Drinking beer, drinking too much beer. Excessive beer consumption: harm and consequences

Today, beer is the most common drink with a low alcohol concentration. It is generally accepted that beer is revered only by men who, drinking this drink, thus rest after working days. But more and more often you can see women who abuse this intoxicating drink, without thinking about the irreversible consequences that can arise as a result of drinking a lot of beer. For a long time, the beer drink was used exclusively for medicinal purposes, but, many years later, because of this drink, the number of people drinking beer is growing around the world.

Its special feature is that every beer drinker does not recognize this as an addiction, which is why beer alcoholism is so common.

Why beer is bad for men

Today, almost every man cannot imagine relaxing with friends or watching a football match without this intoxicating drink. And just a can of beer in front of the TV every day is considered acceptable, but under this lies a lot of negative consequences, they can be:

  • One of the most important factors is dependence on beer, which can lead to negative effects of alcohol on the human body. Due to the abuse of beer in large quantities, hormonal changes in the body can be the consequence. This is due to the fact that the beer drink contains a large amount of female hormones, phytoestrogens, produced by a combination of malt and hoppy "bumps", which are able to suppress male testosterones;
  • The consequence of such suppression can arise such consequences as obesity in the type of a female figure, hence the "beer belly" arises, and most importantly, with the use of a large and constant amount of beer, the male function gradually weakens. The result can be impotence, and the risk of having healthy children increases significantly;
  • An excess of female hormone also leads to hormonal changes occurring in the male body. This is manifested in the fact that men begin to be more prone to bitchiness inherent in women, their breasts can significantly increase and even cellulite appears. The consequence of the predominance of these hormones can also affect the behavior of men in the body, feminine qualities begin to predominate and quite often their timbre of voice changes, it becomes higher.

In addition, the predominance of the female hormone in a man's body not only affects sexual function, but also has a very large effect on the cardiovascular system, which can lead to a heart attack.

What is the harm of beer abuse for women

Every year the number of women drinking beer is increasing, but for the most part none of them fully understands what the consequences may arise in the future. A woman's body is very fragile with a very complex structure, which is aimed at the birth of healthy children.
The negative consequences that can occur if you abuse beer:

  • Drinking a beer drink negatively affects fertility. The phytoestrogens found in beer significantly increase the amount of female hormones in the body. The consequence of this may be that women become aggressive as a result of overexcitability in such a state are very often exposed to promiscuous sex;
  • But nevertheless, the main negative consequence is that women who consume a large amount of beer drink put their future children at risk of being born with all sorts of pathologies and deviations. And also this low-alcohol drink can lead to the occurrence of various diseases related directly to reproductive function and the result in such cases may be infertility or pathological non-bearing of the fetus;
  • Even if a woman who has consumed the foamy drink for such a long time manages to become pregnant, then there is a very high risk of having a child with pathology. Very often, children born of mom and dad who drank beer, from a very young age, already have an addiction to this drink.

Such internal changes pass imperceptibly and become clear as a result, but outwardly it is very indicative. This often affects the condition of the facial skin, it becomes more wrinkled and the aging process begins much earlier. And also complete apathy and irritability, aggressiveness - these are all external signs of alcohol dependence.

How beer alcoholism affects the body as a whole

The detrimental effect of beer on the body, regardless of whether a man or a woman, can also lead to general negative consequences. First of all, beer negatively affects the functioning of the brain. This is due to the fact that the presence of alcohol in beer promotes the adhesion of red blood cells, which can lead to the formation of blood clots. This process contributes to the death of nerve cells, because due to clogging of neurons, they cannot receive the required amount of oxygen.

But what is characteristic of this process of neuronal death exposes a person to euphoria while drinking alcoholic beverages, but the consequence of short-term bliss comes "payback" therefore very often headache in the morning.

The body, having come to itself in the morning, begins to actively recover and for this it is required to use all organs in order to remove the consequences of drinking from the body. Therefore, the kidneys and liver begin to work in an enhanced mode at this time, a huge burden is imposed on them, requiring huge costs.

Very frequent consumption of the intoxicated drink exposes these vital organs to exhaustion and wear and tear, which can lead to serious illness. During the period of cleansing the body from alcohol intoxication, the kidneys, liver and brain require a large amount of water. And as a result of the fact that while drinking beer, the excretion of water increases, then in the morning there is generally general malaise and a very headache. Due to the lack of moisture, the "cleansing" organs have to look for water throughout the body, so a hangover always wants water.

