List of women's alcoholic beverages. The best alcoholic cocktails for girls

What wedding or special occasion can go without alcoholic drinks? Traditionally, it is believed that men drink much more at these events than women. However, the fair sex is also not averse to pampering themselves with drinks that have a pleasant taste, cheer you up, make your heart beat faster, and your cheeks become hot. What exactly are these drinks? This will be discussed in this article.

It is no secret that men prefer stronger ones, while women are more interested in the taste of alcohol, rather than its effect on the body. At the same time, women are also very fond of alcohol, sometimes not the most feminine, as it would seem. To put it bluntly, drinks that only women drink, and not a single man of them, do not exist. As well as vice versa, there are no exclusively male drinks. However, there are some statistics that girls and women prefer more.

List of drinks that women love

  • wine (rose, red, dry, semi-sweet);
  • vermouth;
  • fruit beer;
  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • rum, gin and tonic, tequila, vodka

Let's start with the most popular women's drinks. One of them is wine. Moreover, the wine, with its small strength, differs in color and composition.

Ladies most often prefer red semi-sweet wine, for the production of which grapes with added sugar are used.

There is also white wine, which has a calmer, colder taste. He is usually preferred by women who know their worth, they are prudent, careful. Rosé wine tastes more like white, and red in color. However, he also has his own group of fans.

Champagne or sparkling wine. To be honest, this type of alcohol is most correctly called sparkling wine, since the name champagne can only be worn by the product that was produced in the province of Champagne, France. Sparkling wine attracts with its lightness, huge number of bubbles. Young women love it very much, it is very easy to drink. No wonder it is used at buffets before the wedding, because it so easily cheers up! However, there is a danger in this drink - it is very easy to get drunk, because the bubbles add the desire to drink more and more!

Sparkling wine can be white, red, pink. It is also distinguished by the amount of sugar: it can be almost or completely without added sugar (brut or extra brut), semi-sweet (demi-sec), semi-dry (sec or extra sec), also sweet - dokes. Which one to choose depends on the individual characteristics of each woman.

Vermouth. It is, in essence, a fortified wine, to which various spices are added. The best vermouths are produced in France and Italy. Experts distinguish between dry vermouth, which contains no more than 4% sugar.

White contains no more than 15% sugar, and red vermouth is tart and sweet. Pink, slightly less sweet than red, but still tart. And also bitter vermouth, which is not prepared from wine, like the others, but from alcohol. By the way, the name vermouth is very suitable for this drink, because it is translated into Russian as wormwood. The strength of vermouth is usually between 15 and 18 degrees.

One of the most common vermouths is Martini. It also comes in various colors and, accordingly, tastes. For example, a red martini tastes with a touch of tea, while a white martini Bianco is slightly accented with vanilla and spices. One of the novelties in the Martini line is Gold, which is made from white wine with the addition of saffron, bergamot, citrus zest, ginger and other spices.

Liquor. Its alcoholic varieties are very popular among women. In the Middle Ages, this product was called the elixir of life, which is not surprising, given some of the beneficial properties of alcohol if consumed in moderate doses. Most often, liqueurs are sweet, with a taste of coffee or milk, the color is very similar to these drinks. The culture of drinking liqueurs is diverse - it can be consumed undiluted, as part of various cocktails, even added to taste in tea or coffee.

Liqueurs are produced on berry or fruit juices with the addition of spices, milk, coffee. The liqueurs have a very varied taste, there is even a liqueur with a melon or artichoke aroma.

The strength of this drink also varies: it starts from 15 ° up to 60-70 °. It is important to take into account that liqueurs are also very good and pleasant to drink, so you need to be very careful about the amount of drink you drink.

One type of liquor is Baileys. It consists of Irish whiskey and cream. Thanks to the addition of vanilla, caramel, sugar, cocoa and vegetable oil, a very pleasant taste is obtained, which many women adore. This liqueur is very popular all over the world.

Most Popular

Although some women are very fond of regular beer, both light and dark, some even prefer fortified beer, however, many do not like it because of the unusual bitter taste. That is why fruit beer has become more widespread in recent years. The strength of this drink is "female", because it is only 5 ° -7 °. This drink, unlike the classic one, is not at all bitter, it has a pleasant aroma and taste. In addition, it comes in small bottles - usually 0.33 liters.

Indeed, fruit beer is the world's bestseller among girls. This beer has many flavors. These include a variety of berries such as cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, and fruits such as coconut.

