How much to cook pink rice. Red rice: benefits and harms, recipes for the preparation of medicinal products

26.11.2019 Meat Dishes

Red rice is one of the healthiest foods, because it does not undergo a grinding procedure, but only peels off. Thanks to this, it retains the maximum amount of valuable vitamins, minerals, and also contains fiber. This cereal has a fairly soft shell, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

Red rice can be used to make a huge variety of delicious and healthy dishes. Regardless of which recipe with red rice is chosen, it is based on cereals, which must be properly prepared.


  1. Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  2. Water - 450-550 g
  3. Red rice - 1 tbsp


  • You can not be afraid that the rice will boil over, since it has an unpolished shell, is denser, so it is rather difficult to digest it.
  • If you want to cook red rice properly, then you must strictly adhere to the instructions that the manufacturer indicates on the packaging. It is worth remembering that for each type of cereal, a different amount of water and cooking time are set.
  • So, take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and bring it to a boil. Before starting cooking, the cereals must be sorted out, since this type of rice is not polished, so various specks and debris may remain in it.
  • It is also necessary to remove those grains that have defects in the form of dark specks.
  • Immediately before cooking, rinse the cereals well in cold water several times - all dust and debris should be separated. At the end, the water should remain completely clear.
  • Fill the well-washed rice with boiling water, before adding a little salt. The most important thing now is to pour in the right amount of liquid, since it will have to be completely absorbed before the end of cooking. If you cannot correctly calculate the amount of liquid, and you periodically add water during cooking, then lumps may appear.
  • You need enough water so that it covers the rump on top of 2 fingers. As soon as the water boils, remove the foam that appears, tighten the heat as much as possible and cook the rice from 20 to 40 minutes, until it is soft. Also, by this time, the liquid should be completely absorbed.
  • There are times when, while cooking red rice, the water becomes a dirty red hue. Don't worry, you just need to replace it with a clean one. In this case, the cereal is cooked for about 5 minutes after the water boils, then the dirty water is drained and boiled water is poured. It is worth remembering that the salt will be added after you change the water.
  • As soon as the cereal is completely cooked, it is necessary to turn off the stove, then leave the porridge for about 10 minutes to infuse.
  • The combination of red rice with vegetables, mushrooms, salads is very tasty. However, it is not recommended to combine it with meat gravy, as this type of rice is very nutritious even in its pure form.

Red rice: the best recipes

With vegetables


  1. Beans - 100 g
  2. Bulgarian pepper - 100 g
  3. Canned corn - 100 g
  4. Ground chili pepper - to taste
  5. Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  6. Paprika to taste
  7. Water - 300 g
  8. Red rice - 200 g


  • First you need to boil the red rice until cooked through. Boil the beans separately and drain the water, let the legumes dry out.
  • We clean, wash and chop the onion, then lightly fry it in a hot pan with the addition of vegetable oil, add a little paprika, add chili and beans.
  • Dry the corn slightly. We wash the pepper and cut it into not very large pieces. Then add these components to the pan and fry until the beans are completely ready.
  • Add fully boiled red rice to the pan and mix well with vegetables. We introduce a little salt (to taste) and simmer everything together for a couple of minutes, but you cannot overdo it on the fire.
  • To add a little piquancy to the dish, take fresh cilantro, chop and sprinkle on the dish.

With mushrooms


  1. Ground red pepper - to taste
  2. Salt to taste
  3. Butter - 45-55 g
  4. Green basil - to taste
  5. Carrots - 1 pc.
  6. Mushrooms (champignons) - 250-325 g
  7. Onion - 1 onion
  8. Water - 2.5 tbsp.
  9. Red rice - 1.5 tbsp.


  • We put a saucepan on the stove, bring water to a boil. As soon as the water starts to boil, add the prepared red rice and cook over low heat under a closed lid for about 40 minutes, until fully cooked. Add salt immediately before the end of cooking.
  • In a hot skillet, melt a little butter and fry the chopped carrots and onions until the vegetables are soft.
  • We prepare mushrooms - my champignons, peel and cut into 4 parts. Add mushrooms to the pan with vegetables and fry for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the caps acquire a soft ruddy shade.
  • Almost at the very end of cooking, add pepper and salt, mix everything well.
  • Combine mushrooms with rice and vegetables, add coarsely chopped basil.

Health Benefits of Red Rice

Red rice contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, significantly improves its peristalsis, and normalizes the microflora of the colon. Also, red rice is recommended for food and for weight loss, as it is very nutritious and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time.

This product is very useful for diabetics, because it helps to normalize blood sugar levels. It is also recommended to use it to detoxify the body in case of poisoning. Provided it is regularly consumed, harmful cholesterol is excreted from the body.

