Green tea. The healing properties of green tea

17.08.2019 Snacks

Today we will tell you about who is contraindicated in green tea. In addition, from the presented article you will find out what composition this product has, and what healing properties it has.

general information

Before telling you about who is contraindicated in green tea, you should talk about this drink in more detail.

Green tea is tea that has undergone minimal fermentation (i.e. oxidation). At the same time, few people know that both green and black drinks are obtained from the leaves of the same tea bush. Then what is the difference between them? The fact is that the leaves for the mentioned teas are obtained in completely different ways. Without going into details, I would like to note that the raw materials for the green drink are pre-oxidized by 3-12%.

Green tea: benefits, composition

We will present the properties, contraindications and harm of this drink a little further. Now I want to tell you about its chemical composition. After all, it is the elements included in it that determine its benefits for the human body.


Answering the question of who and it is impossible not to say that a third of this product is made up of various compounds of polyphenols, tannins, catechins, as well as derivatives from them. Moreover, these substances are contained in such a drink twice as much as in black. That is why it should be included in their diet for those who regularly suffer from constipation and other intestinal problems.

It should also be noted that the combination of caffeine with tannin forms the caffeine tannate substance. It is it that stimulates the cardiovascular and nervous system.


Contraindications of green tea, as well as the benefits, are due to its composition. As we found out above, this drink contains caffeine. As a rule, its amount is about 1-4%. Its exact content depends on many factors (for example, leaf size, processing method, growing conditions, water temperature during brewing, etc.). In addition to caffeine, this product also contains other alkaloids in the form of theobromine and theophylline, which promote vasodilation.

Enzymes and amino acids

If we talk about the presence of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in green tea, then it contains only substances such as enzymes and amino acids. Moreover, the best composition is observed in the Japanese variety.

Caloric content of the product

What else is green tea remarkable for? The benefits and harms for weight loss are also due to the composition of this product. It should be noted that green tea is a low-calorie product. In this regard, it can be included in your diet, even for those who are overweight.

Experts say that without the use of granulated sugar it is close to zero. In some cases, it can be about 10 calories in one small cup. Therefore, you can safely brew delicious and healthy green tea for your family.

The benefits and harms of green tea

The benefit of this product lies in the fact that it contains many useful substances. For example, green tea leaves contain four times more A and C than citrus fruits. Moreover, these substances mutually enhance the healing properties of each other. They protect cells from destruction and also help to strengthen the immune system.

It should also be noted that green tea contains such an important vitamin as vitamin A (or carotene). As you know, this substance has a beneficial effect on vision, and also enhances the elimination of free radicals.

Vitamins of the B group occupy a very important place in this drink. Thus, B1 helps to regulate the carbohydrate balance of the body, and B2 fights viruses and bacteria, helps to strengthen hair and nails. As for vitamin B3, it lowers cholesterol and increases red blood cell production.

Among other things, green tea is also very rich in vitamin E, which strengthens cell membranes and has an antioxidant effect on the human body. It also has a positive effect on the reproductive system - both men and women.

What is the harm?

Why some people are not recommended to include in their diet are closely related to the composition of this drink. After all, it contains a lot of substances that contribute to the expansion of blood vessels. In this regard, it should be drunk with caution by those who have any problems in this area.

Contraindications for use

For whom is green tea categorically contraindicated? Few people know, but the presented drink is allowed to be drunk by a rather small number of people. This is primarily due to the fact that it is very rich in minerals and vitamins.

So, let's consider the contraindications for green tea in more detail:

How can you not drink green tea?

Now you know who green tea is contraindicated for. However, it should be noted that before buying this product, you need to pay attention not only to its harm, but also to how it should be used correctly. Indeed, even in the absence of contraindications, improperly drunk tea can cause significant harm to the human body.

Brewing process

Making any tea drink, including green, is called brewing. To do this, take about 2 g of dry matter and fill it with about 100 ml of boiled water.

