Tomato adjika recipe for. Hot pepper and horseradish seasoning is a great way to prepare

Sauces are a wonderful invention of culinary experts. With their help, dishes made from meat, fish, vegetables and grains (buckwheat, rice, barley, etc.) become much tastier and more appetizing. There are many different recipes for making sauces. Moreover, they can be either raw, not requiring heat treatment, or boiled. Some of them need to be used immediately after cooking, hot or cold, and there are some that can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator in a special container or rolled up in jars for the winter. Adjika belongs to such sauces.

Spicy seasoning from Abkhazia

What we used to call adjika, namely a spicy pasty sauce made from tomatoes, red peppers and other vegetables and even fruits, is very different in its composition and method of preparation from a real Abkhaz sauce with this name.

After all, adjika (aџyka in Abkhazian) is not a sauce at all, but a spicy seasoning, which consists of grated red hot pepper (often smoked or baked on coals) and sodium chloride, which we call table salt in everyday life.

A bit of history

In ancient times, housewives living in the mountain villages of Abkhazia ground red hot peppers with coarse salt and garlic to a pasty state on a specially designed "ahaya" grater, and then used this mixture as a seasoning for meat, poultry, fish and other dishes. ... As you can see, there are no tomatoes in the original version. Later, the Georgians borrowed this recipe from the Abkhazians, but made their own adjustments to it, namely: they added chopped walnuts, cilantro seeds, utskho-suneli and other spices to this paste. As a result, the seasoning is much tastier than the Abkhaz one.

Until now, in Georgia, as well as in Georgian restaurants around the world, you can find this thick sauce on the tables, thanks to which many dishes acquire a unique aroma and piquant taste.

Adjika from tomato - a spicy seasoning for gourmets

But here in Russia, as well as in the Transcaucasian countries, except for Georgia (in Armenia and Azerbaijan), they have long been accustomed to a delicious bright red aromatic sauce made from tomatoes and red bell pepper, and sometimes other vegetables (apples, carrots, onions, etc.) .d.). Thanks to the spicy adjika, even the most ordinary boiled pasta or rice turns into delicious dishes. In this article, we will present to your attention several interesting recipes for this sauce, as well as provide step-by-step instructions on how to cook adjika from tomatoes at home. All methods have been tested over the years, and more than one generation of housewives has prepared delicious and aromatic seasoning sauces for their household using them.

By the way, you can find a large selection of these sauces on supermarket shelves. By the way, the factory version is also tomato-garlic adjika. Nevertheless, many housewives prefer to cook this delicious sauce at home, because this way you can control the degree of pungency and salinity. As they say, there are no comrades for taste and color.

The most common recipe in Russia

So, now you will learn how to cook adjika from tomatoes according to the Russian recipe. To do this, you need to go to the vegetable market and buy the following ingredients:

Having bought all these vegetables at the market, you will need to go to the supermarket and buy wine or apple cider vinegar, sunflower or corn oil, sugar, and, we hope, salt is always in every home.

Cooking process: step by step instructions

Before preparing adjika from tomatoes, all vegetables bought on the market, as well as apples and herbs, must be thoroughly washed. Peppers need to be peeled of stalks and seeds, carrots and apples - from the skin using a special knife. Tomatoes must be dipped in boiling water, and then in cold water, and the skin must also be removed from them. Scroll all this through a meat grinder, and finely chop the greens. Put the chopped fruit and vegetable mixture into a saucepan and cook over low heat for about 1 hour. Disassemble the garlic into cloves and peel, pass through a press. Add one glass of vinegar, sugar and vegetable oil to the garlic gruel. Mix all this well and pour into a saucepan with vegetables.

When boiling resumes, wait another 15 minutes and remove from heat. You will need to pour this mixture into jars, wait until it cools down, and store in the refrigerator.

How to cook adzhika from tomatoes according to the Armenian recipe?

This sauce contains fewer ingredients and tends to be spicier. Adjika from tomatoes, the recipe of which is widespread throughout Armenia, is thicker in consistency than Russian, and its color is more intense, bright red. The composition of such adjika includes red pepper (5 kg, of which half a kilogram of hot chilli), 5 kg of tomatoes, 300 g of garlic, a bunch of cilantro, vegetable oil. Homemade tomato adjika prepared according to this recipe will delight you throughout the fall, and maybe winter.

Cooking method

From the tomatoes, previously dipped in boiling water and cold water, you need to remove the skin, cut into small pieces and, stirring constantly, cook in a saucepan until thickened (to the state of tomato paste). By the way, some housewives use ready-made tomato paste instead of tomatoes at the rate of 1 kilogram of paste per 5 kg of peppers. This option is naturally much faster.

Peel the peppers from the stalks and seeds, cut in half and fry in vegetable oil under a closed lid until "wilting". After they have cooled down a little, you need to grind them in a meat grinder or blender. Transfer the mass of peppers to the tomato mass and cook for about 1 hour more. Peel the garlic, pass through a press, wash the cilantro and chop finely, mix with the garlic and add to the tomato-pepper mass, salt to taste. Adjika will be ready in 15-20 minutes. It can be put into jars and stored in the refrigerator, or it can be rolled up for the winter. In this case, adjika in jars will need to be sterilized within 40 minutes. This will avoid food poisoning.

