Homemade liqueurs on vodka. The harmful role of alcoholism in various acute and chronic diseases

30.04.2019 Desserts and cakes

Our store shelves are full of different spirits, and many customers are wondering how tincture differs from liqueur and liquor.

store alcohol

In this situation, the answer is quite simple - nothing. Since both of them alcoholic drink, purchased at the store, are made using dyes and synthetic flavors. In this case, neither the liqueur nor the tincture is recommended to be bought. Since any artificial additives mixed with alcohol cause particular harm to the human body.

homemade liquor

And quite another thing - home product! Here the difference between liquor and tincture will be significant. Although not everyone knows this difference. But at the same time, home-made alcohol has always been valued much more than store-bought alcohol, since the manufacturer himself puts part of his soul into the drink. Moreover, almost every family has its own special recipe manufacturing So, what is the difference between liqueur and tincture? What is the difference? Both drinks are described separately below.

What is a pour

Pouring is considered a more festive, complex drink. It takes a lot of time to prepare it, and a large number of ingredients. Moreover, it needs a lot of sugar. Most often, the liqueur is prepared from fresh fruit and berries. Ripe fruits- this is what distinguishes liqueur from wine and from tincture. No fresh fruits are put into wine or tincture.

Pouring can be prepared from several types of fruits or even mixed with fruits and berries. Only here it is necessary to take into account which fruits are combined with what.

You can also add not the berries and fruits themselves, but squeeze the juice out of them, but then the drink will lose its viscosity, and for many this is the main charm of the liqueur.

Naturally, the fruits from the garden alone will not be enough to make liquor. You will also need strong moonshine).

It is in combination that these three ingredients give an amazing result.

If you strictly adhere to the recipe, then the drink, even from juice, will be bright and rich, the liquor should not be watery. Alcohol should burn slightly, and only notes should be present in the aroma. fresh fruits.

In addition to the basic requirements in the cooking process, there are a couple of nuances.

In order for the drink not to turn sugary-sweet, you can add lemon juice to it. Sometimes instead granulated sugar put honey in the pour.

Long exposure is what distinguishes the liqueur from the tincture. Its duration is not less than a month, and sometimes even more - up to six months.

It is worth remembering that the drink should be no stronger than twenty degrees. Cherry is considered the most popular liqueur. Anyone will enjoy this drink. gourmet. Slivovitz practically does not concede to it in popularity. Rowan, viburnum, raspberry, pear, apple, strawberry and strawberry tinctures are also often prepared.

This drink is often consumed as an aperitif. It warms well winter evening. And in general, it will decorate the set table in any weather.

Honey liqueur from cherry plum

This alcoholic drink made by the self-fermentation method. Instead of strong alcohol apply wild yeast. In this example, it will be very clearly seen how the liqueur differs from the tincture. At the output we get bright, original drink, the aroma and taste of which will be somewhat reminiscent of sweet fruit and berry wine.

For cooking, you need three kilograms of cherry plum different varieties. The fruits must be ripe and fresh. A liter of inverted syrup and the same amount of water.

To prepare syrup, you need to mix half a liter of water with a kilogram of sugar. Now the mixture should boil and stand on low heat for about fifteen minutes. After that, you can add to the syrup citric acid(approximately four grams). Then the mixture should be simmered on fire for half an hour.

The syrup must be cooled well and poured over the fruits that were previously folded into a container (preferably a jar). Mix everything thoroughly and put under a water seal. Then the fermentation process will take place, for this it is best to put the jar in a warm dark place. When the fermentation process stops, and this will happen not earlier than in ten days, or maybe more, the liquor must be filtered. This is best done through gauze folded in several layers.

Next comes secondary fermentation. The vessel is again placed under a water seal. This process usually takes about two weeks. After the pouring is cleaned of sediment and left at room temperature somewhere for a week. Then the sediment is again removed and sent to a cool place for aging for at least a month, and preferably two.

If you do everything right, the drink will be an unusual pink-red color. If it seems that the sweetness is not enough, then you can add a little sugar syrup.

What is a tincture

The tincture is most often used in medicinal purposes. This is what distinguishes tincture from liqueur. Its main purpose is to warm and heal during a cold. If you drink the drink correctly, and do not abuse it, then it will raise the immune system, and strengthen the entire body, and normalize the digestive system.

Most often, tinctures are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs, flowers, roots, rose hips and dried fruits. Here is another difference between liqueur and tincture. The first is prepared on the basis of fresh fruits, and the second is most often made from dried ingredients. Sugar is also added to the tincture, but here it is much less. The main ingredient in the tincture is alcohol, which is often replaced with vodka or moonshine. And there are much fewer dry ingredients than ripe ones in the liqueur. And this is also what tincture differs from liquor. This drink is not so viscous. But if it is cooked correctly, then its taste qualities are in no way inferior to liqueur.

Although drinking tincture like a liqueur, savoring every sip, will not work. After all, another difference between these two, at first glance, such similar drinks, is the amount of alcohol. Pouring - twenty degrees, tincture - about forty.

The tincture can be prepared on the basis of one ingredient, and it happens that it includes not only herbs different types, but also mixed roots with flowers.

Still tinctures are divided into bitter, sweet and semi-sweet. It all depends on how the drink is going to be used.


For cooking, you need vodka (one liter), a couple of tablespoons of honey, five pods of red pepper, a couple of tablespoons of dry paprika, lemon zest, vanilla, cinnamon, black peppercorns.

First you need to make cuts on the pepper pods, put them in a jar and pour vodka. This mixture is infused for about a week. The temperature should not exceed sixteen degrees. Shake the jar a couple of times a day. When the vodka becomes Brown color, it must be thoroughly filtered through cheesecloth. After that, honey and spices are added to the tincture.

All this is well mixed and infused for a couple of days.

Everything. After that, the drink is ready to drink.

Main differences

So what is the difference between tincture and liqueur?