It should also be noted that the brewing process can vary markedly depending on the type of product you purchased. For example, high quality tea uses a large amount of dry leaf, which can be brewed several times in a short time.

The brewing time and water temperature are also different for different types of tea. The highest brewing temperature is 81-87 ° C, and the longest time is 2-3 minutes. The smallest value is 61-69 ° C and 30 seconds, respectively.

Typically, low-quality tea is brewed at higher temperatures and much longer than high-quality tea. It is from this observation that you can determine which product was sold to you in the store.

Finally, I would like to add that if green tea is brewed for too long and in steep boiling water, then it will become astringent and bitter, regardless of its type and quality.

Green tea is a drink with a rich thousand-year history. Its healing power was already known for several hundred years BC. Once upon a time, in general, it was used only for medicinal purposes, and by everyone - from the poor to the nobility, and was presented as a gift to the gods. But over time, it began to be used on a daily basis. A distinctive culture of leaf growing and cooking emerged, and consumption turned into an extraordinary ceremony.

A magical infusion of camellia leaves has been guarding the physical and mental (nervous) health of a person for thousands of years. The extraordinary power contained in it is capable of miracles.

Healing properties

How is green tea good for you? Its first targets are "fire organs". This is the name of the small intestine and heart in Chinese medicine.

The infusion accelerates the final breakdown of food in the small intestine. It helps to digest undigested, remove toxins. By the way, this organ is like a “stove”. It warms everything inside the human body. Problems with this kind of stove lead to obesity, because a person is forced to save heat with the help of fat. Tea improves the functioning of the body, therefore, it helps to lose weight.

If consumed correctly, the drink will be good for the heart. The medical treatise says that he generates love and acceptance in this organ, contributing to the elimination of diseases. It is believed that it is these feelings that are responsible for a person's ability to resist colds, infections, viruses and stress. Whether or not the infusion fills with love, but it really improves the work of the main muscle. A healthy heart adjusts the entire body to the correct rhythm.

What else is green tea useful for?

  • It contains caffeine, but not in its pure harmful form, but in such as theine. This substance also gives vigor, strength, energy, improves performance. But at the same time, theine acts much easier than caffeine and quickly leaves the body.
  • This is a wonderful antimicrobial agent that is used even in the treatment of dysentery.
  • It stimulates not only the work of the small intestine, but, in general, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Improves the activity of every organ of this system.
  • It is able to remove some serious elements of radiation, thereby saving a person from possible dangerous diseases. It protects against harmful radiation, neutralizing bad effects. Therefore, it is very good for those who work with a computer. It is also useful when, on duty, you have to constantly "hang" on your cell phone.
  • Green tea is an antioxidant. With regular and correct use (and competent preparation), it preserves youth, health and beauty.
  • Infusion is a prophylactic agent against diabetes mellitus (lowers sugar), increased fragility of bones, hypertension.
  • It normalizes weight.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, restoring the elasticity of tubular formations. It accelerates cleansing processes, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and protects against the onset of insidious atherosclerosis.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Relieves allergic manifestations.
  • Stops the development of oncology.
  • The drink contains vital vitamins, minerals, and various elements.
  • In terms of nutritional value, it is equal to legumes.
  • The infusion has a healing effect on the nervous system. Accelerates the reaction to the world, increases vitality and concentration of attention. Relieves fatigue. It is an antidepressant. It happens that it brings insight by illuminating problems from a different angle so that a solution is easily found. Increases creativity.
  • Improves vision.
  • It is also diaphoretic, which reduces the tendency of the skin to irritate. In general, it has a great effect on the dermis, which makes it possible to use the beneficial properties of green tea for the production of cosmetics.
  • Increases life expectancy.

The qualities and composition of the leaves have a beneficial effect on health. But besides, this valuable infusion has certain properties that make it useful and harmful separately for men and women.

Harm and usefulness for women

Regardless of age, drinking tea gives a lot to a woman. How is green tea useful for the fair sex?


