Cold salting of saffron milk caps for the winter recipes. Various recipes for salting saffron milk caps for the winter

15.10.2019 Buffet table

Which, when pickled or salted, are the most delicious. But with proper preparation, the lamellar ones turn out to be no worse. For example, very, very tasty

there may be milk mushrooms or mushrooms. How to salt such mushrooms? The recipes are pretty simple.

How to salt mushrooms correctly? Choosing mushrooms

It is necessary to distinguish between upland and small and dense mushrooms always turn out to be tastier than large ones. In saffron milk caps, spruce varieties differ in smaller sizes. They differ from other mushrooms with a rounded cap with curved edges, bright orange flesh and a short, hollow leg. Borovye, as a rule, are lighter in shade. At the break in saffron milk caps, sweetish juice is released. You can collect these mushrooms from the beginning of July to the end of September. They grow in clusters, so if you're lucky enough to find the right spot, the stock of mushrooms is bound to be impressive.

If you plan to store the billet in the refrigerator, take fifty grams of salt per kilogram of mushrooms. For storage at room conditions, one hundred grams of salt is required. Spices can be any, for example, pepper,

but some people just like mushrooms. How to salt them without marinade? Simply sort and peel the mushrooms, trim the stems and place them caps up in a bowl. Sprinkle with salt, cover with a napkin and place oppression on top. Leave it on for a while. The mushrooms should thicken and settle. Add some more mushrooms and sprinkle with salt. Repeat the procedure until the whole bowl is filled with salted mushrooms.

How to salt mushrooms with

Try this method of preparing mushroom preparations for the winter. Go through and rinse the mushrooms. Blanch them in boiling water for a couple of minutes, discard them in a colander and transfer them to a bowl, caps up. Sprinkle with bay leaf salt and spices, cover with a napkin, wooden board or mug and lay over the oppression. After a couple of days, the workpiece is ready for serving. It is especially delicious to eat such an appetizer with potato or meat

dishes. In this combination, you will never regret that you have cooked mushrooms.

with spices?

This method will require more effort, but the result will simply be very tasty and aromatic. For five kilograms of saffron milk caps, take one hundred grams of currant leaves, ten grams of laurel, allspice and peas, ground pepper, two hundred and fifty grams of salt. Put the peeled mushrooms on a wire rack and scald them with boiling water, then cool with water. Let dry and transfer to a salting dish, on the bottom of which part of the currant leaves, peppercorns and lavrushka are already laid. Place the mushrooms with their caps facing up. Season with salt and pepper, cover with remaining blackcurrant leaves. Put a napkin on top and oppression on a wooden circle. Wait a bit and then enjoy a great snack with any meal. For the winter, such a blank is simply irreplaceable.

Ginger mushrooms are lamellar mushrooms and are ideal for pickling for the winter. Their name corresponds to their appearance: the plates under the caps are orange in color, the caps themselves are variegated. In the article, we will consider how to salt mushrooms for the winter at home.

The flesh of saffron milk caps is orange and has a juice that is not bitter, so they are not soaked for a long time, unlike milk mushrooms. When salting, it is not necessary to cook. Hidden under the caps are thick legs, which are just as good when salted as caps, which cannot be said about other mushrooms.

Ryzhiks grow in colonies in spruce forests. The harvesting season begins in mid-summer and lasts until autumn.

The classic recipe for salting mushrooms

I will begin the description of popular salting and pickling recipes with the classics. The classical technology is universal and simple, because it does not involve the use of water. The mushrooms are salted in their own juice, preserving the original taste and aroma.


  • Ryzhiki - 1 kg.
  • Table salt - 40 g.


  1. Use a knife to clean the ingredients: make a new cut, tidy up the legs.
  2. Put the peeled mushrooms in a salting dish in layers, sprinkle with salt. Place the load on top. After 10 days, the dish is ready for tasting.
  3. Distribute the salted mushrooms in the prepared jars and add the brine. If there is little liquid, add some chilled boiled water.
  4. Roll up the lids and sterilize for at least 30 minutes. Store canned food in a cool place.