  1. The liqueur is prepared from fresh fruits, and for the tincture, dry herbs, flowers and roots are needed.
  2. The percentage of fruits in the liqueur is much greater than the percentage of herbs in the tincture.
  3. There is much more sugar in the liqueur.
  4. The tincture is twice as strong as the liqueur.
  5. The tincture does not last.

With their help, you can improve shaky health, restore strength, eliminate pain different nature. Some of them can be drunk for pleasure, others - to be taken only in small quantities as prescribed.

Reference. In most cases, vodka can be replaced with medical alcohol or quality.

For rubbing, you can even use selected "heads"- the strongest first moonshine, abundant fusel oils. Meet the best recipes, use them for healing and pleasure.


When insisting on chestnut use whole fruits (chestnuts), some brown shells ripe fruits and tree inflorescences (white or pink candles). It should be noted that such tinctures are medicinal, they are used inside- drops or rub sore joints, bruises, etc.

From the skin of the fruit

It is this mixture (sometimes mixed with an infusion of flowers) that is considered the most helpful for oral administration.

It is necessary to remove and dry brown skins from 50 chestnuts. Pound and pour 500 ml of vodka (good moonshine).

Keep for two weeks in the dark, shaking daily. Strain through a thick cloth. The medicine is ready!

It is used for rubbing, including thrombophlebitis (gently and gently), for lotions for gout. They also drink (before meals) with a small amount of water according to the scheme: month of admission, month - break etc.

Doses for oral administration in diseases:

  • Joint diseases, such as arthrosis, contracture, gout, arthritis - twice a day, 40 drops.
  • Inflammation of the prostate(not an adenoma!) - 7 drops 4 times a day.
  • Hypertension- morning and evening, 25 drops for 3 weeks. Then - 6 days break, and a repetition of the course.

From flowers

20 g of chestnut flowers pour 500 ml of vodka, also insist 2 weeks, strain and treat:

  • Thrombophlebitis - 4 times a day, 40 drops for two weeks. Take a break for a month and repeat.
  • Sand in the gallbladder. To drive him out, you need to drink 40 drops of tincture 3 times a day for 9 days. After a two-week break, repeat the course.

Carefully. Be sure to get an ultrasound first. If it turns out that you have gallstones, this treatment is absolutely contraindicated for you.

From ripe fruits

Finely chop 300 g of ripe chestnuts. Everywhere there are recommendations - pass through a meat grinder.

Chestnuts are very dense and strong, it is unlikely that you will succeed without breaking the meat grinder. The best way- put them in a bag and beat well with a hammer on a hard surface. Then pour vodka in an amount of 1 liter. Insist 7 - 14 days.

This excellent tool for the treatment of sciatica, thrombophlebitis, salt deposits. Perfectly helps with inflammation of the muscles due to drafts or sudden physical activity(krepatura) and sprains.

sea ​​buckthorn

Possessing sweet and sour mild taste And delicate aroma sea ​​buckthorn is very useful for raising immunity during colds. The daily intake is 30 ml before dinner. Have to take:

  • 3 cups of ripe sea buckthorn berries;
  • 75 g of sugar or 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Pour the berries into a jar, crush them there, add sugar (honey) and vodka. Shake well to dissolve the sweet component. Leave to infuse from three weeks to a month, strain.

A warning. Tincture is contraindicated in cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems.


Galangal root (aka Potentilla erectus) has been on vodka for a long time applied to:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Getting rid of male problems (prostatitis, impotence).
  3. Liver cleansing.
  4. Raising immunity.

The recipe is simple: the crushed dried root is poured with vodka, put in the dark at room temperature for 21 days. Shake daily. The finished drink has a beautiful reddish tint.

The only drawback is the harsh taste and pungent smell. I mean, not everyone likes it. But these properties can be mitigated by adding licorice and not crushed toasted coffee beans. Proportions:

  • 500 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • 1 st. a spoon without a slide of crushed galangal root;
  • 5 coffee beans;
  • a teaspoon of licorice root.

This drink is served at the table and drunk, knowing the measure.

Pomegranate - tasty, beautiful, healthy

Cleans vessels, favorably affects the operation of all of cardio-vascular system and protect the brain from senile dementia - all this is about a pomegranate, and also about a tincture on it. Necessary:

  • 4 grenades;
  • 750 ml of vodka (moonshine);
  • cinnamon stick;
  • zest from 1 lemon;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • 2/3 cup of water.

We extract seeds from pomegranate and separate the juice.

Advice. To get juice, put the grains in a strong plastic bag, put on a strong base and walk on it with a rolling pin. Thus, we extract the juice, and crush the seeds.

We put the whole mass in three-liter jar, add vodka, cinnamon, zest and leave it warm and dark for 3 weeks.

We shake. Then we filter, add syrup from water and sugar, and insist in a glass for a month.

Note. There is a male and female version of this tincture.

Men who are not too fond of sweet alcohol dilute it with vodka 1: 1. Or just cook without adding sugar.

Women's cocktail is a pomegranate diluted with pomegranate or cranberry juice. Not strong, but very tasty!

Fine in color and taste, the drink can be consumed regularly and little by little.

Raspberry vitamin

Raspberries is a storehouse of vitamins. This is the first remedy for colds, for immunization of the body. And if we prepare jars of jam for the winter for children, then why not prepare some delicious bottles of alcohol containing raspberries for adults. Moreover, vitamins are perfectly preserved in an alcohol environment.

If you make a raspberry tincture, then you will not find a person who would not like it. In fact, the whole recipe is to mash raspberries, pour vodka over it and insist, stirring, a week. Try.

If it seems that raspberry flavor and the taste is not pronounced enough, drain the vodka, squeeze out the rest. Then add fresh mashed raspberries and insist again.

Important. Make sure that the tails or twigs do not get into the drink, otherwise it will lose its softness and become bitter.

The question - to wash or not to wash raspberries, probably, everyone decides for himself. For example, we don’t wash raspberries, because they will certainly go into the water great amount juice along with usefulness. Raspberry is a soft berry, easily crumpled.

