Northern summer resident - news, catalog, consultations. Herbs and teas for the flu: what to drink for treatment

21.04.2019 Seafood dishes

Many who love walks in nature are familiar with the Ivan tea plant, beneficial features which, unfortunately, not everyone knows. In July and August, willow tea covers everything around, scattering in small pink flowers. People familiar with traditional medicine know how useful this herb is and prepare it for future use. Tea is made from this herb, it is added to food, baked goods and even fabric is made. But the beneficial properties of Ivan tea do not end there.

For thousands of years, people have been using the beneficial properties of this herb. It contains a large amount of vitamin C (in this it is superior to rose hips). By using this herb, you replenish the reserves of trace elements: zinc, copper, iron, nickel, molybdenum, titanium and boron. It also contains tannins, pectin, alkaloids, flavonoids and sugars.


The life of a modern person, especially in the city, is a continuous series of stresses, smoothly flowing into one another. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this, not even our children. According to the latest data, up to 75% of the population of large cities suffers from various kinds of neurotic disorders. Their manifestations are different. Irritability, tearfulness, weakness, or anger, increased sensitivity. We are all human, and at different times in our lives we may need support. In this case, Ivan-tea, as a reliable companion, can lend his shoulder.

Fireweed is able to regulate higher nervous activity; it is a stress protector, a mood modulator. It relieves stress, increases communication skills (O.D.Barnaulov, 2008). Specialists of the St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy (OV Ryzhova et al., 2006) established the presence of pronounced anti-anxiety properties in preparations from Ivan tea.

Has a calming effect, increases the rationality and productivity of the work performed. A cup of Ivan tea in the evening will perfectly relax, help you disconnect from daytime worries and have a happy time with your family. In this sense, the combination of Ivan-tea with mint or oregano is especially successful; this is a real aromatherapy of fatigue and stress!

By including Ivan tea in your daily menu, you will notice how much easier it is to cope with all sorts of difficulties that, in fact, life consists of! You will stop wasting your energy on anxiety and fear of difficulties, and direct it to solving the problem, and the result will not be long in coming.

The ritual of brewing fragrant Ivan tea itself gives calmness and pacification, and tea drinking with loved ones is a tradition that is natural for a Russian family and has undeservedly gone into the past.

And if you show enthusiasm and go with the whole family to prepare Ivan tea in the nearest forest, then unforgettable impressions, a charge of happiness and optimism are simply guaranteed! What's the stress here? You will simply forget about all the problems, nature will take everything unnecessary and share the best that she has reserved for her children.

Peace of mind to you!


In our nervous age, overloaded with information and stress, a person does not sleep well. Up to 50% of the adult population of cities suffers from various sleep disorders. Our kids often sleep restlessly too, especially after an active day. Synthetic sleeping pills give the illusion of sleep, in the morning we feel it, waking up broken and swaying with difficulty.

Ivan tea is recommended to be taken in case of restless sleep with frequent awakenings, as well as in case of difficulty falling asleep. It is known that feeling unwell in the morning is related not so much to the duration as to the quality of sleep. Having drunk Ivan-tea shortly before bedtime, we will sleep like a baby. By the way, the "sleepy mug" of Ivan tea with honey will be especially useful for children.

The calming effect of fireweed is similar to that of valerian, but not as strong. You will fall asleep more easily, sleep will be deeper, healthier, restorative. And you will wake up easily and perhaps even earlier than usual.

Ivan tea with mint and oregano is also useful for insomnia. These herbs give peace and tranquility, especially when drunk in the evening with relatives.

Good night, sweet dreams!


Ivan tea is extremely useful in case of loss of strength, exhaustion, during the recovery period after serious illness. It gently but steadily restores the body's reserves, saturating it with vitamins and microelements. Unlike tea and coffee, which are over-stimulating and addictive, Ivan tea gives strength and encourages the body to heal itself.

Consuming Blooming Sally about six months, looking back, they note a significant difference in their condition and overall well-being. Cheerfulness becomes the norm, and it is the vigor of a healthy organism that craves life, and not artificial stimulation under the influence of stimulants. No wonder in the old days it was said that Ivan tea not only heals the body, but also strengthens the spirit!

From the point of view of ancient Indian Ayurveda, each plant has its own unique character. And he shares his qualities with the person who eats it. Ivan tea in this sense is an amazing plant. His vitality and resilience are unmatched. Is this not the Russian spirit?

Who is the first to climb the conflagration, rebuilding soil and paving the way for other plants? Blooming Sally! Who grows everywhere from the Arctic to the Kuban? Blooming Sally! Who blooms almost all summer, as if telling a person - I grow for you! Blooming Sally.

From the point of view of bioenergy, fireweed restores the biofield, stops the leakage of energy and optimizes its absorption and transformation the human body... It helps to find a second wind and increases productivity (T.Yu. Sharova, 2002).

In order to restore, Ivan tea with rose hips is perfect, natural pantry vitamins. Also good is "Taiga" with rosehip and hawthorn and Altai "Balsam" with angelica, pine buds and rowan fruits - universal natural healers.

It is very useful for physical and mental exhaustion Ivan-tea with rowan fruits, which literally raised our ancestors to their feet. No wonder so many folk songs are dedicated to mountain ash.

Energy, confidence and a charge of fresh energy with every sip!


Today there is no need to explain what radiation is and what is its effect on the body. Technogenic background radiation is becoming the source of many diseases, including cancer. Radioactive contamination occurs in two ways: external (direct impact) and internal (when eating food containing radioisotopes and heavy metals). The latter path is more insidious, because in order to receive a dose of radiation, we do not need to be in the hearth.

Ivan tea in a large number contains pectin substances... These are natural compounds that bind lead, mercury, cesium, strontium and other heavy metals, as well as radionuclides in the gastrointestinal tract and facilitate their elimination.

There are also many organic acids in fireweed, which dissolve unwanted salt deposits in the body, restore the acid-base balance, and support the intestinal microflora.

Nature may have foreseen how far humanity will go in its "development", and has prepared a gift for us - Ivan tea, which acts as a natural purifier.


An interesting effect of long-term consumption of Ivan tea is a decrease in cravings for alcohol.

The desire to "get drunk" is noticeably reduced if you drink a cup of hot Ivan-tea in the morning. The symptoms of alcohol intoxication are reduced: weakness, nausea, headache. And if you drink Ivan tea regularly, then there is a decrease in the desire to consume alcohol. Of course, "double" alcoholism, and even without the desire of the patient, Ivan tea will not cure. But other things being equal, it will be very helpful to those who want to defeat their addiction. The same applies, by the way, to nicotine. We have many examples of this today. If Ivan-tea helps you with this too, we will be very happy!

This effect appears to be based on cleansing and detoxifying activity. And simply because Ivan-tea is a drink of health, and health and alcohol with smoking, things are known to be poorly compatible.


As much as we do not like this state, which always comes unexpectedly. The plans are upset, the work is worthwhile, the state of health is terrible. We believe colds and flu are something you can do without. How? With the help of Mother Nature, who in her pharmacy has stored everything we need so as not to get sick, and if we still managed to catch a cold, then get back on our feet as quickly as possible and without complications.

People who have made Ivan tea a part of their lives often forget when they were sick the last time. Those who often catch a cold note that they have become less and less ill.

In the season of colds, as well as in the period of spring beriberi, Ivan-tea with wild rose, with mountain ash, with sea buckthorn, with currants, "Taiga", "Balsam" will also provide invaluable help. These drinks will saturate the body with vitamin C and activate the immune defense. You can choose a natural remedy for every day according to your taste.

In case of a common cold, Ivan-tea will also provide invaluable help. It will relieve intoxication, improve well-being, prevent the development of complications and accelerate recovery.

Ivan-tea with meadowsweet, which is called "natural aspirin", is very good for colds. It has a diaphoretic effect, helps to reduce fever, and soothes headaches.

And Ivan tea with pine buds, a bactericidal and antiviral agent of all times and peoples, will help to ease breathing, eliminate a runny nose and cough.

Be healthy!


As a strong half of humanity, men, however, remain highly vulnerable to a number of diseases and must, no doubt, take care of themselves. It will go about diseases of the prostate gland, which, unfortunately, are very common in our time. This is facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, hypothermia, alcohol and smoking. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma not only carry a number of very unpleasant symptoms, but also increase the risk of prostate cancer.