Video recipe

I think you have never seen an easier way to pickle mushrooms before. This recipe does not provide for the use of any spices, but if you want to diversify the taste, turn on your imagination or just put your favorite spices in the container. It will make a good side dish for classic French meat.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter

The classic recipe is good because it provides ample opportunities for experimentation, but not every housewife has enough time or courage to do this. Therefore, among the people, cold and hot methods of salting saffron milk caps for the winter are more popular, which have passed the test of time and have become perfect over the years.

Hot way

Hot technology for cooking salted mushrooms is the most time-consuming, since it involves heat treatment. But she also has a huge advantage - any mushrooms, regardless of size, are suitable for harvesting for the winter.


  • Ryzhiki - 5 kg.
  • Salt - 250 g.
  • Garlic - 2 wedges.
  • Carnation - 10 buds.
  • Black pepper - 10 peas.
  • Laurel - 10 leaves.
  • Currant leaves - 50 g.


  1. Go through the mushrooms, send the wormy ones to the trash bin, and cut the large ones into pieces.
  2. Place a large container of water on the stove and heat. Send prepared mushrooms to boiling liquid. It is important that they are completely immersed. After boiling again, boil it on a low heat for a few minutes, then reduce the heat and keep it on the stove for a few more minutes. Be sure to skim off the foam.
  3. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander and cool to room temperature. Then fill the salting dish with mushrooms, placing the caps up. Make a pillow of salt, black pepper, laurel, and currant leaves between layers.
  4. Place a large plate on top, cover with three-fold gauze and press down with a load. Place the container in a room where the temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. A basement, cellar, or bottom shelf of a refrigerator will do.
  5. Observe the process periodically and analyze the color of the brine. If the liquid is brown, everything is fine. A black color indicates product deterioration.

After a month and a half, you can start tasting. Done right, the mushrooms will not disappoint and will make a good company with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. However, they are also good as a separate dish with the addition of chopped onions and vegetable oil.

Cold way

Cold salting technology is good and this is a fact, because it is better suited for preservation for the winter, since the product retains its vitamin composition and benefits, and is also stored for a long time. An additional attractiveness to the cold method is added by the absence of a stage of heat treatment of raw materials.


  • Ryzhiki - 2 kg.
  • Currant leaves - 40 g.
  • Garlic - 4 wedges.
  • Laurel - 20 leaves.
  • Allspice - 30 peas.
  • Salt - 100 g.


  1. Put the peeled mushrooms after water procedures on a towel. While the raw materials are drying, prepare a salting container. A glass jar, wooden barrel, or enamel pot will work.
  2. Put spices on the bottom of the container, add salt. Put the mushrooms on top, legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat several layers until you run out of ingredients. Cover the container with gauze, set the oppression, leave for 6 hours. After the time, the contents of the container will settle. It's time to add a new portion of saffron milk caps.
  3. Keep the container in a room with a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Change the gauze every three days. After two weeks, distribute the mushrooms in glass jars and store in the cold. The shelf life of such canned food is 2 years.

Video preparation

It will take time and effort to properly salt or pickle mushrooms for the winter, but the result is worth it. The natural taste of mushrooms, complemented by the aroma of spices and herbs, will not leave you indifferent and will give you frantic pleasure.

The benefits and harms of saffron milk caps

Ryzhiks have always been valued for their incredible taste, and in many national cuisines they are considered a delicacy. Doctors, however, recognize their great benefits, because mushrooms are not inferior to vegetables and fruits in terms of their vitamin composition, and in terms of the amount of proteins they successfully compete even with meat. And the benefits don't end there.

  • Camelina contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and support the body in fighting infections. The high calcium content is beneficial for people with arthritis.
  • There are no cholesterol and fats in mushrooms, so they are recommended for diabetics. This mushroom product has also found application in dietary nutrition, and it is indispensable in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, mushrooms have a positive effect on men's health.
  • Scientists are closely studying the benefits of these mushrooms, which are due to the presence of selenium. The results of clinical studies, during which malignant growths were affected by this mineral, showed that it reduced the likelihood of prostate cancer by 50 percent. Scientists say that eating 100 grams of saffron milk caps daily is equivalent to full-fledged chemotherapy.

