Yoghurt refers to fermented dairy products. Dairy products

If you are at least occasionally consume fermented milk products, it is important to understand that each of them has distinctive properties and different characteristics. In this article, we will deal with which the main types of dairy products are, and in what cases each one is recommended.

First of all, fermented dairy products are separated depending on the type of fermentation.

  • Products that are obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation: cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, yogurt, rippy. In this case, the bacteria split milk sugar With the formation of lactic acid, under the action of which the milk case is collapsed. As a result, the absorbability of fermented fermentation products, compared with milk, it turns out higher. The taste of these products is an acid-milk, a consistency is dense and homogeneous.
  • In mixed fermentation products (kefir, Kumys, Kuranga, Shubat, Ayran), together with lactic acid milk sugar Alcohol, carbon dioxide and other substances are formed, which also increase the digestibility of products. The taste of mixed fermentation products - acid-milk, slightly twisted, consistency - inhomogeneous, more tender.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an fervent product, which is distinguished by a high protein content, group vitamins, healthy fats, as well as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Cottage cheese is distinguished by level of fatty - from skimmed up to 18%. Cottage cheese 0% of fatty refers to dietary products. When losing weight, cottage cheese is recommended in the evening: it helps to reduce the morning feeling of hunger, accelerates metabolism, increases energy costs at rest and even improves sleep.

Children equal milk cheese Special "children's" marks can be given aged 6 months.

Sour cream

Our usual sour cream is a useful milk product, which is obtained as a result of fermentation of cream under the influence of start-up organisms (mesophilic and / or thermophilic streptococci plus fragrant-forming bacteria). It contains vitamins E, B, C and RR, as well as biotin (which is called vitamin youth), calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. Like other dairy products, sour cream is produced different levels Fatty - from 10% and more. Caution to consume sour cream is recommended to people who have diseases digestive system, problems with the liver and bubble (in this case, you should consult with a specialist). If you are sitting on a diet, give preference to low-dimensional types of sour cream.

Sour cream women are especially useful because this product is well affected on hormonal backgroundAnd also contains vitamin H, known as vitamin youth and beauty. Sour cream can be given no earlier than three years.


Yogurt is a useful health product and good well-being. It contains a record number. useful substances and vitamins. Yoghurt is prepared from milk by driving the thermophilic streptococci and the Bulgarian stick. It improves digestion and helps to lose weight, useful for bones and joints, well affects the state of the immune system, serves as an excellent source of vitamin B12. It is recommended to regularly consume yogurt to those who follow the figure and is engaged in sports (as a snack after the gym).

Children fruit and vegetable yogurts of special "children's" brands can be given aged 8 months. Preferably, fruits and vegetables are "relatives" for Ukraine - blueberries, raspberries, apple, peach, carrots, watermelon. The exception is a banana - first, this fruit does not cause allergies, and secondly, it is great as the first dust of kids.


Prostokvasha is obtained by whole or safety milk various cultures (acidophilic and Bulgarian wand, lactic acid streptococci, etc.). Depending on the species of cultures, there are different types of prostrochashi: Ukrainian, South, Acidophilic, Mesnikovskaya, ordinary. Prostokvash is useful in certain diseases of the digestive system (especially under reduced acidity), during obesity, as well as atherosclerosis. it happens miscellaneous grease - from 2.5%.


Ryazhenka is prepared from the baked milk by lactic fermentation. For brewing, thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of the Bulgarian stick are used. It can be of different fatty - from 2.5%.


Herrolact is a new for ukrainian market Acception product created by the recipes for longevity inhabitants of mountain abkhazia. From other fermented fermented ferrous drinks, the composition, in particular, the presence of a Streptococcus Thermophiles and probiotic enterococcus faecium bacterium.


Kefir is equal milk drinkwhich is produced using a special kefir fungus, as a result of the interaction of more than 20 types of pure crops. Kefir is useful for the intestines, well absorbed by the body. There are different types of fatness kefir, in composition, including a vitaminized kefir, kefir for children. Should not be confused kefir and starters - it is absolutely different products, with different content of dairy microorganisms and taste.


