Lemon Schweppes. Why is Schweppes dangerous and useful? The modern world and Schweppes - an exclusive drink

In the classification of alcoholic (and even non-alcoholic) drinks, this group occupies a rather large place, since it includes numerous tinctures, mostly bitter: vermouth and liqueurs, low-alcohol products with a strength of 5% or more and some other types of drinks. Bitters are herbal drinks (spicy ingredients, extracts of roots, stems, leaves of plants considered medicinal), produced by infusion. Many components are used as raw materials. The bitter recipe for each famous brand is kept in the strictest confidence. The word itself comes from German and literally means "bitter".

What is bitter today?

In the modern culture of alcohol, this is the name for a fairly wide range of drinks, the strength of which varies from 5 to 50%. This grandiose circle includes such well-known Russian consumers as “Riga Balsam (black)”, “Campari”, “Becherovka”, even “Zubrovka” and honey and pepper tincture.

what unites these seemingly too versatile drinks? And the thing is that bitters are alcohol, in which there is bitterness, obtained as a result of cooking using herbs, roots, bark, fruits and seeds of plants. It is in this that their classification similarity lies, regardless of the number of degrees and even in the absence thereof.

Bitter tincture. A bit of history

Even in ancient times in some countries there was a certain practice of using bitterness in the preparation of tinctures and other drinks containing (and not even containing) alcohol. The first bitters are an ancient Greek bitter wine, used by Hippocrates himself exclusively for medicinal purposes, the prototype of today's vermouth. Or the Nubian version of a bitter beer. Some other drinks of the ancients can be conditionally recognized as bitters, especially if we take into account their described healing properties.

Middle Ages

But the most powerful development of such drinks begins in the Middle Ages with the appearance in Europe of the "water of life" - ethyl distillate (approximately in the 12th century, and the method of its production was borrowed from the Arabs).

Monastery of Southern Italy (Salerno), the first known bitterness tincture appears. It includes juniper berries and cones. And later in France they learned how to make a similar drink. During these years, bitter is a drink taken exclusively for medicinal purposes. Monks and secular leaders perceived it that way even in the Renaissance, and for a long time this wonderful drug could be found more at a pharmacist than at a wine merchant. And bitter decoctions were prescribed in cases of digestive problems, colds. It is interesting that, for example, the same "Becherovka" was created for medical purposes.

New World

The broadest horizons for creating bitterness open up for fans of such drinks due to the discovery of the properties of American plants. For example, this is how the legendary "Angostura" appeared, which is present in every respectable bar today. And thanks to their qualities (they quenched their thirst well, disinfected them), bitters became for the European settlers of the United States one of the elements of the drinking diet. However, bitters are still the assortment of pharmacies.

Entrance to the restaurant business

In drinking establishments and restaurants, alcohol-based bitterness began to appear only in the 19th century. Thus, the famous Italian "Campari" became the first bitter drink that was focused on the restaurant business (1861). From Italy, the fashion for bitterness began to spread throughout the world to dozens of countries.


This reddish brown bitter has its roots in Venezuela. It is concentrated and thick, often used in the art of bartenders all over the world. Its recipe has been kept secret for almost 200 years, and the alcoholic strength is almost 45 degrees. Like many other bitters, Angostura from its birth (1824) was first used as a medicinal tincture. The main production of Angostura is located in Trinidad and Tobago. Bitter is the main or complementary ingredient for many famous cocktails due to its very pleasant and original aftertaste.


Italian bitter liqueur with a strength of 20 to 28% in various variations. It is obtained from herbs and fruits. Campari is still the most famous drink today. Popular as an aperitif, consumed independently, and as an invariable component of many, many cocktails, "Americano", "Garibaldi" for example. The liqueur began its triumphant march in 1861 from Italy to France. And today it is supplied to 200 countries of the world. Connoisseurs say that in the taste and aroma you can feel the notes of honey and zest, blackberries and grapes, quinine. According to some reports (the original recipe is still kept secret by the manufacturer), Campari contains more than 50 ingredients.

"Riga Balsam" (Rīgas Melnais balsams)

Until recently, this strong black bitter was one of the most famous in the USSR and then in the CIS. At least it was even sold in the shops of the Soviet republics, and the average layman could put a bottle in a bar. Buyers note that balsam "Rizhsky" has an excellent strength (45%) and density, rich color and rich taste. There are notes of linden blossom, raspberries and lingonberries, ginger bitterness (24 ingredients in total). Produced in original ceramic bottles, which are designed to protect the contents from exposure to sunlight. This drink has been known in Europe since 1752. It is practically not used in its pure form. They are added to coffee (most popular in Russia), tea, ice cream. Used with ice in some cocktails. Balsam-bitter is still used as a medicine for some diseases, so to speak, for its intended purpose.

Cocktails with bitters

Is it added to the cocktail? Bitter is most commonly used in beverage mixes in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. This component gives cocktails a special bitterness, originality and uniqueness in taste and aroma characteristics. In general, for connoisseurs.

  • "Honolulu". Gin - 60 ml, pineapple juice - 15, orange juice - 15, lemon juice - 10, sugar syrup - 10, Angostura - one splash of the bottle. For decoration - a lemon spiral. For sprinkling the rim of the glass - granulated sugar. Ice is welcomed in the amount of 5 medium cubes. Prepared in a shaker by shaking.
  • "Million dollars". Gin - 30 ml, Angostura - 1 splash, dry martini - 1 teaspoon, sweet - 1 teaspoon, pineapple juice - half a glass, raw egg white, ice. Preparing in a shaker.
  • "Mango tonic". Vodka - 30 ml, mango liqueur - 15, tonic for dilution, Angostura - 2 splashes. A slice of lime is used for decoration. The cocktail should be arranged in layers in a tall highball glass. They should alternate in color. Order: tonic, bitter, vodka liqueur. You need to drink it from their tubes, gradually drinking each layer one by one.
  • "Apple sauer". This is a rather specific category of cocktails with a characteristic sourness. Bourbon - 45 ml, apple juice - 40, triple sec - 20, lemon juice - 10, orange bitter - 2 bottle bursts, 3 ice cubes. Preparing in a shaker. The best container for drinking this cocktail is an old-fashioned regular glass. A bitter cocktail is prepared very quickly and has a unique taste.

Schweppes Bitter Lemon

It is a refreshing drink (non-alcoholic). It is made using a special technology that allows you to use squeezed lemon juice along with the zest (hence the characteristic bitterness). The technology is classified, so the full composition of the drink is unknown. In the world culture of consumption, "Schweppes bitter" is mainly used in cocktails. Judging by consumer reviews, many people in Russia are accustomed to drinking it like a regular soda, without mixing it with anything.

Of course, the culture of bitters consumption in our country is not yet at the highest level. Many consider the cocktail to be sheer pampering and a waste of money. However, the club and bar culture with its variety of drinks, which include various bitterness, is gaining popularity in Russia in recent years.


Schweppes Bitter Lemon is a refreshing drink with lemon juice added. It is made according to a special technology using lemon juice together with zest, which gives the drink an exquisite bitter taste.

Lemon rind particles form a natural sediment at the bottom of the bottle. In order to feel the fullness of the taste of the drink, it must be "awakened". In this regard, the ritual of consumption of Schweppes was born:

"Cooling"- the temperature regime of the drink must be observed, the recommended temperature is from 2 to 7C.

"Awakening"- graceful bottle flip. Flip the bottle, shaking the natural lemon rind to unleash all the flavors of Schweppes Bitter Lemon.

"Pleasure"- consumption process

Lemon-flavored Schweppes is made using a special secret technology, making it very difficult to copy the drink.

Initially, Bitter Lemon was invented as a "mixer", that is, a drink intended for subsequent mixing with alcohol, but over time, the consumer fell in love with it as an independent, unique carbonated drink.

On May 1, 1957, the Schweppes Bitter Lemon hit the UK shelves. The sales of this refreshing drink have grown at a very fast pace. Since then, the drink has become widespread throughout the world.

The history of Bitter Lemon begins in 1956, when the Schweppes marketing team in the UK, inspired by the then existing Schweppes Indian Tonic with Quinine *, began work on a new bitter lemon-flavored beverage.

In Russia, Schweppes Bitter Lemon first appeared in 2000.

As of 2013, Bitter Lemon is the most popular Schweppes flavor in Russia, accounting for slightly more than half of the sales volume of the entire Schweppes portfolio. **

The ideal proportion of lemon juice, zest and quinine * preserves the unforgettable bitterness characteristic of Schweppes and gives the drink a spicy, unique, inimitable taste.

