What is black salt Thursday. What is quaternary salt

01.05.2019 Meat Dishes

Thursday salt was always present at the tables of our ancestors. What this miracle salt is, how is it useful, how it was used and in what cases, and, of course, recipes for making salt in modern conditions and how magic salt was made in antiquity - you will learn about all this from this article.

Thursday salt - what is it in Orthodoxy?

The harvesting of Thursday salt is carried out once a year: on the night from Great Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.

In 2018, this day falls on April 5th. Do not forget about this day, try to prepare a healing product to protect the whole family, to protect the house from damage.

Even the ritual of making salt itself has magical effects. Scientists have discovered that harvesting the Thursday salt Slavic peoples learned in the 12-13th century.

They defended themselves and their home from black forces, evil spirits. Probably, the protection was so powerful that the rite of preparation of this product has survived to this day.

Useful properties of the product

When treated with fire, the Thursday salt turns black. And fire has a strong cleansing effect. The ancient people could not explain why it has a strong healing and cleansing power, but modern scientists have found an explanation for this.

It turns out that there is a minimum of heavy metals, chlorine and others harmful substances... Eating it in food, a person will not feel thirsty, which means he will not swell.

It has been found that there are more useful microelements in it. These are: iodine, potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, copper and zinc. Other than that, she is good

Many ceremonies and rituals are associated with the Bright Week among the people. Thursday salt is one of these traditions. But before talking about how to make it, let us mention what it is.

In the article:

What is quaternary salt, benefits and harms

Thursday salt - remedy traditional medicine, which is used in magical rites and rituals. She done only on Maundy Thursday. This is the name of one of the days of the Bright Week that precedes Good Friday.

Those who profess Orthodoxy know that this day is meant for cleansing. The rituals associated with it affected a person, his things, the surrounding space. Special strength had a new fire that was lit from a candle brought from the church.

Many rituals of Maundy Thursday are aimed at good luck in family life, bountiful harvests, livestock health, protection of the home and family.

This is a great time to stock up on drugs. One of them - Thursday Salt - cooked in a special way a product with the addition of herbs and other ingredients. The composition is different depending on the region, method of use.

Black salt recipes

Ingredients have changed a lot over the centuries. The recipe from kvass grounds is old and one of the first. Today it is replaced with flour or bran.

You will need a skillet or other thick-walled pot for heating.

Add the grounds, wait for the pan to heat up, add salt and stir with a wooden spatula. Once the mixture turns black, turn off the heat.

Store the product for a year in a bag made of natural fabrics.

Thursday salt - how to cook at home

You will need a kilogram of coarse salt and twelve tablespoons of flour. You can not take iodized or marine. Choose any flour: wheat, rye, rice.

Mix everything, pour into a skillet with high sides. Wait until it gets hot and say three times:

Maundy Thursday, from worms and from every reptile, save and save for a long time.

Stir clockwise with a wooden spoon. Leave alone until midnight, then pour into a bag from natural fabric... Tie tightly and do not leave open for long periods of time.

The next morning they get up in the predawn twilight, take the bag, go over the threshold. Then they go around all the rooms. But before you enter the house, say the following:

All Salt Salt
from Maundy Thursday
How did you enter the house?
So the terrible trouble was gone.
Help and save
Protect your family from misfortune.

The ritual is repeated at each door.

Then return to the entrance threshold and whisper the conspiracy:

All evil go away
And well-being come.
I lock the word
I seal it with salt.

The mixture is stored in the kitchen, close to the stove. But so that strangers could not see.

There are sources where it is mentioned that the effect is not your own salt. It is considered good - to collect it "from three houses" with the qualities that you would like to have. Or get good health from friends who are happily married, have prosperity.

How to make a potion in the oven

In the old days, food was cooked in the oven, so to get the real Thursday salt it is better to use the oven instead of the frying pan.

You will need a baking container. One part of the salt and four soaked bread are placed there. The container is placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees. Keep the mixture until blackened. You need to finish cooking before Good Friday.

According to special recipes, the potion is prepared without flour or bread. Take one part salt, two - leavened thick, add laurel and mint. There are one hundred grams of herbs per kilogram of salt.

Put cabbage leaves at the bottom of the container, place the mixture on top. Wait for it to turn black. Will become a solid, solid piece. After it is pounded and sieved with a sieve. The salt will come out fragrant and unusual. The doctors who investigated it recognized the undoubted usefulness of the product. This mixture is rich in trace elements, beneficial to the body and without magic. It contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium and manganese.

Replace flour or bread with adding oatmeal... Soak them in cold water for half an hour. Then drain. mix "rolled oats" with salt. Put the mixture in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of smoke. The recipe is ancient.

