Belevskaya marshmallow at home. Get the Recipe: Apple Paste - Egg White Apple Paste

09.03.2021 Soups

Delicious cake recipes

8 ocloc'k

85 kcal

5/5 (4)

Recently I discovered a new recipe for marshmallow and was pleasantly surprised that it turns out to be airy. We are talking about Belevskaya apple marshmallow, an old ancient Russian dessert, delicious and very healthy. The delicacy prepared according to the old recipe has a delicate taste, bites and chews well. What is the secret, I'll tell you below.

In the meantime, I note that the process of making Belevskaya pastila at home is quite long, but not laborious. Children love dessert. Adults also cannot resist him, even those who are careful about their figure.

Belevskaya pastila has a simple composition: apples, sugar and eggs. It is made of several layers with interlayers. Sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: apple corer (if available) or knife, blender or colander, sieve, parchment paper, baking sheet or baking tray, oven.

Necessary products

It is best to take Antonov apples for making dessert. If you use other varieties, you may not achieve the required consistency.

The history of the emergence of Belevskaya pastila

Pastila began to be made in Russia as early as the 14th century. It was prepared only from a certain kind of apples, which have a sour taste in taste - from Antonovka, as well as honey (later - sugar) and eggs.

Later, in other countries, the sweets began to be prepared. from fruits with a berry layer: currants, raspberries, lingonberries.

In the second half of the 19th century, after honey was replaced by sugar, marshmallows began to be produced in different variations and different forms, and even sent as a national sweet for export to European countries. Like gingerbread, it has received regional distribution and names. The most famous were Kolomna, Rzhevskaya, Belevskaya (from the city of Belev in the Tula province).

In Russia in the 19th century, candy was sold at a price of 1 ruble 50 kopecks.

Belevskaya pastila recipe

To bring to life the recipe for marshmallow from Belevskaya apples will not be difficult even for an inexperienced housewife. I divide it into five steps:

  1. Baking apples.
  2. Cooking mashed potatoes.
  3. Making whipped proteins.
  4. Baking.
  5. Build layers.

And to make it more clear how to make Belevskaya marshmallow at home, I accompany each step with a photo.

1. Stage 1 ingredients:

  • apples - 1.5 kg.

We turn on the oven at 180-200 ° C. Wash the apples and dry them. Then we spread the parchment paper on a baking sheet and lay out whole apples on it. We send to the oven for 20-30 minutes.

We bake whole apples if we use a sieve for cooking. When using a blender, the apples must be cut into quarters and pitted before baking.

2. Grind the baked apples through a colander and a sieve in mashed potatoes.

I whipped peeled baked Antonovka in a blender.

3. Stage 3 Ingredients:

  • sugar - 0.5 cups.

Pour sugar into mashed potatoes. Then beat the mass with a mixer until it becomes larger in volume by about two or three times, and it acquires a lighter shade.

4. Stage 4 Ingredients:

  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups.

Separate the whites from the yolks. We begin to beat the proteins with a mixer, gradually (1 teaspoon each) adding sugar to them. The mass should be fluffy, airy and stable. This process will take an average of 7-10 minutes.

5. Gently mix the protein mixture with the applesauce.

6. From the resulting mass put in a separate dish 3-4 tablespoons of the mixture, which should be removed in the refrigerator. With it we will lubricate the layers of homemade Belevskaya marshmallow.

7. Cover the baking sheet with parchment. We spread on it a layer of fruit and protein mass of 1.5-2 centimeters. We send to the oven. It should dry there for 5-7 hours at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. After three hours of drying, it is better to turn the layer over.

The oven should not be completely closed; it should be ajar. The temperature in it should not exceed 100 degrees, otherwise the dessert will come out dark and hard.

8. The readiness of Belevskaya classic pastila can be checked with a toothpick, which must be dry. The marshmallow itself should become dense and non-sticky, and the color should acquire a golden brownish.

We extract the finished delicacy, separate it from the parchment, cut off the edges and cut into strips, depending on how many layers you want to make. I ended up with four layers.

9. We smear the layers with the fruit-protein mass, which we separated earlier.

10. Put the greased marshmallow back into the oven for 2-4 hours.

11. After it is cooked, rub on all sides, including the bottom, icing sugar and let it brew for 10-12 hours.

Cut into portions. Our Belevskaya marshmallow is ready, it can not only satisfy the hunger of inveterate sweets, but also benefit the body, because it can easily replace sweets and other desserts, which have a lot of "empty" calories.