By the way, in some bars such sweet coconut beer is served in a coconut shell, which makes drinking this drink especially pleasant for a girl. Interestingly, it is very small, so this is another reason to consume it, and not liqueurs, for example, which are the most high-calorie alcoholic drinks in the world. Of course, it is important to remember how many bottles you are going to drink.

For those women who are willing to take the risk, there are stronger spirits. For example, some people prefer rum, which is made from cane and to which spices and caramel are added. Others indulge in gin and tonic. Due to the fact that alcohol is diluted with carbonated water, it is very easy to drink, and from this mixture it is very easy to get drunk.

On vacation, especially in all-inclusive hotels, it is this drink that is most popular among spirits. Older women choose cognac, which helps them gain the attention and warmth of their beloved man.

Tequila with salt is also an integral part of parties, and extravagant ladies love it. Among women, there are even those who are not averse to drinking vodka on an equal basis with men - usually those who have a masculine character, specifics and clarity in their heads.

Having considered some alcoholic beverages, one can understand that there are a huge number of them that women like. It is probably very difficult to try everything. But when drinking alcohol, it is important to remember the rule - everything is good in moderation. Therefore, you need to know your measure and beware of fakes.

Women, like men, have their own preferences for alcohol. It rather depends not on gender, but on taste, character and age. Although there are drinks that are considered feminine. They are distinguished by their low strength and their own taste characteristics.

Most popular alcohol

There is a wide variety of spirits. The production technology is being improved, interesting ingredients are added, flashy names are invented.

Types of alcoholic beverages:

  1. Low alcohol. These include alcoholic beverages with an 8% ethanol content and below: beer, apple cider, kvass.
  2. Medium alcohol. With an alcohol content of up to 30%. Popular among them are noble wines, punch, mulled wine.
  3. Strong alcoholic drinks. The strength of some of them reaches 80%. Among them, most often, preference is given to - strong vodka, cognac, rum, whiskey, brandy, liqueur, tinctures.

When choosing alcoholic beverages, a person pays attention to its strength, especially for women. Some of them get drunk quickly from strong alcohol. Therefore, they give preference to lighter, in terms of ethanol content, drinks. Men are not confused by the strength of alcohol, but, on the contrary, attracts like a magnet.

Popular in Russia are vodka, beer, wine and champagne. When visiting other countries, people tend to try something new. But returning home, they prefer more familiar and affordable products.

Woman and alcohol

Some ladies drink as well as men. This is most often due to the fact that they slowly get drunk. But there are many dangers in this, one of which is alcoholism. Women get drunk faster than men.

In addition, excessive alcohol consumption by beautiful ladies is fraught with dangerous consequences:

  1. Problems with childbirth. Drinking girls reduce their chances of having healthy children, without any pathologies. In some cases, infertility awaits them.
  2. Deviations in health. Ethanol destroys the female body, weakens the immune system.
  3. Deterioration in appearance. Women begin to age faster. Their skin becomes loose and dehydrated, hair falls out, and dental problems begin.
  4. Alcoholism. Female alcoholism is dangerous because it is difficult to cure it.

A woman should know when to stop in alcohol. Large doses will not benefit anyone. Even noble alcohol in large quantities is hazardous to health. If a woman occasionally drinks a glass of wine or a bottle of beer, it will not harm the body. On the contrary, such small doses are beneficial to health. With their help, you can prevent the development of some ailments and improve mood.

Preferred alcoholic beverages by the fair sex

A woman, using alcohol, seeks to get pleasure from it. Her task is not simply to get drunk. More often than not, ladies want to try something pleasant to taste to turn their heads slightly and relax:

  • wine of various strengths and types;
  • beer, especially fruit beer;
  • champagne;
  • liquor;
  • rum and tequila.

While in society, women give preference to wine. This noble alcoholic drink is considered healthy and completely harmless in small doses. In addition, it has a great variety. Business women give more preference to white, savory varieties. The romantic nature most often chooses red, semi-sweet wine. This option is the most optimal for any woman.

A woman will not refuse a bottle of cold beer, especially in hot weather, when it cools well. The fair sex love beer with various fruit flavors.

Champagne is a sparkling wine, every holiday it decorates the festive table. Many women will love a bubbly drink. After all, it tastes good, relaxes well, a little "noise" in the head.