  • Boil six tablespoons of leaves with boiling water (0.5 liters), insist a little and pour into water.
  • It is used in cosmetology, having the ability to soothe, relieve irritation, and rejuvenate the skin. This effect can be achieved not only by taking the drink directly with food, but also using masks, creams and baths when preparing yourself. For example, to tone up and renew the skin, you can prepare the following bath infusion:
  • Diuretic, intestinal stimulating and diaphoretic properties, the ability to remove toxins and toxins, plus low calorie content makes it useful for losing weight.
  • Infusion reduces the likelihood of breast cancer, and by 90%. This has been proven by ongoing research. And it more than halves the risk of other types of cancer.
  • It minimizes the chance of a femoral neck fracture in older women.
  • Let's go back to the cosmetic effect. It heals oily hair by rinsing it after washing. The mask from the tea leaves on the face eliminates the network of small vessels, has a tightening effect on the fading dermis. Ice from a strong infusion, if used regularly to wipe the face, improves the look, makes the skin noticeably younger.

How does tea work during the period of gestation?

In this golden time, you think about every step. Therefore, many expectant mothers care about what should be consumed and what should not, so as not to harm the future baby.

Of course, there are doubts about the usefulness of the drink for women during this period. The presence of caffeine in the leaves raises concerns. And also the fact that the infusion interferes with the absorption of folic acid, which is so important during gestation, which is responsible for the proper development of the fetus. But it should be understood that it all depends on the preparation and the amount drunk per day. If it is illiterate to do it, and besides, "slurp" it all day, then, of course, it will only bring harm to women, especially pregnant women.

But you should limit or exclude tea leaves from the diet at the very beginning of pregnancy. In addition, a woman at this time has a special sensitivity to the components. Therefore, the invigorating effect of the drink can become exciting, which will also affect the baby. After all, any condition of the mother affects him.

Can pregnant women drink green tea? You can, but very carefully. Correctly brewed infusion, weak, and in very moderate doses (no more than 2 cups) will give mommy only benefits.


Another question that is extremely exciting for women - is green tea possible with breastfeeding?

Yes. But it is permissible to drink it in low concentration, in small doses, and only during the day. In the evening, he will prevent not only mother from falling asleep, but also the baby.

Harm of tea for women

The harm for women lies in the excessive consumption of the drink. It is especially abused by those who wish to lose weight.

  • Its magical properties mysteriously disappear if it is improperly prepared and consumed.

Often, the fair sex drink the infusion after intense workouts in the gym. So, this is harmful, because after exercise the body needs only clean water!

Harm and benefits for men of a healing drink

Tea has a positive effect on potency. Sexual impairment is often very frustrating for men with age. The infusion helps to restore this masculine ability. How does green tea affect potency?

  • Impotence occurs when there is a violation in the muscle of the male genital organ, which blocks the outflow of blood at the right time. She doesn’t lend itself to training. The muscle needs zinc to function properly. This element is sufficient in green tea. The best results can be achieved when consumed with foods that also contain zinc. Plus, it affects the normal production of testosterone.
  • It has long been known that long-term spending time at the computer and TV negatively affects the sexual ability of men. Radiation brings harm. This phenomenon is rendered harmless by the infusion of green tea leaves, diluted with milk.

In addition to restoring potency, the drink can give a lot of good and useful things to the stronger sex. The harm lies only in non-compliance with the measure in use, improper brewing and reception in the case when it is contraindicated.

Harm of tea, restrictions and contraindications

The benefits and harms of green tea are always there. For example, it is useful to drink it for the prevention of osteoporosis in old age, but at the same time it must be limited, since it can badly affect the joints during these years. Yes, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of the drink after 60 years (or even 50) to one or two cups per week. Especially if you have kidney disease.

It is better not to drink tea in large quantities if there is a predisposition to the formation of stones, especially when they are already available.

Exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis is also a contraindication to the use of the infusion.

Consumption combined with alcohol enhances the harmful effect.