In 2013, the Schweppes Bitter Lemon recipe was improved. The drink has become even tastier, and the famous bitterness - even more pronounced. ***

Quinine is an extract from the bark of the cinchona tree with a strong bitter taste, antipyretic and analgesic properties, in addition, it has long been the only cure for malaria.

According to Nielsen, September 2013

Based on the results of the consumer test "Synovate", 2013



The following types of this drink are produced for the domestic market:

  • The Indian Tonic Schweppes is the very first variety of Schweppes. Has a rich bitter-sour taste without any foreign additives. Its recipe was discovered in 1873 during British rule in colonial India;
  • Schweppes "Bitter Lemon" - a drink with lemon juice (2%), produced since 1956. It is made according to a special technology, which provides for obtaining lemon juice by squeezing the lemon pulp together with the zest, which adds a slight bitterness to the drink;
  • Schweppes "Mojito with lime juice" is a drink with a mojito flavor and bitterness, traditional for the brand. Contains lime juice (3%).

Interesting! In Schweppes, mojito flavors have a hint of Caribbean rum.


The basis of the composition: purified water, sugar, citric acid, natural flavors and quinine. Natural citrus juice is added to various types of drink.


Schweppes contains trace amounts of quinine. This substance has analgesic and antipyretic properties, and can prevent muscle cramps. For a long time it was used as the only remedy for malaria.

Also, this tonic contains a lot of sugar. Studies have shown that these drinks can relieve stress and help the body quickly fill in calories and recover.


Some people are very sensitive to the toxic effects of quinine. This drug may cause headaches, rashes, ringing in the ears, nausea, dizziness, and blurred vision.

How to prepare and serve

Schweppes was originally conceived as a cocktail drink by mixing it with alcohol. It is best paired with gin, vodka, martini or orange juice.


The shelf life is 6 months. subject to the temperature regime from 0 to + 20 ° C. An open drink is stored for no more than 3 days.

Restrictions on use

Schweppes should be consumed in moderation at regular intervals, as overuse of the drink can cause anxiety, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Before using quinine-containing products, you should make sure that there is no diabetes mellitus, heart and digestive problems, since it is for this group of people that the use of quinine can be harmful.


Properties of the Schweppes drink

How much does Schweppes cost (average price per liter)?

The Schweppes brand of soft drinks was founded by Schwepp Jakob back in 83 of the 18th century. Today it is owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. The drink Schweppes, which is known to have a long and rather interesting history of origin, is popular among consumers in many countries of the world. It is customary to use it not only in its pure form, but also to use it as part of various cocktails.

Today, the assortment of Schweppes drinks, which are produced almost all over the world, ranges from pure carbonated water (under the name Schweppes Soda) to exclusive national brands that are produced only in some countries (for example, Schweppes Cranberry Spice).

So, the modern drink Schweppes is produced in more than one hundred and sixty countries, including in our country, where, according to 2012 data, there are 4 main types on sale.

Schweppes Indian Tonic is a classic of this brand. It was invented during British rule in colonial India. By the way, since 1783, it is this species that has been considered the invariable personification of the drinks of this brand and is an ingredient in gin and tonic - the world's first cocktail.

A refreshing drink containing natural lemon juice - Schweppes Bitter Lemon. It is produced using a special technology that allows you to squeeze the juice of this citrus fruit together with the zest. Nevertheless, Schweppes still owes its exquisite bitter taste to the use of quinine.

An unusual combination of cranberries and spices can be felt in the Schweppes Cranberry Spice. It is noteworthy that this option is produced exclusively in countries such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

In addition, the Turkish version of the Schweppes drink is called Schweppes Mandarine, by the name of which it is easy to guess that it contains mandarin juice.

The composition of the Schweppes drink

According to the information on the packaging of this highly carbonated non-alcoholic water, Schweppes contains ingredients such as drinking water, sugar, lemon juice, carbon dioxide, citric acid as an acidity regulator, as well as natural flavors.

In addition, the Schweppes drink contains potassium sorbate as a preservative, ascorbic acid, which plays the role of an antioxidant, stabilizers (in particular, starch ester and sodium octenylate acid salts, esters of resin acids and glycerol), quinine, and sodium saccharinate (sweetener).

Calorie content of Schweppes drink 38 kcal

Energy value of Schweppes drink (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

Proteins: 0 g. (~ 0 kcal)
Fat: 0 g. (~ 0 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 9.1 g. (~ 36 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 0% | 0% | 96%


Wide range of

The drink from the date of its foundation to the present day is in high demand among consumers. It is of particular interest to buyers under 35 years old. Young people after university are usually already aware of the harm of an intoxicating drink and are trying to replace it with, in their opinion, more benign options.

There are also those who prefer to mix the effervescent contents of a bottle with vodka or any other suitable for flavoring beverages. So it turns out to make yourself a rather simple, but at the same time fragrant cocktail. Moreover, this scheme is used not only by those who are used to creating a budget mojito with their own hands, but also by professional bartenders. In many nightclubs in exotic resorts, the restaurant's menu contains at least one alcoholic mix with the involvement of Schweppes.

This is facilitated by a fairly large assortment of different tastes. The simplest type is called regular soda, which is not supplemented with various colors and flavors. It is a pure carbonated liquid, classified as Soda in the species classification.

But in addition to consumer products, many countries are offering brand owners to use some of the more exclusive flavors. The most prominent representative of such an original group is called Cranberry Spice. It is produced on the territory of only a few countries, so not all fans of the drink will be able to appreciate how delicious cranberries are in this modification.

Today, the composition, loved by many, is produced in one and a half hundred countries. The manufacturer and buyers from the countries of the former Soviet Union did not pass by. On their territory, you can find the main types of drink:

  • Lemon bitter;
  • Cranberry Spice.

There are some more species that Russian-speaking curious people can taste without any problems. Most often it is Mandarine, which is made for the Turkish public. You can buy a bottle of tangerine liquid in any large store in this country, going there on vacation.

But mandarin or pomegranate is not the traditional classic. This is a version of the Indian tonic, the recipe for which was invented in the distant times of colonial India. Then the British authorities ran everything there. Its distinctive feature is quinine, which gives the finished product its specific aftertaste.

The drink was so popular with customers that they even included it in the world's first cocktail containing alcohol. We are talking about the legendary gin and tonic, which began to be prepared as early as 1783 to the delight of bar-goers.

If the client wants something fresher, then Bitter Lemon is perfect for this. Its composition includes the addition of lemon juice. It is customary to call the special technology the main advantage of a refreshing reading. Thanks to her, specialists can squeeze juice directly from the citrus fruit along with the zest. No gin or any other alcohol is added to the contents of the bottle, but the result is still a little bitter. This effect is provided by the addition of quinine, which guarantees a pleasant bitterness. She, according to reviews, is necessary to suppress the feeling of thirst on hot days.

As for Cranberry Spice, it is produced exclusively in the vastness of three countries:

  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Russian Federation.

It is his folk craftsmen who like to mix with various intoxicants. Vodka harmonizes best with it. Sometimes the third component is the martini. Moreover, the proportions can vary somewhat depending on personal preference and endurance, which allows you to quickly digest ethanol.

If you want to make a classic Tropical cocktail with the above ingredients, then it is better to add ice cubes to the shaker before the final mixing, and also quite a bit of syrup. Instead of a purchased analogue, you can make a syrup yourself: you need to stir sugar in a small amount of water. After maximum stirring, the mixture is filtered so that the sugar crystals do not spoil the structure.

Experimenters even manage to pour in pomegranate juice, but bartenders warn that it has outstanding flavor and color characteristics. If you still take such a risk, you can completely neutralize the taste of the soda.

Better to put a thin ginger slice in there when mixing in a shaker, and then just strain the solution.

Secret composition

The manufacturer treats its consumers honestly, therefore, does not hesitate to publish the full composition on the label. Despite the fact that some of its variations are positioned as refreshing, the benefits of even fresh lemon juice are minimal there.

This is explained by the fact that the liquid provides for the addition of several conflicting components and quinine, which is still discussed in the scientific community. From this, some conclude that although Schweppes does not contain ethanol, ale or craft beer will still be more beneficial for the internal organs.

The drink in the international classification belongs to the category of highly carbonated water.

The basic composition for various types of products of a well-known brand includes:

  • drinking water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavors.

Also, manufacturers do not hide the fact that potassium sorbate is added to the bottles, which is positioned as a preservative. And the presence of ascorbic acid is responsible for antioxidants.

But in addition to relatively understandable substances, the content is capable of boasting a number of chemicals, among which they distinguished themselves:

  • starch ether;
  • sodium octenylate acid salt in the position of stabilizers;
  • resin acid ester;
  • glycerin ester;
  • sweetener.

