Plum juice. Homemade recipes

22.08.2019 Egg dishes

Mother Nature generously gives us fruits that help us to improve our health and well-being. We pay special attention to berries and fruits, considering them to be sources of vitamins. Today on the agenda is plums, the benefits of which are amazing. This hybrid of cherry plum and wild thorn is a valuable gift from nature to man.

Information classified as "secret"

Have you ever wondered what is the use of plums? These amazing berries grow in our latitudes, while more than a dozen different varieties can be found in the gardens. A person is attracted by the extraordinary taste of pulp with light astringency and exquisite acidity. Juices, preserves, compotes, desserts are prepared on the basis of plum fruits. This berry is often added to pastries. But the value of plums has long gone beyond the culinary world.

The described fruits are widely used in alternative medicine. And all thanks to their wonderful component composition. Plum berries can be conventionally called the abode of vitamins, fiber, acids of various types, micro- and macroelements.

This affordable fruit is fortified with the following ingredients:

  • retinol;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • pyridoxine;
  • riboflavin;
  • tocopherol.

But the reserves of nutrients do not end on vitamins. Plum in everyday life is called the storehouse of health.

The component composition of this fruit contains the following elements:

  • food fibers;
  • starch;
  • potassium;
  • organic acids;
  • ash;
  • pectins.

Interesting! Plums are dietary fruits. A 100 g serving contains approximately 40-42 calories. Moreover, most of the mass of plum berries is water. And only 20% is distributed between carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

The described fruit trees grow on all continents, of course, with the exception of glaciers. In nature, there are about two thousand varieties of these fruits. All of them differ in taste, fruit size, skin color.

One of the most popular species, which is most often found in temperate climates, is the Hungarian plum. The benefits and harms of plum fruits for the human body do not depend on the type of fruit tree. It is important to eat only ripe fruits, otherwise you can harm your health.

On a note! If you have harvested unripe plums, leave them in a warm place for a while until fully ripe.

Berries aren't the only ones used in alternative medicine. Inflorescences, bark and even leaves are of particular value.

The useful properties of plum fruits include:

  • improving memory;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • strengthening of immunity;
  • elimination of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening the vascular walls, increasing their elasticity;
  • restoration of normal water-salt level;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • neutralization of the consequences of stressful situations;
  • improvement of visual acuity;
  • strengthening of the mucous membrane, including the membranes of the eye;
  • stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid;
  • increased appetite;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • treating anemia;
  • promoting the speedy regeneration of damaged skin.
  • myocardial infarction;
  • asthma;
  • arthritis;
  • oncological pathologies.

On a note! In the diet of people actively involved in sports, there must be plums. The vitamins and elements contained in the fruit help to increase endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Experts advise eating plums separately from other foods. Let it be a delicious dessert or aperitif, but you only need to eat sweet and sour fruits at least half an hour before a meal.

Plum pulp contains sugar, which is classified as a carbohydrate. With insufficient physical activity, unused energy is transformed into fat stores. To prevent this from happening, eat plums separately, or for dessert.

Plums for women

Waiting for a baby to be born is perhaps the most beautiful period in the life of every woman. It was at this time that many are faced with such a delicate problem as constipation.

Plums have a mild laxative effect, and literally a few fruits per day can help normalize your bowel movements. Also, plum pulp is enriched with tocopherol. This vitamin not only has a beneficial effect on the skin, but is also necessary for the normal development of the placenta. Plums also contain folic acid. It promotes conception and also protects the fetal neural tube from the development of defects.

Masks can be made on the basis of plum pulp. Such homemade cosmetics help to restore the natural complexion, enrich the skin with the necessary elements and even smooth out fine wrinkles.

Some women add plums to their diet to lose weight. If there are no contraindications, you can safely arrange for yourself plum fasting days, just not too often.

Special attention should be paid to prunes. The calorie content of such a product is prohibitive, but it can be used not only for culinary purposes. Softened prunes help in the treatment of corns and calluses.

On a note! From dried inflorescences and leaves of plums, miraculous decoctions are prepared. They are used to treat kidney ailments and also to strengthen hair.

Oil extracts are prepared from plum seeds. In terms of the number of useful properties and value, such oil is often compared with almond oil. It helps in the treatment of bronchitis, lingering cough.