Even if we assume that microbes “sit” on it, vodka will destroy them. It is necessary to pour raspberries in portions into a bowl from a box or bucket (what do you have it in) and select rotten, dirty, spoiled ones. And use clean, beautiful sweet berries for their intended purpose.

Normal proportion: 2 liter cans raspberries per liter of vodka. Moreover, vodka should be soft. If you are engaged, then you know which distillation gave the most delicious alcohol, and insist on it. Go to the store, buy vodka not lower than Premium class.

heady oranges

All citrus fruits possess excellent health properties . Even their smell is invigorating and uplifting. And the fruits themselves saturate the body vitamin cocktail which is especially important in winter, when we miss the sun and heat so much.

This is where the orange "sun" comes to the rescue - an orange, perfect for eating in fresh, and for use as an ingredient in orange vodka.

Let's try the recipe with whole oranges. You will need:

  • large oranges - 2 pcs;
  • vodka (moonshine) - 2-2.5 l;
  • honey - 2/3 cup (170g by weight).

Advice. The best solution is to buy oranges pitted, they are in bulk in supermarkets today! hallmark such fruit is the presence of a "navel".

  1. Cut the oranges into small pieces along with the zest. Bones are removed if possible.
  2. Honey is pre-dissolved in a part of vodka, poured from the total amount according to the recipe.
  3. Pour oranges with vodka and dissolved honey.
  4. Keep for a week at room temperature.
  5. Drain and insist another week. During this time, the precipitate should settle.
  6. Carefully drain the vodka with a straw from the sediment (decant).
  7. Filter and consume.

It is pleasant to drink such a tincture as an independent drink, but it is especially good. as an additive to cocktails.

Thyme - folk healer

This miracle herb has long been used by herbalists to treat such diseases:

  • acute colds and viral infections;
  • high pressure;
  • pain in muscles and joints of inflammatory origin;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • cardiovascular problems.

Vodka tinctures were especially popular due to the fact that can be stored for a long time without losing healing power. Here are two recipes.

homeopathic remedy

Take 35-40 g of dry thyme and 150 ml of vodka (moonshine). The mixture is infused for 10 days in a cool dark place, filtered and filtered. Use the remedy 20 drops three times a day for all of these diseases.

They also make lotions on sore spots. But for lotions, it is worth insisting for 3 weeks and only then filtering.

For prevention

Using this tincture, you can prevent the appearance of diseases, calm down, get rid of colds and bronchitis faster. Take:

  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon balm with mint or one of these herbs that you prefer;
  • 2 teaspoons of dry thyme;
  • half a glass of honey.

Mix everything in a three-liter jar and leave for 5 days. Strain and heal. 50 ml drink per day relieve stress, have a calming effect, help to fall asleep, and also - cure respiratory diseases and colds. Better to use in the evening.

Beaver stream tincture

Beaver stream is called beaver endocrine gland, which in the old days was credited with miraculous healing properties.

But if something is in doubt from the point of view of today's medicine, then positive influence on potency - a scientifically proven fact.

The tincture is also useful for women - it relieves candidiasis and other women's problems.

The beaver stream is located under the skin on the belly of the animal. Next to it are the genitals and the steam gland. It is carefully removed, rid of fat, blood and dried for a month - dried in the air. Only after that do the tincture.

reference. Dried beaver stream has a more pronounced effect.

  1. The jet is ground and poured into a jar. Pour vodka or moonshine (you can - diluted alcohol) with a strength of up to 50 °.
  2. Infuse for 3 days, stirring and shaking every day.
  3. Filter, filter, dilute with vodka to get the color of cognac.

Approximate proportions - half a liter of vodka per 100 g of beaver stream. But it's hard to say exactly how much remedy it will turn out, because both the size of the gland and its “saturation” affect it.

This tincture It has bad smell and taste. Therefore, it is advised before taking it. brew coffee, cool it to a state in which you can drink without burning yourself. Take a sip of coffee, then swallow the tincture and immediately drink coffee. Then the nasty taste is not felt so much, coffee interrupts it. It also works the same chicory.

Men are recommended to be treated for 4 months. Two weeks - 5 drops 1 time per day. Then 2 weeks - 5 drops, but already twice a day. The second month - 2 times a day, 10 drops. The third month is a break. The fourth month is an individual selection.

Preparation and application on video

Look at the video below the right recipe preparation of tincture from beaver stream:

How and why is the beaver stream taken, methods, dosage, how to take it internally and externally:

Use the remedy depending on the severity of the problem - from 5 to 50 drops during or after meals. Usually - 3 times a day, you can even before bedtime. In this case, it is better to drink chicory, but in a small amount, since chicory, although it does not contain caffeine, is invigorating.

Women use the remedy like men in the 4th month. Additionally, you can do microclysters(no more than 1 ml of tincture per 100 ml of warm water).

Before you start preparing the tincture, make sure that you do not have contraindications to their use. The world of traditional medicine using alcohol is so diverse that you are sure to choose the drink that is ideal for you and for recovery. And if you're lucky - then for the pleasure of tasty and healthy alcohol. And be sure to follow our advice:

  1. Choose raw materials carefully. The best will be self-grown or harvested away from highways, landfills and environmentally disadvantaged areas. Pharmacy can also be used medicinal plants, there is hope that they are checked.
  2. Vodka should be exceptionally high quality. If this shop product then purchased at a reliable point. And even better - self-made moonshine.
  3. Follow the recipes but also be creative. Sometimes it helps to create an incomparably delicious product, the recipe of which you will be asked by everyone who tries your masterpiece.

Have you learned the necessary information for yourself and are going to use the recipes given? Share in the comments. We are waiting for your likes.

Today, there are a huge number of alcohol-based drinks that can be prepared at home. The most popular of them are liqueurs, tinctures, liqueurs. However, before embarking on the preparation of such drinks, it is necessary to study their differences.

At first glance, it seems that liqueur, tincture and liquor are no different. In order to clarify the difference between them, you should refer to the definition of each drink. So:

Pouring is a popular homemade low alcohol drink prepared by natural fermentation. The composition of the liqueur, as a rule, includes fruits or berries. Most often, pears and apples are used, but from berries? raspberries, currants, cherries or strawberries. Due to the fact that it retains a fruity and berry smell, the liqueur is one of the most aromatic drinks.