The latter in the chemical classification goes under the term sodium saccharinate. Also, quinine was not without, which causes concern among doctors.

Imitation of alcohol

Many fans of this “fizzy” note that they like it because of the tasteful imitation of an alcoholic cocktail. Cola, familiar to all, can hardly boast of such an achievement.

But in fact, Schweppes does not contain even a small fraction of ethanol, as is the case with traditional power engineers. It does not lead to intoxication, like vermouth or any other intoxicating drink, while the bitter taste creates the illusion of consuming alcohol-containing liquid.

Also, experts are sure that after such a thirst quenching, a person will experience an exciting effect. It is short-lived, but some even have enough of this in order to associate the drunk with alcohol.

Another danger not always recognized by cocktail fans. This applies to the practice of adding alcohol-containing components to Schweppes. Due to the fact that the bitterness of the zest, together with quinine, completely clog the taste of ethanol. Such a development of events leads to the fact that the client of the bar may exceed the recommended dosage of alcohol. But as soon as he gets up from the chair, then everything drunk will immediately hit the head, and it will seem as if the client has seriously gone over it.

That is why it is so important to control the number of cocktail portions, as well as to know what the professionals who know the sense of proportion drink with such soda. The presence of carbon dioxide adds to the problems. Because of it, the rate of absorption of alcohol increases significantly, which provokes the onset of intoxication more pronounced and much faster.

On other issues, the presented drink is not much different from its direct competitors from the non-alcoholic range. The only thing worth highlighting here is the huge amount of sugar. And although its exceeding the recommended dose does not seem to be felt on the tongue, because of the adapted sweetener, much more sugar is added than if sugar was simply poured into the bottle and loosened.

All this guarantees a short-term jump in the rise of energy, which almost instantly goes out, provoking an increased thirst. So only extra calories are added, the level of glucose in the blood jumps, and you don't want to drink less.

Negative impact

Experts say that drinking more than two average bottles of such soda on a daily basis will quickly lead to the development of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • destabilization of vision;
  • ringing in my ears;
  • lack of coordination.

Not all Schweppes fans are willing to admit that he is addictive. Even scientific researchers have proven this. If you add to this addiction to cocktails based on it, then after a short period of time even a healthy person can seriously undermine their own health. Not to mention the fact that he will have to go to a drug treatment clinic for professional help. Only experienced doctors will be able to relieve him of his craving for alcoholic cocktails.

Some reckless parents believe that the addition of natural lemon juice allows for a rich vitamin composition. But doctors advise it is better to just give a teenager a small lime on an empty stomach than to offer him a soda.

The increased vitamin B content, which is often found in carbonated sugary drinks, deserves special attention. In general, these vitamins must have a positive effect, but in fact, their excess provokes a weakening of the heart.

Tonic also negatively affect the processes occurring in the digestive tract, which guarantees increased secretion of gastric juice. Usually schoolchildren, who are the main consumers of Schweppes, rarely eat a full meal. Due to this, the chances of bringing your own body to gastritis increases.

You should also not rely too much on an energy explosion and a surge of strength after drinking. They are taken not from the bottle, but from the internal reserves of the body, which the body saves "for a rainy day" to fight during illness or severe stress. Instead of being used in situations where a weakening immunity really needs it, the gold reserve will be spent on ordinary needs or simply for a sense of satisfaction.

To recover the losses, you will have to consume healthy food for a long time, include vitamin supplements in the diet, and monitor your health. If you spend the reserve allocated for diseases on a daily basis, then after a short period of time it will simply become empty. This guarantees a decrease in immunity, depressed mood, as well as internal exhaustion.

But the most dangerous thing about this drink is quinine. It is contraindicated to use it even in small doses for small children, elderly people. Pregnant women and women during lactation are in a special risk group. Fears are caused by the fact that the substance quickly enters the cells of the body, remaining there for a long time.

Also, all those who already suffer from hearing impairments, and also have problems with the functioning of the liver, should stop using Schweppes. This is especially true for those who are faced with hepatitis.

Against the background of all of the above, people are trying to protect themselves and their children from the emerging danger. If you can't drink soda at all, then you should just strictly limit it in quantity.


What you can interfere with Schweppes See Int

  1. with juices
  2. Alcohol is a great deceiver! The insidious drink first makes a man a sexual giant, and then an alcoholic and impotent. It is even more tragic for a woman. From a cute creature, she turns into a disgusting creature. Fortunately, female alcoholism is easier to treat than male alcoholism.
  3. I like martini, but you can also have vodka + red bul))))
  4. I don't know, we mix it with vermouth and it turns out deliciously
  5. Vodka, Martini and Schweppes cocktail
    1/3 vodka,
    1/3 martini (vermouth can be used),
    1/3 Schweppes (lemon).
  6. Schweppes Remix
    50 ml cognac
    150 ml Schweppes Tonic
    wedge of lemon or lime

    Starship Troopers
    75 ml blackcurrant juice
    50 ml vermouth bianco
    75 ml Schweppes Tonic

    Chiming clock
    15 ml blackcurrant syrup
    50 ml vodka
    100 ml Schweppes Tonic
    lime, cocktail cherry

    Bitter Glam
    50 ml vermouth
    150 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    lemon wedge, cocktail cherry

    50 ml cognac
    50 ml apple juice
    100 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    square apple

    Sun bite
    50 ml vodka
    15 ml passionfruit syrup
    75 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    cocktail cherry, lime

    Neo Russian
    50 ml vodka
    150 ml Schweppes Russchian
    cocktail cherry, lemon zest

    50 ml tequila
    50 ml Schweppes Russchian

    Cherry nymph
    25 ml cognac
    25 ml cherry liqueur
    75 ml grape juice (white)
    75 ml Schweppes Russchian
    lime, cocktail cherry

    35 ml whiskey
    15 ml Amaretto Di Sarono
    150 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale
    cocktail cherry

    Wild Cherry
    25 ml vodka
    75 ml cherry juice
    25 ml cherry liqueur
    75 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale

    Russian roulette
    25 ml vodka
    15 ml anise galliano
    10 ml lemon juice
    150 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale

    Mint Joe
    30 ml gin
    10 ml mint liqueur
    10 ml grenadine
    150 ml Schweppes Soda Water

    Velvet Wind
    50 ml vermouth
    15 ml lemon juice
    1 sugar cube
    85 ml Schweppes Soda Water
    pineapple, cocktail cherry

    Lonely Cactus
    30 ml tequila
    10 ml lemon juice
    1 sugar cube
    160 ml Schweppes Soda Water
    slice of lemon
    Cocktail Absolute Russian
    Cocktail composition

    Absolute Russian
    1 tea lies. Currant Syrup
    30 ml. Vodka (Vodka)
    90 ml. Schweppes

  7. I rested in England and there they taught me how to drink Schweppes with white wine, a very big treat!
  8. Only with martini
  9. Vodka, martini
  10. With vodka


What is the danger of an energy drink

The non-alcoholic Schweppes drink imitates the taste of alcohol, causes sensations typical of alcoholic intoxication:

  • The bitter taste of the "baby" drink creates the illusion of drinking real alcohol;
  • The momentary burst of energy is similar to the aphrodisiac effect after drinking;
  • The addition of alcohol does not change the taste of the drink.

The peculiar taste of bitterness, explained by the addition of quinine and lemon zest, masks the alcoholic taste of cocktails, in the preparation of which the drink is more common. The saturation of the liquid with bubbles of carbon dioxide increases the rate of absorption of alcohol, accelerating the onset of intoxication.

The composition of Schweppes differs little from other soft drinks, except for quinine and a large amount of sugar, which gives additional energy and increases thirst on a hot day.

The bitter taste extinguishes the excessively sweet composition of the soda, but does not reduce the harmful effects of the tonic on the body:

  • Blood sugar rises;
  • Drinking more than two cans of quinine drink a day causes headaches, nausea, vision problems, ringing in the ears, and impaired coordination in space and time. Drinking Schweppes regularly is addictive. In cocktails, soda enhances the effects of alcohol;
  • The increased vitamin composition cannot replace the need of a growing organism in a natural vitamin complex. The increased content of B vitamins leads to a weakening of the work of the heart muscle;
  • The tonic acts on the digestive system, causes an increase in the production of gastric juice and an increase in appetite. Since drinking soda is rarely accompanied by a snack, gastritis develops;
  • Strengthening the energy activity of a person occurs due to the internal reserves of the body, the recovery of which requires additional time. You can not use the tonic liquid daily in order to avoid a complete depletion of vitality.

Parents of teenagers need to know what their children are drinking. Energy drinks, in which there is not even a drop of alcohol, are not inferior in harmfulness to alcohol consumption, if the amount drunk is not controlled.