If we talk about harm, saffron milk caps are not recommended for people with low acidity. Also, the product is contraindicated in pancreatitis and digestive problems, since it is poorly digested.

Mushrooms cause the greatest harm to the body when they find themselves in a basket together with surprisingly similar inedible brethren. At best, it all ends with nausea, vomiting, convulsions or severe poisoning, and at worst, madness and death.

The positive or negative impact of saffron milk caps on the human body is individual and is often determined by the amount of delicacy eaten.

In the old days, for a kilogram of saffron milk caps, they asked for an amount that was enough to buy several bottles of branded French perfume. Today, these mushrooms have become available and remain in demand in home and restaurant food.

Salted mushrooms are an amazing dish that delights with excellent taste. But often the mushroom delicacy spoils and ends up in the trash bin. To prevent this from happening, heed the following tips.

  1. Inexperienced mushroom pickers are interested in whether the mushrooms are soaked before pickling. As I said, this procedure is not practical. On the contrary, under the influence of water, the shape of the delicacy hat changes. To avoid this, brush the mushrooms with a toothbrush or wipe with a rag.
  2. The storage of canned food deserves special attention. Cold prepared delicacy is not friendly with high temperatures. It is better to store such preservation in a cellar or pantry, where it is not more than 10 degrees. In such conditions, a salty dish will last up to two years.
  3. If we talk about the hot method of salting, the product reaches readiness also in 1.5 months and heat treatment does not affect the cooking time. Many housewives like this recipe, as the risk of mold is close to zero.
  4. If the brine has acquired an unpleasant aftertaste, this is the first sign of acidification. If this problem overtakes, remove the mushrooms from the pickling container, rinse with water, boil for 5 minutes and strain. Then put in clean jars and fill with new brine. Roll up the lids and send in the cold.
  5. If mold appears on the surface of the brine, rinse the cloth in heated water with added salt, remove the layer of moldy mushrooms, sprinkle healthy mushrooms with mustard powder, put a clean cloth, a circle and a load on top.

How to salt mushrooms and the most delicious recipes for cooking saffron milk caps for the winter consider in this article. After all, the pickles that are prepared from these mushrooms can take their rightful place on the most exquisite table. They contain many vitamins and beneficial properties. Mild-flavored mushrooms keep the shape of dense mushrooms. Spruce mushrooms with a finer texture in the blanks have a pronounced resinous aroma.

For salting saffron milk caps, you need to choose strong, undamaged fruits without worms and process them on the day of collection.


If, nevertheless, spoiled and wormy fruits are caught, they must be removed. The rest of the mushrooms are cleaned of pollution, soil residues, needles and blades of grass.

If large specimens come across, it is better to cut them into 2-4 pieces. Although the cut fruits will lose their shape during salting, due to the fact that they will be under oppression, they will certainly be salted, besides, their taste will not suffer.

Depending on how the mushrooms will be processed further, the further processing method also depends:

  • for cold or hot salting, after cleaning from debris, the mushrooms are washed;
  • to dry, you just need to wipe them with a damp cloth.

Consider cooking recipes delicious snacks.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter so that they are crispy, fragrant, tasty - the cold way

When salted by this method, mushrooms are not heat treated. There are two options:

  • when washed mushrooms are salted;
  • when the fruits are not in contact with water, the "dry" method.

Consider both options, let's start with the one that involves washed mushrooms.

Option 1

Salted mushrooms will be crispy if fresh leaves are added:

  • currants;
  • cherries;
  • horseradish;
  • grapes;
  • oak.

At the same time, mushrooms do not need a lot of different spices, sometimes only salt is enough. In addition, mushrooms can darken if you add a lot of spices.

To make it easier to navigate, we provide the listed ingredients per 1 kg of mushrooms.

Required products:

Cooking process:

  1. The mushrooms are cleaned and washed, garbage, remnants of the earth, wormy parts of the mushroom are removed (sometimes only the leg is affected by worms, you can remove it, and leave the cap).