Tincture is considered another common type. homemade alcohol. Its difference from liquor is that this drink requires the use of alcohol, in which berries, fruits or herbs are soaked for 2 to 10 weeks. In addition, tinctures are used not only as alcoholic product but also as a medicine.

Liquor? it is a sweet and at the same time strong thick drink. It contains various essential oils, fruit components, syrups, and cream. The alcohol content of the liqueur is at least 25%. The basis of the drink is always alcohol, water, sugar, additives that form the taste of liquor. Instead of sugar, some recipes suggest using fructose or honey.

Recipes for homemade tinctures

First of all, it should be noted which berries should be used to infuse an alcoholic drink at home:

Recipes for tinctures prepared at home are quite simple. The first recipe is for 6-8 servings. For a drink you need to prepare:

  • 200 gr. cranberries,
  • 500 ml of vodka,
  • 150?200 gr. Sahara.

Sort the cranberries, rinse and let dry. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and place in a container, such as a jar. After grinding the berries, fill them with vodka. Thoroughly mix the contents of the jar, then close it nylon cover and leave in a dark place for about 3 weeks. Please note that the jar needs to be shaken once a week. After three weeks, strain the resulting tincture with gauze or a colander. Berries, while you can put in gauze and squeeze. Pour the finished drink into a more convenient container.

Next recipe? this is short. Drink Ingredients:

  • 150 gr. tangerine peels,
  • 500 ml of vodka,
  • 2 pcs. coffee beans.

Cut the tangerine peels into small pieces and pour over with boiling water. After that, lay them on the bottom of the container. Pour vodka into a saucepan, heat to 60 ° C and pour it into the same container. Put the roasted coffee beans in there and close the container tightly. The tincture will be ready in a month. However, before use, it must be filtered.

For lovers of nuts will certainly be interesting on the nuts. It is worth noting that the nut tincture will turn out equally tasty both from ripe kernels and from green fruits. Below is a recipe for almond tincture, for which you will need:

To prepare such a tincture, grind all its ingredients, mix them, pour vodka and leave to infuse for a week.

Cedar tincture is also very popular. Especially this tincture is relevant in winter.

  • 1 liter of vodka
  • 140 gr. pine nut kernels,
  • 50?70 gr. Sahara.

Rinse the nuts and pour 500 ml of vodka over them. Then add sugar and stir the resulting mass until it is completely dissolved. After pouring the mass into a glass container, close it and leave it in a dark, cool place for 3 or 4 days.

After the specified period, drain the vodka, and fill the nuts with the remaining 500 ml of vodka. Close the container again and leave for 3-4 days. After that, drain the vodka and mix the contents of the container with the first 500 ml. If desired, the procedure can be repeated. Strain the finished tincture and bottle it.

Homemade liquor recipes

To make the tincture or liqueur better, it is recommended to take only ripe berries for its preparation. The fruits may even be somewhat wrinkled. The main condition is only the absence of leaves, greenery, etc. on them. If, they must certainly be sour varieties.

Today, many people are interested in ways to prepare early ripening liqueurs at home. For these drinks as a rule, blackcurrant, raspberry or cherry berries are used. They are washed, poured into enamelware and filled with vodka. Next, close the container with thick paper, tying it for strength. Please note that several holes should be made in the paper. Then you need to put the container in the oven, heat up to 100-120 ° C and turn it off. As soon as the oven has completely cooled down, it is necessary to check the berries, they should rest sufficiently. Put them in a colander so that the juice can drain from them, and filter the remaining liquid. In the strained juice, add the one that was collected from the berries. Pour sugar there (100? 300 gr. per 1 liter of juice).

The following recipes describe the preparation of liqueurs from rowan, rose petals and bird cherry.

For the rowan liqueur, take ripe berries and dry them in the oven at a low temperature so that the berries become softer. Pour the mountain ash into a glass bottle, filling approximately 70% of its volume, and fill with vodka. The liqueur is considered ready as soon as it acquires a dark amber color. Then drain it and filter. After adding sugar or syrup, put the liqueur in a cool place. If you let the drink brew a little more, it will turn out even more aromatic and more pleasant to the taste.

If desired, the liqueur can even be made from rose petals, the main thing is not to take a dried herbarium, but the petals of flowering plants. Put them in glass container and top up with good vodka. As in the previous recipe, the liquid should be infused until a dark amber color. After that, drain the liquid, add from 100 to 300 gr. sugar per 1 liter. Pour the finished liqueur into bottles and store.

Pouring from bird cherry is also prepared quite simply. To do this, slightly dry the berries for 3 days, spreading them on a cloth or paper. Then they need to be held for a while on a wire rack in the oven at a temperature of 100 ° C, while you need to make sure that the berries turn out to be sluggish, but not baked. Pour bird cherry into a bottle, filling the container to the level of the base of the neck, and fill with vodka. The liqueur is infused for 45 days. The finished drink should be boiled several times, adding sugar to it in ordinary proportions.

Homemade liqueur recipes

Today, recipes for homemade liquors, as before, are very popular. Liqueur is an alcoholic drink that consists of alcoholized juices of fruits or berries. Often in the process of its preparation, infusions of fragrant herbs and various spices. The strength of the drink usually varies from 15 to 45%, and it tastes quite sweet, since a lot of sugar is added to it.

Recipes for homemade liqueurs are, in fact, quite simple. The first recipe involves cooking banana liqueur. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 bananas
  • 500 ml of alcohol,
  • 1 sachet of saffron (small)
  • 1 sachet of vanilla
  • 1 liter of water.

Peel bananas, cut into slices, place in glass bottle and fill with alcohol. After wrapping the container in newspaper, so that the light does not fall on it, remove it for 14 days. Next, you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, bring water to a boil, dissolve sugar, vanillin and saffron in it. Wait for the syrup to cool, add it to the strained alcohol, stir and pour into bottles.