Due to the fact that a huge load is made on certain organs, this is all reflected on the heart. Due to constant stress during the recovery process, the heart begins to increase, it depends on the amount drunk, since the more alcohol, the longer it will take to remove it. In this case, the heart needs more volume to support the vital organs. But as a result of constant overload, an enlarged heart can stop due to the fact that it will not be able to pump such an amount of blood throughout the body. A toxic component such as cobalt, a stabilizer used to fix beer foam, also has a very negative effect on the heart.

Each time you drink a beer drink, the amount of this substance increases, since it tends to accumulate in the body and this can lead to cardiac arrest.

Scientists studying the problem of alcoholism, quite reasonably consider it illegal to classify alcoholic products according to the degrees of their harmful effects on the body, since there are no harmless ones among them.

Contrary to such an attitude, beer producers, advertising their goods, strive to increase the influx of buyers by the fact that beer is not alcoholic, but low-alcohol, supposedly harmless and almost healthy "drink". And this despite the fact that in recent years the alcohol content in beer reaches 14% in some varieties (that is, it corresponds to wines in alcohol content), while in the USSR, the strength of beer, depending on the variety, ranged from 1.5-6%, and more often - from 2.8% in Zhigulevskoye to 3.5% in Moskovsky. Not many people know that a bottle of light beer is equivalent to 50-60 grams of vodka. Four bottles a day - 200-240 grams of vodka, almost half a bottle. The situation is even worse with energy cocktails. Here, to the same amount of alcohol, caffeine is added in the amount of four cups of strong coffee per can.

Beer alcoholism

The fact that beer alcoholism exists has long been known. And although in the eyes of the layman it is less dangerous than wine and vodka, its consequences are devastating. In the 19th century, the British, struggling with alcoholism, decided to replace strong alcoholic products with beer. But soon the "beer law" had to be canceled, since its introduction only aggravated drunkenness. The first Reich Chancellor of Germany, Bismarck, who knew firsthand about the harmful effects of drinking beer, gave the following definition of beer alcoholism: "Beer makes people lazy, stupid and powerless" (the term "powerless" meant impotence).

The effects of beer on the heart

The most destructive and harmful consequence of excessive beer consumption is heart disease or, as the German doctor Professor Bolinger called it, Bavarian "beer" or "bullish" heart... It is expressed in the expansion of the cavities of the heart, thickening of its walls, necrosis in the heart muscle, decrease in mitochondria, etc. It is recognized that these changes are associated with the presence of cobalt in beer, which is used as a stabilizer for beer foam. The content of this toxic element in the heart muscle in beer drinkers exceeds the permissible norm by 10 times. In addition, in beer drinkers, cobalt causes inflammation in the esophagus and stomach.

There are other factors that interfere with the work of the heart in beer alcoholism. These are, first of all, large portions of beer consumed by its lovers per day, as well as the saturation of beer with carbon dioxide. Once in the body, beer quickly overwhelms the blood vessels. This leads to varicose veins and expansion of the borders of the heart. This is how the beer heart syndrome or the nylon stocking syndrome occurs, when the heart greatly increases in size, sags, becomes flabby and does not pump blood well.

Beer and hormones

Beer contains a number of toxic substances, including heavy metal salts, which cause changes in the endocrine system. So, in the body of men with the systematic use of beer, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Beer contains phytoestrogens - an analogue of the female sex hormone, which leads to a gradual feminization of the male population. Male beer drinkers begin to store female-type fat - on the hips and sides - the mammary glands grow (gynecomastia), the pelvis becomes wider. Beer weakens interest in the other sex. Fifteen to twenty years of beer experience - and impotence is guaranteed. Women who drink beer are more likely to get cancer, infertility, and if this is a nursing mother, then the child may have epileptic seizures. Also, women have a rougher voice and the so-called "beer mustache" appear.

The effects of beer on the brain

Based on studies conducted in 1985 in paid clinics in Canada by comparing beer drinkers with consumers of other alcoholic products, it was found that the diagnosis of "palpable liver" is most often diagnosed in people who regularly drink beer.

Studies in many countries show that chronic alcoholism develops 3-4 times faster from drinking beerthan from strong alcoholic products. Although, addiction is caused by ethyl alcohol itself, regardless of the "container" - beer, wine, vodka - who receives a hefty dose of alcohol daily with beer, is psychologically protected, does not feel his danger and is not going to fight it. This will be so until a person sees himself in deep beer addiction. If he does not "improve his health" in the morning with a bottle or two of beer, his mental and physical well-being worsens, a breakdown and other symptoms appear.

