UHT milk: description, benefits and harms, shelf life. We all know from childhood that dairy products are a source of calcium, which is so necessary for the growth and development of a child's body.

27.09.2019 Dishes for children

When buying milk in a store, we naturally expect to receive a high-quality, safe and healthy product. To make the right choice, you need to understand the peculiarities of the various heat treatment methods that milk goes through in dairies.

As a rule, the question of why heat treatment is needed in principle does not arise for a literate person. We all understand that raw milk is an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria and microorganisms. That is why our mothers and grandmothers always boiled it before using it. But boiling not only kills bacteria, but also many useful substances. Therefore, today other - more modern methods are used.

Milk heat treatment methods: understanding the differences

The most progressive and gentle is ultra-pasteurization. It is also called super-pasteurization, ultra-high-temperature treatment (UHT), and in the English version - ultra-high temperature processing... Let's try to figure out what are the advantages of this technology, and how UHT milk differs from its "counterparts".

Some facts and statistics

The US Institute of Food Technology has recognized ultra-pasteurization as "the most important achievement in the food industry of the 20th century." In the EU countries, according to opinion polls, seven out of ten people choose UHT milk. This is also evidenced by economic data. For example, in Belgium the market share of such milk is 96.7%, in Spain - 95.7%, in France - 95.5%.

In the countries of the former Soviet Union, UHT milk is not a new product, but not so popular either. This is primarily due to widespread prejudices about long-term storage milk and ignorance of the main advantages of this "advanced" technology. Most tend to give preference to familiar and understandable pasteurized milk.


Undoubtedly, in the history of milk heat treatment, pasteurization once became a real breakthrough. It was invented by French microbiologist Louis Pasteur in the mid-19th century, and the technology hasn't changed much since then.

The milk is heated to 75-85 ° C and kept at this temperature from 10-40 seconds to several minutes. This kills dangerous disease-causing bacteria. Escherichia coli also perishes, but its spores, however, like the spores of other bacteria, remain unharmed. The fact is that spores have a more durable shell and are resistant to high temperatures (even a temperature of 90 ° C is not terrible for them). The shelf life of such milk is several days, after which the disputes begin to develop actively, and it becomes unsafe to drink such milk. Store pasteurized milk only in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to boil it before use. Unfortunately, as mentioned above, home boiling destroys the nutrients contained in milk: vitamins, milk proteins, including casein, a unique protein that is not found in other foods, and albumin, which plays an important role in the functioning of the circulatory system. So the benefits of boiled milk are highly questionable.

Ultra pasteurization

Ultra-pasteurization solves this problem. This technology allows you to clear milk from all unwanted and dangerous bacteria and their spores, while preserving trace elements and vitamins, which make milk a valuable healthy product.

The secret is as follows: for a very short period of time (4 seconds), the milk is exposed to an ultra-high temperature of 135-140 ° C, and then very quickly cools down to 4-5 ° C. Such a high temperature turned out to be fatal for bacteria and spores, but nutrients in such a short time do not have time to change their structure and collapse.

Research by international health institutions and organizations in the United States, the European Union and New Zealand has come to one conclusion: UHT milk retains all the nutritional benefits of drinking milk without the risk of contracting diseases that can be caused by microorganisms present in raw milk.

A little more about the intricacies of UHT: raw materials and packaging

It is important that not any milk can be used as raw materials for ultra-pasteurization, but only extra or premium grade. The fact is that under the influence of ultra-high temperatures, insufficient quality raw materials will curl up in the pipes of the sterilizer and spoil expensive equipment. Naturally, this is not included in the plans of any enterprise. Therefore, milk is purchased only from certified suppliers and is subject to mandatory testing in the laboratory for compliance with all norms and standards.

To exclude the possibility of bacteria getting into milk already in production, it is immediately poured into Tetra Pak aseptic cardboard bags. Such a package is a complex system of 6 layers, ensuring tightness and maximum protection from light and oxygen. In addition, one of the layers - foil - creates a "refrigerator effect", preventing the milk from heating up.