Many will be interested to know the recipes for chocolate liqueur.

Hold the chocolate for a few minutes freezer, rubbing it then on a medium grater. Put the resulting chips in a glass container, you can jar, fill with vodka and add vanilla sugar. Stir the mixture thoroughly, cover and leave for a week at room temperature. For more rich taste liquor, the contents of the jar are recommended to shake daily.

After a week, add to the mixture sugar syrup. How to make it? To do this, pour milk into the pan and pour sugar. The resulting mass should be mixed and heated over low heat and boil for about 7 minutes. Then take the pot off the heat and let it cool. Pour the cooled syrup into chocolate mass, close the jar with a lid and put the liquor in a cool place for another 5 weeks. Strain the finished liquor and pour into bottles.

For coffee lovers there are also various recipes liqueurs. For liquor based instant coffee you will need:

  • 500 ml of vodka,
  • 1 cup cold coffee
  • 450 gr. Sahara.

IN cold coffee add sugar, mix, and heat it over low heat. Bringing the coffee mass to a boil, it must immediately be removed from the heat and cooled. Pour in required amount vodka, stir. Pour a thick drink into any glass container, close it and put it away for a week in a cool place. During the liqueur infusion, do not forget to shake the container with the contents several times a day.

Thus, having studied the above recipes, you can prepare not only interesting tinctures and liqueurs, but also delicious liqueurs, which are suitable both for the festive table and for the preparation of unusual alcoholic cocktails.

Industrially produced alcoholic beverages are available in stores in a wide range, but homemade tinctures and liqueurs are considered a special delight. Recipes made by yourself will decorate any feast, and most importantly - their quality, which you will not doubt. Made by hand, these drinks are fragrant and tasty, put the hostess in an advantageous position, they cannot be compared with “store-bought vodka”. The recipes are not complicated, and besides, you don’t need special equipment. I like to prepare a variety of liqueurs, tinctures and other intoxicating drinks for the winter. Recipes collected for long time a lot, I share with you the most successful.

Red currant tincture on vodka

Redcurrant always gives a considerable harvest, I know from experience that many do not like to make jam from it. So I used to pick this berry in buckets, cook jam, distribute some of it, but a few years ago I began to make tincture from red currant, it turns out very tasty.

You will need:

  • red currant juice - 10 liters;
  • sugar - one and a half kilograms;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • vodka - half a liter.
  1. It is not necessary to wash the berry. Squeeze juice out of it, pour into a bottle, pour in water, add sugar. Pull a rubber glove over the container, and pierce a hole in one finger with a needle. This will be the simplest water seal. Remove to a warm, dark place.
  2. Wait until the glove drops, then strain, pour in vodka and wait another week.
  3. Pour into glass bottles, put in a cool place for a month, after a while, the tincture will become a beautiful ruby ​​​​color with a rich taste.

My advice:

Fermentation can last from two to four weeks. The warmer it is in the house, the faster the contents of the bottle ferment, it needs to be shaken periodically so that the process goes faster.

Apple tincture on vodka

  • finely chopped apples with peel - 1 kilogram;
  • vodka - one liter;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - half a liter.
  1. Place apples in jars or bottles, pour vodka over the shoulders, put in a dark place for a week.
  2. Next, carefully drain the tincture.
  3. Boil syrup from sugar and water, combine with tincture, then filter.

The resulting drink tastes sweet and sour, has a beautiful golden color. Yield is one and a half liters. Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, dark place.

Chokeberry tincture on vodka recipe:

This alcoholic drink turns out to be beautiful in color. Having tried at least once, you will definitely want to cook such a tincture more than once.


  • leaves of blackcurrant, raspberry cherry - each 100 grams;
  • sugar - half a kilo;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • citric acid - 1 tablespoon without top.
  1. Place leaves and berries in enamel pan, mix, pour in one and a half liters of water, simmer for 40 minutes over low heat, filter through cheesecloth, squeeze the thick thoroughly. Strain again through several layers of gauze.
  2. Pour lemon juice, sugar into the liquid, bring to a boil, cool, pour in vodka, mix, bottle, cork. Keep in a dark place for at least a week.

Blackcurrant tincture on vodka recipe:

And this drink is so tasty to drink, it is quite simple to prepare.

  • Wash the blackcurrant berries, discard in a colander, place in a three-liter jar up to the shoulders, add a glass of sugar, pour in one liter of vodka, shake, put in a dark place for a couple of months. Shake the contents every week, strain and pour into bottles when finished.

Vodka grape tincture

This grape tincture is not expensive and easy to prepare, but it comes out fragrant and tasty!

  • grape variety "Isabella" - half a kilogram;
  • sugar - 5 tablespoons;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • clove buds - 4 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • cinnamon - 1/3 sticks;
  • star anise (anise)
  1. Wipe the grape berries with a cloth, remove from the bunches, transfer to a three-liter jar.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar, cool to room temperature.
  3. Add spices, syrup, vodka to the grapes, close with a plastic lid, mix thoroughly, put in a dark, cool place for several months (I keep until December).
  4. I filter the finished drink, pour it into bottles.

Prunes tincture


  • water - 600 ml;
  • prunes - 200 grams;
  • vodka - 300 ml;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • dry tea leaves - 2 teaspoons;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Mix all the listed ingredients, except for vodka, cook on low heat for 10 minutes, cool. Pour in vodka, filter, pour into bottles.

Grape wine at home a simple recipe:

If a lot of grapes were born, try to make a tasty and aromatic wine. Blue small grapes are suitable for its preparation. Remove it from the branches, no need to wash.