Raw adjika

As you understand, it's time to talk about the easiest way to make this sauce. Adjika from tomatoes without cooking is also called fresh or raw and, perhaps, is the most useful and fortified, because during the heat treatment many of the nutrients die. It is very important to buy fresh country vegetables not from the supermarket, but from the agricultural market. And here is a list of the ingredients you need to make this fresh homemade sauce:

  • tomatoes - 3-3.5 kg;
  • garlic - 4-5 heads
  • sweet red pepper - 1 kg;
  • hot red or green pepper - 4-5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - 1 small bunch;
  • 9% vinegar - 1 coffee cup

How to cook?

Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut into 4 pieces, put in a deep bowl and wait an hour for the juice to drain. Peel peppers from tails and seeds, garlic - from the skin. Grind vegetables using a meat grinder. Last but not least, you need to scroll hot peppers. Just stir the mass along the way until smooth and taste it so as not to overdo it with hot pepper. At the very end, finely chopped parsley is added to the mass, or cilantro, salt and garlic, passed through a press, are also possible. That's all, raw adjika is ready. It doesn't last as long as cooked, but it can last up to one month in the refrigerator.


We hope that you will like one of these wonderful recipes, and maybe everything, and you will use it to prepare this delicious sauce for the whole family.

Why do we all love spicy and aromatic adjika? It's simple, because its versatility is undeniable. Feel free to serve it with any meat, chicken or even fish. This appetizer will be a big hit at any meal. You can consider adjika as an independent dish - just offer it with dark or white bread.

I want to offer you the most famous options for a vegetable snack for any occasion. All recipes from them are worthy of your attention, and therefore it is worth trying to cook each one, you just have to work hard.

A skilled housewife will use all the tomatoes for future use, they can be prepared, used when stewing or baking, used in fresh salads. But among a large number of tomatoes, there are always those that should be processed specifically for adjika, with minor damage and dents.

Many argue that this hot snack is an excellent antiviral agent during the cold season. And it is impossible not to agree with this, because natural ingredients, among which there are hot peppers and garlic, are on guard of your health and your loved ones. In addition, its bright taste whets appetite, raises the general tone of the body and mood.

Of course, you can find the most favorite adjika recipe for your family and cook it every year, or you can be patient and pamper your homemade snacks. Do not forget about high-quality and lids before preserving the finished product, so that adjika will delight us with its taste until spring.

Homemade tomato and garlic adjika

This recipe, perhaps, can be called a classic adjika version for lovers of spicy tomato snacks. All you need to prepare it are vegetables, garlic and spices. Be sure to prepare such a snack for your family. You will succeed!

You will need:

  • 2.5 kg tomato
  • 0.5 kg sweet red pepper
  • 150 g garlic
  • 1 PC. bitter pepper
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 g vegetable oil
  • 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt
  • 25 ml vinegar 9%

Cooking method:

Glass jars and lids must first be sterilized

Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, cut, remove the stalks with a knife, cut off irregularities and dents

Skip the tomatoes through a meat grinder

Line a clean colander with several layers of gauze, place it in a cup

Put chopped tomatoes in a sieve on cheesecloth, let stand to drain the maximum amount of clear juice

The liquid from the lower bowl must be drained from time to time

This step will allow you to avoid long-term evaporation of the liquid from the adjika, reducing the preparation time.

Rinse bell pepper, cut, remove seeds (or leave as desired)

Peel the garlic, rinse

Mince the garlic, bell peppers and hot peppers through a meat grinder

Remove the tomato mass from the colander, remove the gauze

Mix it with crushed pepper

Add sugar, salt, stir in a saucepan (kettle)

Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes

Divide the mass into sterilized jars, immediately cover them with lids, close with a key for preservation

From the total number of products, a little more than 2 liters of adjika will turn out

Enjoy your meal!

Adjika from tomato with eggplant for the winter

Adjika from tomato with eggplant is very tasty. It is not difficult to prepare it, and everyone, without exception, will be happy to enjoy the magnificent taste and aroma in winter. If you have never prepared this kind of adjika, then it's time to try it. Good luck!

You will need:

  • 1 kg eggplant
  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • 0.5 kg sweet bell pepper
  • 1 PC. hot chili
  • 1 PC. garlic
  • 0.5 tbsp. (125 ml) vinegar 9%
  • 1 cup (250 ml) refined vegetable oil
  • 4-5 st. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. rock salt
  • 1 tsp dried basil
  • 1 tsp coriander beans

Cooking method:

  1. Basil and coriander powder in a mortar
  2. Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalks with a knife, peel the peppers from seeds, cut off the stalks of the eggplant, peel them
  3. Pass the tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers through a meat grinder with a fine wire rack separately
  4. Chop the garlic through a meat grinder, if desired, pass it through a press
  5. Next, place the tomatoes in a large saucepan, pour in vegetable oil, add salt, sugar, mix, bring to a boil over a fire, cook the tomatoes over moderate heat for 10 minutes
  6. Add chopped eggplants to the saucepan to the tomatoes, cook the mixture for another 10 minutes, stirring the vegetables so that they do not burn to the bottom
  7. Now add chopped bell and hot peppers, cook the mixture for 10 minutes
  8. Pour in the grated spices, add chopped garlic, vinegar - from the moment of boiling, cook for another 3 minutes, adjust the amount of salt and sugar to your liking
  9. Pour the hot mass into sterilized jars, close with boiled lids using a key
  10. Banks should cool upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket for a day, then store adjika in a cool place

Enjoy your meal!