Ayran is an acidic drink with the addition of water, salt and spices. Ayran is prepared on the basis of milk, with the addition of the Bulgarian stick. Drink of Tatarstan and Azerbaijan. It is distinguished by low calorieness, reduces cholesterol and helps to normalize weight.

Equality products are products made from cow's milk or goat. This product group has its own distinctive features: In the process of preparation, useful lactic acid microorganisms in definitely act on milk components (proteins, milk sugar, vitamins), forming from them easily durable compounds that are also. What milk product is the most useful?

Equality products include cheese, cottage cheese and fermented drinks.

Equal milk drinks.

Equality drinks contain living lactic acid bacteria. These beneficial bacteria synthesize vitamins, reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines, contribute to the advancement of food by intestines. In addition, they contain minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins (especially dairy products are famous large content Vitamins group B), amino acids.

Equality drinks include:

What milk product is the most useful?

  1. Kefir. It differs from other beverages by the presence of 5 types of bacteria. These include: acetic-acid, lactic acid streptococci, lactic acid sticks, aroma-forming streptococci and yeast. Kefir has sharp flavor from other drinks, due to the activity of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.
  2. Prostokvasha is an fervent drink made from a cow's milk with the use of frights from the thermophilic streptococcus and the Bulgarian stick. It has high biological and nutritional value. Compared with kefir, it is less sour, so in small quantities you can use people with increased acidity of gastric juice. Prostokvasha has a gentle clutch with a pleasant weakly acidic taste.
  3. Varets and Ryazhenka are varieties of prokobyvashi. They differ from Prostokvashi, the fact that the milk will first tomatify, and then climb. In the process of fat milk, melanoidic compounds are formed, which give the product the taste of foam milk and brown color.
  4. Yogurts are drinks that contain different fruit fillers, dyes, flavors and other additives. Not all yogurts contain live bacteria.
  5. Acidofilin is the product is obtained by fermentation of a cow's milk with an acidophilic chopstick in combination with lactic microorganisms. It has a sour taste.
  6. Bifox is an effortless drink made from a cow's milk with the addition of swarming with bifidobacteriums and lactic acid microorganisms. Recently, this drink has become very popular. Bifidobacteria reduces the number of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria in the intestine of a person. Only it is still not known which part of the bifidobacteria contained in the beverages is in the intestines, as the acidic stomach environment kills them.
  7. Ayran is cold drinkThe mixture sour milk with water.

Cottage cheese.

Equality products include cottage cheese - it protein Product. It contains a large number of indispensable amino acids in an easy-to-mind form. Cottage cheese low-fat use like dietary product In obesity, as well as nursing and pregnant women, and children. The benefit of cottage cheese is difficult to overestimate.

Cheese- This is a high-caloric protein product. Due to the content of a large amount of fat, it is recommended to eat no more than 20g cheese per day. It contains a lot of salt, which is harmful in large quantities for our body. Excess sodium and chlorine causes edema, increase blood pressure.

Equality products should be present in the diet of each person, unless of course there are no contraindications, so they contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, living cultures of microorganisms.

Perhaps an unequivocal answer to the question: what kind of milk product is the most useful? not. For each age, even for each person you need to choose your milk product. For children 1 year is useful kefir and cottage cheese. In the diet, quotes, schoolchildren and adolescents must contain all the ferocular products: kefir, acidophilic, cottage cheese, cheese.

Equality products are an integral part of a human diet, starting from childhood. The technology of their preparation is based on the rolling of milk, which is obtained from different animals - goats, cows, sheep, mares, buffaloes and even camels. From the article you will learn what applies to fermented fermented products. The list of them is very long, however, it often includes products that only "pretend" such, having a really different origin.

Properties of dairy products

Features of fermented daily products

Products such as kefir, oil, yogurts, cottage cheese and many others are well acquainted and often used in food. All of them are the result of fermentation from milk of different types and its derivatives (cream, degreased products, serum).

The basis of the production of fermented milk products is a rush with yeast or bacteria. Sometimes milk has been subjected to a rowing or pasteurization. This is done to prevent the development of harmful microorganisms and secure a person.