Please note that you cannot ignore medication treatment. Traditional medicines are just helpers.

The negative side of the plum

As practice shows, the described fruit can cause diarrhea. But this side effect appears only with excessive consumption of the fruit. Doctors advise to eat no more than 5-6 large plums per day. In this case, the fruit will be extremely beneficial.

Overeating plums causes heartburn in some people. This symptom is the result of an increase in the level of acidity in the stomach. Individual intolerance and hypersensitivity should not be disregarded. If this aspect is not taken into account, then plums can cause an allergic reaction.

Carefully and preferably, after agreement with the attending specialist, plums can be introduced into the diet for people suffering from the following ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis.

If you are overweight, you need to be very careful about eating such a fruit, because the sugar entering the body can be transformed into fatty deposits. Some diseases of the digestive tract are also considered contraindications, especially if it is associated with an increased level of hydrochloric acid and gastric acidity.

If plums are very useful during pregnancy, then it is better to refuse this fruit during breastfeeding. As mentioned, plums have a mild laxative effect. Together with breast milk, some components will be transferred to the baby, which will cause intestinal colic and diarrhea to appear.

Important! Doctors advise introducing plums into baby foods from the age of three. You don't need to do this before. The exception is plum puree or curd with additives, but only in small quantities.

Pay particular attention to the appearance of plum fruits. If there is damage or mold on the surface of the skin, then in no case should they be eaten.

Under natural conditions, there are fungal microorganisms on the surface of the drain. Before eating, the fruit is thoroughly washed with running water.

On a note! Canned plums with seeds cannot be stored for a long time. If you want to extend the life of the fruit, freeze or dry it better.

How happy it is when you can make juice from plums for the winter through a juicer from the fruits of your trees in your country house or garden. Excellent tips and instructions for making plum juice will delight you with their step-by-step description so that no more questions arise.

Fortified plums

The composition of the vitamins in the plum depends on its variety. But this is not the only division. Minerals and vitamins in it appear and disappear at different stages of maturity, also the growth conditions, soil and tree care are influenced. All varieties contain vitamin P, which has a beneficial effect on stabilizing pressure and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

A positive indicator is that vitamin P is not destroyed under the influence of high temperature. Therefore, plums can be safely preserved for the winter, make jam, close the juice from the plums through a juicer, cook compote, and so on. In the winter period when there is no vitamin supplement for the body, a canned drink will come in handy.

The usefulness of plum dishes:

  1. Dried plums are prescribed for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis, they are also able to remove cholesterol from the human body.
  2. Fresh plum is suitable for people suffering from constipation and intestinal atony.
  3. Potassium in any form is able to actively remove fluids from the body, which is well suited for hypertensive patients and people with unhealthy kidneys.
  4. Even the leaves of some plum varieties, which contain coumarin, can stop blood clots. By dilating blood vessels, thinning blood clots, they prevent serious diseases in many ways.
  5. Fresh plums are beneficial for heart disease by acting as a sedative (sedative).
  6. Canned and fresh fruits have a beneficial effect on a stable metabolism.
  7. For the treatment of conjunctivitis and wound healing, a gum released from the cracks in the bark of plum trees is used.

Plum juice options

Plum juice at home through a juicer takes a little time, especially when this process is facilitated by an electric machine. For lovers of sweet and sour taste, below are recipes for making excellent plum nectar. You can use different types of juicers to juice this fruit, but it is advisable to use a special technique for hard vegetables and fruits. It is imperative to remove the bones before placing the fetus in the apparatus so as not to damage the mechanisms. To reduce the cooking time, it is better to take an electric juicer, others will also work, but the process will be delayed.

To get 1 liter of juice you need 2 kg of plums.

Plum juice for the winter through a juicer: a recipe with pulp


  • plums - 20 kg;
  • sugar - optional.

Cooking steps:

To get plum juice from the remaining cake, you need to boil it again by adding the same amount of water. Then place the entire mixture in a juicer and extract the desired one.

Plum juice through a juicer: a recipe without pulp


  • plum - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g

Cooking steps:

If there is no juicer, place the softened plums in cheesecloth and press until liquid is obtained.