Ivan tea will provide invaluable support for men's health, especially after 50 years, when the risk of adenoma and prostate cancer increases. Turning it into daily diet will help to maintain men's health to a ripe old age.

The Russian drink is very useful in the complex treatment of potency disorders. Eliminate anxiety and the effects of stress, give self-confidence and provide functional support to the male reproductive system.

We offer men to take health care into their strong hands, or at least pass it on to their fair half, which will be happy to brew you a drink of Russian heroes.

Just think, our fist-sized heart pumps about 7 tons of blood every day. 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No holidays or weekends. If we take into account the conditions in which the heart is forced to work today, then in reality it retires ahead of the deadline set by nature. Harmful production, what did you want?

Cardiovascular diseases are the scourge of our time, myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents are responsible for 40-50% of deaths among Russians. This pathology is different in that it requires long-term, often lifelong drug therapy with ever-increasing doses of drugs. Meanwhile, phytotherapy can be of significant help in the treatment of such patients. It is very sad that the erudition of doctors in herbal medicine is not always sufficient.

Even simply giving up tea and coffee is in itself very beneficial for patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension. And the transition to Ivan-tea allows you to reduce the frequency and intensity of hypertensive crises and angina attacks, reduce the amount of drugs and improve the quality of life. It is very useful during the rehabilitation period after heart attacks and strokes, as well as whenever the heart needs additional support. His biochemical composition nourishes the heart muscle, improves blood flow and oxygen saturation, optimizes acid-base balance in the body.

Not everything we know about the mechanisms of action of herbs for modern science it is often a secret with seven seals. But one thing is known - it works, it has been tested by centuries of folk experience.

A wonderful help to the heart - Ivan tea with hawthorn. It relieves soreness and a feeling of heaviness in the region of the heart, lowers high blood pressure, improves sleep and general state... Also, the drink is good for cardiac edema. English scientists at the end of the 19th century. called the hawthorn "the most valuable discovery of the 19th century", and one of the prominent German herbalists G. Madaus came to the conclusion that "hawthorn - excellent remedy, almost unsurpassed in the incipient weakness of the heart muscle, mainly in old age. "

Also very useful is Ivan tea with red mountain ash - the vitamin "northern beauty". Rowan fruits are a recognized tonic for the heart, which also strengthens the vascular wall.

An equally important problem is arterial hypotension. Often people suffering reduced pressure, resort to strong tea and coffee. Ivan tea is able to regulate neuro-reflex activity, which is often impaired in patients with hypotension.

Very good for low blood pressure and neurocirculatory dystonia Ivan-tea "Fir comb" with pine buds. Pine is a powerful adaptogen that strengthens the heart and nerves. People who literally cannot get out of bed in the morning without strong coffee are gradually abandoning it, starting to use "Fir comb".

It is difficult to imagine a more suitable daily drink to support cardio- vascular systemthan Ivan tea. And you can’t imagine. Just drink Ivan tea and it will help keep your heart healthy for years to come!

I wish you success in matters of the heart!


The problem of tumors is more acute today than at the dawn of mankind as a price to pay for the comfort provided by technogenic civilization. Cancer is getting younger, cancer is walking the planet, not paying attention to all attempts to invent a cure for it. Perhaps there is a panacea, but today it is not known to the broad masses. And, as usual, the best defense is attack. That is, prevention.

In the early 70s of the twentieth century, a group of Russian specialists at the All-Russian Cancer Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences obtained the drug hanerol from Ivan tea inflorescences (K.P.Balitsky, A.L. Vorontsova, 1982). It turned out that preparations from Ivan-tea have an inhibitory effect on cancer cells, close in effect to cytostatics, while not having a toxic effect on healthy cells. The percentage of inhibition of the growth of malignant tumors in animals reached 89%, and repeated administration of hanerol does not lead to the appearance of resistance in cancer cells, which is not typical of chemotherapy drugs.

Ivan tea also contains a large amount of lectins - complex proteins, which, among other things, stimulate the production of interferon and regulate immune responses, including the antitumor immunity of the body (V.F. Korsun et al.). The authors point out that the most effective dosage form is an unsweetened aqueous infusion. Simply put, unsweetened tea. When sugar or honey is added, lectins are inactivated.

Daily consumption of Ivan tea, especially unsweetened tea, is an excellent prevention of oncology.

Also, fireweed occupies a prominent place in the complex therapy of cancer patients to reduce the toxic effect of antineoplastic agents, reduce the side effects of radiation therapy, and detoxification. The immediate antitumor effect of Ivan tea will also, no doubt, add to the chances of recovery. Prof. V.F. Korsun gives a case from practice:

Patient B., 74 years old, a disabled person of the 1st group due to illness, a resident of the city of Khimki, Moscow region. Suffering from lung cancer 4 tbsp. (the diagnosis was made at the Balashikha Oncological Dispensary, Moscow Region) 3.6 years ago. I went to see a phytotherapist, as the doctors told his wife that he had 2-3 months left to live. A collection is prescribed, including flowers and roots of fireweed, flowers and roots of burdock, licorice, marshmallow and rose hips. After 7 months, coughing, exhaustion, hemoptysis and low-grade fever disappeared. In the summer he was at the dacha, where he is engaged in gardening. The district doctor doubted the patient's life and came to the patient himself. After 3 years, he had to come to an appointment with the head physician of the polyclinic, as she decided that the widow was illegally receiving a pension for her long-dead husband, but when she saw the patient alive, she was surprised. The patient continues outpatient treatment and quarterly observation by a phytotherapist.

Ivan-tea with northern sea buckthorn berry is also very good for the prevention of oncology, which also has anti-cancer properties... And, undoubtedly, Ivan tea with rose hips, which herbalists often include in anti-tumor preparations.

Take care of yourself!


According to ancient Indian Ayurveda, all, absolutely all diseases are rooted in improper digestion. Diseases of the digestive system are very common, starting with childhoodare often chronic and recurrent.

A rare plant acts on all links in the chain of causes of gastrointestinal diseases. Fireweed belongs to such gifts of nature, unique in its versatility and softness of impact.

For example, we will give the main causes of peptic ulcer disease: increased nervous load, disturbance in the mode and nature of nutrition, the presence of a special microbe in the stomach, the effect of the acidic contents of the stomach on the depleted mucosa. Ivan tea, on the other hand, has a calming, powerful anti-inflammatory effect, its leaves contain a large amount of tannins and mucus, which very well protect the gastric mucosa.

At the same time, Ivan tea will be useful for diseases of the liver and gallbladder, it is a prevention gallstone disease, which is especially true for women after 40.

It should not be forgotten that Ivan tea contains oligosaccharides, which create a favorable environment for the development of bifidobacteria. This is the contribution of Russian tea to the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis so common today.

Teas with mint, oregano, thyme and sage are very favorable for digestion. It makes me very happy when the medicinal products for our digestion are also so tasty. Both adults and children like them.

Enjoy your meal!


A significant proportion of the adult population of cities suffers from chronic headaches. By swallowing painkillers, we do not solve the problem, but only exacerbate the imbalance that led to the problem. Such people, as a rule, can otherwise be practically healthy and visits to doctors do not lead to anything. In fact, these headaches are most often caused by excessive tension, which is very difficult to eliminate without the help of special means.

Such people come to the aid of funds from the pantry of nature. After a few months of regular consumption of Ivan tea, you will most likely forget about headaches. Many clients share their happiness with us. A light, clean, fresh head is so nice!

The effect comes gradually, gently, but it is stable. You just at some point understand that pentalgin can be thrown away. Hurrah!

It is especially good for headaches Ivan-tea with meadowsweet. It improves microcirculation in the vessels of the brain, normalizes intracranial pressure, gently soothes and relaxes.

Join our friendly company easy, relaxed and successful!


How you want, in spite of everything, to remain a Woman. Soft, tender, defenseless. And, of course, preserve freshness and beauty for many years.

Ivan tea in this will be of undoubted benefit. He gives men peace and confidence in their own strengths, and for women he has reserved lightness and serenity. Isn't this true female wealth? Problems will lose their frightening appearance after a cup of Ivan-tea.