The effect of quinine on the body

German Johann Jakob Schweppes has been developing an alcohol-free drink for 20 years, completely imitating the taste of champagne. So a way was invented to saturate water with carbon dioxide. The first deliveries of sparkling water as a brandy diluent were made in England. Over time, quinine was added to soda to improve the taste of a medicine that protects soldiers in Indian colonies from malaria.

Today, the need for antimalarial treatment has disappeared, but the composition of the promoted drink has not changed, so it is necessary to take into account the contraindications and side effects of the drug:

  1. Do not use Schweppes with quinine for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers. The drug has an increased permeability to the cells of the body.
  2. If there is hearing impairment, drugs with quinine are contraindicated.
  3. Caution should be exercised in people with liver disease, hepatitis.
  4. The use of quinine creates a risk of bleeding, miscarriage during pregnancy.

Of course, Schweppes contains a relatively small dosage of the drug, but in some countries, such as the United States, doctors believe that even at such a small dose, quinine can cause birth defects in babies whose mothers consumed the carbonated drink in excessive doses. The effect of the drug on the adolescent and child's body has not been fully studied, so the principle should be adhered to: "do no harm!" your body.

Mentioning Schweppes, many mean an alcoholic cocktail, and not harmless carbonated water, although there are a lot of non-alcoholic products. Drinks are divided according to the taste preferences of individual nations of the country.

Traditional folk drink, in which there is no alcohol, young people massively use for the preparation of alcohol-containing mixes, causing significant damage to health:

  • The liver suffers, splitting and removing alcohol from the body;
  • The digestive system is in danger: alcohol plus carbon dioxide damages the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • The activity of the heart is endangered - the influence of the energetic has a detrimental effect on the motility of the heart muscle;
  • The nervous system is hit.

Manufacturers recommend limiting the daily consumption of a carbonated drink to two cans, but during the evening, few people heed these tips. Moreover, when drinking an alcoholic cocktail, it is very difficult to comply with the measure.

Stories from our readers

Saved a family from a terrible curse. My Seryozha has not been drinking for a year. We fought with his addiction for a long time and tried a bunch of remedies unsuccessfully during these long 7 years, when he started drinking. But we did it, and it's all thanks ...

Read the full story >>>

Schweppes is one of the most popular brands of soft drinks with a huge history behind it. In the international arena, the company is listed under the name Schweppes, but even for Russian-speaking consumers, the name of the plant is usually written in Latin letters.

The founder of the company was Schwepp Jakob, who guessed to release a fragrant liquid back in the 18th century. Since then, the plant has only expanded and prospered, gaining new fans of its products around the world. The brand has now become part of another company called the Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

For people far from the business environment, this name may not suggest anything, but experts in the entrepreneurial industry are aware that this company is a subsidiary of the famous The Coca-Cola.

Wide range of

The drink from the date of its foundation to the present day is in high demand among consumers. It is of particular interest to buyers under 35 years old. Young people after university are usually already aware of the harm of an intoxicating drink and are trying to replace it with, in their opinion, more benign options.

There are also those who prefer to mix the effervescent contents of a bottle with vodka or any other suitable for flavoring beverages. So it turns out to make yourself a rather simple, but at the same time fragrant cocktail. Moreover, this scheme is used not only by those who are used to creating a budget mojito with their own hands, but also by professional bartenders. In many nightclubs in exotic resorts, the restaurant's menu contains at least one alcoholic mix with the involvement of Schweppes.

This is facilitated by a fairly large assortment of different tastes. The simplest type is called regular soda, which is not supplemented with various colors and flavors. It is a pure carbonated liquid, classified as Soda in the species classification.

But in addition to consumer products, many countries are offering brand owners to use some of the more exclusive flavors. The most prominent representative of such an original group is called Cranberry Spice. It is produced on the territory of only a few countries, so not all fans of the drink will be able to appreciate how delicious cranberries are in this modification.

Today, the composition, loved by many, is produced in one and a half hundred countries. The manufacturer and buyers from the countries of the former Soviet Union did not pass by. On their territory, you can find the main types of drink:

  • Lemon bitter;
  • Cranberry Spice.

There are some more species that Russian-speaking curious people can taste without any problems. Most often it is Mandarine, which is made for the Turkish public. You can buy a bottle of tangerine liquid in any large store in this country, going there on vacation.

But mandarin or pomegranate is not the traditional classic. This is a version of the Indian tonic, the recipe for which was invented in the distant times of colonial India. Then the British authorities ran everything there. Its distinctive feature is quinine, which gives the finished product its specific aftertaste.

The drink was so popular with customers that they even included it in the world's first cocktail containing alcohol. We are talking about the legendary gin and tonic, which began to be prepared as early as 1783 to the delight of bar-goers.

Clinical picture

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ryzhenkova S.A .:

For many years I have been studying the problem of ALCOHOLISM. It is scary when craving for alcohol destroys a person's life, because of alcohol, families collapse, children lose their fathers, and wives lose husbands. Often it is young people who drink too much, destroying their future and causing irreparable harm to health.

It turns out that a drinking family member can be saved, and this can be done in secret from himself. Today we will talk about the new natural remedy Alcolock, which turned out to be incredibly effective, and also participates in the federal program "Healthy Nation", thanks to which until July 24.(inclusive) the product can be obtained IS FREE!

If the client wants something fresher, then Bitter Lemon is perfect for this. Its composition includes the addition of lemon juice. It is customary to call the special technology the main advantage of a refreshing reading. Thanks to her, specialists can squeeze juice directly from the citrus fruit along with the zest. No gin or any other alcohol is added to the contents of the bottle, but the result is still a little bitter. This effect is provided by the addition of quinine, which guarantees a pleasant bitterness. She, according to reviews, is necessary to suppress the feeling of thirst on hot days.

As for Cranberry Spice, it is produced exclusively in the vastness of three countries:

  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Russian Federation.

It is his folk craftsmen who like to mix with various intoxicants. Vodka harmonizes best with it. Sometimes the third component is the martini. Moreover, the proportions can vary somewhat depending on personal preference and endurance, which allows you to quickly digest ethanol.

If you want to make a classic Tropical cocktail with the above ingredients, then it is better to add ice cubes to the shaker before the final mixing, and also quite a bit of syrup. Instead of a purchased analogue, you can make a syrup yourself: you need to stir sugar in a small amount of water. After maximum stirring, the mixture is filtered so that the sugar crystals do not spoil the structure.

Experimenters even manage to pour in pomegranate juice, but bartenders warn that it has outstanding flavor and color characteristics. If you still take such a risk, you can completely neutralize the taste of the soda.

Better to put a thin ginger slice in there when mixing in a shaker, and then just strain the solution.

Secret composition

The manufacturer treats its consumers honestly, therefore, does not hesitate to publish the full composition on the label. Despite the fact that some of its variations are positioned as refreshing, the benefits of even fresh lemon juice are minimal there.

This is explained by the fact that the liquid provides for the addition of several conflicting components and quinine, which is still discussed in the scientific community. From this, some conclude that although Schweppes does not contain ethanol, ale or craft beer will still be more beneficial for the internal organs.

The drink in the international classification belongs to the category of highly carbonated water.

The basic composition for various types of products of a well-known brand includes:

  • drinking water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavors.

Also, manufacturers do not hide the fact that potassium sorbate is added to the bottles, which is positioned as a preservative. And the presence of ascorbic acid is responsible for antioxidants.

But in addition to relatively understandable substances, the content is capable of boasting a number of chemicals, among which they distinguished themselves:

  • starch ether;
  • sodium octenylate acid salt in the position of stabilizers;
  • resin acid ester;
  • glycerin ester;
  • sweetener.

The latter in the chemical classification goes under the term sodium saccharinate. Also, quinine was not without, which causes concern among doctors.

Imitation of alcohol

Many fans of this “fizzy” note that they like it because of the tasteful imitation of an alcoholic cocktail. Cola, familiar to all, can hardly boast of such an achievement.

But in fact, Schweppes does not contain even a small fraction of ethanol, as is the case with traditional power engineers. It does not lead to intoxication, like vermouth or any other intoxicating drink, while the bitter taste creates the illusion of consuming alcohol-containing liquid.

Also, experts are sure that after such a thirst quenching, a person will experience an exciting effect. It is short-lived, but some even have enough of this in order to associate the drunk with alcohol.

Another danger not always recognized by cocktail fans. This applies to the practice of adding alcohol-containing components to Schweppes. Due to the fact that the bitterness of the zest, together with quinine, completely clog the taste of ethanol. Such a development of events leads to the fact that the client of the bar may exceed the recommended dosage of alcohol. But as soon as he gets up from the chair, then everything drunk will immediately hit the head, and it will seem as if the client has seriously gone over it.

