Strong alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks: list

18.04.2019 Healthy eating

There are many types of strong alcoholic beverages, there is also a very strong beer. It is interesting to understand which of the alcoholic drinks is the strongest and why.

Types of strong alcoholic drinks

The most effective and the best method preparation of spirits for a long time remains continuous distillation. This method was invented back in the nineteenth century. In the preparation and distillation of strong alcohol, different raw materials are used, which is largely determined by what products are traditional for a particular area. Thanks to this, different types strong alcoholic drinks.

So in Russia and in Poland vodka is made using wheat for this. Rum is produced in Latin America, which is rich in sugar cane. Tequila and mezcal are made from blue agave in Mexico. Southern Europe famous for cognac and brandy, for the preparation of which they use the grapes growing there. In places where the climate is colder, during production spirits use potatoes, resulting in whiskey and aquavit.

There are such types of spirits: tequila, gin, cognac, calvados, brandy, mezcal, rum, armagnac, sake, absinthe, vodka. They can be divided into those that are necessarily aged according to the technology (whiskey and cognac) and unseasoned drinks (grappa, gin, vodka). But aquavitas, brandy and rums can be aged or not aged, depending on the technology.

Alcoholic drinks stronger than 40 degrees

Strong alcoholic drinks are presented to a person in a wide variety. We are talking about drinks that are stronger than forty degrees. So, a drink prepared on the basis of wormwood is called absinthe. The alcohol content in it is from seventy percent. It is this alcoholic beverage considered not just a drink, but a narcotic and hallucinogenic drug. For a long time it has been banned in many countries. Only from the end of last year, absinthe began to return, again gaining popularity.

The gin's strength ranges from forty-six to fifty-five degrees. Its second name is juniper vodka. The drink is obtained by distilling wheat alcohol with juniper. It is usually used in cocktails.

Italian grappa is reminiscent of whiskey. It is made from grape cake, and the fortress varies from forty to sixty degrees. Grappa is also compared to Spanish drink orukho and Georgian chacha.

From grape alcohol, a strong drink like armagnac, similar to cognac, is prepared. This is essentially a brandy, it is even more appreciated than cognac. Its fortress is forty-fifty-five degrees.

Alcoholic beverages that are stronger than forty degrees also include vodka, brandy, tequila, whiskey, rum, etc. In addition to these well-known types of spirits, there are unusual and exotic ones. This is chicha, her homeland is Latin America. To prepare this drink, local women have to chew dry maize grains. All this is then poured with water and insisted until the maize ferments. Experts believe that chicha causes the longest and worst hangover. The strength of the drink is more than forty degrees.

Another example of a non-standard drink is rat wine, which is made in China. Its fortress is fifty-seven degrees. To prepare a drink, newborn rats that have not yet opened their eyes are poured rice vodka... The infusion is soaked for a whole year.

The strongest beer

There is a beer that can compete with many spirits. The strongest beer was brewed in 2012 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The strength of this beer called "Armageddon" is equal to sixty-five degrees. The drink has a rich taste and aroma. It is prepared from oatmeal, wheat, caramel malt based on Scottish spring water.

In 2013, the same brewery brewed an even stronger beer - "Snake Poison". The alcohol content in it is sixty-seven and a half percent. V strong beer hop aroma, malt body and strong alcoholic notes.

Which is stronger: whiskey, cognac or vodka

Alcoholic drinks differ in the degree of strength. So in vodka - forty percent alcohol. It is made from ethyl alcohol and water. Today it is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages in the world.

Another strong alcohol ny drink, which is on a par with vodka - cognac. Unlike vodka, it is made from grapes. The strength of this drink is from forty to forty-two degrees. Whiskey is considered one of the most noble drinks... Its strength is usually within forty to fifty degrees, but there are varieties whose strength reaches sixty.

The strongest alcohol in the world

There is alcohol in America that is currently banned in thirteen states. Its name is Everclear or Devil's Water. The drink is prepared on the basis of corn or wheat alcohol, and the alcohol content is ninety-five percent.

It is rarely consumed alone, odorless and colorless devil water is added as an ingredient in various cocktails.

It is not only strong alcohol that sets records. According to the site, the bottle is not the most strong wine Inglenook Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley costs $ 20,000 a bottle. But there is wine that is ten times more expensive. Find out all about the most expensive wine.
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Spirits include drinks that contain at least 20% alcohol from the total volume of finished products.

However, today our international ranking includes a list of strong drinks that exceed this norm at least twice, reports.

We bring to your attention the strongest alcoholic drinks from all over the world. Most of them are so strong that they are consumed in cocktails or diluted.

1. Colombian rum.

This drink is considered stronger than other varieties of this drink, with a strength of up to 50%. A pirate alcoholic drink is drunk in classic combination with cola, as well as undiluted, and the composition of many cocktails.