Shiny hair, smooth skin, strong nails - all these are signs of not only beauty, but also health. Ivan tea is full of vitamins and microelements, and in combination with sea buckthorn, currant, mountain ash, rosehip it becomes an amazing cocktail for those who want to preserve their beauty for years to come.

We also highly recommend to beautiful ladies Ivan-tea with oregano - perhaps the most "female" plant of the Russian flora. Since ancient times, she has been called "mother" for her ability to restore women's health. But keep in mind that oregano is contraindicated in early pregnancy, as it tones up the smooth muscles of the uterus.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of Ivan tea during menopause. It will help to cope with irritability, "tides", jumps blood pressure... The transition to a new phase of life will be smoother and more invisible. Just drink it every day and the result will not be long in coming.

Also, the powerful anti-inflammatory and pronounced antitumor effect of Ivan tea will come in handy in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, endometriosis, uterine fibroids.

Women striving for harmony, and simply following the figure, should also turn their eyes to Ivan-tea. It regulates the feeling of hunger, saturates the body with vitamins and microelements with practically zero calories, and also improves mood, which is important for those who are on a diet.

Dear women, take care of yourself! Ivan tea to help you.


The specificity of skin diseases is such that, having arisen once, they often flow chronically, in waves, bringing great discomfort and significantly disrupting the quality of life. Neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis - those who know firsthand about them understand what is at stake.

In almost all skin diseases, the state of the nervous system plays a role in the development of the disease and gastrointestinal tract... Here the sedative properties of fireweed come to the rescue, as well as its ability to normalize the activity of the digestive organs. The experience of our clients testifies to the beneficial effect of Ivan-tea in atopic dermatitis, up to the complete cleansing of the skin.

You can also use a strong Ivan tea infusion locally for various skin inflammations, wounds, burns, frostbite. If something goes wrong, and there is no first-aid kit at hand, Ivan-tea will come to the rescue. Washing with fireweed infusion treats inflammation of the mucous membranes; you can wash your eyes for conjunctivitis, keep it in your mouth for stomatitis and gum disease. Bearing in mind the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of Ivan tea, we completely replace it with a number of pharmaceutical products, especially since it is always at hand.

Let your skin glow with health!


Have you ever wondered what our children actually drink. We believe that starting from six months, in addition to mother's milk, their diet should include two drinks - water and Ivan-tea.

Ivan tea is an amazing plant. It has no age restrictions. You can drink it all your life, from infancy to ripe old age.

All of the above about the benefits of Ivan tea is equally true for children. They also need protection from stress, healthy sleep, good digestion, vitamin protection during flu epidemics, and so on. It is within our power to give them all this. Ivan tea is a food product with unique healing properties that will help our children grow up strong, healthy and beautiful. It would be great if it was introduced in schools and kindergartens instead of black tea.

Caffeine is extremely harmful to the fragile child's body, and there is no reason to give children something to drink that is not only not useful, but also harmful for them. The energy in children, as a rule, already beats over the edge, and then there is additional stimulation and, as a result, exhaustion nervous activity, whims, tantrums.

Ivan tea as a mild regulator of higher nervous activity is very favorable for hyperexcitable children, children with attention disorders. It is good in the complex therapy of enuresis as a mild sedative and anti-inflammatory agent.

By the way, children are very fond of collecting, storing and then, of course, drinking Ivan-tea. For them, this process is filled with magic from start to finish, and tea made with their own hands is fabulously delicious.

Our children and the children of our friends drink Ivan tea and grow up healthy. Join us!


Nutrition for pregnant women is a separate and very broad topic. Let's just say - pregnancy and caffeine are incompatible. Without any "but" and "if". The processes of neuro-endocrine regulation in the body future mother are very subtle and caffeine is a gross interference with them at the biochemical level.

What should you drink? Water and herbal teas... Simple, right? Like everything is ingenious.

Blooming Sally - wonderful drink for pregnant women, which, by the way, they love very much. Many, having started drinking because of pregnancy, never return to black tea and coffee.

Who was observed in the antenatal clinic, will say that they are prescribed to everyone without exception in the first trimester? That's right, motherwort. So, Ivan tea will successfully replace it, having the same sedative effect. It will reduce the likelihood of early miscarriage, relieve irritability, improve sleep, and prevent toxicosis.

If nausea still haunts you - try Ivan tea with mint, a proven remedy.

Do not forget about the vitamin charge of teas with sea buckthorn, currant, mountain ash, rosehip, especially during epidemics. You can't catch a cold.

But, without a doubt, the absolute hit for pregnant women is Ivan tea with raspberry leaves. Raspberries are a unique plant that makes childbirth easier. It is recommended to drink it in the last weeks of pregnancy to prepare for childbirth.

Give your body support in the form of the natural healer Ivan-tea, and otherwise it will figure out how to carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Happy pregnancy and motherhood!


An impressive list, isn't it?

And further. Many people ask how to take Ivan tea. And take it in the same way as other tasty and healthy food - at will. You don't think how to finally take tea or coffee? Not? You just drink and that's it. Here is Ivan-tea the same way. Just drink it every day. Ideally - go to it completely, as we did. Don't expect results right away, be patient. Give your body time to understand what's going on, be happy, rebuild, and start working on self-healing.

We have polluted our body for so many years that the quick effect is usually short-lived. The principle of action of most drugs is based on this: while you drink, it helps. Finished, and the disease was right there.

But you and I have a different goal, right? Our goal is health. And not for a while, but preferably forever. So let's go to her. And a journey of a thousand miles, as you know, begins with one step. Forward!

Drink Ivan tea with pleasure and be healthy!

Ivan tea for gastrointestinal diseases

One of the most dangerous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is stomach ulcer... Ivan tea is a wonderful remedy that can not only prevent, but also provide significant assistance in the treatment of this disease. Due to the fact that fireweed contains a large amount of tannins and mucus, infusions based on it have an enveloping effect, effectively protecting and healing the stomach lining... In addition, Ivan tea contains oligosaccharides, which help to restore a favorable intestinal microflora and the reproduction of bifidobacteria. Ivan tea constricts blood vessels and secretory channels and as a result, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, and the receptors of the mucous membrane are less irritated and the ulcer heals faster.

In order to direct the healing properties of Ivan-tea for the treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers, the following collection of herbs is recommended:

- Ivan tea: 2 parts

- Linden inflorescences: 2 parts

- Pharmacy chamomile: 1 part

- Fennel fruit: 1 part

All ingredients are mixed, and the finished mixture is poured with one glass of water (90 degrees) and insisted for about 30 minutes. It is advisable to insist in a thermos or in a wrapped container... The daily rate of this infusion is 2 glasses. This amount is evenly divided into several steps. Drink the infusion 15 minutes before meals.

Another collection of herbs based on Ivan-tea for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers is prepared as follows:

  • Ivan tea: 2 tablespoons
  • Water mint: 1 tablespoon
  • Marigold (calendula): 1 tablespoon

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Then, after wrapping, leave for about an hour in a warm place. After the mixture is infused, it should be filtered. They drink such an infusion 4 times a day, 0.5 cups 20-30 minutes before meals. The infusion should be taken no longer than 20 days, and then be sure to take a break. To achieve a positive result, treatment is carried out in 4-5 doses.

Ivan tea is also effective for diarrhea... For stomach disorders make a decoction based on the herb Ivan-tea, with the addition of thyme, mint or oregano in equal proportions.

A glass of water will require 10-15 g of a ready-made herbal mixture.The broth is boiled for about five minutes and infused for an hour. Take 0.5 cups before meals 2-3 times a day.

You can buy, as well as from our online store.

Ivan tea for colds

A decoction of leaves and inflorescences of fireweed for colds is mainly used to rinse the nasopharynx. It helps relieve inflammation and swelling. The broth is prepared as follows:

3 tablespoons of crushed inflorescences and leaves of Ivan-tea are poured with one glass of boiling water, after which they are boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes.

When the broth cools down, they can gargle and rinse the nasopharynx. If you use such a decoction in a tablespoon before eating, it will appear antipyretic properties Ivan tea.

Ivan tea is powerful diaphoretic, therefore, in case of a cold, it is recommended to use a hot drink from Ivan-tea in small portions throughout the day. It is especially beneficial for immunity, as well as fees and.

