How to wash an enamel pan from jam burnt in it. How to clean burnt jam from an enamel pot

18.10.2019 Snacks

Many housewives know how and regularly prepare jam and jam at home, but some have the same question: how to wash a burnt pan? Treats sticking to the bottom and sides is an unpleasant problem, but there are many solutions for it.

How can you wash enameled, stainless, aluminum or any other dishes, what household products are better to use, are there effective folk methods and tricks? We will understand this in detail in this material.

Do household chemicals help?

The better to wash the pan or basin after burning the jam, each woman decides for herself. Many stop at household chemicals. In stores, there are unique formulations in the form of gels, sprays and powders designed to remove carbon deposits.

You can also use a simple dishwashing detergent, but it won't cope with stubborn blackened deposits. Some people try to clean a burnt pot with oxygen bleach or whiteness. The methods are effective, but not the safest, since it is very difficult to wash the dishes after these compositions.

Simple liquid products clean light to medium carbon deposits. To use them, you need to dilute the chemistry with water and fill the container, leaving everything overnight or for a day. After prolonged soaking, it will be easier to rinse off the burnt crust. Use a hard sponge, but don't overdo it to avoid scratching the surface.

If you still dare to use whiteness or bleach, soak the dishes in the same way, but be sure to cover with a lid or cling film, and also open the window for airing. After removing the carbon deposits, leave the pan with the burnt jam under running water to rinse the dishes thoroughly.

Another good way to do this is to use an oven cleaner. This harsh chemistry is excellent at removing carbon deposits, but requires careful washing out afterwards so that the dishes can be used safely and without harm to health.

Express cleaning with vinegar

How else to wash the pan after cooking the jam if it burned out and left black carbon deposits? We recommend trying plain vinegar - preferably 9 percent. Just pour the liquid into the dish to cover the carbon deposits. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and try scrubbing with a sponge.

If the situation is serious, try increasing the effect. Pour vinegar and water (about 10 to 1) into a saucepan or bowl and simmer over a fire. After half an hour, remove from the stove and cool, and then pick up a sponge.

By the way, with the help of vinegar, you can wash off dark stains not only on the inside, but also on the outside of the dishes. The main thing is not to make the common mistake when using vinegar essence to enhance the effect. Aggressive liquid can ruin the finish and cause jam and other food to burn even more.

Other folk methods

You can read on the forums or watch a video on the net how best to wash the pan if the jam has burnt out. We, in turn, have chosen proven methods for you that really work:

  • Lemon acid. It acts as an acidity regulator to help remove carbon deposits. Dissolve a spoonful of powder in a liter of water, pour into the damaged dish and boil for 15-20 minutes. After that, the carbon deposits should quickly be removed with the hard side of the sponge.
  • Soda. Potassium carbonate is abrasive. Sprinkle baking soda over the burnt crust soaked in water and leave overnight. Try removing the plaque the next day.
  • Salt. Simple table salt helps break down the burnt jam. Pour it to the bottom, not sparing, and fill it with water so that it covers the carbon deposits. Boil for half an hour, cool and try to wash the pan with a sponge.
  • Coca Cola. On its basis, there are a huge number of folk remedies, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that she copes with burnt jam. Just pour the soda into a saucepan and boil for 10-15 minutes. The carbon should fall off by itself, but you can help it with a stiff sponge.
  • Activated carbon. This sorbent is sold in every pharmacy. Take 20-30 tablets, chop and pour into the saucepan where the jam was cooked. Pour in a little water and boil for half an hour.

All these products are completely safe, so you can safely use the dishes after cooking without worrying about your own health.

Carbon deposits on aluminum dishes

Let's figure out now how best to wash the burnt jam to the walls of aluminum dishes. It is in it that many prepare this delicacy, but it is not easy to clean it. The best remedy in this case is citric acid, which has already been mentioned.

The main thing is not to pour boiling water with citric acid on aluminum dishes. It is necessary to fill it with cool water and bring to a boil, since aluminum is afraid of temperature changes and can deform.

Cleaning enameled dishes

Having cooked jam from quince, apples or other fruits in an enamel saucepan or basin that needs to be washed, everything is somewhat complicated. First of all, after cooking, the dishes need to be cooled. If the deposit is light, use vinegar, salt, baking soda, or activated carbon as mentioned above.

The main thing is to remember that the enamel surface cannot be rubbed strongly with the hard side of the sponge or with a brush - you can scratch it. If the burnt jam is stuck and simple remedies do not help, and you don’t want to use strong chemistry, try the following recipe:

  • pour the same amount of soda and salt on the bottom of the container;
  • pour the mixture with vinegar, completely covering the carbon deposits;
  • leave for a few hours;
  • then put on gas, boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes;
  • leave for another day;
  • boil again;
  • drain the liquid with flakes of lagged carbon;
  • remove residues with a sponge.