I understand that many will be frightened off by technology, how Belevskaya pastila is made, namely, the duration of its preparation. However, the process itself is completely uncomplicated. And believe me, a homemade delicacy turns out to be much tastier than a purchased one, and much cheaper, moreover.

Share the secrets of how you make Belevskaya marshmallow, and how else you can cook it. Perhaps someone did not use an oven for drying, but a dryer. I wonder if the taste is different in this case, and is the cooking process faster?

I will be happy to experiment with other recipes and ingredients. And I will be glad to see your results after cooking according to the given recipe.

The taste of Belevskaya marshmallow made from apples at home is difficult to describe in words. Delicate soufflé with apple flavor is a delicious attraction of the Tula region and the pride of Russian cuisine. For a long time, in Soviet times, we only heard about the famous delicacy. It was not on sale. Therefore, many, having obtained the coveted recipe, in the apple years, when Antonovka was in abundance, prepared marshmallow for the winter.

The history of Belevskaya pastila

We owe the recipe for the famous marshmallow from the city of Belev to Ambrose Prokhorov. The breeder's family owned a huge garden that Prokhorov inherited from his grandfather. Ambrose Pavlovich expanded the land, built a small factory where he produced dried fruits for supply to the army.

According to the family legend, once too many apples were baked in the house. So that the baked delicacy does not go to waste, someone suggested adding proteins, sugar, whipping and baking in the oven. The dried plates were cut, glued together with a wet mass. We tried and gasped how delicious the dessert turned out to be.

Soon, not only households were delighted with the marshmallow, two years later, the Prokhorov delicacy received its first medal at an international exhibition. In the Belevsky Museum, dedicated to a local celebrity, you can see the first pack of marshmallows.

How to cook Belevskaya marshmallow at home

The real, old recipe for Prokhorov's preparation of marshmallow is hardly preserved, since it was kept secret. Residents of Belev also made marshmallow at home, but there are several ways of cooking. In old pre-revolutionary encyclopedias, the most popular is the version from the cookbook from Elena Molokhovets.

Now there is a known recipe adapted to our realities, which I propose to use. Antonovka is ideal for making dessert. You can find recipes in another article.

You will need:

  • Finished applesauce - 1 kg.
  • Egg white - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 400 gr.
Before the revolution, dessert cost a lot of money and was a favorite delicacy not only for Russians. Pastila was famous in Europe, there is reliable information that it was constantly delivered to the table of European monarchs. Belevskoe delicacy glorified the country at the annual Paris sales exhibitions.

What are the monarchs! Our all - A.S. Pushkin wrote to his wife: "The pasta is not so good without you, my soul."


  1. Bake the apples whole in the oven, arranged in a row on a baking sheet.
  2. Cool and wipe in any way in mashed potatoes. This is usually done through a sieve, at the same time removing the rind and core.
  3. Weigh how much mashed potatoes you make, count the amount of sugar. Measure the required weight, but do not fall asleep in the puree yet.
  4. Beat the mass with a mixer until fluffy.
  5. Add protein. Continue running the mixer at high rpm. As a result, the volume of the mass should double.
  6. After that, it was time to introduce sugar. Do not rush to fall asleep all at once. Sprinkle in small portions. Beat until crystals are completely dissolved. Then put in a new portion and continue to work with the gadget.
  7. Set aside 2-3 large spoons from the whipped applesauce, you will need them for gluing the pastille.
  8. Spread parchment on a baking sheet. Lay out the Belev mass in a layer, smooth it out. Make the layer thin, no more than 1 cm in height.
  9. Preheat the oven to 70 o C. Put it to dry by opening the door slightly. Notice that the top of the marshmallow dries up, lower the temperature by 10-20 degrees.
  10. Drying takes 4-6 hours in a natural way.
  11. After the set time has passed, do not rush to take out the baking sheet. Let stand, turn off the heat.
  12. When cool, move from tray to table. Convenient to lay out on a wide dough cutting board.
  13. If the parchment is stuck, dampen it a little, then it will come off more easily.
  14. Divide the layer across into strips, fold in pairs. Spread the space between them with the set aside fresh puree and glue.
  15. Return the steam of the marshmallow to the baking sheet. Continue drying for another 2 hours. After the first hour, turn the pairs over to the other side.
  16. How do you know that the marshmallow is ready? It does not stick to hands, it is easy to cut and bends well.
  17. Remove from oven, let cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, roll into a roll.