The properties of fermented milk products were known to people since ancient times. They not only were famous for their nutrition and rich vitamin composition, but also medical properties. However, some nations are still unfamiliar or do not recognize such products. This is the Eskimos, the Chinese, Australian Aborigines and some others.

Use of fermented milk products

A special place among all micro and macroelements in fermented milk products is occupied by lactic acid, which is capable of dealing with the activity of rotary microorganisms in the body. In addition, rod products:

  1. well absorbed and easily digested;
  2. rich in vitamins that are well absorbed;
  3. allow you to well absorb lactose and dairy sugar;
  4. suggest people who suffer from lactose intolerance;
  5. stimulate digestion processes;
  6. protect the intestine from infections and normalize its activity;
  7. pREVENTION tuberculosis;
  8. increase calcium digestibility;
  9. vitamins A, B, E, D.

Equiphell production technology

All milk products can be divided into three large groups:

  1. those that are produced by rolling milk by bacteria - fermentation products. It's and yogurt ravenly cheese, Prostokvasha, Acidofilin et al.;
  2. those that are the result of alcohol fermentation and lactic acid. From the milk sugar, not only ordinary lactic acid is distinguished, but also carbon dioxide, alcohol or volatile acids. It's kefir, koumiss, fur coat;
  3. those that get without fermentation - cream, condensed milk, butter.
Equality products (Varenken, Prostokvasha, Ryazhka, Cheese, Butter, Kefir, Shubat, Cream):adults and children need to maintain the health of the body and well-being

Types of milk products


Varets is an fervent product, known for many centuries. Preparing it began in Siberia from the baked milk. The cooking technology does not differ in difficulty - milk must languish in a Russian oven. During tomtime, the milk is evaporated, and the creamy foam should be lowered onto the bottom. When the milk is evaporated at 1/3 of the original volume, it turns into a thick mass with a bit of red with a shade. Then it is introduced to Zavskaya, the role of which is completely sour cream.


Prostokvasha is also a product, traditional for Russian cuisine. The basis of her cooking is boiled milkwhich has cooled. It is placed in it, which can become a crust of black bread. By the way, even the start-up for our prokobyvashi is optional, because it is diverted due to the action of lactoon lactoon. Milk with a goat or without need to be placed in a warm place where it will be from 10 to 12 hours.


Ryazhenka is special view Prostokvashi, only her homeland is Ukraine and she is preparing from milk with cream and clay pots. It is preparing at a taking on the verge of boiling, but does not boil. When milk becomes cream, it is added to it - sour cream or streptococcal bacteria.


Cheese is also a fermented milk product that has many different varietiesThat cannot be listed. Among them are soft and solid, with mold, young and many others.


Creamy oil is a product that was preparing in Ancient Russia And was one of the most expensive. It is preparing by "knocking up" milk, sour cream. Vologda oil has a special technology, and is prepared from cream, which are heated almost to a boil, but do not boil.


Kefir is a product that is subjected to double fermentation. In the role of Rods, "kefir fungi", which have a very complex structure. Kefir has the most favorable effect on the body, helps to fight diseases and strengthens immunity.


Shubat is also a double fermentation product, only it is prepared from milk camel.


Cream is a product that is collected from the surface. fresh milkIf it stands in a few hours after the goat, a sheep or a cow.

A list of fermented milk products is very large. Among them and Ayran, and Cottage cheese, and Kurt, and Maceni and many, many other products.

Unreal milk products

Among the products there are those that are considered to be sour milk, although in fact they are not. Among them:

  1. cheese Tofu Isper soy milkwhich became very popular;
  2. margarine from fats in the composition. Even dairy fat in it may not be;
  3. spread is a kind of soft margarine.

When buying fermented dairy products, it is necessary to strive not only to try something new to choose useful, but also to pay attention to the expiration date. A spoiled fermented milk product may not cause poisoning, but it will not entail the most pleasant sensations and disorder of the digestive system.