  1. Crush the removed berries, this should be done in small portions so that each berry gives juice. Pour the squeezed juice into a bottle. Add sugar to this wort, at the rate of 30 grams of granulated sugar per liter of liquid, close with a special lid, while removing the cork to allow air to enter. In the absence of such a cover, you can tie the neck with gauze. Leave to ferment in a warm place for 5 days.
  2. Drain the wort in portions through two layers of gauze, squeeze the juice, pour it into a bottle. For each liter of juice, you will need 200-300 grams of sugar, the more it is, the stronger the wine will turn out, close the lid with a tube. It can be made from an ordinary polyethylene cap by making a hole in it and inserting a not very deep medical dropper. Cover the joint tightly with wax or plasticine.
  3. Place the second tip of the tube in a jar of water, leave for 3 weeks. Pour the wine into another container carefully, trying not to touch the sediment.

Making grape wine at home "Isabella"

This grape wine it turns out a rich taste, it happens that we open it a year later, and it is still the same sparkling, effervescent, very pleasant to drink.

You will need:

  • Isabella grapes - 6 kilograms;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar - 1 kilogram.

And now I’m telling you how to make grape wine at home.

  1. I pick the berries from the branches, not mine, I crush them with my hands in an enameled bucket.
  2. I pour sugar into the water, stir it, put it on the stove, heat it to 50 degrees, pour it into the grapes, mix it, put it in the heat for fermentation. The temperature in the room should be at least 23-24 degrees, periodically I mix the emerging “cap” to avoid souring.
  3. I taste it, at first the mass is sweetish, after a week a pleasant slightly sour taste of dry wine appears. Then you need to squeeze the pulp, and I pass the wine itself through a colander, leaving it for further fermentation.
  4. As soon as the foam disappears, I remove the drink from the sediment, pour it into bottles, and store it in a cool place.

Pouring from berries at home


  • any seedless berries (you can take fruits - apricots, cherries, cherries, plums) - half a kilo;
  • sugar - 450 grams;
  • white wine - 750 ml;
  • vodka - 150 ml.
  1. Pour wine into a saucepan, add sugar, heat to dissolve sugar.
  2. Add prepared berries or fruits, cook until they boil, remove from heat, cool, pour in vodka.
  3. Pour wine with berries or fruits into a bottle, cork tightly, place in the refrigerator for a week, strain. Fruits and berries can be used for culinary desserts, pour the liquor into bottles.

Pouring from chokeberry at home

This delicious fragrant liqueur is not ashamed to be put on the festive table, and if you add a small spoon to brewed tea in winter, it will become the best warming and tonic drink.


  • chokeberry - 1 kilogram;
  • cherry leaves - 100 grams;
  • water - one and a half liters;
  • sugar - one glass;
  • citric acid - one teaspoon;
  • vodka - half a liter;
  • vanillin - a pinch.
  1. Put leaves and berries in water, bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, strain, squeeze.
  2. Add lemon, sugar, vanillin to the liquid, boil for five to ten minutes, cool, pour in vodka, let it brew in the dark for at least seven days, and preferably a month.
  3. Filter, pour into bottles, store in a cool, dark place. Yield - a little over two liters.

Plum liqueur at home

It will take: 6 kilograms of plums (prunes), 2.4 kg. Sahara.

  1. Cut ripe plums into halves, select the seeds, transfer to a 10-liter bottle, sprinkle with sugar, tie the neck with gauze, leave in a dark place for 3 days.
  2. As soon as fermentation begins, install a water seal (it is described above in the recipes).
  3. After a month, filter the drink, pour it into clean bottles, cork, fill the corks with paraffin. Store in a cool place.

Blackberry liqueur at home recipe:

  1. Pour 1 kilogram of chokeberry berries into a five-liter bottle or jar.
  2. Boil syrup from one liter of water and 800 grams of sugar, cool and pour over the berries.
  3. Gauze, folded in several layers, tie the neck of the container, leave for 3 weeks at room temperature, and it is better to let the liquor brew for three months.

How to make champagne at home

For a 10-liter glass container you will need:

  • any juicy berries or fruits (currants, cherries, plums) - 3 kilograms;
  • raisins - half a kilo;
  • water - 7 liters;
  • vodka - half a liter.
  1. Place prepared berries and raisins in a bottle, pour in boiled water, vodka, shake thoroughly, do not cork tightly, tie with a canvas cloth, which is fixed with a rope. Place the container on the windowsill for 15 days, shake daily. By the end of the aging period, the berries should move from the top to the bottom, and from the bottom to the top.
  2. Strain the drink through several layers of gauze into a clean bottle, leave to stand for a few days, pour into champagne bottles, be sure to filter again through gauze.
  3. Fill the bottles not to the neck, tie the corks with ropes. Store neck down in a cool place, no more than 5 months.

As you can see, it's very easy to prepare. tinctures and liqueurs at home. Recipes consist of simple ingredients are clear and simple. They can be made by any housewife who does not have practical experience in making homemade alcoholic beverages. All that is required from the hostess is a little patience, and it is necessary to prepare alcoholic drinks in summer and autumn, when there is a great abundance of berries and fruits.

See cherry liqueur at home recipe, video:

Alcohol tinctures can be easily prepared on your own. Such a drink turns out to be strong and fragrant, and in quality it is not inferior to store-bought alcohol. Homemade products are prepared from fresh fruits, berries or herbs with the addition of vodka or cognac. Each of alcoholic tinctures slightly different in taste - it depends on the type of fruit, the duration of infusion and many other factors. You can safely take them to festive table in any season. In addition, during the preparation of homemade tinctures, you can accurately verify the quality of raw materials, the absence of dyes and synthetic flavors.

Alcohol tincture consists of any kind of strong alcohol and a base. If you combine these two components, the liquid is saturated with taste and aroma, while not losing strength. At home, homemade tinctures are prepared from a week to several months, depending on the type of main raw material. You can use including not the highest quality fruits and berries. They can be partially lined or damaged - all these sections are easy to remove, and take the rest of the parts as a basis.

The process of preparing tinctures at home includes several stages:

  • preparation of raw materials - fruits, berries or herbs are cleaned of dirt and impurities, crushed or pureed (depending on the recipe);
  • insisting - the duration of this stage can reach up to several months;
  • filtering - ready-made tinctures do not contain impurities and residues of raw materials;
  • storage - the liquid is poured into glass containers and kept in a cold room for several years.