The harm of beer to the human body is very extensive. The death of brain cells, which, dying, enter the bloodstream, are filtered by the kidneys and come out with urine (video), spinal cord dysfunction, myocardial dystrophy, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, neuropathy, damage to the visual and auditory analyzers. There has also been a correlation between daily beer consumption and increased blood pressure. One of the serious complications of beer alcoholism is lactic acidosis and hypo-natremia. Patients with beer alcoholism end up in hospitals in an extremely serious, neglected condition, most often with severe dementia and a decrease in personal assessment. These are the main consequences of beer alcoholism.

Beer is a legal drug

According to modern research, beer is the first legal drugpaving the way for other, more powerful illegal drugs. It is the consumption of beer that is the root cause of the crippled lives of millions of our compatriots. Narcologists claim that alcohol is the most aggressive of drugs, and beer alcoholism is characterized by particular cruelty. This explains the end of the beer orgy with fights, murders, rapes and robberies.

An employee of the Department of Biomedical Foundations of Human Life at the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University S. Anikin in his article "Beer is not milk" gives a number of examples confirming the above. The events of May 2002 on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow, when football fans excited by beer staged "large-scale demonstrative beatings" of not only compatriots, but also citizens of other countries, are an analogy of the data he cited about the disastrous consequences of drinking beer for society, especially for the younger generation. A graduate of one of the Moscow schools was beaten to death, who happened to be in a crowd of drunken teenagers and young people, smashing cars and shop windows, brutally beating people who came to hand ...

All of these events have confirmed: alcohol and idleness give rise to aggression.

Growth in beer consumption in Russia

Judging by the level of beer produced and sold in trade, Russia has now become one of the countries whose population occupies "leading" positions in the use of this product, which is still considered low-alcoholic and even "non-alcoholic". And this despite the fact that the chief sanitary doctor of Russia G. Onishchenko, on behalf of all medicine, spoke in the Uchitelskaya Gazeta with an article about the harmful effects of beer consumption. According to the research carried out by the Department of Biomedical Foundations of Safe Viability of Krasnoyarsk State University, out of four thousand interviewed people aged 7 to 20 years, 48% of first-graders were drinking alcoholic beverages, which is 12 times higher than the indicators of 10-12 years ago. As stated by G. Onishchenko, beer consumption in the country is growing "due to adolescents and women of childbearing age".

Beer advertising is silent about the harm

Such a multiple leap in beer consumption is not surprising, given the persistently imposed, diverse in the way of presenting beer advertising to gullible Russians who had no prior experience of opposing it. That there are colorfully decorated huge billboards in cities and on highways advertising the extraordinary "usefulness" of beer, and the murderous daily annoying advertising of beer on television, moved from beer advertising to the imposition of a beer lifestyle.

And how can you get past the advertising message that sounds from television related to beer: "There are things worth living for!"?

According to some "experts" beer is healthier than milk. Some media recommend it to pregnant women and nursing mothers for better lactation, and children - for a sweeter, deeper sleep.

It's not customary to talk about poisonous compounds and the dangers of beer

But none of the media reported that in terms of harm to the body, beer can only be compared with moonshinesince in the process of alcoholic fermentation, both in beer and in moonshine, much more toxic compounds accompanying alcohol (by-products of fermentation) are preserved in full, these are aldehydes, fusel oils, methanol, ethers, the content of which in beer is tens and hundreds of times higher than the level of their permissible concentration in vodka obtained from the highest purity alcohol.

Beer alcoholism leads to the degradation of generations

First of all, on the layman who believes in all the beautiful fairy tales about the "drink" available to him at a price. As for the beautiful pictures with beer on the billboards and short advertising "vaudeville" on TV, they are primarily addressed to young people. We can say that now a war is being waged against the younger generation with the help of cheap low-alcohol drinks, as low as possible in prices to the level of fresh water and equal to the price of a school breakfast. It is not difficult to guess what a modern teenager will choose on the street simply by wanting to drink - water or beer. As a result, in front of their parents, sober children turn into drinking youth, and drinking youth into drunken parents. Isn't it clear that beer subculture is the beginning of drug addiction culture, leading to the degradation of generations, and in the end - to the death of the entire people.

The myth of a domestic beer producer

How can one explain the lack of understanding of this terrible prospect on the part of Russian legislators? It is considered that beer production and trade replenish the state budget. Based on this, the beer consumer is a true patriot of Russia, helping the domestic producer.

