DIY herbal and berry tea. Cooking recipes

17.09.2019 Vegetable dishes

In the 17th century, a new era began in Russia, associated not only with the name of Peter I, but also with the appearance in Russian culture of a drink made from tea leaves.

The Chinese plant is so fond of it that it is simply unthinkable to imagine life without it.

However, tea traditions are not limited to brewing a black or green beverage.

Tea at home can be brewed according to special recipes or made from traditional herbs.

It will turn out to be no less tasty and healthy.

Homemade tea: black or green?

There is no dispute about tastes, so it makes no sense to debate which is better: black or green tea. Moreover, in fact we are talking about the same plant, the leaves of which have undergone different degrees of fermentation. The same applies to exotic white, red, yellow varieties.

The degree of fermentation determines the flavor and color of the tea. All unfermented or lightly fermented teas convey their natural taste and aroma in the cup almost unchanged. These are green, yellow, white varieties in which fermentation is stopped by frying the leaves. The color of the drink turns out to be rather pale. Black (as well as red) teas give a thick, rich color and aroma.

When brewing tea at home, you should follow the general rule: pre-pour boiling water over the dishes, that is, it is good to warm up the walls of the teapot. This is necessary so that the tea leaves give off all their aroma. Now the most important thing: do not let the leaves overheat and at the same time ensure a sufficient temperature regime.

The classic proportion of dry tea and water is a teaspoon per mug and one additional spoonful for the entire teapot. With a quick and not quite correct brewing, the tea is simply poured with boiling water and infused for six to seven minutes.

There is another more correct way:

Pour the measured amount of tea with boiling water in half, cover with a lid, cover the spout of the teapot with a cloth. This is to preserve the benefits and aroma of essential oils;

After three minutes, add boiling water, leaving at least a centimeter between the surface of the water and the lid;

Insist the drink: green tea - eight minutes, black - five to six minutes.

In Russia, it is customary to prepare tea leaves - a thick tea infusion, which is subsequently diluted with water. It is convenient because it is quick, simple and a lot: you can get a lot of people drunk. But in the eastern countries and in England, tea infusion is not diluted with water.

Black tea leaves should not be brewed multiple times. The maximum that can be done is to "marry" a drink if it has just been prepared and the guests have drunk everything. The taste and aroma are weaker. But green varieties calmly tolerate five and even seven-time brewing, each time delighting with a new shade of taste.

You need to drink the tea leaves made from black tea during the day. After spending the night in a teapot, the drink will turn from useful to dangerous (an eastern proverb compares it to the poison of a snake). And all because of a special substance - guanine, which, as a result of oxidation, turns into toxic guanidine.

If a film has formed on the surface of the tea, if the tea has clearly stood (it is especially dangerous to brew it in a thermos and leave it for a long time), overheated, you cannot drink such a drink, you can seriously poison yourself. Guanidine acts on the heart and blood vessels, causes speech impairment, a jump in pressure, affects the liver, lowers calcium in the blood, and provokes the development of gout.

Tea at home: preparing herbal teas on our own

In Russia, herbal teas have always been held in high esteem, which we drink with pleasure today. You can prepare them yourself using the same technologies as for the preparation of Chinese tea: drying, rolling, withering, fermentation.

Tea is made at home from the leaves of forest or garden plants, and when brewing, you can add berries, fruits and even nuts to it. Just to dry the shower and the grass is not enough (it will turn out tasteless). Ideally, you need to go through the entire technological chain in order to get a truly healthy and tasty drink.

Leaves of raspberry, strawberry, lingonberry, blueberry, currant, blueberry, as well as linden blossom, heather, willow-herb (ivan-tea), mint, chamomile, etc. are suitable for harvesting. Only plant petals (rose, jasmine) can be brewed. Tea at home can be prepared either entirely from herbal teas or added to regular black or green tea when brewing.

Processing stages.

1. Spread the raw material on a dry surface in a thin layer of three to four centimeters and leave in the shade for five to eight hours. This is the stage of wilting that is necessary to prevent leaf breakage.

2. Now the dried-up leaves need to be twisted a little, rubbing with your palms.

3. At the stage of fermentation, the raw material is poured into any container (wooden box, yogurt maker, oven turned off. The point is to create a humid warm environment. The layer of leaves should not be thicker than five centimeters. To create a humid environment, you can cover the container with a piece of wet cloth. fermentation - about ten hours Ambient temperature - at least 26 C. After fermentation, the leaves will turn dark.

4. The last stage of harvesting is drying. The prepared raw materials must be placed in an oven at a temperature of about 100 degrees and dried for about an hour, constantly checking readiness.

