How to make chewing gum at home. How to make chewing gum at home from a special base

25.04.2019 Dishes for children

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Mass production of chewing gum has been developed for a long time and this product immediately became quite popular. Technology has changed many times over time. Until now, new tastes and smells appear, which makes the choice of gum huge. Many people use gum periodically or daily. For some, it becomes a substitute for brushing their teeth. And some just like to chew something sweet and pleasant in their mouth.

Chewing gum is made with the addition of flavors, dyes, stabilizers (sometimes gelatin) and other chemicals, which discourages many people from using it. In this case, you can resort to making gum at home. This will help you get the right amount of chewing gum and still be confident in its composition.

You will need:


This method is suitable for unpretentious people, freshens breath. This gum will not get bored over time and will cope well with its function of cleaning teeth. Below are the ingredients you need to buy to cook.

  • Starch 10 g
  • Gum base 1 pack.
  • Mint leaves for flavor 15-20 pcs.
  • Corn syrup 5 g

A gum base available from the supermarket.

Now you can start cooking:

  1. The gum base should be placed in the microwave for about 90 seconds, then thoroughly mixed with the syrup, bringing the mass to a uniform state.
  2. Make a kind of slide out of starch, put the mixture of base and syrup on it, and begin to stir it like dough.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the mint leaves, add it to the rest of the mass. Stir and send to the refrigerator for several hours, pre-cut the future chewing gum of the desired shape.

Fruit gum

This gum is not only tasty, but also healthy. Since it contains only fruits, berries and water. Therefore, it can be considered preferable for children. And they, as you know, are very fond of chewing gum and any other "goodies". In order to prepare it, it is enough to take:

  • Water 200 ml
  • Fresh fruits and berries 1 kg
  • Sugar (if the berries aren't sweet enough) taste
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp

The fruit will need to be peeled well, removed all unnecessary, rinsed, put in a bowl of water.

Then bring it all to a boil and hold for a while. Then separate the juice from the rest of the mass (there will be a lot of juice). Add some sugar to the fruit mass. All this mass, which needs to be laid out on a greased board, should quickly air dry, turning into one cake, which can be sliced \u200b\u200band chewed in portions.

Strawberry-flavored gum

To make this mouth-watering and flavorful gum, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chewing gum base 1 tbsp
  • Strawberry flavor, color 5-6 drops
  • Lemon acid 3-4 g
  • Glycerin 4-5 ml
  • Corn syrup 5 g
  • Powdered sugar 10 g

First, stir in a bowl all the ingredients except the strawberry flavor and the icing sugar. After, put this mash in the microwave for about one minute. Then add the strawberry flavor and mix it all up.

The mixture that has turned out must be put in powdered sugar and kneaded in it until it becomes thick. And lastly, make plates of any shape, for example, you can use ice molds. Then we just put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours.

Adhesive plaster chewing gum

It is important to note that this method is quite risky and unsafe.

But for those who love extreme sports, you can try it for a change.

  1. So, first we lower the roll of adhesive plaster in boiling water for 15 minutes, wait until the moment when the adhesive part peels off the fabric.
  2. Then you need to get that very sticky part and make a ball.
  3. Dip the ball into warm water and add a tablespoon of toothpaste.
  4. Bring to a boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

The gum is ready!

Gelatinous gum

For cooking you will need:

  • Gelatin 25 g
  • Sugar syrup 300 g
  • Fruit juice 100 ml
  • Water 100 ml
  • Starch 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice 5 tablespoons

White and multi-colored, long and short, a plate and twisted into a "snail", with mint, apple, raspberry and even with a wide variety of the most amazing flavors, chewing gum or "gum" has long been popular with both children and adults. We chew this viscous yummy and rarely think about what it is made of. But there is, perhaps, a question that is really worth thinking about: "How to make chewing gum at home on your own?"

Everyone knows that most manufacturers are often looking for a way to save more, which means they can add a lot of harmful and tasteless chemicals to your favorite chewing gum. If you do not want to use incomprehensible dyes and food additives, then a self-preparation recipe should be very useful. How to make chewing gum at home? Now you will find out about it.

Simple and tasty

This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to make gum. It is suitable for those for whom the taste is not so important as the freshness of the breath. This gum will thoroughly clean your teeth and will not get bored. The list of all the necessary ingredients is so simple that anyone can handle it. A set of necessary products can be bought at the nearest supermarket.

