Grappa is an Italian vodka. What is grappa

05.08.2019 The drinks

Grappa is a strong Italian alcoholic beverage made from grape waste from wine production - pulp.

In 1997. A law was passed, according to which only a drink made in Italy from local raw materials using a certain technology can be called grappa. Its homeland is considered the Venetto region in northern Italy, and to this day most of the grappa is produced in the northern part of the country, because the southern grapes are too sweet, overripe and low-aromatic, as for this drink. Italian factories annually produce about 40 million bottles of grappa, which are exported to many countries around the world.

At home, a half-liter bottle of grappa can cost from 7 to 600 euros, depending on the raw materials used, the aging period and the manufacturing plant. Expensive copies often become worthy representatives of private collections of alcohol, while cheap ones are intended for consumption after an everyday dinner, for no particular reason. Homemade young grappa is usually superior to inexpensive factory grappa. In Russia, a bottle of this drink can cost from 1,000 to 65,000 rubles, but anyone who has a vineyard in their country house can try to make it at home, as well as a moonshine with the ability to ratify alcohol.

The strength of grappa is 40 - 55% alcohol, usually - the older, the stronger.

Many peoples have similar drinks: chacha among the Georgians, schnapps among the Germans, mark among the French, tsikoudia among the Spaniards and Greeks, rakia among the Turks. However, grappa differs from all these drinks and from brandy in that it is made exclusively from grape pomace left over from wine production. In the manufacture of the rest of the drinks, fresh grapes or wine can be used - the product of its primary fermentation. In addition, of all the drinks listed, grappa is the lightest. For example, the strength of chacha is 55 - 60%, and it is made from other grape varieties (Rkatsitelli, Isabella) - less aromatic than Italian ones.

An inexperienced person in these matters can call Grappa Italian vodka, but this is very inaccurate. Other than the clarity of the young drink and the alcohol percentage, the two drinks have nothing in common. Vodka is neutral in taste and smell, nothing but alcohol in pure vodka is felt - therefore it is drunk chilled and in one gulp. Grappa has a rich aroma and taste, inherited from grape skins and pulp. Young, colorless grappa smells like grapes, and aged for at least six months in wooden barrels, it becomes golden and takes on a rich aromatic bouquet from wood - like cognac. The taste of grappa is quite soft and balanced, it depends primarily on the grape variety and the quality of the raw materials, as well as on the honesty of the producer. Despite the high degree, it is easy to drink.

How and from what grappa is made

For grappa, the pulp from the production of red wine is best suited - such grapes have already completely fermented, its pomace contains alcohol, not sugar, and does not require preliminary fermentation. They are doused with water vapor, and then the resulting liquid is double-distilled in a traditional copper alambic.

From the production of rosé and white wines, a pulp with a high sugar content and a minimum percentage of alcohol remains, so it undergoes fermentation before distillation - fermentation under the influence of wine yeast and sugar. At home, grape cake is sometimes used, left over from juice production. Such a product did not go through the fermentation process at all, so it is poured with water, glucose is added - so much that after mixing the sugar meter shows about 22%, wine yeast is poured in and left for fermentation. You can use regular sugar, but yeast absorbs it problematically, so the drink retains a characteristic yeast flavor, like moonshine.

For the production of grappa, grape pulp is suitable without twigs and leaves, and from the best producers - and without seeds. This is due to the fact that all sugars, alcohol and aroma are concentrated in the skins and pulp of grapes, and all other parts add bitterness and harshness to the drink.

The prepared mash is decanted, separating the cake so that it does not fall into the distillation cube. The double distillation separates the excess alcohols - the grappa goes through the ratification process. After that, it is filtered, clearing it from oils and any foreign impurities - a perfectly transparent colorless distillate is obtained. As a rule, it is too strong, so it is diluted with clean water to the required strength - this is how grappa is obtained.

It is believed that the best grappa is obtained with the traditional method of distillation, in copper alambic, but many factories also use modern continuous distillers.

Grappa species

The first in the technological process is Giovanni Grappa (aka Bianca). This is the same drink, the production of which we described above, without any subsequent manipulations. It is perfectly transparent and colorless, with a pronounced grape aroma, but quite sharp, like for grappa, in taste.

Grappa Giovanni can be immediately bottled and sent to the shelves, or can be turned into all other types of this drink.