2. Whiskey.

Whiskey is made from yeast, water and natural grains. The taste of the drink directly depends on the way they are stored and the barrels in which they are aged. Whiskey is often kept in oak or cherry barrels. It is one of the most loved foods in the UK and USA. Fortress up to 43%.

3. Aquavit.

This is one of the most popular Scandinavian drinks, with a strength of up to 50%. "Aquavit" in translation from "Latin" living water. The main ingredient for creating a drink is potato alcohol, diluted with water. Then, for several weeks and even years, the drink is infused with spices. They drink it exclusively cold, sometimes served frozen up to -18 degrees.

4. Grappa.

An Italian drink made from a wide variety of pulp grape varieties... Grappa contains 40-60% alcohol. According to ancient recipes, it is believed that the best grappa is obtained using the addition of fermented pulp.

5. Armagnac.

The drink is considered the closest relative French cognac, with a strength of 55%. The main ingredient is grape alcohol. This is one of those drinks that are often consumed undiluted.

6. Gin (juniper vodka).

There are not so many fans of undiluted gin. Gin is used to make great amount popular cocktails... The fortress is 55%. The simplest and most favorite combination of gin and tonic.

8. Moonshine.

He's twice as strong traditional vodka, the fortress is about 80 - 90 degrees. The preparation of moonshine occurs due to the distillation of the mash (alcohol-containing mass) through alcohol mashine... Braga is obtained in the process of fermentation of beets, potatoes, cereals.

The first alcoholic drink - beer - was brewed in Babylon 7 thousand years BC. But pure alcohol was received by the Arabs in the first half of the 7th century. By the way, the word "alcohol" itself is also Arabic. Translated into Russian, it means "intoxicating".

Classification of alcohol

Strong alcohol in Europe began to be obtained only in the Middle Ages by distilling wine. Later, it began to spread throughout the world. Today, there are several dozen varieties of alcohol, and the number of brands is difficult to calculate at all.

Despite this, there are only 3 types of alcoholic beverages by strength:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium alcohol;
  • strong.

It is worth noting that each country has its own standards for the strength of alcohol, according to which it belongs to a particular group. Therefore, to determine which classification alcohol belongs to, they rely on the most common indicators.

So, to weak alcohol include alcohol in which the alcohol content does not exceed 8%. These include beer, mash, cider, toddy, etc. They cause a slight feeling of intoxication and are well tolerated by the body.

In medium-strength drinks, the alcohol level does not exceed 30%. The most popular ones are wine, sake, punch, champagne, port wine, vermouth, etc. Medium alcohol drinks have a stronger effect on the body and can lead to a hangover syndrome.

Strong alcohol includes drinks in which the alcohol level exceeds 40%. In some cases, it can go up to 80%. Strong alcohol includes vodka, cognac, whiskey, tequila, etc. Overuse such drinks can be hazardous to your health!

Top 8 in the world - ascending

There are some of the strongest popular alcoholic drinks. You need to drink them carefully, observing the rules so as not to harm your health.

Rum Bacardi 151

Strength: 75.5%

Rum is produced in Bermuda and is often used as a base for a variety of cocktails... It is produced using molasses and special yeast. Rum has an intense flavor with light notes of vanilla and fruit.

Peculiarity! It is a flammable drink. As a safety precaution, a steel guard is built into the neck of the bottle.

Rum John Crow Batty

Strength: 80%

The homeland of the drink is Jamaica. Rum may well be called a local variety of moonshine. The name of the rum was given in honor of the vultures (John Crow), which feed on carrion, and therefore have an extremely strong stomach. Rum, according to local residents, has a stronger strength than the gastric juice of scavengers. Which, in fact, is reflected in the name.

Interesting! It is believed that a person capable of drinking this rum will be able to drink and digest any alcohol.

Vodka Balkan

Strength: 88%

The vodka production plant is located on the Balkan Peninsula, and the drink itself is produced in a limited number. High strength is achieved thanks to Absinthe

Strength: 89.5%

Absinthe is obtained by distilling infusions of various herbs and plant leaves. The base is bitter wormwood. Absinthe is a very strong drink, and therefore it is recommended to dilute it before use. V pure form absinthe leads to rapid alcohol intoxication.

Interesting! In 1915 absinthe was banned for sale and consumption in the USA and in a number of European countries. The drink was fully legalized only in 2004.

Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian

Strength: 90%

Another type of local Jamaican moonshine. Rum is made by distilling sugarcane juice. Due to this, it has a rich sweet taste.

