Chamomile flower tea benefits and harms. Brewing a chamomile tea drink

04.09.2019 The drinks

The beauty of chamomile pleases the views of admiring people almost all summer. Many people do not even realize that from such beauty you can get health benefits, improve your appearance, and also simply strengthen your immunity to prevent various diseases.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of chamomile are an integral part of exploring this beautiful flower. The benefits and dangers of a solar plant will be discussed later.

The chemical composition of chamomile

After complete drying, you can start making the collection. If necessary, the inflorescences should be separated from the stems, and the leaves of the flower can also be used separately for medicinal purposes.

Grind the blanks and put them in bags - this way you do not have to purchase a ready-made collection at the pharmacy.

Why all this? The fact is that chamomile has a rich and quite healthy chemical composition... So, the following components are distinguished here:

  • Essential oils in large quantities - have a medicinal effect on the human body. Chamomile contains at least 40 essential constituents.
  • Flavonoids - are a useful compound with antiviral effects.
  • Salicylic, ascorbic, nicotinic acids - participate in the life and all important biochemical reactions of the human body.
  • Tannins and pectins - promote cell regeneration.
  • Vitamin A and Beta Carotene - have a healing effect, which is successfully used in cosmetology.
  • Fernesen - restores the epithelium of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Bisaboloxide and herniarin - contribute to the reduction and complete elimination of pain syndrome.

Microelements are abundant, such as manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium.

If you did not stock up on herbal tea in the summer, but the desire and need to use it still arose, it will do. The collection contains a highly concentrated composition, and may also contain additional useful chemicals and elements.

Chamomile: useful properties and contraindications

You can talk about the benefits of chamomile for a long time, stubbornly proving every time that using this herb is good for the human body.

The use of the flower will be considered separately for each case. Now we should give the general beneficial properties of chamomile.

The benefits of chamomile

The useful properties of the presented plant include:

Chamomile harm

Contraindications to the use of a decoction or infusion of chamomile include the following aspects:

  • availability of individual intolerance to the components of the herbal collection;
  • presence of diseases kidney, bladder and urinary system in general;
  • availability mental disorders, since the sedative effect of the herbal collection in this case may not follow, but, on the contrary, will only aggravate the situation and lead to nervous overexcitation.

Observe the contraindications before starting treatment with chamomile should be unconditionally. Otherwise, this beautiful flower will lead to irreversible consequences and complications.

Chamomile tea: benefits and harms

Separately, you should consider the preparation and use of chamomile tea.

The presented herbal drink has a beneficial effect on the body as strengthening, prevention of diseases and treatment of existing ailments.

How to make chamomile tea

It is very important in the issue under consideration to observe instructions for making tea... So, many make the mistake of using a herbal collection purchased from a pharmacy, since the whole plant is often used to make it.

Only flower inflorescences are suitable for making tea, so it is necessary to study the composition of the herbal collection when buying.

Dried and crushed in the amount of one teaspoon, pour a glass of boiling water.

The drink should be kept for 3-4 minutes for full infusion, after which the tea is filtered and drunk in small sips.

Depending on your taste preferences, you can add sugar, honey or lemon wedge.

The benefits of chamomile tea

Chamomile tea with its regular use, it has the following positive effects on the human body:

  1. anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects - it is recommended to use tea for gargling with colds, and you can also just drink tea every time you exacerbate chronic inflammatory diseases;
  2. the presented drink has excellent choleretic effect, which is useful for the digestive tract;
  3. sedative effect - if you drink at least a glass of tea every day, you can get rid of stress and anxiety, it also helps to cope with insomnia;
  4. diuretic action help to cope with edema;
  5. tea promotes vasodilation - this has a positive effect on mental activity, therefore, schoolchildren and students should have a cup of tea a day;
  6. tea promotes elimination of fermentation - this has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, relieves a person of bloating and subsequent diarrhea.

Chamomile tea also helps to gently cleanse the liver and the whole body from toxins and toxins.

As a result of such cleansing, you can even normalize the digestive tract and improve metabolism, which will gradually lead to weight loss.

The harm of chamomile tea

Tea also has some contraindications for use, the knowledge of which will help to avoid numerous health problems. Here are the following aspects:

  • do not drink tea people with allergies to the constituent components of the plant;
  • should not be brewed highly concentrated chamomile tea - this will lead to a deterioration in a person's condition in the form of a headache or a weakening of muscle tone, as a result of which a person will feel a general malaise;
  • not recommended for use by people with psychological disorders;
  • you can not drink tea people with low blood pressure.