In 2004, there were about 300 breweries in the Russian Federation. Their absolute number belongs to foreign capital. For example, revenues from Nevsky beer go to Denmark, Holster beer - to Germany, Miller - to America, Stary Melnik - to Turkey, Fat Man - to Belgium, Bochkarev - to Spain, " Gold Barrel "- to South Africa. The profits from the beer of the Baltika concern, as well as from the OA Pikra beer, go to Scandinavia. Consequently, beer fans support not a domestic, but a foreign manufacturer... Foreign tycoons have found fertile soil in Russia, which released the monopoly on alcohol in the 90s, but we will have to pay for their business with our future.

So it's time to free the Russians from illusions and remember the instruction of a hundred years ago, the tsarist general A. Nechvolodov: "Russia's path from ruin to prosperity is the path of sober Russia"... It is necessary that the deputies of all levels soberly consider, finally, the alcohol situation in the country as a whole and adopt a law on state anti-alcohol policy, and in particular, recognize beer as an alcoholic product, which it actually is.

True patriots of Russia appeal to all adults and children with a request: raise children as teetotalers!

Prepared on the basis of materials: "Features of beer alcoholism". Z. Korobkina.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

The history of making and drinking beer goes back several millennia. It was made in ancient China and Sumer, Egypt and Greece. The Novgorod birch bark letters keep references to him. Beer was brewed from wheat and barley, rye and millet, rice and fruits. In medieval Europe, monks significantly advanced brewing technology, introduced hops into the recipe.

In modern Russia, the consumption of beer, according to various estimates, makes up from 30 to 40 percent of the total amount of alcohol (in the volume of pure alcohol). In recent years, there has been a positive trend in our country to reduce the amount of alcohol consumed, including beer. Increasingly, people are looking for an answer to the question: "If I drink beer every day, how to quit?"

What is beer

Beer is an alcoholic beverage in which ethyl alcohol is formed during the fermentation of wort (a specially prepared aqueous solution of plant materials or malt). Requirements for raw materials, physical and chemical indicators and technologies for beer production are subject to regulation by the system of national and interstate standards.

The standards in force in Russia indicate that ethyl alcohol should not be added when brewing beer. The volumetric alcohol content of beer ranges from 2 to 8 percent. The so-called "non-alcoholic beer" also contains alcohol, but its share does not exceed 0.5%. Thus, it is quite appropriate to ask the question: "How much beer can you drink without harm to your health?"

What does official medicine say?

Drinking alcoholic beverages is an integral part of European culture. Different peoples have developed stable drinking traditions associated with all kinds of rituals and ceremonies, as well as with everyday gastronomic habits. On the other hand, medical research indicates that alcohol is definitely harmful to the human body. In order not to rush to extremes, she proposed the so-called permissible norms for the use of alcoholic beverages.

These norms used the concept of a standard dose of alcohol, which was 10 grams. On average, this corresponded to 250 ml of beer. It was considered acceptable to consume alcohol no more than twice a week in the amount of up to 2 doses per day. If, for example, more than 40 grams of alcohol a day, then it was considered harmful. It would seem that the answer to the question: "Can I drink beer?" - received. However, due to the increasing incidence of alcoholism and alcohol-related illnesses, the WHO European Committee has made recommendations to reduce alcohol consumption. At the same time, the thesis was put forward that it cannot be in principle. What caused such a radical approach?

How excessive beer consumption affects the heart

Beer contains substances that cause a relaxing intoxicating effect. Therefore, regular consumption of beer leads not only to alcohol addiction, but also to its perception as a sedative. Someone might say, "So what? I drink beer every day!" The consequences of this attitude can be dire. After a certain time, without beer, it becomes difficult to calm down and relax. The frequency of use and the amount of the drink consumed are growing, alcoholic excesses occur. First of all, the cardiovascular system is hit.

Beer is quickly absorbed by the body, creating the effect of filling the blood vessels. After several years of regular beer consumption, varicose veins develop, arrhythmia develops, and the risk of ischemic disease increases. The heart itself becomes flabby, its walls coarse and thicken.

There is a term "beer heart" - a syndrome of enlargement of the heart observed on x-ray examination, which over time can lead to heart failure and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of death from stroke.

Other organs

The beer contains fermentation elements. Together with alcohol, they form an aggressive irritant to the digestive tract. There is a supersaturation with carbon dioxide, the stomach is significantly stretched. There is a "beer belly" effect. The mucous membrane is reborn, digestion worsens. The activity of the pancreas is disrupted. There is a danger of chronic alcoholic gastritis.

The gradual accumulation of alcohol has a damaging effect on the liver. Experts note the danger of hepatitis, which can be latent.