Repeat the procedure if necessary. This folk method is absolutely safe for enameled surfaces, so we advise you to take it into service.

Stainless cookware

With aluminum and enamel cookware, it's clear, but how to clean a stainless pan or basin? They are ideal for making jam and it burns less in them, but sometimes trouble still happens. If so, try the following option:

  • fill the dishes with water and boil for half an hour;
  • drain the water and sprinkle the plaque with salt, and then pour in the vinegar;
  • leave for 10-12 hours;
  • remove dirt with a sponge and laundry soap.

You will be pleasantly surprised how effective this method works, and the stainless surface will not be damaged at all!

Cleaning cast iron cookware

If you cooked apple or peach jam in a cast-iron cauldron or other dish made of this material, and you could not avoid burning, it will not be easy to clean the surface. Cast iron is afraid of abrasive substances, so be careful. Better not to let the burnt jam dry out, otherwise the task will become more difficult.

To begin with, after cooking, soak the dishes for half an hour in water, and then rinse them with ordinary detergent. Stubborn carbon deposits can be removed with baking soda, laundry soap and office glue. The combination is unusual, but very effective.

You will need 250 g of baking soda, 120-150 g of grated laundry soap (you can immediately buy it in powder form) and 100 ml of glue. Mix all the ingredients, pour three liters of water and send it all to a cast iron container. Cook for 3-4 hours over low heat, and then cool. Carbon deposits can then be easily removed with a hard brush or the rough side of a sponge. You will be pleasantly surprised how the surface of the dishes will brighten after this procedure.

Cleaning ceramic dishes

How can you wash a saucepan if, for example, you have cooked plum jam in a ceramic pot? Ceramics is an expensive material, and carbon deposits can be removed quite easily. Use any of the above methods:

  • regular detergent;
  • vinegar;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • oven cleaner in case of serious carbon build-up.

In most cases, simmer for half an hour is sufficient. In hot water, the plaque from the burnt jam softens rather quickly and lags behind the ceramics.

What is the best way to cook jam?

So that you do not have to think about how to wash the pan from the burnt jam, use a suitable dish. This does not eliminate the likelihood of a problem, but minimizes it. In what saucepan should you cook peach or any other jam so that it burns less?

The best option is stainless steel. The metal does not react with food acids from fruits, so the jam retains its beneficial properties and excellent taste. In addition, if you are preparing a treat in several stages, you can safely leave it in the container. For example, you cannot leave jam in an aluminum container - it oxidizes, and the ceramic container cools down for a very long time.

If a stainless steel pot or bowl is not available, aluminum or copper will do. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also cooked jam in copper basins. The metal has a high thermal conductivity, so the jam is cooked evenly and hardly burns. But everything is not so simple. The fact is that when heated, copper ions react with fruit acids, which kills some of the vitamins.

Also, in copper pots and basins, the jam should not be left to cool during cooking in several stages. The situation is similar with aluminum, and there must also be an oxide film (dark layer) on its surface. If wiped off by washing, the aluminum can spoil the taste of the jam and kill the vitamins.

As for enameled dishes, they may crack under the influence of high temperatures during cooking. Ceramic and Teflon containers are also poorly suited, as they are afraid of exposure to high temperatures for a long time. It is recommended to use such utensils for express cooking of preserves and marmalades in small quantities.

How to pass the time between stirring while the jam is cooking on the stove? Of course, get distracted for literally 5 minutes and go to the World Wide Web. And after 40 minutes, hearing an unpleasant smell, fly into the kitchen with horror. The sense of smell did not disappoint! The jam is burnt! Now the unlucky housewife has to answer the question: how to clean the pan of burnt jam. Try the following steps to avoid having to waste your dishes in the trash.

The first thing that comes to mind is simply pour water over a saucepan. If the burnt sugar at the bottom of the container resembles resinous formations, such actions are clearly not enough. But for the elimination of thin plaque, it is enough that the carbon is “bought” in water for 7 hours.

Even a schoolchild knows the property of sugar to dissolve in water.

If time does not wait, you can apply other methods of cleaning various types of dishes. v at home, especially when there are no household chemicals in the house. The process of making jam usually takes place in the evening, often there is no opportunity to visit a hardware store or break into a hypermarket. Any type of dish will effectively clean a solution of common salt. It can be used not only for pots made of materials such as aluminum or stainless steel, but also for enamelled containers. In most cases, the time for soaking the burn will be cut in half.

An even more effective way is citric acid. Under the influence of this agent, burnt jam will quickly become soft and can be effectively removed from the bottom of the container.

Even the same owner may have utensils made of different metals in the kitchen. Depending on the specific type, an effective method for removing carbon deposits is selected.


Such dishes are easy to clean. It is manufactured using special elements that prevent the formation of carbon deposits. It is enough to fill the container with water with a small amount of any detergent. Then leave soaked for 30 minutes and rinse. The main thing is not to add alkaline agents, because Teflon is very susceptible to their effects, it is possible to damage high-quality expensive dishes.