For the preparation of traditional teas, dried rose hips, viburnum, frozen berries (wild strawberries, sea buckthorn, currants, cherries) are used.

Citrus peels are also a wonderful product for making flavored tea at home. They are used not with herbal preparations, but with ordinary black or green tea leaves.

Tea at home: popular drink options

The most popular are flavored or specialty drinks. Here are some of the most popular homemade tea options.


Two tablespoons of dried mint, three teaspoons of regular tea leaves, four cloves and a pinch of cinnamon (or cinnamon stick). Pour the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for five minutes, then pour into cups and sweeten with honey if desired.

Mint tea is good both warm and cold. It invigorates in the morning, relaxes in the evening, improves digestion during the day.


Grate a piece of fresh ginger root. In a liter of boiling water, you need to throw three tablespoons of ginger, boil it for two minutes, then strain, add lemon sliced \u200b\u200binto slices, a pinch of black pepper, two mint leaves, leave for five minutes. Strain, pour into cups, if you want - add a little honey.

Ginger tea perfectly restores digestive processes, cleanses the body, improves complexion, thins the blood and prevents colds.


A tablespoon of chamomile needs to be poured with half a liter of boiled water, set for fifteen minutes. After straining, add honey and drink warm, because cooled chamomile tea loses all its benefits.

And the benefits are considerable. The drink relieves headaches, normalizes digestion, relieves insomnia, helps control appetite, removes excess fluid from the body, strengthens the nerves. Chamomile tea is useful for gastritis, liver diseases, diabetes and ulcers.

Apple cinnamon

Cut the apple into wedges, put in a teapot with a tablespoon of black or green tea and a cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over with two glasses, leave for ten minutes and drain.

Such a drink is able to stop a cold if you drink it within the first hours after the onset of the first symptoms of malaise.

Sea buckthorn

Defrost a glass of frozen sea buckthorn berries. Pour two glasses of boiling water, add two tablespoons of ordinary tea leaves (black or green), leave for fifteen minutes. Drink warm, sweetened with honey if desired.


Brew ordinary black tea, adding zest removed from one lemon and juice squeezed from one grapefruit. Insist for eight minutes, then strain. Add half a spoonful of grated nutmeg, sweeten with honey or brown sugar.

The drink has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, increases the body's immune forces, and tones well.

You can mix fruit and herbal teas at your discretion. Linden blossom, calendula, thyme, coltsfoot, lemongrass, dried berries, eucalyptus, bay leaves, dried slices of pineapple, apple, banana, pear, citrus peel - all this plant abundance goes well with green and black varieties of traditional teas ...

Tea at home: unusual recipes

So many traditional and unusual tea recipes have been invented at home that you can drink more and more new versions of the drink almost all year round.

Chinese punch

Tea with the addition of alcohol is great for warming and uplifting. the main thing is to stop on time.

For half a liter of boiling water, take two tablespoons of black tea, the juice of one lemon and one orange, one tablespoon each of brandy and rum (or two tablespoons of one alcoholic drink). Brew, insist, strain. Can be sweetened with honey or sugar. When pouring, you can use a Chinese secret: raise the kettle high so that the drink has time to be saturated with oxygen before it enters the cup.

Iced tea (ice tea)

Brew regular black tea. Put one hundred grams of ice cream on the bottom of the glass, pour in the juice of one orange, two tablespoons of lemon juice, add no big amount chilled drinking cream, then top up with cold sweetened tea.


Brew black or green tea. While it is infusing, beat the egg with a pinch of nutmeg and a spoonful of sugar until a fluffy foam is obtained. Pour tea into a bowl, add the egg-nutmeg mixture, mix. Add a spoonful of rum or brandy if desired.


Brew black tea according to the basic recipe, adding a clove bud, a cinnamon stick and a piece of fresh ginger to it. Brew mint tea separately. Strain both drinks, combine them. Squeeze out two tablespoons of lemon juice. Pour the tea mixture into cups, pouring in half. Pour a spoonful of lemon juice into each portion, top up with sparkling water (unsalted), add an ice cube if desired.

Milky (steppe)

This homemade version of tea is one of the recipes used by nomadic tribes. Six tablespoons of black tea will require half a liter of water and two liters of milk. Pour the tea leaves with hot milk and boiling water, simmer the mixture over low heat for ten minutes, leave for another ten to fifteen minutes. Strain, add a little salt and drink.


Brew ivan tea (in a glass of water - a spoonful of dried herbs). You will need three glasses of the finished drink. Pour it into a saucepan, add a teaspoon of cardamom, three cloves, a glass of vodka. Bring the mixture to a boil, then leave for ten minutes. Strain, add honey.