Excessive beer consumption on the kidneys is no less dangerous. They start to work at high loads. Important microelements are washed out from the body. The water and acid-base balance is disturbed. The kidneys themselves decrease in size over time.

In women, drinking too much beer for several years has an increased risk of developing breast cancer.

All this inevitably suggests: "I drink beer every day ... How to quit?"

Features of the impact of beer on men

Many people like to drink beer in the evening after work. The benefits and harms for men of this habit, of course, depend on the regularity and amount of consumption of the drink. Medicine strongly recommends minimizing the intake of any alcohol, including beer.

In men who regularly drink more than 0.5 liters of beer per day, the production of male hormones decreases over time. The raw materials used in the preparation of beer contain substances that are analogs of female sex hormones. When they enter the male body in excess, they cause changes in the endocrine system. Feminization of the male body begins. Outwardly, this manifests itself in an increase in fat reserves on the hips and sides, an increase in the mammary glands, and an expansion of the pelvis. There is a decrease in sexual function and sexual desire. And if we take into account the weight gain inevitable with frequent consumption of beer, it becomes obvious that we need to find an answer to the question: "How is beer in the evenings?"

The phenomenon of beer alcoholism

There is an opinion that alcoholism is a disease associated with the use of strong alcoholic beverages. "Is drinking beer every day alcoholism? It's liquid bread!" - so, unfortunately, lovers of foam think.

Many consider beer to be a harmless, relaxing drink. It is widely advertised, relatively affordable, and has a low cost. Its use does not require any reason or the creation of a special setting for a feast. It is everyday routine that creates the prerequisite for an uncritical attitude to the quantity and regularity of beer consumption, contributes to the formation of mental and physiological dependence. The taste and calming properties of beer do not create the proper motivation to fight the attraction to it, as, for example, in cases of excessive consumption of vodka. Instead of saying to yourself: "I drink beer every day! How to quit?", A person imperceptibly loses will and vigilance.

Meanwhile, regular consumption of beer is accompanied by a gradual increase in the amount of ethyl alcohol entering the body. Alcoholic toxins gradually accumulate in the cells, the depth of poisoning increases. As a result, beer alcoholism develops over time, which very often turns into chronic. Anyone who has been drinking 3 liters of beer every day for a long time needs to be treated by a narcologist.

Features of the fight against beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism is classified as severe alcoholism. The problem is aggravated by the fact that victims themselves rarely seek help from a narcologist or psychiatrist. As a rule, they are patients of cardiologists, complain of kidney, liver and stomach. But the root cause of all these disorders is precisely the excessive consumption of beer, which has developed over time into a stable addiction.

Such people need to be persuaded to undergo addiction treatment because they do not consider themselves alcoholics. Family members play an important role in this. If you begin to notice that your husband has started drinking more than one liter of beer every day, gets annoyed in its absence, has a beer belly, cannot relax without a bottle of foam, it is time to take drastic measures. Of course, it is best to immediately contact a specialist. But sometimes, for various reasons, it is very difficult to persuade a person to go to a narcologist.

How to help a loved one

First of all, the problem needs to be voiced. For such a conversation, you need to carefully prepare. Study the articles, find the right moment. It is necessary to focus attention not on a complete ban on drinking beer - the benefits and harms for men of drinking beer should be explained in detail in the context of the inadmissibility of too frequent consumption.

You need to find out the beer. Try planning your next weekend or after work together. Change the environment, take time with something interesting. If health permits, you can try to do sports together. If it's about the company, you need to think of a reason to meet with beer lovers less often. If the situation has gone far, you need to create motivation to visit the doctor. It can be positive, related, for example, to the tasks of self-improvement, improving health and family relationships. You can also apply negative motivation associated with possible losses in case of continuing such a lifestyle.

How to help yourself

If at some point you felt that the usual bottle of beer no longer brings the same pleasure, if, waking up in the morning with a heavy head and a swollen face, you thought: “I drink beer every day - how to quit?”, Then the time has come, without delay , to begin a new life! The main thing is to create the necessary psychological attitude and make a volitional decision to follow a new way of life. After all, everything becomes boring over time, and beer is no exception. Of course, it is difficult to immediately give up the usual drink. But you can try to introduce a certain ritual of drinking beer, for example, only on weekends and no more than a glass for a specially prepared dish.

It is important to think over the means of self-control, all kinds of motivators. You may be able to find good reasons for yourself why you should give up alcohol altogether. For example, buying a car or wanting to devote more time to your family. You need to understand that it is not a bottle of beer that should govern your life, but yourself.