Below is a recipe for making chewing gum at home. You will need:

  • starch - 10 g;
  • gum base - 1 pack;
  • corn syrup - 5 g;
  • mint leaves - 20 pcs. They significantly improve the taste.

First you need to place the gum base in the microwave. 90 seconds is enough, no more. Then we mix all the resulting mass with syrup and bring to a homogeneous state.

Now it's up to the mint. Squeeze out as much juice as possible from its leaves and add to the resulting mass. All ingredients should be mixed well and sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Remember to shape it to the desired shape before cooling. Wait for everything to harden and enjoy the taste of the natural product at home.

Better than the store

How to make a simple chewing gum at home so that it tastes the same as the one bought in the store? The question is difficult, but solvable. The second cooking recipe will require a little more time and ingredients. But the gum will turn out to be really tasty.

First, a list of everything you need:

  • fruit juice - 100 ml,
  • gelatin - 1 package;
  • starch - 1 tsp;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice;
  • sugar syrup - 300ml.

For cooking, you will need a microwave again. Heat fruit juice in it and add it to gelatin. Set aside until the mass swells. Then pour sugar syrup into a cup and heat slightly. If desired, you can add a special food additive or color. Once the syrup is warm enough, add the swollen starch and gelatin to it. All that has turned out, you need to mix until smooth, and then strain thoroughly through a sieve. Now we send the resulting mass to the refrigerator for 8-9 hours, and then we try and compare which tastes better.

Fragrant strawberry gum

For lovers of fruit snacks, there is another useful way: how to make chewing gum at home, a recipe according to which it tastes like strawberries? This option is perfect for families with small children.

So, when going to the store for the right ingredients, do not forget to include in the list:

  • chewing gum base - 1 tbsp. l;
  • food coloring red or pink;
  • strawberry flavor - 7-8 drops;
  • icing sugar - 10 g;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • glycerin - 5-6 ml;
  • corn syrup - 5 g.

Set aside the icing sugar and strawberry flavor to start. Mix everything else thoroughly and put in the microwave for about 1 minute. Then add the strawberry flavor and stir again.

Put the resulting mixture on icing sugar and stir until it becomes completely thick. From the resulting mass, we make plates of any shape: squares, circles, flowers, animals. You can use special ready-made molds. Then we put it all in the refrigerator for 4 hours. If desired, the finished chewing gum can be packaged in multi-colored candy wrappers.

Chewing gum with honey

How to make gum at home so that it turns out to be really tasty? It is not easy, but still quite doable.

This will require:

  • chewing mass - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • honey - 1 hour the spoon;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flavoring to taste - 1 tsp;
  • food coloring - a small pinch.

To begin with, put the chewing mass in a water bath and heat it for at least 20 minutes, stirring all the time. Then carefully add honey, flavor, sugar and color. Stir everything slowly again. Then we remove the resulting mass from the heat and cool. You can try right away.

Tasty and healthy

It turns out that chewing gum can be both tasty and healthy. The main thing is to know a good recipe for how to make chewing gum at home. In this case, you can enjoy your favorite chewing gum without thinking about the fact that there are many harmful components in it.

It was invented in the 60s of the 20th century. Then it consisted of an inedible elastic base and a variety of aromatic and flavoring additives. In the countries of the Soviet Union, it was a terrible shortage, so the craftsmen came up with all sorts of ways of how to make chewing gum at home. The recipes for cooking were passed on to each other. The most popular way was to make treats from adhesive plaster. To do this, it was necessary to unwind about half a meter of adhesive plaster from the roll and place it in a pot of boiling water, boil for ten minutes. Then remove the adhesive plaster, scrape off the adhesive part with the blunt side of the knife.

The substance easily forms a ball, which must again be thrown into boiling water, having previously added toothpaste. After a while, you will get a mint-flavored chewing gum. Of course, such a recipe is hardly suitable for children, so we offer a more natural recipe for how to make chewing gum at home.

Gummy marmalade

Chewing gum is the same gum, but the only difference is that all the ingredients in the gum are natural, which is especially important when the treat is being prepared for children. For cooking, you will need the following:

Fruits (apples, pears);

Oil (vegetable or olive).

Fruit must be peeled, mashed and boiled with sugar in water. The mass should be thick enough in consistency. When it caramelizes and cools down, it is necessary to grease the wooden board with oil, put the future marmalade on it in an even layer, put it to dry in a warm place. After a while, the frozen marmalade should be cut into plates and given to babies as a treat.