That is why it is so important to control the number of cocktail portions, as well as to know what the professionals who know the sense of proportion drink with such soda. The presence of carbon dioxide adds to the problems. Because of it, the rate of absorption of alcohol increases significantly, which provokes the onset of intoxication more pronounced and much faster.

On other issues, the presented drink is not much different from its direct competitors from the non-alcoholic range. The only thing worth highlighting here is the huge amount of sugar. And although its exceeding the recommended dose does not seem to be felt on the tongue, because of the adapted sweetener, much more sugar is added than if sugar was simply poured into the bottle and loosened.

All this guarantees a short-term jump in the rise of energy, which almost instantly goes out, provoking an increased thirst. So only extra calories are added, the level of glucose in the blood jumps, and you don't want to drink less.

Negative impact

Experts say that drinking more than two average bottles of such soda on a daily basis will quickly lead to the development of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • destabilization of vision;
  • ringing in my ears;
  • lack of coordination.

Not all Schweppes fans are willing to admit that he is addictive. Even scientific researchers have proven this. If you add to this addiction to cocktails based on it, then after a short period of time even a healthy person can seriously undermine their own health. Not to mention the fact that he will have to go to a drug treatment clinic for professional help. Only experienced doctors will be able to relieve him of his craving for alcoholic cocktails.

Some reckless parents believe that the addition of natural lemon juice allows for a rich vitamin composition. But doctors advise it is better to just give a teenager a small lime on an empty stomach than to offer him a soda.

The increased vitamin B content, which is often found in carbonated sugary drinks, deserves special attention. In general, these vitamins must have a positive effect, but in fact, their excess provokes a weakening of the heart.

Tonic also negatively affect the processes occurring in the digestive tract, which guarantees increased secretion of gastric juice. Usually schoolchildren, who are the main consumers of Schweppes, rarely eat a full meal. Due to this, the chances of bringing your own body to gastritis increases.

You should also not rely too much on an energy explosion and a surge of strength after drinking. They are taken not from the bottle, but from the internal reserves of the body, which the body saves "for a rainy day" to fight during illness or severe stress. Instead of being used in situations where a weakening immunity really needs it, the gold reserve will be spent on ordinary needs or simply for a sense of satisfaction.

To recover the losses, you will have to consume healthy food for a long time, include vitamin supplements in the diet, and monitor your health. If you spend the reserve allocated for diseases on a daily basis, then after a short period of time it will simply become empty. This guarantees a decrease in immunity, a depressed mood, as well as internal exhaustion. Once in winter, he almost froze to death there, because I was so drunk that I could not reach the house, it was lucky that my daughter and I felt that something was wrong, went to the garage, and he was lying near the half-open door. And it was -17 degrees! Somehow they brought him home and steam the bath. Several times an ambulance was called, all the time I thought that this time would be the last ... I thought many times to file for divorce, but I endured everything ...

Everything changed when my daughter let me read one article on the Internet. You cannot imagine how grateful I am to her for that. literally pulled her husband out of the world. He gave up alcohol forever and I am already sure that he will never start drinking again. For the last 2 years, she has been working tirelessly in the country, growing tomatoes, and I sell them on the market. The aunts wonder how I managed to stop my husband from drinking. And he apparently feels guilty for ruining my half of my life, so he works tirelessly, almost carries me in his arms, helps around the house, in general, not a husband, but a sweetheart.

Who wants to wean their relatives to drink or wants to quit drinking himself, take 5 minutes and read it, I'm sure it will help you 100%!

But the most dangerous thing about this drink is quinine. It is contraindicated to use it even in small doses for small children, elderly people. Pregnant women and women during lactation are in a special risk group. Fears are caused by the fact that the substance quickly enters the cells of the body, remaining there for a long time.

Also, all those who already suffer from hearing impairments, and also have problems with the functioning of the liver, should stop using Schweppes. This is especially true for those who are faced with hepatitis.

Against the background of all of the above, people are trying to protect themselves and their children from the emerging danger. If you can't drink soda at all, then you should just strictly limit it in quantity.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you or your loved ones in one way or another suffer from alcoholism.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, checked most of the methods and remedies for alcoholism. The verdict is as follows:

If all drugs were given, then only a temporary result, as soon as the reception was stopped, the craving for alcohol increased sharply.

The only drug that has shown significant results is Alcolock.

The main advantage of this drug is that it once and for all removes the craving for alcohol without a hangover syndrome. Moreover, he colorless and odorless, i.e. to cure a patient from alcoholism, it is enough to add a couple of drops of the medicine to tea or any other drink or food.

In addition, an action is taking place now, every resident of the Russian Federation and the CIS can receive an Alcolock - IS FREE!

Attention! There has been an increase in the sale of counterfeit drug Alcolock.
By placing an order using the links above, you are guaranteed to receive a quality product from an official manufacturer. In addition, when ordering on the official website, you get a money-back guarantee (including transportation costs) if the drug does not have a therapeutic effect.

Schweppes bitter lemon is one of my favorite drinks. Wherever I find myself, even in the most unfamiliar place, it gives a familiar and familiar feeling. Of all the drinks, it is the most versatile: it can quench your thirst on the hottest day, and of course, you cannot make several dozen alcoholic cocktails without it.

Schweppes Bitter Lemon is a drink with the addition of lemon juice and zest, which gives it a bitter taste and natural sediment.

PRICE: 60r / 0.5L

PACKAGE: Bottle (plastic / glass); Bank (aluminum)

MANUFACTURER: The Coca-Cola Company, Russia


Water, CO2, Lemon juice 2%, acidity regulator citric acid, natural flavors, stabilizers (ester of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid, esters of glycerin and resin acids), antioxidant ascorbic acid, quinine, beta-carotene dye.

TASTE: sweetened lemon water with a bitter lime flavor.

Schweppes Bitter Lemon appeared in the UK in 1957 as a drink to be mixed with alcohol.

Based on Schweppes Bitter Lemon, you can easily make a low-alcohol cocktail, for which you need not so many ingredients:

COCKTAIL RECIPE: Schweppes vodka

  • Vodka 50 gr
  • Schweppes Bitter Lemon 150 ml
  • Wedge of lime
  • Sugar syrup

We throw ice at the bottom of the glass, pour 50g of vodka, take a slice of lime, squeeze the juice out of it, put it in the glass. Add a teaspoon of syrup and season with Schweppes Bitter Lemon. For beauty and scent, add 2 mint leaves.


Summer has come, like every year, and we all will not buy a device for knocking out pits from fresh cherries.

An American site of useful tips came to the rescue, which described how to extract the seeds from cherries using a McFlurry straw and a bottle of Cola.


And so, my recipe for extracting pits from cherries is based on a bottle with a classic neck and a syringe cap. Looking ahead, I will say that with this method we separated a bucket of cherries in half an hour.

You will need a bottle from Schweppes, a new syringe. Remove the cap, and cut off the dead-end part with a knife, at an angle of 35 degrees. You should first make the above cocktail.

To remove the pit from the cherry, you need to put the berry on the neck and, by pressing the truncated cap, knock the pit down. The convenience of the method lies in the absence of splashes (all the juice flows down to the bottom of the bottle)

On "Echo of Moscow" Schweppes dedicated a whole program! And listeners told many interesting stories about this drink: for someone he allows not to fall asleep while driving, someone, having drunk it, gets rid of a headache.

There is an explanation for such phenomena: the main component of the tonic, which gives it a bitterness, is quinine.

"Quinine is an extract from the bark of the cinchona tree with a strong bitter taste, antipyretic and analgesic properties, and has long been the only cure for malaria."

Quinine has side effects that were evident in the early days of making Schweppes. But the manufacturer took into account his mistakes and reduced the amount of quinine, so now the risk of side effects is negligible. For example, I just never had them.

In our family, Schweppes started drinking many years ago. We drink only in summer, very rarely at other times of the year.

I still remember the very first impression of this drink: "Oh my god, yes this is a godsend!"

For thirst quenching, this drink is simply perfect due to its bitter citrus flavor.

Schweppes is like olives or blue cheese... At first, something strange, but then suddenly you begin to understand the trick.

Schweppes is as Renata Litvinova: people either adore or hate. A neutral or calm attitude is practically not found in nature.

Sometimes there are especially strong bouts of thirst. For me, for example, after a shower. I know that it is dangerous to drink (especially something chilled) when the body is steamed, it can get a sore throat. But it's hard to resist - it's such a pleasure to quench your thirst by leaving the bathroom!