Video recipe for making Belevskaya pastila from apples

A video with a step-by-step recipe for making the famous marshmallow in Russia. Repeat the steps, you will succeed. Delicious evening tea for you in winter.

Delicious but time consuming!

I got to her! I saw a recipe on one portal where I spend a lot of time and the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking this marshmallow stuck in my head, especially since I have several bags of apples (my mother's harvest from her garden). For a couple of days, I carefully "leafed" the Internet in search of some special tricks when cooking Belevskaya pastila... I found a lot of things, but it all came down to one thing, that, in principle, everything is done quite easily!

The original recipe for Belevskaya marshmallow, adapted for cooking at home, is as follows:

a.P. Prokhorov's recipe

Peel and cut a bucket of Antonovka apples (only Antonovka is suitable). Fold in an aluminum pan, put in the oven at 200 degrees. Cook applesauce until soft. Cool in the cold. Rub through a colander. Beat 8 whites, add 12 glasses of sand (2.4 kg.) Mix with mashed potatoes and beat until white.

Set aside 2 cups of this mixture for lubrication. The rest is poured into 2 baking sheets, having previously covered with parchment, and dried in the oven at the lowest temperature. Dry for several hours. After drying, remove the paper by wetting it with water. For this, the layer must be turned over. Grease the finished layer with a mass and twist into a roll. Then put the seam down on the parchment and dry a little more. After drying, grate (just grate, not sprinkle) with powdered sugar and wrap in parchment. Store in a dry place, best in the refrigerator in the bottom drawer. In this form, it can be stored for six months or more.

Ok, I thought, everything is simple, since even in the original there were no special tricks, but, as always, I was wrong 🙂

I cooked the marshmallow twice. It tastes divine... I can’t find another word, because it’s really very, very tasty! Sour apples, sugar sweetness and, most interestingly, the softness of the marshmallow, although it takes a long time to dry, give an amazing combination and it is simply impossible to stop after the first bite.

For the sake of fairness, I will say that I will most likely not cook it anymore 🙂 If you do it in small quantities, then it is not worth driving the oven for 10 hours, and in large quantities I have no opportunity to do it, because just a mixer is well, very long and tedious! I advise you to try to cook it at least once, and then you decide for yourself whether you are ready for such a feat again, or it is easier for you to buy it.

So, the recipe for Belevskaya pastila at home:

* As I already said, I cooked it twice, for the first time the proportions were half as much, I dried it all night, ate it in one tea party, and with children) My husband did not even get a piece, I got a small bite to try ))) The second time I decided to double the proportions.


  1. Apples (I don't have an Antonovka, but some kind of sweet and sour variety, in my opinion even a hybrid) - 3 kg.
  2. Proteins - 4 pcs.
  3. Sugar - 400 gr.


  1. Peel the apples, cut into wedges and bake in the oven for 200 gr. until soft
  2. Beat the whites with sugar into a strong foam. * At this stage, I was already sighing heavily, because even after 30 minutes there was still no foam. I don't have a combine, the mixer is the simplest, my hand was already tired ..
  3. Remove the apples from the oven and cool.
  4. Here are several options for how to turn them into mashed potatoes: blender, mixer, meat grinder, sieve * I, stupid, was too lazy to get the meat grinder, because the whole kitchen was already littered with pots and ladles. We get mashed potatoes by any option ** I first walked with a mixer, then began to wipe through a sieve. At this stage, I already began to regret in general that I contacted the marshmallow)) I rubbed the mash on the first half of the mash.

  5. So what is next… whisk the puree until it brightens... It is advised to beat for about 2 hours. It should be saturated with oxygen and increase in volume. * Well, at this stage I already sat down on a chair and sighed sadly from the fact that it was already 17 o'clock in the evening, and "the haircut has just begun" (c) Of course, I did not have enough patience for 2 hours. As soon as the mass rose (after 30 minutes) I stopped

  6. The last jerk: mix the puree with the proteins and beat again until a standing foam. * This time it took literally 10 minutes.

  7. We take parchment and lay out our foam in a layer (height 2-3 cm.) * I wanted to make a roll, so I divided the mass into two baking sheets about 2 cm thick.
  8. 4-5 tbsp. We put the spoons of the mass in the refrigerator and leave for gluing.
  9. Dry the marshmallow at 80-86 gr. 6-8 hours. * I periodically inserted a spoon between the door to keep the oven ajar. It was not always possible to keep it open, because running a little kid

Forming: (the most interesting)

  1. Separate the paper from the marshmallow. * The paper will stick tightly, and this is not a paper waste, but it should be) We turn the layer over to another sheet of parchment and grease it with some water on top. The paper starts to peel off perfectly. After removing the paper be sure to dry the marshmallow in the oven for another hour, an hour and a halfbecause it gets slightly wet when we remove the paper.