Natural products will also come to the rescue:

  • one-piece onion head;
  • peeling apples;
  • medium-sized lemon.

These ingredients just need to be added to a burnt container of water and boiled, and then rinsed.

Aluminum containers

Products made on the basis of this metal do not often burn. But if trouble happens, the following ingredients will help clean the aluminum pan:

  • NaHCO₃ (baking soda);
  • Lemon;
  • the most common laundry soap;
  • a tube of silicate glue.

How to use citric acid?

  1. Gently remove leftover food with a spoon. It is very important not to scratch or try to peel off, so as not to damage the aluminum bottom of the container.
  2. Add a little liquid to the container so that it slightly covers the carbon deposits. If the syrup has just grabbed onto the bottom, pour 1.5 - 2 cm of water.
  3. For 1 liter of liquid, only one teaspoon of lemon is needed.
  4. It takes 10 minutes to boil the container.

Silicate glue combined with baking soda. All that is required is:

  • fill an aluminum container with water;
  • mix soda and glue in equal proportions (about a tablespoon);
  • stir gently;
  • cook for 30 minutes;
  • pour out the dirty solution and wipe the bottom of the dishes and the walls with a stiff brush.

The outside of the crockery can be easily cleaned by placing it in a larger container.

The requirements are simple.

  • Squeeze out a couple of tablespoons of silicate glue, mix with laundry soap (take a 100 g bar of soap and cut off about a fifth, adding 10 g of glue).
  • Rub the outside of the pan with the prepared mixture.
  • Rinse the container under running water.


These pots are the ideal surface for cleaning carbon deposits. Environmentally friendly, practically non-combustible coatings are easy to clean from the caked jam crust. A good option using citric acid:

  • add lemon to the water previously poured into the container;
  • boil a dirty saucepan for a short time;
  • wait until the caked crust softens. After it comes off the bottom of the dish, wipe it with a hard sponge.

Ordinary sodium chlorine is not terrible for ceramics. You can apply the method described at the beginning of the text, which is suitable for all types of dishes.


The use of utensils with enamel requires a very careful approach when using it as a container for cooking jam. In case of force majeure, it is better not to take a metal washcloth so as not to scratch the surface of the pan.

Enamel is very susceptible to temperature extremes. This means that after the berry jam has burnt, you should not immediately pour cold water into the container.

It is easy to clean the enamel pan from the burnt jam using the usual means common in every household:

  • activated carbon is a popular remedy in the home medicine cabinet;
  • Baking soda, table vinegar, and citric acid are kitchen ingredients used by almost any housewife.
  • special household powders;
  • apple peel - in season in our climate is available to everyone;
  • NaCl (table salt);
  • Сoca Сola.

The enamel pot is easy to clean with baking soda. Ingredients:

  • 0.5 cups of soda;
  • water on demand.

Fill the burnt surface with this solution and boil until the sugar crust is loosened. According to the same recipe, citric acid or salt can be effectively used instead of soda (the amount of the last ingredient is one glass).

The principle of action of apple peel is similar to citric acid. It is necessary to add apple peelings to a burnt pot of water and cook a kind of "compote".

Vinegar is an effective remedy for crusting. You just need to drop it on the problem area and wait a few hours.

Before using activated charcoal tablets, they must be crushed. What are the next actions?

  1. Sprinkle on the burnt stain and leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and wait another 25 - 30 minutes.
  3. Wash with normal household dishwashing detergent and rinse.

Coca Cola can be used successfully for delicate cleaning of an enamel pot.

  1. Pour the soda into a dirty container and wait half an hour.
  2. Boil.
  3. Boil for 15 minutes to half an hour, depending on the degree of burning.
  4. Wash the dishes.

Cast iron

Products based on this material can be easily cleaned while the container is still warm. Although this is the case when the dishes do not need additional care, and you can experiment with it. You can ruthlessly scrub with a metal washcloth, use acids and alkalis, use household chemicals or homemade preservative in the form of salt.

Eliminate unpleasant odors

To prevent the jam from absorbing the burning smell, you need to act quickly, but carefully. This requires:

  • remove the burnt container from the cooking zone;
  • quickly and carefully scoop berry jam from the pan;
  • provide fresh air access by opening a window or window;
  • tackle a burnt pan;
  • calmly cook the jam.

Natural remedies such as citrus fruits and vanillin (or cinnamon) can be added to kill the remaining carbonated spirit.


As you can see, there are plenty of cleaning methods. Everyone can choose the option that suits him. The article does not contain recommendations about household chemicals, since there are a lot of its types in hardware stores, and by looking on the Internet, it is easy to find the best option.

And much more - they have long and firmly entered our life and are not going to leave it.