The beauty of tea is that it never gets boring. Whatever brewing recipe is used, you get a delicious tonic drink.

Probably everyone loves to sit with family or friends and chat over a cup of warm, delicious tea.

After all, this drink helps not only to keep the conversation going, but also to warm up on winter evenings and just relax.

So what makes tea so popular? Of course its unforgettable scent.

If you still buy tea bags at the store, you are losing a lot. After all, you can completely prepare your own tea mixture at home. It is not necessary to spend a huge amount. In addition, this activity is quite exciting.

Homemade tea ingredients can be:
Finely chopped fruits;
Large leaves of good green or black tea;
All kinds of spices: mint, thyme, cardamom, cloves;
Dried berries.

Benefits in Tea Blends

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in cooking. You can prepare and dry the berries in the summer, fruits are always presented on store shelves, but spices are not a problem at all.

In addition to the fact that you can use the mixture prepared with your own hands for your own purposes, it can be used as a presentation. For example, present it to a friend or family member for any occasion. Nobody will remain indifferent to such a surprise.


Tea has long been prized for its medicinal properties. Its use began in China and Ethiopia and subsequently spread throughout the world.

Many can no longer imagine their life without this drink. Black or green tea is necessarily included in the daily diet of a person; it is popular in bars, cafes, restaurants, shopping centers and many other establishments.

It must be said that the main advantage of a fragrant tea mixture is the presence of natural ingredients:
Citrus fruits;
Dried berries: cranberries, currants;
Mint leaves;
Rosehip fruits.

Tea shops are very popular now. They can offer the client a variety of drinks from the most trusted manufacturers. In the modern world, competition in this area is rapidly increasing, more and more companies appear on the market, ready to lure the buyer with pleasant aromas and unique tastes.

However, making your own tea mixture is the best solution. After all, we are sure of the quality of the ingredients that we add, and we choose them to taste.

The method for preparing a fragrant tea mixture is simple:

1. We select the ingredients that we want to use: different types of tea, fruits, spices, dried berries.
2. Rinse the fruit and cut into small wedges. Use apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruit to taste.
3. Put the citrus slices on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 1-2 hours. The temperature regime should correspond to 100-120 ° C.
4. Dry mint together with berries: raspberries, cranberries, currants, blueberries.
5. Grind the cinnamon and cardamom in a mortar.
6. Mix all the ingredients, leave to brew for 7-14 days.
7. We brew aromatic tea and enjoy the delicious taste.

Red, which is mined in the southern regions of China, is characterized by dried fruit and milky aromas. In its production, only young, still unopened tea buds and leaves are used. He perfectly restores strength. It is appreciated for its taste.
White tea drink. It is the most aristocratic product. Collected by hand from the famous Da Bao tree, it has a unique taste of honey, great for women who care about their figure.
Herbal tea with maximum healing properties due to its production from natural fruits, flowers and berries.
Oolong tea, made from mature plant leaves, is the most expensive and difficult to process.
Pu-erh, a representative of a semi-fermented beverage prized for its aging.

There are many options for preparing a fragrant mixture. You can experiment on the taste by mixing different types of tea and spices, or play on the aromas by including fruits and berries in the drink.

In any case, one should be guided by the taste preferences and healing properties of the selected components. Show your talent for mixing flavors and aromas by preparing an aromatic tea blend for dinner. Enjoy your meal!

People have known the healing properties of herbal teas for a long time. They were used not only to treat ailments, but also as a prophylaxis, increase vitality, and general health promotion. In addition, unlike chemical medicines, herbal teas are a completely natural product that has a pleasant taste and wonderful aroma.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas, tinctures, decoctions - all these drinks came to us from ancient times. Already in those days, their beneficial properties were used by people with might and main. Then each housewife was a little witch and knew what herbal teas can be drunk. All natural gifts were used: roots, herbs, berries.

From time immemorial, herbal preparations were prepared, which relieved fatigue, toned up in the morning hours, and helped to fall asleep at a late hour. Medicinal teas relieved of diseases, restored the body's supply of vitamins and minerals. The best herbal teas are still used by people today.

Properties of herbal teas

How is herbal tea useful? Recipes (you can easily brew any tea at home) are varied not only in their content, but also in purpose. In addition to herbs, the collection may include various medicinal components: fruits, roots, kidneys. Sometimes traditional tea is also added to herbal teas. Fees can contain up to ten components.