Advice! If you still want to preserve wormy specimens, then they must be put in cold salted water for 5 minutes so that the pests will crawl out.

Important! Soon, juice will appear, which will dissolve the salt and the mushrooms will begin to salt out.

If you have a pit or subfloor, you can leave the mushrooms right in the saucepan in which they were salted. Can be served after another 14 days. It turns out that the total time for salting saffron milk caps is a month.

Dry method

With this method of salting, the taste and aroma of the natural product will be preserved to the maximum. The recipe is extremely simple and there is no trick in this type of salting. You only need:

  • mushrooms - 1kg;
  • salt - 50 g.
  • add seasonings if desired.


  1. Mushrooms for pickling are not washed, but cleaned well.
  2. Spices and herbs are laid out on the bottom of the pan and on top of the layers.
  3. Spread the mushrooms with their caps up in a salting container, sprinkling each layer with salt.
  4. From above it is covered with a plate or a wooden circle and oppression is set.
  5. The workpiece is placed in a cool place.
  6. As the saffron milk caps settle and saline, you can gradually add layers of fresh fruits with salt. Thanks to this, it will be possible to harvest the mushrooms sequentially in several passes.
  7. With the dry salting method, the fruits will be ready in 2-3 weeks.
  8. It is necessary to store this pickle under pressure.

Watch the video! Salted mushrooms

Recipe for cooking saffron milk caps for the winter in a hot way in jars

With this method, the principle of stacking the mushrooms in layers is preserved. But it differs in that the mushrooms are boiled.

For 1 kg of saffron milk caps you need:

  • 50 g of table salt (about 2 incomplete tablespoons);
  • 6 currant leaves;
  • 10 pieces. bay leaf;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 allspice peas.

Cooking process:

Important! It is necessary to monitor the color of the brine. It should be reddish brown. If it turns gray, then fungus has appeared and the pickles are spoiled.

This method works well for both small and large chopped mushrooms. You can try them in 4-6 days.

Watch the video! Salt mushrooms in a hot way

"Five-minute" marinated mushrooms for the winter

This method will allow you to quickly prepare an excellent appetizer for the arrival of guests.

Here's what you need to do this:

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Peel the mushrooms, put in an enamel pan.
  2. Pour with water according to the recipe and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour in vinegar, add sugar, salt, bay leaf, pepper and chopped garlic. Boil for 5 minutes.
  4. Arrange in sterilized jars under a nylon lid or roll up. You can try it in a couple of hours. Banks can be sterilized
  5. Store in a refrigerator or basement for up to 5 months.

Watch the video! Marinated mushrooms in their own juice. The most delicious recipe

Old recipe for blanks in a bottle

Pickled mushrooms, salted in a bottle, were valued in France even more than wine. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are small and more appetizing. They have better taste than older specimens.

For such an unusual recipe you need (for 1 bottle):

  • 300 g of mushrooms;
  • 40 g of salt.

How to cook:

  1. Mushrooms of the right size are cleaned as thoroughly as possible, rinsed.
  2. Pour salt into a flat plate.
  3. Each mushroom is dipped in salt and sent to a bottle. Pour the rest of the salt there.
  4. The mushrooms are salted in a cold place until a tart aroma develops.

Ryzhiks "nest" in groups in spruce and pine forests. Lovers of "quiet hunting" know that they should be looked for in the grass and in places where moss grows. The season runs from July to October. This species is almost impossible to confuse with other forest "brothers". They are yellow-pink or orange-red in color. In the place of the cut, milky juice appears, which has shades of red. It changes in the air - it turns green. Ryzhiks gained their popularity hundreds of years ago. They were present at the tables of kings and common people. The mushrooms were exported to France and cost fabulous money.

Beneficial features

The mushrooms got a bright saturated color due to the high content of beta-carotene, which, when ingested, becomes retinol. In addition, they contain vitamins of group B, C. They are rich in fiber, ash substances, saccharides, which are necessary for the proper functioning of organs and body systems.