Situations may arise when, after heat treatment, it turns into hard-to-remove sugar coke, causing a lot of inconvenience to housewives. But don't be discouraged: there are many ways to clean burnt caramel.

You just need to choose the right method that won't damage your favorite baking sheet, oven surface, candy dish, popcorn or cotton candy machine. We will be happy to help you with this.

The burning of sugar is inevitable when preparing caramel popcorn in a vending machine, when making cotton candy, in some cases when cooking jam, jam, confetti, when cooking sweet pastries, when a viscous sticky mass spoils not only the dishes, but also the stove or oven.

If the pan can still be thrown away, then the oven must be washed, otherwise the subsequent cooking in it will provoke smoke.

It is not easy to clean such carbon deposits - there are many effective methods that unknowingly clean not only carbon deposits, but also the top coating of the dishes. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully consider the choice of the cleaning method.

Commercial products for cleaning stoves, ovens and pots always contain surfactants - surfactants that reduce the adhesion of burnt foods to the surface.

The simplest surfactant is laundry soap. Depending on the manufacturer, abrasives are often added to such products - hard particles, whose task is to scrape off dirt from the surface.

Therefore, the choice of a product should be approached wisely: enamel surfaces, teflon coatings and stainless steel do not tolerate abrasive cleaning, unlike cast iron or aluminum.

The cleaning method, at first glance, is simple: you need to apply the selected agent in pure form or a mixture with water on the carbon deposits and leave for a while, then try to wash off the burnt caramel with a sponge.

Why try? Because even potent remedies will not cope with burnt sugar the first time. Therefore, the best option is to combine the work of surfactants with boiling: this will speed up the process at times.

Pour some cleaning agent into the affected pan, add water to the edges of the dishes and boil this mixture for 30-40 minutes. After cooling, all carbon deposits will peel off from the bottom of the pan.

If the outer part of the enamel pot or baking sheet is in sugar, place them in a large container and do the same.

Acid cleaning

The acidic environment remarkably promotes soot sticking from the walls of the dishes.

To do this, immerse the burnt container in a large vat, if the contamination is external, or fill it with water by adding a couple of tablespoons of citric acid, a quarter of a glass of lemon juice or 9% table vinegar.

Leave the candy dish, baking sheet or saucepan to soak overnight or for at least 5 hours. If soaking does not give the desired result, boil the damaged dishes in the same solution, then remove all burnt ones.

This method is suitable for any type of cookware used.

If you don't have any cleaning agents on hand, regular salt is a great way to remove sugar deposits from the dishes. The cooled baking sheet needs to be poured with cold water for an hour, soaked, then drain the water and generously apply salt on the carbon deposit.

After two to three hours, the burnt sugar can be easily washed off with a regular sponge. Carefully: the method is not suitable for stainless steel dishes, as it can cause stains and darkening of the surface.

Soda cleaning

There are two ways to clean a burnt baking sheet with soda: by preparing a paste from equal parts of soda and salt, diluting them with soapy water, and applying it to the burnt areas, or you can pour / immerse the pan in a water-soda solution and boil for 10 minutes.

Activated carbon cleaning

Activated carbon is a safe product, suitable not only for cleaning the body, but also for cleaning dishes made of any materials.

To do this, crush a handful of tablets, dilute them with water until creamy and apply this mixture to the burnt caramel. After twenty minutes, the contamination can be washed off without effort.

Cleaning with baking soda, laundry soap and silicate glue

Yes, these seemingly indigestible components work no worse than imported cleaning agents - tested by our grandmothers!

However, there are contraindications: it is better not to clean Teflon or a baking sheet with an external coating in this way - this can make it unusable.

To clean everything else, you need grated laundry soap (80 g), 100 g of silicate glue and three liters of water.

This wild mixture is poured into a burnt dish or large container, where this dish is placed, and put on fire. Boil for half an hour, and not only the caramel will leave your pan, but all the eaten fat.

Cleaning with tooth powder

Tooth powder can remove not only plaque, grease and food debris from our teeth, but also burnt sugar from any utensil, be it a cauldron, saucepan, saucepan or baking sheet.

To do this, you need to dilute it with water to a mushy state, apply it to areas with carbon deposits and leave it overnight. In the morning, burnt sugar can be easily removed from the surface with a foam sponge dipped in soapy water.

Before the invention of shampoos, mustard was actively used for washing hair - it contains natural surfactants. To clean the carbon deposits with mustard powder, you need to dilute it with hot water to a mushy state, apply to the burnt place, leave it for a while, and then simply remove it along with the carbon deposit.

Despite the abrasiveness of mustard powder, this method does not injure the top coatings of the dishes at all and is absolutely safe for cleaning Teflon, enamel surfaces, stainless steel and aluminum, which cannot be said about coffee.

To clean carbon deposits, squeezes or thick ones are used in the same way as mustard.