If you add a little essential oils of berries, fruits or herbs to it, it will acquire a richer bouquet of aromas and taste, and will be called Grappa Aromatizzata. The same effect can be obtained by infusing the starter product with certain berries, herbs or spices - for example, strawberries or cinnamon. Some turbidity (from oils) or coloration is acceptable for such grappa.

Sometimes - for example, for export to America - fruit syrup is added to grappa. It not only enriches the taste and aroma, but also gives softness to the drink.

The rest of the grappa after production is placed for maturation in wooden barrels. The classic version is aging in forest cherry barrels, but now oak barrels are increasingly used to impart a cognac-like aroma. Aging in ash or acacia containers is also acceptable. This grappa takes on an amber, golden color, aroma and aftertaste with notes of vanilla, pepper, almonds, hazelnuts and peaches.

Depending on the aging period, grappa becomes Affinata (from six months), Veccia (one and a half year) or Stravecchia (aka riserva, over one and a half years).

In addition to the characteristics of aging and additives, the name of grappa can indicate the region of Italy in which it was produced, as well as the grape variety. Grappa from "assorted" grape varieties of one group is called Polivitigno, and if at least 85% of the raw material belongs to one variety, then the drink inherits the name of this grape variety. If, on the bottle of grappa that fell into your hands, you come across the word Aromatica, it means that it is made from a grape variety with a bright characteristic smell, for example, from nutmeg.

How and with what to drink

For drinking grappa, there are special tulip-shaped glasses - similar to champagne glasses, but pot-bellied at the base, above the leg. In such glasses, the wonderful aroma of this noble drink is best felt, it opens up gradually, and alcohol is practically not felt. If there are no such glasses, ordinary cognac glasses will do.

They drink grappa slightly chilled, 11 ± 2 0 С for a young, transparent drink and about 17 0 С for an aged drink of the highest quality. Drink slowly: first, enjoy the aroma, then drink a little grappa, holding it in your mouth for at least a couple of seconds in order to have time to feel all the richness of its taste. No ice is added to pure grappa. Grappa is a great drink for a pleasant conversation, especially after a meal - it is a great digestive and improves digestion. They drink it slowly, enjoying every drop, for the sake of the process, and not an early intoxication.

You can eat grappa with any hearty dish, as well as dark chocolate, citrus and other fruits, ice cream, or even drink natural coffee. Professional tasters drink half a glass of milk between different grappa types to wash away all the taste sensations.

There is even an original way to drink grappa - from espresso cups (not washed from the remnants of the drink). The taste of natural coffee goes well and complements the grappa. Espresso coffee itself with the addition of grappa is also not uncommon for Italians.

You can also prepare cocktails with this strong drink. The most popular ones are:

  1. Citrus - for its preparation in equal proportions, 50 ml each, combine grappa, orange and grapefruit juices. All ingredients are poured directly into a glass, starting with juices, and mixed well.
  2. Clover is a combination of 30ml grappa, 20ml lemon juice and 10ml strawberry syrup or liqueur. 1 egg white is added to them, everything is thoroughly beaten in a shaker, poured into a glass with ice and decorated with strawberries.
  3. Italian wife - for this cocktail, 40 ml of grappa, 10 ml of lemon juice, 5 ml of Blue Curacao (liqueur) and ice are mixed in a shaker and served in a glass.

Previously, Italian winemakers, in order not to throw away the extracts that were formed during the production of wine, prepared mash from them. In doing so, they used not only grape skins, but also seeds and twigs. Then the brew was distilled, later used as an alcoholic drink for workers or for the preparation of medicinal tinctures. Over time, winegrowers discovered that a matured drink is no worse than another strong drink, so it can be profitable. This production was put on stream.

Winemakers from the Italian city, which is located at the foot of Mount Grappa, were the first to make the drink. Hence, this elite arose today. To drink an elite drink, you need to be patient and work hard, because grappas are aged in cherry or oak barrels from six months to six years.

The strength of grappa ranges from 40-50 ° C. Depending on the aging, the drink can have a color from transparent (at the initial stage of distillation) to dark amber (after aging for five years in an oak barrel).

Grappa glasses and serving temperature

For serving grappa, it is recommended to use special tulip-shaped glasses, which have a peculiar name grappaglas. If you cannot find such dishes, then you can pour grappa into ordinary cognac glasses. A drink aged up to two years should be cooled to a temperature of 5-10 ° C before serving. Aged grappa should be drunk at room temperature, then the drink will fully reveal its entire bouquet of aromas.