Monastic recipe

Monasteries have their own way of preparing the remedy. Seven birch logs were harvested in advance. We lit a flame and waited for only coals to be left. After that, they carefully put a bundle with a mixture of salt, various herbs, and added leaven or cabbage leaves.

The package was periodically turned over to evenly warm it up. At the same time, the monks read prayers. They say that the ceremony is still being held today. And the tool has incredible strength and helps with various misfortunes.

In some areas, salt is necessarily consecrated in churches, in others, some monks in the monastery have the right to prepare. It is believed that she will find healing power, keep it under the icons for the Bright Week. But many sources agree that salt is necessarily purified by fire.

How else to use Quarter Salt

It was added to the food of sick relatives or to the water of sick cattle. People believed that she was. Sewn into an amulet to be worn around the neck, it saves from a bullet in war or from dashing people on the road. The goat herders poured a pinch in their bosoms when they first went to graze the flock. In case of a quarrel between a husband and wife, grains of salt under the bed will help the family find peace and tranquility.

The drug is also mentioned in various ancient rituals as protection from any evil. When a family member is ill, it is recommended to drink water with this salt twice a day until complete recovery. So that children do not suffer from diseases, do not be capricious and fall asleep quickly - add it to the bathing water.

As salt does not rise, so there will be no contention

To get rid of spoilage, prepare a saline solution (three teaspoons for two liters of water). Half is drunk, and the rest is poured onto the thing that has been misled. When or want to protect yourself from possible atrocities, spill a salt line in front of all entrances to the house, including windows.

A magical remedy is used for the house. Wait for the day before the full moon and place a bowl of water with a handful of Thursday's salt on the windowsill. Everything is left before the onset, after washing with moisture while saying:

As the month grows, so will I be a rich man.

The remainder is poured over a window or threshold at night.

Also, to attract abundance, pour the product into a wooden salt shaker and place in the middle of the dining table. And when you know that an ill-wisher or an envious person has come to the house, give him some flavored food. The enemy has come - after leaving, sprinkle his trail with this remedy.

Is it worth hallowing

it important point, and there is no single answer to it. In all sources, the recipe for Thursday salt at home is timed to

On the eve of Easter, it is customary to put things in order in the house and make preparations for the biggest Orthodox holiday, accompanied by traditional rituals.

According to popular beliefs, just one day a year is suitable for harvesting the miraculous Thursday salt. After all, it is called that because it is prepared on Maundy Thursday.

According to Christian beliefs, Thursday salt has healing and magical properties, helps to attract luck and well-being.

This product is great for cleaning, protecting, healing, and any other rites of light magic.

It is believed to have healing powers. Thursday or black salt is called ordinary stone edible salt coarsely ground, which is prepared in a special way. The only period suitable for this is Maundy Thursday during Holy Week before Easter.

The characteristic features of real Thursday salt are as follows:

  • Black color.
  • It is traditionally cooked in a Russian oven. Today, access to the Russian stove for traditional harvesting Not everyone has Thursday salt. Therefore, the hostesses ask themselves: how can you cook it in modern conditions... Most often, the usual gas stoves or oven.
  • It differs more pleasant taste than the usual cookery, if done right.
  • Harvested once a year.
  • The shelf life of Thursday salt is unlimited. It never loses its beneficial properties.

The classic recipe for making Thursday salt involves grinding it in a mortar. Then, it is wrapped in a cloth and placed in the oven. Sometimes, kvass grounds are additionally added and then the liquid is evaporated, and what remains is used.

On Athos, rock salt is placed in soaked rye bread for further use heat treatment... This tool is the embodiment of living attributes necessary for life, living fire and salt itself.

Often it is consecrated in the church along with Easter cakes and krashankas. But it is not necessary for sanctification.

It acquires its properties during the cooking process. Thursday salt, in its own physical properties, more useful than usual when used in food, and has a more pleasant taste.

It contains much more useful substances: iodine, potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, copper. Everything knowledgeable people argue that such a remedy is simply necessary in every home.


Let's consider the main properties of Thursday salt.

Cleansing the soul and body

It is harvested at a time when positive vibrations reign in the world. What is the purpose of the positive energy of pre-holiday preparations, which helps a person get rid of everything negative.

If you carry out cleaning with Thursday salt, especially if it is charged with a master, special conspiracies and rituals, you can remove any, even the most deadly, damage.

It is very effectively used against damage, evil eyes and curses, and also has other useful properties.

Fight disease

Traditionally, it is added to food, thereby providing the prevention and treatment of ailments of the digestive, cardio - vascular system, skin, obesity.