Recipes for alcohol tinctures are simple and affordable; you do not need to purchase special equipment to prepare them. Drinks are prepared with alcohol different flavors. Some of them can also be used for medicinal purposes - herbal extracts are used to improve appetite, restore work gastrointestinal tract and also to relieve inflammation.


A huge number of recipes for homemade tinctures allows you to choose the simplest and most delicious. Today you can find a huge number of ways to diversify the recipe, combining your favorite flavors. Including there quick ways preparations - they will come in handy if a drink is urgently needed for a holiday or a visit by guests.

For lovers of useful alcohol tinctures, cooked by hand, there are several options:

  • herbal drinks - they are also used for medicinal purposes;
  • tinctures from berries are sweet and fragrant, they can even be made from jam;
  • fruit liqueurs - great way to find use for a rich harvest of apples, pears and other fruits.

Cedar tincture on alcohol

For you will need 4 tablespoons of unshelled nuts and 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. For taste and aroma, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of sugar and vanillin, as well as currant leaf and grating lemon peel. Cooking takes place in several stages:

  • in a separate container, fill the nuts with boiling water and drain the water, repeat the procedure three times - so the finished liqueur will not be bitter;
  • put all the ingredients in a glass bottle, pour alcohol and leave warm for 10 days;
  • strain the tincture, pour into a bottle for storage;
  • after another 4 days it is ready for use.

The recipe for cedar tincture is simple, but you will need high-quality nuts for it. They must be with a strong shell, without bad smell and signs of damage. Nuts before cooking must be sorted out and cleaned of impurities.

Cranberry tincture for alcohol

Cranberry tincture is thick and rich, with a bright aroma of spices. For 2 liters of alcohol or vodka you will need 400 g fresh berries, a few tablespoons of honey and lemon zest to taste. Lovers of sweet liqueurs can additionally add 2-3 tablespoons of sugar.

Tincture recipe:

  • rinse the berries and wash them to a puree state, leave in a warm place for 2 days;
  • add 1 liter of alcohol and leave to infuse for a week;
  • strain the tincture, pour the liquid into a separate container and leave, and pour the berries with the remaining alcohol;
  • after a week, strain the liqueur, combine the liquid from two bottles, add between and spices;
  • insist another week, and then strain and serve.

In winter, such a liqueur can be prepared from frozen berries. They do not differ in taste and retain all their beneficial properties. However, after thawing, the aroma may become less saturated, so it is recommended to increase their dosage to 450-500 g per 2 liters of alcohol.

Tincture of chokeberry on alcohol

Rowan berry tincture is not only a delicious alcohol, but also a well-known medicine. IN winter period It boosts the immune system and helps fight colds. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, you will need 1-1.5 kg of ripe berries, 500 g of sugar and a few tablespoons of dry cloves. The filling is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • rinse and sort the berries, crush them to a state of gruel and leave warm for several days;
  • add sugar and spices, pour alcohol and leave in a dark room for 2 months;
  • strain the liquid, pour into a storage container and serve.

Rowan berries have a characteristic sour taste, so the tincture is prepared from them with the addition of a large amount of sugar. Rowan also goes well with other red berries: cherries or currants.

Tincture of viburnum on alcohol

Kalina is an excellent protection against colds and a viral infection, so you should definitely stock up on such a drink for the winter. For 1 liter of alcohol, you need 1 kg of viburnum berries and a few tablespoons of sugar. The cooking process is simple:

  • wash the berries and crush them to a state of gruel;
  • add sugar and alcohol, leave in a glass container in a dark room;
  • after 3 weeks, strain the tincture - it is ready for use.

Homemade alcohol tincture recipes may vary. So, sugar can be easily replaced with honey, add cinnamon and cloves. The spices go well with the bitter taste of the berries, and honey is also considered an effective medicine.

Lingonberry tincture on alcohol

Lingonberry liqueur has a bright ruby ​​hue, fresh aroma and bitter taste. This berry is a valuable source of vitamin C, which is preserved after infusion and is present in the tincture. For 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, you should take 6 full tablespoons of berries and start cooking:

  • sort and wash the berries, grind to a state of gruel;
  • pour alcohol, optionally add a few tablespoons of sugar;
  • insist 3 weeks, then strain and serve.

Really delicious tincture comes from berry mix. Lingonberries are recommended to be combined with raspberries and rosehips in equal proportions. If you add honey instead of sugar, the liqueur will turn out to be thicker and more fragrant.

Alcohol tincture of apples

For 1 liter of alcohol you need to take 1 kg fresh apples, a few spoons of honey and half a spoon of cinnamon powder. The tincture is prepared as follows:

  • wash and peel the apples, remove the core with stones, cut the fruit into thin slices;
  • add honey and spices, pour alcohol and leave warm under the lid, stirring occasionally;
  • after 10 days, strain and pour into a container for long-term storage.

Apple juice is ready. It can be drunk both cold and heated over a fire with spices. With the addition of honey, its consistency is thicker, and the shade is more saturated. According to the same recipe, you can cook a delicious and healthy apple brandy liqueur.

Red currant tincture with alcohol

Homemade tincture on alcohol and currant has a bright ruby ​​hue. The berries contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, thanks to which you can protect yourself from infection in the off-season and strengthen your immune system. For classic recipe liquor will need 1 liter of vodka and 500g of ripe berries, you can also add honey or sugar to taste.

With cooking currant liqueur Even a beginner can do it:

  • rinse fresh berries under water and fill the jar halfway;
  • add sugar or honey, fill the container with alcohol completely;
  • insist 3 weeks in a warm dark room, then strain;
  • tincture is ready to use.

Pouring can be prepared from red currants of any variety. For taste, it is also recommended to add a few fresh twigs with leaves. They will not only give a bright aroma, but also complement the drink. useful vitamins and minerals.

Alcohol tincture of cherries

There are a huge number of ways to cook. Berries have a characteristic sour taste, but many people like sweeter drinks. Taste is adjusted by adding additional components, sugar and spices. For a fragrant spicy liqueur, you will need 1 kg of berries, 1 liter of vodka, 10 tablespoons of sugar and spices to taste (cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg).