Ultra-pasteurized milk (purified from microorganisms, spores and fermenting enzymes) in such a package can be safely stored at room temperature (20-25 ° C) for several months. This means that you can take the package with you to work, give your children to school, for a walk or excursion. But it should be remembered that if you opened the pack and did not drink everything at once, you need to store the product in the refrigerator.

Previously, on packages of store milk, you could see 2 inscriptions: sterilized and pasteurized. And now very often you come across packages with the inscription - "UHT milk".

Milk is a unique drink with an exceptional composition of nutrients - proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates. Therefore, it is very important to understand how it is "done". :-)

Ultra pasteurization

Ultra pasteurization(from latin ultra- over, over, + pasteurization) is a heat treatment process in order to extend the shelf life of a food product.

This type of processing allows the production of high-quality drinking milk that does not need to be boiled. And boiled milk loses many of its healing properties. During boiling, proteins are decomposed and the heat-sensitive vitamin C is destroyed. Calcium and phosphorus pass into insoluble compounds that are not absorbed by the human body.

Raw milk and fruit juices are usually ultra-pasteurized. The liquid is heated for 2-3 seconds to a temperature of 135-150 ° C and immediately cooled to 4-5 ° C. In this case, pathogens and microorganisms are completely destroyed. After such processing, milk is stored for 6 weeks or longer at room temperature.

This is how it is removed from milk microflora and bacterial spores that lead to sour milk, and natural beneficial properties are preserved with minimal losses.

After processing, milk is packaged under sterile conditions in a sealed multilayer bag. Quality raw materials, plus instant processing and reliable packaging - this milk does not require boiling.

The ultra-pasteurization process takes place in a closed system, there are special installations. The duration is about two seconds.

Two methods of ultra-pasteurization are used:

  • contact of a liquid with a heated surface at a temperature of 125-140 ° C;
  • direct mixing of sterile steam at temperatures from 135-140 ° C.

In the English-language literature this method of pasteurization is called UHT - Ultra-high temperature processing, in the Russian-language literature the term "aseptic pasteurization" is used.

There are also other methods of pasteurization, for example, in relation to milk - ULT (Ultra Long Time).

Ultra-pasteurization allows you to obtain milk, utterly.

UHT milk stays fresh only in hermetically sealed, aseptic packaging. After the package has been opened, milk should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days, otherwise it will deteriorate like any other.

But. Such milk will simply go rancid after a while. This was noticed by many. It turns out that this is not a sign that everything is bad. It should be so!

There is an opinion that it is impossible to get homemade yogurt or cottage cheese from UHT milk. You can get it! UHT milk does not have its own microflora, including lactic acid bacteria, so it needs help in the form of a sourdough culture. For example, for yoghurts, a bacterial starter culture is used that contains Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus.

Unlike the usual and familiar to us pasteurization, after which some heat-resistant bacteria and their spores still remain in the milk, ultra-pasteurization (UHT) occurs at a higher temperature - 135-137 ° C, which allows destroy bacteria completely, but all the beneficial substances in milk are retained, since the processing lasts only 2-4 seconds! This is especially important, because under these conditions milk sugar (lactose) is not destroyed, and also mineral salts (calcium, for example), vitamins and valuable enzymes retain their properties.

Ultra-pasteurization (UHT technology) is now the most advanced and popular milk processing technique in the world. The US Food Technology Institute in 1989 called this system "the greatest food technology achievement of the 20th century." In France, Germany, Belgium, Spain and some other countries, this milk accounts for up to 90% of the total consumed product.

UHT milk (ultra-pasteurized) is a high-quality product that, thanks to science and unique heat treatment technology, is not inferior in quality to fresh milk, retaining all the nutrients a person needs for a long time.

Why does milk taste bitter when it spoils?