If you feel that you are not coping with the situation, see your doctor. Do not hesitate to ask for help in the fight against your addiction, until it has caused irreparable harm to your health and life.

What difficulties may arise

If you have been drinking beer regularly for a long time, be prepared to face some problems if you refuse it. You need to understand that alcohol consumption generates physiological and psychological dependence. This is especially true of beer, as drinking it has a relaxing and slightly dulling effect.

Possible troubles can be conditionally divided into psychological problems and physiological disorders in the work of organs. You will have to give up many habits, change to learn how to cope with mood swings. At the same time, in connection with the cessation of the flow of alcohol into the body, insomnia, trembling of the limbs, headaches and muscle pains may occur. All this will have to be overcome by an effort of will. In the event that the situation is serious and neglected, the refusal of alcohol should occur under the supervision of a doctor and accompanied by medical assistance.


For all the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, we must nevertheless admit that beer is not to blame for the fact that some people consume it too often and too much. Beer is a delicious and, in a sense, a healthy product, if you treat it with proper understanding.

Studies have shown that beer contains many beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Some experts argue that with moderate and occasional beer consumption, it can have a positive effect. Do not discount the gastronomic traditions of a particular area. But the problem is that the answer to the question of whether you can drink beer and how much you can drink is purely individual. And if you take it responsibly, you can always make the right, independent choice.

In ancient times, drinking beer was believed to improve appetite, accelerate growth and physical development, and promote health. Doctors of medieval Europe even attributed it to exhaustion, kidney and bladder diseases, asthma and insomnia, and skin problems.
Today's beer differs in composition, taste, color, and effect on the body from the product that people once brewed and drank.

What are the benefits of drinking beer?

Beer is high in potassium and low in sodium. Moderate amounts of beer can be consumed by those who suffer from hypertension and are forced to limit themselves to salt.

Beer contains a lot of vitamins B1 and B2. Drinking 1 liter of beer will provide 40-60% of the daily requirement for thiamine (B1) and riboflavin (B2).
Beer is rich in ascorbic acid - it is added to prevent oxidation processes.
The citric acid in beer stimulates the formation of urine and thus prevents the appearance of kidney stones, so in this case, drinking beer is beneficial.

Phenolic compounds of beer are the most valuable components of this drink. They prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize lipid metabolism and protect against heart attacks and strokes, but if you drink beer in moderation.
Carbon dioxide in beer stimulates gastric secretion and blood flow to muscles, liver, lungs and kidneys. In addition, he does not allow to drink beer in one gulp and thus keeps him from getting intoxicated quickly.
Hop extractives have a calming effect and have bactericidal properties when drinking beer.

What is the harm in drinking beer?

Excessive drinking of beer puts stress on the venous bed, on the heart. The heart "sags", becomes flabby, can hardly cope with its functions. And since everything in the body is interconnected, other organs begin to suffer.
After drinking a couple of a glass of beer in the body, a substance is released that suppresses the production of the main male hormone - testosterone. As a result, female hormones are more actively produced. Plus, plant analogues of female hormones - phytoestrogens - enter the body from hops. If this lasts for many years, the man's pelvis becomes wider, the mammary glands enlarge, i.e. the physique of a man acquires a female figure.

Drinking beer stimulates your appetite and forces you to eat more than you need to.

What dose of beer is considered safe?

1 liter per day of usual strength (3-5%) gives about 40 g of ethanol alcohol entering the blood. This is the limit of alcohol you should consume per day. But it is better to limit yourself to drinking 0.5 liters of beer per day.

In today's crazy world, it is so difficult to keep peace and order in the soul. Constant stress, problems at work and at home induce many to come to the help of alcohol, in particular to beer. It seems to many that a bottle of beer can only bring benefits and does not harm health at all. It seems that this is the surest remedy in solving all psychological problems.

Beer brings long-awaited relaxation and relief. To begin with, it is enough to drink a glass and everything comes back to normal, but gradually the dose increases, and you no longer notice how you drink one, two glasses, two bottles and can no longer stop. And the body, accustomed to the daily dose of alcohol, requires more and more.

Scientists have been able to prove that the daily effect of beer on the body leads to addiction, and this process is accelerated three, or even four times than dependence on strong drinks, for example, vodka. Many do not consider beer to be alcohol and think that addiction cannot threaten them, because there are not many degrees in this drink.

This is a delusion, doctors have long been sounding the alarm because their patients are not ready to compare the consumption of beer and the subsequent alcoholism. Beer spirits assure their family and friends that they have no problems with alcohol, they are not addicted. They argue that they do not skip work, do not get drunk and do not suffer from a hangover. They are always of sound mind and memory. But all their arguments speak of a completely different picture of the disease.