It copes well with the temperature, which is popularly known as "Natural aspirin"... This drink has a diaphoretic effect and can relieve headaches.

It is effective against the common cold, which have been used by our ancestors for a long time, as bactericidal and antiviral agent.

Ivan tea also helps with chronic bronchitis. To treat bronchitis, you will need:

Dried mandarin peel should be ground to a powder consistency and then mixed with Ivan-tea infusion in a ratio of 5 to 1. The resulting mixture should be brewed and drunk like regular tea.

Such a drink relieves the symptoms of bronchitis, and with prolonged use, it is able to cure this disease due to its pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Ivan tea for disorders of the nervous system

Ivan tea is indicated for people with a weak nervous system, namely, in stressful situations, as well as with insomnia... Ivan tea infusions affect the body like valerian, providing sedative and relaxing effect... It is known that feeling unwell in the morning is related not so much to the duration as to the quality of sleep. In order for the sleep to be full and calm, it is recommended to drink and at night. In combination with Ivan tea, these herbs enhance the calming effect of fireweed and give peace and tranquility. After such a drink, you will not only sleep well, but also wake up with a feeling of lightness and it is possible that before the alarm clock.

For chronic insomnia traditional medicine recommends another collection based on Ivan tea, for the preparation of which you will need:

  • Blackberry leaves: 2 tablespoons
  • Melissa: 1 tablespoon
  • Ivan tea: 3 tablespoons

Mix all herbs thoroughly and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Next, insist for an hour. This amount of infusion must be drunk during the day, dividing the receptions into equal intervals of time in equal proportions.

Ivan tea for headaches and migraines

In order to relieve severe headaches, a simple and effective remedy has long been used in traditional medicine. On the basis of Ivan-tea they prepare drug fee, which will require:

  • Ivan-tea inflorescences: 4 parts
  • Nettle: 1 part
  • Lovage: 2 parts

All ingredients are mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and drunk in 2 doses between meals. Very fast there will be no trace of the headache.

Ivan tea for male health

Studies have found that water extracts from fireweed, in addition to tannins and acids, contain phytosterols, which contribute to the rapid relief of symptoms of a disease that is unpleasant for men - adenoma. Drinking tea or fireweed capsules saves many patients from the need for surgery, because prostate enlargement slows down or stops altogether. After examining the fireweed, German herbalists note: “The aqueous extract of plants (narrow-leaved fireweed), as proven, prevents the inflammatory process and renders healing action with acute and chronic diseases prostate, with stages I and II of prostate adenoma (there is also a progressive stage III), with inflammation bladderand can also serve as supportive therapy after prostate surgery. In case of prostate disease, in addition to fireweed, it is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds, which will contribute to more quick release from this ailment. "

For the prevention and treatment of this male disease, the following herbal collection is made:

  • Ivan tea: 10 parts
  • Black currant (dried leaves or fruit): 5 parts
  • Meadowsweet inflorescences (meadowsweet): 1 part

To prepare one glass, you will need about 2 teaspoons of a ready-made herbal mixture. The mixture should be poured with water at a temperature of about 90 degrees, and infused for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to drink the infusion warm, 0.5 cups 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. On average, the course of admission is designed for a month.

For the prevention of prostatitis and adenoma Ivan tea helps by itself, but its properties can also be enhanced by adding dried leaves to the drink. hazelnut in a ratio of 1 to 3. It is important that the tea is not sweet.

In our store you can buy, the use of which will serve as the prevention of prostatitis and help relieve inflammation in case of complications.

Ivan tea for women's health

Ivan tea is an unsurpassed remedy for treatment of cystitis, thrush and other diseases genitourinary system in women, and since the plant has no contraindications, teas based on it are allowed for use during pregnancy and lactation.

In folk medicine, there is the following recipe for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women, including chronic cystitis. It's incredibly simple and effective:

1 tablespoon of pre-dried and crushed leaves of Ivan-tea is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, after which it is infused for two hours. When the mixture is properly infused and acquires a persistent dark color, the infusion is filtered into a clean dish, after which it is consumed 1/3 cup (50-60 ml) 3 times a day.

Ivan tea for the treatment of wounds and burns

Fireweed helps well with treatment thermal and sunburn , neurodermatitis, wounds and itching of the skin.

For this, gruel is prepared from fresh leaves plants that are applied to the affected areas. Or a sterile bandage soaked in juice is applied to the wound and changed 2-3 times a day.

Washing with fireweed infusion treats inflammation of the mucous membranes. So, with an infusion of Ivan tea, you can rinse your eyes with conjunctivitis, rinse in the mouth with stomatitis and inflammation of the gums.

Ivan tea for skin care

Ivan tea has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, and also helps to relieve irritation and rashes.

There is the following recipe for an anti-inflammatory mask from Ivan tea:

First of all, it is necessary to make an alcoholic infusion from Ivan-tea inflorescences. To do this, the dried flowers are poured with 70% alcohol or vodka and kept in a warm (20-24 ° C) place for several days. Then salt and a little oatmeal are added to 10 ml of alcoholic infusion at the tip of a knife. All ingredients are mixed until a liquid mass is formed, which in consistency resembles sour cream. The resulting mixture is applied on the face or on the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin for 10-15 minutes.

Ivan tea to improve vision

In our time, for most people, the burden on the eyes has increased greatly. A computer, a TV set, various kinds of documentation, which must be processed in large volumes from day to day, leads to increased eye fatigue, which in turn leads to drowsiness, headaches and irritability. Ivan tea contributes decrease eye pressure, thanks to which vision is preserved and the eyes do not get so tired. For the strongest effect it is necessary:

Mix Ivan-tea with crushed eyebright herb in a ratio of 1 to 2 (for dried herbs). For 2 teaspoons of the mixture, 0.5 liters of boiling water will be required. Recommended daily rate drink about 500 ml. The drink should be consumed warm, so it will not be superfluous to use a thermos. The infusion must be drunk at 150 ml per dose, one hour after meals. A little honey can be added if desired.

Ivan tea for removal alcohol addiction

With the regular use of Ivan tea, another very unusual property is found - a decrease in craving for alcohol. This is explained by the ability of Ivan-tea to remove toxins from the body, cleansing blood and cells, which in turn leads to the purification of consciousness and a clear perception of the surrounding reality. A person who leads a conscious lifestyle does not feel craving for alcohol and other intoxicating substances, and Ivan-tea is a faithful companion of such a person! Well, for those who often suffer from a hangover syndrome and cannot yet quit this bad habit, but at the same time have a great desire to change their lives, Ivan-tea will become a real helper!

For decreasing hangover syndrome and all its negative manifestations, traditional medicine recommends the following recipe:

It is necessary to brew fireweed by adding dry thyme herb to it in a ratio of 5 to 1 (by weight). 2 teaspoons will require 0.5 liters of boiling water. Pwhen the need arises to drink alcohol, during the day, it is recommended to drink 5-7 cups of this drink, adding honey to it.

These simple recipes will help prevent the development of many serious diseases, and at the first symptoms they can completely cure sudden ailments. But remember that the use of Ivan-tea in pure form as a daily drink, it will have a strong preventive and restorative effect on all organs and systems of the body.

Drink Ivan tea with pleasure and be healthy!

Maxim Scriabin, 1772

Colds - the scourge of modern man. Every year, with the arrival of winter, tens of thousands of people go to sick leave. People with sore throats and head, and suffer at work.

Pharmaceutical companies are actively capitalizing on this problem by offering customers various medications with a high content of paracetamol and vitamin C, candies for a sore throat with a placebo effect, which do not eliminate the root cause of pain - a viral infection, bioactive additives (dietary supplements), which are not a medicine at all and can only slightly strengthen the immune system (and even then, in period when a person is healthy).

Antibiotics help (they will not cure the flu, but they are used after it), but they also have negative sides - they hit the digestive and circulatory systems, and antibiotic treatment gives rise to new strains of the disease.

Look carefully at the photo above - it clearly shows how exactly the common cold (ARI) differs from the flu and ARVI. This is important to know.

How to treat a cold?

Many people treat colds with folk remedies, for example, hot drink with ginger (lemon, honey,), eat onions, garlic, rub with vodka, put cans, mustard plasters, breathe over potatoes ...

