Sesame oil: benefits and harms, how to take. Unique properties for body skin

23.09.2019 Egg dishes

Sesame oil is considered the most ancient remedy for healing. The product is considered healing, removing poisons and toxins from the body. Ancient healers used it during the reign of the pharaohs. Today, the oil is often used in the east as it achieves results that are not possible with standard medicine. The oil is made from seeds and also has excellent culinary qualities. Sesame oil has a long shelf life, it does not lose its beneficial properties for about 8 years. But sesame seeds are stored for only 1 year. Let's talk about the benefits of sesame oil in more detail.

The chemical composition of sesame oil

All the beneficial properties of this oil come from the chemical composition. The oil contains vitamins A, C, D, E, K and group B.

The fat composition of this product is also impressive: omega-3 (less than 0.2%), omega-6 (45%), omega-9 (41%), saturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearic) (about 14%). But it should be noted that in each package it is different, as it depends on the fatty acids contained in the seeds. And this, in turn, is affected by the weather, storage conditions, soil.

In addition, sesame oil contains lignans that can fight cancer cells.

Calorie content of sesame oil- up to 900 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of sesame oil for the body

  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened,
  • pressure is normalized;
  • the body recovers well after overstrain;
  • cholesterol decreases;
  • blood supply improves;
  • aging of cells slows down;
  • wounds heal, cracks pass;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins, salts;
  • dysfunction of the liver is eliminated;
  • digestion is stimulated;
  • processes of bile formation, its release are stimulated;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves;
  • pain during menstruation decreases.

When using sesame oil, the risk of cancer is reduced. It can also be used if you want to lose those extra pounds.

Sesame oil is useful for women of mature age, as hormonal levels are normalized. Recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It saturates the cells so that the woman will not have stretch marks.

Contraindications and harm

  • individual intolerance,
  • thrombus formation,
  • varicose veins,
  • urolithiasis disease.

Overdose of sesame oil can cause rashes and skin irritation.

How to choose the right sesame oil

The container should be darkened and glass, on the packaging - it is written that it was produced using cold pressing. The color of the oil is dark and the taste is pronounced. Slight sediment is possible.

How to store sesame oil after opening

Sesame oil has a long shelf life, it does not lose its beneficial properties for about 8 years. After opening the bottle, it is advisable to consume it within six months.

You can store it at room temperature in a dark place.

Before using the product in cosmetics, it is recommended to warm it up in a water bath.

Applying sesame oil for hair

Suitable for all hair types. It will be especially appreciated by those who have oily and problematic scalp. It is also recommended to use sesame oil for damaged, "dyed" and chemically tortured hair. This Ayurvedic treatment will give your hair shine and protection from UV rays, sea and chlorinated water. In addition, sesame oil moisturizes dry hair.

Oil use: apply oil to the scalp, massage well. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo your hair.

Systematic use of the product will give your hair health and preserve its beauty for a long time.

Benefits of sesame oil for facial skin

The product is also suitable for all skin types. It will be very useful for those who suffer from dry and flaky skin. Sesame oil has a warming effect. In addition, greasiness is normalized, pores are reduced, inflammations and spots disappear. Be sure to try this miracle remedy - the skin just transforms before our eyes!

Oil use: apply the product on face and décolleté with gentle movements. After half an hour, blot the skin with a tissue to remove excess oil.

Sesame oil can be mixed with essential oils.

How to apply sesame oil for your body

Sesame oil perfectly heals human skin. It helps to heal small wounds, cracks, and soothes burn pain. Recommended for moisturizing skin and sunburn. Suitable for pregnant women (to avoid stretch marks).

In India, children are massaged with sesame oil from birth. As a result, they grow up more actively than their peers, have strong immunity and have no problems with sleep.

Due to its high magnesium content, the oil has a calming effect, it calms the human nervous system and also relaxes the muscles.

Oil use: use means for massage (for example). Movements should be linear (up and down), and massage the joints clockwise.

For teeth and gums

Strengthens the oral cavity, relieves bleeding gums.

Oil use: Rinse your mouth with oil for 2-3 minutes. You do not need to swallow it.

The use of sesame oil in cooking

It is a very valuable food product. Recommended to add to salads. Just a couple of drops can give your food an unusual taste and unique aroma.

Sesame oil is a valuable and affordable product. It has a rejuvenating and healing effect on the entire body.

Sesame seed oil is incredibly healthy. Our ancestors also proved its beneficial effect on the human body. It is equally beneficial for both men and women.

Sesame oil can be used as a food product and as a medicine. It is rich in provitamin A, vitamin E and B vitamins, and is also high in copper, iron, selenium, manganese, zinc and dietary fiber.

In this article we will try to understand what sesame oil is. Benefits and harms, reviews of this unique product will also be considered.

What is sesame oil?

The thermophilic plant sesame has been known since ancient times. In another way, it is called sesame. In the countries of the East, the seeds of this plant are very popular, adding to almost all dishes. According to one of the legends, sesame seeds were included in the elixir of immortality, which still haunts many.

And in fact, sesame seeds have miraculous properties and, in addition to cooking, they are also used for medicinal purposes. The seeds produce a very healthy oil that smells a little like nuts and tastes incredibly tasty.

If raw sesame seeds are taken for pressing, then the result will be a light color with the usual taste and aroma, but if they are fried, then the oil turns out to be dark, with a delicate aroma and rich taste.

This product may have certain contraindications, so the benefits and harms of sesame oil for the body will be discussed further.


The value of sesame oil lies in the fact that its composition includes many beneficial substances that support human beauty and health. Thanks to the content of such fatty acids as omega-6 and omega-9, it strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the reproductive, nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and normalizes blood sugar levels.

In cosmetology, this product has become popular due to the contained vitamins A, C and E, which strengthen hair and nails, and also promote skin regeneration.

What are the benefits of sesame oil?

The benefits of sesame oil for the body are very large. Numerous studies have confirmed its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer, it also helps restore immunity and increases resistance to colds. The oil is beneficial for lung diseases. When coughing, it is used as a rub. To do this, it is warmed up to 38 degrees, the chest is rubbed and the patient is well wrapped. After such a procedure, it is advisable to use bed rest. Sesame oil should be taken orally to relieve coughs. The benefits of it come even when you use one tablespoon of this remedy per day.

One well-known health science recommends rinsing your mouth with sesame seed oil every day, as a result of which the mouth receptors are activated, the gums become stronger, the development of caries is prevented and the mucous membrane is restored. The active ingredients contained in the oil help to remove toxins from the oral cavity. This method is especially effective for ENT infection, especially if you lubricate the nasal mucosa with this product.

Insomnia and headache will no longer pester if you wipe your temples, feet and big toes with warm oil. With frequent dizziness, it is recommended to make lotions from it.

For hypertension or high blood pressure, sesame oil is also very helpful. The benefits of it are great for the thyroid gland, the function of which returns to normal and the metabolism is normalized. In addition, it helps fight anemia, diabetes, exhaustion, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. He is able to cope not only with hypertension, but also with a stomach ulcer. Only in this case, the oil is taken before meals.

Due to the high content of calcium in the oil, the skeletal system is perfectly strengthened. Therefore, it is extremely beneficial for the elderly, children and pregnant women. It also heals wounds well and is very effective for severe burns.

The benefits of oil for the nervous system

Sesame oil contains sesamoline, which helps the body to cope with stress and overexertion. It is a wonderful antidepressant that improves well-being and mood. It is also used prophylactically against diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The systematic use of this product allows you to forget about such ailments as apathy, insomnia, depression, fatigue.

The harm of sesame oil

Not everyone can benefit from sesame oil. This useful product should be taken with caution by those with increased blood clotting. A direct contraindication is varicose veins.

It is not recommended for people taking aspirin and products containing oxalic acid. Sadly, these are tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, parsley, fruits and berries loved by many. If, nevertheless, a person continues to use them, then problems with the genitourinary system may arise. Stones start to form there. In rare cases, individual intolerance to oil occurs.