Herbal teas for tea are usually divided according to their effect on:

  1. Medicinal.
  2. Preventive.
  3. Toning.
  4. Calming.
  5. Vitamin.

Ready-made herbal teas can be purchased at any pharmacy and supermarket. However, it is hardly worth relying on their quality, because no one can guarantee that they are made from natural and environmentally friendly raw materials. Since in our daily life we \u200b\u200bconsume a lot of unnatural foods that are harmful to the body, we need natural herbs with all their beneficial properties to maintain health.

The best option is self-collected all the necessary plants. The preparation itself is a very interesting and exciting process that will bring you many pleasant moments of unity with nature. You just need to know the rules by which herbs are harvested.

In conditions of living in a metropolis and lack of time, not everyone will be able to allocate time to collect plants. Then you can advise to buy all the necessary herbs on the market, as a rule, there are grandmothers selling ready-made plants.

How to brew tea?

We would like to note right away that only one plant is brewed for medicinal purposes. Then the finished drink will have a targeted effect. And prefabricated tea will have a whole spectrum of medicinal effects, since it will contain a large amount of biologically active substances that are found in different plants. At the same time, our unique organisms independently select the necessary elements from the entire presented complex and send them for processing into metabolic processes.

As a rule, herbal tea contains general strengthening and immunostimulating components. Most importantly, they are caffeine-free, so drinks can also be given to children.

The main components of teas

What is included in herbal tea? You can come up with a wide variety of recipes at home. However, first you need to figure out which components are used in different situations.

So, let's list the most commonly used ingredients:

  1. Flowers of oregano, chamomile, linden, etc.
  2. Raspberry, mint, currant, strawberry leaves.
  3. Herb lemon balm, oregano, sage, thyme, valerian, St. John's wort.
  4. Fruits of raspberry, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, currant, blackberry, mountain ash.

We emphasize once again that these are not all components, there are actually a lot of them. It is good to add various spices to the collection, they give an exquisite taste and aroma, and also bring in additional vitamins. For such purposes, you can use cinnamon, vanilla, pepper, cloves.

Healing tea

You need to understand that any medicinal herbal tea (recipes at home can be invented and modified) does not have an instant effect. After all, this is not a pill, and therefore it takes some time. However, regular use of it will help to cope with the problem. Herbal teas for every day (we will give recipes in the article) will help to establish processes inside the body:

  1. To relieve stress, savory and licorice are added to tea.
  2. Wormwood, sage, licorice root help well with colds.
  3. If you are prone to depression, you should regularly use St. John's wort, ginseng, rosemary.
  4. If you are concerned about stomach pains, then dandelion flowers and dill are added to the tea.
  5. Tea with valerian, hop cones, chamomile, lemon balm, verbena helps to cope with sleep disorders.
  6. If you get annoyed at the slightest excuse, have a tea with valerian and lavender.
  7. For relaxation and tranquility, you should use a drink made from lemon balm, hops, strawberry herb.
  8. Motherwort will help with heart problems.
  9. Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications will be discussed below) has a wide range of qualities - antiseptic, choleretic, expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic action.
  10. Mint, thyme and sage can help with frequent headaches.

You can add grated ginger to any of the listed fees. It enhances the anti-inflammatory, expectorant, stimulating effect of tea on the body.

Multivitamin herbal teas for every day

The recipes for such teas are not complicated, but the benefits from them are very great. They can be prepared based on fruits and berries. Herbal and are a storehouse of vitamins. Most of the nutrients are contained in rose hips. They also use mountain ash, blackberries, strawberries, black and red currants, and sea buckthorn for making decoctions. Not only healthy, but also delicious herbal teas are obtained by adding aromatic herbs: oregano.

To get a multivitamin drink, all the ingredients are put in equal parts. Such a drink is brewed according to the general rules. In the cold season, tea is drunk warm with the addition of honey and ginger. In summer, all decoctions and infusions can be consumed cold with the addition of ice. Such drinks tone up well in the heat.

Strawberry tea: strawberry leaves (10 g), St. John's wort (2 g), mint (2 g) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The drink is infused for ten minutes.

Heather heather (2 g), rosehip leaf (2 g), strawberry leaves (10 g) pour a glass of boiling water. Insist from five to ten minutes.

Rowanberry tea: dried rowan berries (30 g), raspberries (5 g), currant leaves (2 g). Infuse for five to ten minutes and use as a brew.

Toning fees

Tonic teas are suitable for daily use; they not only taste good, but also have a positive effect on the body. The collection includes juniper, hawthorn, black currant, mountain ash, rose hips, oregano, blueberries, St. John's wort, calamus, mallow, lamb, valerian, calendula, mountain arnica, fireweed, coltsfoot, blueberries, plantain, drupe and badan.