Also, tea leaves from green leaves are prohibited:

  • with hypotension;
  • arrhythmias;
  • insomnia;
  • gout;
  • heat (high temperature);
  • glaucoma;
  • high nervous excitability.

And more tips:

  • You cannot drink the drink on an empty stomach.
  • Strength does not add benefits, but, on the contrary, has a bad effect on well-being.
  • From long brewing, the infusion becomes bitter, tasteless, and impairs its nutritional properties. Stale it becomes harmful.
  • Do not take pills and other medicines with tea, they may not be absorbed.

A drink of health and longevity, beauty and youth, tea worthy of emperors and kings ... It even helped to survive the nuclear disaster in Japan without any particular consequences for those who regularly consumed it. Is it worth doubting it? Of course not. The main thing is the measure and the absence of contraindications.

Green tea is recommended for all people, it is advisable to consume it without sugar and buy the best varieties of large-leaf green tea. It is useful for both athletes and people who want to improve their mental performance, for example, to perform better at work.

Content of the article:

Useful properties of green tea

Tea strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of the cerebral vessels, improves heart function, relieves fears and nervous tension, increases the amount of sexual energy and creates balance in all body systems. You can also lose weight by drinking strong green tea every day, as it has a diuretic effect. But so far only one property of green tea has not been fully understood - the fight against malignant tumors, of course, tea helps even with cancer, but research still cannot understand how this happens.

This is most likely due to cleansing bacteria from the blood and strengthening the immune system. Green tea reduces the level of radiation in the blood, this was proven after a survey was conducted on the residents of Hiroshima. Their health was normal, and precisely because they regularly consumed green tea. This is also associated with the removal of strontium-90 from the body, but if it is deposited in the bones, there can be no question of any purification. People should consume green tea, if only because they spend a lot of time in front of the computer and TV, tea will reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

Green tea is used to enhance the sense of spirituality, as evidenced by the fact that green tea is consumed in Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies. Thanks to tea, people can fully concentrate and relax, this helps to improve mental concentration and the emergence of new ideas and goals. Many people note that after drinking tea, new thoughts appear in the head, a solution to a particular problem is found, and so on. I am very pleased with the fact that tea does not contain substances harmful to the psyche, therefore it can be used as a psyche stimulant without the slightest fear. Nervous system conductivity, reaction, vision, memory and concentration on creative activities are improved when a person drinks green tea daily. Many people say that depression quickly goes away after taking green tea, perhaps this is due to the cleansing of the body of toxic substances, although other people believe that tea charges with special positive energy that clears energy channels.

Also, do not forget that you can have a great time with a mug of green tea and have a heart-to-heart talk. You can learn something new about your friends, but you need to drink high-quality tea and always fresh. Of course, the packaging has a shelf life of approximately one to three years. But fresh tea tastes much better than the one that has been stored for 3 years. Before buying, read the manufacturing date, you also need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the tea, often artificial ingredients are added to improve the taste of the tea. Perhaps these substances were added to make the tea last longer, but these are preservatives that are harmful to health and degrade the quality of the tea. But a manufacturer may deliberately add fruit pieces, jasmine, lemon, chrysanthemum and hibiscus to tea to confuse consumers and shift attention from preservatives to additional ingredients. Supplements may well be artificial fruit substitutes, so you need to buy pure green tea.

In our country, green tea was more popular than in Europe, since it was brought before the 19th century. Further, all the inhabitants of Russia began to drink black tea, which is also very tasty, but far from so healthy. This is due to the fact that black tea undergoes additional processing. It is because of the habit of black tea that people make the wrong green tea. You cannot brew it with boiling water in a huge teapot, and then add sugar - this reduces the beneficial qualities of green tea. You need to use warm enough water, but not boiling water, and let the tea infuse for at least half an hour to feel its natural taste. Only properly brewed green tea has beneficial properties, but if you do not want to waste time brewing, buy green tea capsules at the pharmacy, they also have all the beneficial properties, however, you will not be able to enjoy the true taste of green tea.

