Types of alcoholic beverages by strength. Classification and history of the emergence of alcoholic beverages

16.04.2019 Healthy eating

Everyone knows about the harm of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol destroys health and causes severe addiction, which is not so easy to get rid of. But, despite the complexity of production and an expensive cost, alcohol does not go out of fashion and does not lose popularity. This is why alcohol brands are thriving, and new types of spirits are constantly filling supermarket shelves.

People love the feeling of mild euphoria from drinking, the feeling of pleasant relaxation. In a small dose, good and high-quality alcohol even brings some benefits to the body. Doctors agree with this. But how to make sense of the rich and thriving alcoholic world and choose the right alcoholic drinks, the list of names for which has already exceeded many thousands? Let's try.

Most often, types of alcoholic beverages are classified by strength

When exactly humanity got acquainted with alcohol, it is difficult to say now. It is known that historically the first alcoholic beverage goes back centuries. Even Miklouho-Maclay observed how the Papuans of New Guinea, who were not even familiar with fire, were already successfully getting alcohol for their needs.

The history of alcohol is over 10,000 years old

The word "alcohol" is of Arabic origin, in translation it means, as "intoxicating mind."

The earliest tribes originally used alcohol for numerous ceremonies and summoning spirits. These traditions later found their continuation in the rite of "twinning". And, perhaps, it was from these times that the tradition began to meet guests with a rich table and invariable alcohol.

What alcoholic drinks are there

Alcohol includes products in the manufacture of which ethyl alcohol is involved.... Most alcohol is fermented. In addition to ethyl alcohol, other types of raw materials are used in the creation of alcoholic beverages:

  • apricot, grapes; plum, pineapple, pear;
  • corn, rice, wheat, rye, millet, barley;
  • sweet potatoes, potatoes, agave and sugar cane.

Numerous spices, honey, coloring agents, flavors and some herbs are also used in the technological processes of making alcohol. True alcoholics cherish the dream to taste the entire list of alcoholic drinks ever created by man. The main thing to remember, cherishing your dream, is that alcohol in large quantities can cause alcohol dependence and simply kill a person.

Statistics of the most popular alcohol in Russia

All varieties of alcoholic beverages that exist in the world can be divided into groups based on their strength. These are the following directions of alcohol:

  1. Low alcohol.
  2. Medium alcohol.
  3. Strong.

In general, this gradation can be taken into account when classifying alcohol only conditionally. Alcohol levels are higher in some countries and regions, and lower in others. This classification is rather ephemeral, because the amount and norms of alcohol that define this classification are not the same everywhere. Therefore, we will rely on the list of types of alcohol and its strength standards adopted in Russia.

Low alcohol alcohol

Alcohol of this type is considered the least safe for health, and some low-alcohol types of these products do not even fall under the concept of "alcohol-containing". The assortment and list of low-alcohol drinks is so great that it is simply not possible to count absolutely all of their types.

What is alcoholic beverages

Low alcohol alcoholic beverages are light alcoholic beverages in which the ethanol content does not exceed 6-8%.

We will list only those types of low-alcohol alcohol that are most popular in Russia and are known to our consumers. These are the following types of products:

  1. Beer. It is made from hops, brewer's yeast and purified water. Beer is also subdivided into non-alcoholic (with a strength of 0.1%) and strong (3-6%). Everyone's favorite hops varies in color: red, dark and light, according to the fermentation method: top and bottom, and raw materials: corn, rice, rye.
  2. Cider. In the manufacture of such a drink, fruit extracts are used (usually apple or pear). The juice is fermented, but without the use of yeast. Cider is a carbonated alcoholic alcohol with a strength of 1-8%. This drink has a greenish or golden color and a rich fruity aroma.
  3. Braga. This alcohol is often used as a kind of transitional product for its subsequent processing into moonshine (strong alcoholic drink), while the mash itself has a strength of 3-8%. It is subdivided into its types: pruno, keel and bravanda.
  4. Kvass. This popular, especially in the summer heat, as such is not alcoholic. But still, a small percentage of alcohol is present in it. This ancient Slavic drink, adhering to ancient traditions, is prepared from malt, flour and rye bread. Berries, fruits, herbs and natural honey can also be added there.
  5. Toddy. The low alcohol drink is essentially palm wine. In the process of its preparation, juices of some varieties of palm trees (wine, sugar and coconut) are used. For us, Toddy is still considered a rather rare and exotic alcohol, but it is rapidly gaining popularity.
  6. Koumiss. Just like kvass, this strengthening and very healthy drink does not belong to the category of alcohol. But it contains albeit tiny, but the existing percentage of ethanol. Kumis is prepared from the milk of young mares.

Medium alcoholic alcohol

This category includes alcoholic beverages with an ethanol concentration of up to 30%. Many of the types of alcohol of this type contain fruit juices or natural fruit pieces.

When choosing alcohol for yourself, remember that it is detrimental to health.

Medium alcohol drinks are used in many cases for the prevention of various diseases. Of course, subject to their moderate consumption.

