Medium alcoholic drinks. List of types of alcoholic beverages

You go into the store and you understand - glory to capitalism! Nowadays, you can try everything that the world food manufacturers can boast of. But alcohol takes pride of place in any store. The variety is simply amazing. How to understand this diversity and what a self-respecting person needs to know? First, consider the main types alcoholic beverages.

Whatever the menu of the upcoming meal, when choosing alcohol, you should rely only on one rule: wine and food should set off each other, and not compete in terms of bright taste.

All strong drinks can be conditionally divided by 3 large groups.

  1. Wine - this group includes various wines, champagne, sake, sherry, port wine, madeira and so on. This is all that is obtained using only alcoholic fermentation.
  2. Strong alcohol - vodka, whiskey, brandy, cognac, tequila - everything that undergoes distillation after fermentation. And then some drinks are infused in barrels and "ripen". And some - vodka - are already ready for use in this form.
  3. Beer - Ale, Lager, Potter. They are produced by fermenting hops, brewer's yeast and malt - this is a low alcohol drink.

Alcoholic drinks - in more detail. Wine

General knowledge is good. But anyone who claims to be an alcohol connoisseur must distinguish between drinks in a group, know the rules of production, the organoleptic characteristics of the drink.

Let's start with wine. It is important to understand that “wine” is a fermented product of grapes. Only such a drink has the right to be called wine.
Other drinks obtained during fermentation of berry juice, fruit are not wine. Therefore, on the cider label the maximum you can see is "apple wine".

The beauty of wine is that grape juice contains everything you need to produce noble drinks - yeast, sugar, vitamins and minerals.
The most famous wine brands:

These drinks differ from wine in their strength - from 38 to 42, and some up to 60 degrees - and production technology.
After primary fermentation, they all undergo a distillation process. And then they are already brought to the desired state, insisting on various additives.

The first mention of foamy drink are found in ancient Egyptian papyri. For the production of beer, alcoholic fermentation of malt wort is carried out. A required addition is hops and brewer's yeast.

  • Ale - the wort is fermented at high temperature 15-25 degrees. The strength of the drink can be up to 21 degrees. El is the most strong variety beer. IN different countries it is done in different ways. For example, in England ale is not filtered or pasteurized. The shelf life of the drink is very short, so you can taste it only in the UK;
  • Lager - fermentation is carried out at low temperatures... The wort is first heated, then cooled. Fermentation takes place at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. Matures finished product at a temperature from 0 to 5 degrees. Lager is produced in light, dark, and even black. There are about 20 main types of lager, and they all differ significantly in taste.
  • Wheat beer - differs from other types of beer in that the after-fermentation process takes place already in the bottle.

It's no secret that alcohol is in large quantities negatively affects the state of health. However, despite this, alcohol remains very popular. Alcoholic brands are among the most expensive brands, and the volume of alcohol production all over the world reaches incredible proportions. And every year there are more and more new types of alcoholic beverages.

This is our mentality that no feast goes without alcohol. However, even choosing one or another type of alcohol, few people know by what method it is produced. Well, let's get better. So, in today's publication we will look at what types of alcohol exist today and how the process of making this or that alcoholic drink goes.

Let's start with the fact that all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength. Therefore, there are such groups:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

Low alcohol drinks include those types of alcohol, the alcohol content of which does not exceed 8%. These include:

  • beer, which is obtained by fermentation of malt wort under the influence of brewer's yeast. The beer also contains hops. Despite the fact that beer has many useful qualities, its use in large quantities is pretty harmful to the body;
  • braga- a mixture obtained by fermentation of different plant products - vegetables and fruits. Most often it serves as a raw material for making moonshine;
  • ciderapple drinkprepared without using yeast;
  • toddy- a product of fermentation of the juices of some palm trees;
  • kvass- not considered alcoholic, but contains small amounts of ethanol;
  • koumiss- very useful fermented milk product based mare's milkwhich also contains a small amount of alcohol.

IN small doses low alcohol drinks are practically harmless to the body. However, if they are used often and in unlimited quantities, then this will lead not only to alcoholic intoxication (with the exception of koumiss), but also to the disruption of the work of many organs of our body.