Some symptoms that can witness an onset of the disease:

  • an increase in body fat in the abdomen;
  • tremor, when hands are trembling with an unarmed look;
  • frequent unjustified aggression;
  • memory problems;
  • men's health begins to suffer; the first symptoms of impotence appear;
  • refusing beer is more troublesome, the person does not sleep well, cannot calm down, and feels uncomfortable.

Symptoms get worse over time. And the systematic consumption of beer every day brings more and more harm to humans.

Foamy drink and the digestive system

Many are confused by the fact that the presence of alcohol in the drink is small. This indicator may vary for different types of beer. Yes, there is a little alcohol in beer from 10% to 14%, while in a popular drink, in vodka, this figure reaches 40%. But not everyone understands that drinking a bottle of beer, which corresponds to 50 grams, or even 100 grams. vodka, and there can be not one, two or three such bottles in the evening. Even a small amount of this low-alcohol drink already contains all substances harmful to the body, the same as in vodka.

Namely, methanol, aldehyde and fusel oils are only that small part of the total composition of the drink. The foamy drink is prepared with the addition of fermentation products, and they, in turn, affect the walls of the stomach, irritate the mucous membranes and disrupt the entire process of digestion. A side effect of beer can be gastritis and ulcers, and with them unpleasant symptoms of belching, heartburn, and bloating. Since the gastrointestinal tract begins to cope worse with its functions, the whole body begins to suffer.

Until then, cheerful and active people become lethargic, irritable and unsociable. Many beer alcoholics develop weakness, pain in the abdomen, and there is always a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, which you cannot eat with any food.

In addition to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, problems begin with the main organ, which rises to fight alcohol. With the daily use of a foamy drink, albeit in small quantities, one or two bottles a day, the liver loses its function every day, weakens the work of cleansing the blood from alcohol decomposition products.

The liver, having used up its full potential, begins to suffer, which leads to cirrhosis. The kidneys also work hard. Beer, possessing a diuretic property, makes the kidneys work in an accelerated mode and they, also under constant stress, wear out quickly and begin to suffer. In addition to the fact that the kidneys remove fluid from the body, many microelements that are very important for the proper functioning of the body leave along with the fluid.

Lack or lack of potassium leads to heart problems, vitamin C is responsible for immunity, and a lack of magnesium leads to irritability and other mental disorders. The kidneys lose their ability to cleanse the blood, against this background there are diseases of the renal vessels sclerosis, a dangerous disease of the kidney infarction, and hemorrhage in the kidney may also occur.

What is the harm of regular use of a hoppy drink

Beer is the drink that, due to its properties, can instantly penetrate the bloodstream. Vessels overfill quickly. With regular consumption of beer over a fairly long period of time, varicose veins occur. The heart can grow in size, this disease is called bovine heart. The heart breaks down, it becomes covered with fat.

The heart is the main pump in the body, with its changes, the entire circulatory system fails. A person experiences an increase in pressure, he may experience shortness of breath and even arrhythmia. And this is a direct path to heart attacks and strokes.

The foamy drink is ready to affect not only the digestive and circulatory organs. Its composition makes it necessary to reconfigure the hormonal background in the body. Estrogen, the main female hormone, which is found in large volumes in beer, leads to the fact that a man gradually turns into a woman, and women, on the contrary.

The endocrine system suffers, because the constant presence of excess hormones in the body strongly affects the production of its own. For men, such restructuring is threatened with sterility. Sperm cells, under the constant influence of negative factors, become unviable, and the man loses the ability to reproduce.

Women, too, should not relax, because the influence of the foamy drink on them also does not remain unnoticed. With regular consumption of beer, a woman begins to find extra hair on her face, her voice becomes rougher, her face becomes puffy, especially in the morning, and the woman herself notices how her weight increases every day. The influence of beer on the female body can lead to various diseases of the female genital organs, and as a result, infertility can occur.

The brain also suffers. It is often possible to notice how people who are addicted to alcohol do not walk well and cannot control their movements, memory is impaired, and speech deteriorates. The same symptoms can occur under the influence of a foamy drink. A person loses his face, reason and the ability to sensibly analyze the situation.

There is no need to completely abandon the foamy drink. After all, everything is good in moderation. If you love this drink, you can safely drink it, but remember one glass and not as often as you would like. And if this does not work out, you cannot limit yourself, then you need to put on the scales your health, the well-being of your family and relatives, and on the other side of the problem with the psyche and health in general, the removal of relatives and complete degradation of the personality. Comprehension is the main thing in the issue of refusal from alcohol.