Their benefits are due to the fruits that make up the composition, in particular, grapes... As you know, this sunny fruit contains a huge amount of all kinds of vitamins and micro- and macroelements useful for vital activity. Grape juice has been successfully used to treat:

  • asthma;
  • pleurisy;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.

So what kind of alcohol is good for you? The list of medium alcohol products includes such well-known alcoholic beverages as:

  1. Wine. Probably the most popular of the list of medium-strength alcoholic products. Wines, in turn, are classified by color (pink, white and red), sugar concentration (dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet). There is a variety of wines saturated with carbon dioxide - they are called sparkling. Wine is famous for a large list of useful properties and is actively used in medical practice.
  2. Mead. In the manufacture of this aromatic spirit, yeast, natural high-quality honey and numerous flavoring additional ingredients are used. Mead has its own classification, depending on honey characteristics: variety, aging period, time of its inclusion in the manufactured products and level of sterilization.
  3. Mulled wine. The surest remedy in the harsh winter. This fragrant drink is a great protection against freezing and colds. It is prepared by boiling spices and various fruits in natural wine.
  4. Punch. An original cocktail made from wine, where fruit juice and various aromatic and tasty pieces of selected fruits are added. Very often the juice content of the punch even exceeds the percentage of wine.
  5. Grog. The same rum that belongs to the list of spirits. But grog is an average drink, as it is diluted with sugar syrup or sweet strong tea.

Strong alcohol

The strength of these alcoholic beverages varies between 20-80%. Doctors advise to use this type of alcohol with extreme caution due to its high strength... The range of these products is very large; the list of spirits includes the following types:

  1. Vodka. This is a colorless alcohol with a strength of 40-55%. The drink is based on rectified alcohol, which is produced from potato or grain raw materials. This type of spirits has a huge number of brands, varieties and names.
  2. Cognac. For the manufacture of this type of alcohol, a certain technology is used. Special varieties of dark grapes are used. At the exit, the cognac turns out to be fragrant with an attractive amber hue. This type of strong alcohol is classified according to the place of production and aging.
  3. Rum (cane vodka). This alcohol is made from cane. Rum differs in color (it can be transparent, light, golden or dark in color). Light rum is more often used to prepare various cocktails. But amber rum is aged in oak barrels; in the process, various aromas and caramel are added to it. Dark rum has the brightest taste and conquers alcoholics with its rich aroma of caramel and molasses. It is also successfully used in the preparation of cocktails, rum and in the culinary industry.
  4. Tequila. The exotic drink is also called "Mexican vodka". It is prepared from the juice obtained from the leaves and stems of blue agave.
  5. Whiskey. An extraordinarily aromatic high-strength alcoholic beverage made from wheat, rye, barley or corn. Whiskey undergoes a long aging in oak containers, at the exit it has a light or dark, rich color. High quality classic whiskey is made in Ireland and Scotland.
  6. Brandy. In the process of preparing a drink, which tastes close to whiskey, use grape or apple juice.
  7. Sambuca. At its core, this alcohol is pure vodka, to which anise and a selected collection of medicinal herbs are added. Sambuca is colorless, but has a sweetish taste and pleasant aroma. There are also dark types of this alcohol. The ingredients of this unique spirit also include sugar, wheat, various berries and elderberry. The real sambuca recipe is kept in the strictest confidence.
  8. Gin. In the process of preparing this strong alcohol, grain ethanol and numerous selected spices are used: citrus, coriander, almonds, cinnamon and juniper berries. This composition gives gin an original, incomparable taste and smell.
  9. Liquor. Very sweet and fragrant alcohol, prepared on the basis of fruit and berry juices with increased sugar content (its content is 25-65%), numerous spices and aromas. This type of strong alcohol is considered the most high-calorie.
  10. Tinctures. These types of alcohol-containing products are prepared by insisting on high-quality, pure ethanol of various berries and herbs. Tinctures are classified into bitter, sweet and semi-sweet. Very often, this type of hard alcohol is used as a means of therapy for various diseases.
  11. Absinthe. The main component of this alcohol is wormwood. Absinthe has earned the reputation of the strongest alcoholic beverage. Its strength is about 76-86%. It is classified by color (black, green, red and yellow), by strength and by the concentration of thujone (a natural compound contained in the extract from tansy).

Of course, not all subtypes of alcoholic products are included in this list of alcohol. Too many of them. We have just listed the most common and loved ones in our country. The number of alcoholic beverages is increasing every year. Therefore, so much effort is invested in the prevention of alcoholism, which is also growing from year to year.

Wine with a huge spider or a snake in cognac. Are you ready to drink this ?! So, we present to your attention a rating of the most unusual and strongest alcoholic drinks in the world

In about every country, in every culture, there is some sort of traditional drink made from those ingredients that can be found among the local nature, and some of these drinks are very unusual.

Honey , as a base for a good beer or very strong wine. The origin of honey dates back to ancient times, as well as the origin of strong alcoholic drinks containing this sweet product. This drink is very popular in the cultures of Europe, Africa and Asia.