Red rice - 1 cup
Water - 2.5 cups
Butter or vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Salt to taste

1. Inspect and, if necessary, sort out 1 cup of red rice, removing the husks and stones.

2. Rinse the selected rice thoroughly under running water until the water becomes clear.

3. Put the rice into a heavy-bottomed saucepan.
4. Pour 2.5 cups of water over rice - cold or hot, does not matter for the result, so use a handy one.

5. Season with salt to taste.
6. Turn on the gas over a high fire and wait for the water to boil.
7. After the water boils, reduce heat to low and cook the rice for 35 minutes, covered. Keep in mind that red rice gives a copious foam even over low heat, so occasionally watch to see if the water escapes.
8. Remove the foam formed on the water with a spoon.
9. After 35 minutes, check the rice for softness. If it is not soft enough, leave it on low heat under the lid for another 10 minutes, while all the water should be absorbed into the grains.

10. Add 1 tablespoon of vegetable or butter to ready-made hot rice, mix and serve as a side dish or as an independent dish.

Very often, red and wild rice is not at all ideal, as we would like it to be. How to cook red rice and wild rice can be found in our tips and tricks. Do not be afraid of those who are going to cook such rice for the first time. Due to the fact that its shell is preserved, the rice does not boil over and does not stick together. Red rice is dense in structure. All you need to do is follow the recommended instructions.

How to cook red rice: cooking instructions

Before telling how to cook red rice, I still want to say a few words about its usefulness for the human body.

Red rice is one of the healthiest types of rice. Since this variety of rice has not been peeled off, it contains, to a greater extent, the very vitamins, fiber and nutrients.

Due to the same shell, rice is more easily absorbed by the body, and is also an excellent choice for those who care about their figure. In such rice there is very little starch, but meanwhile, it saturates the body well.

Now directly about the preparation:

  1. First, you need to go through fig. Since it is not polished, various stones, earth, and damaged grains of rice can come across in it. We delete all this.
  2. Next, we wash the sorted rice with water. There are two to three glasses of water for one glass of rice.
  3. Bring the kettle to a boil. Next, pour the rice into a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The rice is covered with water with a layer of about two to three fingers above its surface.
  4. Rice is cooked for twenty to thirty minutes. First over high heat and then over low heat. Until fully cooked.
  5. Finished rice should be infused for about ten minutes. Then it is recommended to add olive oil and stir. It goes well with mushrooms, dried fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry and even milk.

Today, wild rice can be purchased at any supermarket. But not everyone knows how to cook wild rice so that it turns out to be healthy and tasty. So, let's go directly to cooking. We bring to your attention one of the easiest cooking methods.

  1. First, pour cold water over the wild rice and leave it overnight.
  2. Then in the morning we send it to boiling water in the following proportion: for one glass of rice there are about three glasses of water.
  3. Put the saucepan with rice over medium heat and cook for forty minutes over medium heat. As the dish is cooked, the rice will increase in volume.

If you do not have time to soak rice, then you can proceed as follows: pour the rice grains with boiling water. Here the proportion is similar: for one glass of rice there are three glasses of boiling water. Pour rice and leave for one hour. And then we act according to the above recipe.

Wild rice is considered a favorite of vegetarians and fasting people. Most often, this rice is used as a side dish. But it can also be a main course.

You will be pleasantly surprised by the taste of wild rice - exotic with a slightly sweet aftertaste. The aroma of the dish is spicy and nutty, which adds aroma and piquancy to the dish.

And cooking rice is quick and easy. If desired, serve your rice with any vegetables, salads or hot dishes.

You can hardly surprise anyone with a dish of rice. However, friable rice with a pleasant reddish hue undoubtedly looks unusual, and besides, it delights in its taste and useful properties. We are talking about the Rubin variety of red rice.

Features of the variety

Rubin is a red rice variety that is minimally processed. More precisely, the groats are not polished, due to which its bran shell is preserved. It protects the grain from the loss of vitamins and microelements, and also provides a higher content of B vitamins and fiber in Rubin.

The presence of the shell slightly increases the calorie content of "Rubin" and on average it is 350-400 kcal ha 100 g of raw product. During the cooking process, the energy value of the product is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

Red rice contains a large amount of slow carbohydrates, easily digestible proteins and amino acids, and a minimum amount of fat. The product is non-allergenic as it is gluten-free. The glycemic index of the "Rubin" cereal is 55 units, which makes it possible to consume it in diabetes mellitus.