Gum for hands

Handgum, or this is an extremely popular toy all over the world. Psychologists believe that it is a great stress reliever. Such fun is also useful for children - handgam develops motor skills well. Most people buy it from the store, but you can save a significant amount of money by knowing how to make homemade gum.

Cooking methods

There are a number of ways to make a handgam. In any case, following each of the recipes, it is necessary to carefully observe the proportions so that the thing does not crumble or stick strongly. Properly prepared chewing gum should not leave marks on clothes.

PVA handgum

The most popular way to make homemade chewing gum is to make handgam from.To do this, you need to take a pinch of borax (sold at the pharmacy) and dissolve it. Pour the glue into a separate container. The final size of the gum depends on the amount of this component. It is necessary to combine the glue and borax, gently stirring with a wooden stick. You should get a single lump, the density of which can be adjusted by changing the proportions of the ingredients. The lump should be laid out on a paper towel to remove excess liquid. The hand gum is ready! However, the resulting handgam will be dull white. To decorate it, natural dyes can be added at the stage of mixing substances. You can also use essential oils to create a memorable scent.

If you know how to make chewing gum for your hands at home, you have a lot of room for experimentation and a lot of opportunities to create a truly unique and inimitable toy.

Not many people know, but chewing gum appeared relatively recently (in the 20th century). Surely each of us asked the question: "What is chewing gum made of?" As a rule, the composition is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup, starch, gelatin, citric acid. Experienced housewives, through trial and error, have developed the most delicious recipes. You can easily translate technology into reality, making children happy. Like any other business, the preparation of gum has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Let's consider the important aspects in order.

Chewing gum: a classic recipe

  • drinking water - 100 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 240 gr.
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • flavoring additive - at choice
  • corn starch - 20 gr.
  • fruit juice (any) - 120 ml.
  • food gelatin - 25 gr.
  1. Make sugar syrup. To do this, take an enamel pan, pour 100 ml into it. clean water, add granulated sugar. Put on low heat, cook until the granules are completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, turn off the stove. Ultimately, you should end up with about 270 ml. sugar syrup.
  2. Pour any fruit juice into a glass, place in the microwave on the edge of a rotating plate, heat well (about 30 seconds). After the drink gets hot, start slowly pouring gelatin into it, stirring constantly. Leave the gelatin until it swells completely, as a rule, this takes about half an hour.
  3. Heat the sugar syrup to 50 degrees (if it is cold), add the swollen gelatin and cornstarch, stir until smooth.
  4. At this stage, you can add any flavoring additive. Its role can be cinnamon, vanilla sugar, citrus peel. Also, flavors are sold in the spice department, choose the taste of your choice. Also, at this stage, you can add food coloring, which is dispensed in packages of 5 grams.
  5. Stir the mixture, rub through a fine sieve or 3-layer gauze cloth. Pour the mixture into candy or baking tins, refrigerate until finished. It will take about 7 hours for the gum to freeze.

Chewing gum from the "gum base"

  • icing sugar - 40 gr.
  • food coloring - at the discretion
  • flavored additive - at the discretion
  • honey or maple syrup - 25 gr.
  • chewing mass ("gum-base") - 35 gr.
  1. Transfer the gum base to an enamel pot, place it on the stove and heat it up. Do not forget to interfere, collect the composition from the walls of the container, otherwise the base will burn. Optionally, you can melt the gum base in the microwave by placing it in a dish and placing it on the edge of a rotating plate.
  2. Do not remove the mixture from the heat, turn the burner down to medium power, add maple syrup (or whatever), stir again with a wooden spatula.
  3. Pour in 20 gr. powdered sugar, flavored additive and food coloring (the last two are optional). Lemon peel, cinnamon, raisins or dried apricots, vanillin, rubbed through a sieve can act as an additive.
  4. The remaining 20 gr. Spread the powdered sugar over a flat dry surface (kitchen table), put the heated base on it, gently roll the composition in the powder using a spatula.
  5. After the future gum has cooled, knead the "dough" out of it, twist the sausage and cut into thin slices. Roll up circles or squares, refrigerate for 2 hours.