Strong astringency, harshness and imbalance are indicative of poor quality grappa.

How to drink grappa properly

The glass should be three-quarters full of grappa. Start the tasting by assessing the clarity of the drink, it should not contain sediment. Take a sip of a little grappa, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds. The aftertaste of the drink is especially important, which attracts connoisseurs of elite alcohol. A few seconds after a sip, you will feel notes of peach, vanilla,

A true Italian cannot imagine a home celebration or family evening without a bottle of aromatic and strong grappa, also known as Italian grape vodka. The grappa drink is traditional for Italy, it began to be made after mastering the technology of wine distillation. At first, vodka was considered an exclusively peasant drink, but later it got to the doge. Subsequently, the grappa drink became a kind of symbol of Italian winemaking and largely corresponds to the traditions of the peninsula and the mentality of the Italians themselves.

Origin of the drink

It is not known when exactly Italian grape vodka appeared. At first, its production was a rational source of waste disposal from winemaking - pomace of berries, seeds, tails. Later, the grappa drink became profitable, the raw materials, previously considered waste, became a source of money and later even acquired their own name - marc (French). The drink was driven specifically for the peasants, but the mass consumer liked it and was launched on a par with wines into production.

The birthplace of Italian grape vodka is the city of Bassano del Grappa, on the slope of Mount Grappa. Now the drink is supplied all over the world and is considered a status drink. Among grappa, it also found its place, since it retains the notes of a specific grape variety from which it was made. Among tourists, the drink is one of the most popular souvenirs. However, Italian grape vodka has earned the greatest popularity in numerous provincial towns throughout Italy and is the most massively consumed type of alcohol.

Vodka or brandy?

Paradoxically, Italian grape vodka is in fact a drink comparable to brandy. The vodka recipe is in many ways similar to the moonshine brewing procedure and corresponds to the standards of this drink, that is, the strength is about 45-50 degrees. Sommeliers and winemakers are still arguing about where grappa should be attributed, since it is distinctive and unique in production. Many households do not disclose the vodka recipe; in Italy, there are even competitions between the manufacturing cities.

Grappa, vodka or brandy, absorbs the taste and aroma of the grape variety that became the basis for the drink. Young grappa, which is less than a year old, really looks like a regular moonshine, has a high strength, sharp taste, transparent color and bright aroma. A more aged drink casts a rich amber color, has a mild taste with pronounced notes of flowers, berries and jasmine, is easy to drink, does not contain a harsh aroma of ethyl and really resembles a good brandy more.

How is grappa vodka made?

In many ways, the production of Italian grape vodka does not differ from that in the CIS. The raw material is grape pomace. For more prestigious types of grappa, they choose those pomaces that contain up to 40% grape juice, add a few seeds. Initially, the vodka recipe included all the waste, but later the production became cleaner. Raw materials are fermented, after which they are aged from 3 to 18 months, depending on the grape variety, classification and customer preferences. Oak is used as a material for barrels, then grappa vodka gets saturated

Age matters

The older the grappa, the brighter and richer its taste. The question of how vodka is made largely depends on the type of vodka in question. For young vodka, barrels can be made of metal, since no special aging is required. This is allowed by mass producers. Households and family businesses that own small vineyards prefer to stick to the old vodka recipe and do not deviate from it.

Varieties of vodka

There are several varieties of grappa, from cheaper varieties that are virtually indistinguishable from regular vodka, except for the grape flavor, to a status drink that deserves a place in even the finest collection of wines. Grappa is divided according to the following classification:

  • Giovane (bianco), an Italian grape vodka whose name literally means "white" or "transparent" - the youngest drink, is appreciated for its low cost, but has a sharp taste, which is why the sommelier is disliked.
  • Affinata in legno - This drink has been aged in oak barrels for at least 6 months.
  • Invecchiata - according to collectors, the most affordable grape vodka in terms of price and quality, aged for a whole year, has a mild taste, but not as pronounced as affinata in legno, which is considered a more feminine drink.
  • Stravecchia, literally "old" - the most aged Italian vodka, this drink is stored for 18 months, has a rich amber color and a very spicy aroma of grapes and spices.