An honest letter from the reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to the bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to come back very drunk every day, was rude, drank his salary. I really got scared when I pushed for the first time. Me, then daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so in a circle: lack of money, debts, abuse, tears and ... beatings. And in the mornings we apologize. We've even coded everything we've tried. Not to mention the conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, just not my husband). After coding, I didn't drink for half a year, everything seemed to be better, they began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, stayed at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And about two or two and a half months later, I came across an alcoholic drug on the Internet. At that time, I had already completely dropped my hands, my daughter left us altogether, began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and description. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there is nothing to lose at all. And what do you think ?! I began to add drops to my husband in the morning in tea, he did not notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later, I began to look more decent, my health improved. Well, then I confessed to him that I was slipping drops. He reacted adequately to a sober head. As a result, he drank a course of alcoholic toxicity, and for six months already, no-no, at work, he was promoted, his daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Save families and even lives! Read about the remedy for alcoholism.

The alcoholic strength is so high that it is simply impossible to drink pure rum. By the way, the local population always dilutes it precisely clean water... This allows you to experience the taste of the drink.

Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled

Strength: 92%

A distinctive feature of whiskey is its four-fold clarification. The drink has been produced since 1881 on about. Isla, Scotland. Significantly, Air Force reporters once loaded a car with this high-quality single malt whiskey and propelled it to 100 mph.

In Scotland itself there is a legend that for the first time it became known about this drink back in 1695. So, one of the travelers told local residents about an ancient alcoholic drink, the name of which was translated from Gaelic as "dangerous whiskey". As the traveler said, after the third sip of this drink, you can melt on the spot.

Everclear Grain vodka

Strength: 95%

Vodka has a perfectly transparent, crystal color. But she has practically no taste. Therefore, it is ideal for dilution with other drinks. Interestingly, over the years, vodka has been banned from sale in many states of the United States, as well as Canada. Only recently has the drink been legalized.

It is categorically impossible to drink vodka undiluted. Immediately after the first sip, the person may lose consciousness. "Thanks" to such a feature and strong strength, vodka was entered in the Guinness Book of Records in 1979. Until recently, it was considered the strongest alcoholic drink in the world. And yet, the palm does not belong to Everclear Grain vodka.

Spirytus vodka

Strength: 96%

Those who have tried this vodka note its soft and "divine" taste, as well as delicate aroma... On the basis of vodka in Poland itself, liqueurs, balms, and various alcoholic beverages are produced. Vodka is even used in medicine.

Due to the excessively high strength, the drink should never be drunk in its pure form. Those who decided on such an experiment compared a sip of vodka with a punch in the stomach. Her breath catches.

How to choose

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of alcohol, you should adhere to the recommendations of experts:

  1. It is better to purchase alcoholic drink in large supermarkets or specialty stores. Such outlets care about their reputation, and therefore there is a rather low probability of "running into" a fake.
  2. It is important to understand that high-quality spirits cannot be sold at a low price.
  3. When choosing vodka, you need to carefully examine the cork and the brand. The cork itself must not twist, and the stamp must be firmly glued and free from defects.
  4. Imported vodka is laser-marked, which cannot be erased with your fingers.
  5. When buying cognac, you must carefully examine the contents: the color should be transparent, and there should be no sediment at the bottom.
  6. The authenticity of cognac is checked using clever trick- the bottle is turned upside down. If only one drop falls from the bottom, the drink is genuine. If a few drops, then a fake is sold.


The strength of alcoholic beverages is not limited to 40%. There are many very strong drinks in the world, many of which are not recommended to be drunk in their pure form. Regardless of the drink you choose, it should be remembered that drinking too much alcohol has a strong Negative influence on the human body.

The strongest alcoholic drinks November 22nd, 2016

There are many ways to have fun. Someone will prefer the evening at home watching a family comedy, someone else - to move from club to club until morning, and the third can take a trip to distant lands with the brightest local flavor. But it just so happened that most of the fun scenarios are mixed with alcohol. No, we are convinced: you can have fun without degrees. And it's better not to mess with the drinks from this list at all: you never know how the night in such a company will end!

Alcohol is the most popular travel souvenir and an invariable item on the program of any trip. But we advise you to think carefully before trying drinks from this rating abroad. After all, their strength is far from everyone's teeth. But, nevertheless, tourists rarely manage to restrain themselves so as not to taste ...

10. Stroh - 40-80%

This spiced rum is the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Stro is extremely rarely consumed in its pure form. But his spicy taste perfectly complements traditional baked goods as well as "winter" cocktails like hunting tea and punch. Drink available in different options, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned a certain fame in the entertainment world. AND this drink perfectly complements Bob Marley's "glorious" list of intoxicating country attractions. To cope with this type of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to have a truly steel stomach!

8. Sunset rum - 84.5%

Originally from the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean, this rum is worthy of a true pirate. Due to its high strength, “Zakat” is strictly not recommended to drink in its pure form, but only as a component in cocktails.