For treatment

A sick person should be given a small pinch of black salt with water. The result will certainly be amazing.

In case of serious illnesses, this product is used in combination with other methods of treatment.

Helps to overcome adversity

If a misfortune has happened in the house or, presumably, it may happen, black salt should be poured into bags and placed in every corner of the house.

For the health of the newborn

In order for a child to grow up kind, beautiful, healthy, reasonable, it is necessary to add a pinch of salt prepared on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week to the bathing water every time.

On the farm

Salt is also added to food for animals and cattle if they suffer from some kind of disease.

For protection

She is the most powerful amulet of all such. It is enough to wrap a handful in a piece of clean cloth and hide the knot in your bosom.

Health and beauty

Girls who take care of themselves can dissolve a little Thursday salt in the water to wash their face. This remedy tones the skin, makes it glowing and vibrant.

You can use salt as a face and body scrub. Such scrubbing will not only improve the condition of the skin, but also help remove the accumulated negative.

Other uses

To increase the yield, it is mixed with ash and added to grain for sowing or to water for irrigation before planting. The yield after such a procedure will increase significantly.

Protection from enemies and ill-wishers is also provided with the help of this tool. When an ill-wisher comes into the house, but, due to certain circumstances, it is impossible to drive him out, then you should treat him with something, where a small pinch of Thursday salt would be added.

After he leaves, sprinkle on the traces of the ill-wisher and leave for a while. Then sweep it all away and bury it outside the yard. After such a ritual, the enemy will soften his attitude and will certainly limit contacts.

To call the missing person, you should take a handful with you and go outside. Make a small fire and throw it at it. Soon, the disappeared will make itself felt in some way by getting in touch.

Important! The use of black salt for rituals and ceremonies in black magic is unacceptable and is a delusion. It is only used for positive impact, healing, protection, removal of negativity.

From disease

The healing properties of this remedy are its main purpose. To help a person recover, it is used as follows:

  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, add to food: cook medicinal teas with mint, thyme and other herbs, at your discretion with its addition;
  • at skin diseases it should be added to the bath and rubdown water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water;
  • the patient is given salt on the tip of a knife every day, before taking the remedy, the Lord's prayer is read three times.


In addition to using it for food, for the purpose of establishing metabolic processes, it is used for taking baths.

In order for the remedy to work for weight loss, adding it to sea or ordinary salt, read the conspiracy:

“Salt of the earth, salt in blood, fat in flesh.
As this salt from the water will melt and come down,
How she does not come to my body again,
So get off lard with fat,
Back on my bodies, no way to find
From now on, forever and ever. Amen. (three times) ".

Conjured salt is used to scrub the body or take a bath.

From alcoholism

People who systematically use alcoholic drinks in exorbitant quantities, they are called alcoholics. To help a person get rid of alcohol addiction, it is required, while he sleeps, to pour a small pinch of Thursday salt on his legs, chest and head, reading the conspiracy:

“As people don’t salt vodka, so it won’t reluctance you. Amen".

From damage

Many are wondering if it can help relieve negative magical effects. This remedy is very often used for a similar purpose.

It will be correct to apply it in the appropriate rituals. In addition to salt, you need to prepare the following:

  1. sacred water;
  2. a wax church candle;
  3. an icon depicting Jesus or the Mother of God.

It is necessary to light a candle in front of the icon and stir a pinch of salt in water with the words:

“Resurrect, Lord, and have mercy.

From You, King of Heaven,

I'm waiting for royal favor

Protections from enemies and destruction.

Help your invisible stay,

Grant Your forgiveness and liberation.

If You are with me, Lord,

Then I too am in joy and salvation.

Lord God, my Savior,

Deliver by your will from sorrow,

Curses and persecution.

Renew, strengthen and maintain.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever.

Drink water with salt in three sips to the victim of negative impact.

For money

To attract wealth to the house, you need to make or buy a wooden salt shaker, which you always keep on dining table filled with Thursday salt. At the same time, it is important to ensure that it is never empty, otherwise the wealth will diminish.

Also, with its use, rituals for wealth are carried out and conspiracies for the Old New Year are read.

For love

For reconciliation between spouses. It is required for a loved one, with whom there are constant conflicts, to put a pinch of Thursday salt in a bag under the pillow.

This will help to pacify the husband's character.

Love and understanding will return to the family if you scatter it in a thin path from the inside of the threshold of an apartment or house, put it in bags in the corners of living rooms and pour a handful under each bed. After three days, sweep it all away and bury it under a tree, away from home.