Bright aroma

Depending on the variety, the product is also subdivided into the following types:

  • Aromatica, contains about 60% of grape waste of one variety - Muscatel or Prosecco. A very aromatic drink that is closer to wines than vodka.
  • Aromatizzata, unlike the usual one, appeared in the south of Italy, a region rich in fruit trees. The drink is infused with fruits and fruit cake. It has a bright light aftertaste and a more delicate aftertaste.
  • Monovitigno is an Italian vodka, which contains more than 80% of the cake from one variety, which makes the taste of the drink brighter, more common in the north, which is why sourness prevails in the taste palette.

In addition, grappa is subdivided according to the region of production, since each household adds something different to the vodka recipe. Muscat varieties have a brighter sweet taste, white varieties - sour. Regardless, good grappa always leaves an almond aftertaste behind.

Useful properties and gustatory palette

Like wine products, grappa has antiseptic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. When consumed in moderation, Italian grape vodka is able to improve blood circulation, regulate the work of the central nervous system and promote the outflow of bile from the body. Of course, for consumption it is better to choose more seasoned types of drink, they have a softer taste and richer flavor shades in the palette.

The taste of vodka depends on the variety that became the basis for the production. In the north, grappa is sour, in the south it is sweeter and spicier. In France, they make their own analogue of the drink, which has a viscous aftertaste of spices and is made from darker grape varieties. Initially, grappa was used as an original product, which was served with both fish and meat. Later, it became the basis for a number of recipes for hot dishes, including marinated meat. Now it is even used in cocktails, where it replaces regular vodka.

How to drink grappa in Italian?

In modern Italy, the drink is served as a digistif, that is, "aftertaste", at the end of the main meal. In this case, it replaces the usual. For more affordable grappa types, there is a universal drinking formula - serve chilled, without mixing. In this case, the taste of ethyl will be less noticeable, and the taste of grapes will begin to dominate the palette. More status types of vodka are served at room temperature, without any snack, so that a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink and its aftertaste.

It is noteworthy that vodka is served in special glasses, which are called so - grappa glasses (grappaglass). They are shaped like a tulip, with a narrower neck so that the aroma of the drink is more noticeable. Traditionally, it is slightly cooled before serving, the glass is filled to two-thirds, and served to all guests on one dish. They drink the drink, like good wine - savoring both the taste and aroma, holding the glass exclusively by the leg. After that, the owner is thanked for the meal. It is extremely impolite to leave unfinished vodka in the glass - this is a sign of disrespect for the owner.

Part of tradition

Italians have an interesting tradition that is literally called "wash the cup". According to her, the drink is poured into espresso cups, thanks to which coffee residues are washed off. As a result, there is a fashion to add grape vodka to black coffee. Italians do not consider grappa too strong, and therefore drink it as an aperitif, at lunchtime and even in the afternoon. This is a unique product that, like whiskey or brandy, has become a kind of visiting card of the country. Grape vodka remains one of the most successful gifts as a souvenir from Italy, and therefore has gained considerable popularity not only in the West, but also in the CIS countries. This drink is worth trying!

Grappa is a strong alcohol with a strength of 40-56%. The drink with an amazing and original taste is produced in Italy. Grappa is prepared from natural wine-making waste. Every year Italian producers produce more than 40 million bottles of alcoholic beverage, which are exported to other countries.

Sometimes this drink is called Italian grappa vodka, but according to its technology it has no connection with vodka... According to the method of preparation, this type of alcohol can be compared with Georgian chacha and German schnapps, which are also prepared on the basis of grape cake. Let's figure out what it is and how to taste it correctly.

The first written source that mentioned the name of the Italian moonshine is the will of a notary from the Piedmont region. According to a document from 1451, the notary presented his relatives with a moonshine still and a sample of grappa. But there are sources from which it is known that alcohol began make back in the XI century... Even the name of the area where grappa was first prepared - Bassano del Grappa - does not give any doubt about it.

True, in Italian, the waste of wine production sounds like "grapo", "graspa", "rapo", so the debate about the origin of the name of the drink still does not stop.

At that time, grappa was not of high quality, therefore it had a low price and was in demand among people of the lower strata of the population who could not afford real wine and other expensive alcohol. Only closer to the twentieth century, Italian manufacturers brought out a unique digestif for rich people from the hard drink of commoners.