Moutai, commonly referred to as China's national liquor, was created in China over 800 years ago.

Chicha, a drink derived from corn in several South American countries, is one of the oldest drinks on the planet. Chicha was probably created several thousand years ago and was consumed by the Incas, but today traditional chicha is only produced in a few small towns and villages, in Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Costa Rica.

Another old drink - pulque, a traditional Mexican alcoholic beverage made from magi and agave juice. This drink has a very long history. Here, for example, is a figurine from the Aztec period, where a monkey holds a bottle of pulque in his hands:

Popular drink in Central Asia, koumiss -it is a traditional fermented milk drink of nomads, made from mare's milk . It is a low alcohol drink containing only 2.5 % alcohol.

If the alcoholic drink with horse milk did not suit your taste, then what about vodka? Vodka Bakonproduced by the Seattle-based Black Rock Spirits, which is flavored with bacon (pictured left). Or what about vodka with chili peppers (pictured on the right)?

Kosher vodka with the original name "Aunt Sonya" comes from Russia.

Mezcal. This drink is from Mexico. Just like vodka and bacon, this liqueur is based on meat. The worms are actually the larvae of the moth that lives on the fruits of the agave. Nobody knows where the tradition of adding worms to liquor came from, but perhaps this serves as proof that the alcohol content is high enough to keep the worm salty.

By the way, if you are not a fan of strong alcohol, then you are in the subject of the best wines in the world.

Lizard wine.Wine made from lizards, this drink is created in China. It may not be overly appealing, but it tastes like brandy and improves vision!

Another wine with supposedly medicinal qualities that helps with coughs and on cold days. This wine is made on the basis of baby mice, the creator of this wonderful drink is Korea. This drink really contains newborn mice, which are soaked in rice wine for a year, only then they drink it!

If snakes and mice are unimpressed, how about scorpions and spiders? This distilled rice vodka is from Thailand. And next to her is a bottle of rice-based Thai whiskey with a large non-venomous spider!

These were the strangest drinks from all over the world. And now the strongest drinks in the world !!!

In terms of alcohol content, the strongest drink is considered Everclear... Everclear can contain 95% or 75% wheat alcohol, which is 190 and 151 degrees, respectively. It is rarely consumed on its own, it is usually added to cocktails!

Bacardi 151 has an alcohol content of 75.5% or 151 degrees, and is also used in cocktails. It is flammable and is used in flaming beverages such as B-52.

Raicilla often called Mexican Fantasy - alcohol content greater than 100 degrees.

Absinthe is the next highly alcoholic beverage, with an alcohol content between 45% and 74%. Flavored with anise, it is made with herbs. Absinthe is usually green but can also be colorless. Because of his strength, he usually gets divorced with water. Absinthe gained popularity in Switzerland and became very popular in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in Paris - among artists and poets who were fans of the ‘green fairy’. They tried to sweeten this bitter drink with such a spoon as in the photo on the right.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the state of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors do not affect the popularity of these products in any way. Alcohol production is one of the largest.

The types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of positions, and it is not possible to list all the brands that exist today.

Alcohol brands are some of the most expensive brands, the volume of alcohol production worldwide is amazing, and new types of alcoholic beverages are emerging with amazing regularity.

Alcohol is a faithful companion to any meal. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events do not take place without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today the assortment is so rich that everyone is able to find a drink to their taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the problem of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. There are several ways to classify alcoholic beverages. The first way is to classify drinks according to the way they are made:

  1. Beverages to be produced that use the fermentation procedure.
  2. Distilled drinks.

This classification allows us to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories, which differ in their main components. The role of such components can be both fruits and vegetables, and various cereals.

The second way to classify alcohol is to separate products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium-strength drinks;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

The category of weak alcohol includes those products, the percentage of alcohol in which does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products. The list of low-alcohol drinks has more than ten items.

Beer.One of the most popular alcoholic products in the world. The history of this intoxicating drink is more than several thousand years old. Countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic are considered recognized brewers. The strength of beer starts from five degrees and rises higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga. The basis of this product is vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the manufacture of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength

Toddy.Toddy is made from the sap of palm trees in South American countries. For the manufacture of the product, a fermentation method is used.

Kvass.The history of this drink goes back many hundreds of years. Traditional kvass made from sour milk contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider.The strength of the cider depends primarily on the country in which it is prepared. In France, cider is made with two percent alcohol. In Germany, this percentage can be increased to seven. Apple juice is used to make cider. All fermentation processes are based on a method that excludes the addition of yeast.

Perry.Perry is one of the drinks, the method of preparation of which is similar to cider. Pear juice and sugar are used to make Perry. The strength of such a drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Khuremge.A traditional alcoholic product originally from Buryatia. Khuremge is made from whey. The fortress is between two and eight degrees.

Icewine.This drink can be classified as one of the variety of wines. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive the frost. It is thanks to this approach that the drink got its name. The strength of this wine is about eight degrees.