And now, when I drink Schweppes in such cases, the sensations are simply divine! Dissolve! You feel as if the whole meaning of your life was to suffer from thirst, and then cuddle up to a glass of this lemonade.

By the way, about lemonade. Schweppes much more like a classic homemade lemonade than, for example, Sprite.

Invigorating effect I also felt "Schwepps" on myself. And instant. The taste itself is such that it seems as if the vision becomes clearer, all the senses are sharpened.

Schweppes Bitter Lemon (manufactured by Coca-Cola) has a twin brother - Evervess Bitter Lemon(manufactured by Pepsi). The compositions are different, but ... I deliberately tried these two drinks in a row - I did not find a difference.


I don’t know delicious cocktails with "Bitter Lemon" - they offer options based on vodka or gin, I don’t like that.

For example, here are the recipes from the Evervess Bitter Lemon packaging:

I think another tonic is more suitable for cocktails - Schweppes Indian tonic... WITH Martini it's crazy delicious!


You can't drink a lot of Schweppes! And it is not necessary. In some cases, just a few sips are enough to quench your thirst. What does it do?

  1. There will be no abuse of carbonated drinks if you drink Schweppes.
  2. In some situations, you want to drink heavily, and it is undesirable to abuse liquids, because no toilet or long queues at the toilet. In such cases, Schweppes can be of great help.

Or, for example, you go to an event where you will definitely be thirsty, and drinks are very expensive there. And behind them, again, queues. Again "Schweppes" to help!

An example of the above event would be a music festival.



Schweppes name comes from the surname of the founder of the lemonade factory - the German Jacob Schwepp. He lived in Switzerland and one of his main services to mankind is that he was the first to figure out how to implement the industrial production of carbonated drinks.

The Schweppes brand appeared already in 1783!



No discount - 76.9 rubles, for a special offer - 61.9 rubles / 1 l(Billa, Moscow, spring 2017).

Evervess Bitter Lemon for sale in Fix Price at the price of 50 rubles. for 1.25 l. ( 40 rubles / 1 l).


COMPOSITION, energy value

Composition: purified carbonated water, sugar, lemon juice 2%, acidity regulator citric acid, natural flavors, stabilizers (ether of starch and sodium salt of octenyl succinic acid, esters of glycerin and resin acids), antioxidant ascorbic acid, quinine, beta-carotene dye.

Formation of natural sediment is possible.

Nutritional value per 100 ml: energy value - 52 kcal / 218 kJ, proteins - 0 g, fats - 0 g, carbohydrates - 12.6 g, total sugars - 12.6 g.

Energy value for 250 ml - 130 kcal, which is 5.2% of the recommended daily requirement (the recommended daily requirement is 2500 kcal in accordance with TR CU 022/2011)


What you can interfere with Schweppes See Int

  1. with juices
  2. Alcohol is a great deceiver! The insidious drink first makes a man a sexual giant, and then an alcoholic and impotent. It is even more tragic for a woman. From a cute creature, she turns into a disgusting creature. Fortunately, female alcoholism is easier to treat than male alcoholism.
  3. I like martini, but you can also have vodka + red bul))))
  4. I don't know, we mix it with vermouth and it turns out deliciously
  5. Vodka, Martini and Schweppes cocktail
    1/3 vodka,
    1/3 martini (vermouth can be used),
    1/3 Schweppes (lemon).
  6. Schweppes Remix
    50 ml cognac
    150 ml Schweppes Tonic
    wedge of lemon or lime

    Starship Troopers
    75 ml blackcurrant juice
    50 ml vermouth bianco
    75 ml Schweppes Tonic

    Chiming clock
    15 ml blackcurrant syrup
    50 ml vodka
    100 ml Schweppes Tonic
    lime, cocktail cherry

    Bitter Glam
    50 ml vermouth
    150 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    lemon wedge, cocktail cherry

    50 ml cognac
    50 ml apple juice
    100 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    square apple

    Sun bite
    50 ml vodka
    15 ml passionfruit syrup
    75 ml Schweppes Bitter Lemon
    cocktail cherry, lime

    Neo Russian
    50 ml vodka
    150 ml Schweppes Russchian
    cocktail cherry, lemon zest

    50 ml tequila
    50 ml Schweppes Russchian

    Cherry nymph
    25 ml cognac
    25 ml cherry liqueur
    75 ml grape juice (white)
    75 ml Schweppes Russchian
    lime, cocktail cherry

    35 ml whiskey
    15 ml Amaretto Di Sarono
    150 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale
    cocktail cherry

    Wild Cherry
    25 ml vodka
    75 ml cherry juice
    25 ml cherry liqueur
    75 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale

    Russian roulette
    25 ml vodka
    15 ml anise galliano
    10 ml lemon juice
    150 ml Schweppes Ginder Ale

    Mint Joe
    30 ml gin
    10 ml mint liqueur
    10 ml grenadine
    150 ml Schweppes Soda Water

    Velvet Wind
    50 ml vermouth
    15 ml lemon juice
    1 sugar cube
    85 ml Schweppes Soda Water
    pineapple, cocktail cherry

    Lonely Cactus
    30 ml tequila
    10 ml lemon juice
    1 sugar cube
    160 ml Schweppes Soda Water
    slice of lemon
    Cocktail Absolute Russian
    Cocktail composition

    Absolute Russian
    1 tea lies. Currant Syrup
    30 ml. Vodka (Vodka)
    90 ml. Schweppes

  7. I rested in England and there they taught me how to drink Schweppes with white wine, a very big treat!
  8. Only with martini
  9. Vodka, martini
  10. With vodka


Wide range of

The drink from the date of its foundation to the present day is in high demand among consumers. It is of particular interest to buyers under 35 years old. Young people after university are usually already aware of the harm of an intoxicating drink and are trying to replace it with, in their opinion, more benign options.

There are also those who prefer to mix the effervescent contents of a bottle with vodka or any other suitable for flavoring beverages. So it turns out to make yourself a rather simple, but at the same time fragrant cocktail. Moreover, this scheme is used not only by those who are used to creating a budget mojito with their own hands, but also by professional bartenders. In many nightclubs in exotic resorts, the restaurant's menu contains at least one alcoholic mix with the involvement of Schweppes.

This is facilitated by a fairly large assortment of different tastes. The simplest type is called regular soda, which is not supplemented with various colors and flavors. It is a pure carbonated liquid, classified as Soda in the species classification.

But in addition to consumer products, many countries are offering brand owners to use some of the more exclusive flavors. The most prominent representative of such an original group is called Cranberry Spice. It is produced on the territory of only a few countries, so not all fans of the drink will be able to appreciate how delicious cranberries are in this modification.

Today, the composition, loved by many, is produced in one and a half hundred countries. The manufacturer and buyers from the countries of the former Soviet Union did not pass by. On their territory, you can find the main types of drink:

  • Lemon bitter;
  • Cranberry Spice.

There are some more species that Russian-speaking curious people can taste without any problems. Most often it is Mandarine, which is made for the Turkish public. You can buy a bottle of tangerine liquid in any large store in this country, going there on vacation.

But mandarin or pomegranate is not the traditional classic. This is a version of the Indian tonic, the recipe for which was invented in the distant times of colonial India. Then the British authorities ran everything there. Its distinctive feature is quinine, which gives the finished product its specific aftertaste.

The drink was so popular with customers that they even included it in the world's first cocktail containing alcohol. We are talking about the legendary gin and tonic, which began to be prepared as early as 1783 to the delight of bar-goers.

If the client wants something fresher, then Bitter Lemon is perfect for this. Its composition includes the addition of lemon juice. It is customary to call the special technology the main advantage of a refreshing reading. Thanks to her, specialists can squeeze juice directly from the citrus fruit along with the zest. No gin or any other alcohol is added to the contents of the bottle, but the result is still a little bitter. This effect is provided by the addition of quinine, which guarantees a pleasant bitterness. She, according to reviews, is necessary to suppress the feeling of thirst on hot days.

As for Cranberry Spice, it is produced exclusively in the vastness of three countries:

  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Russian Federation.

It is his folk craftsmen who like to mix with various intoxicants. Vodka harmonizes best with it. Sometimes the third component is the martini. Moreover, the proportions can vary somewhat depending on personal preference and endurance, which allows you to quickly digest ethanol.

If you want to make a classic Tropical cocktail with the above ingredients, then it is better to add ice cubes to the shaker before the final mixing, and also quite a bit of syrup. Instead of a purchased analogue, you can make a syrup yourself: you need to stir sugar in a small amount of water. After maximum stirring, the mixture is filtered so that the sugar crystals do not spoil the structure.

Experimenters even manage to pour in pomegranate juice, but bartenders warn that it has outstanding flavor and color characteristics. If you still take such a risk, you can completely neutralize the taste of the soda.