Corn syrup chewing gum

  • corn syrup - 25 ml.
  • base for chewing gum - 30 gr.
  • corn starch - 45 gr.
  • flavoring additive - at the discretion
  • food coloring - 2 gr.
  1. Before you start making gum, take the base and microwave it. The procedure must be carried out until the base softens (about 1.5-2 minutes at medium power).
  2. When the base is ready to go, add the corn syrup and stir until smooth. After that, sprinkle the starch on a dry and flat surface, place the base with syrup on it.
  3. Knead the composition with your hands until it becomes elastic and viscous. The mixture should turn out to be smooth, plastic, it is at this moment that food coloring and flavoring agents can be injected.
  4. Put on gloves, stir the gum again, mold various figures, hearts, pads, stars, etc. from it. Put on a flat surface, place in the refrigerator for several hours.

  • melt water - 125 ml.
  • gelatin in plates - 1 pc.
  • granulated cane sugar - 55 gr.
  • steep boiling water - 475 ml.
  • seasonal berries (any) - 4.5 kg.
  1. Wash the berries, remove stalks, leaves, tough parts and seeds. Cut into slices or mince / blender, transfer to saucepan. Pour boiling water over, leave for 2 hours.
  2. Put the contents on the stove, set the minimum mark on the burner, bring the mass to a boil. Simmer in this state for about 25-30 minutes. When the berries are boiled, drain the syrup (liquid, compote), drink it or pour it out, it will not be needed.
  3. Add granulated sugar (preferably cane) to the berry cake, cook until the granules dissolve and the composition is completely thick. As soon as the berry mass becomes viscous, add edible gelatin (pre-dissolve it in water and bring to swell).
  4. Stir in the composition. Take a wooden kitchen board, grease it with sunflower oil, put it on a flat surface, let it harden. The exposure time is about 3 hours, no more.

How to make gummies

Chewing gum is the same gum. The difference is that the marmalade contains natural ingredients. As a rule, a treat is prepared for children.

  • green apple - 2 pcs.
  • red apple - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 80 gr.
  • drinking water - 100 ml.
  1. Wash the fruits, dry them, remove the stalks, core, twigs. Chop apples and pears into small pieces, send to a blender or meat grinder until you get a puree mass.
  2. Send the fruit to an enamel pan, add granulated sugar, pour in water, stir. Put on the stove, cook for about 1 hour, in some cases less. It is important that the mass is very thick.
  3. After the specified period, the composition caramelizes, you need to cool it. Next, take a wooden kitchen board, grease it with olive oil, lay out the plastic mass in an even layer.
  4. Put the marmalade in a warm place, leave until it hardens completely. After that, cut the finished product into thin slices, serve for consumption.

It is not difficult to make chewing gum at home if you have sufficient knowledge of the available technology. Consider a classic recipe based on fruit juice and lemon, and make gum from gum base, seasonal berries, corn syrup, or maple syrup. Make apple and pear gummies for your little ones.

Video: how to make chewing gum

Now you can buy chewing gum for every taste and color with aroma. They are sold without ball wrappers or other shapes. Abroad there are such machines for the sale of similar chewing gum. It's bad that manufacturers add colorants with various stabilizers and harmful preservatives there.

With this in mind, homemade chewing gum will definitely be healthier, especially for toddlers. How to make chewing gum at home?

Perhaps you think it's fantastic to make your own gum. But you can really do it yourself. After reading different recipes, you can choose the best one and please your child or children with sweets.

Our ancestors long ago invented something like chewing gum. They chewed cherry or other resin, roots, etc. 5 thousand years - so much the most ancient toffee found on the territory of modern Finland.

In all corners of the world, people have long learned to make natural chewing gum. For example, they collected the resin from the trees, evaporated the liquid, and the gum is ready.

Especially good ones are obtained from hevea or mastic tree. In our latitudes, cherry toffee was considered the most delicious.

Natural chewing gum is still popular in Asia. For its manufacture, they take lime, pepper betel leaves and mature seeds from the areca palm. This toffee disinfects the oral cavity and acts like an aphrodisiac.

During the Soviet era, some made chewing gum on their own, for example, from the same resin or birch sap, and used tar.

The resin was cooked for a long time. She became black and hard. It looks not appetizing, but it tastes pretty good.

The modern chewing gum appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Children especially fell in love with her, and very soon she became a popular sweet and an assistant in hygienic procedures for the care of the oral cavity.

If you are the parent of a little tomboy who loves gum, you are probably very interested in how to make it yourself. Consider different options, and you choose your recipe.

How to make chewing gum from natural ingredients? The easiest way is to take wax and add 1 tsp. honey and chew everything thoroughly. So we got a delicious and healthy honey gum. In spring and summer, when honey is pumped, beekeepers sell it right in the combs.