Do not overdo it with chamomile tea. The drink is allowed for daily use, but not more than 4 cups per day - the dosage is indicated for an adult.

It should also be noted that tea has the best therapeutic effect only if you drink a drink after a meal in an hour - this important condition should be observed for beneficial use.

Chamomile during pregnancy and breastfeeding

An important question:? There is a lot of controversy among specialists here.

But most of them still restrict the expectant mother from drinking tea with chamomile, since the constituent components of the presented plant lead to the release of estrogen - a hormone that leads to muscle spasm and loss of tone, and this is fraught with miscarriage or premature birth.

If a woman cannot refuse a chamomile drink, she should consult with her doctor.

There are also specific instructions for using chamomile tea during pregnancy. According to the instructions, the tea is brewed weak, and the daily rate is no more than one cup.

Can you drink chamomile while breastfeeding?? There is also a lot of controversy here.

On the one hand, chamomile tea promotes lactation. On the other hand, chamomile, penetrating into the blood and breast milk of a woman, can cause a severe allergic reaction in a baby in the future.

Therefore, the use of herbs during lactation should be approached with caution and the drink should be taken only with the permission of a doctor.

Several cooking methods

There are several ways how to cook chamomile... Each of the formulations finds application in various fields. The three most common ways to prepare the herb should be cited:

Before using the product, you must carefully read the instructions for use. It can vary significantly depending on the underlying disease.

How to brew chamomile correctly? Video:

Chamomile-based remedies in the treatment of diseases

Chamomile is used to treat a wide variety of conditions. The most common treatments should be considered.


Chamomile for colds Is the surest remedy. Several treatments are used here.

So, for angina, you should use an infusion for gargling. Influenza can be treated with simple inhalation using chamomile tea.

For general strengthening of immunity you should drink tea with chamomile and honey at night.

If the patient heat, it can be brought down with compresses on the forehead. A decoction or infusion can be used as a liquid composition.

Drinking tea with chamomile, sugar and cream - the best way to eliminate sore throat, has an excellent warming effect.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

For treatment peptic ulcer or gastritis chamomile broth has excellent medicinal properties. It is used as a treatment and prevention. You can use any of the above cooking methods here.

The infusion can be consumed every day 10 minutes before meals in the amount of half a glass. It is better to use the broth only when pain occurs during an exacerbation of the disease.

As for other methods of treatment, you can use a slightly different method, which is used only for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

An effective decoction can be prepared a tablespoon of plant flowers is poured with 200 ml of boiling water... Then the resulting composition should be boiled for 5 minutes. The broth is kept for half an hour for complete brewing.

Accept similar chamomile broth inside ¼ glass before each meal for a week or until pain is completely eliminated.


Decoctions and infusions of chamomile do an excellent job with diseases in gynecology... So, they should be taken with inflammation of the reproductive organs of a woman.

It is equally important to use the presented compositions for the treatment of fungal and infectious diseases of the genitals, vagina... Douching and simple daily flushing can be used here.

Also, most of the fair sex say about the benefits of chamomile oil in the treatment of thrush and other unpleasant phenomena. Here you should take a tampon, moisten it in pre-prepared and slightly warmed oil and insert it into the vagina for 2-3 hours.

If discomfort or burning follows, remove the tampon and rinse the intimate area with plain water.

Rheumatism and other joint diseases

If a person has joint diseases or he just feels the characteristic fatigue and aches, you can use the baths before bedtime or right after a hard day at work.

So, to prepare a bath, it is necessary to make an infusion based on chamomile, where required collecting plants in the amount of 8 tablespoons and 1 liter of boiling water.

The herb is poured with boiling water and infused for 2 hours. The resulting infusion is poured into a bath of warm water. Such procedures should be performed for at least 15 minutes.

If a person has only one sore joint, you can use lotions. Gauze or a piece of cloth is moistened in a decoction or infusion with a high concentration and applied to the sore spot.

The moistened cloth is covered with polyethylene and wrapped with gauze. Withstand a similar compress within 1.5-2 hours... Thus, you can treat various diseases of the joints, as well as simply eliminate pain.

Camomile-based products in cosmetology

The presented plant is deservedly used in the manufacture of various cosmetics. Here are distinguished creams, masks, shampoos, conditioners, balms... But such funds can be prepared at home on their own, and the benefits from them can be even greater.

Treatment and restoration of hair structure

Chamomile plays a special role in the treatment of hair and restoration of its structure. So, here oil is used for a mask or a decoction with infusion for rinsing. There are several ways to use chamomile-based formulations:

1. Chamomile for hair provides all possible assistance in eliminating problems in the form of loss or section. The above method for making oil can do the trick if done weekly with the resulting mask composition.