Benefits for women

The benefits of sesame oil for women are great. Sesame seeds contain two unique phytoestrogens: sesamin and sesamolin, which are herbal counterparts to female sex hormones. This is especially important for women over 50 years old. Hair masks made of oil very quickly restore their structure, restoring their shine.

Sesame oil helps women fight cellulite. To do this, add 1 tbsp to the cream for moisturizing the body. l. oils and the resulting mixture is applied in the morning and evening. The result comes very quickly.

Benefits for men

The benefits of sesame oil for men are also invaluable. Thanks to vitamins A and E, as well as magnesium, phytosterols, squalene and zinc, the functioning of the prostate gland improves, erection increases and sperm production increases.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Taking care of the skin using sesame oil is very simple and effective, thanks to which the skin retains its youthfulness and elasticity. Thanks to the phospholipids, polyunsaturated acids, antibacterial components, vitamin E and lecithin contained in this product, the epidermis begins to smooth out, protein synthesis is accelerated, cell membranes are restored, the appearance of wrinkles is prevented, skin irritations disappear.

Have you decided to start using sesame oil? The benefits and harms in cosmetology depend on compliance with all recommended proportions, method of application, and the frequency of procedures performed.

Sesame oil for hair health

Hair dye, high temperatures from styling appliances, fake shampoos - all this very badly spoils women's hair. If you use sesame oil for your hair, the benefits are amazing. It is able to dissolve acids, stimulate growth, soothe the scalp, inhibit the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and prevent itching.

A few drops of sesame oil are often added to the shampoo while shampooing to give your hair a healthy shine. In such a simple way, a lifeless head of hair turns into a healthy head of hair.

The following recipe will also help restore hair. It is necessary to warm up 3 tbsp. l. honey, add the same amount of butter and 3 egg yolks to it. Warm balm is applied to damaged hair, put on a hat and after 30 minutes wash everything off. This procedure must be done every time before shampooing until complete recovery.

Sesame Oil Recipes

There are many recipes that contain sesame oil. The benefits from it are very great.

  1. To soften and moisturize your skin, take half a cup of sesame seed oil, add ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water to it. Stir and apply the resulting mixture on the face. The vinegar whitens the skin and kills bacteria.
  2. To soften the feet and relieve the heels of dryness and cracks, rub sesame oil into these places with massage movements and leave it to soak in overnight, wearing cotton socks.
  3. To get rid of wrinkles before bed, you should wipe your eyelids and face with oil. You can also mask for 15 minutes by mixing equal proportions of unrefined sesame seed oil and cocoa powder.
  4. To remove toxins, prepare a mixture of sesame oil and turmeric: 2 sec. l. turmeric is diluted with oil to form a thick mass. It should be applied to the body and washed off after 10 minutes. Allergic reactions should be feared, therefore, the sensitivity of the skin is checked in advance.

Can you lose weight with sesame oil?

To reduce weight and normalize metabolism, you can include such a wonderful product in your diet. What is the use of sesame oil in this case? Reviews of women confirm that it helps to lose weight. To do this, you need to take 2.5 tbsp every day. l. oils and lead a normal life without any physical exertion. But it should be remembered that stopping the intake of this product leads to re-gaining weight.

The polyunsaturated fat in the oil increases plasma leptin levels, a hormone that regulates energy balance and suppresses hunger. If you take 1 tbsp every day. l. of this product, then the body is saturated with important elements and vitamins for the whole day. But do not get carried away, since 100 g of oil contains 900 kcal.

How to take sesame oil?

We figured out what sesame oil is (benefits and harms). How to take it with maximum benefit for the body?

Every day you need to take 1 tsp. sesame oil. This will provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrients. It should be remembered that the oil is very high in calories, so overweight people need to use it in small quantities.


Thus, we figured out what sesame oil is. Its benefits are enormous. Due to its unique composition, it is used to treat a large number of diseases. It has found its application in cosmetology. But still, when using oil, it is necessary to monitor how the body reacts to it, as its intolerance may occur.


1. Strong antioxidant.

Sesame oil has strong antioxidant properties. Calcium, present in large quantities, is actively involved in strengthening bones. For this reason, oil is often recommended to be consumed by people of respectful age, pregnant women and children.

2. For the gastrointestinal tract.

In folk medicine, a fragrant product is used as a means to stabilize the acidity of gastric juice. With its help, you can reduce the increased acidity, as well as eliminate the risk of blood clots.

3. For the respiratory tract.

Oil is indispensable for lung diseases, asthma, dry cough or shortness of breath.

4. Prophylactic agent.

Many doctors use it as a prophylactic agent against many diseases, for example: pneumonia, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diseases of the heart muscle, liver, gall bladder, thyroid gland, anemia. As a preventive measure, adults should consume a tablespoon of sesame oil every day. It is important that the product was cold pressed.

5. Source of youth.

The anti-aging properties of sesame should also be noted. It will greatly facilitate the life of women during menopause, when the body dramatically slows down the synthesis of sex hormones. The oil contains phytoestrogens that help the body fight the signs of aging. In addition, phytoestrogens provide reliable protection against cancer. Thus, by using sesame oil, you protect your body from breast cancer in particular, as well as from cancers of other organs.

6. External remedy.

Quite often, oil is used as an external remedy if you need to get rid of wounds, abrasions, bruises or burns.

7. The source of beauty.

In cosmetology, you can find many recipes based on sesame oil to strengthen hair and nails, and fight oily skin.

8. Benefits for the little ones.

Young children are very fond of massage with the use of oil, as after the procedure, the skin becomes soft.

Unfortunately, all the useful properties of the product are unlikely to be appreciated by those wishing to lose weight. Indeed, in order to reduce weight and use sesame oil for cooking, you will need to exclude other fats from the daily menu.


1. Harmful carcinogens.

In order for the product to retain all its properties and not cause harm to health, in no case use sesame oil for frying. Otherwise, hazardous substances that can cause serious diseases are formed in it. It is quite simple to protect yourself from undesirable consequences: add oil to salads as a dressing and do not use it for cooking hot dishes.

2. The risk of developing urolithiasis.

Experts warn that oil can trigger the development of urolithiasis if consumed regularly with aspirin and oxalic acid-rich foods. This plant-based food category includes sorrel, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, parsley and currants. To exclude the likelihood of illness, it is enough to limit the daily consumption of oil to three tablespoons per day.

3. High calorie content.

In addition, unlimited use of the product is fraught with the appearance of extra pounds and unattractive folds on the body. The oil contains a large amount of fat, which can negatively affect both the appearance and human health. If you have sesame oil in your diet, try not to eat it after 6 pm.

Calorie content

The calorie content of one hundred grams of sesame oil is 884 kcal.


  • with varicose veins;
  • with thrombosis;
  • with increased blood clotting.

During pregnancy, sesame oil is advised to be included in the diet to replenish and maintain the required amount of calcium in the body.

As for infants, the product is quite dangerous for them and this is due to the fact that an unformed child's body is not able to break down and utilize fats on its own.


Traditional medicine is rich in a wide variety of recipes for ailments.

To normalize the activity of the nervous system, it is enough to consume a tablespoon of oil per day. The same dose of the product will replenish the necessary supply of calcium in the body, relieve anemia and constipation.

Rubbing with oil will help cure colds and coughs. To do this, you need to heat the product to 38 degrees and rub the chest with it, be sure to dress warmly and go to bed.

If you suffer from symptoms of gastritis or stomach ulcers, take half a tablespoon of sesame oil before meals.

If you apply a warm product to your temples and big toes, sleep will normalize and headaches will go away.

Toothache can be relieved with sesame oil by simply holding the product in your mouth. Repeat the procedure every day three times and recovery will surely come.

Thus, the positive effect of sesame oil on the human body is complex. It consists in a rejuvenating effect, cleansing, protective and anti-cancer. The main thing is to comply with the norm:

Children from three to six years old - ten drops per day;

Children from seven to fourteen years old - a teaspoon per day;

Adults - a tablespoon of oil per day.