This simple event will allow you to forget about everyday problems and domestic quarrels for a long time. This can be repeated throughout the year as needed.

Cooking recipe: how to make black Thursday salt at home

The real recipes for making Thursday salt are mostly forgotten. This is due to a change in the rhythm of life, living conditions, the impossibility of using the traditional Russian stove.

Requirements for the preparation of salt on the eve of Maundy Thursday are often ignored. Basically, this is done as needed. This approach has a drawback - a powerful energy charge of the finished product is lost.

Important! Only the use of live fire in the preparation of salt will help create exactly the remedy called Thursday salt. Electric stove does not fit.

A great option is to harvest this product on the street. For example, on the grill, putting in it 7 birch logs, covered with cabbage leaves, and put a frying pan with salt on top.

Attention! To prevent the dishes from spoiling, they must be wrapped in foil before use.

Traditionally, salt is taken from three houses. These three houses should be the home of successful, prosperous people.

An important condition is that the owners must have the qualities that the person who harvests salt wants to receive.

The classic way: the nuances of cooking

For cooking, you will need the following:

  1. 1 pack of regular salt (Extra, sea salt and iodized salt are not suitable);
  2. 12 Art. l. rye flour for every kilogram of the main ingredient;
  3. The frying pan should preferably be cast iron (Teflon can simply deteriorate during cooking);
  4. a wooden spoon or spatula for stirring;
  5. cotton bag for storage;
  6. sieve for flour (needed to sift the finished product).

If salt is taken from three houses, it is added to the main one. When cooking, you can add herbs, but this salt will have a characteristic taste and aroma.

On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, from 12 am to 3 am - perfect timing prepare the quaternary salt.

It is at this hour that the maximum concentration of the energy impulse in space, which will help to charge the salt to the maximum. If this is not possible, then this should be done as early as possible, preferably in the morning and only on Maundy Thursday before Easter.

Prepared salt, bought on Wednesday, on the eve of Maundy Thursday, is poured onto a hot frying pan, especially for this purpose. Purchased in advance, from an open pack does not fit. Add 12 tablespoons of rye flour to it, mix, and then say:

"Maundy Thursday, come, ward off the bastards, drive away the worms, ward off the devils, and save me from troubles."

Repeat three times, then stir the salt, periodically reading the plot. Stir and fry in a pan until blackened.

The cooled salt is sieved. What remains in the sieve must be folded into a prepared cotton bag and hidden away from prying eyes. It can also be stored in a wooden bowl.

Important! During frying, the flour smokes very strongly, therefore, it is required to close the doors tightly in advance so that smoke does not go into the rooms, open the window and turn on the hood above the stove.

With herbs

Thanks to herbs, the product, in the end, has pleasant aroma and additional magic and healing properties inherent in these herbs. You can choose them at your discretion.

It can be mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and any others. You can take one or several at once. The herbs are crushed and, before frying, added to the salt along with flour. Then everything is done according to the basic instructions.

With bread and kvass grounds

Kvass grounds or rye bread soaked in water are mixed with coarse salt and evaporated in an oven or oven at high temperature before blackening. Then they cool, grind and sift through a sieve.

With cabbage leaves

The largest top leaves are removed from the cabbage head and chopped with a knife. They are mixed with salt and burned until black. Then they are sieved.

O miraculous properties Thursday salt is legendary. It has healing properties, is used to solve various problems and is very easy to prepare.

There are many recipes for its preparation. This can be done on any Thursday, but the product receives the maximum energy charge when it is cooked on the day that follows. Holy holiday Passover.

Thursday's salt was playing important role v folk medicine and magic from ancient times. Because of its wide range of uses and benefits, it has retained its popularity to this day. Cooking methods may vary, but the basic steps remain the same.

In the article:

Medicinal use

The magic of salt was used in ancient times by the clergy of many countries to fight evil spirits, scare away werewolves, vampires. It was believed that if the consecrated grains were scattered around the house, no undead could approach it. Famous effective method destroy the vampire: if you injure him and sprinkle this place with the prepared product, the damage is comparable to a silver bullet or an aspen stake.

Traditional medicine highly appreciates salt, which is prepared once a year - on Maundy Thursday. It is used to treat diseases. Stock up on it for a year in advance. Procurement methods differ by region. The simplest and most traditional is the following.

Take rock salt (not iodized!), Add dry herbs and leave for a while. On Maundy Thursday, get up before sunrise and put the resulting collection in the oven, reading "Our Father" aloud until it turns black. Never do this in the microwave!

Black salt, in comparison with ordinary white, does not awaken thirst and does not prevent the exit of water from the body, but perfectly removes toxins and toxins. It contains many useful trace elements- selenium, zinc, iron, calcium.