From the comments of Lyudmila, the former head of the laboratory of the dairy plant (see below in the comments under the article):

Ultra-pasteurized milk is the greatest achievement of science in the dairy industry, use only this milk, all the useful constituents of milk are really preserved there: vitamins, enzymes, very, very useful, especially for children, proteins: albumin, globulin. And, most importantly, UHT milk does not contain microbes that enter the milk during milking from the udder and tail of the cow. In pasteurized milk, even according to GOST, the bacteria content of 150,000 in one milliliter is allowed, so it quickly turns sour even in the refrigerator.

If the milk that has been in the refrigerator for a long time tastes bitter, it means that propionic acid bacteria have grown in it, which decompose the milk protein, and if the taste is rancid, it means that butyric acid bacteria have developed that decompose fats in the milk. You probably know that oil that is stored for a long time, even in the freezer, also tastes rancid. Vegetable oils that stand for a long time even in the dark also turn rancid, but here the process is no longer due to microbes, it is purely biochemical decomposition of complex fatty acids into simpler ones, especially quickly in the sun.

Ultra-pasteurized milk is a real lifesaver for summer residents, you can take several packages at once, put them in the buffet and only one started pack - in the refrigerator.

Try not to heat milk in the microwave, as vitamins and enzymes will be destroyed there.


Pasteurization- process disposable heating liquid products or substances to 60 ° C for 60 minutes or at a temperature of 70-80 ° C for 30 minutes. This technology was discovered in the middle of the 19th century by the French microbiologist Louis Pasteur - hence the name. It is used for disinfecting food products, as well as for extending their shelf life.

When pasteurized in the product vegetative forms die microorganisms, however disputes remain in a viable state and when favorable conditions arise, they begin to develop intensively. Therefore, pasteurized products (milk, beer, etc.) are stored at low temperatures for only a short time.

It is believed that the nutritional value of products during pasteurization practically does not change, since the taste and valuable components (vitamins, enzymes) are preserved.

Depending on the type and properties of food raw materials, different pasteurization modes are used. Distinguish long(at a temperature of 63-65 ° C for 30-40 minutes), short(at a temperature of 85-90 ° C for 0.5-1 minutes) and instant pasteurization (at a temperature of 98 ° C for a few seconds).

Such milk, although it retains most of the beneficial components, is not completely free of microbes, therefore it quickly sours. Pasteurization does not completely protect against microbes and harmful bacteria - getting rid of some, it only makes others (spores) less active. They are waiting in the wings.

Therefore, pasteurized milk does not cost long - even in a sealed form and in the cold, it can be stored for only a few days. At room temperature, its life is reduced to several hours.


Sterilization- complete elimination of all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and their spores, fungi, virions, as well as prion protein. It is carried out by thermal, chemical, radiation, filtration methods. Here we are talking about sterilization in general - devices and instruments, etc.

During sterilization, milk is kept at a temperature above 100 ° C for 20-30 minutes. Such milk is completely sterile and has a long shelf life, but it loses a significant part of the beneficial components. Ultra pasteurization is much more beneficial.

Live products

Fortunately, in Moscow and other cities today you can buy normal food - in the stores of farm products. Moreover, in 2016, such products began to be sold even in online hypermarkets. So you can order books, toys, clothes, stationery, everything for a garden, and at the same time also a basket of farm products... Such products are, of course, only for Muscovites, unfortunately you cannot order such delicacies by mail.

There are also dairy products, example:

In addition to farm products, there are nuts and dried fruits, interesting varieties of tea (including even Ivan tea), spices, etc.

Surely each of you, looking at the shelves with dairy products in stores, asked questions:

- What is it that is put in milk that it can stand at room temperature for 6 months and does not spoil?
- What do the inscriptions “restored”, “normalized”, “pasteurized”, “ultra-pasteurized” mean?
- What are the benefits / harms of such milk?

We'll find out today. First of all, let's dwell on the fact that milk can be whole and restored.

Whole milk obtained directly from the cow.

Reconstituted milk is obtained from milk powder, adding water to it in the required proportions, thus reducing it to the usual type of milk. In terms of taste, such milk is somewhat inferior to whole milk: powder, after all. However, the method of milk production by reduction is widely used in those places where the delivery of whole milk is difficult and dairy production is not developed.