Medium alcohol drinks

Medium alcohol drinks contain up to 30% ethyl alcohol. These include:

  • wine- fermented grape juice, which in small amounts is very beneficial for the body and is even approved by doctors. However, due to its ethyl content, wine can be very harmful to our health if overused;
  • mead - an alcoholic drink made from honey;
  • mulled wine- wine with fruits and spices, prepared by boiling;
  • grog - diluted rum;
  • sakerice wine, a traditional Japanese alcoholic beverage;
  • punch- wine diluted with juice.

You should also be careful with these products and not exceed the allowable rate.

Strong alcoholic drinks

Spirits are characterized by an alcohol content that can reach up to 80%. Therefore abuse strong species drinking is most dangerous for the body. These products include:

  • vodka- is made from rectified alcohol mixed in various proportions with water. Alcohol is mainly obtained from potato and grain raw materials;
  • cognacalcoholic beveragemade from special varieties grapes;
  • rum, or cane vodka,made from cane syrup - a waste product from sugar cane production;
  • sambuca- vodka with the addition of anise or herbal;
  • gin - product of distillation of wheat alcohol, also contains juniper berries;
  • whiskey - the type of alcohol obtained by complex process malt fermentation and distillation cereals;
  • brandy - product of the distillation of grape or apple wine;
  • liquor- alcoholic drink based on various juices;
  • absinthe- the strongest alcohol, which contains up to 70% alcohol and is made using wormwood;
  • tincture- an alcoholic drink, which is obtained by infusing alcohol with various berries and spices.

That, in principle, are all the main types of alcohol that are most often found at feasts. We did not include exclusive spirits in the list, as there are so many of them.

Drinking alcohol has negative influence on the state of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors do not affect the popularity of these products in any way. Alcohol production is one of the largest.

The types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of positions, and it is not possible to list all the brands that exist today.

Alcohol brands are some of the most expensive brands, the volume of alcohol production around the world is amazing, and new types of alcoholic drinks are emerging with amazing regularity.

Alcohol is a faithful companion to any meal. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events do not take place without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today the assortment is so rich that everyone is able to find a drink to their taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the problem of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. Classify alcoholic beverages in several ways. The first way is to classify drinks according to the way they are made:

  1. Beverages to be produced that use the fermentation procedure.
  2. Distilled drinks.

This classification allows us to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories, which differ in their main components. Both fruits and vegetables and various cereals can act as such components.

The second way to classify alcohol is to separate products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium-strength drinks;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

Category weak alcohol includes those products, the percentage of alcohol content in which does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products... The list of low-alcohol drinks has more than ten items.

Beer.One of the most popular alcoholic products in the world. The history of this intoxicating drink is more than several thousand years old. Countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic are considered recognized brewers. The strength of beer starts from five degrees and rises higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga. The basis of this product is vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the manufacture of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic beverages are divided into groups depending on the strength

Toddy.Toddy is made from the sap of palm trees in South American countries. For the manufacture of the product, a fermentation method is used.

Kvass.The history of this drink goes back many hundreds of years. Traditional kvassmade from sour milk, contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider.The strength of the cider depends primarily on the country in which it is prepared. In France, cider is made with two percent alcohol content. In Germany, this percentage can be increased to seven. Used to make cider apple juice... All fermentation processes are based on a technique that excludes the addition of yeast.

Perry.Perry is one of the drinks made similar to cider. Pear juice and sugar are used to make Perry. The strength of such a drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Khuremge.Traditional alcoholic product originally from Buryatia. Khuremge is made from whey. The fortress is between two and eight degrees.

Icewine.This drink can be classified as one of the variety of wines. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive the frost. It is thanks to this approach that the drink got its name. The strength of this wine is about eight degrees.

Togba.Togba - alcohol, originally from Nepal and according to legend, it is madly adored by Yeti. Togba is made by fermenting cereals. This alcohol must be consumed hot using a straw.

Handi.Khandi is an alcohol native to India. Only women have the right to make such a product, and the process of its manufacture takes place according to strict rules. The Khandi fortress is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and roots of some plants are used for its manufacture.