Baked salt turns black from herbs

To make black salt with herbal mixture, combine 4 kg of pickled wine vinegar white or rye bread, 1 kg of common salt, 3-4 handfuls of dry mixed parsley, yarrow and thyme. You can add any herbs you like. Stir, place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and bake until black. After cooling, grind the mixture and filter with a sieve. Add to food.

This dish is useful for everyone, but especially indicated for those suffering from diseases. digestive system... Those who have kidney problems and are overweight will also appreciate its effect. V medicinal purposes take 1-2 teaspoons 20-25 minutes after meals. For small children, add the product to the water for washing. Their sleep will be calmer, whims will be less, and childhood illnesses will cease to bother them.

For diabetic patients, it is good to use this medicine with a mixture of blueberry leaves, chicory root and elecampane to normalize blood sugar levels. With hepatitis, the state of health will improve after taking the drug with milk thistle, common tansy and sage. With pain in genitourinary system it is useful to add it to kidney tea.

Deal with diseases of the musculoskeletal system will help next recipe... Take 1 kg of rock salt, mix with 2-3 handfuls of dry nettle and sunflower leaves, thoroughly ground. Add an equal amount of white or green clay, honey, milk. Shake, wrap in a cloth and apply to sore spots. Hold the compress in this position for 1.5-2 hours. Use the medicine every day until you feel better and the disease disappears.

Morning use of black salt, added to expectorant remedies, promotes healing in diseases respiratory system... Saline solution is useful for acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, or flu. In case of sinusitis, rinse the nasopharynx plus 3-4 drops in each nostril.

For periodontal disease, mix equal portions of black salt and real honey. In the morning, before brushing your teeth, massage your gums with the mixture. For those who are sensitive to magnetic storms, their health will improve hot tub with the addition of the agent This will greatly facilitate the well-being, which will not be so subject to changes in atmospheric pressure.

To get rid of wrinkles and refresh the skin, whisk into a homogeneous mixture half a teaspoon of Thursday salt, 2 tablespoons of flour, the yolk, separated from the protein, as well as a little yogurt and honey. Apply to face and keep it on for 5-10 minutes. Bakery products with the addition of black salt help to strengthen the immune system.

Hair loss, dandruff, itching of the scalp will cease to worry if you make masks with the product from time to time. After the procedure, do not dry yourself, dry off, and then go to bed. Take a shower in the morning. Another recipe for baldness and dandruff is regular rubbing into the scalp. Then wash your hair thoroughly.

The magical use of Thursday salt

The tool is used for both medical and magical purposes - to protect the house, remove the evil eye, attract money, heal, get rid of quarrels and bad relationships within the family, and much more. One of the simplest amulets against the evil eye and corruption is a handful of salt wrapped in a piece of cloth that is worn around the neck.

If there is no peace and tranquility in the house, carefully scatter it in the corners and leave it for three days. Then carefully collect the grains with a broom (not a vacuum cleaner!) On a scoop. Don't put it in the trash bin! Food product after use in magical rites, they are buried in the ground or snow. It is believed that if the potion ends up in a trash can or sewer, it will bring negativity back into the house.

To protect household members from nightmares, calm the temper, get rid of bad thoughts, draw a salt line around the perimeter of the beds and leave it for three days. To protect yourself from the invasion of negative energy, sprinkle a small amount of the drug on the threshold. It will weaken the effects of damage and the evil eye.

If you know that you have been cursed, perform the following ritual. Pour a little of the product in the corners, moving clockwise. Say loudly:

Thursday salt, cleanse my house of evil!

Leave it until the next harvest, and then collect and bury it in the ground.

To cleanse the home, take two candles of black and red colors, as well as a bowl of medicine. Remove the trash before doing this.

Light the gas, put the skillet on a low heat and add the product. The hotter the frying pan, the more it absorbs negative energy from the room. If you cannot prepare the ingredients for the ritual on your own and are worried about where to get real black salt, you can buy it exclusively on Maundy Thursday in the temple. Magical properties depend on the correct sequence in the manufacture and consecration.

Z Light a black candle and go around with it all the rooms in the house. Pay close attention to the corners, especially those where sunlight is not falling. Do not forget about places where a large number of things accumulate - pantries, mezzanines. Imagine how the dark energy that has entered the house is burned to ashes by the flame of a candle. If this makes it easier to get into the desired state, read the prayers. Once you've cleaned your home, set the candle in a pile of salt to melt it completely. If the crystals crackle, the cleansing is successful.