Now let's take a short excursion to dairy production, where the processing of raw materials is divided into stages. Simplified, the following stages of whole milk production can be distinguished:

  • purification from impurities;
  • normalization;
  • homogenization;
  • pasteurization, sterilization or ultra-pasteurization;
  • package.


With the purification of impurities, everything is clear. Let's take a look at normalization. On store shelves, you can find milk with different fat content: 0.5%, 1.5%, 2.5%, 3.5%, 4.5%, 6%, etc. So the process of bringing milk to a certain percentage of fat content is called normalization, and the resulting milk - normalized... In practice, it is more often necessary to reduce the fat content of milk than to increase it. To do this, in special normalizing installations, the required amount of skim milk (to reduce the fat content) or cream (to increase the fat content) is added to a certain amount of whole milk. Often, to improve the manufacturability of the production process, the normalization stage is combined with the purification stage. So, standardized milk is nothing more than milk reduced to a certain fat content.


Homosenization necessary for milk with a fat content of 3.5% - 6%, to prevent milk splitting into fat on top and milk on the bottom. During homogenization, milk is mixed in a special way: pumped at a temperature of about 60 ° C and a pressure of 12.5 - 15 MPa, thus obtaining a fine, homogeneous mass.

Pasteurized, UHT and Sterilized

Pasteurization- the process of one-time heating of milk to 60 ° C for 60 minutes or at a temperature of 70 - 80 ° C for 30 minutes. Depending on the organization of the technological process, each enterprise has its own scheme and mode of pasteurization. Sometimes milk can stand for several seconds - minutes. The shelf life of pasteurized milk in conventional packaging is 36 hours from the date of production at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C ..

Ultra pasteurization- the process of heat treatment of milk in order to destroy pathogenic microorganisms and extend its shelf life. During ultra-pasteurization, milk is heated to a temperature of 135 - 150 ° C and immediately cooled to 4 - 5 ° C. The shelf life of such milk in conventional packaging is 6 weeks.

Sterilization- complete release of milk from all types of microorganisms on surfaces, equipment, in the food product itself. Such milk can withstand long storage times and transportation even without refrigeration. Milk is sterilized at a temperature of 115 - 145 ° C, in one or two doses, a few seconds per dose. Sterilized milk contains 36 - 45% of finely dispersed casein. The destruction of vitamins occurs: A (up to 35%), B (up to 25%), B2 (up to 5%), B6 ​​(up to 25%). Vitamin C is destroyed up to 60%. The shelf life of sterilized milk in conventional packaging is up to 2 months from the date of production at a temperature of 1 to 20 ° C.

Packaging and implementation

Modern packaging allows you to further increase the shelf life of milk. For example, Tetra Pak aseptic UHT milk can be stored for 6 months at temperatures between 1 and 25 ° C.

The finished milk undergoes strict microbiological control at the enterprise, after which it is sent to store shelves.

As you can see, no harmful substances are added to milk during its production, and the inscriptions on the boxes indicate by what method the product was brought to the required fat content and by what method pathogenic and dangerous microflora was destroyed in it. Another thing is that the amount of vitamins during production processing and long-term storage is reduced, but this is a completely different story.

Tasty normalized and pasteurized milk, friends =)

You need to learn how to eat healthy. We will do this with the help of the Head of the Nutrition Department of the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food, Doctor of Medical Sciences Eleanor Kapitonova.

What is the difference between pasteurized milk and sterilized milk?

Both pasteurization and sterilization aim to free milk from bacteria and pathogens. For this, milk is subjected to heat treatment, and depending on the temperature level and the duration of its exposure, the milk will be pasteurized or sterilized.

At pasteurization heat treatment is used at a temperature of 65 degrees for 30 minutes, or at 75 degrees for 15-40 seconds, or at 85 degrees for 8-10 seconds. In this case, almost all pathogens die, but remain heat-resistant lactic acid, therefore, pasteurized milk cannot be stored for a long time ( maximum 2 weeks) and may sour, it can be used to prepare lactic acid products. It also stores most of the substances beneficial to the body.