The nutritional value

Component Quantity in 100 g % of the daily value
Water 9.0 g 0,45
Protein 19.4 g 0,97
Fats: 100.0 g 5
- saturated 14.2 g 0,71
- monounsaturated 39,7 g 1,99
- polyunsaturated 41,7 g 2,09
Carbohydrates: 17.8 g 0,89
- starch 10.2 g 0,51

Vitamins and minerals



Minerals Quantity % of the daily value
Potassium 497 mg 20
Calcium 1474 mg 147
Magnesium 540 mg 135
Sodium 75 mg 6
Phosphorus 720 mg 90
Iron 16 mg 89

The benefits and harms of sesame oil

The valuable sesame seed oil is very popular in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Providing a complex effect on the body, it helps to restore it, strengthen immunity and improve overall well-being. In the ancient papyrus of Erbes, containing information about medicinal herbs and spices, and in the treatises of Avicenna, there are references to the miraculous properties of this oil, which was even used to treat the Egyptian pharaohs.

Where is used

So popular more than 3 thousand years ago, sesame oil, the benefits and harms of which, first of all, depend on the method of preparation, has not lost its relevance today. Due to its pleasant taste, it is most often used for culinary purposes. Neutral, almost odorless with a delicate nutty aftertaste, butter is a traditional ingredient in Japanese, Thai, Korean, Chinese and Indian cuisines. It is added to sauces and salad dressings, fish, meat and vegetables are marinated with it and seafood is cooked. The combination of sesame oil, soy sauce and honey is especially popular. Dressed with this mixture, any dish acquires a spicy and unique taste.

Sesame seed oil is widely used in home cosmetology. Thanks to its excellent moisturizing and emollient properties, it can easily replace your makeup remover, night cream or massage oil. For those who complain about problems with brittle and brittle hair, experts advise rubbing it into the scalp or making nourishing masks based on it.

Doctors also recognize the benefits of sesame oil, rightly believing that its regular use is an excellent prevention of many diseases. A natural preparation, unique in its properties, can be used both externally and internally. At the same time, for an adult, the daily consumption rate is 1 tablespoon of unrefined cold-pressed oil.


Sesame, or, as it is also called, sesame oil, is considered healing for a reason. Its composition is completely balanced and includes:

Sesame oil: benefits and harms. The main properties of sesame oil

A nutritious product that has healing properties, and besides, a powerful antioxidant is sesame oil, the benefits and harms of which were studied by our ancestors. Most nutritionists recommend this product for two reasons. First, the oil is rich in mono- and polyunsaturated acids, which lower cholesterol levels. Second, it is free from the unhealthy saturated fats.

Nature of origin

The source of sesame oil is the annual herb sesame. The people of ancient civilizations noticed that a drought tolerant plant was an excellent base for the production of oil. A reference to the use of sesame oil is found in one of the Ayurvedic treatises called Charaka Samhita. Therefore, the sesame product is considered the oldest oil obtained in the history of human civilization.

The final product, sesame oil, depends on the country of origin, the type of seeds and the way they are processed. The benefits and harms remain the same regardless of the supplier.

Light sesame oil is obtained from unprocessed seeds and is popular in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Has a mild nutty taste.

Asian sesame oil has a persistent aroma and is dark brown in color due to the production of roasted seeds. It is widely used for the preparation of cold snacks in Southeast Asia and the Far East.


A valuable product with powerful therapeutic and healing properties is sesame oil, the composition of which includes many useful substances that the human body needs to maintain health and beauty.

The high nutritional value of the oil is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in it: omega-6 (43%) and omega-9 (40%). Thanks to the duet of unsaturated acids, the work of the nervous, reproductive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems improves; strengthens the immune system; blood sugar levels are normalized.

The product is widely used in cosmetology due to the presence of vitamins (A, C, E), which promote skin regeneration, strengthen nails and hair.

In addition to the above, sesame oil contains micro and macro elements necessary for health in its composition: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and natural active substances (phytin, sesamol, squalene).

Key properties and health benefits

Sesame oil, the benefits and harms of which are verified by history and scientific research, has countless healing properties. The source of information about the therapeutic properties of the oil remains the ancient medicinal texts in the Ebers papyrus - written evidence of beneficial plants.

To answer the question of what sesame oil is useful for, let's get acquainted with the properties of the product:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Fatty acids slow down inflammation.
  2. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. Antibacterial - kills most strains of bacteria.
  4. Antiatherogenic - reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  5. Antidiabetic - normalizing blood sugar levels.
  6. Antidepressant.
  7. The oil has the potential to inhibit the development of cancer.
  8. Antirheumatic. The oil is used as a base in the treatment of arthritis.
  9. Regenerating - restoration of skin cells.
  10. Sunscreen. The level of natural sun protection factor in the product is lower than in special creams, but the oil can be used for this purpose.
  11. The ability to naturally remove toxins from the body.
  12. Laxative action.
  13. Warming property to create warmth during massage.
  14. The emollient effect of the product makes it possible to use sesame oil for the face with dry skin.

Sesame Oil - Natural Skin Care

The sesame product predominates in many beauty products that can be seen on the shelves of natural cosmetics stores. Due to its unique composition and a large amount of antioxidants that draw out toxins, while moisturizing and regenerating skin cells, sesame oil is widely used in cosmetology. It can prevent the development of acne, pimples, wrinkles and pigmentation. In addition, sesame oil is a natural protector against ultraviolet radiation, so daily application of the product to the face and body dramatically reduces the harmful effects of the sun, slowing down the aging process. Zinc in the oil serves as an element that helps in the production of collagen and keep the skin taut and elastic.

For hair, sesame oil can be used as a balm. Reviews of professionals and people whose hair after using the sesame product has become elastic and shiny are simply stunning.

Healthy hair from sesame oil

Hair, especially in women, is stressed daily by dyes, heat from styling appliances, unnatural shampoos and other chemicals. Having figured out how sesame oil is good for your face, it's time to find out how it affects your hair. Sesame oil dissolves toxins; balances the work of the sebaceous glands; stimulates growth; blocks the effects of ultraviolet radiation; soothes the scalp, preventing further itching.

A sesame processed product will help get rid of lice. It is enough to add a few drops of rosemary and lavender oils to sesame oil, warm up and apply on the scalp for 30 minutes. Then, with a comb, go along the entire length to comb out the lice larvae.

To add shine to the hair and moisturize it, it is enough to add a couple of drops of sesame oil to the shampoo when shampooing and continue the usual hygienic procedure. This is how you can easily turn a lifeless head of hair into a healthy head of hair.

Masks based on sesame oil: recipes

  1. Cocktail "Beauty". In half a cup of sesame oil, add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water. After stirring, apply to face. Sesame oil will soften and moisturize your skin, while vinegar will whiten and kill bacteria.
  2. Hair restoration. Add the same amount of sesame oil and 3 egg yolks to 3 tablespoons of warmed honey. While the repairing balm has not cooled down, apply it to the injured hair. Put on a hat and wash off with shampoo after half an hour. Perform a revitalizing session before each shampooing until the result is obtained.
  3. Sesame oil can help soften the feet and give the heels a baby look. Reviews of people suffering from dry and cracked heels of people confirm the excellent result after using the sesame product. The recipe is simple: rub the product into clean feet with massage movements and leave to soak under cotton socks overnight.
  4. Procedure "Goodbye, wrinkles!" Regularly before going to bed, wipe your face and eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in oil or make a 15-minute mask by mixing in equal parts unrefined sesame product with cocoa powder.
  5. Elimination of toxins. Before taking a bath, apply a pre-made mixture of turmeric and sesame oil to the body (dilute 2 tablespoons of turmeric to form a thick mass with oil). After 10 minutes, wash off everything with warm water. The result is a glowing skin that is free from toxins. Beware of allergic reactions. It is recommended to first test the sensitivity on a small area of ​​the skin.

Losing weight with fats: is it possible?