Togba.Togba is alcohol, originally from Nepal and according to legend, the Yeti is madly adored by it. Togba is made by fermenting cereals. This alcohol must be consumed hot using a straw.

Handi.Khandi is an alcohol native to India. Only women have the right to make such a product, and the process of its manufacture takes place according to strict rules. The Khandi fortress is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and the roots of some plants are used to make it.

With the help of various additives and preparation methods, at least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks containing up to thirty percent alcohol. This category includes the following products.

Mead.A product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine.This subtype of wine is made from fruit and spices.

Wine.One of the foods that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines, which differ in composition and preparation method. The strength of wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Countries such as France and Spain are considered recognized winemakers.

Sake.Wine, which is considered to be the birthplace of Japan. This type of wine is made from rice, and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine.Another offshoot of the wine family. Port wine is made from a special type of grape and has an alcohol content of twenty percent. The birthplace of this wine is Portugal.

MadeiraAnother kind of wine from Portugal. The Madeira fortress is about twenty degrees. The main feature of such a drink is that high temperatures are used to make it.

Sherry.The peculiarity of Spanish Sherry is that the grapes ferment under a kind of film of a special type of yeast. The fortress of Jerez is twenty degrees.

Marsala.A product from the wine family. The Marsala fortress is approaching eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subspecies of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga.This wine product gets its name from the place of production, the Spanish winery of Malaga. The strength of the resulting product can be from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. Several types of grapes are used for the production.

Both strong and low alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses.

Tokay.The wine is originally from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product. Tokay's fortress is twelve percent. The main component is a special kind of honey.

Vermouth.According to one of the legends, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. Healing herbs and plants are used in the preparation of vermouth. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne.A sparkling wine that many associate with solemnity and mystery. Winemakers from the small province of Champagne are engaged in the production of champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

Sato.Sato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content of this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Tsinar.Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

Campari.Liqueur named after its creator G. Campari. For the preparation of the liqueur, fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used. The alcohol content in this liqueur is about twenty-eight percent.

Koumiss.The homeland of kumis is Central Asia. This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for making kumiss, differing in strength. The maximum strength of kumis is forty degrees.

Grog and punch.These drinks are combined as both are derived from separate products. Grog is rum that is diluted to reduce the strength of the product. Punch is a product obtained by mixing certain varieties of wines and fruit juices.

Rechoto... One of the representatives of the wine family comes from Italy. The fortress of Rechoto is fifteen degrees.

Pisco.French wine, the strength of which is at around twenty-two degrees. It is made from grape juice with the addition of cognac alcohol. It is very important that such alcohol should be at least several years old.

Pulque.Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of agave fruits. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

The most common name for spirits is alcoholic beverages in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Strong alcohol consumption is hazardous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits are:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

It makes no sense to describe the above drinks, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong spirits can be made from a variety of ingredients, so only the most unusual formulas are worth considering.

Aquavit.Literally translated, the name reads "water of life". Aquavit is made in Norway from regular potatoes. The alcohol content of the product is fifty percent.

Arak.Arak is an ambiguous drink. For its manufacture, various types of natural raw materials and manufacturing methods are used. So the strength of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. Arak's homeland is Central Asia.

Pastis.Pastis is one of the absinthe derivatives from France. The history of making this aniseed vodka goes back about a hundred years. The strength of such vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic.Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac.The birthplace of Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The manufacturing technique consists in the distillation of wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa.Initially, Italian grappa was made from raw wine waste. The alcohol content in grappa can be as high as fifty percent.

Calvados.One of the subtypes of brandy made from apple cider. The alcohol content of this product is on average forty percent.

Kirshwasser.The kirschwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is about forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherry.

Low alcohol drinks usually include a variety of cocktails, wines, beer, liqueurs.

Slivovitsa.A brandy subspecies, with a strength of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice. The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa.Greek composition based on a mixture of grape wine, grape apple brandy and herbal tincture. The alcohol content in metax is about forty percent.

Schnapps.The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereals and fruits of fruit trees. Germany is considered the birthplace of schnapps. A product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon.An American whiskey made from corn cobs. The strength of bourbon is about fifty degrees.

Maotai.The homeland of this drink is China. Maotai is a festive drink associated with celebration. It is made from cereals and has a strength of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo.A mixture of alcohol solution and special herbs. The birthplace of the drink is Greece. The composition contains about fifty percent alcohol.

Cancers.Strong alcohol from Turkey. Crayfish contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka.Caucasian product made from mulberry fruit. This drink has a unique aroma, and its strength is already eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to classify drinks according to their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol in the liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of what you drink, but also save yourself from the consequences of the hangover syndrome.

If you try to list absolutely all alcoholic drinks, you get a very long list, and every day new types are added to it. In order not to get confused in abundance, there is a unified classification.


One way to classify alcohol is by the way it is made. Thus, beverages obtained by fermentation and by distillation are isolated. At the same time, the main components used for the production of alcohol are cereals, fruits, berries, herbs, etc.

And yet the most common classification used all over the world is the differentiation of drinks by strength.