Better to put a thin ginger slice in there when mixing in a shaker, and then just strain the solution.

Secret composition

The manufacturer treats its consumers honestly, therefore, does not hesitate to publish the full composition on the label. Despite the fact that some of its variations are positioned as refreshing, the benefits of even fresh lemon juice are minimal there.

This is explained by the fact that the liquid provides for the addition of several conflicting components and quinine, which is still discussed in the scientific community. From this, some conclude that although Schweppes does not contain ethanol, ale or craft beer will still be more beneficial for the internal organs.

The drink in the international classification belongs to the category of highly carbonated water.

The basic composition for various types of products of a well-known brand includes:

  • drinking water;
  • sugar;
  • lemon juice;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • lemon acid;
  • flavors.

Also, manufacturers do not hide the fact that potassium sorbate is added to the bottles, which is positioned as a preservative. And the presence of ascorbic acid is responsible for antioxidants.

But in addition to relatively understandable substances, the content is capable of boasting a number of chemicals, among which they distinguished themselves:

  • starch ether;
  • sodium octenylate acid salt in the position of stabilizers;
  • resin acid ester;
  • glycerin ester;
  • sweetener.

The latter in the chemical classification goes under the term sodium saccharinate. Also, quinine was not without, which causes concern among doctors.

Imitation of alcohol

Many fans of this “fizzy” note that they like it because of the tasteful imitation of an alcoholic cocktail. Cola, familiar to all, can hardly boast of such an achievement.

But in fact, Schweppes does not contain even a small fraction of ethanol, as is the case with traditional power engineers. It does not lead to intoxication, like vermouth or any other intoxicating drink, while the bitter taste creates the illusion of consuming alcohol-containing liquid.

Also, experts are sure that after such a thirst quenching, a person will experience an exciting effect. It is short-lived, but some even have enough of this in order to associate the drunk with alcohol.

Another danger not always recognized by cocktail fans. This applies to the practice of adding alcohol-containing components to Schweppes. Due to the fact that the bitterness of the zest, together with quinine, completely clog the taste of ethanol. Such a development of events leads to the fact that the client of the bar may exceed the recommended dosage of alcohol. But as soon as he gets up from the chair, then everything drunk will immediately hit the head, and it will seem as if the client has seriously gone over it.

That is why it is so important to control the number of cocktail portions, as well as to know what the professionals who know the sense of proportion drink with such soda. The presence of carbon dioxide adds to the problems. Because of it, the rate of absorption of alcohol increases significantly, which provokes the onset of intoxication more pronounced and much faster.

On other issues, the presented drink is not much different from its direct competitors from the non-alcoholic range. The only thing worth highlighting here is the huge amount of sugar. And although its exceeding the recommended dose does not seem to be felt on the tongue, because of the adapted sweetener, much more sugar is added than if sugar was simply poured into the bottle and loosened.

All this guarantees a short-term jump in the rise of energy, which almost instantly goes out, provoking an increased thirst. So only extra calories are added, the level of glucose in the blood jumps, and you don't want to drink less.

Negative impact

Experts say that drinking more than two average bottles of such soda on a daily basis will quickly lead to the development of the following unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • destabilization of vision;
  • ringing in my ears;
  • lack of coordination.

Not all Schweppes fans are willing to admit that he is addictive. Even scientific researchers have proven this. If you add to this addiction to cocktails based on it, then after a short period of time even a healthy person can seriously undermine their own health. Not to mention the fact that he will have to go to a drug treatment clinic for professional help. Only experienced doctors will be able to relieve him of his craving for alcoholic cocktails.

Some reckless parents believe that the addition of natural lemon juice allows for a rich vitamin composition. But doctors advise it is better to just give a teenager a small lime on an empty stomach than to offer him a soda.

The increased vitamin B content, which is often found in carbonated sugary drinks, deserves special attention. In general, these vitamins must have a positive effect, but in fact, their excess provokes a weakening of the heart.

Tonic also negatively affect the processes occurring in the digestive tract, which guarantees increased secretion of gastric juice. Usually schoolchildren, who are the main consumers of Schweppes, rarely eat a full meal. Due to this, the chances of bringing your own body to gastritis increases.

You should also not rely too much on an energy explosion and a surge of strength after drinking. They are taken not from the bottle, but from the internal reserves of the body, which the body saves "for a rainy day" to fight during illness or severe stress. Instead of being used in situations where a weakening immunity really needs it, the gold reserve will be spent on ordinary needs or simply for a sense of satisfaction.

To recover the losses, you will have to consume healthy food for a long time, include vitamin supplements in the diet, and monitor your health. If you spend the reserve allocated for diseases on a daily basis, then after a short period of time it will simply become empty. This guarantees a decrease in immunity, depressed mood, as well as internal exhaustion.

But the most dangerous thing about this drink is quinine. It is contraindicated to use it even in small doses for small children, elderly people. Pregnant women and women during lactation are in a special risk group. Fears are caused by the fact that the substance quickly enters the cells of the body, remaining there for a long time.

Also, all those who already suffer from hearing impairments, and also have problems with the functioning of the liver, should stop using Schweppes. This is especially true for those who are faced with hepatitis.

Against the background of all of the above, people are trying to protect themselves and their children from the emerging danger. If you can't drink soda at all, then you should just strictly limit it in quantity.


Almost all types of alcoholic drinks are used for making cocktails: brandy, vodka, whiskey, gin, cognac, rum, tequila, balsams, liqueurs, various wines, champagne, beer.

Of the soft drinks used:

  • fruit juices, primarily citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit);
  • ready-mix "Sauer" (in the form of a liquid or dry concentrate), which includes lime or lemon juice and sugar;
  • soda or table mineral water, lemonade, tonic, cola, etc.

& nbsp Often used ice cream, milk, liquid or whipped cream, coffee, hot chocolate. The composition of cocktails such as flip, eggnog and some others include eggs.

Most chilled cocktails require food ice in the form of cubes or balls weighing 6-8 g, crushed or sliced. Cocktails with Schweppes

Spicy aromatic components are used as additives for cocktails: nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, etc.

When preparing cocktails, maraschino cherries are placed in a container with a drink, i.e. cherries in syrup flavored with Maraschine liqueur, green olives, cocktail onions - small pickled white onions of a certain type, sprigs of mint. Some cocktails put various fruits, small - whole, large - in the form of slices.

Side dishes are often used to decorate a glass and as a flavoring component of a cocktail. The main types of side dishes:

  • a circle of lime, lemon or orange, cut along the radius and planted on the edge of the glass;
  • a circle of lime, lemon or orange, placed horizontally on a glass;
  • a slice of pineapple laid horizontally on a glass. Used for colada cocktails;
  • peeled orange, cut into slices and served separately on a platter;
  • nuts served separately;
  • twist, i.e. peel (zest) of citrus, coiled;
  • horse's neck, a kind of twist, a narrow long ribbon of zest, coiled and hung on the edge of the glass so that the spiral is inside;
  • glazing with sugar, called sugar frost or ice. To get it, the edge of the glass is smeared with a slice of lime or lemon and dipped in powdered sugar;
  • glazing with salt. It is used for cocktails like "Margarita" (from tequila). The edge of the glass is smeared with a slice of lime or lemon and dipped in coarse sea salt.

For pricking fruit slices, use a fruit skewer, a sharp stick made of wood or plastic. It is placed in the cocktail glass so that its upper end remains outside.

The main methods of making cocktails are: mixing in a bar glass, churning in a shaker or mixer. Cocktails with Schweppes Separately, it should be noted the "on the rocks" method, when a strong drink is poured over ice cubes into an old-style glass.

Cocktails are divided into main types according to various criteria:

Long(long, long drink) and short.
Long drinks are prepared in relatively large quantities and contain a lot of ice. These are, for example, daiquiri, jogger, julep, cobbler, colada, collins, cruchon, coolers, ricky, sling, fiz, fix, highball, etc.
Short drinks are stronger and made in small quantities. These are dig, crusta, smash, flip, frappe, shooter, eg-nog, etc.

Cold and hot.
Cold drinks contain a lot of ice.
Hot drinks such as mulled wine are prepared by boiling the wine or adding hot water to the mixture.
Some cocktails are drunk at room temperature.

Mixed and layered.
Layered cocktails are prepared from components of different densities, which are poured into a tall transparent glass, starting with the thickest and heaviest. As a result, they form multi-colored layers. These are short drinks like shooters.

To make a puff pastry with fruit filling better bake, pierce the bottom layer of the dough in several places.


Properties of the Schweppes drink

How much does Schweppes cost (average price per liter)?

