cherlinkes for grapes presented on our online shop window will excellently cope with the production of small parties of wine. Essential press for pressing whole berries separated from the ridges. And there are specific aggregates designed to separate the ridges of the grapes, which greatly simplifies and speeds up the entire process of winemaking. In many modern new generation devices, there is a software that allows you to choose the optimal pressing parameter mode for you. You can also program the desired pressing modes, speed, pressing degrees and others. We offer presses for grapes have a number of benefits: gently affect the product, the case material is made of natural eco-friendly materials, a convenient interface, a stylish modern design. Many devices provide a system for separating the wort and press fraction.

Being in the summer at the cottage, the best choice - blyalka for grapes do it yourself. It is convenient to use and economical. If you expect to get a small amount of wine, the non-electrical press will be enough. With it, it is possible to obtain both grape juice, which is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. In grape juice, contains vitamin K, B6, C, etc.

Our site offers you the widest choice of technology for every taste and complies with any financial capabilities. We are pleased to offer not only, for example, such a useful device as a bangka for grapes. With your own hands today you can build anything. That's just, the productivity of such an aggregate will be much lower compared to professional electrical equipment. With us you can choose also grainworks, snobs, ballfasts of apple conversion, choppers for fruits and vegetables and much more! Our technique is an excellent assistant in the kitchen of any mistress. With our high quality equipment from leading manufacturers, you can establish a process not only winemaking, but also canning and many others. The bangka for grape makes it easy and quickly with minimal labor costs to stretch grapes in order to obtain the mezgi (grape mass) during the wine-making process. Our technique allows you to increase or reduce the degree of press. For one category of technology, the presence of highly efficient and progressive software, for another - compactness and versatility. That is, you can use the apparatus using not only grapes, but also other berries and fruits. For the entire technology offered by us, the technique is characteristic: a high level of performance, reliability and durability.

Grapes - in the understanding of the people - this is more than just a plant. It is known that the tree of paradise is not an apple tree at all, but a vineyard ... In addition, grape juice or grape wine is often interpreted as the blood of God, hence the communion of wine. Interestingly and attractive representation of the people about grapes. Since ancient times it was believed that grapes are humanity, while the grape cluster is a family, the individual grapes of which are people. In Christian culture, no fruit or berry is endowed with such a "family". It is grapes in Slavic culture that symbolizes a solid family, wealth and well-being. Professional wedding wreaths since the grape vines, the bride was thrown by dried grapes, grain, as a sign of fertility. We hope to buy a technique designed to process grapes, you will have a positive effect on the life of your family! In addition, we are pleased to offer attractive advantageous offers with which you can find on our website!

© The chatter for grapes do it yourself.

What are the crushers or grapes

How to make a bangkin for grapes? Tips on cooking and billet for the winter of juice at home. Tips for choosing a home garden juicer. Buy the juicer by mail cash on delivery

Crusher for grapes do it yourself drawings

Crusher for grapes with her own hands, design drawings with one drive roll, with the possibility of adjusting the gap between the rolls.

This mechanism is designed to grind grapes and combing comb.

Before starting the design, it is necessary to conduct an easy technological calculation.

1. Calculate the performance of the roll crusher (kg / s) by the formula:

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126
- gap between rolls (M), 0.006
- Roll angular velocity (rad / s), 6.28 (60 rpm)
- Vintage (kg / m3), 1364
- coefficient of use of the crusher, 0.5

We substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula and get:

P \u003d x 0.215 x 0.1126 x 0.006 x 6.28 x 1364 x 0.5 0.3 (kg / s)

2. The profile is an eight-blade.

The diameter of the blade is taking the maximum diameter of the berry 18 (mm).

3. Technical parameters of the ridge separator:

The length of the steps of the cooler (mm), 200
Number of beaches at the length of the step (pcs), 8
Distance between Tichami (mm), 25
Number of turns, 3
Rotor speed (rpm), 120

4. We build a crusher kinematic scheme based on the parameters received.

5. We define the power of the electric motor (kW) by the formula.

N \u003d 0.119LDN (120D + D2)

L - Roll length (m), 0,215
D - roll diameter (m), 0,1126
d - Berry diameter (M), 0,018
n - Roll speed (rpm), 60

We substitute the values \u200b\u200bin the formula and get:

N \u003d 0.119 x 0.215 x 0.1126 x 60 x (120 x 0,018 + 0.215 x 0.215) 0.38 (kW)

6. Getting to build a product.

The rolling crusher of grapes consists of the following components:

  1. Case.
  2. Bearing enclosures cover.
  3. Roll.
  4. Comb separator.
  5. Sieve.
  6. Plexiglas.
  7. Electric motor AIR63B2.
  8. Bunker unloading ridges.
  9. Bulk bunker.
  10. Gear.
  11. Belting.