To do this, self-prepared chamomile oil is rubbed into the roots and applied to washed damp hair for 1.5-2 hours... The head is covered with plastic and a handkerchief or towel. After the expiration of time, the composition is washed off with running water using shampoo or conditioner balm.

2. The second way to use chamomile composition - This is the achievement of natural shine, volume and health of hair with the help of a decoction or infusion.

Rinse your curls immediately after washing with one glass of any of the following. If necessary, you can also rub a small amount of useful liquid into the hair roots - this will help in the general strengthening of the bulbs.

3. For general strengthening and prevention of various hair problems just add a teaspoon of chamomile oil into the shampoo used during each procedure.

Chamomile broth or infusion will help cope with nail problems and regular burrs... In this case, you can resort to using hand baths or just fingers.

Fingers are placed in the prepared medicinal liquid in a warm form and kept for half an hour. This method also contributes to strengthens nails and stimulates their growth.

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Most people aware of the benefits of herbal medicine have heard that plants can help treat virtually all human ailments. In recent years, there has been an increase in interest in natural healing, with people trying various types of herbal teas as self-medication, but are more drawn to it. Due to the availability and effectiveness of chamomile tea, this drink is the most popular herbal tea in the world. But, of course, it is called "tea" conditionally, since it is prepared not from the leaves of a tea bush, but from the flowers of a plant. It would be more correct to call this tea "infusion" or "herbal tea", like all drinks made from medicinal herbs.

Chamomile tea composition

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B9, C, PP.

Minerals: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine.

Also, chamomile tea has a significant benefit on the human body due to the large amount of flavonoids and polyphenols, polysaccharides, amino acids, essential oils and tannins.

The daily norm of chamomile tea is 3 cups.

Useful properties and benefits of chamomile tea for the body

  • has a sedative effect,
  • heals colds,
  • removes toxins,
  • lowers blood sugar,
  • prevention of oncological diseases,
  • helps with gastritis and ulcers,
  • normalizes digestion,
  • removes discomfort in the stomach,
  • helps to cope with increased gas production and diarrhea,
  • heals hemorrhoids,
  • reduces pain during menstruation,
  • relieves cramps,
  • treats diseases of the mouth (pharyngitis, stomatitis),
  • calms the nervous system
  • eliminates insomnia,
  • treats conjunctivitis,
  • improves complexion,
  • improves skin and hair condition.

Chamomile has a long history of use in human culture, dating back to the ancient Egyptians. They used it to fight the signs of aging, considering it very valuable. The ancient Greeks viewed chamomile as a cure for many ailments, including colic, sunstroke, and fever. It has long been used in European herbal medicine. In Germany, chamomile has a reputation as a cure for all diseases. In Russia, chamomile tea, of course, was also very popular.

In modern times, chamomile has been used as a cure for insomnia that dates back to the 1600s. Its preparation is limited not only to tea. For centuries, chamomile has been a beneficial ingredient in creams, ointments, oils, and extracts.

Chamomile tea soothes

The most famous health benefit of tea is its relaxation properties. Chamomile is high in tryptophan and is a powerful sleeping pill. Its relaxing properties promote sound sleep and calm thoughts. Many people who have chronic anxiety use chamomile to ease anxious thoughts. Since it is a natural stress reliever, people with nervous disorders often feel much less exhausted if they drink chamomile tea regularly.

Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, interstitial cystitis, and asthma are often relieved when people use chamomile for treatment. It relieves symptoms and improves a person's general condition.

Has antispasmodic properties

Chamomile tea facilitates muscle contractions throughout the body (with the exception of the uterus, where it can contract). This makes the drink an effective remedy for stomach and intestinal cramps, hiccups and menstrual cramps. The use of chamomile to relieve indigestion is second only to its use as a relaxant.

The benefits of chamomile tea for men

Drinking tea serves as a good prophylactic agent against prostate cancer. Due to the substance apigenin, which is part of the drink, blood flow to cancer cells is blocked. The vessels, in turn, contract, the formations do not feed.

In addition, chamomile tea can be used as a medicinal infusion for inflammation of the genitals. To eliminate them, you need to do lotions.

The benefits of chamomile tea for women

The drink is famous for the fact that it relieves a woman's condition during menstruation. Tea eliminates cramps and back pain, making these days much easier. In addition, its regular intake stabilizes a woman's menstrual cycle.