The Schweppes brand of soft drinks was founded by Schwepp Jakob back in 83 of the 18th century. Today it is owned by the Dr Pepper Snapple Group, a subsidiary of The Coca-Cola Company. The drink Schweppes, which is known to have a long and rather interesting history of origin, is popular among consumers in many countries of the world. It is customary to use it not only in its pure form, but also to use it as part of various cocktails.

Today, the assortment of Schweppes drinks, which are produced almost all over the world, ranges from pure carbonated water (under the name Schweppes Soda) to exclusive national brands that are produced only in some countries (for example, Schweppes Cranberry Spice).

So, the modern drink Schweppes is produced in more than one hundred and sixty countries, including in our country, where, according to 2012 data, there are 4 main types on sale.

Schweppes Indian Tonic is a classic of this brand. It was invented during British rule in colonial India. By the way, since 1783, it is this species that has been considered the invariable personification of the drinks of this brand and is an ingredient in gin and tonic - the world's first cocktail.

A refreshing drink containing natural lemon juice - Schweppes Bitter Lemon. It is produced using a special technology that allows you to squeeze the juice of this citrus fruit together with the zest. Nevertheless, Schweppes still owes its exquisite bitter taste to the use of quinine.

An unusual combination of cranberries and spices can be felt in the Schweppes Cranberry Spice. It is noteworthy that this option is produced exclusively in countries such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

In addition, the Turkish version of the Schweppes drink is called Schweppes Mandarine, by the name of which it is easy to guess that it contains mandarin juice.

The composition of the Schweppes drink

According to the information on the packaging of this highly carbonated non-alcoholic water, Schweppes contains ingredients such as drinking water, sugar, lemon juice, carbon dioxide, citric acid as an acidity regulator, as well as natural flavors.

In addition, the Schweppes drink contains potassium sorbate as a preservative, ascorbic acid, which plays the role of an antioxidant, stabilizers (in particular, starch ester and sodium octenylate acid salts, esters of resin acids and glycerol), quinine, and sodium saccharinate (sweetener).

Calorie content of Schweppes drink 38 kcal

Energy value of Schweppes drink (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

Proteins: 0 g. (~ 0 kcal)
Fat: 0 g. (~ 0 kcal)
Carbohydrates: 9.1 g. (~ 36 kcal)

Energy ratio (b | f | y): 0% | 0% | 96%


Schweppes is a brand that produces drinks that are sold all over the world. Various sweet sodas are produced under this name, as well as ginger ale.

The history of the emergence of this drink is as follows. At the end of the eighteenth century, Swiss watchmaker Johann Jacob Schweppe developed a process for the production of carbonated mineral waters, based on the discoveries of Joseph Priestley. In 1783 he founded the Schweppes company in Geneva. In 1792 he moved to London to further develop his business. In 1843, drinks were released that are popular with the British royal family to the present day. Schweppes is a drink that has been represented by three types over the years - tonic (the oldest soft drink in the world, first invented in 1771), ginger ale (appeared in 1870), bitter lemon (released in 1957).

In 1969 the Schweppes Company merged with Cadbury. After acquiring a number of other companies in 2008, the company was split, and the beverage production was renamed “Dr. Pepper Snapple Group ", separated from Kraft Foods.

Development of the popularity of Schweppes products - drink and advertising

The first advertisement was launched in the 1920s and 1930s. Thus, the artist William Barribal created a number of posters. The advertising campaign in the 1950s and 1960s was carried out by a former British naval officer who put a lot of emphasis on the taste of the product and the large amount of gas.

Another well-known advertising stunt is the connection between the name of the drink and the sound heard when the bottle is opened. The slogan “Schhhhh…. you know what it is ”is used today in many countries in its original or adapted form. In addition, advertising is widespread on the Internet these days, particularly on social media.

Modern brand "Schweppes" - drink and flavors

Today, this soda is available in a wide variety of flavors. At the same time, three varieties are known in Russia - tonic, bitter lemon and mojito. In previous years, "spicy cranberries" and "wild berries" were widely sold. In many countries, Schweppes has also gained popularity with the classic soda flavor, which is widely used to make alcoholic cocktails.

Ginger ale

The Ginger Ale variety of Schweppes is worth mentioning separately. Since ale is a type of beer, some believe that Schweppes is an alcoholic beverage. In fact, this is a regular non-alcoholic soda flavored with ginger extract. Unfortunately, this unusual taste has not spread in Russia. In other countries, it is used not only for its intended purpose - to quench thirst - but also as an ingredient in various cocktails. In a number of countries, it is mixed with ice cream and even used as a marinade.

The modern world and Schweppes - an exclusive drink

In some regions, soda is now produced with unique flavors that reflect the national preferences of specific consumers. These include Schweppes with blackberries and vanilla, tomato and other types. In addition, the "Russian" taste is also known abroad, which is often referred to as alcoholic "Schweppes". In fact, this is a berry-flavored soda, from which vodka cocktails are traditionally made.


What is the danger of an energy drink

The non-alcoholic Schweppes drink imitates the taste of alcohol, causes sensations typical of alcoholic intoxication:

  • The bitter taste of the "baby" drink creates the illusion of drinking real alcohol;
  • The momentary burst of energy is similar to the aphrodisiac effect after drinking;
  • The addition of alcohol does not change the taste of the drink.

The peculiar taste of bitterness, explained by the addition of quinine and lemon zest, masks the alcoholic taste of cocktails, in the preparation of which the drink is more common. The saturation of the liquid with bubbles of carbon dioxide increases the rate of absorption of alcohol, accelerating the onset of intoxication.

The composition of Schweppes differs little from other soft drinks, except for quinine and a large amount of sugar, which gives additional energy and increases thirst on a hot day.

The bitter taste extinguishes the excessively sweet composition of the soda, but does not reduce the harmful effects of the tonic on the body:

  • Blood sugar rises;
  • Drinking more than two cans of quinine drink a day causes headaches, nausea, vision problems, ringing in the ears, and impaired coordination in space and time. Drinking Schweppes regularly is addictive. In cocktails, soda enhances the effects of alcohol;
  • The increased vitamin composition cannot replace the need of a growing organism in a natural vitamin complex. The increased content of B vitamins leads to a weakening of the work of the heart muscle;
  • The tonic acts on the digestive system, causes an increase in the production of gastric juice and an increase in appetite. Since drinking soda is rarely accompanied by a snack, gastritis develops;
  • Strengthening the energy activity of a person occurs due to the internal reserves of the body, the recovery of which requires additional time. You can not use the tonic liquid daily in order to avoid a complete depletion of vitality.

Parents of teenagers need to know what their children are drinking. Energy drinks, in which there is not even a drop of alcohol, are not inferior in harmfulness to alcohol consumption, if the amount drunk is not controlled.

The effect of quinine on the body

German Johann Jakob Schweppes has been developing an alcohol-free drink for 20 years, completely imitating the taste of champagne. So a way was invented to saturate water with carbon dioxide. The first deliveries of sparkling water as a brandy diluent were made in England. Over time, quinine was added to soda to improve the taste of a medicine that protects soldiers in Indian colonies from malaria.

Today, the need for antimalarial treatment has disappeared, but the composition of the promoted drink has not changed, so it is necessary to take into account the contraindications and side effects of the drug:

  1. Do not use Schweppes with quinine for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers. The drug has an increased permeability to the cells of the body.
  2. If there is hearing impairment, drugs with quinine are contraindicated.
  3. Caution should be exercised in people with liver disease, hepatitis.
  4. The use of quinine creates a risk of bleeding, miscarriage during pregnancy.

Of course, Schweppes contains a relatively small dosage of the drug, but in some countries, such as the United States, doctors believe that even at such a small dose, quinine can cause birth defects in babies whose mothers consumed the carbonated drink in excessive doses. The effect of the drug on the adolescent and child's body has not been fully studied, so the principle should be adhered to: "do no harm!" your body.

Mentioning Schweppes, many mean an alcoholic cocktail, and not harmless carbonated water, although there are a lot of non-alcoholic products. Drinks are divided according to the taste preferences of individual nations of the country.

Traditional folk drink, in which there is no alcohol, young people massively use for the preparation of alcohol-containing mixes, causing significant damage to health:

  • The liver suffers, splitting and removing alcohol from the body;
  • The digestive system is in danger: alcohol plus carbon dioxide damages the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • The activity of the heart is endangered - the influence of the energetic has a detrimental effect on the motility of the heart muscle;
  • The nervous system is hit.

Manufacturers recommend limiting the daily consumption of a carbonated drink to two cans, but during the evening, few people heed these tips. Moreover, when drinking an alcoholic cocktail, it is very difficult to comply with the measure.


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