Onions, garlic and hot liquid with strong antibacterial ingredients like lemon really work out of all this.

But almost everyone adds lemon to regular tea, which contains caffeine, which does not have a very beneficial effect on the general state of immunity. Some scholars even write that caffeine is contraindicated for Russian people, because until recently, in relation to evolution, there was simply no tea or coffee in our country, which means that we are not adapted to them!

From time immemorial in Russia they drank herbal tea. Such tea:

  • does not contain substances harmful to health,
  • has a beneficial effect on internal organs,
  • has a pleasant taste and aroma, in general, has a huge list of advantages.

The most revered herb for making herbal tea was considered to be fireweed (or Koporye tea). It is on its basis that it makes sense to prepare a medicinal drink for the treatment and prevention of colds.

What are the benefits of a herbal drink?

Ivan tea (the most famous name for fireweed) is a storehouse of nutrients, minerals, easily digestible proteins and other compounds that have a beneficial effect on the body with influenza. Herbal tea based on fireweed has many properties that can be used in the fight against various diseases:

  • Renews the blood
  • Has a mild diuretic effect, allows you to remove toxins from the body, as it is a strong adsorbent
  • Koporye tea is a powerful antiseptic with anti-inflammatory properties. Its regular use is very effective due to vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, triterpenoids, tannins and other trace elements
  • Fireweed tea helps in the normalization of digestion and metabolism, and, in general, it improves all metabolic processes in the body, including lipid and carbohydrate
  • Due to the content of magnesium, bioflavonoids, vitamin B, fireweed has a good sedative and hypnotic effect. Often it is the problems of the nervous system that are the root cause of colds, it is also important to get enough sleep during the treatment.
  • Ivan tea is actively and successfully used in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases
  • Koporye tea actively fights viruses and, facilitating treatment
  • The high protein content fills the body with extra energy to strengthen the immune system and fight the virus

Reviews on the treatment of influenza and colds with Koporsky Ivan-tea

Here is an audio story by Anastasia (Belarus) about how fireweed tea helped her cope with regular colds, and also did something else useful. This review is only 4 minutes long, listen.

Here is what Evgenia Kotenko from Omsk says about the effectiveness of treating colds with Ivan-tea:

And this is Stanislav Butusov's review:

Feedback in audio format by Alesya Kim (Kazakhstan) about how Ivan-tea helped her, her husband and daughter stop constantly suffering from flu, colds, sore throats:

How can ivan tea be used?

When treating colds, drink plenty of fluids. And if the drink you are going to consume is medicinal, you must agree, it will speed up the treatment and strengthen the immune system in case of flu.

Making ivan tea is simple: add 2-3 teaspoons of fermented fireweed to half a liter of water, pour about a third of boiling water into a clean glass container, wait 5 minutes, then add the remaining boiling water and leave for another 10-15 minutes. It is important to use clean water, at least filtered, but better - spring or thawed water.

Herbal tea is called that because it is based on herbs. Ivan tea is a very “friendly” herb in this regard, its taste and properties do not deteriorate when other plants are added, but, on the contrary, are revealed in an even more favorable light.

You can add to the broth:

  • nettles,
  • chamomile,
  • raspberry leaves,
  • currants,
  • or lemon balm,
  • and other herbs to taste (and according to the effect on the body, depending on the disease).

Try before pouring a drink into a cup, crush a circle of lemon with a spoonful of honey in it and grate a little ginger root there on coarse grater, this will give the fireweed additional antiviral properties, and also, it is very tasty.

Can fireweed harm?

Since in koporye tea does not contain substances harmful to the body, and it is contraindicated only with individual intolerance, it cannot cause any harm to the body.

However, a person is an addicting creature, so it should be borne in mind that with a long (more than two weeks) abundant use of Ivan tea. Everything is useful in moderation, this should never be forgotten!

Drink ivan tea instead of the usual 2-3 times a day, and you will stop getting sick!

In conclusion, we bring to your attention a 4-minute video in which Elena Malysheva talks about drugs that, in her opinion, do not cure flu.

18 Herbs for Flu: Defeating Disease in 4 Steps

Thousands of people suffer from colds every year. Many sick leaves pass through the personnel departments, causing violent discontent among managers. In order not to cause negative reactions from the authorities, some try to survive the disease "on their feet."

But if you are faced with the flu virus, then doing this is not only not recommended by the Ministry of Health, but also life-threatening!
This ailment is an acute infectious disease that affects the human respiratory tract, caused by the influenza virus.

Its characteristic feature is the ability to mutate regularly, becoming more and more dangerous.

History knows cases of terrible epidemics, when this virus claimed many lives:

- The Spanish flu in the 18-19 years of the last century claimed 40-50 million people;
- Asian in 1957-1958 70 thousand;
- Hong Kong in 10 years another 34 thousand;
- bird in 2003-2008 360 people, although the number of cases was many times more;
- swine killed more than 2600 people in 9-10 years of this century.

On the shelves of pharmacies, there is now a wide range of all kinds of antiviral drugs that promise to help in 2-3 days, but in fact only hide the symptoms and empty your wallet.

In addition, any medications, especially antibiotics, hit the circulatory and digestive systems, as well as the liver.

Step # 1 - The best disease is the one that didn't exist

Prevention of colds and viral diseases is a very important point. After all, nobody likes to be sick. Runny nose, cough, headache and fever, weakness do not bring any pleasure. therefore it is important to prevent malaise.

Herbal medicine in prevention occupies a dominant position. But mindlessly drinking any herbs is also not worth it. So take note of the following recipes:

  • A decoction of fireweed (ivan tea) perfectly raises the immune system. We wrote about this.
  • Elecampane:

Pour 300 grams of fresh or 10 times less dry root with a liter of clean water and boil for 1/3 hour, filter. Then add 0.1 kg of sugar and ½ cup of apple juice to the broth, mix. We take 3 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

  • A decoction of St. John's wort, thyme, nettle, meadowsweet, calendula will help.

Mix everything in equal proportions, take a teaspoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Consume inside with green tea in a ratio of 50 to 50. Throughout the day in several doses.

  • Literally small piece dry cloves behind the cheek will save you during a flu epidemic.

What if you are already sick?

Step # 2 - Grandma's Tales or Real Help?

Our grandmothers and mothers have always known that the herb is fraught with many useful properties. Therefore, the most life-giving recipes have been meticulously collected for centuries. herbal teas... We replace the favorite black drink with a natural helper:

  • Ivan tea with flu is just a godsend. It will have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. The recipe for medicinal Koporye tea can be found.
  • Chamomile tea will "bring down" the temperature.

You only need 1 tablespoon pharmacy chamomile pour a glass hot water (not boiling water), leave for 10 minutes. For convenience, you can use bagged chamomile.

  • Raspberry tea also fights temperatures well due to its diaphoretic effect. You need to use dry berries, or not boiled, but rolled with sugar jam. Raspberry leaves are also good. We drink at least twice a day.
  • , then the plantain will help you with the withdrawal and dilution of phlegm. Its main advantage is that it has no restrictions on age, gender, and even suits pregnant and lactating mothers. Preparing this drink is elementary:

a tablespoon of raw materials plus boiling water (depending on the strength and your preferences from a glass to a large mug), we stand for 15 minutes and take it twice a day in the morning and before bedtime.

  • Thyme tea is prepared according to the same principle. It has an antimicrobial effect and effectively fights coughs.
  • Licorice is the main ingredient in cough syrups that you can find at drugstores. But it is not difficult to cook it at home.

It is necessary to crumble the roots with a blender, pour boiling water and hold it in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Take half a spoonful of this broth three times a day.

Step number 3 - pain has no place in the throat!

Gargling has long been considered a surefire remedy. Healing tinctures for gargling can be prepared from:

  • propolis;
  • chamomile;
  • sage medicinal;
  • licorice root;
  • horseradish;
  • raspberry leaf.

Step # 4 - the nose should be breathing, not "flowing"

For rinsing your nose, it is best to buy a small syringe or pipette. An herbal solution will help with a runny nose and relieve swelling.

The following fees work well:

  • calendula, chamomile, yarrow in equal shares;
  • sage, wormwood and calamus are also in equal parts.

Kalanchoe and aloe juice is best instilled into the nose, 2 drops at night.