If we turn to culinary characteristics, it should be said that this type of cereal is not boiled. When cooked, rice is a crumbly dish with a spicy taste and light nutty notes. It is good to serve as a side dish, combining with meat and fish, seafood, vegetables and various sauces.

Cooked rice takes on a reddish, sometimes pink hue, for which the variety got its name. For industrial purposes, it is cultivated in the south of France, in the Himalayas, India, Thailand.

Cooking technology

Features of grain processing impose certain requirements for its preparation. First, you need to choose a method that will help preserve the maximum useful properties of the cereal. Secondly, the presence of a shell implies a longer temperature effect on the grain.

The most useful heat treatment is boiling cereals in water or steam. These recipes can be considered classics, because by adding new ingredients, it is possible to get dozens of new dishes based on red rice.

Preparation of cereals

The right way to start cooking rice is to prepare the cereal. It needs to be sorted out, sorting out the substandard. The next step is grain washing. You can put it in a deep bowl, fill it with water and sort out the cereal with your hand a little. The water will become noticeably cloudy, it must be drained and the procedure repeated. Rinsing cereals should be carried out until the water is clear.

You can do this with a sieve. Put the groats in it and place them under running water, making the stream light. For this procedure, you should first use cool water, and then increase its temperature.

Pure rice should be poured with cool water and left for 30-40 minutes. This will remove excess starch, making the dish crumbly, in addition, shortening the cooking time. Instead of soaking, you can heat the cereal for 3-5 minutes in a hot dry frying pan.

Boiling on water

Prepared grain should be boiled by moisture evaporation method. You need to use the liquid for cooking hot or pour the cereal into boiling water. For a glass of rice, you should take 2-2.5 glasses of water. The latter can be replaced with vegetable or meat broth.

It is better to cook "Ruby" in a thick-walled dish so that it does not burn. First you need to make the fire stronger, but after the liquid boils, reduce to a minimum, close the lid and simmer until tender. Pre-soaked red rice usually takes 40-50 minutes to cook. The maximum time can be up to 60-80 minutes.

You do not need to knead the cereals during the cooking process, so as not to destroy the shell and turn the finished dish into a viscous mass. If necessary, you can add water to the rice, the main thing is that it is hot. Any excess liquid, if any, should be drained from the finished dish. The water for cooking needs to be salted, you can add spices, bay leaf.

To provide the dish with a delicate creamy "sound", as well as to make it more crumbly, butter helps. It is put in raw rice at the rate of: 1 tablespoon per glass of cereal. You can also add table vinegar - half a tablespoon to a glass of rice.

Rubin is not the most successful variety as a base for milk porridge. It does not boil over, however, this does not mean that it does not fit at all. You can make red rice porridge in water with added sweetener and dried fruit.

"Ruby", prepared according to the classic technology, can be served as a side dish. The taste can be made more interesting if the finished rice is seasoned with a gravy of 2 parts soy sauce, rice vinegar and grape juice, taken in 1 part. If you like more spicy dishes, you can add grated ginger root and mashed garlic (a couple of cloves) to the sauce. You can sprinkle the rice with freshly squeezed lemon juice, or better - lime.

However, if you want to make a dish with a richer and more interesting taste, as well as save time, you can immediately cook it with vegetables or other additives.

With vegetables

Rice according to this recipe turns out to be juicy. This dish will appeal to you if you like whole vegetables in sauces and fries.


  • a glass of Rubin;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 100 g of canned beans and corn;
  • 1 pc. onions and carrots;
  • ground black pepper, paprika, salt.

Drain the brine from the beans and rinse them, then dry them. Boil rice until cooked with salt and butter. Peeled and finely chopped (carrots can be grated), sauté onions with carrots in vegetable oil for 3-5 minutes, then add the beans. Simmer for another 7-10 minutes.

At this time, drain the liquid from the canned corn, and add the grains to the frying and immediately remove it from the heat. You do not need to over-stir the frying, as this will disrupt its structure. Add cooked rice to the composition, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes.

With shrimps

Rice goes well with seafood, in particular shrimp. This is a great dish option for those who are slimming or building muscle. Groats will provide the body with slow carbohydrates, and shrimp will provide protein. And thanks to the beans in the composition, it is also possible to introduce fiber into the dish, which is so necessary for digestion.

The two main ingredients have different cooking times. Rice, as already mentioned, takes at least 40 minutes to cook, and it is enough to boil the shrimp for 5-7 minutes in boiling water.


  • 1.5 cups of rice;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • 100 g asparagus beans (freeze can be used);
  • 300 g shrimp;
  • half a teaspoon of grated ginger;
  • half a glass of oyster sauce;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, herbs.