Ryzhiki does not require pre-soaking. On the contrary, if this is done, then they will lose their aesthetic qualities, the caps will become deformed.

Salting methods

Mushrooms are prepared using two main technologies - cold and hot methods.

  1. Cold. The product fully retains all its useful properties. The aroma also remains unchanged. A distinctive feature is long-term storage without rolling and sterilization. This technology is also called dry or wet method.
  2. Hot. It requires a certain amount of time, as it involves heat treatment. Its main advantage is that fruit bodies of various sizes are suitable for blanks.

Before salting, the mushrooms need to be prepared. Carefully clean the hats and legs with a knife. In case of heavy contamination, rinse well in running water.


Peculiarities . No water is needed for pickling. Dry-cooked mushrooms are very convenient to use in salads. You can combine them with fresh herbs, raw or boiled vegetables.


  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g of salt.


  1. We put the mushrooms in a container in layers, salt each layer. We leave under oppression.
  2. We take it out into the cold.
  3. In ten days we taste the preparation.

For dry salting, it is better to select small fruit bodies. They will not need to be cut into pieces.


Peculiarities . Ready-made mushrooms will be a good company for boiled or fried potatoes, hot meat dishes. You can experiment with spices. The mushrooms are crispy even though there is no vinegar.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 40 g of currant leaves;
  • four garlic cloves;
  • 20 bay leaves;
  • 30 peas of allspice;
  • 100 g of salt.


  1. We spread the mushrooms in a container in layers, alternating them with spices, herbs and salt.
  2. We cover with gauze, leave under oppression for six hours. After that, add a new portion of the mushrooms.
  3. After finishing laying, keep the container with the workpiece at room temperature. We change the gauze every three days.
  4. After two weeks, we lay out the mushrooms in sterile jars. We close it with plastic lids. We take it out into the cold.

Cold-cooked mushrooms are not "friendly" with high temperatures. Therefore, they should be stored under conditions not exceeding 10 ° C. A pantry, cellar or refrigerator will do. In such conditions, the workpiece can stand for two years.

With vinegar

Peculiarities . The hot cooking method guarantees long-term storage of the snack - more than two years. The risk of mold growth is almost zero.


  • 2 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 800-900 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 100-125 ml of vinegar;
  • four bay leaves;
  • four carnation buds;
  • allspice and black peppercorns.


  1. Prepare the brine: add spices, salt, sugar to boiled water.
  2. Throw the mushrooms into the marinade and cook for five minutes.
  3. Add vinegar and cook the same amount.
  4. We put it in sterile jars, roll it up, insulate it.
  5. We remove in the cold after cooling completely.
  6. You can take a sample after a month and a half.

In addition to vinegar, ascorbic or citric acid is suitable as a preservative. If vinegar essence is used, then it must be added in smaller quantities. A teaspoon is enough for 1 kg of mushrooms.

Fermented in whey

Peculiarities . Such mushrooms are good in that they are perfectly absorbed by the body due to the lactic acid produced during fermentation.


  • 2.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 30 g of dill seeds;
  • five cloves of garlic;
  • 80 g of salt;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 100-120 ml of serum;
  • horseradish and currant leaves, horseradish root.


  1. We act step by step: chop the herbs, chop the garlic finely, three horseradish.
  2. We put the mushrooms in a container in layers, alternating with salt, spices and herbs.
  3. Mix the whey with sugar, which should completely dissolve. Fill mushrooms with it.
  4. Cover the mushrooms with gauze, leave under oppression. We change the gauze every three days.
  5. We keep it in the cold for three to four weeks.

Unlike preserves in a jar, pickled mushrooms can become moldy. In this case, rinse the new gauze in warm water with salt. You should also remove the layer of moldy mushrooms. The rest is sprinkled with dry mustard.


Peculiarities . The result of such a recipe is an appetizing and aromatic salad, an addition to a stew or other multicomponent dish. The mushrooms are sweetish. Can be supplemented with potatoes, rice, pasta. Large mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. During heat treatment, they will not lose their shape, like small ones. They don't even need to be cut. They will fit in jars, since they will turn out to be soft and plastic.