  2. We cut the layers and lubricate each layer with apple mass from the refrigerator * I got 6 layers

  3. We put to dry again for a couple of hours in the oven
  4. Cool the finished marshmallow and rub the icing sugar into it! * Do not sprinkle, but rather rub the powder on all sides. So it will be stored with you, unless, of course, you eat it ahead of time 🙂

Done! If you put it in the refrigerator, it will become very soft, if you keep it at room temperature, then it is drier, but it bites like a cake.

Good day everyone!
And let's cook today apple marshmallow, the most real snow-white and fragrant.
We need the following products: apples, granulated sugar, 2 bags of vanillin or vanilla sugar, citric acid, the protein of one egg and granulated sugar, about their quantity and preparation procedure further in a step-by-step recipe.

We take 4 apples, in finished form you will need 250 grams of applesauce, there will be waste, so you can take more. I peel them and remove the core, cut them into large slices and send them to the microwave for 5-6 minutes.

After that, you need to "punch" the prepared apples with a blender and grind through a sieve, I immediately sent them to the sieve, to be honest, I forgot about the blender, but it turned out great.

I will need 250 grams of applesauce, the rest, if you have any remaining, you can just eat, or maybe leave it, I think that this will not spoil your marshmallow either.

Add 250 grams of granulated sugar to the applesauce

two bags of vanillin or vanilla sugar

Stir the mass

and add here half a teaspoon of citric acid (this is optional, my apples were not sour, so they lacked sourness)

Mix everything well with a blender for about 3 minutes

Add the protein of one egg to the beaten applesauce

And we continue to beat continuously even before the formation of a dense mass.

In parallel with this process, while the apples were in the microwave, we prepare syrup, take 10 grams of agar-agar thickener (I bought it from the Ozone online store, because I did not find it in our stores)

Add 10 grams of agar agar to a bucket, in which I have 160 milliliters of water and 475 grams of granulated sugar

Stir and let it brew for about 10 minutes

Then I put on a slow fire and stirring,

I cook until the syrup will give thin threads, but it cannot be overcooked, otherwise the taste and color will suffer.
Let me remind you that all processes occur simultaneously

After I beat the applesauce with granulated sugar and egg white, it increased greatly in size, therefore, assessing the situation that I would need to add sugar syrup with agar-agar here, I put it into a larger saucepan, pour it here the finished syrup (without cooling) gradually, in a thin stream, and constantly stirring, I continue to beat.

And now I spread the finished mass in a deep baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper. We leave in this state for about three hours, at room temperature, if it does not solidify, you can increase the time

Three hours later, with a pizza cutter, I cut my marshmallow into small pieces.

they are well removed with a spatula, I put them on a dish, sprinkling with powdered sugar. You can also add starch to the icing sugar, but I didn't. I make powdered sugar myself, grinding ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder.

the pieces of marshmallow look very appetizing

I got two such dishes, words cannot convey how delicious it is!

But the funniest thing is that I started making apple marshmallows, I must have rushed to spread it on a baking sheet and it began to blur with me, then I quickly found a way out of this situation by deciding. that I will have a marshmallow. Therefore, this recipe is equally suitable for apple marshmallow and apple marshmallow, and there are no hopeless situations! Have a good day and delicious recipes everyone!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 h.

Belevskaya marshmallow is a popular dessert, the taste of which is familiar to many from childhood. But not everyone knows what it is made of and how to make it yourself. Homemade delicacy turns out to be not only tasty, but also natural. The article will present recipes for Belevskaya marshmallow, which even a novice chef can use.

Why is this dessert called that? The fact is that this word looked a little different a few centuries ago. It was correct to write "postila". It is believed that it came from the word "bed", that is, from the method of preparation.

This delicacy has many recipes. Check them out and choose your favorite!

Classic Belevskaya marshmallow in the oven

This recipe only needs two ingredients. Belevskaya marshmallow is made from one hundred grams of sugar and a kilogram of green apples. The sweetness of the delicacy directly depends on the type of selected fruit. Compared to red apples, yellowish and green apples will taste more sour. Therefore, whether to add sugar is a matter of personal preference.