4 simple steps help you stay healthy and free from the flu and other colds.

Take 5 minutes of a video that talks about interferons, protective substances that are very important for epidemics of colds and flu.

For more than ten centuries, Ivan-tea has been known in Russia, it is also narrow-leaved fireweed. So it began to be called at the beginning of the 17th century, and before that, healers spoke of it as a boar potion, endowed with powerful healing properties. They believed that 90% of all known diseases will help cure or prevent the medicinal plant fireweed, and the remaining 10% - roots, tar, mushrooms, honey and other medicinal herbs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientist and physician P.A. Badmaev took up the study of the beneficial properties of fireweed.He wrote several scientific works about the healing power of Ivan tea, opened a hospital, where he treated with decoctions, extracts and infusions from this miracle plant. He himself also regularly drank tea from fireweed. Unfortunately, his work was tragically cut short, he died in dungeons. At that time he was 110 years old. Ten years earlier, he had become a father. IN soviet time Ivan tea was undeservedly forgotten, its production stopped. Currently, scientists are again studying the unique properties of fireweed, many doctors recommend it for the treatment of various ailments. Tea production has been established in several regions of our country.

Ivan-tea: competent opinion

Back in the 1930s, Academician Pavlov started talking about fireweed tea as a primordially Russian drink. He argued that Chinese or Indian tea is harmful to the Russian body, since it contains caffeine. And Ivan tea can be drunk without restrictions, it is caffeine-free and harmful substances, it only benefits.

Studies carried out in the clinic of neurology at the Research Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have shown that ivan tea can be used for various forms of neuroses, for post-traumatic disorders. The use of a natural remedy allows you to avoid the occurrence of substance abuse during treatment. Tea sessions reduce anxiety and depressive disorders, help reduce alcohol consumption, and facilitate the treatment of alcoholism.

According to academician Albert Nikitin, Ivan-tea has unique properties, since it contains from 69 to 71 microelements. This is more than half of the periodic table. Fireweed is a natural antiseptic that has no equal in the plant world. It also has the ability to remove toxins from the body. It is noted that the cleansing effect is observed after 2 weeks of regular intake of Ivan tea. Lightness appears, weight begins to go away, mood improves.

Academician Valery Emelyanov confirmed the effectiveness of Koporye tea in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, prostate gland, gastritis. Ivan tea normalizes bowel function, providing an enveloping effect on the intestinal and stomach mucosa, which is extremely important for colitis, peptic ulcer disease.

The healing properties of Ivan tea

The plant contains a large amount of tannins, mucus, vitamins, trace elements, flavonoids, alkaloids, pectin. They all endow tea drink unique properties. :

  • Increases the body's ability to resist infections and viruses.
  • Restores strength when the body is completely depleted.
  • Strengthens hair roots for healthy hair growth.
  • Reduces intoxication of the body, relieves hangover, relieves headaches.
  • Improves blood composition and blood circulation.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Helps with stress, soothes, treats depression, insomnia.
  • Useful for chronic prostatitis, male impotence.
  • Reduces unpleasant symptoms during menstruation.
  • Promotes scarring of ulcers in diseases of the stomach.
  • It has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The use of ivan tea for various diseases

Having analyzed the composition of Ivan tea, having learned about its beneficial properties, one question arises: "What does Ivan tea treat and how to take it in case of a particular disease?" The list of diseases is quite large, but before you start self-medication, you need to find out the opinion of your doctor.


Fireweed tea is useful for all men, it improves potency, is a prophylactic agent to reduce the risk of inflammation of the prostate adenoma. It is prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment for chronic prostatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, stimulates testosterone production. A broth of fireweed is able to normalize hormonal disorders.

You can buy willow herb in filter bags at the pharmacy for ease of use. A tea bag is brewed in a glass of boiling water. It should be drunk during the day. It is recommended to take tea in courses of three months with a monthly break. Some experts recommend drinking this tea for 10 days, then taking a three-day break and continuing to take it. This course of treatment is designed for six months.


Ivan tea cannot directly affect blood sugar levels. But it serves as an excellent prophylactic agent and is able to improve the patient's condition. It normalizes work endocrine system organism, increases immunity, improves metabolic processes, helps to fight stress. All these properties are extremely important for patients. diabetes mellitus... Ivan tea is a part of herbal preparationswhich have a hypoglycemic effect.


With pancreatitis, the pancreas malfunctions, pains appear, and digestion worsens. The presence of antioxidants in willow tea helps the pancreas to function. Antioxidants block the work of free radicals, envelop the mucous membrane, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and prevent the development of disease and inflammation. Tannins save from complications, preventing infections from developing.

Preparation of a drink: 2.5 tablespoons of dried fireweed are taken for a glass of boiling water. Tea is infused for at least 15 minutes. You need to take it in 3 tbsp. l. before and after meals.


Ivan tea with gastritis is able to heal existing erosion, ulcers. It improves digestion, aids in the digestion of food. Enveloping properties allow you to soften the mucous membrane, relieve inflammation. It is better to take the drink before meals, regularly. To prepare a drink, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials, pour them with 500 ml of water and let it boil. Then remove and let it brew for at least 40 minutes. One-time intake of a drink - 60-70 ml, you need to take it 4 times a day until the pain and discomfort in the epigastric region disappear.

Respiratory diseases, colds

Grass Ivan tea is effective in the early stages of colds, it helps to cope with sore throat, cough, runny nose.

For cough treatment, 2 tablespoons of leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water. Take the resulting infusion 1 tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

With angina, a decoction of willow tea leaves will be effective. For its preparation, 15 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of water and kept on low heat for 15 minutes. After that, the broth is closed with a lid and allowed to brew for an hour. Take a tablespoon.

With a runny nose at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture is brought to a boil, then infused for about half an hour. It is taken 60-70 ml before meals.

For colds and respiratory viral infections, one of the most important treatment factors is drinking plenty of fluids. Along with compotes and fruit drinks, it is useful to include in drinking regimen Blooming Sally. Especially in combination with raspberries, chamomile, thyme, rose hips, meadowsweet and others healthy berries and herbs. As the saying goes: Those who drink Ivan-tea with raspberries are not afraid of flu and tonsillitis!

Ivan tea is not drug... However, it is not easy delicious drink, because narrow-leaved fireweed, from which Russian Ivan-tea is made, is a storehouse of biologically active substances, useful vitamins and trace elements.

Where does a cold come from?

A cold is a disease associated with hypothermia, which the body has undergone, and a decrease in local immunity. Hypothermia disrupts the functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. A decrease in local immunity leads to the activation of bacteria with the development of inflammation. A cold is manifested by symptoms of inflammation of a particular part of the respiratory tract.

Our airways are a receptacle huge amount microorganisms, especially bacteria. Microbes are in a state of neutrality with the human body. Their existence and reproduction is inhibited and regulated by the immune system. With a decrease in the body's defenses, microbes are activated.

Colds can be caused by four factors:

general hypothermia (swimming in cold water, frost, clothes not suitable for the weather) rapid loss of heat due to sweating when hot, moist skin comes into contact with cool air or when there is simply a flow of air (draft) reflex vasospasm of the vessels of the mucous membranes that occurs upon contact of sensitive zones of the foot with cold ("wet feet", barefoot on the cold floor, etc.) cooling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract: ice cream, cold drinks, frosty air.

A person with good immunity is practically not susceptible to colds... In turn, weak immunity almost always leads to the formation of foci of chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

So, so that colds do not bother you, you need hardening, proper nutrition and strengthening the immune system.
At the same time, proper nutrition also includes partial or complete rejection of tea and coffee. Today, more and more often, you can hear recommendations from doctors to abandon black tea and coffee in favor of caffeine-free Ivan tea. In addition, the caffeinated drinks we are used to flush out useful substances from the body, including calcium and iron.

The benefits of Ivan tea for colds and viral infections

Ivan tea is a good remedy for strengthening immunity and restoring vitality.
People who have made this drink a part of their lives often forget when they were sick the last time. Those susceptible to colds note that they have become less and less ill.

The secret of the beneficial effect of Ivan-tea lies in its composition

The composition and benefits of narrow-leaved fireweed, from which Ivan tea is made, have been well studied by modern scientists.