What are the drinks:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • strong.

Important! The degree of the drink is equal to the percentage of alcohol in it. Strength is measured in% vol. (in percent by volume).

Weak fortress

Low alcohol drinks are considered to be those in which the degree does not exceed 8%. They are often obtained by fermenting alcohol. It is believed that women prefer such alcohol more.

Alcohol with a low alcohol content has a mild, pleasant taste. Drinks have a mild stimulating effect on the body. In small quantities, such alcohol is practically harmless, but its daily use can cause significant damage to the body.


Very popular and most ancient. It contains brewer's yeast, barley and hops. Germany and the Czech Republic are considered the best brewers.

The minimum degree is 5%. However, both non-alcoholic and strong beers are produced. In terms of color, a light, dark and red drink is produced.


Braga is obtained by fermenting fruits and vegetables. It is not used in its pure form - it is used for the production of other, stronger alcoholic beverages. The strength of the mash is 3-8%.


Normandy is considered the birthplace of Perry. It is analogous to cider, only pear juice is used for its preparation. The production technology is no different from the production of cider. The fortress is 5-8.5%. Popular producing countries are France, Spain and the United Kingdom.


The classic cider recipe calls for the fermentation of apple juice. However, other fruits such as pears are allowed. The strength of the cider varies from 1% to 6% and depends on the country of origin. Thus, the strength of French cider is 2%, but in Germany it reaches 7%.

The cider has a light golden color. Apple accents are clearly felt in the aroma and taste.

Feature! Juice fermentation occurs naturally, without the addition of yeast.


It is also called palm wine because it is made from palm juice. Toddy is especially popular in Asia, Africa and South America. The strength depends on the fermentation technology and can reach 8%.


The traditional Buryat drink is made on the basis of whey from cow's milk. In this case, the serum must be fermented. Khuremge has a very original color - dull green. The fortress usually ranges from 2% to 8%.


No matter what arguments against, and without him the list will not be complete, because the drink contains 1.5% alcohol. The classic Slavic recipe for kvass involves its preparation on the basis of sour milk. Also, the composition may include rye bread, fruits, vegetables and honey.


An exotic drink originally from Nepal (India) is practically unknown in Russia and European countries. The basis is the grain, which is first boiled, and then they wait until it ferments. After that, local herbs are added to the gruel. The result is a drink with a strength of 6% to 8%.

Tongba tastes like ale. Interestingly, the locals believe that it is very similar to the Yeti's favorite drink.

Feature! Tongbu should only be drunk hot through a straw.


Their strength does not exceed 30%.


Any wine is based on fermented grape juice. Today there are over a hundred varieties of wines. They all differ in cooking technology and composition. Reputable manufacturing countries are France and Spain. The alcohol content in wine can be as high as 25%.

An honest letter from the reader! Pulled the family out of the hole! I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little bit, to look into the bar after work, to go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return very drunk every day, was rude, drank his salary. I really got scared when I pushed for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings we apologize. We've even coded everything we've tried. Not to mention the conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, just not my husband). After coding, I didn't drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcoholic drug on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely dropped my hands, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think ?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, I began to look more decent, my health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, he drank a course of alcoholic toxicity, and for six months already, no-no, at work, he was promoted, his daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.


The base is honey, yeast and water. It is also allowed to add herbs and fruits. The traditions of honey brewing are still preserved in Veliky Novgorod. The strength of mead can reach 16%. Mead has a rich honey aroma. The taste is sweet, light with a distinct honey note.

Port wine

It is a representative of the wine family. It is made from a special grape variety. Homeland is Portugal. The strength of port is 20%. It has a mild, pronounced fruity taste.


Also belongs to the wine family. Produced from various grape varieties. The strength of champagne can be 13%. Sparkling wine has a pleasant delicate taste and is associated with a festive mood.


Bitter liquor based on herbs and fruits was invented in the 19th century. Gaspar Campari. The strength of the drink is 25%. Campari has a bitter taste with hints of citrus, honey and quinine. A distinctive feature of the liqueur is its bright ruby \u200b\u200bcolor.


Strong alcohol is considered to be drinks with a strength of up to 90%. In large doses, they can lead to the development of serious diseases.


The main component of vodka is alcohol. Herbs, cereals, fruits are often added. Fortress - 40%. The color of the product is often transparent.


Produced by fermenting cane sugar. Just like cognac, rum is aged in oak barrels. The minimum aging period is 3 years. Rum strength can vary from 50% to 80%.


The basis of cognac is special grape varieties. A special role in the process is played by aging in oak barrels. The longer it is, the stronger the drink. The average strength is 45%.


They are made from grain plants. To obtain a quality whiskey, it must be kept in oak barrels for a long period. The fortress ranges from 40% to 60%.


Juniper vodka, as the drink is also called, is made from wheat alcohol by double distillation. Fruits and berries are added to gin. The strength of juniper vodka starts at 35%. Gin has a characteristic juniper flavor and aroma.