So, first you should start preparing the products. Cut the apples into quarters or thin slices. Be sure to remove the core, and the peel - if desired. Since the fruit will be baked, both the inside and the outside will be absolutely soft.

Place the chopped apples on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven for about forty minutes. The temperature in the cabinet should reach 180-200 degrees. The warmer it is in the oven, the faster the fruit will cook. Therefore, this moment must be monitored. When the apples are baked, they will turn brown and juice will come out of them. If you pierce the fruit with a knife, you can feel its soft texture. To avoid greasing the baking sheet with oil first, you can put parchment paper.

Ready-made apples for the classic Belevskaya marshmallow must be judged, and then chopped in a blender. The result should be an almost homogeneous gruel. Transfer this mass to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. From now on, you should be patient. The pastille will be baked in the oven for a rather long time - at least 2.5 hours (at a temperature of 80-100 degrees). It is important not to let it dry out. After about 1.5-2 hours, the dessert will acquire a darker color, and the top will harden and dry out a little. This means that the delicacy is almost ready, you still need to hold it in the oven for literally half an hour.

After that, you need to roll out the apple "dough". Its thickness can be from one to four centimeters. Do it at your own discretion. Some people like thin pieces, while others like thicker ones. Cut the marshmallow into squares or roll it into rolls. Now you can enjoy your dessert!

Old marshmallow recipe

This is a simple recipe for Belevskaya marshmallow, which is not difficult to perform at home. Its difference is that it contains egg whites. Otherwise, the cooking process is similar to the previous option. This delicacy was made by the most famous houses of the past centuries. And he was very fond of such Russian writers as Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov.

So, for this dessert you will need three kilograms of apples, four hundred grams of sugar, four egg whites and powdered sugar (to taste).

Bake the fruits in the oven at a temperature of two hundred degrees until soft. After that, mash them. Add sugar, beaten egg whites and mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in an oven preheated to 80-85 degrees for about seven hours. The finished treat can be cut and sprinkled with powdered sugar. In appearance, it will resemble pieces of bread or butter biscuits. Dessert according to this recipe turns out to be tender, moderately sweet and very tasty.

Belevskaya sugar-free marshmallow

This dessert contains only apples and water. The elimination of sugar allows the use of the treat for those who suffer from diabetes mellitus or follow a strict diet. This marshmallow turns out to be a little sour, but also very tasty. Cook according to either of the two recipes mentioned earlier, simply by removing the sugar and adding water.

Belevskaya marshmallow with honey

Another great recipe for Belevskaya marshmallow without sugar. It will be replaced by homemade honey, which will make the dessert more useful and tasty. Also, you can be sure that you are preparing a completely natural product.

So, prepare two cups of baked apple puree and a glass of honey. Combine the ingredients and whisk well. Put the resulting mass in a thin layer on a baking sheet. Put to dry in the oven at 40-50 degrees for two hours.

Add cinnamon to start cooking. As you know, it goes well with honey and apples. Therefore, the treat will be spicy and aromatic.

Applesauce Pastila

In order not to spend a lot of time preparing dessert, take ready-made puree. You can buy it in the store or get it from your stocks. Baby puree is also fine, but tends to be more expensive.

Belevskaya pastila contains half a kilo of applesauce, powdered sugar for dusting and 150-170 grams of sugar. The amount depends on the desired sweetness.

Combine sugar with applesauce and mix well. Transfer the resulting mass to a baking sheet and put to dry in an oven preheated to 70 degrees. Cooking time is approximately five hours. The pastilles according to this recipe should turn out to be very tasty and tender.

Jam Pastila

Take one hundred grams of sugar and a liter of finished apple jam. The last ingredient must first be whipped and passed through a sieve or cheesecloth. This procedure will make the marshmallow tender and airy.

Recipe with gelatin or agar agar

Prepare a pound of ready-made applesauce, 60 milliliters of water, a tablespoon of sugar, powdered sugar and 4 grams of agar. Since the last ingredient is not easy to find, it can be easily replaced with gelatin. Any of these substances will make an interesting dessert that resembles marshmallow in consistency.

Dissolve gelatin (or agar-agar) in water, add sugar and boil the syrup. Pour the resulting hot mass into the applesauce. Such a delicacy does not need to be dried. Just leave it on the table at room temperature. It will dry out on its own in about three hours. Then cut the plate into pieces and roll generously in the icing sugar. This recipe makes an excellent custard Belevskaya marshmallow.