Through various additives and preparation methods at least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks containing up to thirty percent alcohol. This category includes the following products.

Mead.A product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine.This subtype of wine is made from fruit and spices.

Wine.One of the foods that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines, which differ in composition and preparation method. The strength of wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Countries such as France and Spain are considered recognized winemakers.

Sake.Wine, the birthplace of which is Japan. This type of wine is made from rice and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine.Another offshoot of the wine family. Port wine is made from special kind grapes and the alcohol content in it reaches twenty percent. The birthplace of this wine is Portugal.

Madeira.Another type of wine from Portugal. The Madeira fortress is about twenty degrees. main feature such a drink is that high temperatures are used to make it.

Sherry.The peculiarity of Spanish Sherry is that the grapes ferment under a peculiar film of a special type of yeast. The fortress of Jerez is equal to twenty degrees.

Marsala.A product from the wine family. The Marsala fortress is approaching eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subspecies of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga.This wine product gets its name from the place of production, the Spanish winery of Malaga. The strength of the resulting product can be from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. Several types of grapes are used for the production.

Both strong and low alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses.

Tokay.Wine originally from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product... Tokay's fortress is twelve percent. Main component - a special kind of honey.

Vermouth.According to one legend, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. When preparing vermouth, are used medicinal herbs and plants. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne.A sparkling wine that many associate with solemnity and mystery. Winemakers from the small province of Champagne are engaged in the production of champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

Sato.Sato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content of this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Tsinar.Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

Campari.Liqueur named after its creator G. Campari. For the preparation of the liqueur, fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used. The alcohol content in this liqueur is about twenty-eight percent.

Koumiss.Homeland of koumiss - central Asia... This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for making kumiss, differing in strength. The maximum strength of kumis is forty degrees.

Grog and punch.These drinks are combined as both are derived from separate products. Grog is rum that is diluted to reduce the strength of the product. Punch is a product obtained by mixing certain varieties of wines and fruit juices.

Rechoto... One of the representatives of the wine family originally from Italy. The fortress of Rechoto is fifteen degrees.

Pisco.French wine, the strength of which is at around twenty-two degrees. Made from grape juice with the addition of cognac alcohol. It is very important that such alcohol should be at least several years old.

Pulque.A Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of agave fruits. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

The most common name for spirits is alcoholic beverages in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Strong alcohol consumption is hazardous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits are:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

It makes no sense to describe the above drinks, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong alcohol can be made from various ingredients, so it is worth considering only the most unusual compositions.

Aquavit.Literally translated, the name reads "water of life". Aquavit is made in Norway from regular potatoes... The alcohol content of the product is fifty percent.

Arak.Arak is an ambiguous drink. For its manufacture are used different kinds natural raw materials and manufacturing techniques. So the strength of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. Arak's homeland is Central Asia.

Pastis.Pastis is one of the absinthe derivatives from France. The history of this aniseed vodka is about a hundred years old. The strength of such vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic.Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac.The birthplace of Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The manufacturing method consists in distilling wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa.Initially italian grappa was made from waste wine raw materials. The alcohol content in grappa can be as high as fifty percent.

Calvados.One of the subtypes of brandy, which is made from apple cider... The alcohol content of this product is on average forty percent.

Kirshwasser.The kirschwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is about forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherry.

Low alcohol drinks usually include various cocktails, wine, beer, liqueurs.

Slivovitsa.Brandy subspecies, with a strength of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice... The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa.Greek composition based on blend grape wine, brandy from grape apples and herbal tincture. The alcohol content in metax is about forty percent.

Schnapps.The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereals and fruits fruit trees... Germany is considered the birthplace of schnapps. A product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon.An American whiskey made from corn cobs. The strength of bourbon is about fifty degrees.

Maotai.The homeland of this drink is China. Maotai holiday drink, the use of which is associated with a celebration. It is made from cereals and has a strength of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo.Mix of alcohol solution and special herbs. The birthplace of the drink is Greece. The composition contains about fifty percent alcohol.