Drawing of general form.

Stainless steel welded design. The main requirement is to comply with the alignment of holes and grooves, their perpendicularity to the plane of drilling and frees.

Cover of bearings enclosures

Consists of a plate to which the bearings housings are welded. When installing the cover on the housing, the axis of all holes and the lid grooves, must match the axes of the holes and the sliding grooves and lie on the same line.

Crushers for grapes: types, manufacture and rules of use

  1. Roll.
  2. Rubber compressor.
  3. Prismatic key 6x6x20.
  4. Sponge Prismatic 6x6x70.
  5. The retaining ring is external 20x1.2.

The design provides two rolls, left and right. The left roller is driven by gear. At the right roll there are no twiners Prismatic 6x6x20, which ensures its rotation from the effects of the left roll and the grinding product.

Comb separator

Made of thin sheet metal made of stainless steel, in the form of a half-cylinder with a holes of diameter 16 squeezed in a checked manner along the entire length.


Closes the ridge separator from above and makes it possible to observe the process of separating the ridges.

Motor AIR63B2.

Since the working turns in the mechanism are small, it is necessary to use the frequency converter along with the selected electric motor.


Parameters of gear wheels.


Belt drive wedge-shaped Z (0) according to GOST 1284.1-89, calculated lengths Lp \u003d 400 (mm)

How it works.

Grape clusses, through the loading bunker 9, fall on the rolls 3, crushed and fall on a sieve 5, crushed mass, with the help of 24 scan of three-way screw-separator, is supplied to the bunker of the ridges of the ridges 8, along the movement of the combs are released from crumpled berries that fall into Sita holes, as a result, the ridges without berries are distinguished out.

If a little complicate the design, you can get a grape chopper with two drive rollers.

After collecting the harvest of grapes, many agriculture proceed to the procedure for making wine. Homemade winemaking is a very complex and time-consuming process, however, the result is worth the spent time and effort. Experienced winemakers, which for the season proceed with a large amount of harvest, know that without special equipment for grinding grapes, it is not necessary, in particular, a crusher for grapes with a comb separator will take. Content

  • 1 Principle of operation and application
  • 2 varieties of crushers
  • 3 Required materials and tools
  • 4 Step-by-step instructions
  • 5 Video "Homemade Crusher for Grapes"
  • Principle of operation and application

    Let's first figure it out that it represents a mechanical crusher for grapes, and what is a comb separator for grapes.

    So, the crusher with a comb separator for grapes is a special device used to separate the grapes from the ridges. The device is characterized by an uncomplicated mechanism of operation: such a crusher consists of a loading capacity, the compartment for the accumulation of cake and the chopper in the form of two crushing rollers, which are located opposite each other.

    Why do you need to separate berries from the ridges, you ask? At the time of harvesting, the crests are still green, if they are not removed, the acid and tanning substances will fall into grape juice, which negatively affects the taste qualities of wine.

    The mechanical or manual crusher is widely used both in the homemade winemaking and in the manufacture of wine in production scale. However, to process large lots of grapes, it is better to use an electric-type crusher, the power of which allows to recycle a large amount of harvest for a short period of time.

    How does this miracle device work?

    Principle of operation of the crusher for grapes

    In the loading capacity, grapes are covered, which is literally crushed by crushing rollers. We draw your attention to a small, but very important item: There should be a small gap between the rollers, so that the grape bones remain entirely. If the rollers are located so close that the bones will be lag, we can assume that the wine is spoiled. Tubils that are present in grape bones give the beverage burglariness, viscosity and fortress.

    Various crushers

    Modern stores present a wide range of crushers for processing harvested harvest with vineyards. The existing crushing devices can be classified for several characteristics:

    • management type (mechanical / manual and electric);
    • material of manufacture (wooden, plastic and metal);
    • download type (horizontal and vertical);
    • with a comb separation or without it.

    Crushers-comb separators for grape processing are two types: roll and shock-centrifugal.