Cooking fresh adjika with garlic without cooking

This is a great option for a spicy tomato snack fresh without cooking. The only condition for its storage is that the finished product must be stored in the cold. Enjoy fresh adjika at home!

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg tomatoes
  • 1 PC. hot pepper
  • 100 g garlic (1 head)
  • 1 tsp salt with a slide
  • 2 tsp Sahara

Cooking method:

Pepper, rinse tomatoes

Choosing vegetables that have more pulp than juice

Peel the garlic, rinse

Prepare a meat grinder

Peel the tomatoes of irregularities, dents, cut the base at the stalk

Cut the pepper, peel the seeds

Twist the tomatoes in a meat grinder, throw the garlic and pepper in the middle of the chopping process

Add salt, sugar according to the recipe

Stir well for about 5 minutes

Sterilize jars and lids in advance in any way convenient for you

Pour adjika into jars, immediately close the lids

Keep cold

Enjoy your meal!

Delicious tomato adjika with apples

Before you is a very original and amazingly delicious recipe for adjika. Apples give this appetizer a spicy sweet and sour taste and go well with the rest of the ingredients. It is worth trying to prepare such a snack for the winter for your family, both adults and children will like it.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of carrots
  • 1 kg sweet pepper
  • 1 kg of apples
  • 100 g hot pepper (optional)
  • 200 g peeled garlic
  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 200 ml vinegar (9%)
  • 70 g salt

Cooking method:

Prepare a pot of at least 6 liters

From this volume of products, 5.5-6 liters of delicious adjika will be obtained

Rinse and dry all components well

Peel the carrots, core the apples

Add apples to the carrots, they can be chopped in a blender or minced

Cut the tomatoes into quarters, remove the base at the stalk

Cut the bell pepper, peel the seeds

Twist the vegetables in a meat grinder, add to chopped carrots and apples

Boil the mass over medium heat, boil for an hour

Mix well until smooth

Divide the hot mass into sterilized jars, immediately cover with clean lids, close with a key for preservation

Such adjika does not require additional heat treatment!

You can store in an apartment at room temperature

Enjoy your meal!

Adjika from tomato with zucchini for the winter

To your attention a wonderful recipe for tomato adjika with zucchini. Such a simple appetizer to prepare, but very tasty, bright and aromatic. A short heat treatment of products allows you to preserve everything useful in vegetables until winter. Be sure to prepare several jars of such yummy!

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 kg zucchini
  • 300 g bell pepper
  • 300 g carrots
  • 1 PC. hot chili
  • 2-3 pcs. garlic
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 100 ml vinegar 9%
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 50 grams (2 tablespoons) sugar

Cooking method:

  1. From the specified products, you will get a little more than 2 liters of the finished product
  2. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, cut the tomatoes, cut the base at the stalk
  3. Cut off the peel from zucchini, if they have large seeds, then remove them
  4. Peel carrots and garlic, peppers and hot peppers from seeds
  5. Pass everything through a meat grinder with a large wire rack in one 10-liter stainless steel pan
  6. We put it on high heat, stirring, after boiling, reduce the heat to medium, cook for 30 minutes
  7. Then add vinegar, oil, salt, sugar, cook for another 10 minutes
  8. We immediately lay out the hot mass in sterilized jars, cover with clean lids (screw or turnkey)
  9. We turn the jars onto the lids, wrap them with a warm blanket for 12-24 hours until they cool completely, store in a cool, dark place

Enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for adjika tomato with horseradish without cooking

Meat dishes and side dishes often need to be supplemented in the form of hot sauces such as ketchup and spreads to enhance the flavor of the main course.

For example, spicy tomato adjika for the winter, prepared according to the best recipes, perfectly complements any dishes made from meat, potatoes and pasta. Moreover, this paste can be made from both well-ripened and unripe - green tomatoes, the main thing is to add a lot of pepper.

Adjika tomato for the winter


  • Red tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • Garlic cloves - 400 g;
  • Horseradish roots - 8 pcs.;
  • Dill and parsley greens - 4 bunches;
  • Red bell pepper - 20 pcs.;

  • Sweet pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • Hot pepper - 40 pcs.;
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 cups;
  • Granulated sugar - 8 tbsp.;
  • Salt - 8 tablespoons

Instead of table vinegar, if desired, we use apple cider vinegar, we take medium-sized horseradish roots, salt - not iodized.