Such fees should be consumed hot in winter, and chilled in summer. Well quench thirst and invigorate cold teas with a slice of lemon or zest, raspberry and blackberry leaves. In hot weather, mint can be added to green tea.

How to choose a delicious drink?

It's no secret that any herbal tea tastes bitter. Therefore, you must independently choose for yourself such a collection that will suit your taste. As a rule, one plant dominates in the collection, and the rest only harmoniously complement it, emphasizing the taste.

Compositions are always obtained according to the scheme: spices + fragrant herb + leaves of a berry plant. As spices, cinnamon, vanilla, anise, cloves, star anise are usually used. All these ingredients are in perfect harmony and open in a very special way when citrus fruits are added to the tea.

What nuances should you know about teas?

How different herbal tea can be! A wide variety of recipes can be used at home. They will help diversify your usual menu, even if it is not about food, but about drinks.

At home, you can make herbal teas from the following ingredients:

  1. Orange slices, cinnamon, raspberry leaves.
  2. Lemon slices, star anise, mint.
  3. Cloves, lemon balm, sage,
  4. Lemon zest, oregano, thyme.
  5. Strawberry and cherry leaves, vanilla stick.

All tea ingredients are best kept in paper bags or cloth bags, but no more than two years. But the roots can lie for three years. Over time, herbs lose their taste, smell, and all useful trace elements.

Crushed citrus zest should be added to green or black tea in advance (for example, a couple of weeks). In a sealed container, orange peels will give their scent to the tea petals. As a result, you get a fragrant drink without artificial flavors.

I would like to note that you should not use the same collection for a long time. The human body has such a feature as addiction. Herbs in this sense are no exception. Over time, the usual collection may not have the desired effect. Therefore, it is better to alternate tinctures.

Lime tea

The largest amount of nutrients is found in lime flowers. Essential oils and flavonoids are the main medicinal components. Linden blossom destroys bacteria in the human body, reduces fever, and removes phlegm.

For colds and flu, tinctures are used. For cramps, rheumatism, kidney disease, gallbladder, stomach and intestines, colds and fever, take two to three glasses a day. The drink is prepared as follows: several tablespoons of linden flowers are poured with a glass of hot water.

Linden tea (useful properties and contraindications are given in the article) has a sedative effect on the nervous system, significantly reduces blood viscosity. The flower drink has completely unique properties. It contains a large amount of vitamins and other medicinal components. In addition, this tea is very pleasant to the taste and has a strong aroma.

Linden drink is used for hypertension, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.

As for the contraindications to the use of linden blossom, there are not so many of them. Still, it should be remembered that the broth has medicinal properties. Linden increases the body's defenses and has a diaphoretic effect. Therefore, tea puts a strain on the heart. People with heart disease should not indulge in this drink every day.

Herbal tea is brewed in the same way as green or black, but there are some nuances. As a rule, a tablespoon of the collection is put on two hundred grams of water. Brew a drink in a teapot, wrapping it in a towel. You can also use a thermos. In it, the tea will turn out to be stronger and richer.

The brewing process itself lasts:

  1. Three minutes if we brew leaves and flowers.
  2. Five minutes for seeds and leaves.
  3. The buds and roots are brewed for ten minutes.

Strain the finished drink.

Healing recipes

Herbal cough tea: a teaspoon of mint is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for ten minutes. Take up to five times a day.

Fortifying drink: black currant leaves (1 part), raspberries (1 part), oregano herb (1 part), berry leaves (3 parts).

Soothing (1 part), mint leaves (1 part), hawthorn (1 part fruits and leaves), lemon balm (1 part).

Raspberry leaves (1 part), strawberries (1 part), nettle and blackberry (one part each), apple peel (1/2 part).

Fortifying infusions, multivitamins and soothing ones can be drunk as regular tea after meals three times a day, or in smaller quantities. For example, soothing before bed, and vitamin in the morning.

Drink for neuralgia and back pain: thyme (1 part), black elderberry fruit (1 part), linden blossom (2 parts). Tea is drunk in a long course up to four times a day (3 glasses).

Tea for gastritis and stomach ulcers: badan (1 part), mint (2 parts), chamomile (1 part), sage (2 parts), St. John's wort (2 parts), thyme (1 part). You should drink up to three glasses per day.

Are there any contraindications to the use of herbal teas?

People prone to allergic reactions should be aware that the drink can trigger an allergic attack. Therefore, when using the new collection for the first time, drink quite a bit of it and make sure there are no side effects.

Most often, with an allergy to herbal preparations, dry and irritated skin, a small rash appear. Edema may appear much less frequently. In general, people with bronchial asthma should treat herbal teas with great care.