Harmful properties of green tea

Green tea has many positives, but there are also disadvantages. For example, it can provoke a deterioration in thinking, concentration, increase in blood pressure, and so on. You can skip black tea and coffee because you don't want your blood pressure to build up, but keep in mind that green tea also contains energizing substances, and in the same amount. It also contains caffeine, which activates the central nervous system.

Strong green tea should not be consumed by elderly people and pregnant women. Tea can affect the development of the fetus due to the general excitability of the body. Elderly people are at risk of tremors - hand tremors, as well as decreased immunity and insomnia. Tea is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers and hypertensive patients.

To reduce the intensity of the side effects of green tea, keep in mind that you cannot brew it too hard. The tea should have a soft and delicate taste that does not irritate you in any way. Do not drink hot green tea, as this can negatively affect the digestive tract. Drink fresh green tea half an hour before meals, then you can drink a mug after 40 minutes to speed up the digestion process. Do not infuse the tea for too long, because the germs in it quickly multiply, and then poison your body.

Green tea is a traditional oriental drink with a history dating back several millennia. However, packaging with green tea appeared on the shelves of Russian stores relatively recently, only 30-40 years ago. This drink can be treated in different ways, considering it a medicine or a poison. And in fact, and in another case, you will be right, since green tea can not only alleviate a person's condition and relieve him of various diseases, but also cause them to occur. The thing is that the leaves of this plant contain a huge amount of active substances, which in small doses improve the functions of various organs of the body. But if their concentration in the blood exceeds the maximum permissible norm, then serious health problems can arise. Therefore, there is a generally accepted rule that says that you can drink no more than 3 cups of green tea per day, otherwise you can hardly count on excellent health.

Green tea composition

Tea leaves contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that the body of any person needs. First of all, these are alkaloids, which in small doses stimulate the work of the brain and nervous system, are responsible for vigor, a surge of physical strength and increase the activity of the whole organism. One of the most famous alkaloids is caffeine, which is present in coffee. It is also contained in green tea, but not in pure form, and is called tenin. Its effect on the body is much milder than that of caffeine. However, an overdose of tenin can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

In addition, there are quite a lot of polyphenols in green tea, the mechanism of action of which on the human body has not yet been fully understood. However, it is known that they are able to suppress cancer cells, as well as stimulate the work of the heart muscle.

Separately, it should be said that fresh green tea contains a huge amount of minerals, which are a kind of "building material" for the human body, and their supply should be constantly replenished. Tea is an ideal remedy in this regard. Plus, this drink is rich in vitamins B, K, A, PP and D, and is also a kind of record holder for the content of vitamin C, which is about the same amount in 100 ml of green tea as in the same amount of natural lemon juice. In addition, green tea contains 17 different amino acids, which are responsible not only for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, but also stimulate the regenerating functions of the body. Do not forget that it is green tea that is one of the sources of vegetable protein, and two cups of this drink contains half of its daily value, which is necessary for the normal functioning of an adult's body.

Useful properties of green tea

Green tea has many advantages, the main of which is the absorbent qualities of this drink. It is able to bind toxins and various harmful substances, removing them from the body in a natural way. That is why it is recommended to drink green tea in case of food poisoning and in the case when you want to get rid of toxins. Moreover, this drink perfectly cleans almost all internal organs, it promotes the removal of sand and stones from the kidneys, reduces the amount of bilirubin in the liver, enhances intestinal motility and helps with constipation... In addition, green tea has excellent diaphoretic properties, so it is often drunk for cosmetic purposes by people who need to effectively cleanse the pores of the skin and improve its structure.

The useful properties of green tea include its ability to remove radioactive substances from the body. Scientists have proven that this drink helps to reduce the dose of radiation during irradiation, so it is recommended to drink it for people who have undergone radiotherapy, live in ecologically unsafe areas, or are employed in hazardous work. For the same reason, green tea should be included in the daily diet of people who spend too much time in front of the TV or computer monitor. In addition, this drink has a very beneficial effect on the organs of vision and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system. It has been scientifically proven that hot green tea helps with pain in the intestines and stomach associated with diseases such as ulcers or gastritis, which has not only analgesic properties, but also promotes healing of lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive system.