How to prepare spicy tomato adjika according to one of the best recipes for the winter

Adjika, made according to a simple recipe in a raw way, is most beneficial, since vitamins and other valuable substances are preserved in it. Let's prepare a healthy addition to dishes according to the following recipe:

  • We wash the sweet peppers, cut and remove the seeds and cores, remove the stalks.
  • We wash the hot peppers and get rid of the stalks, leaving the seeds inside the fruits.
  • Remove the husks from the garlic teeth.
  • Cut the tomatoes into pieces, removing the coarse green rods from the fruit.
  • Remove the rind from the washed horseradish roots and cut the roots.
  • We wash the dill and parsley.
  • Grind the prepared herbal ingredients using a meat grinder, setting a fine grid.
  • Thoroughly mix the mass with sugar and salt, cover and leave for a couple of days.
  • Pour in vinegar and, after mixing everything well, pour it into sterile jars.

We roll up the cans and put them in a cool place where bright light does not penetrate. From the specified amount of ingredients, about 6 liters of product will be obtained.

Spicy adjika with onions and tomatoes


  • Ripe tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • Onion-turnip - 600 g;
  • Carrots - 1 kg;
  • Red sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 400 g;

  • Hot red pepper - 6 pcs.;
  • Olive oil - 0.5 l;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • Salt - 0.5 cups;
  • Table vinegar 6% - 0.5 l.

For more pungency, we take not salad onions, but more bitter varieties. It is advisable to use tomatoes with a thin skin.

Some cooks add not only pepper and garlic, but also onions to adjika for spiciness. It makes it more pungent and beneficial in strengthening the immune system, and enriches the taste of the product, as well as the dishes to which it is added.

Let's make delicious adjika for the winter according to a detailed recipe:

  • We wash the sweet peppers, get rid of the seeds and tails, and turn them in a meat grinder.
  • We cut the washed tomatoes and grind them with a meat grinder.
  • Cut the peeled carrots, twist them in the same way.
  • We do the same with peeled onions, garlic cloves and hot peppers without seeds and stalks.
  • We place the chopped food in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for half an hour.
  • Pour in oil and vinegar, mix and cook for the same amount of time.
  • Mix with salt and sugar and cook for an hour: spicy tomato adjika, made according to the best recipes for the winter, should be boiled 1.5 times.

We place the finished product in sterile jars, seal and store in the refrigerator. We use this adjika with our favorite dishes and strengthen our health!

Adjika from green tomatoes


  • Green tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kg;
  • Hot pepper - 1.2 kg;
  • Garlic cloves - 300 g;

  • Granulated sugar - 200 g;
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • Salt to taste.

Sweet peppers, like hot peppers, can be of any color.

How to make spicy adjika from green tomatoes

Adjika according to a simple recipe, feasible even for novice cooks, with the addition of green tomatoes, turns out to be no worse than an analogue with red tomatoes. This product is an excellent replacement for industrial ketchups and sauces.

We will make it according to a simple recipe:

  • We wash the vegetables.
  • We clean the peppers from the seeds.
  • Grind peppers, garlic and tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  • Mix the vegetable mass with sugar and salt, and cook over low heat for half an hour.
  • Add vinegar, stir, and pour into sterilized jars.

We roll up the cans and keep them warm for a day, after which we put them in the cellar or refrigerator.

There are many options for cooking such a delicious product as spicy tomato adjika for the winter, but they are all delicious in their own way. If a person has kidney, stomach or intestinal diseases, it is better to choose low-sharp formulations, but if there are no health problems, the most acute options can be appreciated. In any case, after homemade adjika, no one wants to buy it in the store.

25.07.2017 20 805

Adjika recipes for the winter - top 10 delicious!

Not everyone knows that adzhika recipes for the winter are very diverse, including, without tomatoes, according to the classic scheme, like a raw appetizer, from red pepper in Armenian style, boiled with carrots, horseradish, garlic and even nuts. And to make it easy and simple to cook, read the article with all the tips, tricky tips and photos. We will show you how to make an unusual treat for the whole family.

A real snack without tomatoes - we reveal the secrets of cooking

Traditional Caucasian adjika does not tolerate tomatoes, because its essence is hot pepper, abundantly seasoned with garlic. Red or green pungent pods are used to create this amazing dressing. Depending on the desired result, a red vegetable adds spice, green - a special piquancy. Adjika goes well with baked, stewed meat, fish, poultry, it goes well with many vegetables.

In our understanding, adjika is a tomato-based seasoning, but a true Caucasian, the maximum that can be allowed for making a sauce is tender plum pulp. So, a real appetizer without a tomato for the winter is prepared as follows - the sauce is made from two types of pepper with the addition of seasonings, so you will need:

  • 1.5 kg bell pepper (you can choose the same color for beauty)
  • 400 g hot red peppers
  • 300 g peeled garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. dill and coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp seasoning hops-suneli
  • 45 g salt
  • 30 ml 9% vinegar

It is recommended to cook with rubber gloves so as not to burn your hands. And so that sharp pods do not provoke a sore throat, the appearance of tears, it is better to open a window and provide good ventilation. Wash, dry the vegetables, peel the seeds from the Bulgarian fruits, remove all the tails, peel the garlic. Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder several times, add salt at the very end. Next, according to the recipe, put the mass in a cooking container, add vinegar and bring to a boil. Do not boil under any circumstances! Pour the mixture into prepared jars, roll up. You have got a real adjika without tomatoes with garlic for the winter!