At the first manifestations of allergies, you should stop using the herbal drink and take Suprastin or Tavegil.

Medicinal teas should only be consumed after consulting a doctor or as directed by a herbalist. The fact is that any herb, in addition to a beneficial effect, can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate your health.

If you still choose your own collection, then before using it, carefully study the indications and contraindications for the use of each individual component.

Many people love aromatic and delicious herbal teas. Some of you, friends, have already shared your recipes: here, for example, with currants, mint and chamomile, and here - including tea with woodlice, which helps to get rid of joint pain. Just the right time has come for harvesting many useful herbs, and I propose to return to this topic again in order to recall more recipes for fragrant vitamin drinks.

In winter, they will remind us of summer days, lift our spirits and vitality. But for this it is worth now stocking up on the necessary ingredients.

Vitamin tea with rosehip

Rosehip fruits are part of numerous herbal preparations. There is hardly anyone who has not heard about their benefits, so there is no point in repeating yourself - go straight to the recipes.

For prevention of vitamin deficiency prepare the following tea: 1 tablespoon of chopped dry rose hips per 1 glass of boiling water; brew in a thermos or heat for 15 minutes in a water bath (note: the drink turns out to be quite concentrated; this is the recommended daily dose for an adult).

You can add dried rose hips to other herbal ingredients, brew and drink them like regular tea:

  • rose hips and berries (or, or lingonberry, or) in a 1: 1 ratio
  • rose hips - 3 parts, leaves nettles - 3 parts, berries lingonberry - 1 part
  • rose hips - 3 parts, dried - 3 parts, leaves nettles - 3 parts, berries black currant - 1 part
  • rose hips, leaves raspberries, leaves black currant - 1 part each, leaves lingonberry - 2 parts.
Sugar can be added to such teas or; they are not only healthy, but also delicious. And I also make a mixture of rose hips and dried apples; I use it as an additive to tea - I just put 1-2 teaspoons in a teapot.

Spicy teas

Many spicy herbs we are used to are also used for making tea, which will be especially useful in cold weather (and after all, autumn is just around the corner ...)
  • Mint tea with St. John's wort
Mix 100 g of peppermint leaves with 50 g of St. John's wort; pour 1 teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for 15 minutes. Strain, add 1 teaspoon of honey. This tea has a mild sedative effect.
  • Mint tea with cardamom
2 teaspoons dry peppermint leaves, 1 cup boiling water, 0.5 teaspoons ground cardamom; Pour mint with boiling water, leave under the lid for 10 minutes. Strain, add cardamom. This tea helps to get rid of hiccups.
  • Coriander tea
1 tbsp coriander seeds, 1 cup boiling water pour boiling water over coriander seeds, leave for 15 minutes, drain. You can add honey to taste. This drink is considered to be especially beneficial for those with allergies.

Spicy teas for coughing

If you happen to catch a cold, hot spicy drinks that can be drunk 2-3 times a day will help relieve your cough:
  • 2 teaspoons of herbs hyssop medicinal0.5 liters of cold water; pour water over the herb, bring to a boil, leave for 5 minutes, strain
  • 1.5 teaspoons of herbs, 1 glass of cold water; pour water over the herb, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes. Strain, add honey to taste.

Herbal teas for colds

Unfortunately, this condition is familiar to all of us: chills, aches throughout the body, fever ... With such ailments, it is useful to drink plenty of fluids, and it is good if these are pleasant and healthy herbal teas. You can use, for example, such fees (they are brewed and drunk hot 3-4 times a day):

  • flowers linden trees and berries raspberries in a 1: 1 ratio; for making tea, take 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of boiling water
  • berries raspberries and leaves in 2 parts, grass - 1 part; for tea, you need 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water
  • flowers linden trees and leaves mother-and-stepmothers in a 1: 1 ratio; Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain
  • leaves peppermint, flowers elderberry black and flowers linden trees in equal parts; Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain (this is a daily dose of tea; they drink it in 2 doses, hot).

Delicious herbal and berry teas

Fresh or dry leaves, flowers, berries can be added to regular tea leaves or used instead. Tasty, healthy, uplifting.