In the 21st century, grappa acquired a high degree of quality and stood on a par with alcoholic beverages such as rum, wine and vodka, and the price of grappa was already noticeably higher. There were also rules for tasting the drink, to which a whole museum was dedicated.

Italian grappa production

To get a tasty and aromatic drink, you should select high-quality grape cake for its production. The pulp, which remains after the production of wines, consists of seeds, skins and remnants of grape pulp. Usually for an Italian alcoholic beverage use pulp from red wines... Grappa is obtained with the highest sugar and lowest alcohol level with pulp from white wines. In the first case, the technology for producing the drink includes fermentation in wort without additional preparation.

To clear grappa from unnecessary impurities, distillation is done in distillers. Modern models are characterized by the highest degree of purification due to high power and continuous distillation cycle. Proponents of traditional technologies use batch distillation options: they believe that the old methods contribute to the better quality of grappa.

In the final product after distillation, the strength varies between 65-85%. Grappa is brought to the required strength by adding distilled or demineralized water to it.

The next stage in the preparation of the drink is its maturation. Grappa aging occurs in wooden barrels made of cherry, oak, ash or acacia... The containers are usually rated at 230 liters.

The species and taste of the drink depend on the type of wood with which they come into contact. Cherry casks make light alcohol. With oak containers, you can get grappa with an amber color and a characteristic taste that is obtained due to the tannins in the wood. Different types of oak trees that grow in different countries can give a certain flavor to the final product. Depending on the aging period, different types of Italian spirits are obtained. The final stage is alcohol filtration and bottling.

You can also cook grappa at home.... Some people insist the drink on fruits, berries, spices or nuts. Alcohol can be drunk immediately after preparation. For grappa to acquire a delicate and refined taste, it should be left in a wooden barrel for 2-3 years. With regular creative experiments, you can achieve high-quality grape moonshine with a unique taste and enchanting aroma.

The grappa drink comes in many varieties. Beverage classifications are carried out according to several criteria.

By exposure and age:

By type of raw material:

  • Monovitigno - the product is prepared from the remains of raw materials of only one grape variety, which is indicated on the label.
  • Polivitigno - a drink that is prepared on the basis of oilcake of several varieties of grapes.
  • Acquavite d'Uva - is a distillate from the last remnants of fermented winemaking materials. Low quality drink.

By taste:

  • Aromatica (Aromatics) - grappa obtained from aromatic grape varieties.
  • Aromatizzata (Flavored) - a product to which one or more natural vegetable oils are added at the end of the distillation.

These are not all classifications of Italian moonshine. The varieties of the drink are also distinguished by geographical origin, which have their own centuries-old tradition inherent in the region, and the culture of distillation. Of course, one type of alcoholic beverage can belong to several types at once, for example, grappa can be young and flavored at the same time.

How to drink grappa

Grappa is an expensive alcohol, so there are certain rules, if followed, you can achieve the disclosure of all its taste. When participating in the tasting of several types of grappa, it is necessary to start with a young look, move on to aromatic and finish with a mature one.

When tasting, do not mix snacks with the drink, since grappa has a pleasant taste, which should not be interrupted by food. But on holidays the table cannot remain empty. You should choose the right foods for alcohol. What to eat grappa with?

Italian bars and restaurants offer canapes or olives with grape vodka. At home and on a visit, it is advisable to add an exquisite Italian drink to pasta, risotto and meat dishes. But no one forbids drinking the drink with your favorite dishes and desserts. Citruses, coffee, ice cream and dark chocolate are also good snacks.

Grappa cocktails

There are many cocktail recipes with Italian grape moonshine. Italian vodka is mixed with other alcoholic drinks and various fruit juices.

Here are some delicious cocktail recipes:

  1. Cocktail "Italian wife".

Required Ingredients:

  • 40 ml grappa,
  • 5 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur,
  • 10 ml lemon juice

All ingredients, including crushed ice, are mixed in a shaker. The cocktail glass is filled with the resulting mixture.

2. Cocktail "Manhattan".

To prepare a drink you will need:

All components are placed in a shaker, mixed and filtered the mixture gently into a glass. You can add a cocktail cherry to Manhattan.

3. Dolce cocktail.

Required Ingredients:

  • 40 ml grappa,
  • 20 ml pear liqueur,
  • 20 ml pear syrup,
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

All ingredients must be shaken in a shaker and poured into a glass with thin walls, on which you can fix a lemon wedge. Drink a cocktail through a straw. To make Dolce seem sweeter, you can eat it with candied fruit.