Alcoholic drinks for women

Ladies prefer lighter alcoholic drinks. It is important for them to feel a pleasant taste, while not getting drunk, but remaining in a relaxed state. That is why there are such popular alcoholic drinks among women:

  • champagne (sparkling wine);
  • vermouth;
  • liquor;
  • fruit beer;
  • wine.

Champagne is rightfully called a drink that is produced in the Champagne province. Its other brethren are sparkling wines, they are sweet, semi-sweet and semi-dry.

Sweet-tasting liqueurs are made on the basis of berry or fruit juices, with the addition of aromatic herbs. This drink was popular in the Middle Ages and was called the "elixir of life". At the same time, you cannot drink a lot of it, since it is alcohol with a high content of sucrose.

Recently, fruit beer has become popular among women. Unlike usual, it has a pleasant sweetish taste. Among him, women give special attention to coconut.

Wine is a noble feminine drink. The wide variety allows the ladies to choose something to their liking. For example, white sweet or red semi-dry. The main thing is not to forget that these are alcoholic beverages and you need to be careful with them.

For some reason, gatherings in bars are considered exclusively male prerogative. However, girls are also not averse to visiting a drinking establishment. My good friends, instead of nightclubs, choose a more relaxed atmosphere and on weekends go noisy company to the nearest pub. There you can relieve stress after a week of work, chat about men and have a glass of strong drinks.

There is a conditional division of alcohol into “female” and “male”, but do the stereotypes correspond to the real state of affairs? Indeed, taste preferences are dictated by physiology. The female body is not able to cope with very strong tinctures. However, under severe stress, a girl can calmly drink even medical alcohol. Therefore, the gender boundary at the bar is rather blurred. So what do ladies prefer to order? I present to you the rating of the most popular alcohol among the representatives of the weak half of humanity.

10. Absinthe

The drink is not for the shy, containing from 55 to 85% ethyl alcohol. Basically, girls do not dare to drink pure absinthe due to the specific bitter taste. The classic way of using is the dilution of wormwood tincture with syrup in a ratio of 1: 5. The popularity of the drink is due to the so-called "absinthe effect". Blurred vision, dulling pain, changing color perception and complete relaxation are just a few of the consequences of taking a green snake. In relation to women, absinthe becomes the best medicine for a broken heart.

5. Wine

It is not customary to order wines in bars; this is a more suitable drink for restaurants and cafes. The choice of semi-sweet reflects the romantic side of a woman's nature. Most likely, she herself does not understand how she was brought to this pub. The main goal is to find a companion and red wine becomes a beacon for the surrounding men.

4. Tequila

Tequila is loved by extravagant young ladies who follow blind fashion unquestioningly. The Mexican drink took the fourth place in the rating thanks to young ladies who actively order cocktails based on it. Taking a picture with a beautiful glass and posting a picture on Instagram is an empty but very popular activity.

3. Champagne

Girls cannot refuse sparkling wine, it improves mood and takes unpleasant thoughts away. Champagne is a frequenter of girls' parties, because you get drunk quickly from it, and you can only afford a little licentiousness in the company of your best friends.

2. Martini

The selection of vermouths is also a nod to windy fashion. Show-off women defiantly order a glass, be sure to specify the "ideal" amount of olives. Depending on the financial situation of the client, there are several options for the development of further events. First, the girl will sit at the counter all evening and slowly stretch one portion. The second will quickly move to cheaper drinks. The third one will find a gentleman who can cover the score. The fourth (very unlikely) - will pay for the bottle itself.

1. Cocktails

The standard choice for most bar-goers. Light, sweet and tasty low-alcohol drinks become the undoubted leader of the rating. A variety of mixtures are able to satisfy the requirements of women of all ages. Serve iron ladies shots, naive young girls - Cosmopolitan or Pina Colada, and fashionistas - Mojito.

Girls definitely have a slightly different relationship to alcohol. For them, it is not so much the fact of intoxication that is important as an effective presentation and emotional company. A beautiful glass with a bright drink, drunk during the evening in the walls of a cozy bar, will bring much more positive emotions than a carbon monoxide drunk with memory gaps. The difference between “female” alcohol and “male” alcohol lies not in degrees, but in the culture of drinking.

How to please yourself to beautiful ladies in honor of a well-deserved holiday? Of course, sweet alcoholic cocktails, pleasant to the taste and not too harmful for a slender body. We invite you to try the most popular cocktails on March 8th.