Fireweed leaves (Ivan-tea) contain:

vitamin C (up to 588 mg per 100 g.) B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, copper easily digestible vegetable proteins antioxidants and flavonoids tannins and pectin substances (from 10 to 20 %). carotene (natural immunostimulant)

There are 16 amino acids found in the leaves of fireweed, six of which are irreplaceable (for an adult, there are eight essential amino acids). 100 g of dry raw material of narrow-leaved fireweed cover from 5 to 10% of the daily requirement for an adult in essential amino acids (Polezhaeva I.V. et al., Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal. 2007).

Traditional herbalists have long noticed the anti-inflammatory effect of Ivan tea. Modern scientists confirm this and also note the antioxidant properties of this plant. The anti-inflammatory effect of narrow-leaved fireweed is due to the presence of tannins in its composition.

On the basis of the Laboratory for preliminary testing of antiviral substances of the BelNII of Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, the antiviral activity of a number of plants was studied. Among the most active in this list was narrow-leaved fireweed, or Ivan-tea (V.F. Korsun et al., 2003). As a result of the studies carried out, the coefficient of anti-inflammatory action of fireweed is 1: 400. Due to the content of coumarins in its composition, Ivan-tea has a slight antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Ivan tea has a positive effect on metabolism due to the alkaloids contained in it, they are also credited with a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and blood circulation in general.

The antiviral effect of narrow-leaved fireweed has been established against the herpes virus; researchers associate it with the presence of tannins in its composition.

The antimicrobial effect of narrow-leaved fireweed has been studied since the 50s. last century. Subsequently, as a result of research, a connection was established between polyphenolic compounds in the composition of narrow-leaved fireweed with antimicrobial action on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Narrow-leaved fireweed can be effectively used in complex antimicrobial therapy.

So, scientists have proven that Ivan tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) has a beneficial effect on the body.
Fireweed tea is not a medicine, but it is perfect for strengthening the immune system and can be included in the drinking regimen for colds, SARS and flu.

What kind of Ivan tea to drink to strengthen the immune system?

Any Ivan tea is suitable to strengthen the immune system. good quality... In the season of colds and spring beriberi, Ivan tea with rose hips, sea buckthorn, currants, and lingonberries will provide invaluable help. These drinks will saturate the body with vitamin C and activate the immune defense.

In case of a cold and acute respiratory viral infection, of course, it is necessary to call a doctor and follow his recommendations, observe bed and drinking. Ivan tea will also be of invaluable help. Relieve intoxication, improve well-being, prevent the development of complications and accelerate recovery.

Ivan-tea with meadowsweet (meadowsweet), which is called "natural aspirin", is very good for colds. It has a diaphoretic effect, will help reduce fever, relieve headaches.

In our online store you can find Ivan-tea with useful herbs and berries for every taste

How to make Ivan tea for a cold?

One of the ways to make a healthy drink: Boil a teapot Prepare a ceramic teapot for brewing a drink Rinse a ceramic teapot with boiling water Put a teaspoon of Ivan tea Rinse the tea: pour a little boiling water over the leaves and pour out the first tea leaves. Pour boiling water over the washed tea leaves and leave for 5-7 minutes. Many people prefer to brew Ivan tea in a thermos for a richer taste, which is also applicable. Healthy drink for immunity is ready!

Sources: Scientific article in the specialty "Medicine and health care", "Fireweed narrow-leaved, chemical composition, biological activity", V. N. Tsarev, Altai State University Polezhaeva I. V. Study of extracts of the terrestrial part of Chamerion Angustifolium (L.) Holub // Bulletin of the Krasnoyarsk State agrarian university... 2007. No. 3. Article "Cold", doctor Komarovsky EO Surkova OV Antitumor and immunotropic properties of Stellaria Media and Chamaenerion Angustifolium: author. dis. Pokrov, 2009.24 p. Krylov G.V., Kozakova N.F., Camp A.A. Plants for health. Novosibirsk, 1989

Valov R.I. Pharmacognostic study of the aerial part of Chamerion Angustifolium (L.) Scop. : author. dis., Ulan-Ude, 2012

Be healthy! And enjoy your tea!

Ivan tea for diseases of the respiratory system

Ivan tea is a familiar plant, but its therapeutic effect rarely used. However, this perennial has a reason to become a permanent "resident" of the home first aid kit. Primarily due to the ability to treat respiratory diseases, which are very common at any age.

Most important for the treatment of disease respiratory system properties of ivan tea are:

Anti-inflammatory Analgesic Antipyretic Antimicrobial.

For inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, take a teaspoon of the dried plant (leaves together with flowers) and brew with two glasses of boiled water. Boil the product for five minutes or leave for 1 hour. Take before meals 3 or 4 times daily. Drink a tablespoon of this broth or infusion at a time.

Inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and throat helps to cure fresh Juice fireweed due to the presence of an analgesic effect. From the juice for these diseases, you need to make poultices.

Such an infusion of ivan tea will help with sore throat: pour dry chopped grass in an amount of 15 grams with a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After insisting for 60-90 minutes, strain and drink three times a day. Drinking such an infusion should be a tablespoon, optimally before a meal.

Tea of \u200b\u200btheir fireweed will help get rid of a cough, for brewing which they take a glass of water and two tablespoons of plant leaves. They drink such a remedy one tablespoon up to 4 times a day.

The cough remedy recipe differs from the tea recipe only in the concentration of Ivan tea and the dose of consumption

Sinusitis can also be treated with ivan tea infusion, taking a third of a glass half an hour before meals 3 or 4 times a day. To prepare such an infusion, take 500 ml of boiling water and 2 tablespoons of ivan tea. Having brewed the plant, the liquid is brought to a boil, and then left to infuse for 30 minutes.

Narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea)

The raw material is a selected whole leaf of fireweed fresh collection 2016 year.

Narrow-leaved fireweed, or willow-herb, is used in folk medicine as a sedative, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, hemostatic, antipyretic and emollient. Fireweed is used for headache, insomnia, gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, dysbiosis, epilepsy, infertility, anemia, prostatitis and inflammatory diseases urogenital area in men and women. It does not cause drowsiness, therefore, Ivan tea can be drunk at any time of the day. For people suffering from hypertension and hypotension, prone to a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, Ivan tea is a good substitute for black tea, since not only does it contain no caffeine, but also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. Fireweed removes toxins and radionuclides from the body. Fermented leaves of fireweed are also used as a substitute for ordinary tea, which is made according to a special recipe - Koporye tea, which is superior to black tea in taste and aroma, and is very close in color saturation.

Botanical description of fireweed

The Latin name for Ivan-tea is Chamerion

Narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea) - a perennial plant of the family Onagraceae of the subfamily Onagroideae of the order Myrtales. The height of the plant is from 75 cm to 2 meters, the stem is erect, the leaves are alternate, on very short petioles or sessile, oval, elongated, with a pointed tip and clearly visible veins, the rhizome is creeping, with numerous processes, up to 1 meter long. The flowers are bright, pink or purple-pink, wide open, gathered at the top of the plant in an inflorescence - a rare conical raceme. After drying, the flowers turn blue. The fruit is an elongated box up to 8 cm long, with numerous small seeds, each of which has a tuft of fluff, thanks to which the seeds fly far away. One fireweed plant can give 20 thousand seeds per summer. Ivan tea blooms from mid-June to mid-August, the seeds ripen in late July-August. Propagated by fireweed and seeds, and rhizomes.

Fireweed grows everywhere in the temperate climatic zone of the Northern Hemisphere on burned-out areas, clearings, one of the first to appear in the disturbed territory.

Collection and drying of narrow-leaved fireweed (ivan tea)

In folk medicine, leaves, flowers, rhizomes are used, rarely - shoots of narrow-leaved fireweed. Fireweed is harvested during flowering, flowers can only be collected that have just begun to bloom, otherwise they will turn into seeds during drying and ruin the appearance of medicinal raw materials with fluffs. For drying, the leaves are separated from the shoots, laid out in a thin layer under awnings, in a ventilated area, stirring regularly for better drying.

The roots are harvested after flowering, in autumn, washed and then dried in dryers or ovens at temperatures up to 70 ° C.

To make Koporye tea, the leaves must be fermented using a special technology.