Adjika - classic recipe

There is a belief - in the old days Abkhaz shepherds added salt to the food of sheep so that they gain weight faster. For lack of salt in the public domain, they simply stole expensive spice from wealthy owners.

In turn, the owners flavored salt with hot pepper, which sheep do not eat. Shepherds found another use for the mixture - they added garlic and herbs to it and ate it for themselves.

This is how a real classic adjika appeared, which includes:

  • 1 kg hot pepper
  • 500 g garlic
  • 150 g salt
  • 100 g of herbs

All components are ground, a very burning, spicy seasoning comes out.

To soften the taste, add tomatoes, plums, other vegetables, such as horseradish. You don't need to cook anything. Store the finished product in sterilized tightly closed jars in the refrigerator. One small jar is enough for a long time, be sure to try to prepare it for the winter!

Adjika raw for the winter - how to cook?

Raw seasoning differs in the way it is prepared and stored. At the initial stages, everything is similar. The preparation of vegetables in any recipe consists of washing, drying, removing tails and seeds.

Further, according to the recipe, vegetables are chopped in any convenient way. The meat grinder retains a beautiful, rich color, but does not give uniformity to the mass. Bender gives the mass a homogeneous structure, but the color becomes paler due to the crushing of the seeds.

The difference lies in the preparation - all the dishes for raw adjika should be washed with baking soda and boiled, and the vegetables must be thoroughly dried. Bring raw adjika to a boil for 20 minutes, but do not boil. You can store the sauce only in a dark, cool place - a refrigerator or a cellar will do. Greens are added to the dish when serving.

Armenian red pepper adjika - spicy and spicy

For 1 kg of tomatoes, you need 100 g of hot peppers and 200 grams of garlic. Process all ingredients in a meat grinder, add salt, garlic, hot ground pepper to the tomatoes. Be sure to transfer the mass to an enamel pan and cover with gauze.

Leave the dishes with the contents for 14-15 days in a warm place (but not in the sun) to ferment. The product must be stirred every day with a wooden spatula. After the specified time, the aromatic Armenian-style seasoning will be ready, and the taste of the dish will just lick your fingers! Can be absorbed or stored in the refrigerator.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of recipes for making hot seasonings for the winter, but they all differ not only in the number of ingredients, but also in taste! Do not be afraid to try something new, perhaps it is the unusual adjika recipe that you will like the most!

Adjika boiled with carrots - quick and easy

Adjika boiled with carrots, not only tasty, but also a vitamin boom in a saucepan. Heat-treated carrots enrich the seasoning with vitamin A, in turn, bell peppers are rich in ascorbic acid and iron, and garlic and hot peppers will help to survive the winter without colds and infections. To cook delicious adjika for the winter with carrots you need:

  • 1000 g red bell pepper
  • 2000 g juicy tomatoes
  • 500 g sweet and sour apples
  • 500 g carrots
  • 100 g hot pepper
  • 200 g garlic
  • 250 ml sunflower oil
  • salt, pepper (to taste)

We prepare vegetables as described above, and three carrots on a fine grater. Add spices, oil, put on medium heat for 2.5 hours, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. We put the finished mixture in jars and cork with lids. Such adjika with carrots is well stored both in the closet in a city apartment and in the basement of a private house.

Raw appetizer without tomato - natural fresh taste even in winter!

Raw adjika without tomato retains the color, taste and aroma of natural vegetables, it is especially pleasant to open such a vitamin jar in winter! So, a simple recipe for adjika without cooking - for 1 kg of hot pepper, 100 g of garlic and 50 g of coriander are taken.

Wash the hot pepper and dry it slightly, remove the seeds (if you want the seasoning to be very hot, then leave the core). Scroll everything on a blender and add salt. Screw into sterilized small jars and refrigerate for the winter. The product, of course, is very tasty, but it can only be stored in the cold, so a storage room in an apartment will not work. Now you know how to cook raw, natural adjika without tomatoes and without boiling.

Hot pepper and horseradish seasoning is a great way to prepare

Spicy pepper adjika at home is a real find for housewives. It is quick to cook, does not require a large assortment of ingredients and is stored for a long time thanks to the salt. It is used for marinades, dressings and preparation of blanks for the winter. For the preparation of acute Caucasian adjika, you must:

  • 250 g chili peppers
  • 50 g garlic
  • 15 g salt
  • 15 g coriander
  • 15 g hop-suneli seasoning
  • 25 g horseradish (fresh root)

Hot pepper, garlic, horseradish roots, rinse, dry and peel. The pepper seeds can be left on or removed to adjust the pungency. Coriander, chili, garlic and horseradish, drive through a coffee grinder or grind in a blender until smooth. Mix well and salt.

The product now remains to be placed in a container for storage, put away in a cold place (refrigerator, basement). If you plan to store the seasoning in the refrigerator, the amount of salt can be slightly reduced if desired.

