Fruit cuts for children. Beautiful fruit slices for a children's party

19.10.2019 Bakery products

Fruit platter is a dish that suits any holiday, be it a birthday or a new year. If you have not yet learned how to decorate fruit for serving beautifully, let's look at how you can do it.

Fruit slices for a children's party

Babies only need healthy food, but often they refuse it for a variety of reasons. To avoid this, the child should be interested in something beautiful and interesting. Fruit slicing for a children's party is an excellent solution in this case.


Required products:

  • half a banana and lemon;
  • pear;
  • orange;
  • strawberry;
  • kiwi;
  • one highlight;
  • physalis.

Cooking process:

  1. The pear must be cut into equal slices, put them on a dish in the form of a fan closer to the edge of the plate. Be sure to smear them with lemon juice so that they don't change their color.
  2. On the orange, we make cuts on the skin on all sides, but do not cut the fruit completely, but cut it into rings. Place circles on the edge of the pear slices so that the peacock's tail is formed.
  3. On top of the orange are mugs of peeled kiwi.
  4. Cut off the thin top from the half of the banana and place it in front of the tail - this will be the neck.
  5. Cut the edge off the strawberry sideways and place it on the banana, and insert physalis into the cut in the back as a tuft.
  6. Use two more slices of sliced \u200b\u200borange to make wings by placing them near the neck, and from raisins and two kiwi seeds to make eyes.

Beautiful design of fruit slices: ideas

A beautiful fruit platter can be a staple on a table if it is decorated correctly. After all, using these useful ingredients, it is possible to get a real masterpiece.

  1. The easiest option is to chop the fruit into circles, squares, slices and arrange them beautifully on a platter.
  2. Try grouping the fruit by color or painting something like a rainbow. You will get a very bright presentation.
  3. Do not be afraid to experiment, in addition to fruits, add berries, twigs, you can even use fresh flowers, and sprinkle the top with powdered sugar, which will give the dish an even more unusual look.
  4. Another very original way is the basket. The required shape is cut from the whole watermelon, the pulp is removed, and various chopped fruits and berries are placed inside
  5. A fruit bouquet will not only be a decoration for any table, but it is also quite suitable as a small presentation.

I believe that any dish should be beautifully decorated, because first we see, and only then we taste. You know such a proverb - "They are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their minds," so in our case, clothes are decoration, and mind is the taste of a dish. When we go to a holiday and look at the table, our attention immediately falls on the beautifully decorated dishes, and we will try the most beautiful first, and then, if there is room left, we will try all the others. I am sure that all your recipes are delicious, and if you still learn how to decorate them beautifully, then your recipes will not be worth the price. Today we will consider many options for decorating the festive table with fruits. You can make any festive table (March 8, Birthday, Christmas, Easter, wedding, anniversary, New Year, Valentine's Day, Romantic evening, children's holiday, etc.) truly beautiful and elegant, decorating it beautifully with fruits and fruit cuts ...

Look at the photo, what beautiful fruit can be prepared from canned pineapple rings and banana circles and pricked with a skewer. This will brighten any holiday.

Such fruit slices of orange, pear, grapes, strawberries, apple slices, peeled tangerines, kiwi look pretty nice and a very convenient snack on the festive table. Slicing will be a great decoration, both for children and other holidays.

This decoration is quite simple to prepare, but it looks very beautiful and original. We need pears, apples, oranges of approximately the same size and different colors. We cut the fruit into wide circles and change the places in the fruit. I really like it, and it turns out quickly and very beautifully. So the decoration can be prepared even on a weekday, not to mention the festive table, since it does not take much time.

This beautiful fruit basket can be made from an oblong or round watermelon. But here you have to master at least the basics of such a craft as "Carving" is the so-called figured carving on vegetables and fruits. Of course, there is nothing complicated here, we cut out specials. with star molds from the peel and pulp, thereby forming a basket, select the remaining pulp, and fill it with watermelon stars, pear and apple straws, berries. Here is such a beautiful decoration for a festive table with vegetables and fruits.

Isn't it really cool to decorate the festive table with a fruit hedgehog! Here we need skewers, pears, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, apples, grapes (different colors). Well, here, there is nothing complicated, we cut the apple, pineapple into medium cubes, peel the tangerine, string the pieces, slices on skewers and stick them into the pineapple. You can use whole pineapple as a base, or carefully cut the pulp of the fruit. Having thus decorated the festive table, your guests will get a lot of pleasure from this beauty.

You can decorate a children's party with such a beautiful hedgehog, which will bring a lot of pleasure to children. For cooking, you need pears, toothpicks, berries, a knife.