V Maundy Thursday, the day before Great Feast of Easter, in Russia they have always prepared "black salt" or, as it was also called, "Thursday salt". Black salt was consecrated in the church along with Thursday bread, Easter cakes and eggs. This unique medicinal salt differs from ordinary salt even in its appearance- it is black. Such salt was prepared in an oven - from a stone coarse salt, leavened grounds, spicy herbs and cabbage leaves. Thursday salt is tasty and healthy, because after burning, such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium, magnesium remain in it, in addition, black salt gives the products a special aroma.

Useful properties of black salt

Black salt is useful for people with kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, hypotension. Because it is enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium ions, and selenium elements. Moreover, this salt brings huge benefit as an adsorbent. The carbon contained in it in the form of fine-pored coal removes toxins from the body, that is, black salt is an "absorber" of all toxins. Her curative action completely similar to the action of activated carbon.

Thursday salt ( quadrangular salt) - salt, "made" on the night from Wednesday to Thursday of Holy Week or in the morning on Maundy Thursday, endowed with special magical powers. The custom of ritual use of salt is very ancient, which has come down to the pre-Slavic times, when for any salt they recognized the ability to scare away harmful forces, to protect a person.

Fourth salt(black salt) - a product used in Russian Orthodox culture; salt prepared in a special way on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week.

In addition to taste and availability a large number Quaternary salt, useful for the body, was considered magical and healers and sorcerers resorted to its healing and magical properties. First of all, quaternary salt can cope with any black energy, cleanse not only a thing or a room, but also a person's aura. Magic salt was used in ancient rituals to scare away dark forces and protect a person from damage from the evil eye, etc. Unfortunately, many of the recipes for making Thursday salt have been lost, but still several proven cooking methods have survived to this day. Despite the fact that black salt was cooked in ovens, it is quite possible to cook it in the oven or on open fire.

Thursday salt based on kvass grounds
Mix the leavened gruel (after fermentation of the wort) with coarse rock salt... Instead of leavened bread, you can use rye or Borodino bread (for 1 kg of salt, 5 kg of bread), mix the soaked bread with salt, place in an oven or oven heated to 250 ° C, and cook until the bread turns black.

Grind the resulting mixture and filter through a sieve. The salt remaining in the sieve is poured into jars and used instead of ordinary salt.

Thursday salt with cabbage leaves.
Chop the green top leaves from the cabbage head and mix with rock salt. Then burn in the oven or oven. With herbs Mix herbs (oregano, mint) with rock salt and rye or Borodino bread (leavened milk) and burn in the oven or oven.

In Kostroma, this delicious and healing salt and call it Kostroma black salt.

And here is a short summary of how you can make such salt at home:

Hard-boiled eggs lightly flavored with black salt, bread with lean or butter, all kinds of green salads are becoming very mouth-watering. Black salt is tasty and healthy; after burning, a number of minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, chromium) remain in it.

Studies have shown that as a result of roasting in black salt, compared to ordinary table salt, the following decreases dozens of times:

  • * amount of heavy metals,
  • * the chlorine content decreases
  • * these are just those impurities, because of which common salt is called "white death".
  • * When fired in black salt, carbons are formed, which, when consumed, remove toxins from the body.
  • * Black salt is much richer in trace elements than regular salt.

According to Christian beliefs, Thursday salt has healing and magical properties, helps to attract luck and well-being.

How to make quaternary salt at home

You will need:

  • Cast iron skillet
  • Kvass grounds (or rye flour)
  • Coarse salt
  • Wooden spoon
  • A linen bag or glass jar for storing prepared salt

1. In order for the Thursday salt to turn out tasty and not burn during cooking, you need to use cast iron skillet... In the absence of such dishes, you can heat the salt in any other thick-walled dish, but if possible, do not use aluminum. To prevent salt from absorbing harmful heavy metals during long cooking at high temperatures.

2. Pour salt into a preheated skillet and rye flour... While gradually increasing the temperature, stir the salt and flour clockwise throughout the cooking time. It is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula for mixing. Calcining takes a long time until the salt and flour darken.

3. As soon as the salt changes color, turn off the stove and leave the prepared salt on the stove until midnight. After midnight, the salt should be poured into a thick canvas bag or glass jar, which will also need to be tightly sealed. The Thursday salt is ready and ready to be consumed.

4. If you do not have kvass grounds, then instead of it, you can use soaked rye or Borodino bread in a proportion of 1 kg of coarse salt - 5 kg of bread. These ingredients are mixed, then the prepared mixture is placed in an oven preheated to 250 degrees and baked until the bread turns black. After that, the mixture must be crushed and sieved through a sieve.