World cocktail

Cosmopolitan is a drink for real women of fashion. The world has grasped this truth with the light hand of Hollywood. How to make a famous cocktail at home? Its main ingredient is Cointreau liqueur. Although it is quite successfully replaced by "Triple Sec" or any other orange liqueur. Before cooking, we cool all the ingredients in advance, and fill the cocktail glass to the top with crushed ice. Next, alternately pour 50 ml of vodka, 25 ml of liqueur, 50 ml of cranberry and 25 ml of lemon juice into a shaker, and then beat the mixture vigorously. Pour the ice out of the glass, fill it with a cocktail and decorate with a slice of lime or lemon.

Tropical paradise

Delicate sweet "Pina Colada" is a constant favorite of alcoholic cocktails for girls. Prepare it at home and have an impromptu festive bachelorette party. Put a handful of ice cubes into a blender, pour in 50 ml of light rum, 100 ml of pineapple juice and 50 ml of Malibu coconut liqueur. You can add sliced \u200b\u200bbanana here if you like. Then the cocktail will turn out to be thicker and more saturated. Whisk all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and pour it into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. Before serving, decorate it with slices of orange, pineapple and strawberries or cream.

Azure dreams

Do you dream of the gentle rustle of the surf and the velvety sandy coast? The Blue Lagoon cocktail will help you get back into a tropical fairy tale. Let's start with lemonade. Cut off the peel from 3 lemons, pour 150 g of sugar into it, pour 800 ml of boiling water and let it cool. Add the juice of squeezed lemons, leave it in the refrigerator for an hour, and then filter thoroughly. If there is no time, lemonade can be replaced with a mixture of 30 ml of lemon juice and 120 ml of quality soda. Fill a tall glass to the very rim with ice cubes. Then pour 45 ml of vodka, 20 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur and 150 ml of ready-made lemonade into it.

Strawberry caresses

Another ladies' cocktail hit is the famous “Margarita”. The combination of stunning tequila and refreshing citruses is really sweet to a woman's heart. In addition, making such a cocktail at home is quite simple. We wash 30 g of fresh strawberries under cold water, remove the stalks and put them in a blender bowl. Add to the berries 50 ml of tequila, 20 ml of Cointreau liqueur, 30 ml of lime or lemon juice and 2-3 tbsp. l. crushed ice. Beat all ingredients until smooth. Before serving, moisten the edges of the glasses and dip them in powdered sugar, then fill it with a chilled cocktail.

Chocolate perfection

Chocolate is perhaps the most tempting delicacy that almost no woman can resist. Therefore, recipes for sweet alcoholic cocktails with his participation are especially tasty. Melt in a water bath 50 g of dark chocolate with a mass fraction of cocoa beans at least 75%. Add 40 ml of dark rum to it and cool slightly. Put 2-3 thin rings of hot red pepper on the bottom of the glass, season them with 3-4 drops of lime juice and gently break 2 quail eggs on top. Carefully, without stirring, fill them with the chocolate-rum mixture. It is recommended to serve such a cocktail with a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

The magic of aromas

Among alcoholic beverages, many ladies unconditionally prefer the classic Martini or vermouth. Its sweet tart taste and sophisticated herbal aroma are ideal for creating a wide variety of cocktail fantasies. If you sprinkle some sparkling champagne with a martini, you get a particularly harmonious union. So, combine 50 ml "Martini Bianco", 60 ml each of orange and pomegranate juice, 70 ml of cranberry juice and 100 ml of champagne in a shaker. Fill the glasses by a third with ice cubes and pour in the finished cocktail. Decorate with lemon wedges before serving.

Fruit Sunset

Another child of the hot tropics is the Daiquiri cocktail, named after the beach of the same name near Santiago. The classic recipe contains only white rum, lime and ice. However, today in many bars you can find banana, strawberry and coffee variations. With this, "Daiquiri" has earned a place of honor among the recipes for light alcoholic cocktails. We offer you another interesting improvisation. Put 3-5 tbsp into the blender bowl. l. crushed ice, add 60 ml of white rum, 15 ml of passionfruit syrup, 30 ml of lime juice and beat all the ingredients, then pour the cocktail into chilled glasses.

We hope you enjoy our cocktails and will brighten up your festive evening on March 8th. What delicious alcoholic cocktails for girls do you prefer? Share your favorite recipes in the comments.