The strawberry has always been a seductive berry that attracts with its beauty and taste. I propose to make such strawberries in chocolate, which will go very well for a romantic evening, children's party, birthday, Valentine's Day, and so will serve as an excellent decoration for any other festive table. The recipe is very simple - melt the chocolate and dip each strawberry in the heated chocolate, let it drain a little and put it on paper (parchment paper) and let it freeze. This is not a difficult decoration that can be prepared for any festive table.

Quiet romantic evening, next to a loved one, quiet romantic music, a bottle of semi-sweet champagne and a beautiful snack in the form of baskets of orange and grapefruit with candied fruits. How are you feeling? I am sure that it is excellent! Decorating a festive table in this style will charge you with good mood for the entire work week.

Here are some more options for slicing fruit. Look, this option for slicing apples, pears with scales or leaves looks very attractive, that you think it is difficult, you are wrong! In fact, this is done very simply with a knife and fruit (preferably oblong, but you can also use round ones), cut an oblong piece of apple and make cuts below on both sides with the same thickness (boats are obtained), and so on. I advise you to take an apple, a knife and spoil a couple of apples until you learn. An example in the pictures. In short, a beautiful festive table decoration is in your hands.

Beautiful fruit baskets with fruits and berries will serve as a wonderful decoration for a festive table, which will always cheer you up. To prepare them, we need fruits, berries, skewers, toothpicks, lettuce leaves! As you can see, the photo shows trees made of fruits and berries, of course, such a pleasure is laborious and is mainly used for decoration in resorts in hotels with a buffet where there are a lot of people. And for a festive table, such cute and tasty baskets are perfect.

Such cute and delicious kebabs from pieces of fruits and berries can be prepared very quickly. We cut slices of kiwi, apples, banana, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, as well as black currants, grapes, raspberries, strawberries are great for fruit decoration of the festive table.

Fruits and berries in sugar are delicious and beautifully decorate the festive table. Remember the song performed by Vladimir Asmolov "Cranberries in sugar", I remembered, just by the way .. Look at the photo, how great they look.

A cool and beautiful decoration for a festive children's table in the form of a palm from bananas and palm branches from peeled kiwi, and sand from peeled tangerine slices. Your children will be in seventh heaven from such beauty.

Well, in conclusion, I want to recommend decorating the festive table with fruit, which are also not difficult to prepare and are very harmoniously combined with any dishes. I hope you pick up a lot for yourself useful information, which will come in handy more than once, will help out in difficult times. In the next article, we will discuss "Decorating the festive table with vegetables."

Any holiday is a moment of joy and meeting with loved ones and relatives. Such an event is never complete without a festive table. At the moment, any woman has a desire to demonstrate her skills in the field of cooking.

Today, you will no longer surprise anyone with the habitually sliced \u200b\u200bsalads and other similar snacks. Slices from various products are more popular. With the right approach, you can create unique and beautiful dishes that can impress even the most picky guest.

Fruit slices

No festive table can be complete without fruit. But hardly any of the guests will pay attention to them if they are laid out whole on a dish. Even if you take the time, peel, cut and put on a plate, it is unlikely that anyone will touch them.

In order to show the guests a desire to enjoy delicious fruits, you need to know some techniques that will help you make the correct design of fruit cuts.

There are certain rules by which any housewife will be able to choose, peel and arrange fruit correctly.

  1. First you need to purchase these products. You need to stop your choice on beautiful, healthy and ripe fruits. If they are purchased in advance, then you can choose slightly underripe fruits. When choosing, you need to be vigilant, and inspect them for spots, damage and other similar flaws;
  2. To decorate the fruit slices, you need to take time before the very arrival of the guests, since the pulp gradually begins to darken upon contact with air. In order to slow down this process, you can use lemon juice;
  3. Wash the fruit thoroughly before slicing.

Fruit slices can be made from various pieces. It can be the most common apples, oranges, kiwi, bananas. But you can also add originality and zest with the help of exotic species such as mango, pineapple or peach. Bunches of grapes, strawberries or diced melon can be a decoration for any composition.

How to properly cut at home

Aside from overall beauty, it is important to stick to ease of use. This suggests that the pieces should be small.

The shape of the piece should depend on the density of the product. For a shape such as a cube, pineapples or apples are ideal. But an orange cannot be shaped like that. These products are cut into slices or circles.

There are many tools for cutting fruit beautifully. These are various graters, shredders, forms and knives. The process of slicing fruit with various tools is called carving. You can find similar tools at the point of sale of utensils.