Cotton candy machine

Remember how happy you were when you bought a big cotton candy stick? During its manufacture, caramel deposits are also formed.

The apparatus for the production of cotton wool is not a pan or a baking sheet; it will not work to boil it in one of the solutions. However, this is not a reason not to clean it.

First of all, the cotton candy production apparatus for cleaning must be disconnected from the network, then disassemble the head, separate the heating element and the diffuser.

The device itself must be cleaned first with a dry brush from the remnants of cotton wool and pieces of caramel, then wipe it with a damp cloth, and the removable elements can be washed with running water.

If you are a big popcorn lover or a fan of pleasing children with this delicacy, then you are sure to come across the problem of washing caramel from the bowl of the apparatus.

Cooking salted popcorn does not cause such problems, but children love sweet popcorn more.

The machine for making popcorn is equipped with a special high-tech polished stainless steel bowl with a heating element and a spatula for mixing corn grains.

This complicates its washing from caramel deposits - in no case should you use abrasive products: if the surface of the bowl becomes rough, the caramel will stick more intensively.

Since the apparatus has a heating system, and the bowl is overgrown with caramel only from the inside, it is advisable to clean it by boiling using any of the above methods.

Thus, do not rush to throw out the dishes if sugar, jam, jam, a bunch of pastries or shugaring paste are burnt in it. You just need to be patient and determine what is closest to your home: a hardware store, a pharmacy, or a grocery supermarket.

Housewives love to cook in stainless steel pots. In such dishes you can cook any food: borsch, stews, cereals, soups, dairy dishes, etc. The inner surface of the walls of stainless steel pots does not darken, food rarely burns to the bottom, this alloy does not oxidize and does not rust. In order for something to burn to the surface of such a pan, you still need to try hard. But such cases, alas, do happen. Consider how to clean a burnt stainless steel pan so that it does not lose its excellent qualities and will serve its mistress for many more years.

What to do if it is burnt - how to clean it inside? There are several options:

Baking soda

Experienced hostesses know exactly how to clean a stainless steel pan from carbon deposits. They do this with regular baking soda, which is always on hand. It cleans up greasy stains especially effectively. Before cleaning, the dishes must be thoroughly washed with water and wiped dry. Then sprinkle generously with baking soda. A medium saucepan will typically use about 0.5 cups of baking soda. Leave the processed dishes for a couple of hours to act.

Tip: If the baking soda falls off the surface of the dirt, you can add a little water to the baking soda to make a paste that adheres firmly to the walls.

After the exposure time has elapsed, wipe the dishes with a dry sponge. Note that using baking soda, the pan can be cleaned from the outside as well.

Heat cleaning

And how to clean a burnt stainless steel pan practically without any expenses? There is also such a method. Try using heat to get rid of the burnt spots. For this purpose, fill the container to be cleaned with water so that it completely covers the burnt areas and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and turn off. Then add a few tablespoons of table salt to the pan and leave for a couple of hours.

Note: Do not add salt to cold water, as it can be detrimental to the condition of the metal.

When the required amount of time has been kept, drain the water and wipe the dirt with a sponge. Dried stains cannot be scraped off - only soaked.

Activated carbon

In this way, it is good to clean the surface of the dishes in case you overlooked the milk, it ran away and stuck to the walls. In this case, you will have to look into the first-aid kit and look for activated charcoal there. The tablets must be crushed into powder, which is poured into a burnt pan. Then fill the dirty container with cold water and leave it for 10-15 minutes. After exposure, wash the dishes in the usual way.

Milk serum

How to clean a burnt stainless steel pot bottom using food? Milk whey will save you from troubles with such dishes. It must be poured into a saucepan 1-2 cm above the level of the burnt area and left to act for 24 hours. After that, drain the serum, and wash the pan with ordinary detergent. Thanks to the lactic acid in the whey, tough pieces of burnt food can easily come off the surface of the pot.

Vinegar and lemon

You can use vinegar to clean the outside as well as the inside of stainless steel pots. Pour a small amount onto a soft sponge or cloth and wipe down the sides of the dish. After that, the pan should be thoroughly rinsed with water and wiped dry with a clean towel. Vinegar, by the way, does a great job on water stains. If you need to clean the entire pan completely, then it is soaked in vinegar for 15-20 minutes, and then washed and wiped.

Speaking about how to clean a burnt stainless steel pot, it should be mentioned that you can use lemon juice (or citric acid) instead of vinegar. 1 tablespoon of juice must be diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution is used to wipe pots, pans and other stainless steel products. For greater effect, this solution can be poured into a saucepan and boiled for 15 minutes. After processing, the dishes must be washed under running water.

Another option for using vinegar to remove heavy carbon deposits from the bottom of the pan is described in the video.