As in the case of the male body, chamomile tea protects the fair sex from the development of cancer. Therefore, it is also indicated for the prevention of breast, ovarian and skin cancers.

And, of course, women love this product for its cosmetic effects. Washes, lotions and compresses using chamomile broth help them cope with various skin diseases and rashes. In addition, it nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

To improve skin condition, chamomile tea should be taken internally. This should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. This gives the skin a healthier appearance.

It will also be useful for blondes. Use it to rinse your hair with it after shampooing for a golden shine.

This drink is contraindicated for expectant mothers. Chamomile tea can provoke increased production of estrogen by the ovaries, and this can lead to miscarriage.

Many people advise drinking chamomile tea in a highly diluted form and in extremely rare cases. We advise you to refrain from it. In nature, there are many other beneficial herbs that are safe for pregnant women.

Contraindications and harm of chamomile tea

  • individual intolerance,
  • taking sedatives,
  • taking medications to thin the blood,
  • schizophrenia,
  • pregnancy.

Do not overuse chamomile tea. Otherwise, an overdose can lead to headaches, signs of poisoning, coughing, and decreased muscle tone. The daily norm of the drink is 3 cups.

How to make chamomile tea

Take 2-3 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a glass of tea. If you have tea bags, just use one tea bag per cup. Place flowers in it, bring water to a boil. Pour chamomile in a cup with boiling water, let it brew for at least 3 minutes (it can be longer if you want a stronger tea). Remove the tea bag or strain the tea through a sieve into another cup. Sweeten as desired or otherwise, but first let the drink cool down, otherwise honey in too hot water becomes toxic. You can drink 3 cups of chamomile tea a day.

The benefits of chamomile tea for women and men are very great. Fortunately, this tool is very affordable. Buy chamomile flowers at any pharmacy or harvest them yourself in the summer, and then a simple but effective remedy will always be at your fingertips. ;)

To say that pharmacy chamomile tea is useful is to say nothing. So many useful properties are concentrated in this amazing little plant that just listing them will take a lot of time. The range of application of chamomile expands even more when combined with other medicinal plants.

There are practically no contraindications as such in chamomile tea. So, a fragrant drink, incredibly useful in all respects, can improve health, heal and enjoy everything, from babies to people of venerable age.

Chamomile tea for colds and inflammations

The fields of application of chamomile tea, decoction, infusion of flowers and herbs of plants in medicine are more than varied. This is an excellent prevention of renal, hepatic, cardiological, vascular diseases. The herbal decoction has a mild choleretic property, due to which it contributes to the treatment of gallstone and urolithiasis.

Chamomile is used to treat sore throat and colds - hot herbal tea has a diaphoretic, antipyretic effect, soothes a sore throat. The drink is drunk as a prophylaxis of colds as a strong immunomodulating and antiseptic natural remedy. This is due to the high content of ascorbic acid in the flowers and stems of the plant, the amount of which remains practically unchanged even after heat treatment of dry raw materials.

During periods of seasonal pandemics, it is recommended to drink chamomile tea every day or at least every other day. This not only protects against a possible cold, but also cheers up.

Due to the azulenes and flavonoids included in the dry raw materials, chamomile tea has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It is recommended to use the decoction for internal inflammation, treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, cystitis, chronic renal diseases (nephritis, pyelonephritis). Rinsing with a decoction of chamomile with sage is done in the treatment of aphthous (herpetic) stomatitis, ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa.

Prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Chamomile tea contains a lot of niacin. Therefore, it is necessary to drink it regularly for those who often follow strict diets, violate the diet, for one reason or another, eat incorrectly.

Nicotinic acid, in addition, ensures an optimal intake of vitamin PP into the body. Therefore, it is useful to drink chamomile tea for the prevention and treatment of vascular diseases. For the same reason, as well as due to the property to lower the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, the drink is able to alleviate the condition of a patient with diabetes.

Chamomile tea will be no less useful for those who are experiencing the consequences of a plentiful feast. Intestinal pains, cramps, heaviness in the stomach will relieve like a hand, it is worth drinking healing chamomile tea. It also copes well with food poisoning, as it helps to remove toxins from the body.

Chamomile tea is used in the treatment of chronic gastritis. If you drink it three times a day for a month, the acidity of the stomach will return to normal, the pain will subside.