Adjika for the winter from tomato and pepper with garlic - a sharp delight

The best simple recipe for adjika is made from tomato, pepper and garlic. It is with him that it is better to start fantasizing about the variations of the sauce. All you need is some food, a saucepan and 20 minutes of free time. Cooking ingredients:

  • 150 g hot pepper
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 3 kg tomato
  • 500 g garlic
  • 50 grams of salt
  • 50 grams of sugar

Vegetables should be well rinsed in water, peeled from stalks and seeds (except for hot peppers), chopped and seasoned with spices. Whether you use a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder for these purposes, there is no fundamental difference.

Leave the vegetable mixture overnight, and in the morning, drain the resulting juice and distribute in sterilized jars. A raw snack of tomato, pepper and garlic is sent to the refrigerator or cellar. If you have learned how to make this sauce, any variety of it is up to you.

Homemade boiled - what could be tastier

If the raw blanks do not suit you, then you will definitely like homemade adjika, because it needs to be cooked, which means that the likelihood of safety increases significantly, and it is much easier to place hot-rolled cans in the apartment conditions.

By the way, like all other recipes, it is a proven method that does not explode in cans. The sauce can be adjusted to the flavor you want just before rolling by adjusting the amount of spices and vinegar. The result will be a great alternative to ketchup, and more useful. So, to cook homemade adjika for the winter, you need to take:

  • 1.5 kg tomato
  • 400 gr white onions
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 500 g red fleshy sweet pepper
  • 5-6 pieces of hot pepper (take to taste, more or less)
  • ½ cup garlic cloves
  • ½ cup refined vegetable oil
  • 75 g white wine vinegar
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 1.5 tbsp Sahara

We clean the vegetables, wash them, remove the seeds from the peppercorns, and leave them in the bitter one, cutting off only the tail. Grind all prepared vegetables in a meat grinder (except for garlic) and transfer to a cauldron (enameled pan), add vegetable oil.

Now the whole mass needs to be mixed well and put on low heat. It should be cooked for 1.5 hours from the moment of boiling, remembering to stir so as not to burn. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add the crushed garlic (finely chopped) and salt. If garlic is added earlier, the taste and aroma may disappear.

As soon as you turn off the heat, immediately pour in the vinegar, mix thoroughly and place in prepared jars and roll up for the winter. Do not forget to turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until it cools. Homemade boiled adjika is ready, you can try!

Abkhazian recipe with nuts

A real Abkhazian flavored snack with nuts will complement meat and fish dishes, it is good to grease the bird before frying, and it will also complement the shashlik, will serve as a wonderful addition to cutlets, chebureks and even manta rays.

  • 500 g bitter pepper
  • 100 g salt
  • 100 g shelled walnut kernels
  • 1.5 tbsp ground coriander seeds
  • a small bunch of fresh cilantro and parsley
  • 150 g garlic

According to the recipe, the vegetable must be washed and peeled from seeds, the greens must be washed and dried. Grind the pepper in a meat grinder or use a blender for this. If a lot of juice is formed during grinding, be sure to drain the excess. Walnuts should be fried in a pan until golden brown, sifted from the husks and minced or finely chopped with a knife.

Mix the ingredients, add salt and ground coriander seeds. We cut the greens and mix in the mass and add the crushed garlic last. Cover the pot (basin) with our workpiece with gauze or a thin cotton cloth and leave it warm in the kitchen for three days, stirring twice a day.

On the fourth day, the delicious sauce with nuts will be ready, it will remain to transfer it to dry clean containers and put it in the refrigerator. To roll up for the winter, bring to a boil (do not boil) and seal with iron lids.

Adjika recipes for the winter are varied, but they are always simple in execution and amazing in taste, be sure to prepare a hot sauce in the summer - you will not regret it! A delicious jar will always come in handy in the kitchen!

Adjika is a Georgian as well as Abkhazian dish, and it is no secret that it is a favorite. Each dish of the national cuisine appears in its own country only thanks to the products that the land that raised them is famous for.

That is why hot, hot peppers form the basis of the dishes of southern countries, and our, Russian adjika, is tomatoes.

Adjika recipes

In past centuries, the adzhika recipe was the same, it included three components: pepper, salt and fenugreek, and at first it was only salt and pepper. Currently, a huge number of recipes have appeared, each of them has the right to a cook's life.

Attention! If you decide to cook a real adjika and have not found such a plant as fenugreek, you can replace it with the Khmeli-Suneli seasoning or the Suneli set. And tomatoes for adjika should always be chosen very hard, not juicy.

Adjika Abkhazian

Spicy, classic (recipe for the winter with tomatoes) adjichka, prepared both for future use for the whole year, and for quick serving on the festive table.

Components of the dish:

  • pods of hot pepper (11 pcs.);
  • garlic / head (1 pc.);
  • fenugreek blue (two tablespoons, tablespoons);
  • tomatoes (2.1 kg.);
  • table salt / 110 g.


Pepper pods to get rid of all that is superfluous, grind as small as possible.

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, remove the peel, twist together with slices of fresh, peeled garlic. Mix with pepper, salt. Place on a hot stove for exactly three minutes. At the same time, try not to leave the pan so that you can stir the mass without interruption.

Adjika spicy, a simple and quick recipe for licking your fingers

Such adjika is not very difficult and fast to prepare, you can do it even without technical devices.