The drink, originally from Mexico, is made by distilling blue agave juice. Tequila has a special tart taste and is often the basis for cocktails. Strength varies from 38% to 45%.

We choose from this assortment

What are your personal preferences? The answer to this question is critical when choosing. Low alcohol drinks are easier to drink and have a pleasant, light taste. After them, there is rarely a severe hangover, and they do much less harm to the body than strong alcohol.

Medium alcohol drinks are usually accompanied by desserts, ice creams, or light sandwiches. But for strong drinks, it is advisable to serve rich meals. They prevent the rapid absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

Selection tips:

  1. When buying sweet wines and liqueurs, keep in mind that they provide a quick intoxicating effect. Also, after sugary drinks, there is a severe hangover syndrome.
  2. Carbon dioxide drinks irritate the stomach lining. In large quantities, they negatively affect the work of the digestive tract.
  3. It is believed that dark colored alcoholic beverages are more harmful than light colored ones. Therefore, it is better to give your preference to colorless or white drinks - vodka, gin, wine.
  4. There is tyramine in red wine, which in large quantities causes headaches. And yet, despite this, red wine is more beneficial for the body than white.
  5. Regardless of the choice, it is recommended to comply with the norm. Excessive consumption of any alcohol can lead to alcoholism!


Alcoholic drinks are classified by strength. There are 3 groups: low alcohol, medium alcohol and strong. Each of the subspecies includes a wide variety of alcohol names. Therefore, when choosing, you should rely on personal preference.

A good home bar is the dream of many alcohol connoisseurs. But you need to understand that the right bar is not determined by the quantity, but by the quality of alcohol. It is better to have a home collection of 2-3 types of good alcohol than a warehouse of cheap drinks of dubious quality. Stylish packaging, beautiful label or exotic product name cannot be a priority when selecting drinks. In order to assemble a standard set of alcoholic beverages for home use, one must be able to understand alcoholic beverages and understand what is behind the beautiful names of alcoholic beverages.

What you need to know about alcohol: general information

Nowadays, no party or festive event is complete without alcohol. A glass of good alcohol can complement a cozy evening in the family circle, add romance to a dinner or make a meal festive. In addition, as they sometimes like to joke, the Slavic soul craves alcohol only in three cases: when it is bad, when it is good and just like that. That is, you cannot do without alcohol. But so that that very national thirst does not develop into ordinary household drunkenness, it is necessary to observe the culture of alcohol consumption.

In other words, to understand what, when and in what portions you should drink. Take at least rum, scotch, or. These drinks belong to the group of spirits, some of them are even similar in appearance, but nevertheless the taste is different for everyone and the canons of their use are also different. Some alcoholic beverages should be consumed in pure form, others are usually diluted, some are drunk with a snack, others are enjoyed without additives, some are consumed as an aperitif, while others are served only after a meal. At first glance, alcohol etiquette may seem very complicated, but everything will fall into place, if at least in general terms you understand the features of a particular alcoholic product.

All alcoholic beverages can be divided into several categories:

  • products based on wine materials: different types of wines, perry;
  • obtained by distillation (distillation of fermented wort): brandy, whiskey, tequila, rum, vodka, gin;

A brief description of the most popular drinks

Cognac, like many other types of alcohol, appeared quite by accident. In the 17th century, French winemakers realized that wine alcohol is stored longer and better in oak barrels, and in addition, it acquires a noble golden color, delicious taste and subtle aroma. Since then, the era of cognacs began - drinks that got their name from the French city of the same name. I must say that winemakers approached the process of creating a product with all responsibility: they learned how to create cognacs of different aging, to improve the bouquet of the drink. By the way, real French cognac never smells like vanilla (this is the first sign of a fake); instead, it should catch fruity notes and a delicate aroma of violets.

When buying this exquisite drink, you should read the label very carefully. This cognac can only be made in France. All similar drinks, born in other countries, are already brandy.

To fully enjoy the taste and aroma of cognac, it must be served in special tulip-shaped glasses (tapering upwards, they prevent the subtle aroma from eroding quickly). Snacking cognac with citrus fruits is considered bad manners, as well as drinking in one gulp (like vodka) or serving chilled. According to the rules, cognac should be drunk slowly in small sips. According to a ritual invented by the French, cognac is served with coffee and an expensive cigar, while first you need to drink coffee, and then slowly enjoy the alcohol.

For quick and reliable getting rid of alcoholism, our readers advise the drug "Alkobarrier". It is a natural remedy that blocks alcohol cravings, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alkobarrier launches recovery processes in the organs, which alcohol has begun to destroy. The tool has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.


This strong alcohol is obtained from the distillation of wine, fermented fruits or juices, usually grapes. The name of the drink comes from the Dutch brandwine, which can be translated as “burnt wine”. The most famous representative of the brandy category is cognac. But one must understand that every cognac is a brandy, but not every brandy is a cognac. In addition to cognac, sherry brandy (sherry) also belong to grape brandy. If the drink was not made from a grape compound, then the label usually indicates that this is a fruit brandy. In addition, the most popular fruit brandies have their own names. For example, apple is calvados, cherry is kirsch, plum is plum brandy, raspberry is framboise, peach is eu de vie. The third type of brandy is a drink made from pomace. This group includes Italian grappa, Georgian chacha, Bulgarian rakia.