In order to perform fruit slicing, it is important to adhere to the basic rules. It will be convenient to use a sweet appetizer if, when cutting, it is based on the structure of a particular fruit. To help this process, special devices have been invented that will easily help to produce a real masterpiece for a festive table.

Fruit platter is an important attribute on any festive table. A plate of fruit is served with wines, champagne, cognac, tea and coffee. Beautiful cutting requires adherence to simple rules. It is important that the fruits are fresh and ripe.

Slicing is always done just before the holiday itself. It is not recommended to do it in advance, since fruits can lose their color, aroma and wind up.

Cutting fruit on the table: the best ways

Nowadays, artistic cutting of fruits, which is called carving, is very popular. Carving masters are able to create real masterpieces from fruits. At home, this technique is not easy to master. Special skills and tools are required to make art cuts. If you still decide to go in for carving.

You will need a dedicated fruit knife set. These knives are sold at hardware stores and cookware departments. The simplest homemade fruit carving is a bouquet of flowers. No special skills are needed here. Chop fruits and herbs. Place them on skewers. With your imagination, make bouquets of skewers and place them in a beautiful vase.

  • Fruit striped.To serve fruit beautifully, it is not necessary to engage in artistic cutting. There are much simpler options. Chop the fruit into circles of equal thickness (1 - 1.5 cm). Swap them. For example, if you cut oranges, pears and apples, you should end up with an orange with an apple or an apple with a pear. You can also stir in fruits of the same type, but different colors. Place the cooked fruit nicely on a plate and serve.

  • Fruit painting. You can make a mosaic or painting from multi-colored fruit pieces. It is not necessary to have the talent of an artist for this. Choose a simple subject, or stick with a bright abstraction. Rest assured, guests will appreciate this kind of creativity. Curly cutting of fruits. To do this, you will need special graters-shredders. You can buy them in the store. There are devices that allow you to effortlessly cut flowers, petals, bunnies and other unusual figures.

Cutting fruit on the table: photo

Making slicing on the table


  1. Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  2. Kiwi - 3 pcs.
  3. Pamela - 1 pc.
  4. Orange - 1 pc.
  5. Apple - 2 pcs.
  6. Canned pineapple rings - 1 ban.
  7. Pomegranate - 1 pc.


  • Rinse the fruits thoroughly and peel them off. Divide the citrus fruits into slices, cut the kiwi into thin rings. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Put the prepared fruits in random order on a beautiful dish. Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds on top. The main thing is that everything should look colorful, elegant and festive!

  • It is not necessary to peel all the fruits. It will give the slices a contrast and keep the fruit fresh longer. The rind can be used to garnish dishes. For example, it is easy to make an original basket or an elegant pink bud from orange peel of an orange.

To cut the fruit beautifully and neatly, you need to follow some rules and tricks.

  • Be sure to wash all fruit before slicing. For transportation and storage, they are coated with a chemical composition that allows them to keep the freshness of the products longer. He's very dangerous!

  • Use only sharp knives for slicing. This will keep the fruit slices even and thin. The fruits are sliced \u200b\u200bbefore serving. Even in the refrigerator, they can lose their original appearance and dry out.
  • To keep the slices fresh longer, brush them with a thin layer of clear jelly.
  • Garnish with berries and pomegranate seeds to add appetizing and attractiveness to the dish.

  • Do not be afraid of bright experiments and unusual combinations!
  • Sliced \u200b\u200bapples and bananas darken faster than other fruits, so prepare them at the very last moment. Don't forget to sprinkle lemon juice on the slices, this will help the fruit stay whiter for longer.

Fruit compatibility with other products

  1. Sweet fruits, dates, persimmons, figs, bananas and dried fruits break down more slowly than sour ones. They are not recommended to be eaten after lunch, otherwise bloating and abdominal discomfort cannot be avoided. Sweet fruits go well with sour fruits, with each other, with herbs, cream,
  2. Semi-acid fruits: blueberries, raspberries, apples, plums, pears, mangoes, strawberries, apricots, peaches, grapes, and watermelon. They go well with sweet and sour fruits, fermented milk products, protein foods (cottage cheese, meat, cheese, nuts, etc.), herbs and cream.
  3. Semi-acid fruits are incompatible with legumes, mushrooms, eggs, fish and peas. Sour fruits: tangerines, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, pamela, oranges, gooseberries, cranberries, sour apples, plums, pears, grapes and apricots. They go well with each other, with fermented milk products, sour cream, cream, cheese, herbs, nuts and fatty cottage cheese. Sour fruits are not recommended to be combined with animal proteins, peas, legumes and starchy foods.