Cancers.Strong alcohol from Turkey. Crayfish contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka.Caucasian product made from mulberry fruit. This drink possesses unique aroma, and its strength is already eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to classify drinks according to their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol in the liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of what you drink, but also save yourself from the consequences of the hangover syndrome.

Alcoholic drinks are part of human civilization. They were, are and will be in the future. Each nation boasts its own individual and unique beverages.

To deal with a huge list and learn to distinguish different types alcohol, you need to make a list for yourself. In it, alcoholic beverages will be divided into groups, united by common criteria.

List of major groups of alcoholic beverages

The method of obtaining any alcohol is the fermentation of plant materials. The main thing is that the raw materials contain natural vegetable sugar - glucose. Alcoholic fermentation is impossible without it.

Distillation is the process of distilling fermented wort. The product that turns out - ethanol with different fusel oils - goes for further processing and aging.

  1. Liqueurs.

Were considered female drink... Sweet, fragrant, infused with various plant materials. Famous brands - Lawyer, Blue Curacao, Belize, Irish-Cream, Cointreau, Sheridans. The strength of the drinks is low - up to 20 degrees.

Safety indicators are regulated by SanPiN and are among the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations. In alcoholic beverages, the level of toxic elements in mg / kg is not more than: lead - 0.3; arsenic - 0.2; cadmium - 0.03; mercury - 0.005; methanol - 0.05. Radionuclides: cesium - 137 - 70 Bp / dm; strontium - 90 - 100 Bp / dm; N-nitrosomines - 0.003 mg / kg.

  1. Beer was added to the list as a separate line.

It is produced everywhere, but Germany is considered the birthplace and number one. The fortress is small and varies from 4 to 15 degrees. Although a separate variety called "rub" is the pride of Ireland.

You may not need a list of alcohol in your life. But by composing it, you will learn to distinguish one type of alcohol from another. And this will already testify to your erudition and knowledge in strong drinks.

The whole variety of drinks is especially noticeable during the feast period. Moreover, many of them are used not so much to quench thirst as for entertainment. And each of them has its own characteristics and renders different influences on the body.

All modern drinks are divided into two large groups: non-alcoholic and alcoholic.

Types of soft drinks

These include alcohol-free or alcohol-free drinks that are so low as to be negligible. There are main types:


These include tea, coffee, cocoa and various other herbal teas. They all have their own specific properties and have different effects on the body.


A group of drinks obtained by squeezing. They are considered one of the most useful, as they contain great amount biologically active substances, vitamins and other trace elements.


A decoction of all kinds of fruits and berries. In terms of usefulness, they are slightly inferior to juices, since some of the substances are lost after processing in boiled water.


Similar to compote, only in this case, crushed fruits of berries and fruits are used. It is no less useful and satisfying.


Natural milk drinks contain a large number of proteins and fats of animal origin. In Russia, it was equated with food: then it was customary to say "eat milk", not drink.


A traditional product containing a small amount of alcohol. Perfectly cools and quenches thirst.

Carbonated drinks

Created more for fun. Carbon dioxide is neither harmful nor beneficial. Carbonated naturally or artificially.


A group of drinks based on flavors, sweeteners and colors diluted in water. They are not beneficial, harm to the body is still disputed. From the point of view of quenching thirst, they are doubtful, since most manufacturers go to the cunning, adding substances that only increase the feeling of thirst.

Types of alcoholic beverages

They are conditionally subdivided into low alcohol and strong.

Low alcohol include:

  • Milk-based alcoholic beverages (kumis, bilk; exception - arak)
  • Fruit wines (ciders, peri)
  • Sparkling wine,
  • Natural grape wines

The latter have an extensive classification by color, sugar content. In addition, there are special varieties (Madeira, port, Cahors, vermouth, etc.). However, the strength of even one of the strongest - - does not exceed 20%. This is due to the cooking technology, since alcohol yeast begin to die at such a percentage concentration.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

(40% grain based distillate)

(distillate based on grains, malt or corn, aged in oak barrels)

Brandy (distillate based on grapes and other fruits)

  • Cognac
  • Armagnac
  • Grappa
  • Metaxa