Recently, they are increasingly used ultra pasteurization- when milk is first exposed to a short-term high temperature - 135 degrees for 3-4 seconds, and then slowly cooled to 4-5 degrees and poured into sterile packaging. Such milk practically does not lose its beneficial qualities, it can stored for up to 2 months(of course, in the package).

Sterilize milk at a temperature of 120-130 to 130-150 degrees for 30 minutes. With this effect, all microorganisms die, including lactic acid, therefore such milk stored for up to 1 year and does not turn sour, but becomes bitter. Neither curdled milk nor cottage cheese will be obtained from such milk. It is clear that the biological value of sterilized milk for the body is also the lowest.

Svetlana Borisenko, August 10, 2012.
Source: newspaper "Zvyazda", translated: http://zvyazda.minsk.by/ru/archive/article.php?id=101273&idate=2012-08-10

Processes in milk during boiling

- Is it true that boiled milk contains less fat and more vitamins and calcium?

Milk is an amazing product. We are so accustomed to using it from early childhood that we can no longer imagine life without it, although Mother Nature invented mother's milk for everyone. This means that cow's milk is for calves, and for a little man - human milk, and then only in a limited age period.

What to drink raw milk dangerous, now every child knows, and even more so adults. This is due to the risk of infection in animal milk. Therefore, milk is boiled at home, and in dairy factories it is rendered harmless in other ways.

What happens to milk during boiling? Firstly, every housewife knows that the milk needs to be constantly stirred, because plaque (sediment) forms on the bottom and walls of the pan during cooking - these are boiled off whey proteins(albumin, etc.). Secondly, milk does not like boiling, it constantly strives to escape from the stove - a foam rises above it with a "cap", which, after boiling, will cover the entire surface. Milk foam consists of milk fat, minerals(including calcium and phosphorus, which transform into insoluble compounds) and a certain amount of boiled off milk protein casein... In addition, during boiling, practically vitamin C is completely "killed" present in milk. So boiled milk is certainly better than raw milk in terms of safety, but much worse in terms of benefits. The way out for all milkmen is to use disinfected milk, enriched with useful substances and poured into sterile containers in the conditions of modern dairy factories.

Svetlana Borisenko, November 15, 2012.
Source: newspaper "Zvyazda", translated: http://zvyazda.minsk.by/ru/archive/article.php?id=105485&idate=2012-11-15

Can milk or cream be added to tea?

We hear a lot about the fact that milk or cream in combination with coffee or tea neutralizes the beneficial effect of these drinks, or even cause irreparable harm. However, there is no specific data on this topic in the scientific literature.

Both coffee and tea people have been drinking for a long time and using these drinks to raise efficiency, vigor, and reduce the feeling of fatigue. This is all - an effect on the body caffeine and substances similar to it ( theobromine and theophylline), which are found in coffee beans and tea leaves. By the way, the plants themselves (coffee tree and tea bushes) synthesize these substances not for humans at all, but how to protect plants from insects... Caffeine has a specific effect on the nervous system, so it kills insects, and a person, since it is still somewhat larger than a bug, only leads to an agitated state. True, if you “get caffeinated” beyond measure, then it will not seem enough to a person. The effect of caffeine on the body has been studied for a long time and is described in the scientific literature. The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee or tea can vary significantly- depending on the variety and method of preparation.

Both coffee and tea have been consumed with milk or cream for centuries - at least simply because of the taste... For example, the British, from whom the fashion for tea with milk went, did not even think at all whether such a combination was useful or not. They simply took care of their porcelain cups so that they do not crack from boiling water, so first they poured milk into the cup, and then topped up the tea leaves.

Adding milk is obviously softens the taste, and elementary reduces the concentration of caffeine in a serving. Hindus generally brew tea leaves with hot buffalo milk, add a lot of sugar and are very fond of this drink. This is how I prepare tea myself, I only use regular milk.