Regularly you need to drink chamomile tea for people who have been taking anti-inflammatory or pain relieving medications with a high content of acetylsalicylic acid for a long time. Herbal decoction partially neutralizes the effect of acid, reduces the likelihood of erosion on the walls of the stomach, helps to restore the beneficial microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

One of the beneficial properties of chamomile is liver cleansing. Therefore, tea from it should be regularly drunk by those who are used to eating heavy, fatty foods, as well as people who often drink alcohol or take medications that impede liver function.

In addition, chamomile tea is a safe remedy for babies for intestinal colic and diarrhea. There are no contraindications to the use of herbal decoction in infancy, with the condition of strict adherence to the dosage of the drink - no more than 125 ml per day.

Chamomile tea will soothe and relieve pain

Among the many medicinal properties of chamomile is antispasmodic. Drinking a medicinal broth can relieve headaches caused by surges in blood pressure or a change in weather.

Chamomile tea relieves painful muscle spasms in acute and exacerbation of chronic stomach diseases. Thanks to the glycine contained in it, chamomile tea is able to reduce spasms of the muscles of the uterus, which helps to reduce pain during menstruation.

And, of course, everyone knows that this is a great sedative. Flower tea relieves nervous tension, including during PMS, helps to relax, cope with stress, get out of depression, get rid of insomnia. The healing herbal decoction as a whole has a positive effect on the nervous system, contributing to the normalization of its functions.

Benefits of chamomile tea for skin

As an effective medicine, chamomile tea is recommended for use as a drink and externally for various acute and chronic skin diseases. It relieves inflammation well, disinfects and reduces skin irritation in eczema, psoriasis, contact dermatitis. It is recommended to bathe babies in chamomile broth to get rid of diaper rash.

The scope of application of chamomile tea has not bypassed cosmetology either. It is believed that if you regularly drink chamomile tea on an empty stomach, the external signs of aging will appear much later. And this is true, since the vitamin composition of chamomile tea has a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin, maintains it in tone, helps to maintain elasticity, firmness, and even color.

Chamomile decoction is a frequent component of nourishing, rejuvenating, moisturizing masks for the face, neck and décolleté. An excellent skin toner is chamomile tea ice cubes. Cosmetologists advise wiping your face with this product every morning to remove bags and bruises under the eyes, get rid of fatigue wrinkles, and always look fresh.

Chamomile is also often used in hair care. The plant extract is included in shampoos, conditioners, and medical hair masks. At home, chamomile broth is often used to rinse strands after washing to give them a bright shine, silkiness, and a healthy, well-groomed look.

Tea recipes with chamomile and other medicinal herbs

To brew chamomile tea, you can use dry raw materials that you have prepared yourself or bought at a pharmacy. A teaspoon of chamomile flowers is enough for 200 ml of boiling water. The drink is insisted for 10 minutes, filtered, drunk warm.

To improve the taste, sugar can be added to aromatic chamomile tea, but natural honey is better. A combination of a decoction of chamomile with black, green, flower tea, spices, fruits and berries, and other medicinal herbs and plants is encouraged. Very often, chamomile is included in medicinal herbal preparations, the composition of which varies depending on the desired effect.

To prepare tea from the collection of herbs, take all the components in equal shares, mix. Select 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture and brew 1 liter of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes, filter. Drink warm at night and in the morning on an empty stomach.

For example, tea with chamomile, St. John's wort, birch buds, immortelle and wild strawberry leaves has a rejuvenating, healing effect. Such a collection is drunk when there are problems with the nervous system, as a prevention of excess weight gain, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, in the treatment of hypertension. With regular use, tea from 5 herbs helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, stabilize the general metabolism, and normalize the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Tea with chamomile, mint, calendula, linden blossom, St. John's wort and dried raspberries has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic, sedative effects.

Vitamin tea with chamomile and linden with the addition of black currant leaves, raspberries, lemon balm, dried orange peel and rose hips is an ideal preventive measure against colds, seasonal viral diseases.

  • Pharmacy chamomile - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Mint - 1 sprig.
  • Green tea - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chopped valerian root - 1 tsp.

The collection is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water. It is taken 2 times a day. Such a medicinal broth is also useful for high blood pressure.

For arrhythmias, tea with chamomile, fennel (seeds), mint, caraway seeds, valerian root is useful. All components are mixed in equal volumes. Take 1 tbsp. l. mixture, brew 250 ml of boiling water. Insist for 20 minutes, filter, drink warm overnight.

To relieve a toothache, it is useful to rinse 4-6 times a day with a decoction of chamomile (1 tablespoon) and sage (1 tablespoon), brewed with 250 ml of boiling water.

Tea made from thyme with chamomile, sweet clover, rosemary and coltsfoot is good for the skin. A decoction from the collection of herbs is prepared according to a standard recipe, they drink 150 ml three times a day.