To reduce weight and normalize metabolism, it is recommended to include sesame oil in the diet. How to take the product for weight loss success? A study published in 2006 in the Yale Journal of Medicine found that participants in the experiment who took 2.5 tbsp daily. tablespoons of sesame oil and led a normal life without physical exertion, lost about 1 kg in weight in 45 days. An interesting fact is that after the end of the admission, the participants began to gain pounds back.

The researchers concluded that the polyunsaturated fat in the food increases plasma levels of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy balance and suppresses hunger. Therefore, the use of 1 tablespoon of sesame oil during the diet will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and elements. Do not get carried away: 100 grams of the product contains about 900 kcal.

Massage with a sesame product

Sesame oil is used to increase muscle tone, relax, moisturize and nourish the body. Sesame product is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

It is recommended to add a few drops of juniper to sesame oil to tone up and fight cellulite. It is better to warm up the product in a water bath before massage. During periods of weakened immunity and colds, oil helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body. After the massage, do not rush to rinse off the sesame product. It is necessary to lie down for half an hour to fully moisturize and obtain a healing effect.

Nutty flavor is a highlight in dishes

Fragrant sesame oil with a sweetish nutty flavor is not very popular in our latitudes. While in Asian countries, it is in great demand for giving originality to dishes.

An easy way to experience the rich flavor of sesame oil is to cook vegetables with it. It is necessary to fry several slices of ginger in 2-3 small tablespoons of dark sesame oil, then add vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, green beans), salt, pour in a little water and simmer under a closed lid until tender.


A storehouse of vitamins, a shield against diseases, sesame oil still has contraindications for use. The risk group includes people:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots and varicose veins;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • with hypercalcemia.

Those who suffer from such disorders should use sesame oil with caution.

The benefits and harms of sesame oil: conclusions

This product is universal: it normalizes acidity, strengthens the heart, restores immunity, improves oral health, heals cancer, increases bone density, lowers blood pressure, protects against radiation, relieves respiratory problems, and has many, many other benefits.

It is forbidden to use the product in combination with aspirin, oxalic acid and preparations containing estrogen, as this can lead to the formation of kidney stones and harm the body. In any case, do not risk your health and consult your doctor before treatment.

In order for the result from the use of sesame oil to be positive, it is necessary to monitor the body's reaction and observe the doses. Then the body, hair and the whole body will be healthy.

Sesame oil: benefits and harms. How to take sesame oil?

The beneficial properties of sesame oil became known as early as 1500 BC. Already at that time, this oil extract was actively used to treat many ailments and relieve their symptoms. Nowadays, this oil is called sesame oil. It is used in cooking, cosmetology and for the preparation of traditional medicines. What gives us sesame oil - benefit or harm, how to take this oil extract and what is worth fearing? This will be discussed in our article.

Sesame oil is practically odorless. It resembles a pale yellow liquid in color. Initially, its useful properties were appreciated by culinary experts. This oil can be added to salads, and also used for frying, including deep-fried. Despite the fact that it is considered very useful, it is by no means to call sesame oil low-calorie, because there are as many as 899 Kcal per 100 g of pure product. As you can imagine, it is not advisable to introduce sesame oil into the diet of a losing weight person.

If you want to improve your health or get rid of an ailment, then the use of such an oil extract is only welcome. Imagine: 100 g of a product contains a daily dose of nutritious and fortified micro- and macroelements, which are so necessary for the full functioning of our body.

The beneficial properties of sesame seed oil are inextricably linked with its component composition. Firstly, this oil extract contains many elements from the periodic table, in particular zinc, magnesium, ferrum, phosphorus. Secondly, sesame oil contains polyunsaturated fats and acids:

  • arachidic acid;
  • palminth;
  • stearic;
  • linoleic;
  • tocopherol;
  • sesamin;
  • phytosterol.

Many of the above components are needed by our body on a daily basis, but they are not produced on their own, so they should be obtained from healthy foods, one of which is sesame oil.

When should you take sesame oil?

Sesame seed oil is considered a powerful natural antioxidant. Despite the fact that it contains a very small dose of calcium, sesame oil is actively involved in the structure of bone tissue, therefore it is advised to take it for people in old age, as well as for women who are carrying a child.

Sesame seed oil has an unprecedented beneficial effect on the digestive tract. With the help of its active components, it is possible to normalize the acid-base balance and stabilize the acidity and production of gastric juice. In addition, the oil perfectly cleans the vascular walls, which avoids the formation of blood clots.

Many experts advise eating sesame oil for respiratory diseases. So, sesame oil helps to cope with coughs, shortness of breath, asthma and lung pathologies.

  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • violations in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • disturbances in the work of the gallbladder;
  • for cleansing and regenerating liver cells.

The anti-aging properties of sesame seed oil cannot be left aside. It is advised to be taken by women during the onset of menopause. The active components of this oil help the female body to cope with age-related changes, as well as prevent the onset of cancer.

Sesame oil is also known for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. As an external agent, it can be used to treat burn wounds, cuts, abrasions. Many women have noted the beneficial effects of sesame oil on the skin, nails and hair.

Oddly enough, but small children are very fond of sesame oil, or rather, massage procedures carried out with its use. After such a massage, the skin of the baby becomes soft and moisturized, and the baby himself becomes calm and happy.

Contraindications to use

Despite such a huge list of beneficial properties of sesame seed oil, it must be used with extreme caution. So, the treating specialists brought out a number of contraindications to the use of sesame oil:

  • you cannot add oil to food along with oxalic acid and aspirin, since such a combination can cause the development of urolithiasis;
  • in case of diagnosis of hypercalcemia;
  • with individual intolerance to one of the active components of the oil extract;
  • with varicose veins;
  • in case of increased blood clotting.

So that you can benefit exclusively from sesame oil and strengthen your health, it is better to consult with your doctor before using it. Carelessness or excessive use of this oil can provoke the development of complicated consequences.

Sesame oil in cosmetology

As already mentioned, sesame oil has gained unheard-of popularity in cosmetology. First of all, sesame seed oil is used to improve the condition of the skin. With its help, you can get rid of fine wrinkles and age spots. Dermatologists advise using the oil in its pure form to treat a number of diseases, such as dermatitis and eczema.

Many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity have rightfully noted the beneficial properties of sesame oil. With the addition of a number of other components, it is possible to prepare masks on its basis that moisturize the skin and saturate it with the necessary micro- and macroelements at the intercellular level. One of the beneficial properties of sesame oil is considered to contribute to rejuvenation. If you use this oil extract in the composition of masks, then you can trick nature a little and slow down the aging process.

Many women use sesame seed oil for hair treatment. With the help of oil components, you can improve the hair structure, especially if your curls are constantly being dyed or heat treated. Due to the calcium content in sesame seed oil, it can be used to heal and strengthen the nail plate.

How to take the remedy correctly?

It is undesirable to calculate the dosage of sesame oil on your own. If you still want to strengthen your health and increase immunity, then while taking sesame seed oil extract, follow some rules:

  • for preventive purposes, such an oil extract is best taken immediately after waking up on an empty stomach;
  • the daily dose of sesame seed oil should not exceed 3 tbsp. l. for an adult;
  • To calculate the correct dosage, multiply 1 g by your body weight: the data obtained will indicate what your daily intake of sesame oil is.

If you adhere to a diet, then you can lose weight with sesame oil only if you exclude the use of other vegetable and animal fats. Otherwise, the extra pounds will remain in place.

Hello my dear! Today I decided to write a detailed article about sesame oil, and here's why ...

As you may know, sesame is the main product-leader in calcium content. And since I still wear plaster (if you are interested, read mine), the issue of additional supply of the body with this particular element is now more relevant to me than ever!
Sesame oil made from sesame seeds, as usual.
The sesame plant itself , or known to us from fairy tales " sesame" or " sim sim“, Which served as the password for access to untold riches, has been known since time immemorial.

Even the ancient Assyrians claimed that before creating the Earth, the gods drank sesame wine.
In Rome, warriors believed that sesame seeds give strength and power, both general, physical and masculine strength.