You can chew them, and when the sweet taste is no longer felt, spit them out. To freshen your breath, you can chew on a good cardamom or ginger root.

Every parent knows that real gum is bad for a baby 5 years old, younger or older. But some children are very fond of toffee, and they constantly plaintively ask their parents to buy.

It is difficult to refuse such a trifle, but it is also impossible to allow the stomach to deteriorate. Therefore, you can learn how to cook healthy chewing gum at home. The baby will be delighted.

For the little ones, marmalade is useful, which can be chewed. To do it, you will need:

  • 5 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 300 ml of any sugar syrup;
  • 0.5 cups of clean water;
  • 1 tsp starch;
  • 20 g of gelatin or 1 package;
  • 0.65 cups fruit juice.


Heat a little juice in the microwave and add to the gelatin. Let it swell. Choose the juice to your taste. The toffee will taste whatever you like.

Pour the syrup into a bowl and heat slightly. You can add a dye or additive here for an interesting taste. It is best if it is a natural ingredient such as lemon zest, vanilla sugar, or cinnamon. Gelatin with starch is added to the warm syrup.

Mix everything. Take a sieve and strain the mixture. Take any, preferably small, molds and pour the composition into them. Refrigerate for 6-8 hours.

At home, you can make a toffee from fruits or berries. Usually mothers like this recipe, since the ingredients are natural. You need to take your favorite fruits, berries or mix. Great recipe.

To prepare chewing gum you will need:

  • about 5 liters of berries or fruits;
  • boiling water - 0.5 l;
  • 2-3 st. tablespoons of sugar;
  • gelatin (1 sachet);
  • 1/2 cup cold water.


  1. Rinse all fruits. Then peel and chop. Place everything in a suitable saucepan. Brew boiling water and pour it over, let it stand.
  2. Now simmer for no more than 20 minutes. It depends on which lineup you chose.
  3. Look into the pan, and if the fruit is boiled, then you need to drain the compote. Drink to your health.
  4. Add sugar there and continue cooking to thicken.
  5. Add gelatin to this mass. It is preliminarily dissolved in water. Mix everything.
  6. Grease a table or board with sunflower oil and spread the mixture. Let it freeze.

Latex base

It will take ingredients such as:

  • gum base, or the same mass for chewing - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • liquid fresh honey, or syrup of your choice - 1 tsp;
  • 1 tsp flavoring;
  • dye optional.

We cook consistently.

  1. The gum base should be warmed up in a water bath. Stir constantly.
  2. Do not remove from the heat, but add the syrup. Stir everything.
  3. Add half the powdered sugar. This also includes a flavoring agent and, if necessary, a dye.
  4. Powder that remains, sprinkle thinly on the table.
  5. Put the hot base on a table or a board sprinkled with powder and roll in sugar.
  6. The mass will soon cool down. Continue to roll it in powder. Now shape into a sausage and cut into portions.

Based on Gum base

On this basis, the gum base gum is even more like a purchased gum. You can buy it in a supermarket or order it online.

Would need:

  • basics 1 tbsp. l .;
  • 1 tbsp. l. corn syrup;
  • starch about 30 g;
  • dye, if you decide to use;
  • any supplements you want.

Heat the base a little in the microwave. It should become softer. Now add the syrup. Mix everything well. Pour starch on a board or table, and into it our mass. Knead the toffee on the starch as if kneading a dough.

Now add flavor enhancers or colorants. Mix everything well again. Roll the mixture into thin sausages and cut into neat pads or strips of your choice. Chill in the freezer.

Toothpaste + adhesive plaster

This recipe will appeal to teenagers who like to experiment. Required ingredients such as:

  • adhesive plaster, in which there is no impregnation, - 1 roll;
  • favorite taste toothpaste 1 or 2 tbsp. l .;
  • water 1 l.

Cooking according to the algorithm.

  1. Take a ladle and pour water into it. Put it on gas.
  2. Dip the adhesive plaster into the water, bring to a boil and let it remain there for 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. Take out our adhesive plaster and separate the base from the fabric from the adhesive mass.
  4. Form a ball from the mass and return to the water.
  5. Add toothpaste. You need to boil everything for 15 minutes.

And you can change the rest of the ingredients to your taste. This refers to fruits with berries and additives for good aroma and taste. So you learned how to make toffee at home. Choose your recipe and start making.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.