Cherry tincture cannot be called fast. It must be cooked in several stages so that the liquid absorbs everything. taste qualities and useful properties of berries:

  • wash the cherries and pierce each with a toothpick, the bones can be left;
  • put the berries with sugar and spices in a glass container, pour alcohol (the berries are laid in layers, sprinkling each with sugar and spices);
  • pour alcohol and send to infuse under a lid or gauze, stirring occasionally;
  • after 2 months, the liqueur can be filtered and put on the table.

There are other recipes for cherry tincture. Some advise removing the seeds beforehand so that the taste is softer and the bitterness disappears. However, when preparing large volumes of drink, this method will require a huge investment of time.

Lemon tincture for alcohol

Light and refreshing, perfect for a hot summer day. Traditionally, it is prepared with lemon zest and mint leaves - they give a special softness to the taste and freshness to the aroma. For 1 liter of vodka you will need the zest of 5 medium ripe lemons, 150 g fresh leaves mint (you can replace 50 g of dried raw materials). Additionally, you can add sugar.

The filling is prepared according to a simple recipe:

  • wash and peel the lemons so that only its yellow part remains;
  • put the zest tightly in a glass container along with mint leaves and sugar, pour alcohol;
  • within 10 days insist in heat, periodically stirring the jar;
  • strain through a large gauze and pour into a bottle for long-term storage - the liqueur is ready to drink.

You can cook both in winter and summer. The zest contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which, when infused, is absorbed by the liquid. Such a drink is especially useful during seasonal immunodeficiencies in order to avoid a cold infection.

Plum tincture on alcohol

Ripe plum fruits are a great excuse to cook. Among the purchased drinks, you can also find alcohol based on plums or plum pits but really natural useful product worth doing on your own. The taste is a bit tart, but sweet even without added sugar. For 1 liter of alcohol or vodka, you should take 1 kg of ripe berries, 200 g of sugar and a couple of sprigs of mint.

Even a beginner can handle the preparation of the drink:

  • wash the plums and put in a glass container, pour alcohol;
  • after 2 weeks, strain the tincture;
  • cook from plums thick syrup with added sugar;
  • combine tincture and syrup in a glass bottle, add mint and other ingredients to taste;
  • insist for a day, and the liqueur is ready.

Differs in dense color and bright aroma. It should be served with light meals, fruits and desserts. If you manage to collect a rich harvest of berries, it is recommended to postpone part of it for house wine on plums.


A tincture of their fresh raspberries is a great way to remember a hot summer in a frosty winter. It is recommended to cook it during the harvest season, but frozen berries are also suitable. For 1 liter of alcohol you will need 1.5 kg of raspberries, as well as 250 g of sugar and water. The recipe is so simple that it's hard to go wrong:

  • rinse the raspberries well and put them in a glass container, add alcohol and leave warm for 5 days;
  • boil a thick syrup from water and sugar, constantly stirring it over low heat;
  • strain the tincture and combine it with syrup, leave for a few more days;
  • the drink is ready - it can be served at the table.

The raspberry filling turns out to be sugary-sweet. It is recommended to serve with desserts or fruit slices. To slightly dilute the taste, raspberries can be combined with lingonberries, cranberries or other fruits with sourness.


Aromatic blackberry tincture, prepared with my own hands, is not only sweet delicious drink, but also the source useful substances. They are found not only in berries, but also in the leaves of the plant, so they can also be added to the liqueur. For a classic recipe, you will need 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, 500 g of ripe berries, 5 tablespoons of sugar and several branches with leaves. To improve the taste, you can also add lemon zest from half of the fruit.

Blackberry tincture recipe:

  • put the berries in a jar, add additional ingredients, cover with sugar and pour alcohol;
  • leave for 2 months, stirring the contents of the jar every few days;
  • strain the tincture, pour the liquid into a glass bottle with an airtight lid.

It is better to work with blackberries in thin gloves. Berries contain a large amount of dyes, which are then poorly washed off the skin of the hands. It is they who give ready drink rich dark tint.


Juniper berries are used in folk medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiencies, lung diseases and dermatological problems. They are taken orally as part of a tasty and useful tincture which is easy to prepare yourself. For 1 liter of vodka or alcohol, you will need 5 g of berries and 25 g of honey. These components are combined and infused for 10 days in heat. Then the drink must be filtered and drunk according to the instructions.

Juniper tincture is recommended for medicinal purposes. If you drink 1 spoon daily before meals, you can significantly strengthen the immune system and prevent seasonal colds. Juniper extract has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, it is also present in the composition of pharmaceutical drugs.


Save sweet taste and the aroma of ripe blueberries is very simple - just cook a healthy homemade tincture. For 1 liter of vodka, you need to take 1 kg of berries and 250 sugar (more or less), combine them and leave for 2-3 weeks, constantly stirring. Then it remains to strain the liquid, pour into a beautiful decanter and serve.

Blueberries are the main product that is recommended by doctors to maintain visual acuity at any age. The extract of these berries is present in the composition of vitamin supplements, syrups and tablets. However, the tincture is not only useful, but also tasty. It may well replace purchased alcohol on the festive table.

sea ​​buckthorn

If you take 1 kg of sea buckthorn fruits, 1 liter of vodka and 500 g of sugar, and then leave for 2 weeks, you will get an original alcoholic drink own production. It has a characteristic sourness, so it is rarely prepared without the addition of honey or sugar. Sea buckthorn fruits are great for coughing, strengthen the immune system, soothe nervous system. In addition, it is simply delicious and looks great at any feast.

Homemade tinctures are sure to please guests and households. A variety of tastes will allow everyone to find suitable recipe, and even a beginner can cope with the preparation of the drink. Fruits and berries, medicinal herbs, honey and spices - all these products are much healthier than the highest quality store-bought alcohol. In addition, liqueurs have a long shelf life. If you cook them in in large numbers during the harvest season - they will always be on hand to please unexpected guests.