Cleaning the outside of the pot

How to clean the outside of a stainless steel pot? There are several ways to do this:

Soda + glue

Before you clean a burnt stainless steel pan in this way, take care of the presence of office glue. The pot that needs to be cleaned will need to be placed in a larger container and filled with water. We also fill in 0.5 packs of baking soda per 5 liters of water and fill in 100 g of stationery glue. If the pan is very badly damaged by carbon deposits, then you can add detergent to the prepared liquid. This mixture should completely cover the soiled pot. We put this "blank" on fire and boil for 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat and cool the water without removing the pan. Carbon deposits come off easily after wiping with a sponge. In this way, you clean both the inside and the outside of the pot.

Special means

On store shelves, you can find several types of special emulsions or liquids that make cleaning stainless steel dishes easy and quick. Give preference to products with a mild, non-aggressive composition. Before using such drugs, you need to read the instructions on the package. Before applying the product, the dishes are well warmed up, a special composition is applied, which is kept on the surface for 15-20 minutes. Then the dirt is simply removed with a sponge, the dishes are rinsed and wiped dry with a towel.

The most popular are Shumanit, Amway Oven Cleaner, Sanita Antizhir.

Glass cleaner

It often happens that the dishes seem to be clean, but there are water stains or fingerprints on the outside. To cope with these unpleasant phenomena, use a glass and mirror cleaner. Spread the product evenly over the pan and pat dry with a microfiber cloth or paper towel. To consolidate the effect, you can rinse the pan with water and polish with a dry soft towel.

General recommendations for the care of stainless steel cookware

  • Do not store stainless steel dishes soiled. It needs constant and thorough cleaning, because only proper and reverent care will allow it to maintain its excellent consumer qualities for a long time.
  • After each use, stainless steel dishes must be cleaned with water and detergent. This care will prevent stubborn stains and food pieces from sticking to the surface of the pot.
  • It is advisable not to use a dishwasher to clean stainless steel pots, even if it is provided for by the rules of operation. Such dishes will serve you much longer if you wash them exclusively by hand. You need to wash the pots in warm water.
  • Do not leave stainless steel dishes to air dry, wipe them dry with a towel immediately after washing, otherwise stains may appear on the walls of the dishes.
  • For washing dishes, the use of hard sponges or metal sponges is prohibited. All this can scratch the coating.
  • The surface of the pan is wiped exclusively with point and not circular motions. This approach will help keep it as clean and smooth as possible.
  • The reason for the appearance of water stains may not be so much the water itself, but the minerals that are included in its composition. Therefore, it is necessary to use softer water.
  • You can add a glossy shine to your stainless steel pot with raw potatoes. Cut it in half and wipe the pan with slices.


Enamel cookware has many advantages. She washes easily, is hygienic, does not form a reaction with food. Food cooked in it tastes great due to the good thermal conductivity of the products. Ready meals in such dishes are allowed to be stored for a long time. If the food burns, carbon deposits form on the bottom of the pan, which is not easy to remove. Let's take a look at how to clean the inside of a burnt enamel pot.

Enameled dishes are made of steel, sometimes cast iron. From above it is covered with special enamel in one or several layers. Enameling saves the metal from oxidation and the ingress of chemicals into the body.

Such dishes also have disadvantages, for example, fragility. If the temperature changes abruptly, cracks may appear on it. A strong blow leads to chips.

Important: Enamel requires careful handling. For processing, do not use metal brushes or strong abrasives.

Housewives choose enameled dishes because of their hygiene. It is of high quality, practical, good looking and easy to clean. The dishes cooked in the pan taste great. In this case, food burns quite often. It is important to stock up on household chemicals and folk recipes if such a problem arises.

An enamel pot is not easy to clean, especially after cooking, as the coating can be easily damaged.

In order for the enamel to serve for a long time, it is worth listening to the following recommendations:

  • Do not leave a cold saucepan on a hot stove or pour cold water into heated enamel. So it will soon deteriorate, because temperature drops affect it negatively;
  • If food is burnt on the bottom of the dishes, remove the remnants and pour in warm water;
  • It is allowed to clean the product only with soft sponges. Otherwise, there is a risk of spoiling the coating;
  • It will be possible to wash the fumes with home methods. Soda or mustard will do the job just fine.

Types of pot contamination

Common types of contamination that enamel owners face at home:

  • Carbon deposits at the bottom;
  • Scale;
  • Darkened enamel.

The bottom of such dishes is quite thin. If you cook compotes, broths and soups, the container will heat up in a short time and will perfectly maintain the boiling point. But when boiling milk, cooking jam and cereals, carbon deposits may appear, which is difficult to get rid of.

Yellowness and scale inside the container are formed when hard water has been heated in it for a long time. It will not work to clean it without special tools.

After prolonged use, the inside of the cookware may darken a lot. Usually the problem appears due to improper care or when cooking beets or a few other vegetables.