Green tea has a very beneficial effect on the nervous system. Thanks to the unique complex of vitamins and microelements, this drink helps to effectively fight stress, chronic fatigue and depression. A cup of green tea, drunk daily in the morning, ensures a good mood and increases the efficiency of the whole body. However, if this drink is consumed in the evening, then it will help to overcome and ensure proper rest of the body.

Green tea and blood pressure

Green tea has a very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, strengthens the heart muscle and increases the overall tone of the whole body. It is noteworthy that this drink with equal success helps both hypertensive and hypotensive patients, as it has the property of normalizing blood pressure. Due to the high content of amino acids, green tea is recommended to be included in the daily diet for people who suffer from overweight problems and metabolic disorders in the body.

Green tea during pregnancy

Despite its useful qualities, expectant mothers should not get carried away with this drink, as it can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which often leads to premature birth. It is believed that during pregnancy, you should limit the consumption of green tea to one cup a day, and a few weeks before giving birth, completely abandon this drink. You should not abuse green tea during lactation, as the tannin that it contains has a very negative effect on the nervous system of babies, making them capricious and restless. At the same time, green tea helps to increase lactation, therefore it is allowed to consume this drink 1 cup per day to activate the work of the mammary glands. True, in order to minimize the negative effects of tannin on the child's body, it is worth diluting the brewed green tea with cow's or goat's milk in a 1: 1 ratio.

So many good words have been said about him that it is even somehow inconvenient to discuss the benefits and harms of green tea. But many, although they know about its healing abilities, cannot say for sure what they are. Usually it is limited to a couple of properties - "cleans blood vessels", "helps to lose weight." What then is the uniqueness of the drink? Let's figure it out!

Low Fermented Tea Healing Talents

Green and black tea are not even relatives, but they are essentially the same "character", because the tea leaves for the first and second types are harvested from the same bushes. It's all about processing. Green tea, unlike black tea, does not undergo fermentation. Moisture is simply evaporated from it. Thanks to the gentle production technology, it completely retains in its composition the valuable substances inherent in it by nature.

What are these components that determine the properties of green tea and its benefits and harms? It contains a veritable arsenal of antioxidants. There are as many of them in a cup of emerald drink as in ten glasses of apple juice! About 15-30% of its composition falls on tannins. These are up to 30 types of polyphenolic compounds, including tannin, catechins and others.

The peculiar aroma of green tea is provided by the presence of essential oils, and they largely determine the quality of such a drink. It contains amino acids, among which glutamic acid should be noted - it puts in order the metabolism and restores "shattered" nerves. Green tea contains vegetable proteins, so that it not only gives water, but also feeds.

To explain the benefits of green tea, just look at the list of its medicinal properties.

The healing effect of green tea:

  • inhibits aging, prolongs youth, increases lifespan: this effect is associated with a high content of antioxidants;
  • reduces the likelihood of getting cancer: Japanese scientists have conducted studies for 12 years that have confirmed that daily consumption of such a "product" significantly reduces the growth rate of a malignant tumor (but to obtain such a result, you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of tea, which is 19 cups) ;
  • enhances immunity;
  • removes toxins, carcinogens, neutralizes toxins;
  • supports the heart, reduces the risk of heart attack in half;
  • helps to destroy excess fat, suppresses appetite, which helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes "bad" cholesterol;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • increases the strength of blood vessels;
  • reduces alcohol cravings;
  • activates brain activity;
  • protects the liver from the destructive effects of alcohol;
  • reduces pressure (by 10-20 units);
  • prevents tooth decay and gum inflammation;
  • provides sharp eyesight;
  • gives vigor, increases efficiency;
  • neutralizes the negative effects of the waves emitted by the computer monitor.