Each village had its own recipe for such black salt. For example, in Kostroma, in Thursday salt when preparing for common ingredients spicy herbs were also added: oregano and mint. Hence the name of this salt - Kostroma black salt.

It is advisable to cook it in the oven and on a clean Thursday, soon such a day will come - before Easter, and if it ended, it was still cooked on Thursday, and not on another day of the week, they believed and believe that this day enhances healing properties salt.

There are no Russian stoves, we will cook in the oven:
The proportions are as follows: 1 kilogram of salt + 5 kilograms of bread, soak rye bread, Borodinsky, excess water squeeze and combine with simple coarse rock salt, mix everything well. Spread the mixture evenly on a baking sheet and in hot oven, temperature 250 "C and bake until it turns black. Remove, let cool, grind and sift through a sieve, fine to the side, we need the coarse burnt salt remaining in the sieve. In other recipes, simply grind the resulting mixture, grind, do not sieved.

Why cast iron frying pan?

Because energy will not leak through cast iron, it has such a property. So if you don't have a home cast iron pan, take from any metal, but with a thick bottom and high walls. Only aluminum cookware Do not take. Aluminum is a good conductor, which means that everything flows through it easily and quickly. And the power of Thursday Salt will not linger in such a dish, it will drain.

And here are recipes from the arsnal of healers and sorcerers, which were mentioned at the beginning of the article

Charmed salt

*** Black salt can be made on the basis of herbs, leavened leaves, cabbage leaves. Salt should be prepared on Thursday between sunrise and sunset. Oregano and mint are mixed with rock salt and soaked Borodino bread, then this mixture is burned in the oven. If you want to take kvass grounds as a basis, then mix it with rock salt and also bake in the oven until the mixture turns black. The ratio of salt to bread or kvass thick is 1: 5. You can also use cabbage leaves, for this use the top green leaves from the cabbage head, chop them finely and mix with rock salt, then burn in the oven until the mixture turns black.

*** After you have prepared the salt, you need to speak it. Pour the prepared salt into a new dish and place this dish on a clean cloth. Then light a church candle and read the prayer: "God, our Savior, who appeared through the prophet Elisha in Jericho and so through salt, made harmful water healthy! You yourself bless this salt and make it an offering of joy. For you are our God, and we are we send glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever. Amen. "

The salt is ready, now it can be eaten.

Consecrated salt

*** This salt is prepared from ordinary table salt performing a special ceremony using gold and silver jewelry. It is believed that such salt has more powerful cleansing properties than salt that is spoken with the help of prayer. Gold jewelry, which is needed for the ceremony, must be without stones, it can be a bracelet, chain, ring, earrings, brooch. The most suitable decoration for the ceremony is a cast bracelet, wedding ring, massive chains. Magic actions must be carried out within three days in the morning.

The first day

Table salt must be calcined over a fire in a frying pan for half an hour, without letting it cool down, pour salt into glassware with a lid, it can be a jar, salt will be stored in this jar. Put on top of the salt gold decoration, close the jar tightly and put in a dark place for a day.

Second day

Remove the gold jewelry from the jar and re-heat the salt on the fire for 20 minutes, then pour it back into the jar, and put a silver item on top, close the jar and hide it for a day in a dark place.

Day three

On the third day, the salt must again be calcined over an open fire for 10 minutes after removing the silver product from it. After that, while the salt is still hot skillet you need to put in front of you and stretch your arms over the salt for 10 minutes to charge it with your energy. To do this, simply relax and feel the warmth radiating from the salt. After that, pour the salt into a jar, now it can be used to cleanse a person and your home from dark energy.

Magic salt from spoilage and love spell

The use of black salt is one of the most effective methods to rid a person of evil influences. You will need a liter of spring water and a teaspoon of magic salt. Dissolve the salt in the water and give it to someone you think has been jinxed or spoiled. You need to drink 1 liter in 30 minutes. If a person has an urge to vomit or an upset stomach, this indicates that the cleansing process is working. Every day, a person should drink 1 liter of water with salt, until after taking water with Thursday salt, vomiting or diarrhea stops.

Gift - lining

Many have come across at least once in their lives with things that brought illnesses, quarrels, a streak of failures to the house. Usually, such things either appear in the house from nowhere, they are found completely by accident, or they are brought as a gift. People call such a thing a lining, the magic trick of a lining is to bring into the house a thing that has destructive energy. If a thing is thrown, then having found an object that appeared from nowhere, it immediately becomes clear that it is he who is evil, but what to do when the thing is presented? How do you distinguish among the many gifts an item that ruins your life?