The longer the brandy has been aged during the production process, the darker and richer its color and aroma will be. Sometimes, a little caramel is added to give the alcohol a more noble flavor.

Outwardly, this product is very similar to cognac, but in fact they are two completely different alcoholic drinks. Depending on the region, whiskey can be made from barley, rye, malt, wheat, buckwheat or corn. But the basis of the drink is always fermented grain. Like cognac, whiskey is aged in oak barrels, which, in fact, give the drink a noble color (it can vary from golden to brown).

It is customary to classify whiskey based on the country of origin. The Scottish version of the drink, also known as scotch, is considered one of the best. The main feature of Scotland whiskey is a smoky hue, and the basis for the drink is exclusively barley. It is interesting that the Scots themselves call scotch "the right whiskey", with which the Irish strongly disagree.

Irish whiskey is a classic in the world of spirits. Ireland is famous for the oldest tradition in the preparation of this type of alcohol. If the drink label indicates that this is an Irish product, there is no doubt about its highest quality and excellent flavor.

Americans' national whiskey is bourbon made from corn. American whiskey gets its unique taste thanks to the barrels that are burnt from the inside, in which the drink is aged. The technology for making bourbon was invented at the end of the 18th century. Due to the uniqueness of its taste, it did not take long for the drink to become popular outside the American continent.

There is also Japanese and Canadian whiskey, but in the CIS and Europe, these drinks are rarely seen: outside of their authentic regions, they are not popular.

Regardless of the variety, it is customary to drink any whiskey from special glasses with a thick bottom. Glasses or faceted glasses served with this drink will be regarded as the height of ignorance. As well as cognac, whiskey is absolutely not worth using with lemon or "under Olivier". This drink can be served either neat or with ice, soda or cola. And it's absolutely not worth drinking in one sip: this is the product that should be enjoyed. Gourmets claim that only the aroma of a good cigar will help to fully reveal the taste of whiskey.

Tequila is one of the most famous names for alcohol in the world, and at the same time it is a product with which one of the biggest misconceptions is associated. Ask anyone: “What is tequila made of?”, And 90 percent of those surveyed will answer: from cacti. In fact, tequila is made from blue agave, and this plant is a distant relative of lilies. By the way, not every agave growing on the Mexican Peninsula is suitable for the production of tequila, but only its cultivated species. In addition, a plant suitable for tequila must be at least 8 years of age.

Choosing tequila, you should know that this drink can be of different aging. The youngest, or rather not aged, is silver. A drink aged in an oak barrel for up to 2 months is plata, about a year - reposado, more than three years - extra añejo. If the bottle with tequila says gold or joven, this is not an aged, but just a tinted drink. Another characteristic of tequila, on which the cost of the product depends, is the amount of natural agave juice: the more there is, the better the drink is. Premium tequila always has the inscription “100% Agave”.

Tequila can be drunk neat or used for making alcoholic cocktails. Traditionally, Mexicans consume their national alcohol with salt, which should be licked before dropping the glass. And tequila is usually eaten with lime or lemon.


The name of this drink combines the hot climate of Jamaica and Cuba, the bravery of pirates, and the romance of the tropical islands. Even those who have never tasted this drink in their life know the song about a bottle of rum from Treasure Island for sure. There are many fascinating legends about how this type of alcohol came to be. Most often, the creation of rum is attributed to the fearless conquerors of sea waters - pirates. In reality, there is no romance in the process of making a drink. In fact, it is made from processed sugar cane products. That is, rum is an ordinary cane vodka aged from a year or more.

The uniqueness of rum is that there is no “correct” recipe for making a drink: each region uses its own method. Hence, there are so many varieties of pirates' favorite alcohol. In addition, rum is usually distinguished by the aging time. Light (aka white) rum is the youngest, it is used mainly for cocktails. Gold, or amber, the drink has a more pronounced taste and pleasant unsaturated aroma. The strongest are dark rums, which often have a caramel flavor. Spicy varieties contain spices (cinnamon, rosemary, anise, pepper) and caramel. Flavored ones tend to have a banana, coconut, or citrus flavor. The most expensive are premium drinks. They are distinguished by long aging, bright taste and pronounced aroma.

One of the best is considered to be rum aged in barrels from bourbon, cognac or sherry. Depending on the degree of aging, the drink can be from completely transparent to rich gold. Most of the world's rums are produced in the Caribbean and Latin America, and the cane drink is also made in India, Spain, New Zealand, and Mexico.

It is customary to drink pirates' drink not chilled, alone or as part of a cocktail. Sweet tropical fruits and chocolates are an ideal snack for rum.