  • fresh or dry leaves are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10 and insisted for 10 minutes; you can add leaves and inflorescences to regular tea - they will give it a pleasant aroma and taste
  • if yours grows, dry not only its berries, but also the pieces of liana left over from pruning (midsummer, by the way, is the right time for this), or the bark and add them to tea - the tonic effect and the pine-citrus aroma are guaranteed ( attention! hypertensive patients should not use lemongrass fruits - they increase blood pressure and stimulate cardiac activity)
  • grass catnip can be brewed dry or fresh, added to regular tea for flavor and aroma; catnip drink has a slight sedative effect, helps with flatulence and intestinal spasms, insomnia
  • fruits are very rich in vitamins chokeberry -; they can be brewed in a thermos (dry berries are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:10) and drunk 3-4 times a day for half a glass of a pleasant-tasting drink ( attention! you should not use chokeberry - in any form - suffering from thrombophlebitis and having low blood pressure)
  • 1 teaspoon dried roots dandelion and 1 teaspoon of roots is ground in a coffee grinder, filled with 2 cups of boiling water and infused under the lid for 5 minutes; in addition to its pleasant taste, this tea has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system
  • dry flowers and fruits hawthorn (or only fruits, dried and crushed) are brewed at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water in a teapot or thermos; this tea is useful for heart patients, hypertensive patients, as well as those who suffer from migraines and insomnia
  • odor, about which I just, is brewed for 10-15 minutes in a teapot at the rate of 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs per 1 glass of boiling water or added to regular tea
  • flowers can be added to tea meadowsweet, or ; it gives the drink a pleasant honey aroma and mild taste (by the way, tavolga tea is good to drink for colds: this plant is a herbal analogue of aspirin, and it has been used for a long time as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent)
  • , or fireweed, since ancient times it has been used instead of the tea we are used to; you can brew dry or fresh flowers, or you can cook the famous koporye tea - however, this is a rather long and difficult process that requires compliance with a certain technology, the intricacies of which you can read in publications and.
In general, this list can be continued for a very long time, because many garden, horticultural, forest, meadow, field plants are used to make tea drinks. Surely you have your own "branded" recipes - share them!

Well, I also want to remind you, and - after all, most of the herbs, fruits, berries, which were discussed, have useful properties. But it will be possible to fully use these gifts of nature only if everything is done on time and according to the rules.

In those days, when it was not easy to get real Chinese tea, herbal teas gained popularity in Russia, which, being collected with the soul, with their own hands, not only gave amazing combinations of taste, but also contributed to the healing of various ailments. Fragrant and vitamin charges included young leaves and berries of garden and wild shrubs, a variety of forest grasses. Toning and soothing, warming and vitamin - in recent years, herbal teas have returned to the focus of attention due to the growing trust in the healing power of natural products and herbs.

Most popular components

Herbal teas are not subject to any standard - there are countless numbers of them. But if you analyze their composition, it will reveal a list of the most popular plants, the benefits of which are universal. In herbal tea, you can most often find strawberries, raspberries, currants, rose hips, hawthorn and juniper (young leaves, flowers and fruits), stalks of St. John's wort, sage, thyme and oregano, nettle leaf, mint and lemon balm, senna herb, chamomile and hibiscus flowers , pieces of dried fruit and citrus peels. The best properties of tea are achieved by mixing several plants, and in this sense, herbal tea is an art that gives a real scope for experimentation.

However, herbal teas cannot be thoughtlessly compiled, because the benefits of one component can be neutralized by the spectrum of action of another, and with such a cocktail, herbal tea can be harmful to health. In a properly selected composition of tea, all plants should enhance the beneficial properties of each other or not interfere with their manifestation.

Types of herbal teas

If you carefully study the assortment, healthy herbal teas can be divided into several main groups depending on their effect on the body. Because of this, you should not use herbal tea just for the sake of your favorite taste: it can "play a joke", depriving you of sleep at night or having a calming effect when the body needs to cheer up.

Vitamin fees

Such herbal tea will certainly contain berries and fruits of plants, which accumulate a rich vitamin composition that can support in cold seasons and with a decrease in immunity: rosehip, hawthorn, raspberry, currant, red ashberry, elderberry, apple. Such collections can be steamed in a thermos so that the dense structure of the dried fruits has time to give away useful components. It is not difficult to fortify tea with your own hands, enriching the traditional one with available types of dried berries and fruits.

Soothing fees

After the stress of the day, tea made from herbs that demonstrate their soothing properties will be useful: mint, hops, lavender and motherwort. Fennel seeds, linden flowers and chamomile are often included in the collection. The sedative effect of these components is due to a mild antispasmodic effect and a relaxing effect on the nervous system. A cup of this drink will help get rid of insomnia, relieve headache and neurotic heart pain, eliminate tachycardia and even out the pulse. As practice shows, soothing herbal teas are not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical sedatives, without having pronounced side effects.