Components of the dish:

  • paprika, bitter (0.8 kg);
  • garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • a mixture of "hops" (55 gr.);
  • nuts, walnuts (5 pcs.);
  • tomatoes (2 kg.);
  • table salt / 110 g.


Scald, remove the skin, soften well with a fork, drain the juice.

Remove all unnecessary from the peppers, grind finely, put in a container where the tomatoes are already. Do the same with garlic cloves. Salt and season the dish, stir everything. Crush the nuts, stir, drain the juice. The dish can be decorated with herbs and served.

Attention - it will be interesting! In the old days, housewives did this with two stones. One was used as a board, the other as a crush / pestle.

Adjika with horseradish and garlic from tomato for the winter without cooking

Adjika with horseradish was invented in the Caucasus. It resembles Siberian "horseradish", but more aromatic due to the addition of spices and pepper. This is a very tasty and healthy dish, because horseradish has long and been widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

Components of the dish:

  • tomatoes (4.2 kg.);
  • pepper / gogoshary (2.3 kg.);
  • pepper / hot (7-10 pcs.)
  • garlic / heads (5 pcs.);
  • horseradish (12 pieces);
  • sugar (1/2 cup);
  • salt (130 gr.);
  • parsley (bunch).
  • fenugreek blue (45 gr.).


Prepare the tomatoes: rinse, remove excess, twist. This can be done either manually, using a meat grinder, or using a mixer.

Remove seeds from both types of peppers, rinse and twist as well. Add to the tomatoes, mix, drain the juice that appears.

Peel horseradish and garlic. Grind as finely as possible, add to the future adjika.

Pour in seasoning, salt and sweeten. Stir everything well. Let it brew, then drain the juice.

Put in jars, which should be pasteurized in advance, then pasteurized again in a way convenient for you.

In winter, parsley is added to adjika with horseradish and garlic, but already when serving. Do not roll up with parsley, adjika can turn sour.

Delicious tomato and pepper adjika

In terms of taste, such a dish is not inferior to a natural Georgian one, and Bulgarian pepper will make it thicker and more aromatic. It is best to choose tomatoes that are fleshy, but not overripe, otherwise a lot of juice will appear.

Components of the dish:

  • hot pepper (6 pcs.);
  • tomatoes (2 kg);
  • pepper, gogoshary (0.8 kg);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • hops-suneli (2 tbsp / l);
  • vinegar, fruit (25 ml);
  • sugar (245 gr.);
  • salt (100g).


Peel hot pepper, finely grind together with garlic cloves prepared in advance.

Rinse the tomatoes, remove excess, cut, scroll until smooth.

Gogoshary, rinse, remove seeds. Also twist or cut into small slices.

Place all cooked products in one container, stir thoroughly, drain the juice. After that, season, salt, add vinegar and sugar.

Simmer over low heat for half an hour, stirring all the time. Then bring to a boil, again, stirring continuously, as shown in the video. Remove the cooked spicy dish from the stove, cool, serve. You can also prepare such adjichka for the winter period in order to delight your household with delicious and aromatic food all year round.

The video shows in detail each step of making delicious adjika from tomatoes and peppers. Video in recipes is very convenient to use, at any time you can pause the frame or scroll it several times.

The classic recipe for adjika from tomato and garlic

The name "Russian adjika" would be most suitable for this recipe. Since it was invented in our country.

Components of the dish:

  • tomatoes, hard (2.3 kg.);
  • hot, bitter pepper (12 pcs.);
  • garlic (4 heads);
  • salt (110 gr.);
  • a set of suneli spices (70 gr.);
  • vinegar (50 ml).


Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalk. For cooking, you can use both a meat grinder (large) and a mixer, while not forgetting to drain the juice that appears.

Prepare pungent pods: remove seeds, stalk. Grate, add to other grated products.

The same must be done with the garlic heads: grind, put in the future adjika.

Pour in the vinegar gently.

Mix all the ingredients well, leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Then load into prepared clean jars.

Such adjika can also be served boiled, immediately to the table, but at the same time, not all ingredients should be cooked. Garlic and pepper pods are added last before boiling. And, of course, don't forget about the oil.

Attention! Gloves should be worn when working with hot peppers. It will irritate the skin and can be very dangerous if it gets into the eyes.

Adjika from tomato and pepper with garlic for the winter boiled

Delicious, juicy and healthy adjika in winter will not only enrich your table with vitamins, but will also remind you of the hot summer.

Components of the dish:

  • tomatoes (2.7 kg.);
  • carrots (5 pcs.);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • gogoshara pepper (1.2 kg.);
  • hot pepper pods (10 pcs.);
  • unrefined / vegetable oil (265 ml);
  • ordinary vinegar (30 ml);
  • sugar (235 gr.);
  • salt (125 gr.);
  • seasoning hops-suneli (45 gr.).


Scald the tomatoes and remove the skin, cut to twist. Twist, drain off excess juice.

Peel the gogoshary from the inner contents and stalks, cut. Scald, peel off and twist as well.

Peel carrots, rinse, also chop with a meat grinder.

Add grated garlic cloves, vinegar, sugar and salt. Stir thoroughly. Put on low heat, bring to a state of active boil, trying to always be there and stir. Put on a slow fire. Wait until adjika stops boiling. After that, cook for exactly one hour with the lid closed.