Darkened enamel can be bleached with citric acid or vinegar

Inside and outside the pan there is a strong enamel layer that does not interact with alkalis and acids. Therefore, when stored, food does not develop a metallic taste. But even such a durable surface deteriorates if handled carelessly.

When processing enamel, it is prohibited to use abrasive products and metal sponges. Scratches and inconspicuous cracks appear on the crockery, causing the crockery to darken. Particles of the cleaning agent penetrate into them. As they increase, the main material of the product is exposed - metal alloy, steel, cast iron. During production, it is covered with enamel and does not interact with food, therefore there are no special requirements for its quality.

Important: If severe scratches have been noticed inside the cookware, then it is no longer suitable for cooking. Now food interacts with metal and absorbs elements dangerous to humans. There is a risk that a piece of enamel will break off during cooking. It can enter the esophagus, damage the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Such utensils are used exclusively for storing bulk materials.

In order for the enamel to always be in a suitable form, it should be processed with an exceptionally soft sponge with a non-abrasive agent.

Methods for cleaning enamelled pots from various contaminants

If carbon deposits form on the pan, consider the following cleaning guidelines:

  • Do not postpone, start removing contamination immediately after it appears;
  • Do not leave in cold water. Otherwise, cracks will form due to the temperature drop.

Household chemicals and folk methods are used for cleansing. Chemicals cope in a short time and without difficulty. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions.

Contamination should not be left for a long time, it is easier to remove fresh carbon deposits.

Important: When using chemical compounds, you must remember about protective measures - wear gloves, open windows. After use, wash the pan thoroughly or use the boiling method to prevent hazardous substances from entering the dish.

Consider how to clean a burnt enamel pot with cleaning agents:

  • Dishwashing gels. Put the container on the burner, pour hot water, add a couple of drops of gel. Wait two hours, then remove the liquid and rinse under the tap. If there is no result, you need to pour the gel on the contamination, wait ten hours, sponge it under warm water;
  • Sanita "Ultra Shine". A universal product suitable for all types of pots. Easily removes dirt, grease, scale;
  • Astonish paste. A product that is used for dishes, sinks, stoves, microwave ovens;
  • Spray "Tytan". It is chosen to remove carbon deposits. You need to apply it to the pollution, wait five minutes, rinse;
  • "Shumanite". Powerful, removes even stubborn stains. Moreover, it is toxic, has a pungent odor. Therefore, it is important to ventilate the room well, wear protective gloves and only clean the outside of the product. Spray on the coating, wait half a minute. Wipe with a dampened sponge, rinse thoroughly;
  • "White". Pour cool water into a cooled container (2 caps are needed for 2 liters of water). Wait a couple of hours for the liquid and container to warm up. Then turn on the stove. When the water boils, pour the liquid out of the saucepan and start over. Rinse off the bleach thoroughly.

It is better to choose a gel or creamy enamel cleaner so as not to damage the coating

If the enamel pan is burnt, folk methods will do. Consider how to clean the dishes in this way:

  • Citric acid, vinegar essence, baking soda. To clean a burnt enamel pan, you will need to pour a small amount of warm water, add soda (30 g), pour in vinegar (30 g), citric acid (1/2 pack). Bring to a mushy state. Rub the product on the inside with a sponge. Wait half an hour, then rinse. The method is suitable for getting rid of carbon deposits and darkening;
  • Coffee cake (thick). Suitable both fresh and lying. The product will not harm the enamel, but it will cope well with dirt. Apply it on a sponge, rub the contaminated areas. Rinse off periodically, apply a new portion. The procedure will take a quarter of an hour;
  • Salt. The product effectively removes blackness. Sprinkle a handful of coarse salt over the burn, pour in water so that the contaminated area is covered. Wait a couple of hours. Put on the burner, boil for half an hour. Blackness will begin to move away from the coating before our eyes;
  • Soda ash. The tool will help clean the pan from burnt porridge or milk. Pour in water, add soda (60 g), boil for three minutes. You can also use regular baking soda. The product is applied to wet sponges and the dirt is wiped off;
  • Persol. Helps get rid of dark plaque. Add Persol (1 pc.) To warm water, boil for an hour;
  • Vinegar. To remove dark bloom or onion skins, you need to mix water (1 L) with vinegar (50 ml). Boil for two hours. To wash an enamel pan from yellowness, you will need 150 ml of vinegar per 1 liter of water. The boiling time is the same. The method can be used for prophylactic purposes against the formation of yellow plaque up to 2 times a month;
  • Lemon acid. Well removes the darkening of the enamel. The product (50 g) is poured into a saucepan, the container is filled with water and boiled for half an hour.
  • Milk serum. Pour the product into a saucepan so that it is slightly higher than the carbon deposits. Wait a day, wash with dishwashing gel. The serum contains lactic acids, which restore the former light shade to the enamel.
  • Sweet soda (Coca-Cola, Fanta). Such drinks are suitable for getting rid of dark plaque, because they contain phosphoric acid, which breaks down organic compounds. Pour sparkling water into a saucepan, let stand for an hour. If there is no effect, boil for half an hour;
  • Cold. This is the easiest option. Put the cooled dishes in the freezer for 60 minutes, then remove the carbon deposits;