Vodka is a strong alcohol produced by distilling fermented wheat or potatoes (popular in Scandinavian countries). The neutral taste and smell of the drink makes it a versatile alcohol. Vodka can be consumed neat or used to make alcoholic cocktails. Some manufacturers, wishing to improve the taste and aroma of the drink, add flavorings in addition to the traditional ingredients for the recipe.

Flavored alcohol

This type of alcohol resembles vodka, but the product also contains aromatic herbs or berries. Examples of aromatic alcohol are gin, absinthe.

Gin is traditional for Holland and is a juniper vodka. The basis of the drink is wheat alcohol, to which juniper berries are added during the distillation process.

Arak is a popular anise-flavored alcoholic beverage in the Middle East. Arak of different strengths is produced in different regions: from 30 to 60 degrees. This drink is made by distilling fermented rice or dates with the addition of sugar cane.

Absinthe is a strong alcoholic tincture made of wormwood, anise and some other herbs, from which the liquid gets its recognizable bright green color. It is not customary to drink this type of alcohol in its pure form (the strength can reach 86 vol.), But is used to make cocktails.

In addition, liqueurs and liqueurs loved by many belong to the group of flavored alcohol. The first type is drinks made by infusing herbs, berries, roots, fruit seeds or bark in alcohol. Pouring is made according to a similar technology, but, as a rule, these are sweeter drinks from a fruit and berry base. Another fundamental difference between liqueurs and liqueurs is the strength of the drink: usually, the sweeter the product, the less degrees it contains.

Red and white, sweet, semi-sweet and dry, fortified and sparkling ... Wines come in many varieties and are one of the most respected alcoholic products in the world. The classic version of wine (and what to say, the most respected) is a drink made from grapes. Meanwhile, this does not mean that other berries and fruits are not suitable for the production of this divine drink. Raspberry, apricot, cherry and other wines are known. For a good product, aging is important: the longer it is, the more expensive the drink.

Wine is a product, the quality of which can already be determined by the label. The first thing to look for when buying a product is the country of origin. The leaders in the wine market are considered France, Georgia, Moldova, Chile, and recently, Californian wines have loudly declared themselves.

The degree of wine will tell about its naturalness. Naturally fermented drinks contain up to 12%, everything above is artificially fortified wines. One of the best quality fortified varieties is the Portuguese port.

It is customary to drink wine from glasses. But here I must say that, according to etiquette, different types of dishes are intended for different types of drink. Grape alcohol is usually served chilled to 14-17 degrees with cheese or fruit (depending on the sweetness of the drink).


Liqueurs are produced by mixing the alcoholic part with flavorings and sweeteners. This type of alcohol is rich in essential oils, fructose, sometimes honey is added to it. Liqueurs are considered the sweetest of alcoholic drinks and are quite strong (they range from 25 degrees and above). Depending on the ingredients added to the product, there are different types of liqueurs: mint, chocolate, coffee, raspberry, egg. The almond and apricot kernel liqueur is amaretto, the drink made from sugar beets, honey and herbs is famous French, and the green herbal liqueur is.


Beer, like wine, belongs to the class of fermented alcohol. The product is made from fermented malt wort, hops and yeast. Typically, barley grains are used to make beer, although wheat, rice, corn, rye and other ingredients are preferred in some countries. Many different classifications are applied to this drink: by color, strength, country of origin and other characteristics. Beer is consumed from special beer mugs or glasses. According to the rules of alcoholic etiquette, it is necessary to pour into the vessel exactly as much product as you can drink in three sips. But in no case should you drink beer in one gulp and too quickly. Also, foam is not suitable for long tastings-savoring. Germans who know a lot about beer are advised to drink beer either without a snack, or with fried meat dishes. But salted fish, crackers, chips, pistachios and other rubbish are bad company for beer. At least for a German beer lover, this combination is unacceptable.

Other types of alcohol

Armagnac is another alcoholic visiting card of France. The drink is very similar to cognac, but usually stronger (55-65 degrees). The production technology of both drinks is very similar, except for the distillation process.

Balms are another popular group of spirits. In short, they are a cross between liqueurs and liqueurs. A classic balm should not be weaker than 40 degrees, but it is prepared from a mixture of herbs and spices (hence the characteristic rich dark color and deep aroma). Due to its rich chemical composition, this drink should be consumed in very small doses.

Vermouth is a type of fortified wine flavored with herbs (usually wormwood) and spices. Classic vermouths are exclusively white wines, although today not all producers adhere to this rule. The most famous representative of vermouth is Martini drink.

- a sweet drink of medium strength (up to 16%), made from natural honey. It is considered a traditional alcoholic beverage of the times of Russia. In our time, something similar is being done in modern Russia, although the production technology and strength of the drink differ from the ancient Russian drink.

For some people, the first and perhaps the only association to the word "alcohol" is "vodka". Meanwhile, alcoholic beverages are an incredibly large group of products with different tastes, aromas, colors and percentages. In addition to vodka, there are many other, more noble drinks. But so that the tasting of alcohol does not end with binge and health problems, it is important to know when to stop. Even the most expensive and highest quality alcohol in excessive doses is a poison for the body.