“Don't drink wine, Gertrude! Drunkenness does not paint ladies! " BG (Boris Grebenshchikov) warned us a long time ago that it is better for the ladies not to drink alcohol at all. But sometimes you still want to. What does "sometimes" mean, how often it can be done without harm to health and appearance, we will clarify with specialists. And yet, even if “the wine does not color the ladies,” what kind of alcoholic drinks are then most suitable for women?

1. Lady, she is a lady.

Even the strongest female personality still remains a lady, which means that a woman's chance of becoming a drunkard is three times higher than that of a man, with the same use. Female alcoholism is the worst because it occurs very quickly and is practically incurable. This is how the female body works, we get drunk three times faster than men, and the intoxication of the body due to drinking "above normal" is much stronger and lasts longer. Anyway, a drunken woman is still disgusting. So it turns out that a woman who relieves stress from time to time with the help of alcoholic beverages walks along a sharp edge and at any moment can step over the fine line separating her from normal life. And besides, all the alcohol drunk by a woman is instantly reflected on her face and no makeup combined can hide the puffiness, swelling of the face, puffy eyes and "saggy cheeks."

Psychologists warn that women are confident that they will never sink to the level of a "drunkard", and women leaders are especially confident in themselves, accustomed to relieve stress with a glass of wine. Decent housewives who drink a glass or two after a quarrel with her husband or a hard day; single ladies brightening up their evenings with beer and chips; glamorous girlfriends who are accustomed to discussing their problems over a bottle of champagne ... And even when the whole world suddenly turns its back, when there is no work, a loved one has left or someone is seriously ill in the family, alcohol is not a way to “relax a little”. Psychologists say that not a single alcoholic was going to become an alcoholic consciously, moreover, even being one, many still continue to deny the problem itself.

That is why, experts advise women to pay attention to the signs that warn that there are only a couple of steps left before alcoholism:

- looking for any reason to drink without guilt;
- aggression, categorical denial, if someone tells you that you drink a lot;
- ;
- if the "duty" bottle has run out at home, at any time of the day or night you will go to the store to replenish stocks;
- all day you wait for the evening to come home and have a drink and relax;
- you can drink without snacking directly from the throat;
- only alcohol improves your mood, and even then, for a very short time;
- you do not tell anyone that you are drinking alone;
- your alcohol consumption has already caused trouble for you.

All other stages, such as losing a job due to alcohol, losing a family, deprivation of parental rights and other horrors, are actually not as far away as it seems from the initial stage on the path to alcoholism.

2. What, how much and how often.

I was lucky, I physically cannot drink more than one glass of good wine or a mug of beer, and this is for the whole month, there is no question of strong alcoholic drinks. I generally do not like alcoholic beverages (any), because they bring me nothing but nausea. Once again, I am very lucky that nature has awarded me a natural intolerance to alcohol. What do other women need to know so as not to inadvertently cross the fine line?


It would seem that it is a drink of the intelligentsia, what kind of alcoholism is there, but in reality everything is completely different. 80% of those drinks that we call "champagne" have nothing to do with champagne, but are sparkling wine, which is not very expensive, which, in principle, is impossible for the present. That is why the destructive effect of this effervescent wine on the female body is very rapid and rapid. Moreover, the so-called "champagne" has a disgusting effect on the woman's body, blood vessels, stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The maximum dose of this drink per month is 800 ml. (This is roughly one bottle of champagne.)


Wine is a noble, ancient drink, if we are talking about real wine, and not that powder tin, which is often passed off as wine. Experts say that BG is, in principle, wrong, and if a woman can drink something, then let it be good wine, but no more than 300 ml per week. It is such a drink and in such an amount that is able to bring benefits to the female body, and not harm it.


Beer is the most common drink as it is the cheapest. arises very quickly, since it is beer that gives a feeling of euphoria in the first half hour after drinking it, and that is why you want to prolong the "high" as long as possible. Beer has a disgusting effect on appearance, extra pounds grow exponentially, and the puffiness of the face after such libations cannot be hidden by any makeup. Simply put, beer is not an option for a woman. But if you still love him, then the ultimate dream is 0.33 liters per week.

Cognac, vodka and others like them

It turns out that it is better to drink one glass of cognac a week (good cognac) than to jam cheap beer with glasses. Cognac is a noble drink and in small doses, one glass a week, it, like wine, will not cause trouble for a woman. As for vodka, there is a separate conversation here, but experts say that two glasses of vodka a month are quite acceptable. True, the whole trouble is that if a woman is already drawn to vodka, then two glasses a month will hardly be limited.