In India, sesame is still called the "spice of immortality." And someone who, but they definitely know a lot about spices! Avicenna, in his medical treatises, cited up to hundreds of recipes using sesame oil.

Sesame oil Useful properties and contraindications. What is the best form for taking sesame seeds?

By itself, sesame is not always accepted by us in an easily digestible form. If we just eat sesame seeds with spoons or sprinkle them on salads, almost all of them "go out", the shell of the seeds does not allow them to be digested in our body. But cold-pressed sesame oil allows you to preserve all the valuable properties of the sesame itself and deliver them to our blood immediately after consumption.

Therefore, further, saying about the properties of sesame oil, I will mean the properties of the sesame itself. But, I repeat, sesame oil should be as fresh as possible (if there is bitterness, the oil has oxidized! A slight bitterness is permissible, this is the taste of the product itself) and cold pressed.

It should be noted that sesame oil cannot be used for frying, and it is added to hot dishes only before serving.... Use all the rich potential of this unique product in its "live" raw form - for salads, as a mono-meal, to add to dishes before serving.

I found just such a useful illustration - which vegetable oils can be heated and to what temperature. Look carefully and take on board if you want to preserve all the beneficial properties of vegetable oils in your food. Including - and sesame oil.

You can also take sesame seeds, slightly heat them in a dry frying pan (do not fry!) - so the seeds will give up their essential oils, transferring them into the form assimilated by the body and reveal the aroma.

You can also grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder, mechanically breaking the shell of the seeds.

Another way to improve the digestibility of the product is to soak the sesame seeds in water for several hours. Such seeds will also be absorbed better than just dry seeds passing through our stomach.

Watch the video on how else you can take sesame seeds for excellent absorption of all its nutrients for both benefit and taste.

How to make sesame milk - video recipe

How to store sesame seeds and sesame oil at home

so as not to lose their healing properties.

Dark sesame(untreated by grinding) can be stored in any dark place, preferably cool, in a closed container.

Light sesame- is more critical to the choice of storage location. It is best to place it in a container closed from air and light and keep it in the refrigerator.

Sesame oil can be stored for up to 8 years! But the storage conditions must also be observed - no light and a cool place.

Important ingredients in sesame oil:

1. Sesame contains a lot of phytosteril- a substance similar to cholesterol from animal products.
A huge plus of phytosteril is that it begins to displace harmful cholesterol in our body, and we, accordingly, get more chances to avoid atherosclerosis ... It reduces the risk of developing heart disease and arterial hypertension.
2. Phytoestrogens - lignans. For 100 grams of product - almost 110 mg. Sesame contains an analogue of female sex hormones - estrogens, only in plant form. This component is especially useful for women over 45 years old - when we lose the ability to produce estrogens in the right amount with age, it is products such as sesame and sesame oil that come to our rescue. They simply have to be in the diet of every woman after 45 years!

In addition, the most interesting anticancer effect of phytohormones. Our natural hormones, under certain conditions, with age, can promote the formation and growth of cancer cells. And phytoestrogen prevents this! It turns out that sesame oil is as beneficial for men as it is for women.

Useful properties of sesame oil

Sesame oil rich in vitamins A, B and E, as well as other useful elements.

Moreover, here vitamins are completely absorbed, since they are fat-soluble and can be absorbed precisely with fats. Modern research shows that Eastern women are significantly less susceptible to developing osteoporosis due to, among other things, the frequent use of sesame oil.

Sesame oil composition:

  • Vitamins (E, A, D, B1, B2, B3, C)
  • Amino acids
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-6) and monounsaturated oleic acid (Omega-9)
  • Macro- and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, silicon, iron, copper, nickel, etc.)
  • Biologically active substances, antioxidants (squalene, sesamol, phytin, phospholipids, phytosterols, etc.)

Sesame oil composition is so balanced, it is so perfectly absorbed by the human body that the benefits of its use are invaluable for us.

*** Is there no calcium in sesame oil?

I am in some confusion ... Where is the truth? All healthy eating sites and blogs tell us about the extraordinary benefits of sesame oil and its high calcium (and other micronutrient) content. Moreover, sesame oil is recommended to be used precisely as a source of easily digestible calcium. I also posted similar information in this article.

But I was confused by the difference in numbers - different sources indicate completely different data on the amount of calcium contained in sesame oil. From 60-90 mg to 1500 mg per 100 grams of oil ..

I began to look for the reason for such inconsistencies. And I found completely opposite information on the calcium content in sesame oil. For example, Wikipedia provides the following data:

Although the sesame seeds themselves contain many beneficial minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, these minerals do not pass into oil... Repeated analysis has shown that sesame oil, unlike seeds and their paste, does not contain metals.

It turns out that sesame oil DOES NOT CONTAIN CALCIUM AT ALL? Just like that ... Thus, all the beneficial properties of sesame oil can be attributed to the vitamins it contains (if the oil is unrefined, fresh and stored correctly) and a set of fatty acids. But there is no need to talk about trace elements, including the calcium content in sesame oil!

But sesame itself really contains a large amount of calcium and other beneficial trace elements. I will give an excerpt from the same Wikipedia:

In terms of calcium content, sesame is superior to most foods, even many types of cheese. 100 g of unrefined sesame seeds contain an average of 975 mg of calcium... For this reason, in the raw food system, sesame is considered one of the main foods that supply calcium to the body. However, in peeled seeds, which are mainly sold at retail, the calcium content is more than 10 times lower - only 60 mg per 100 g.

Oxalates and phytic acid, the content of which in sesame seeds is one of the highest, prevent the full assimilation of calcium, iron and some other trace elements. Slightly reducing the content of these substances allows easy roasting of seeds in a pan.

From here we conclude- if we need exactly calcium source, then it is best to find unpeeled sesame seeds, lightly fry it in a skillet and grind it into powder (or make sesame milk, which I wrote about above). This will be the most effective way to get the maximum of nutrients from sesame seeds.

The benefits of sesame oil for various diseases

  • Sesame oil is extremely beneficial with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract... I have already mentioned the contraindications above - the danger of the formation of stones with a tendency of the body and with excessive enthusiasm for "benefits" to the detriment of health. Anthelmintic, choleretic, laxative, diuretic properties of sesame oil are complemented by its ability relieve intestinal colic and reduce stomach acidity.
  • Ayurveda respects sesame oil very much and always uses it for diseases of "wind and mucus", including externally treating it sore joints.
  • If you need improve blood clotting, raise the number of platelets in it - use sesame oil
  • If you want to avoid, prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, tachycardia, angina pectoris, ischemia and others diseases of the heart and blood vessels- make it a rule to consume sesame oil daily. It will strengthen the heart muscle and cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.
  • Sesame oil is also used for the respiratory system. With its help, you can eliminate dry mucous membranes, dry cough, as part of complex therapy - to treat the bronchi and lungs.
  • The effect of sesame oil on the body of patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity is invaluable, since it contributes to normalization of metabolic processes and stimulates fat burning in obesity.
  • The benefits of sesame oil for the reproductive system. B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, Omega-6, zinc and Omega-9, presented in sesame oil in a digestible form, can treat prostate diseases in men and diseases of the female genital area. Sesame oil relieves the severity of menopause, menstrual pain. It is also suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, improving the condition of the fetus and uterus.
  • Sesame oil for the nervous system- it is recommended to take it with frequent stress, disorders of attention and memory. It ensures the full functioning and functioning of the brain. It is used as a prophylactic agent for multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. The systematic use of sesame oil in food normalizes sleep, eliminates apathy, fatigue and excessive irritability.

Also, sesame oil is useful for:

  • The benefits of sesame oil for prevention of cancer due to the phytoestrogens it contains . Also, sesame oil has a powerful immunostimulating and antioxidant effect.
  • Sesame oil improves vision due to the vitamins it contains.
  • For the skin - The emollient, nourishing and moisturizing properties of sesame oil remove dryness, reduce skin inflammation, and stimulate the processes of restoring the skin's barrier functions.

How to take and how to apply sesame oil?