Cook the cereals separately until tender. Boil the shrimps, throwing in boiling water for 3 minutes. Cook the beans in the same way. Heat a saucepan, peel and brown the shrimp in oil, add the beans and simmer for 5 minutes. Add ginger, mashed garlic, salt, spices and oyster sauce. It can be substituted with a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar and pomegranate juice, or substituted with any suitable dressing.

The cereal product of the Rubin variety undergoes only the peeling procedure, without being subjected to grinding, therefore it contains the maximum amount of useful components and has a beneficial effect on health. But only if you know how to cook red rice, it will keep vitamins, minerals and fiber in the right amount.

It is almost impossible to digest the component, but this does not mean that it can be kept in boiling water for a long time. Despite the density of the finished product, its upper shell is rather soft, so it can be digested without problems by the digestive tract. It is quite simple to prepare a tasty and healthy side dish from such rice, but you still have to learn a few rules.

Features of red rice to keep in mind

Before you include Ruby Rice in your diet, there are a number of important things you need to know that can help you get the most out of the product:

  • The usefulness of the product is mainly due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition of its shell. Therefore, no matter how much the component is cooked, it is not recommended to stir it too actively and often. This can lead to flaking of fiber and other important chemical elements. In general, such rice should not be interfered with at all. If you choose the right proportion of water, the grains will not stick together.
  • It is not necessary to prepare a traditional side dish from the cereal. If you combine the product with milk and dried fruits, you can get a delicious and original dessert dish.
  • It is recommended to sprinkle the finished product with lime or lemon juice before serving.

Tip: To shorten the cooking time of the component, you can pre-soak it in a little cold water. It is worth considering that with this approach, the finished grains will become a little lighter than usual.

  • The finished side dish, provided that there are no additional components, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, covered with a lid.

If you cook Rubin rice according to all the rules, then pretty soon its use will have a positive effect on the condition of the digestive tract, lower blood sugar, accelerate the elimination of harmful cholesterol from the body and even contribute to weight loss.

How to properly boil red rice?

To cook the product in the traditional way, for a glass of red rice you need to take 2.5 cups of water, a tablespoon of butter or vegetable oil, a little salt to taste. The manipulation itself will look like this:

  • First, "Ruby" must be carefully sorted out, removing the husk and possible stones. After that, we rinse the component several times in cold water until the liquid remains completely transparent.
  • We discard the mass in a colander, and after the excess liquid has drained off, we transfer it to a saucepan with a thick bottom.
  • Fill the product with hot (!) Water. We use a ratio of 1 to 2.5 - the liquid should overlap the grain by about 2 cm. Add a little salt to taste immediately.
  • We put the container on a strong fire, wait for the composition to boil. After that, we reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and boil the component for 40 minutes. From time to time we check the contents for the presence of foam and remove it.
  • If after the specified time the product has not yet reached the desired condition, we extend the processing for another 10 minutes. Ideally, all of the liquid will be absorbed into the grains. The maximum cooking time is 1 hour 20 minutes.

Regardless of how much the product has been cooked, drain the remaining liquid from it, if they remain, season with oil, stir with a wooden spoon and serve.

How to make a delicious red rice garnish with vegetables?

There are many options for how to cook red rice with vegetables. Here is one of the most successful:

  • For 1 cup of red rice, take 2.5 cups of water, 0.5 cups of dried beans, half bell pepper, 0.5 cups of canned corn, one onion, a little paprika, ground black or red pepper.
  • First, boil the beans until tender. If you don't want to wait a few hours, you can use a canned product. It is best to choose the option in your own juice, but we must also thoroughly rinse it with cold boiled water. After that, the beans need to be spread out so that they dry out a little.
  • We also boil red rice separately until cooked; you can add a little butter or vegetable oil to the finished product.

  • Peel and chop the onion. Fry it in hot vegetable oil, then add the spices used and fry again. Add beans to frying, mix everything thoroughly, warm up and remove from heat.
  • Throw the corn in a colander and dry it slightly, mix with finely chopped sweet pepper. Add the vegetable mixture to the pan to the beans, which we put on low heat, mix and simmer until all the ingredients are cooked. It is not worth stirring the composition too often, it will lose its structure.
  • Last but not least, add boiled rice. Add the whole mixture, stir and keep on fire under the lid for no more than a couple of minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh chopped herbs, add a little more salt.

In addition, red rice goes well with seafood, mushrooms, meat and some offal. The only thing to remember is that it is better to cook such a cereal separately, combining it with the rest of the ingredients or a ready-made dish at the very end. If you break this rule, then the result can be a mixture similar to porridge, without a distinct taste, texture and aroma.