The chemical composition of fireweed

Fireweed leaves contain flavonoids (quercetin, etc.), a large amount of tannins (up to 20%), up to 10% tannin of the pyrogal group, coumarins, 0.1% alkaloids, mucous substances (up to 15%), sugars, vitamin C, provitamin Ah, iron, manganese.

The roots of narrow-leaved fireweed contain flavonoids, carotenoids, tannins, mucous substances, starches.

The roots of ivan tea contain flavonoids, mucous substances, carotene, tannins, starches.

Fireweed flowers contain almost all the substances that are in the leaves, plus essential oils.

Medicinal properties of narrow-leaved fireweed and use in traditional medicine

In the old days, fireweed was used to combat intoxication, using it as a remedy for a hangover. For colds and other ailments, fireweed was used as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing agent. Our ancestors were sober from a hangover, having become ill, they used it as an analgesic, emollient, astringent, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipyretic and diaphoretic. Fireweed helps not only with alcohol intoxication, but also with other types of it, helps with poisoning, cancer, has a calming effect, in case of problems with sleep and insomnia at night it is better to drink tea from fireweed.

An infusion of fireweed leaves is also used as an emollient, sedative, hemostatic and anticonvulsant. Fireweed contains a large amount of mucus and tannins, therefore it is an effective enveloping and analgesic agent for stomach and duodenal ulcers, helps with gastritis with high acidity. Fireweed helps fight the pathogenic flora of the intestines, removes toxins and helps with dysbiosis, as well as during and after intestinal infections in children and adults.

For sore throat, sore throat, inflammation of the oral mucosa, rinsing with a warm infusion of fireweed herb helps. Fireweed tea has antipyretic, diaphoretic and analgesic effects, helps with acute respiratory infections, flu, sore throat.

The simultaneous content of iron, manganese and vitamin C makes fireweed effective remedy to increase the level of hemoglobin with iron deficiency anemia (anemia), after blood loss and with heavy menstruation in women, as well as in the postpartum period.

Outwardly, the herb of fireweed is used to wash ulcers and wounds, and as a poultice for bruises and otitis media, as a pain reliever. Powder from crushed fireweed leaves treat infected wounds by sprinkling them.

Narrow-leaved fireweed is used for infertilityif the cause is obstruction of the fallopian tubes, adhesions. For this, the fireweed herb is taken along with the flowers of meadowsweet and plantain seeds or leaves. Also, narrow-leaved fireweed is taken for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary sphere in men and women, fireweed is effective for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. With obstruction of the fallopian tubes, fireweed is drunk for 1-2 weeks in each cycle. For the treatment of prostatitis, fireweed is drunk in courses of 3-4 weeks, alternating with courses of red root and wintergreen.

Fireweed during pregnancy you can take it, there are no contraindications for this, but in moderation. It can be taken as a sedative, as well as during colds and coughs during pregnancy, with low hemoglobin during pregnancy, with constipation and digestive problems, with toxicosis of pregnant women to reduce symptoms of intoxication.

Cooking methods

Fireweed tea: for making willow tea, pour a few pinches of dried leaves into a porcelain teapot, pour hot water (not boiling water), let it brew for 5-10 minutes and you can drink like tea, 1-2 glasses before bedtime. Dried flowers give Ivan-tea a special taste, a little sour, blooming Sally has a delicate honey aroma, has a mild sedative effect and removes toxins from the body, treats dysbiosis and headaches, insomnia and stomach ulcers.

Fireweed infusion: 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves (7-8 g) pour 500 ml of hot boiled water, insist in a thermos for 30-40 minutes, strain and take half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals with dysbiosis, colitis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer intestines. For children under 5-6 years old, take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals, preferably with a drink or diluted in half a glass of warm water.

For colds, take tea from fireweed and infusion of fireweed in the same dosage, but in small sips during the day. It is better not to take fireweed before going out, as there is a high risk of catching a cold even worse, due to its diaphoretic action.

Broth herb fireweed: 2 tablespoons of herbs (about 15 g) pour a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave to cool, about 1 hour and take as for gastritis and colitis, 2 tablespoons before meals, 3-4 times a day.

Broth rhizomes of fireweed: 10 g rhizomes pour a glass cold water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.

Vitamin tea from fireweed has a calming effect and removes toxins from the body, helps to improve digestion. To prepare it, take parts of fireweed herb equal in weight (preferably with flowers), the fruits of mountain ash, viburnum, wild rose, chokeberry, half the size of marsh cinnamon, mix and brew two handfuls of the vitamin mixture with 1 liter of boiling water in a thermos, leave to infuse until morning and drink like tea, diluted with hot water to taste. You can add this collection during cooking in the compote, from this the content of vitamins in the compote will increase several times. To do this, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour into the compote 1 heaped tablespoon or 1 handful of vitamin collection with fireweed for each liter of water. After 5 minutes, turn it off, let it brew for 1 hour and you can drink 1 to 3 glasses a day. Children under 5 years old - a tablespoon 3-4 times a day, children under 12 years old - 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

From the leaves young fireweed you can prepare a vitamin salad or juice that helps with anemia and hypovitaminosis. To prepare the juice, take fresh young leaves of willow tea and the tops of the stems, grind in a blender and squeeze the juice, which is stored in the refrigerator. The juice can be preserved with sugar or alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio, and take 1 tablespoon, diluting in a glass of water every morning and evening before meals. But it's best to use fresh juice. Although juice canned with alcohol can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

For the fireweed salad, take fresh young leaves, boil them for 2 minutes, dry on a sieve or colander, chop with the same amount of green onions, dill, cilantro, add a little young horseradish, lemon juice and vegetable oil... Also, young leaves of fireweed can be added to summer soups.

For the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, a collection with fireweed is used. Take 2 parts of the leaves of fireweed and linden blossom, 1 part each of flowers or chamomile debris and fennel seeds. 2 tablespoons of the collection for 500 ml of hot boiled water, insist in a thermos for 1 hour, strain, take 1 glass of warm infusion on an empty stomach in the morning and half or 1 glass before meals. Take up to 3 glasses of infusion per day.

It is better to store infusions of fireweed in a cool place or refrigerator for no more than a day, it sour easily. It is better to prepare tea from fireweed always fresh.

Koporsky tea

As you know, the first tea that came to Russia was very expensive and was not available to most of the population, so they were looking for substitutes for it. The result is a fireweed drink that tastes and smells like Chinese tea. In the village of Koporye near St. Petersburg, such tea was prepared in large quantities and even exported to England: it was cheaper and tasted like Chinese tea, which was insanely expensive at that time. Koporye tea became popular abroad and was called "Russian tea". Koporsky tea gained great popularity among Russian peasants, and even wealthy merchants drank it with pleasure.

The secret of making Koporye tea is now available to everyone, and you can prepare it yourself. To do this, freshly harvested willow-tea leaves are dried for 24 hours, after which they are twisted between the palms before the juice appears, put in a warm place for another 12 hours, laid out with a layer of 5 cm and covered with a wet cotton napkin. After ripening, the tea is dried at a temperature of 100 degrees for an hour, spread out on parchment on a baking sheet in a thin layer and periodically turning it over, checking the readiness. Leaves can be cut or dried whole before final drying. Dried Koporye tea has a dark color, almost like black tea, the infusion turns out to be rich in color, like chinese teabut the aroma and taste are more intense. Koporye tea has a sedative effect and improves digestion, helps with insomnia and headaches.

It is worth noting that tea made from unfermented fireweed also has a bright, rich taste and aroma and no less useful properties.

Fireweed: contraindications and restrictions

With the abuse of fireweed, like any other medicinal planthealth problems may arise. Fireweed tea is very tasty and aromatic, but drinking it for a long time and in large quantities is not recommended due to the possible hepatotoxicity of fireweed. Ivan tea contains coumarin, which, with prolonged use, can accumulate in the body and have a toxic effect on the liver. After 1 month of taking fireweed, it is worth taking a break for 1-2 months. It is good to take fireweed with the composition of the collection: this increases the healing properties of each of the herbs of the collection and softens negative properties... During the reception of fireweed or in a break after taking it, hepatoprotective fees and herbs are taken: sandy immortelle, hill hodgepodge, golden bollushka, marsh cinquefoil.