It is in such a situation that the Thursday salt will come in handy. Items that arouse suspicion should be dipped in magic salt in turn and left there for several days. If this object is a lining, then within literally a few days the troubles should stop, because salt neutralizes negative energy. If you made a mistake with the subject, then nothing will change in the coming days. If the object is too large and cannot be immersed in salt, then it is outlined with Thursday salt counterclockwise, and this "salt circle" is left for several days until you notice improvements, if no positive changes come, then you have chosen the wrong thing

Usually, for the effect of salt to manifest itself, you need to wait about a week. When you find the source of your troubles, try to burn it, and the ashes and those parts that have not burned should be thrown into running water. If the object cannot be burned, then the thing should be thrown into running water - a stream or river, if this is not possible, then it must be given to a church or donated to someone.

What is Thursday Salt

Thursday salt is mainly prepared (baked) in monasteries. An obedient monk (performing kitchen work) during Holy Week, on Maundy Thursday, he prepares a preparation for preparing Thursday salt (black salt) by mixing salt with the remaining leavened liquid from kvass. The presence of kvass lean menu necessarily. There are many options for kvass - bread, beetroot, carrot ... Therefore, there are many and different thicknesses of kvass. She is rich in such important and useful substances like phosphorus, iodine, potassium, chromium, magnesium.

The leavened residue can be replaced rye bread, similar to "Borodinsky".

0.5 kg of coarse rock salt

2.5 loaves of bread, Borodino

Bread, soak, squeeze, roll out of it small balls the size of a tennis ball from tennis. We bake in the oven, laying out on coals, at a temperature of about 500 degrees, until the balls turn black.

Before sending salt to the oven for baking, a prayer is made over it!

Prayer over salt:

God our Savior, who came to Jericho under Elisha the prophet, from harmful water Healing salt: bless yourself and this salt, and offer it as a sacrifice of joy.
Thou art our God, and we send to you in glory, to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Already prepared salt turns black and can be compressed. It is necessary to wrap it in cloth and break it into small pieces with a hammer. There is no need to throw away the remains of burnt bread - this is a natural carbon sorbent that perfectly replaces Activated carbon which is able to remove toxins from your body. When consumed, mix 1/2 teaspoon with water and use for preventive cleansing. Burnt bread is sifted out by a sieve.

By Easter tradition black Thursday salt should be consecrated in the church along with Easter cakes, dyes (Easter eggs) and cooked cottage cheese Easter.

On the day of the great Resurrection, colored eggs are sprinkled with Thursday salt. But you can't dip eggs in salt. The crumbs from the product should not contaminate her. take a pinch of black salt and sprinkle the eggs gently. This also applies to the rest of the products. From the custom, the rule of etiquette has grown which prohibits dipping anything in salt!

According to the established modern church canons, black Thursday salt is prepared once on a clean Thursday for the whole year.

Black salt (Kostroma, Thursday). Maundy Thursday. Video

In Russia, there was a tradition to burn salt during fasting. Unfortunately, today the former foundations have come to naught, and few of our contemporaries know the recipe. Kostroma salt.. My grandmother shared her knowledge and skills.

Recipe. How to make black quaternary salt at home?

This procedure for preparing Thursday salt can be carried out at home. Prada, the conditions for its preparation are not entirely suitable, but it is possible. Buy salt and roast it with herbs or black bread. But at home it is better to cook salt without additives, otherwise the whole kitchen will be smoky!

The easiest way to make quaternary salt at home is to take and heat it in a skillet, preferably cast iron. Salt, again, will need to be coarsely ground without any additives! True, after calcination, it will remain light. Do not forget to read a prayer before you start cooking.

Calcination of salt, in addition to the ritual meaning, is of very important practical importance. At high temperatures: 250 - 280 degrees, in salt, one of the most harmful chlorine compounds associated with sodium is destroyed, which, even with a slight overdose in the body, violate the potassium-sodium balance. After all, a lack of potassium significantly affects work of cardio-vascular system person. Here, in the Thursday salt, the amount of potassium increases, as well as selenium, calcium and other trace elements that increase its nutritional, dietary and health-improving value. Black salt is much less able to retain water in the body, therefore, the slimming effect is increased. Decreases harmful effect on hypertensive patients and people suffering from kidney disease. Also, this salt does not harm people who are suffering. chronic diseases... And it’s just delicious!

The benefits of black Thursday salt

Black salt is no longer " White death". It is used as ordinary commercial table salt.

In principle, black Thursday salt can be cooked not necessarily on Clean Thursday. Why? Soon I will substantiate and write.

Have a nice holiday! MASTERS RU