If we talk about the chemical effect of caffeine and milk components, then milk has buffer properties, enriches the infusion of coffee or tea with alkalis. It is known that caffeine dissolves worse in an alkaline environment. The same phenomenon is observed with a decrease in temperature, which also occurs when adding cold milk. Therefore, we can assume that in this way we neutralize a certain part of the caffeine... From the point of view of a doctor, I would say that this is very good. A good mood and high performance should be given to a person by an interesting work and love, and not by stimulants. On the other hand, if a person drinks 1-2 cups of any coffee or tea per day, then whatever he uses these drinks, even with pickles, this will not undermine his health in any way. But if a person runs every hour or two with a kettle in his hands, then in total he can harm the body - both with caffeine and milk supplements. Homo sapiens must control the process.

A unique food product. It has a balanced composition, which contains proteins and vitamins, fats and carbohydrates, mineral elements. Its taste is familiar to everyone from childhood. Of the variety of products sold in stores, pasteurized milk is considered the healthiest. What is it like, does it retain its composition after processing, can it be harmful to health? The answers to these questions are in this article.

What pasteurized milk?

This is a heat treated product. It extends the shelf life. In the process of industrial pasteurization, milk is heated to 60 degrees for 1 hour or up to 80 degrees for half an hour. Under the influence of such a temperature, all pathogenic bacteria and microbes that are always present in whole milk are destroyed. During pasteurization, up to 90 or even 99% of microorganisms die (data on this issue vary). With the help of pumps, the milk is cleaned of impurities, then pumped into a separator, where the cream is separated. Then the product is cooled and placed in a special container, packaged and sent to the refrigerator.

The shelf life of the product ultimately increases to a week if stored in a sealed package in the refrigerator. Then the milk turns sour, yogurt is formed. At room temperature, the product can be stored for only a few hours.

What is the difference UHT milk?

Recently, on the shelves of stores you can find not only pasteurized milk, but also ultra-pasteurized milk. It is produced using a similar technology, but heats up to a higher temperature of 135 degrees in just 2-3 seconds. The studies carried out confirm that such a short processing time is sufficient for high-quality cleaning of milk from harmful bacteria. Then it is immediately cooled to +4 degrees.

Ultra-pasteurization extends the shelf life of the product to 6 weeks or more, even when stored at room temperature. After opening the package, it remains fresh for 3-4 days, then turns sour, like all other milk.

Video: What is hidden under the milk markings. Sterilized, pasteurized milk.

Useful properties and composition

Pasteurized milk is inferior in its characteristics to whole milk. Nevertheless, it can be called a useful product. Of all modern methods of milk processing, pasteurization is considered the best, since it allows you to remove all foreign impurities, destroy harmful microbes and fungal spores. Therefore, such a product does not need additional boiling before use.

The calorie content of pasteurized milk is low. In 100 grams of the product, 2.5% fat contains 54 Kcal, and 3.5% fat contains 60 Kcal. Drinking 1 glass, a person gets:

    milk protein;

  • almost 50% of the daily value of calcium;
  • other minerals - copper, iodine, strontium;
  • vitamins D, group B.

The pasteurized product is perfect for people who cannot stand the taste of steam. It does not contain preservatives, is safe for health and is suitable for baby food. The temperature at which pasteurization is carried out allows you to preserve most of the vitamins and minerals.

Protein pasteurized milk is considered especially useful - it is obtained by mixing whole and skimmed dry milk. It contains 1% fat and 4.3-4.5% protein.

There is also non-fat pasteurized milk, in which the fat content is only hundredths of a percent. Such a product is useful for people with an intolerance to animal fats.

Sterilization takes place at a much higher temperature - up to 150 degrees. Thus, the raw materials are processed within half an hour.

There are 3 main differences between the two types of product:

  1. In pasteurized milk, beneficial lactic acid bacteria are preserved, and in sterilized milk there is no useful microflora at all.
  2. Pasteurized milk in a hermetically sealed box is stored for about a week (UHT milk is 2 months or more). Sterilized food does not lose its qualities within a year after production, if the original packaging is not opened all this time.
  3. Sterilized milk has less nutritional value than pasteurized milk.