  • With different colds sesame oil is heated in a water bath until warm. If you have sore throat or pharyngitis, you can take sesame oil orally, a teaspoon per day.
  • If we cure cough, cold- rub the chest and back with warm sesame oil, wrap ourselves warmly.
  • Gastritis and ulcers can be treated by taking 2 teaspoons of sesame oil once daily on an empty stomach.
  • To eliminate multi-day chronic constipation- take sesame oil 2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day, also on an empty stomach, food - half an hour after the oil, not earlier.
  • For ear pain - drip a few drops of heated oil into both ears.
  • To improve blood clotting and raise the number of platelets in it - you need to regularly take 1 tablespoon of sesame oil three times a day just before meals.
  • For treatment dermatitis 1 tablespoon of sesame oil is combined with grape juice and aloe juice (teaspoon each). This mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin. In addition to this treatment, the oil can be taken internally 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Useful properties of sesame oil in cosmetology

  • Sesame oil - real elixir of beauty!
  • It is capable deeply penetrate the skin, soften and cleanse her. Sesame oil removes harmful metabolic products, dirt and dead cells from the skin.
  • Acts on the skin as natural antioxidant, prevents the appearance of signs of premature skin aging.
  • Sesame oil absorbs UV radiation and is often used in sunscreen cosmetics.
  • This oil heals wounds, cracks, burns and soothes pain.
  • Sesame oil naturally moisturizes the skin, soothes sunburned and irritated skin. Returns freshness, youth and health to the skin.
  • For facial skin care, sesame oil can be mixed with essential oils(incense, myrrh, geranium, lemon, bergamot, etc.) - the skin changes beyond recognition. Grease is normalized. Pores are reduced and smoothed, inflammation and blemishes disappear.
  • Sesame oil is good antibacterial agent for skin and nails.
  • Makes up beautiful the basis of face masks, both cleansing and nourishing.
  • Sesame oil Suitable for all skin types especially useful for dry, aging and flaky skin. Has a warming effect.
  • Sesame oil for hair. The oil makes hair shine and soft, protects them from drying out. It guarantees protection from harmful ultraviolet rays, protects them from drying out. Protects hair from sun, sea and chlorinated water.

    How to apply? Apply to the scalp, massaging thoroughly, rub in. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes. Then rinse your hair with soap.

Sesame oil and yolk face mask

And finally - a drop of tar in a barrel of sesame oil, oh, that is, honey 🙂

Sesame and sesame oil - are there any contraindications for use?

What harm can sesame and sesame oil do?

  • As always, with only one caveat - in case of excessive use! So, with excessive use of sesame, people prone to the formation of stones (with gallstone disease, with the presence of sand in the kidneys, bladder) need to be careful. Sesame oil contains salts (oxalates) that can form stones.
  • And another warning - sesame oil can also harm your figure, due to its high calorie content. Almost 900 calories contain 100 grams of sesame oil! This does not mean a ban on its use for weight problems (on the contrary, sesame oil improves metabolic processes!), It only means control over the calorie content of the daily diet and all its components.
  • With a tendency to thrombosis, with increased blood viscosity, as well as with varicose veins, it is better not to use sesame seeds regularly and in large quantities.

I hope some of you find this article on the beneficial properties of sesame seeds and sesame oil interesting!

Write in the comments about what other food products and their useful properties would you like to know what is relevant for you at the moment?

A nutritious product that has healing properties, and besides, a powerful antioxidant is sesame oil, the benefits and harms of which were studied by our ancestors. Most nutritionists recommend this product for two reasons. First, the oil is rich in mono- and polyunsaturated acids, which lower cholesterol levels. Second, it is free from the unhealthy saturated fats.

Nature of origin

The source of sesame oil is the annual herb sesame. The people of ancient civilizations noticed that a drought tolerant plant was an excellent base for the production of oil. A reference to the use of sesame oil is found in one of the Ayurvedic treatises called Charaka Samhita. Therefore, the sesame product is considered the oldest oil obtained in the history of human civilization.

The final product, sesame oil, depends on the country of origin, the type of seeds and the way they are processed. The benefits and harms remain the same regardless of the supplier.

Light sesame oil is obtained from unprocessed seeds and is popular in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Has a mild nutty taste.

Asian sesame oil has a persistent aroma and is dark brown in color due to the production of roasted seeds. It is widely used for the preparation of cold snacks in Southeast Asia and the Far East.


A valuable product with powerful therapeutic and healing properties is sesame oil, the composition of which includes many useful substances that the human body needs to maintain health and beauty.

The high nutritional value of the oil is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in it: omega-6 (43%) and omega-9 (40%). Thanks to the duet of unsaturated acids, the work of the nervous, reproductive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems improves; strengthens the immune system; blood sugar levels are normalized.

The product is widely used in cosmetology due to the presence of vitamins (A, C, E), which promote skin regeneration, strengthen nails and hair.

In addition to the above, sesame oil contains micro and macro elements necessary for health in its composition: magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium and natural active substances (phytin, sesamol, squalene).

Key properties and health benefits

Sesame oil, the benefits and harms of which are verified by history and scientific research, has countless healing properties. The source of information about the therapeutic properties of the oil remains the ancient medicinal texts in the Ebers papyrus - written evidence of beneficial plants.

To answer the question of what sesame oil is useful for, let's get acquainted with the properties of the product:

  1. Anti-inflammatory. Fatty acids slow down inflammation.
  2. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
  3. Antibacterial - kills most strains of bacteria.
  4. Antiatherogenic - reducing the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  5. Antidiabetic - normalizing blood sugar levels.
  6. Antidepressant.
  7. The oil has the potential to inhibit the development of cancer.
  8. Antirheumatic. The oil is used as a base in the treatment of arthritis.
  9. Regenerating - restoration of skin cells.
  10. Sunscreen. The level of natural sun protection factor in the product is lower than in special creams, but the oil can be used for this purpose.
  11. The ability to naturally remove toxins from the body.
  12. Laxative action.
  13. Warming property to create warmth during massage.
  14. The emollient effect of the product makes it possible to use sesame oil for the face with dry skin.

Sesame Oil - Natural Skin Care

The sesame product predominates in many beauty products that can be seen on the shelves of natural cosmetics stores. Due to its unique composition and a large amount of antioxidants that draw out toxins, while moisturizing and regenerating skin cells, sesame oil is widely used in cosmetology. It can prevent the development of acne, pimples, wrinkles and pigmentation. In addition, sesame oil is a natural protector against ultraviolet radiation, so daily application of the product to the face and body dramatically reduces the harmful effects of the sun, slowing down the aging process. Zinc in the oil serves as an element that helps in the production of collagen and keep the skin taut and elastic.

For hair, sesame oil can be used as a balm. Reviews of professionals and people whose hair after using the sesame product has become elastic and shiny are simply stunning.

Healthy hair from sesame oil

Hair, especially in women, is stressed daily by dyes, heat from styling appliances, unnatural shampoos and other chemicals. Having figured out how sesame oil is good for your face, it's time to find out how it affects your hair. Sesame oil dissolves toxins; balances the work of the sebaceous glands; stimulates growth; blocks the effects of ultraviolet radiation; soothes the scalp, preventing further itching.

A sesame processed product will help get rid of lice. It is enough to add a few drops of rosemary and lavender oils to sesame oil, warm up and apply on the scalp for 30 minutes. Then, with a comb, go along the entire length to comb out the lice larvae.

To add shine to the hair and moisturize it, it is enough to add a couple of drops of sesame oil to the shampoo when shampooing and continue the usual hygienic procedure. This is how you can easily turn a lifeless head of hair into a healthy head of hair.