Baking soda will help whiten darkened enamel and burnt bottom

The enamel is unsuitable for prolonged cooking of jam, canning and boiling. But if this happens, the following methods will help to clear the burnt food from the dishes:

  • Saline solution. For a liter of water, 120 g of product is required. Pour in the agent so that the dirt is completely covered. The maximum boil time is 45 minutes. If the stains move away earlier, it is allowed to remove the pan from the stove earlier;
  • Activated carbon. Take a pack of tablets (10 pieces), crush to a powdery form. Pour coal to the bottom, wait half an hour. Pour in water, leave again for half an hour. Then rinse under a tap with standard cleaning agents;
  • Laundry soap. Pass a piece of soap through a grater, pour in water. Stir until dissolved, boil for a couple of hours;
  • The peel of sour apples. Rub the pan with the peel, rinse with warm water. If there is no result, pour water into the apple skins, boil for 20 minutes. The acid should break down the sugar crust;
  • Ash. The method is perfect for summer residents and people who love outdoor activities. Cover a third of the dishes with ash, pour in warm water. Put on fire, boil for half an hour. Pour out, rinse;
  • Finish tablets. Combine one piece with water, boil for 20 minutes.

If the smudges are not burnt, they can be easily washed off with a sponge dipped in alcohol or vinegar. In the event that they are slightly burnt, a salt solution will do. Dip a sponge into it, treat the stains.

For a badly burnt black drip, the following method is suitable:

  1. Cool the pan;
  2. Prepare the remedy. You will need soda (100 g), washing gel (5 ml), hydrogen peroxide (50 ml). Mix the ingredients, sponge the contaminated areas;
  3. Wait 10 minutes, rinse.

To clean the pan completely, you need to select the dishes where it will fit entirely. For example, an iron bucket, a basin. Pour water into a container, put on the stove, heat. For 5 liters of water, you will need a package of stationery glue and 150 g of soda. Mix until boiling. Reduce heat, immerse saucepan for half an hour. Wash after the dishes have cooled down.

What shouldn't be done?

In order not to damage the surface of the pan and the skin during processing, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • New enamel cannot be wiped off with hard metal sponges and brushes, this method is chosen exclusively for old products;
  • Funds with an aggressive environment must be used strictly according to the instructions. Prolonged interaction of the acid with the coating of the enamelware will damage it;
  • Whiteness and bleach require dilution with water, otherwise they have an effect similar to acid on enamel;
  • It is important to remove carbon deposits with protective gloves so as not to damage the skin. When using free-flowing cleaning agents, it is required to wear a mask, open windows;
  • The enamel deteriorates from temperature changes, so you must first pour in the agent, then heat the dishes;
  • Do not use household chemicals to treat toilets and sinks. The acid in the composition will harm the body if the pan is not rinsed enough;
  • Do not try to remove carbon deposits with a knife or fork, otherwise the coating will deteriorate.

Strong agents must be used carefully when cleaning, as they damage the surface in large quantities. If you follow these recommendations, the pan will last a long time and will remain in good condition.

The result of the digestion of an enamel pan

To increase the service life, the following care rules must be observed:

  • Dairy dishes should not be boiled in a saucepan. Milk burns in a short time and it is difficult to remove carbon deposits. Such dishes are also not suitable for pasta and rice - they inevitably stick to the bottom;
  • After purchase, the surface must be hardened before initial use. To do this, you need to fill the dishes with water, wait for a boil, cool;
  • The coating is damaged if bulky dishes are heated on a small hotplate. Because of this, uneven heating of the bottom occurs. For this reason, cracks form on the coating;
  • Frying in an enamel pan, the bottom of which is not completely filled with fat or oil, is unacceptable;
  • The discolored pan is bleached with lemon or vinegar. You only need to wipe the dishes;
  • Dark bloom after cooking vegetables is removed with milk whey;
  • Remove burnt food from the dishes carefully so as not to scratch the surface. The scratches then become cracks. Then the food will constantly burn;
  • Temperature changes lead to the fact that the dishes are cracked;
  • If a piece of enamel has broken off, it is no longer suitable for cooking. When heated, substances hazardous to the body will be released;
  • The fall of the pan from a height will inevitably lead to the appearance of chips on the surface;
  • Rust indicates the presence of scratches and chips. It will be possible to remove it, but such dishes are not suitable for cooking. Rust can get into food when heated;
  • It is better to handle such dishes with your hands. If you use a dishwasher for washing, the coating will darken faster.

Enamel cookware looks attractive and easy to clean. If you follow simple processing rules, you can increase the life of the pan and maintain its attractive appearance.