Chamomile tea: contraindications

All medicinal products have their own contraindications. Any decoction, tea, infusion of medicinal herbs should be taken with caution so as not to harm the body. Chamomile tea is no exception in this regard.

So, very rarely, but there are cases of an allergic reaction, individual intolerance to the components of the drink. In case of an overdose, improper preparation and use, an upset stomach is possible.

Do not drink chamomile tea brewed too strongly. Drinking a concentrated medicinal drink can provoke headaches, weaken muscle tone, and lead to a depressed, apathetic state.

With caution, you need to use chamomile tea at low pressure, people suffering from neuroses, mental illness, disorders.

The simultaneous intake of diuretics, sedatives, diuretics, sedatives and chamomile tea is not recommended. Since the herbal decoction has a spectrum of action similar to such drugs, there is a risk of overdose.

Many have heard of the benefits of chamomile. It contains vitamins and other beneficial substances. But, unfortunately, most do not know what to do with it and how to use it. Chamomile is used internally and used for external purposes (rinse hair, face). In this issue we will talk specifically about the internal use in the form of tea and everything you need to know about its preparation and properties.

What is chamomile tea? Beneficial features

Chamomile tea is a hot drink prepared from chamomile flowers... The benefits of chamomile tea are due to the beneficial properties of the plant. It is enough just to look inside the chemical composition of chamomile and everything will become clear.

It contains salicylic and ascorbic acid, tannins, gum, wax, essential oils. Contains macro- and microelements: K, Ca, Zn, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn.

Chamomile tea has the following properties:

  • anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial;
  • choleretic;
  • sedative;
  • diuretic;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • eliminates fermentation processes.

Indications for use

The most famous and common way to use chamomile tea is against colds... Tea has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, therefore, at the first signs of illness (headache, fever, etc.), it is recommended to drink chamomile tea.

Tea drink warm with the addition honey, sugar, milk or no additives. Chamomile tea relieves fatigue and headaches, helps fight infection, and has a diaphoretic effect.

Also chamomile tea gargle with tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes in the throat, because chamomile is an excellent antiseptic, relieves inflammation, soothes irritated tissues.

Chamomile tea is recommended for those who suffer from gas and bloating. Chamomile reduces gas formation, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It removes excess acid from the stomach, therefore, chamomile tea is indicated for consumption by people, who have disorders, cramping and stomach ulcers.

Chamomile works mildly, does not harm the liver, but rather cleanses it. It normalizes digestion, cleanses it. Chamomile tea is used for diarrhea, it has a light astringent property.

Chamomile tea is very relaxing and soothing, therefore they drink it under stress, irritability. Shown tea for people who suffer from insomnia. Before going to bed, you need to drink chamomile tea with a spoonful of honey. This infusion will calm you down so you can fall asleep easily. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, calms it down and relieves stress.

Chamomile tea helps with migraines and headaches. The active substances that chamomile is rich in fight headaches, relieve cramps and give clarity.

Chamomile tea, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, returns beauty and freshness of the skin... Useful substances (vitamins, macro- and microelements) have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, remove toxins, cleanse the blood, thereby significantly improves skin condition.

Infusions and decoctions of chamomile (tea) are widely used in home cosmetology... They rinse the hair, wash the face, wipe the inflammation on the skin. Make lotions for dry skin of hands and feet, as chamomile has a softening effect.

Drinking chamomile tea during pregnancy

There is a lot of controversy among experts about chamomile tea for women who are carrying a baby. Most believe that it is undesirable to use chamomile tea for pregnant womenbecause chamomile promotes the release of estrogen, which can lead to miscarriage.

If a woman cannot deny herself an herbal drink, it should be consumed with extreme caution. Tea should be brewed in low concentration and not drunk more than 1 cup per day.

Newborn babies are not recommended to use chamomile inside. But from a decoction of flowers, you can make baths, rinses, etc.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the beneficial properties and rich vitamin and mineral composition, chamomile tea has contraindications to use.

  • It cannot be consumed by humans with allergies for certain components that are part of chamomile.
  • You also need to be careful with the concentration of the tea you drink. Do not drink too strong and concentrated chamomile tea, it can weaken muscle tone, cause headaches, depression.
  • Chamomile tea is not recommended for people who suffer from mental disorders and diseases, because chamomile has a strong sedative effect.
  • People should not drink tea with reduced pressure.