Any person who has decided to end an addiction should sensibly understand why he is doing it.

A positive result is possible only if the addict wants to get rid of this problem. In the absence of desire, guided only by the instructions of relatives and the advice of a doctor, a positive result cannot be achieved.

The patient is obliged to be aware of his actions. From what perspective he will consider the use of an intoxicated drink will push or, on the contrary, delay the process of refusing alcohol. Not wanting to perceive reality as it is is unacceptable in the treatment of alcoholism.

If the patient does not understand why he should stop drinking alcohol, and stops using it only under pressure from strangers, and not on his own, then the treatment may be delayed indefinitely. A person, not wanting to catch the eye of those who discourages him and does not allow him to drink beer, begins to drink alcohol secretly, alone with himself or in the company of people who are like drinking.

To help an alcohol addict give up alcohol, you need to present solid evidence, illustrative examples and convince him not with unfounded excuses that this is bad and ugly, but with facts that you can't get away from. And if facts and evidence influence the decision to quit the addiction, then treatment can be safely started, there are no barriers to this now.

A clear plan must be followed

Not everyone can just give up drinking one day. It is better to develop a step-by-step plan, during which all actions are prescribed. The amount of alcohol consumed, the time during which the dose will decrease, etc. This process is long and can last up to six months. You can break the entire plan into stages, during which you can track the result. One such example would be a three-month phase-out plan.

Let's imagine that a patient with alcohol addiction drinks about three liters a day, and he does it every day. In this case, the reduced dose will be 100 ml. So today he uses 2900 ml., Tomorrow 2800 ml, etc. The first segment will be considered two weeks. After this period, the patient should drink no more than 1500 ml. per day.

If the result is achieved, this is the first step to victory over addiction. The second segment of four weeks or a month should be marked with a dose not exceeding a glass of foamy drink. In the third and fourth periods, it is suggested to drink less often, for example, once every two days, then once every three days, and so on, until, as a result, drinking is at the level of one glass per week. And now the final stage, when the dependence on alcohol disappeared.

Of course, this plan is only on paper, all people and organisms are different, someone needs more time, someone is unable to reduce the dose. But this plan can help, in the end, albeit at a slower pace to come to a solution to the problem.

Who or what is to blame for the desire to drink intoxicated drink?

The urge to drink is often triggered by several reasons. Someone is trying to distance themselves from everything, so they drink, someone after drinking feels new strength in themselves and is ready to act, fear disappears. But all the same in the morning headache, and all the problems remain in the same places. When drinking beer instead of any other liquid, it is better to find some alternative, for example, start drinking kvass.

And for those who decide to relax, beer is unlikely to help. Under the influence of beer, muscle tone suffers, so the body relaxes, but fatigue remains. The solution can be found by visiting a bathhouse, signing up for a massage, listening to pleasant music, etc. And for those who do not know what to do with themselves and just like that, out of nothing to do, they drink this coveted product, then it's time to think, maybe beer will soon get bored, and then only strong alcohol and drugs. Wouldn't it be better to play sports, find a suitable hobby, or just go for a walk.

It happens that addiction arises along with communication, because many friends and comrades, inviting them, offer to drink. Here you need to figure it out. If friends invite you for a drink, it may be better to give up their affection for you and find real friends with completely different hobbies. If your friends are really good, then they will understand your problem and offer help themselves.

Beer lovers note

A dispute will help gambling people cope with addiction. Make a bet that you can overcome the addiction within a certain time frame. This kind of motivation will definitely induce you to part with the drink for a short while, or maybe forever.

Find something to do with yourself while you are giving up alcohol. Various active ball games, cycling, tennis will give you a lot of pleasant emotions and discourage the craving for alcohol. You will feel better, your muscles will get stronger, and your figure will only please.

For those occasions when beer was a constant companion of watching TV or evening exercise, go, for example, to seeds, candy or fruit.

When you gradually began to deny yourself a foamy drink, think about the future. Perhaps you are planning some trips, events, or just dreaming about a new car, without this bad habit you can get behind the wheel whenever you want.

For those who cannot find the strength to cope with their cravings for alcohol, there are many specialists who are ready to help. Sign up for a psychotherapist, visit the Society of Alcoholics Anonymous, because together it is much easier to cope than one-on-one. You may have to resort to the help of a narcologist and lie down for a while in a drug dispensary.

Remember all this will only benefit you, refusing beer will help preserve your honor, dignity and, of course, health, choose the best option for yourself and take action.