    However, if for some reason you do not suit or do not like the existing range, you can try to make such a device personally. Crusher for grapes with its own hands - a simple design from a technological point of view. The manufacture of such an apparatus does not take much time and does not require serious investment. In this case, the effectiveness of the self-made crushing unit is no worse than factory equipment.

    Necessary materials and tools

    The success of any case depends on the degree of preparation of the Master. Before entering the manufacture of a homemade crushing unit, you need to find on the Internet or draw your own drawings of a similar device.

    The next step is to prepare the necessary tools and materials. It is best to take a complete set of tools to then not waste time looking for a hammer or screwdriver.

    So, what materials do we need to make a crusher? Focusing on the notes of those winemakers who have already done such devices with their own hands, we need to cook:

    • oak boards for the bunker (you can also use plastic or stainless steel);
    • rollers - 2 pcs;
    • gears identical size - 2 pcs.;
    • bars with a cross section of 50x50 mm for a wooden frame;
    • lever;
    • reservoir for mezgi.

    Step-by-step instruction

    All necessary materials are purchased and cooked, a set of tools at hand - you can start working. Do not forget to take your earned drawing, which will be easier to navigate. So, proceed:

  • From oak boards, we make a loading bunker, which in shape resembles an inverted truncated pyramid.
  • We take a roller and draw 6 longitudinal lines on it. In the length of each line, the hole drills with a diameter of 10 mm and a depth of 50 mm. The distances between the holes should be about 50 mm. We repeat the same procedure with the second roller.
  • From BRUSEV, we make a wooden frame, which fasten the rollers. Do not forget to leave the gap between the rollers in 2-3 mm.
  • From the outside of the framework, we set the gear on the rollers.
  • Collect the whole design. On the tank for collecting mezgi, you will fix the frame with the rollers to which the boot bunker is installed on top.
  • At one of the axes of rollers, we attach a handle that will bring our device into action.
  • The most primitive crusher for processing the grape harvest is ready for operation.

    Video "homemade crusher for grapes"

    From this video you will learn how to make a crusher for grapes.

    Mechanical crusher for grapes Description:

    Designed to crush grapes, strawberries and other berries, soft fruits, etc. in domestic conditions for receiving mezgi

    Crusher - Grinder For grapes is a design consisting of a receiving hopper, two crushing rollers installed in parallel to each other and the mesgosball. The grapes placed in the bunker is evenly fed to the crushing rolls, which are cylinders, on the surface of which there are parallel deepening. After passing through the rollers, crushed grapes or other berries, is supplied to the mesgosball and should be further recycling.

    Path for grapes Mechanical DV-1 in photo from below:

    The mechanical crusher for VIN-1 grapes is ideal for various berries and soft fruits.

    Crusher for grapes Mechanical DV-1, has a gap between the shafts of 0.5 cm.

    VIN-DV-1 grapeville weighs 10 kg.

    The harvest of grapes is completed with its processing, the juice is obtained from it, they make wine. To facilitate this work and increasing the percentage of the finished product, various devices use, allowing the vegetable raw materials before spinning. The best breeding device is a crusherWith its help you quickly and efficiently recycle grown grapes.

    Need a comfortable crusher for grapes?

    Our store presents a wide selection of grinders intended for grape processing. Here you can purchase both small hand-driven crushers, oriented for small volumes and models that can be used on an industrial scale.

    Crushers Mechanical for grapes

    As practice shows, mechanical crushers are quite popular with buyers, and this is quite understandable: they are easy to handle, reliable, and most importantly - are available at a price. In our store you will find several varieties of such grinders, only materials intended for contact with food are used in their production, facilitated care and cleaning is provided.

    Advantages of a crusher manual with a comb separator

    As already mentioned above, before grapes are crushed, it is required to separate it from the brush. Of course, if the volume is small, you can do it manually, but most consumers value their time and prefer to buy a grinder for grapes, which contains such a device as a comb separator. In them, crushing is performed simultaneously with the branch separation and does not require additional time or repetition of the processing cycle. The advantage of a manual chopper with a comb separator is low, compared with electric models price, as well as mobility. It can be used where there is no connection to the sources of electricity.

    Electric crushers with comb separator

    For those who are not going to spend a lot of time on the processing of grapes, the models of shredders with an electric drive are intended. Their cost is higher, but they are much more convenient.