7. Vodka Balkan - 88%

It turns out that the harshest vodka is not at all in Russia, but in Bulgaria. The danger of using this potion is immediately warned by 13 labels on the package. Triple distillation, mix only.

6. Vodka Pincer Shanghai Strength - 88.8%

Don't let the name fool you: the homeland of the drink with three eights is Scotland. "Shanghai" is officially recognized as the most strong vodka in the world. It is noteworthy that it is in the region of highlanders and kilts that the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin, are also produced. What can you say here: the Scots are tough guys.

Not sure which souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, it is difficult to guess what will happen after meeting this "green fairy". No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and laconic - "no rules".

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugarcane juice. Therefore, it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, you will hardly be able to feel it in full: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean attraction is simply not familiar.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember when we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorable list! Truly Scottish heritage. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What does this potion do to human body, we can only guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

The strongest alcoholic drink in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (1979). Banned for sale in California, Florida and 7 other US states since 2015. A popular rock group is also named after him. Certainly not for lightness.

1. Spirytus - 96%

The "divine" and "spiritual" taste of this Polish invention knowledgeable people compared to a blow to the stomach, from which it takes your breath away. We strongly discourage use.

There are many ways to have fun. Someone will prefer the evening at home watching a family comedy, someone - until morning to move from club to club, and the third give a trip to distant lands with the brightest local flavor. But it just so happened that most of the fun scenarios are mixed with alcohol. No, we are convinced: you can have fun without degrees. And it's better not to mess with the drinks from this list at all: you never know how the night in such a company will end!

Alcohol is the most popular travel souvenir and an invariable item on the program of any trip. But we advise you to think carefully before trying drinks from this rating abroad. After all, their strength is far from everyone's teeth. But, nevertheless, tourists rarely manage to restrain themselves so as not to taste ...

10. Stroh - 40-80%

This spiced rum is the most popular souvenir from Austria. Tourists buy it in liters, but in vain: in view of the high fortress, Stro is extremely rarely consumed in its pure form. But its spicy taste perfectly complements traditional baked goods, as well as “winter” cocktails like hunting tea and punch. The drink is available in various flavors, with an alcohol content of 40% to 80%.

9. White Rum John Crow Batty Rum - 80%

In the twentieth century, Jamaica has earned a certain fame in the entertainment world. And this drink perfectly complements Bob Marley's "glorious" list of intoxicating landmarks in the country. To cope with this type of rum (and, in fact, moonshine), you need to have a truly steel stomach!

8. Sunset rum - 84.5%

Originally from the island of St. Vincent in the Caribbean, this rum is worthy of a true pirate. Due to its high strength, “Zakat” is strictly not recommended to drink in its pure form, but only as a component in cocktails.

7. Vodka Balkan - 88%

It turns out that the harshest vodka is not at all in Russia, but in Bulgaria. The danger of using this potion is immediately warned by 13 labels on the package. Triple distillation, mix only.

6. Vodka Pincer Shanghai Strength - 88.8%

Don't let the name fool you: the homeland of the drink with three eights is Scotland. Shanghai is officially recognized as the strongest vodka in the world. It is noteworthy that it is in the region of highlanders and kilts that the strongest beer (41%!), As well as the strongest gin, are also produced. What can you say here: the Scots are tough guys.

5. Absinthe Hapsburg Gold - 89.9%

Not sure which souvenir to bring from the Czech Republic? Certainly not Hapsburg Gold absinthe. Only if you are an artist, poet or, at worst, a designer. After all, it is difficult to guess what will happen after meeting this "green fairy". No wonder the slogan of the drink is simple and laconic - "no rules".

4. Rum River Antoine Royale Grenadian - 90%

A drink that we would proudly call moonshine. Distilled from sugarcane juice. Therefore, it has a pronounced sweet taste. True, you will hardly be able to feel it in full: any bartender will immediately serve you a glass of water “included”. Otherwise, this Caribbean attraction is simply not familiar.

3. Whiskey Bruichladdich X4 Quadrupled - 92%

Remember when we said that the Scots are famous for the strongest vodka and beer? Feel free to add whiskey to this honorable list! Truly Scottish heritage. BBC journalists even managed to charge a sports car with a drink and accelerate it to 100 miles per hour! What this potion does to the human body is anyone's guess.

2. Everclear - 95%

The strongest alcoholic drink in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records (1979). Banned for sale in California, Florida and 7 other US states since 2015. A popular rock group is also named after him. Certainly not for lightness.

1. Spirytus - 96%

Knowledgeable people compare the "divine" and "spiritual" taste of this Polish invention to a punch in the stomach, which makes them breathless. We strongly discourage use.

If you have already decided on an evening accompanied by alcohol, do it carefully and correctly. And do not skimp on your own health. Even though.