Cutting fruit for a festive table is a whole art and remarkable work. After all, the fruits must be arranged so that they look attractive and awaken the appetite. But, even without having serious skills and artistic gift, you can try yourself in this creative activity. The main thing is to show imagination and desire, and everything will work out! Imagine and surprise your guests.

Figured cutting and carving of vegetables and fruits "Delicious flower fantasy".

Simple cutting of vegetables and fruits step by step with a photo

Guest Ksenia Aleksandrovna, physical education teacher, MOU "School No. 53", Oktyabrsky village, Lyuberetskiy district, Moscow region.
Goal and tasks:
- development of creativity, imagination;
- to form an aesthetic taste;
- to educate accuracy in the performance of work, caution;
- learn to cut vegetables using the "carving" technique
This master class is intended for high school children, teachers, parents and creative people. Such a design of dishes is suitable for any holiday, banquet and, simply, to improve the perception of food and good mood.

For decoration we need:
Tomato, cucumber, lemon, orange, pear, apple, kiwi, onion, cutting board, 2 knives (large and small with cloves), 2 flat plates, towel.


Carving (from the English carving - "cutting out") - the art of artistic cutting for vegetables and fruits, as well as wood, ice and stones.
Tips for a novice "carvinger" Not every fruit, vegetable is suitable for carving. So, for example, the radish should be large and bright, the carrot should be smooth and smooth, the orange should be very fresh. It is better to take apples with smooth skin, cucumbers - even and with dark skin, pumpkins with rough skin have a denser and more convenient pulp. Decorations should be combined with the dish in color and taste. It is better to decorate meat dishes with cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, seafood - lemons. Fruits will serve as an excellent decoration for a dessert or as an independent delicacy. When choosing combinations of products, give preference to contrasting colors - the compositions will be more enchanting. Red, green, yellow are favorites. Fruits and vegetables for carving must be clean and dry. Everything should have a golden mean. You should not over-decorate dishes - measure is important in everything.

1) The first vegetable to start with is a tomato. We cut it in half and cut off the unnecessary part.

2) Then, with a sharp knife, thinly cut one of the tomato halves.

If it is small, then you can combine the two cut halves into one. As in the photo.

3) After that we "stretch" the tomato as thin as possible and begin to twist it into flowers.

4) To gently transfer the finished flower to the dish, you need to grab it with both hands, pressing it from all sides.

Done! You can put a salad leaf on the bottom of the plate.

5) Our flower is missing something. You can add parsley or make cucumber bells. To do this, place the cucumber in your palm. With a sharp small knife, directing it towards ourselves, cut the cucumber in the shape of a petal, dipping the knife blade to the middle. Then, turning it, cut two more petals.

6) You should get a bell with three petals. To separate the flower from the cucumber, you need to turn it slightly and it will fall off by itself.

Then you can continue in the same order until the cucumber runs out.

You can add strips of pepper or olive oil to the middle of the bells.

7) You can also cut thin cucumber strips and fold them in half without breaking them to complement our dish.

8) Gradually we move on to the bow. What can be made from onions? We can make a water lily out of it. To do this, peel the onion, soak it in cold water so that we do not cry. Then you need to cut it evenly with teeth, immersing the knife only to the middle. Upon completion, it will easily fall into two halves.

All parts of the onion must be removed and collected already forming a flower.

9) Our decoration for the dish is ready and you can add chopped vegetables or cold cuts.

If you want to treat your guests with sandwiches, you can use the middle for a tomato flower.

10) The vegetable decoration is ready. Now you can start decorating the fruit plate. To do this, we need to cut a half of an orange as described above.

11) Do the same with lemon.

By the way, lemon flower goes very well with fish products.

12) Then we cut the kiwi, as in the photo. You can decorate a plate or spread it like this on fruits.

13) Now my favorite. Apple and pear wings. We need the halves of the fruit.

Visually divide the apple in half. I cut out a strip for you, for clarity. On one of the halves we find the middle and immerse the knife slightly deepening. To make it easier to imagine, we kind of cut off the peel. You need to make a half petal.

Then, on the other hand, we do the same, but we cut exactly to the corners made. It is necessary to ensure that the excess is not cut off. It turned out to be a leaflet.

Departing from the cut out 2-3mm, cut out the next leaf.

Cut it out until we reach our "border" of the apple.

Now we connect all the parts and push them apart so that we get a wing.

14) These wings look like petals, so they can be used in cooking when decorating any dishes. And so that the apple does not darken, it must be sprinkled with lemon or dipped in acidified water.