Toning fees

It is not at all necessary to drink coffee, wearing out the heart muscle, in order to bring your body into full alert in the morning. You can just brew the "correct" herbal mixture, including lemongrass, strawberry leaves, angelica, St. John's wort, rose hips or rosemary. To invigorate, sometimes it is enough just to add a clove bud to your favorite fruit tea, used as a spice. The benefits of the active substances of these plants are to accelerate blood circulation and some body functions, stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems and release energy.

Slimming teas

Herbal tea intended for weight loss is the first thing that those who want to lose weight turn to due to the relative cheapness of the product and ease of use.

Of course, not everyone realizes that if you continue to abuse calories, then herbal tea will maximally relieve swelling and stool disorders due to its diuretic and laxative effect.

The main component of this tea is often the herb of Senna or Alexandrian leaf. The benefits of senna are due to the anthraglycosides in its composition, which give it a delicate laxative effect. Senna herb does not have a pronounced effect on fat burning, but it helps to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and improves the motor functions of the intestines. Senna-based teas are not recommended to be abused in order to avoid the body's addiction to external stimulants of peristalsis.

The plant itself in the form of tea cannot boast of a special taste, but the senna leaf goes well with the beloved mint, providing both a cleansing and soothing effect, which is important for diets. Senna tea can be harmful during bowel disorders by exacerbating diarrhea and, if overdose, causes stomach cramps. Besides senna, herbal slimming teas can include diuretic plants such as sage, nettle, lemon balm, rose hips, lingonberries, and strawberries.

If exotic herbs like senna can only be bought, then the plants of the domestic range, if possible, are better prepared on their own. Experimenting with the proportions and flavors of DIY herbal teas is fun. The main thing is not to be frivolous about the properties of herbs and combine them correctly, so as not to harm yourself and your loved ones. When collecting plants, you should adhere to the basic rules:

  • you should not indiscriminately cut off branches or pull out whole plants: only young, blossoming leaves can be cut off from a bush, two or three from each shoot, and inflorescences must be left on flowering plants so as not to interrupt the natural process of their reproduction;
  • flowers intended for tea should be in full bloom, and berries and fruits should be ripe;
  • for most plants, the best time to harvest is the beginning of flowering;
  • grasses do not collect during rain or during periods of heavy dew.

It is best to harvest tea plants in environmentally friendly areas. The mountains are especially rich in medicinal herbs. That is why Crimean, Altai teas and teas from the Caucasus are considered the most valuable.

For tea, only properly dried plants are suitable, without a hint of mold and the presence of moisture - spoiled grass can harm the stomach and even cause poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to dry them in a well-ventilated area, spreading them in a thin layer on a horizontal surface covered with paper, or hanging them in small bunches in the shade.

The collection is stored for no more than 2 years in tight paper bags, cardboard boxes, wooden, ceramic or glass vessels with a sealed lid. Roots such as valerian, the soothing component of tea, do not lose their properties for 3 years. It is believed that crushed grass loses more nutrients during storage, therefore, if the collection is not mixed immediately, it is better to leave the harvested parts of the plants intact.

Correct brewing of herbs

Many, not knowing how to brew herbs, prepare herbal tea as a regular traditional one. However, herbal teas have their own brewing rules. 1 tbsp is used for a glass of water. l. raw materials, and the boiling water itself must certainly be fresh, since repeated boiling deprives the water of oxygen and actually makes it dead.

The brewing time depends on the collection components. Tea made from flowers and delicate young leaves can be aged for only 3 minutes, during which they will release the main nutrients to the infusion. If the collection contains coarser leaves and twigs, the brewing time is extended to 5 minutes. And when tea contains seeds, bark, roots and pieces of fruit, it must be kept for at least 10 minutes, optimally in a water bath.

The longer the tea is infused, the more concentrated it will come out, but it is better not to overdo it, because some plants, such as chamomile, lose their beneficial properties in an hour or two.

Herbal teas are a real green first aid kit. This is a complex spa procedure - hydration of the body, saturation of it with useful substances of tea and aromatherapy. Often people, having found the ideal recipe, to which the body reacts with a grateful response, keep it and pass it on to loved ones like a relic. The main thing is not to treat such tea recklessly, conducting experiments on yourself or abusing another "panacea" to the detriment of health. It is worth listening to the inaudible conversations of the body and nature in order to extract from its riches only the quintessence of benefits.

How to properly treat hypertension at home

Have you ever tried to get rid of hypertension at home on your own? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, the victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • Once again, feel unwell;
  • Wake up in the morning with the thought of how to reduce the pressing pain in the back of the head, which grows and gradually captures other parts of the head;
  • Suffer every time from sleep disturbance, irritability or dizziness;
  • Over and over again to hope for success, to expect results with impatience and to be upset by the new ineffective drug.

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