  • 2 kg of mushrooms;
  • 300 g onions;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 150 g tomato paste;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 40-50 g of salt;
  • 30-40 g sugar;
  • spices and spices.


  1. First of all, you need to boil the mushrooms for 40 minutes. Then we rinse them with cold water and put them in a colander to get rid of the liquid.
  2. We mix mushrooms with tomato paste, sunflower oil, spices and herbs.
  3. Add grated carrots and finely chopped onions, salt and sugar.
  4. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 60 minutes.
  5. We put it in sterile containers, roll it up, insulate it.
  6. We take out to a cold place after complete cooling.

You should not combine mushrooms with other mushrooms, they are self-sufficient and do not tolerate "neighbors in the bank."

Almost any container is suitable for blanks, not just glass jars. You can salt the mushrooms, for example, in a saucepan. It should have a flat surface without any external damage, much less rust or holes. Otherwise, the oxidation process may begin, which will lead to product deterioration. If you use the non-boiling method, then a wooden tub will do. The option is optimal for a summer residence, a private house, where there is enough free space. The original way to prepare mushrooms is a bottle salting. Small fruiting bodies are selected that can be pushed into the neck.

For canning, it is not necessary to use fresh mushrooms, frozen ones are also suitable. In the freezer, they are laid out in one layer and frozen a little. Then they are transferred into bags and left for storage. It is very important not to wet the mushrooms before freezing so that they are not saturated with excess water. They are washed after defrosting, just before salting.

Time-tested folk methods are used to prevent the appearance of mold. A spoonful of vegetable oil is added to the cans before rolling. Together with vinegar or citric acid, it acts as a preservative. A sprig of heather or spruce is placed in a barrel or pan on the bottom. They prevent mold from developing and provide the harvest with a forest scent.

Despite the fact that mushrooms are useful for the body, there are contraindications to their use. They are not recommended for people suffering from acute diseases of the stomach and intestines. In large quantities, they should not be consumed by pregnant women, children, the elderly.

Salted mushrooms are delicious mushrooms. It seems to me that they are the tastiest of salted mushrooms. But you need to be able to salt mushrooms. The fact is that when they lie down, they become ugly, green. True, this applies only to those mushrooms that grow in spruce forests. Those that grow in pine forests do not turn green. To preserve the beautiful appearance and "red" color of the saffron milk caps, they should be salted exclusively by the hot salting method. However, in the same way it is recommended to pickle milk mushrooms, because they also tend to darken over time and acquire an unpleasant color.

Camelina mushrooms are salted for the winter for about a week. From a three-liter bucket of small and medium-sized mushrooms, you will get one liter jar of salted mushrooms.


  • Mushrooms 3 liter bucket
  • Horseradish leaves, cherries, currants, dill, horseradish root
  • 1 large handful of salt

The process of salting saffron milk caps for the winter

Rinse the leaves and dill, peel the horseradish root and cut into small pieces. Put water in a large saucepan and bring the water to a boil. Dip half of the mushrooms in boiling water.

Cook the mushrooms for five minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon.

Dip the second half of the mushrooms in boiling water and in the same way, boil them for five minutes, then remove. If you have to salt a large amount of mushrooms, be sure to change the water after two batches of mushrooms.

Place horseradish leaves, cherries and currants, dill and pieces of horseradish root at the bottom of a wide saucepan. Put the caps down (this is important) tightly to each other, in one layer, still hot boiled mushrooms. Sprinkle generously with salt, top with leaves and roots. Add the second layer of mushrooms, salt again, add seasonings, and so on, until all the mushrooms are packed and tamped down.

Cover the mushrooms with a flat plate.

Place the weight on top. I used the pumpkin next to it.

Leave the mushrooms under pressure at room temperature for a week. After a week, try the mushrooms, they should already be tasty.

Rinse the mushrooms, transfer them to a sterile jar and pour two tablespoons of salt with brine per liter of water. Close the jar tightly with a sterile lid.