In addition to recipes through a juicer, there are several more popular options for canning plum juice for the winter, a couple of which are located below. Therefore, if you are tired of the standard recipes for harvesting juice from plums for the winter, you can use the new ones. To give the plums a standard flavor, it is advisable to add other fruits (apple, apricot) during the cooking process.

Recipe for making juice from plums in a juicer


  • plum - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking steps:

Concentrated plum compote juice


  • plum - 6 kg;
  • sugar - 5 kg;
  • water - 6 liters.

Cooking steps:

Plum juice for the winter on a juicer is the best option to get a lot of vitamins and improve your health on winter days. And when this is done by hand, then you can be doubly sure that the body will be saturated with a natural product without preservatives.

Plum belongs to the category of the most popular fruits that grow in almost every vegetable garden. Pleasant taste and consistency allow using the fruits in the daily diet. Jam, compotes, jams are made from plums. Such widespread popularity prompts people to look for information that affects the benefits and harms of the fruit.

Plum composition

  1. Fruits contain a lot of B vitamins, including the most rare and demanded B3 (niacin). The composition is not limited to this. The plum contains tocopherol, ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, retinol, vitamin PP, riboflavin, folic acid, thiamine.
  2. Plum is considered a treasure trove of valuable macro- and microelements, as well as other nutrients. It contains starch, ash, fiber, mono- and disaccharides, organic acids.
  3. The composition is rich in manganese, potassium, silicon, fluorine, nickel. Fruits contain a lot of copper, calcium, zinc, cobalt, iodine, chlorine. The product is not deprived of chromium, sodium, molybdenum, sulfur, iron, phosphorus.
  4. It is logical to assume that a high value implies a high calorie content. But this is not the case. In 100 gr. plums only 43 Kcal. Moreover, about 88 gr. removed to water, almost 10 gr. - carbohydrates. The rest of the volume affects fats, proteins, dietary fiber, valuable minerals and vitamins, acids.

Plum properties

  • prevents early aging of body tissues;
  • removes toxic substances, radionuclides;
  • eliminates excessive slagging;
  • cleanses the skin from the inside;
  • protects against cancer, heart attack, asthma, arthritis;
  • acts as a diuretic;
  • has a laxative effect;
  • regulates the work of the digestive system;
  • fights chronic intestinal obstruction;
  • enhances immunity;
  • removes bad cholesterol from the blood;
  • prevents atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • improves visual acuity, improves eye health, wets the apple;
  • unclogs blood channels and increases blood flow;
  • controls the work of the heart muscle;
  • reduces the likelihood of heart attacks;
  • increases all metabolic processes;
  • promotes weight loss and fights obesity;
  • controls the hormonal environment of men, women.

Indications for taking plums

  • high body temperature, fever;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiency;
  • naturally low immune system;
  • ailments associated with the secretion of large amounts of bile;
  • disorder of the liver;
  • slagged organism;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • ailments of the heart muscle;
  • poor appetite;
  • excess weight;
  • gout;
  • inflammation in the mouth;
  • violation of hormonal levels;
  • dropped vision;
  • constipation;
  • swelling of the limbs and tissues.

The benefits of plums for the intestines

  1. Plums, fresh or dried, as well as fruit drinks and fruit drinks based on it, have a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Due to this, the intestinal tract is cleansed, constipation is eliminated. Plum also helps to remove swelling and heaviness from the legs.
  2. For constipation, dried plum is mixed with oats in a ratio of 3 to 1. Then the composition is poured with boiling water and infused for 1 hour. The mixture is consumed after straining 80-100 ml. three times a day.
  3. To get rid of puffiness, consume 2 plums every day. You can dry this amount of fruits and make decoctions based on them. This move normalizes the water-salt balance and increases metabolism.

The benefits of plum for weight loss

  1. Fruit is often included in the daily menu of obese categories. Plum is used to eliminate extra pounds. The fruit removes salt and excess water, thereby breaking down fats.
  2. Plum controls carbohydrate metabolism by preventing glucose from being deposited at the waist and hips. Carbohydrates are converted into energy, not folds of fat.
  3. Since the plum has a laxative effect, weight loss is achieved due to the complex cleansing of the body from slagging and toxic compounds. Against this background, metabolic processes increase.
  4. There are several types of plum-based diets. The quick technique is to eat 1 kg. fruit throughout the day. The course is 2 days. Be sure to accompany the diet with plenty of drink.
  5. The usual method of losing weight lies in the elimination of fatty, salty, fried and other "harmful" foods and diets. In this case, before each meal, you must take 200 ml. juice from plums.
  6. Despite the low calorie content, the plum contains a lot of saccharides. Do not abuse the product, each consumption must be strictly dosed. Pair the plum with other seasonal berries and fruits.