It is widely believed that green tea is better than regular water at quenching thirst and restoring water loss.

Does the drink harm the kidneys?

What is green tea for the kidneys? Benefit or harm for this vital organ from such a drink? It is a powerful diuretic. If you drink it like water - often and in large quantities, then you can bring yourself to dehydration. This will help to increase the concentration of salts and acids in the kidneys. As a result, stones will appear in them.

It is strongly not recommended to use it in large quantities for those people who suffer from diseases of the urinary system. Urologists advise you to limit yourself to a couple of small cups per day. And after drinking tea, be sure to drink 250 ml of plain water to compensate for the loss of fluid.

That's how he cured! Possible negative consequences

Among drinks for daily use (we are not talking about herbal decoctions), it is difficult to find a more multifunctional "medicine" than green tea. Its benefits and harms to the body are incomparable.

But this does not mean that if you drink it in liters, you can throw out all the medicines from your home first-aid kit and forget the way to the clinic. Green tea requires careful handling. If you drink it without measure, too strong, and even on an empty stomach, you can face very unpleasant side effects.

Adverse reactions that green tea can provoke:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorder;
  • irritability;
  • loose stools;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • heartburn;
  • feeling of discomfort when urinating;
  • convulsions.

To avoid such "surprises", it is enough to adhere to simple rules: drink only high-quality tea, consume no more than 2-3 cups per day, take the last portion at least three hours before bedtime, do not swallow the burning drink (if its temperature is above 60 degrees , then it will increase the risk of stomach cancer).

Important! If you drink liters of green tea, you can "drink up" to problems with the liver, as an overdose of polyphenols will occur.

And I would drink, but health does not order!

If you drink it without taking into account contraindications, then all the benefits of green tea will come to naught. Even such an eminent "doctor" is not shown to everyone.

Diagnoses in which it is better to refuse such a drink:

  • urolithiasis: since green tea has a rather pronounced diuretic effect, it can provoke the movement of stones;
  • anemia: this drink impairs the absorption of iron in the body;
  • an ulcer, serious pathologies of the digestive system: if there are such problems, then you will have to exclude this tea from the menu, because it increases acidity;
  • nervous disorders accompanied by overexcitation, insomnia, tachycardia: tea will only aggravate the patient's condition, as it contains caffeine;
  • hypotension: from green tea, the pressure will drop even lower, but this will not happen if you cook it in low concentration, but if you pour a spoonful "with a slide" on one cup, then blood pressure can drop to critical levels;
  • gout.

Green tea is also not suitable for young children, because their nervous system is still developing. This means that they do not need to take "stimulants" (even natural ones) at all.

There are different opinions as to whether green tea is allowed for expectant mothers. Its benefits and harms to the body of a pregnant woman have not yet been fully investigated. But gynecologists do not recommend leaning on it in the first trimester, as it leads the uterus to an increased tone, which causes the danger of fetal rejection.

Starting from the fourth month, such a strict ban is lifted, but in order to exclude even the slightest risks for the baby, it is better for a woman "in position" to limit herself to one cup of this "medicine" a day.

Drink, so according to the rules!

So how can you use its health-promoting properties to get all the benefits of green tea? In order to feel the healing power of the drink of Japanese centenarians on your own health, you need to learn how to properly prepare it.

Five top secrets of green tea preparation:

  • for brewing, use a faience (in extreme cases - ceramic) teapot with a lid;
  • take clean (not tap!) water, add 1 small spoonful of tea leaves to 250 ml of liquid;
  • pour them into a preheated teapot;
  • rinse the tea leaf with cool boiling water (this will reduce the concentration of caffeine), then fill it with hot water (with a temperature of 70 to 85 °);
  • do not dilute the tea with water, but instead of sugar, it is better to take honey (add it when the temperature of the drink drops to 50 degrees).

Important! According to connoisseurs of tea traditions, such a drink gives out all its healing properties only from the third brew!