Masks based on sesame oil: recipes

  1. Cocktail "Beauty". In half a cup of sesame oil, add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar and the same amount of water. After stirring, apply to face. Sesame oil will soften and moisturize your skin, while vinegar will whiten and kill bacteria.
  2. Hair restoration. Add the same amount of sesame oil and 3 egg yolks to 3 tablespoons of warmed honey. While the repairing balm has not cooled down, apply it to the injured hair. Put on a hat and wash off with shampoo after half an hour. Perform a revitalizing session before each shampooing until the result is obtained.
  3. Sesame oil can help soften the feet and give the heels a baby look. Reviews of people suffering from dry and cracked heels of people confirm the excellent result after using the sesame product. The recipe is simple: rub the product into clean feet with massage movements and leave to soak under cotton socks overnight.
  4. Procedure "Goodbye, wrinkles!" Regularly before going to bed, wipe your face and eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in oil or make a 15-minute mask by mixing in equal parts unrefined sesame product with cocoa powder.
  5. Elimination of toxins. Before taking a bath, apply a pre-made mixture of turmeric and sesame oil to the body (dilute 2 tablespoons of turmeric to form a thick mass with oil). After 10 minutes, wash off everything with warm water. The result is a glowing skin that is free from toxins. Beware of allergic reactions. It is recommended to first test the sensitivity on a small area of ​​the skin.

Losing weight with fats: is it possible?

To reduce weight and normalize metabolism, it is recommended to include sesame oil in the diet. How to take the product for weight loss success? A study published in 2006 in the Yale Journal of Medicine found that participants in the experiment who took 2.5 tbsp daily. tablespoons of sesame oil and led a normal life without physical exertion, lost about 1 kg in weight in 45 days. An interesting fact is that after the end of the admission, the participants began to gain pounds back.

The researchers concluded that the polyunsaturated fat in the food increases plasma levels of leptin, a hormone that regulates energy balance and suppresses hunger. Therefore, the use of 1 tablespoon of sesame oil during the diet will saturate the body with the necessary vitamins and elements. Do not get carried away: 100 grams of the product contains about 900 kcal.

Massage with a sesame product

Sesame oil is used to increase muscle tone, relax, moisturize and nourish the body. Sesame product is able to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin.

It is recommended to add a few drops of juniper to sesame oil to tone up and fight cellulite. It is better to warm up the product in a water bath before massage. During periods of weakened immunity and colds, oil helps to strengthen the protective properties of the body. After the massage, do not rush to rinse off the sesame product. It is necessary to lie down for half an hour to fully moisturize and obtain a healing effect.

Nutty flavor is a highlight in dishes

Fragrant sesame oil with a sweetish nutty flavor is not very popular in our latitudes. While in Asian countries, it is in great demand for giving originality to dishes.

An easy way to experience the rich flavor of sesame oil is to cook vegetables with it. It is necessary to fry several slices of ginger in 2-3 small tablespoons of dark sesame oil, then add vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, green beans), salt, pour in a little water and simmer under a closed lid until tender.


A storehouse of vitamins, a shield against diseases, sesame oil still has contraindications for use. The risk group includes people:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • with a tendency to form blood clots and varicose veins;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • with hypercalcemia.

Those who suffer from such disorders should use sesame oil with caution.

The benefits and harms of sesame oil: conclusions

This product is universal: it normalizes acidity, strengthens the heart, restores immunity, improves oral health, heals cancer, increases bone density, lowers blood pressure, protects against radiation, relieves respiratory problems, and has many, many other benefits.

It is forbidden to use the product in combination with aspirin, oxalic acid and preparations containing estrogen, as this can lead to the formation of kidney stones and harm the body. In any case, do not risk your health and consult your doctor before treatment.

In order for the result from the use of sesame oil to be positive, it is necessary to monitor the body's reaction and observe the doses. Then the body, hair and the whole body will be healthy.

Sesame oil is a plant product that is obtained from sesame seeds (see photo). It is most popular in India, the East and the Transcaucasus. Scientists cannot give an exact answer where this plant first appeared: in India, China or Korea.

Sesame seeds come in white, black, brown, red, and even yellow. This variety in color depends on the variety, and the richer the color, the better and more aromatic the oil.

During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, sesame oil was considered a symbol of immortality and was worn as a talisman.

It was the very first plant from which they decided to make oil. And in 600 BC, the Assyrians took it as the basis for a healing ointment against burns and ulcers. But, since the process was laborious, and the ingredients were expensive, only wealthy people could afford such an ointment. If earlier oil was added to food, and also used in the treatment of diseases, now progress does not stand still and this product has found its application in the beauty industry. It will not be difficult to find this oil now, as it can be purchased in pharmacies and stores..


The composition of natural sesame seed oil contains many beneficial substances:

  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins of group A, B, E, D;
  • iron, calcium, potassium, copper and zinc;
  • fatty acids (omega 3 and 6).

The calorie content of the product is very high, so you should not use it in large quantities. For the prevention of diseases, experts recommend using natural sesame oil during the day, three tablespoons.

Types of sesame oil

There are eight types of quality natural sesame oil:

  • Refined: the oil is odorless, very light in appearance. Recommended for cooking and dressing fried foods. Does not overpower the aroma of the finished dish.
  • Unrefined: Often this oil is not used during cooking, but is added to the final result. Has an amber color and nutty flavor, and is not very bitter. Contains minerals and vitamin B6.
  • Fried: has a light brown color and a rich nutty smell. Culinary experts do not recommend using such oil for frying, so it is widely used only for dressing and marinating. It is obtained from roasted sesame seeds. Since the oil has a rich aroma, very little is needed to improve the taste. But be careful not to overdo it!
  • Chili oil: This is a special type of sesame oil that has a chili flavor. It goes well with salads, meats, vegetables and sauces.
  • Dark: The oil has a coffee color. It is used as a spice for a ready-made dish, as it has a very sharp sesame aroma. Suitable for salads and sauces.
  • Light: the oil is yellow. It is obtained by crushing raw sesame seeds. Great for frying food. It is very popular among lovers of oriental cuisine.
  • Cold pressed oil: obtained at a low temperature during the pressing of sesame seeds. Thanks to this, all nutritional components are retained in the oil.
  • Organic Oil: Derived from natural sesame seeds that have been grown without any fertilization. Due to the fact that such a plant grows slowly and requires more area for the growth of natural crops, such a product will be very expensive compared to other types of oils.

There are quite a few varieties of natural sesame oil, so everyone chooses the type that he likes best.

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of natural sesame seed oil have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Since it contains many medicinal substances, it is used:

  • For baby massage as a sedative.
  • For eye treatment if vision begins to deteriorate.
  • For the prevention of diseases associated with oncology. In this case, antioxidant properties are used.
  • For the early healing of wounds and cuts, as well as to eliminate dry skin.
  • To strengthen bones, normal growth of hair follicles and strengthen the nail plate, you need to take one teaspoon of natural sesame oil for a month. The result will not keep you waiting long.
  • To eliminate insomnia, fatigue, depression and irritability.
  • With arrhythmia and hypertension.
  • For joint diseases, experts recommend using high-quality sesame oil heated over low heat in order to massage the body.
  • In the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • In the treatment of cough and bronchitis. It has a calming and warming effect.
  • For intestinal and stomach disorders. Helps to reduce colic as well as lower acidity levels in the body.

Many mothers ask themselves the question: "Is it useful to give children sesame oil for prevention?" Doctors recommend it, but only in small doses to control the reaction. It can be used only from the moment the baby turns one year old. Children from one to three years old can be given about three to five drops a day. Children from three to six years old - five to ten drops. Children from ten to fourteen years old - one teaspoon.

But before you self-medicate, you should go to the doctor for advice. There may be contraindications.

Along with the healing properties, the oil also has a number of contraindications.:

  • Not recommended for people suffering from varicose veins, as well as with high blood clotting.
  • Do not use oil with foods such as tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, etc., as this contributes to the formation of stones. And also you can not take it together with aspirin.
  • It is enough for a healthy person to take 2-3 teaspoons a day, otherwise an allergic reaction will follow and the state of health will worsen.

Once again, we remind you that you do not need to abuse this product, no matter how useful it is. It is better to consult a doctor whether you can take this oil or not, so as not to aggravate your health condition.