  1. Plum is a youthful fruit. On its basis, various peels, masks, lotions are often prepared, which improve the condition of the skin.
  2. Fruits are responsible for accelerated tissue regeneration. Thanks to this, it is possible to lubricate with plum traces of acne and acne, cuts, microcracks.
  3. Fruits are necessary for girls who watch their figure. When taken daily, the plum cleanses the entire body and prevents many ailments.
  4. Coarse dietary fiber accelerates metabolic processes. Thanks to this, food is absorbed faster and is not deposited in unwanted places.
  5. The fruit contains many antioxidants that eliminate the harmful effects of radionuclides and toxic substances. On this basis, the prevention of cancer of the uterus and mammary glands is carried out.

The benefits of plums for men

  1. The male half of the population is more likely than women to suffer from high blood cholesterol and the following heart ailments. The plum unclogs the blood channels and removes plaque from their cavity. All this leads to the prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and other ailments of this type.
  2. Plum soothes the psycho-emotional environment. This quality is highly valued by people who regularly face stressful factors. Only 5 fruits per day will help you calm down and sleep soundly.
  3. The fruit helps men who abuse alcohol to keep their liver in order and cleanse it of ethanol in time. On this basis, harmful cholesterol is excreted along with excess bile.
  4. Plum also helps to contain blood pressure and prevent it from surges. Fruits improve peristalsis and intestinal microflora, reduce the likelihood of myocardial infarction, stroke, ischemic heart disease.

The benefits of plums for children

  1. It is interesting that the plum contains all the mineral compounds, organic acids and vitamins that are needed by the younger generation.
  2. Plum and compotes from it should be drunk by children during the spring and autumn spread of infections. The composition will help to raise the body's defenses.
  3. The product gently cleanses the intestinal tract, improves food cravings, and normalizes body weight in case of excess. Plum is recommended for children who are infected with helminths.
  4. If the child is undergoing medical treatment, prepare decoctions of dried prunes. So you will improve the effect of drugs and cleanse the child's body of toxins.

  1. During pregnancy, plums can and should be included in the diet. The fruit is rich in folic acid and is essential for the proper formation of the fruit. Thanks to potassium, the body gets rid of excess fluid, as a result of which the swelling of the limbs disappears.
  2. The dietary fiber in the product actively stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, constipation and abdominal discomfort disappear. The presence of ascorbic acid in plums helps the body resist viral infections. Diseases during the period of gestation are highly undesirable.
  3. The systematic intake of the fruit during pregnancy helps the expectant mother to stabilize blood pressure. High blood pressure can harm the baby, be careful. The rest of the plum may be contraindicated in case of its individual intolerance. Overuse of the fruit leads to diarrhea, flatulence and indigestion.
  4. It is forbidden to consume unripe plums, otherwise there will be pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. During the lactation period of a new mother, it is not recommended to include the product in the diet. You run the risk of constipation and diarrhea in your baby. Further, the plum is allowed to be introduced into the child's menu gradually from the age of 3. Give 1 fruit a day.

Daily rate of discharge

  1. When you include plums in your diet, you should know that the fruits have a pronounced laxative and diuretic effect. In this case, the abuse of the fruit can play a cruel joke on you. Please note that the daily rate of the product is calculated on an individual basis.
  2. The reaction to plums can be unpredictable. Average values \u200b\u200bfor a healthy adult are about 250 grams per day. During pregnancy, experts recommend eating no more than 4 fruits a day. In the case of chronic ailments, admission is allowed after agreement with the doctor.