How to brew tea correctly

In order to brew chamomile tea, only inflorescences are used. For this, dried or fresh chamomile flowers are poured in the amount of 1 teaspoon 200 ml boiling water... Insist on 3-4 minutesAfter the tea, you can strain it with a small sieve.

How to drink tea

Chamomile tea is drunk warm (not hot) like any other tea. You can add sugar, honey, milk or cream to the brewed tea. The beneficial properties will not be lost at all, but the taste will improve, because chamomile tea itself has a specific taste. Also chamomile flowers can be added to or green tea and use such tea, and not only in its pure form.

Chamomile tea is recommended to be consumed no more than 4 cups per day, after all, this is a medicinal plant with certain properties, so it should not be abused. It is undesirable to drink tea if you are using sedatives. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the use of herbal chamomile tea.

It is best to consume it after meal, but not earlier than after 60 minutes, it normalizes digestion, eliminates gas formation.

How to properly harvest and dry chamomile

If you prefer to pick and dry your own chamomile, there are a few rules you should know. First of all, you should know that not only pharmaceutical chamomile exists, but also other species, so you should clearly understand what the plant you need looks like.

Collect flowers in the summer. They are grown in ecologically clean areas (further from roads and production). Only flowers should be picked, leaves and stem are not suitable for herbal collection.

After you collect the chamomile, it should be dried. Chamomile is dried in a clean and ventilated area. Spread the flowers on clean paper and cover them with a clean and dry towel (paper can be used), this is necessary in order to avoid getting drunk and dirt.

After a few days, the flowers will dry out, they should fold into a paper bag or box and store in a dry place.

How to choose the right chamomile when buying

If you buy fresh flowers, pay attention to their condition, the color of the leaves and the flower itself, they should be pronounced, without a dusty coating. Leaves and flowers should be intact, intact pests.

You can also buy chamomile at the pharmacy. When you choose a chamomile look at the packing date and shelf life... Pay attention to the tightness of the bag containing the flowers.

Chamomile tea can rightfully be called a healing drink. When used correctly, it helps to overcome many ailments, soothes the nervous system. Will be able to diversify the usual tea drinking.

Pharmacy chamomile is the most popular phytocomponent of any home medicine cabinet. With its help, you can solve a large number of health problems. It is not only a prophylactic agent, but also a curative one. At home, decoctions, infusions and tinctures are prepared from chamomile, using them for lotions, compresses, gargling and bathing, steam baths. It is often taken internally in the form of a fragrant tea that delivers gustatory pleasure and benefits to the body.

  1. Apigenin. A substance capable of suppressing allergies, inflammations of various natures, fighting free radicals, and inhibiting certain types of cancer cells. Of all the herbs used to make teas, chamomile contains the highest amount of apigenin.
  2. Chrysin, which has strong sedative properties. This substance can reduce anxiety, unreasonable fear, unconditional panic attacks, hysterical state, relieve nightmares.
  3. Coumarin. The substance that gives chamomile its characteristic aroma. It is known as an antiallergic agent that relieves edema, especially associated with impaired lymph circulation, postoperative.
  4. Vitamin C. The most important substance for the normal functioning of connective and bone tissues. Promotes the conversion of cholesterol to bile acids, which stimulates digestion and prevents the formation of gallstones. It is a powerful antioxidant.
  5. Tannins, which give the plant a bitter taste, help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the microflora in the intestine, and get rid of microbes and decay products. Effective for the prevention of deposits of heavy metal salts, which cause significant harm to the entire body.
  6. Pectin. It was called by doctors the "orderly" of the human body due to its ability to cleanse it of harmful substances without disturbing the natural microflora. It removes radioactive elements, toxic substances and pesticides from the body.
  7. Carotene. It actively participates in metabolic processes, is important for the formation of bones, nails, teeth, fat deposits, stimulates the growth of new cells, slows down aging, fights viruses and bacteria.
  8. Essential oils with antimicrobial, antispasmodic and regenerating properties. Vitamins, macro- and microelements: potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese.

Unlike black and green tea, chamomile contains no caffeine at all.

Monks from Tibet appreciated all the benefits and harms of chamomile tea, its ability to restore cells, stimulate their regeneration. Therefore, this plant is an essential ingredient in the famous Tibetan elixir of youth.

Video: Chamomile tea. Healing drink

What diseases is chamomile tea useful for?

With frequent colds, chamomile tea should be taken not only as a remedy that accelerates recovery due to the content of vitamin C, but also as a preventive measure in order to avoid colds and other diseases. Tea has diaphoretic, antipyretic properties, relieves sore throat, promotes phlegm excretion.