The use of sesame oil today is quite wide. It covers almost all areas of activity. He found a place on the culinary table, in medicine, as well as in the beauty industry.

In cooking

In cooking, high-quality sesame oil has found its use not only as a salad dressing, but also as an additive in sauces, marinades, stews and baked goods to keep the dough soft.

Eastern gourmets advise adding it to soy sauce and honey. Just a couple of drops gives the dish a unique aroma and taste.

Due to the nutritional and energy value of the product, it is recommended to use it for people who do not like meat products, as well as for those who want to lose extra pounds.

In medicine

In medicine, natural sesame seed oil has also found its use. With healing properties, it is used in both traditional and folk medicine..

It gives the body the following effect:

  • antioxidant;
  • immunostimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antifungal;
  • wound healing.

Traditional medicine offers the following sesame oil treatment options:


Method of treatment


If you are suffering from insomnia, then foot massage can come to the rescue. For this procedure, use natural sesame oil to rub. Try to massage with vigorous massaging movements.

Gastritis or constipation

If you suffer from abdominal pain, then take the oil in the morning one hour before meals or two hours after, one teaspoon three times a day.

For constipation, drink two teaspoons of the oil as soon as you wake up.


To get rid of unwanted and irritating spots on the skin, squeeze the juice from the grapes into a deep bowl, add the juice from aloe and about the same amount as you got the juice in the bowl, sesame seed oil. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then we apply it to the damaged areas of the skin.


It is necessary to rub into the gums. Helps to strengthen teeth and gums, reduces the risk of tooth decay, and eliminates bad breath.

For prevention, rinse your mouth with 1 tablespoon of unrefined oil for three minutes, then spit out the oil. It is best to do this after brushing your teeth.

If your ears hurt, then drip 2 drops of warm oil overnight.


Heat the oil in a water bath and rub into the chest area, then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and go to bed. It is better to do this before bed.

Rheumatism, joint pain

For rheumatism, rub the affected area of ​​the body with warm oil.

You should not self-medicate if you are not sure about the effectiveness of the chosen method. Better go to the doctor for advice.

Below in the material, you can watch a video on the healing properties of high-quality sesame oil for health.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, natural sesame seed oil is used exclusively as an additive to face and hair masks, as well as to strengthen the nail plate. Some beauticians take it as a base for removing makeup. In addition, the oil is added to sun protection products because it is able to protect against ultraviolet rays.

Thanks to the beneficial components contained in the oil, it is perfect for such procedures:

  • Aromatherapy: has a calming and relaxing effect.
  • Removing makeup.
  • Treatment of the nail plate. Prevents brittleness, delamination, and also promotes rapid nail growth.
  • Massage: Helps to relax muscles.
  • Hair follicle care. Suitable for brittle and dry hair. The oil is added to various hair care masks.
  • Baby skin care.
  • Care for skin prone to oily sheen.
  • Care for the face and hands, the area around the eyes and lips.

Also, this oil copes very well with such problems.:

  • Rough skin on the feet: to soften it, you need to warm up the oil in a water bath and massage the feet with pressing movements. Next, put on cotton socks and woolen socks on top. This procedure will have a positive effect on the entire hormonal system as a whole.
  • Oily skin: Dilute three tablespoons of turmeric with oil to make a porridge. Apply with massaging movements all over the body, where there are rashes, leave for ten minutes, and then take a shower.
  • Wrinkles: moisten a cotton pad with oil and lightly pat on the face and neck area. After fifteen minutes, blot the remaining oil with a cotton swab and go to bed.
  • Dry skin: mix cocoa powder with butter and apply on face for thirty minutes, then wash with water.
  • Cellulite: To get rid of the ugly orange peel on the skin, especially in the legs, do an active body massage using quality sesame oil twice a day for a month. The result will not keep you waiting long.

There are also many recipes for the treatment and restoration of hair:

Mode of application

To restore hair shine

In order to restore shine and elasticity to your hair, you need to pour about 50 milliliters of high-quality sesame oil into a small bowl. About 15 milliliters of table vinegar and a couple of teaspoons of the most common glycerin should be sent there. After that, the mass must be warmed up over low heat, add the prepared yolk in advance and mix everything thoroughly. It is recommended to apply a slightly cooled mixture to the entire length of the hair, starting from the roots, and keep it for no more than 30 minutes.

To restore dry hair

In order for the hair to regain its shine, as well as become soft and obedient, you need to take a banana, peel it and rub it in mashed potatoes in a deep bowl. Pour about fifty grams of water there, about four teaspoons of natural sesame oil, mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to the entire length of the hair. It is recommended to put the bag on your head, and wrap it with a towel over it. You need to walk with such a mask for about forty minutes.

For curly hair

If you want your hair to become manageable and even, then you should prepare this mask. Take a ripe avocado, peel it and soften it to puree. Then add two tablespoons of high-quality sesame oil and mix the mixture. Beat two egg yolks and gradually pour into the finished mixture. Apply the mask liberally to the hair, starting from the very roots, and keep it for about thirty minutes.

To strengthen hair

This product will not only help prevent hair loss, but will also add volume to your hair. Put about two teaspoons of chamomile oil in a small bowl, send about fifty milliliters of natural sesame oil there and mix thoroughly until smooth. It is recommended to apply the mixture with massaging movements all over the head. Then you can simply wash off the mask with shampoo.

For silky hair

If your hair has lost its former silkiness, and the color has lost its shine, then hurry up to prepare such a mask. You need to take a deep bowl and pour in about fifty milliliters of high-quality sesame oil, the same amount of linden decoction, add thirty milliliters of milk and two teaspoons of natural honey. Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed and distribute over the entire length of the hair, leave for about one hour.

Against oily hair

To keep your hair clean and fresh the next day, you can use an anti-oily hair mask. Take a saucepan, pour fifty milliliters of natural sesame oil into it and heat it over low heat. Then add about ten drops each of pine and rosemary oils and about fifteen drops of bergamot oil. It is recommended to apply the mask, starting from the hair roots and then evenly along the entire length. The procedure takes approximately forty minutes.


To get rid of dandruff, try this mask. Put two teaspoons of marshmallow seeds in a small saucepan and add half a cup of natural sesame oil. We heat the mixture for about thirty minutes over low heat and do not forget to stir constantly. After that, with the help of a gauze pocket, we filter and actively rub into the skin.

An allergy test should be done before any hair mask is applied.:

  1. Make a mask.
  2. Dip a cotton swab into the solution.
  3. Apply to the elbow.
  4. Wait 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off the mixture and watch the reaction.

If a rash or itching appears on the skin, then the mask is not recommended.

During pregnancy, oil is used to prevent stretch marks on the abdomen, it is used externally. But you should not use it, because it is dangerous for the kidneys and urinary tract, especially in the third trimester, as it promotes the formation of stones.

How to choose and store sesame oil correctly?

To choose a good sesame oil, you need to follow these guidelines:

  • Look at the manufacturing date and shelf life.
  • It is better to take oil of the first cold pressing. And for medicinal purposes, you need to use unroasted and unrefined.
  • If there is sediment in the bottle, then the product is natural.
  • Better to buy in a small bottle, as the shelf life is shortened after opening.

The storage place for such a product after the first use is the refrigerator. The oil should be in a glass jar with a tight lid, as it may lose its flavor and aroma properties. After the first opening, the shelf life is six months, and if the container is tightly closed, it can be stored for more than five years.

How to do it at home?

Making oil at home is easy enough. Take sesame seeds, which are often added to baked goods. They are sold in any store or supermarket.

To make oil, you just need to heat the seeds in a skillet and then grind them with a blender. Wrap the finished mixture in cheesecloth and squeeze out with a rolling pin. Of course, you will not get a lot of oil, but this will be enough, because the dish only needs a few drops to get a rich aroma and taste.

Sesame oil is considered one of the best oriental food products. It can give a dish a new, unique taste and aroma. But the spheres of its application go far beyond cooking, it is very popular in medicine, as well as in cosmetology. However, it is necessary to use oil wisely so as not to harm health, since this product is very high in calories.