The benefits of plum seeds

  1. In oriental medicine, plum seeds are in demand. A large number of medicines are prepared on their basis. In addition, plum tincture will help in the fight against bronchitis, severe cough and oncology.
  2. Plum pits and their kernels are in demand in folk medicine. This product is high in amygdalin. Together with the enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, hydrocyanic acid is formed. The substance is extremely dangerous to humans in large doses. All harmful substances die during heat treatment.
  3. It is important to know that long-term storage of canned compotes and products with seeds is not recommended. It is better to dry or freeze the fruit. Thus, plums can be stored for a long time. Vegetable and essential oils are obtained from seeds, which are no less popular in cosmetology.
  4. The finished composition is a strong antioxidant. The aroma of the oil resembles the tart smell of bitter almonds. Plum kernels are in demand in folk medicine. The product is consumed daily in a certain amount. Before the course, you should consult with a specialist.
  5. Plum pits can be dangerous to humans if used incorrectly. Therefore, the doctor often prohibits them. If you adhere to practical recommendations, then in a short time you will significantly improve your health, cleanse tissues from slagging and improve your overall well-being.

  1. If you have been diagnosed with pancreatitis, plums are allowed in the diet only without the skin. The fact is that the peel is rich in coarse fiber and organic acids. Enzymes are extremely undesirable for the ailment of the acute form of the stomach and pancreas.
  2. It is forbidden to eat plums with gout and rheumatism. As a result of taking fruits, they cause some dehydration of the body, so the course of ailments can worsen sharply, and severe pains appear.
  3. If you are prone to obesity, you should not completely abandon the fruit. The only thing to do is to limit consumption. With diabetes mellitus, you should be careful, plums contain a large amount of glucose. Therefore, before including fruits in your diet, talk to your doctor.
  4. Do not try plums for babies less than 3 years old. The fruit can cause severe discomfort in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Adults are also not advised to consume too much of the fruit.
  5. When choosing plums, give preference to only ripe fruits, unripe ones will cause a number of troubles. It is forbidden to eat the product with diarrhea and diarrhea. The flow of problems will worsen at times. In case of gallstone disease, plums are also contraindicated.

Plum is a rather controversial fruit for the human body. Still, it is worthwhile to understand that the product will bring a person more benefit than harm. The main requirement remains a reasonable consumption of fruits per day. By including plums in your daily diet, you will significantly improve your health and strengthen your immune system.

Video: useful properties of plums

Someone prefers a variety with sourness, someone likes sweet honey, but there are very few people who are indifferent to plums. Let's look at its benefits in order to refute some myths about this fruit and prove its value for health.

One fruit for all occasions! About the healing powers of plums

Long ago, nature "introduced" cherry plum to thorns, and the result of their meeting was the emergence of a new fruit - the wild plum. Over time, people appreciated its taste, domesticated this tree and began to actively use its fruits in cooking.

Soon the plums' propensities for healing were discovered. The first healing property found in this fruit is the ability to eliminate constipation. This is helped by pectins and fiber. Then, empirically, people found that plum solves many other health problems and protects against various ailments.

The plums contain a lot of potassium salts - 214 mg. These substances are very useful for the heart, they also have a beneficial effect on other organs - the liver, kidneys, and the gastrointestinal tract. The pulp of these fruits contains coumarins. They prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of thrombosis. Such fruits are rich in vitamin P, which strengthens blood vessels. There are also other representatives of the vitamin family in them - carotene, vitamin E, ascorbic acid, B9, riboflavin, pyridoxine.

Regardless of the variety, plums are a source of minerals - zinc, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, chromium, iron. One of the most important components in their composition is anticyanine. It has anti-cancer effects.

Considering the great benefits of plums, doctors advise including it in the diet for both healthy and those who have problems with bowel movements, and nutritionists recommend the fruit to combat excess weight.

What can be cured by plums?

Of course, plums will not replace medicines, but they will help you to stop working for a pharmacy. How do they affect health?

Plum for treatment and prevention:

  • regulates the digestive process, promotes normal bowel movement (has a laxative effect), prevents food from stagnating, prevents putrefactive processes in the colon;
  • supports the heart, protects blood vessels (cleans them from cholesterol deposits), prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthens immunity, as it supplies the body with vitamin C;
  • produces a vasodilating effect, improves blood supply to organs;
  • normalizes water-salt balance;
  • removes excess fluid;
  • has a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • eliminates anemia (stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells);
  • helps athletes recover from intense training;
  • removes radioactive substances (due to the presence of pectins in the composition);
  • increases appetite, activates the secretion of gastric juice;
  • strengthens the liver;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • reduces the risk of pathological cell degeneration, therefore it serves as a means of preventing cancer: reduces the likelihood of a malignant neoplasm in the mammary gland and uterus;
  • improves mood due to the fact that it promotes the formation of endorphins;
  • helps to alleviate the condition of a woman with heavy menstrual bleeding, protects against the development of osteoporosis in women who have entered the period of menopause;
  • when applied externally in the form of compresses, it accelerates the healing of wounds and pustules (for such purposes, the leaves of this plant are used, rubbing them to a mushy state);
  • berry juice disinfects the oral cavity, relieves inflammation in the throat, as it has antibacterial properties.

Plum is a popular home cosmetologist. It can be used to exfoliate to remove dead cells from the skin and lighten age spots. Vitamin P contained in its composition enhances collagen synthesis and rejuvenates the skin. The use of such fruits has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

Important! It is necessary to eat plums separately from other foods and drinks, preferably in the morning, at least 30 minutes in advance. before eating.

What are their health risks?

With some diseases, it is better not to think about these fruits, since even in limited quantities they can negatively affect your well-being - cause exacerbation, diarrhea, nausea, heartburn and stomach discomfort.

A complete ban on the inclusion of drains in the menu:

  • chronic diarrhea - plums will weaken the intestines even more than only exacerbate the problem;
  • diabetes (especially of the second type) - do not forget that they have a lot of sugar;
  • ulcer, acute gastritis, high acidity and other pathologies of the digestive system;
  • rheumatism and gout - plum juice actively removes fluid from the body, which will cause an increase in pain syndrome and a deterioration in the general condition in such pathologies.

Refuse plums should be those whose body does not tolerate them and responds with allergies. Do not offer these fruits to babies under 3 years old. Drinking plums can cause stomach irritation, bloating, painful colic.

Important! You should not eat plums on an empty stomach, let alone drink milk!

Patients with urolithiasis and obesity should reduce the consumption of such fruits. Do not "lean" on them for people who have undergone cholecystectomy (removal of the bile). A relative contraindication is pancreatitis in remission. If the disease has receded, then you can eat such a product, but you should first remove the skin from the drain. It is high in acid and rich in fiber. During an exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, a strict taboo is imposed on these fruits.

Important! Doctors advise nursing women to refuse plums, so as not to make the baby suffer from flatulence, pain in the tummy, upset stools, colic and allergies.

Can sweet fruit help you lose weight?

Some varieties of plums have a very sweet taste. That is why not all those who lose weight decide to include such a component in their diet, as they doubt that the plum will be beneficial for the figure.

Plums are not high in calories. There is not a single gram of fat in them, only proteins and carbohydrates. 100 g of plums - from 30 to 46 kilocalories. If you eat 5-6 pieces a day (as recommended by nutritionists), then the figure will definitely not suffer. But some people like the taste of fresh plums so much that, despite the benefits and harms, they eat a kilogram of such "yummy". If you absorb them in large volumes, it will deal a blow to harmony and will not help you lose weight in any way.

A fasting day on plums will allow you to become 3-4 kg lighter in a month. For him, you need to take 1 kg of ripe berries, divide into 6 equal parts and consume them throughout the day. This should be the only "dish" on the menu. The diet should be supplemented with purified or mineral water and green tea.

The best "doctor" in the plum family

The plum assortment can be roughly divided into three large groups. Green varieties - renklode, yellow - mirabelle, blue-black - eel or Hungarian plum. Its benefits and harms to the body are worthy of a separate discussion, because it is one of the most popular and demanded varieties.

Hungarian fruits are oval, egg-shaped and have a rich color - from blue-lilac to dark purple. Their sugar content reaches 13-15%, and their caloric content is 42 Kcal. The flavor ranges from sweet and sour to sugary sweet. Prunes are made from them.

Blue plum is rich in potassium salts, which are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, nourish the heart, and maintain the acid-base balance. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, cleanses the intestines from unnecessary congestion and improves its functionality. It is an effective laxative.

This plum contains antioxidants that slow down aging. Its plant fibers protect against intestinal cancer. It contains a lot of vitamin K, which is responsible for normal blood clotting.

The disadvantage of Hungarian is a large amount of sugar and an aggressive effect on the gastric mucosa.