4. Cocktail "Mint grapes".

Ingredients needed:

  • 40 ml grappa,
  • 20 ml mint liqueur,
  • 2-3 ice cubes.

Using a shaker mix the components. The mixture is poured into a glass, into which mint leaves can be added.

In small doses, grappa helps regulate the digestion process. Many Italians start their morning with caffee coretto, which means "corrected coffee". A teaspoon of grape drink is added to a freshly brewed espresso. Grappa coffee has excellent taste.

Attention, only TODAY!

Grappa Is an Italian grape alcoholic drink with a strength of 40% to 50%, which was originally produced in Italy and was obtained by distilling grape pomace, that is, the remnants of grapes (including stems and seeds) after they were pressed during the wine making process. The taste of grappa, like the taste of wine, depends on the variety and quality of the grapes used. However, many manufacturers add fruit syrup to sweeten and soften the flavor. Related to grappa are caucasian chacha and South Slavic rakiya .

Grappa belongs to the class of drinks brandy ... In accordance with an international decree of 1997, only those drinks that are produced on the Apennine Peninsula and from Italian raw materials can be called grappa. Also, this decree strictly regulates the quality of the drink and the standards for its production. There are now about 120 recognized grappa producers in the country. The most famous grappa producer is House of Nonino (Nonino).

The exact time, place and history of the origin of the drink are unknown. After all, more than 1,500 years have passed since the first prototype of modern grappa was made. But Italians prefer to call the birthplace of the drink the small town of Bassano del Grappa near the Grappa mountain of the same name. However, the exact place of its first appearance has long been the subject of controversy between the inhabitants of Piedmont, Veneto and Friuli.
Initially, this drink was very rough and tough. They drank it in one gulp without any savoring from clay bowls. For a long time in Italy, grappa was considered a peasant drink, and in fact it was exactly that. It took the Italians much longer than the European community to appreciate grappa. Over time, grappa has undergone a gustatory transformation and has become an elite drink. The drink gained the greatest popularity in the 60-70s. 20th century due to the growing worldwide popularity of Italian cuisine.

The classification of a strong alcoholic drink depends on many nuances.

Depending on age and aging method:
Young ( giovane) grappa, it is also called white ( blanca), bottled immediately after distillation, which is why it remains colorless. Such grappa loses its maturity, but it acquires a harsh taste.
The opposite of a young grappa is grappa affinata in legnowhich literally means tree-walked. The National Institute recommends keeping it in a wooden container for at least six months, but this is not required. But even a little grappa that has stayed in the tree acquires a softer taste.
Weathered, or old ( vecchia or invecchia), grappa spends at least 12 months in barrels.
Riserva, or "very old grappa" ( stravecchia), - not less than 18 months. Barrels made of Limousin oak or forest cherry are suitable for aging grappa. The starting material, of course, influences the taste of the drink. In barrels, grappa acquires not only a golden-amber hue, but also extra degrees: it usually contains 40-50 percent alcohol.

Another reason for dividing grappa into species and subspecies is uniformity of feedstock... This means that if the pomace contains 85 percent of the remnants of grapes of one variety, then this very variety will be marked on the grappa label, and the drink itself will be defined as monovitigno (single-grade). All other grappas are considered polivitigno (multi-grade).

Single-variety grappa can be divided by the name of the grape from which the pomace was produced: grappa from Cabernet Sauvignon, from Chardonnay, from Muscat, Dolceto, Nebbiolo, Pinot Grigio, Prosecco, etc.

Grappa can also be:
aromatica - aromatic, made from aromatic grape varieties such as Moscato or Prosecco;
aromatizzata - flavored grappa infused with berries, fruits, herbs (cinnamon, almonds, black currants, strawberries, etc.).

Varieties of grappa can be identified and depending on the region of production... In general, in Italy, grappa is produced only in five regions: Trentino, Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto and Friuli (it is believed that the best grappa are produced in the latter two regions).

Harm of grappa: Grappa is a strong alcoholic drink, therefore, a high ethanol content is fraught with consequences associated with alcohol intoxication. Also, grappa is characterized by a high sugar content and, in combination with alcohol, the harm from its use is indisputable. Be healthy!!!