During the period of autumn-winter depression, 4-5 cups of fragrant tea per week will significantly improve mood and performance, relieve depression. To improve the effect, you can add a teaspoon of honey or a couple of lemon slices to the drink.

The antispasmodic action of apigenin will help relieve pain and colic in the intestines, get rid of flatulence. Chamomile tea is useful for gastritis, enterocolitis, peptic ulcer disease, will help to normalize and restore stool, improve appetite and digestion.

Chamomile tea is irreplaceable after abundant feasts and long holidays, accompanied by overeating, excessively fatty foods, and alcohol. With headaches caused by a sharp change in weather, changes in blood pressure, a glass of chamomile tea will quickly relieve muscle spasms, which will ease the condition.

Thanks to the vitamin PP included in the herb, there is a benefit from chamomile tea for people suffering from vasospasm, rapid leg fatigue, and a tendency to varicose veins. Tea will cope with muscle cramps caused by stomach pains or on critical days. In case of heavy and very painful menstruation, it is recommended to take tea daily a few days before.

As a sedative, chamomile tea should be taken 2-3 cups daily. It helps to relax, fall asleep faster, relieve depression, accelerate adaptation after stress.

With diabetes, regular consumption of chamomile drink significantly reduces blood sugar levels, keeps it in one position, which improves the patient's condition.

Drinking chamomile tea on a daily basis also affects your appearance. The skin becomes healthier, acne, purulent formations disappear. Later and in smaller quantities, age-related pigmentation appears on it. To improve your appearance, it is enough to drink a glass of warm tea in the morning on an empty stomach and wash your face with it.

To strengthen the immune system after a long illness or during a seasonal exacerbation of colds, a cup of tea a day for two weeks is enough. The plant phenols included in chamomile will make the body resistant to any virus and bacteria of any nature.

How to make chamomile tea

Pour a teaspoon of chamomile or a bag of herbs with a glass of hot water, but not boiling water. After boiling, the water should stand for 10 minutes to cool down to 90-95 degrees, most suitable for brewing any tea. Infuse covered, like regular tea, for 5-10 minutes. Strain thoroughly through a strainer or gauze folded in several layers. Take warm, adding a teaspoon of honey or sugar to taste.

The specific taste of chamomile can be varied with a couple of mint leaves, grated with 1/4 lemon zest. Adding any component of your choice and taste will not affect the medicinal properties of the herb.

The preparation of chamomile tea is so simple and does not take much time that it is better to refuse to brew it for future use. After standing for a while, the drink becomes more intense and bitter. This option is only acceptable for external herb use.

It is better to take the drink after meals, but not earlier than an hour later. At this time, it normalizes the digestion process, prevents gas formation in the intestines.

How to use tea leaves chamomile

Chamomile brewed in tea still contains a large amount of nutrients. It can be used for lotions and compresses, or simply chewed. In the form of a compress, the herb will relieve fatigue, dullness of the skin, swelling and black circles under the eyes, skin inflammation, accelerate the healing of wounds and abrasions.

While chewing, it perfectly disinfects the oral cavity, freshens breath, soothes pain from inflammation on the lips and mucous membranes. The herb can be brewed a second time to be used for bathing, washing your face, washing your hair, and douching.

Chamomile tea for children

For infants up to four months, chamomile infusion is added to water and allowed to drink in small portions to get rid of colic. Children under one year old are given 1-2 teaspoons of warm tea for sore throat, to normalize digestion, before bedtime, if the baby is restless.

After a year, the child can drink chamomile tea as usual, but in small quantities (no more than one child's cup).


Chamomile is one of the most versatile herbs that has no side effects and is acceptable even for young children. However, it is not for nothing that it is called medicinal. This means that it should be treated accordingly. Otherwise, a harmless glass of herbal drink can harm the body or lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Chamomile drink is not recommended for people with individual intolerance to this herb. More harm than good will come from exceeding the concentration of chamomile in tea. This drink can cause headaches, low blood pressure, upset stools, and weakened muscle tone. The constant use of too strong tea will harm the emotional state, lead to prolonged depressed or irritable mood, loss of attention.

It is advisable to give up chamomile tea when taking medications with a sedative and diuretic effect. Chamomile has similar properties, and such a mix would cause an overdose with corresponding consequences.

Do not drink chamomile tea for diarrhea. Take it with caution with low blood pressure.

Pregnant women should avoid chamomile tea completely or take it in a weaker concentration, no more than one glass a day. The plant stimulates the production of estrogen, which can trigger miscarriage.