In practical terms, sterilized milk wins. It lasts much longer. In terms of composition, a pasteurized product is more useful.

Comparison of pasteurization and ultra-pasteurization

After pasteurization, some bacteria still survive, which are particularly heat resistant. Ultra-pasteurization destroys all harmful microorganisms, but useful substances remain: processing is carried out at a higher temperature, but only 2-4 seconds. Under such conditions, milk sugar (lactose) is not destroyed, the original properties of calcium and other mineral salts, vitamins, and enzymes are preserved.

Experts from the US Institute of Food Technology call ultra-pasteurization one of the highest achievements of the 20th century. The results of many studies show that such short-term processing allows you to save much more valuable bacteria and vitamins. Many of these beneficial substances cannot withstand prolonged heating during pasteurization and are destroyed.

How to make milk stay fresh and healthy for longer?

If there is a need to extend the shelf life of pasteurized milk, you can freeze it. In the freezer, the product will retain its useful qualities. It should only be frozen once, and then boiled. It is worth boiling pasteurized milk even if they are going to feed a small child.

You can pasteurize farm milk at home. This will help extend the shelf life, because such a product turns sour very quickly. You will need a large saucepan, sterilized bottles or jars with tight lids, and a funnel. The procedure is as follows:

    Pour milk into a saucepan.


    Cool down.

    Pour into jars.

    Close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

Homemade pasteurized milk can stand in the cold with the lid tightly closed for about a week. All this time it will remain fresh, all beneficial bacteria, vitamins, trace elements will remain in it.

Potential harm

The potential harm to the product is mainly due to the fact that chemicals may be added to extend the shelf life.

As a result of pasteurization, up to 90% of the vegetative forms of bacteria that live in milk die. The problem is that only those microorganisms that are in an active state are destroyed. Their spores remain viable (although they cannot withstand ultra-pasteurization). After entering the human body, when more or less favorable conditions appear, they will begin to multiply rapidly. Therefore, pasteurized milk should be stored correctly - at a cool temperature and no longer than the period indicated on the package. Otherwise, the use of the product can threaten with poisoning and other negative reactions of the body.

It can be concluded that pasteurized milk is not completely neutralized. It is more correct to call it a product with an extended shelf life. If the storage conditions are met, and the milk itself is of high quality, then it carries no more health risks than fresh milk.

Hidden threats to children

Pasteurized milk is optimal for baby food. It contains no harmful preservatives that provoke allergic reactions, including diathesis.

There is also a warning for parents. It is recommended for a child to cook porridge in pasteurized milk only from the age of 6-7 years. After 1 year, the baby can drink it, but not earlier.

It is better to boil pasteurized milk for a child. During the heat treatment in the factory, some microorganisms, covered with a resistant film, are not destroyed. They are safe for adults, but the child's body is more sensitive.

How to choose healthy milk in the store?

There are many varieties of pasteurized milk... Therefore, in the store, first of all, you should look at the date of manufacture and expiration date. If it has expired or ends soon, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Plastic bags are not suitable for long-term storage of the product. They are also not strong enough. Plastic transfers foreign taste and smell to milk. Glass bottles do not have such a drawback, but it is better to choose products in cardboard bags. They are great for long-term storage.

You should also study the composition. If whole milk is indicated there, it is a natural product that has undergone heat treatment. Whole milk can be diluted with reconstituted milk - made from dry powder. It is not necessarily of poor quality, it is just that there are fewer useful substances in such a product.

There is an easy way to check the quality of your milk. You need to drop a drop of it into a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, the milk is whole; if it spreads, it is diluted.

Good pasteurized milk has no sediment, but this can only be checked at home after opening the package.

Antibiotics are often found in imported milk. If it does not sour for a long time, it means that these substances are in the product, as well as acidity stabilizers. It is clearly not worth buying it - it will not bring health benefits.