Peel hot pepper, grind and add to adjika. Leave on the stove without heat for a couple of hours. Put chilled adjika in pasteurized jars.

Attention! For cooking adjika, it is best to use enamel, earthenware or cast-iron dishes.

Boiled adjika with apples

Apples in adjika give a pleasant aroma and sour taste. After serving such an appetizer to the table, guests will forget about other dishes. In addition, at the expense of apples, she will receive an additional vitamin complex, which is so lacking throughout the year.

Components of the dish:

  • tomatoes (3.2 kg.);
  • gogoshara pepper (1.3 kg.);
  • carrots (5 pcs.);
  • bitter pepper (11 pcs.);
  • apples, green variety (1.3 kg.);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • bow (8 heads);
  • unrefined oil (400 ml);
  • vinegar (50 ml);
  • granulated sugar (255);
  • salt (155 gr.);
  • fenugreek blue (45 gr.).


Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for five seconds, remove the skin, cut the stalk. Cut into small and neat slices. Drain the juice.

Peel the carrots, grind, add to the tomatoes.

Remove sweet and bitter peppers from the stalk and seeds. Twist on medium mode, add to the rest of the vegetables. Stir, drain the juice.

Finely chop the onion. Pour oil into a saucepan, heat, add onion and fry it.

Drain the juice from the vegetables, put everything in a saucepan. Add grated garlic, salt, seasoning, vinegar, sugar. Stir everything. Put on low heat.

Remove the peel from the apples, cut into cubes, add to the adjika. Bring to a boil, stirring continuously, and turn off heat. Cool, transfer to a prepared container and roll up. After that, remove to a dark place, carefully wrapping it overnight.

Real Georgian adjika

If you love spicy dishes, then the recipe for real Georgian adjika is just for you. The recipe is not only easy to prepare and unforgettable in taste, but also healthy. A large amount of vitamin "C" will help the body to cope with any viruses throughout the year.

Components of the dish:

  • hot / burgundy pepper (2.5 kg);
  • plum, slightly green (8 pcs.);
  • garlic (5 heads);
  • hops-suneli (65 gr.);
  • cilantro greens (210 gr.);
  • peeled walnuts (130 gr.);
  • salt (140 gr.).


Remove hot peppers from the stalk and seeds. Grind it as finely as possible so that the mass is homogeneous.

Immerse the plum in boiling water, remove the top layer, remove the stone, also scroll and add to the pepper.

Finely grind the garlic, add to the adjika.

Crush walnuts in a mortar, add to adjika.

Season, season with salt, add sugar and cilantro. Stir everything well. Let stand for three hours, then transfer to prepared jars.

The recipe will help you step by step understand all the subtleties of cooking Georgian adjika. In the video you will see what a rich color the real Georgian adjika has.

Homemade adjika with tomatoes and garlic, no bell pepper

Homemade adjika without bell pepper serves as an excellent appetizer for any festive table, but it can be very spicy. But the benefits from it in winter will be much more than from the packaging of antiviral drugs.

Components of the dish:

  • fleshy tomatoes (3.3 kg.);
  • hot pepper (10 pieces);
  • garlic (5 heads);
  • coriander (50 gr.);
  • paprika (70 gr.);
  • hops-suneli (70 gr.);
  • vinegar (70 ml.);
  • salt (110 gr.).


Rinse the tomatoes, remove the existing stalk, cut into small cubes, drain the juice.

Remove seeds from pepper, twist, add to tomatoes.

Peel and grind the garlic, add to the future adjika.

Season the resulting mass, salt, add vinegar. Put on low heat for 20 minutes, while stirring the workpiece continuously, but not bringing it to a boil. Cool, transfer to pre-pasteurized jars.

Raw adjika for the winter from tomato and garlic without cooking

Adjika without cooking is, of course, a big plus for those who want to get vitamins all year round. But so that this plus does not turn into a minus, vegetables and dishes should be very carefully prepared: rinse them, scald with boiling water both outside and inside.

Components of the dish:

  • Tomatoes (3.1 kg);
  • bell pepper / gogoshary (1.1 kg);
  • hot pepper (10 pods);
  • cilantro / basil / parsley (all 70 gr.);
  • garlic (3 heads);
  • vinegar / grape (200 ml);
  • salt / coarse grinding (130 gr.).


Rinse the tomatoes, cut out the existing stalk. Cut into small cubes, then crush with a crush.

Pepper, both hot and sweet, peel of seeds, get rid of the stalk.

Grind finely in a meat grinder, add to the tomatoes.

Season with the above spices, squeeze out the garlic, stir everything with clean hands, pour out the vinegar, stir with a spoon, salt, mix again and drain the juice.

Roll up in a pasteurized container or fall to the table.

Attention! Salt is added last as it helps give extra and unnecessary juice to vegetables.


Adjika is a very healthy dish that will provide the body with vitamins all year round. But, despite this, do not forget that the dish is very spicy. It is advisable to limit its consumption to one meal. And for people with gastrointestinal problems, such a spicy dish is generally contraindicated.