Apple cake dessert

If you constantly make homemade apple juices, then you probably already wondered what to do with the cake. The best way to use it would be to make a marshmallow from squeeze.

For this dessert, you will need a kilogram of apple cake, a glass of water and one hundred grams of sugar. You can take powdered sugar for sprinkling if you wish.

Start the preparation of a treat by cleansing the oil cake from seeds. Then put it in a saucepan, cover with water and cook over medium heat for several minutes. Add sugar and keep on the stove until thickened. Cool the resulting puree and transfer to a baking sheet. Dry in the oven at 100 degrees for about 25 minutes. It is important that the oven door is slightly ajar at all times.

Cooking treats in the dryer

It is believed that it is in the electric dryer that homemade Belevskaya marshmallow is made from apples the way it was in the old days. If you have this technique, be sure to try this recipe for dessert!

Take one and a half kilograms of sweet and sour apples, two hundred grams of sugar and two egg whites.

First, bake the fruit until soft and smooth into a smooth puree. Whisk the whites into a strong foam. Add them together with sugar to the apple mass and mix thoroughly.

Find a special tray without holes in the dryer. Brush it with butter or lay on parchment paper. If there is no such tray, then use a regular baking sheet covered with cling film. Place the apple-protein mixture in a thin layer and put it in the dryer. According to the recipe, Belevskaya pastila should be cooked at a temperature of 70-80 degrees for about 5-7 hours.

Pastila in the microwave

This is one of the easiest ways to prepare a dessert. All you need is apples and icing sugar. There is no need to indicate the exact amount of ingredients, this is the whole plus.

Cut the fruit into slices and transfer to a special bowl. Cook in the microwave on maximum power for about 12-17 minutes. Check apples periodically until they are tender. The baking time depends on the type of fruit and the microwave itself. Then whisk the fruit into puree using a blender. Microwave again for about 15 minutes, then stir. Repeat these steps three more times.

Multicooker recipe

Take a kilogram of apples, one hundred grams of sugar and two tablespoons of water.

Cut the fruit into small cubes and transfer to the multicooker bowl. Add water and turn on Bake for forty minutes. Stir the apple mixture occasionally. When the fruit is baked, puree it. Then follow the classic recipe, which was mentioned at the very beginning.

Airfryer application

According to the recipe for the airfryer, Belevskaya marshmallow contains a kilogram of apples (or ready-made puree), 150 grams of sugar, three egg whites and powdered sugar to taste.

If you are using fresh fruit, bake them first and turn them into a homogeneous mass. Whisk the applesauce well with the egg whites and sugar. Pour the resulting mixture into a special container for the airfryer and put into the device. Set the temperature as low as possible (about 60-70 degrees) and the highest ventilation power (about 800-100 watts). Cook the dish for half an hour. This will be enough for the marshmallow to become dense and elastic. Take it out and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put it back in the airfryer for two to three minutes. The dessert will dry out a little and become more delicious.

A treat in a dehydrator

Cooking dessert in the oven is a laborious process that requires control. A dehydrator will help make the task easier. It is a special device designed to maximize moisture removal from fruits and vegetables.

The process of cooking in a dehydrator is no different from the classic recipe for Belevskaya marshmallow. The only thing is, the applesauce will not dry in the oven. You need to cook the marshmallow in a dehydrator at a temperature of 70 degrees for 12 hours.

Cooking marshmallow in the bath

In general, initially this dessert was dried in the baths, because there were no ovens in the old days. Today you can also use this option. You only need special trays with holes so that the pastila dries evenly from all sides.

Cut apples (in any quantity) into pieces and place on pallets. Place them in a heated bath on a canopy (shelves). The treat should dry out a little there. Then hang the apples on the clothesline in the dressing room. After two days, you can eat dessert. As you can see, cooking Belevskaya marshmallow using this recipe at home is not difficult at all.

What additives can marshmallow be prepared with?

Add a variety of spices and fruits to your applesauce to add flavor to your dessert.

For example, bananas make a great addition to a baby treat. You need three pieces of this fruit per kilogram of apples. In autumn, you can cook Belevskaya pastille with ginger, which cheers you up. Add this spice to the ground applesauce to your liking. Vanilla dessert is also quite common. You can use vanilla extract or vanillin to make the dish very flavorful.

Now you know how to make Belevskaya marshmallow in several ways. Be sure to delight your loved ones, especially children, with this culinary creation!