Equal milk products are necessary for the body. Them a distinctive feature is a high nutritional value, as well as the presence of a number useful qualities. They are prepared thanks laminating fermentationIncludes bacteria that excrete antibiotics capable of suppressing pathogens of such hazardous diseases such as tuberculosis and typhus.

For many years of use equiphertic products practically proved its health influence on human bodyTherefore, its demand in nutrition is quite explained. Slightly sharp, pleasant, refreshing taste incites appetite and has a positive effect on general condition organism. And alcohol and carbon dioxide in dairy drinks optimize the functionality of the vessel and motor center.

Equalochka is an integral part of the diet of each person from childhood not only because of the pleasant sour taste, but also due to the presence of lactic acid. The abundance of macro and microelements helps to actively fight with putrid microorganisms in the body, and the opening of the intestine is improving.

Efficiency products are divided into two categories:

  1. Bashed milk flavored by bacteria. These include: Prostokvash, yogurt, renewed cheese.
  2. Products formed thanks to lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation: Kumys, kefir, Shubat.

These are delicious I. useful dishes For all family members. It is responsible for their choice and storage, because fermented dairy products can bring not only benefit, but also harm to health.

The benefits and harm of fermented products

In the manufacture of most such products use special additives (to improve taste, food value and aroma), which not only affect their composition, but can also cause unwanted side effects, for example, allergies.

Beneficial features

The benefits of fermented milk products lies in light digestibility by the body nutrientswhich are contained in them. And the main advantage is the presence of bifido and lactobacilli. They purify the body from rotary pathogens of microorganisms that can cause intoxication.

Already after a couple of weeks regular use The body will stop suffering from self-defense, the work of the kidneys is improved, and the most important thing - the liver comes to normal.

What is still useful to acidic products:

  • contribute to updating the intestinal microflora;
  • help in the fight against constipation, colitis;
  • it is recommended to use people who suffer into intoxicating heavy metals salts;
  • rich in vitamins group in, e, d;
  • prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into intestinal cells;
  • help reduce gas formation;
  • good for absorption, easily digested;
  • suitable to people having individual lactose intolerance;
  • normalize the activity of the intestine;
  • used as a prophylactic remedy for tuberculosis;
  • help to increase calcium digestibility.

Raid milk contains almost all amino acids: albumin, lysine, leucine, globulin and others. With mixed nutrition, such products increases nutritive value Protein, which is part of cereal crops.

Potential harm

The age of a person affects the ability to digest certain foods. This fully belongs to Molok. After 30-40 years, about 3% of our country's inhabitants lose the ability to absorb milk sugar (lactose). Dairy dishes for them are fraught side effects: nausea, vomiting, bloating and other allergic reactions.

Lactose when entering the stomach is split into two components: galactose and glucose. Glucose is processed into energy, and Galactose is absorbed only from breast milk. If you get into the adult organism, it accumulates in the cells of the body. Because of this, the percentage of people with the intolerance to the dairy rises.

The intolerance is manifested in the following symptoms:

  • gas formation;
  • painful spasms;
  • nausea;
  • ritching in the stomach.

Arriving allergies can manifest itself in the form:

  • rash on the skin;
  • vomiting;
  • swimming eyes, century swelling;
  • mucous discharge from the nose.

Adverse reactions may occur due to the number of used dairy products. Experts believe that the harm of fermented milk products (in large quantities) can be convened in such formidable symptoms:

  • derive of calcium from the body;
  • the occurrence of ulcer of the stomach;
  • height cancer cells in adults.

Best useful lactic acid products

Acidoleccant is necessary for children and adults to maintain health, as well as excellent well-being. We list the most useful variations.

Prostokvash . It is obtained by the process of natural rivals. Milk first pasteurize, then homogenize and cooled to the desired temperature. Bacterial soldering is added to the mixture and leave the thermostat to be discharged.

When preparing an armor with different flavor fillers, additives are injected into the milk before the pasteurization process, and aromatic additives immediately before Rodvaya.

Ryazhka . It is a variety of prostruck. It is prepared from greasy milk by long temperature processing. It has an acidic taste and cream brown with color. it a traditional dish Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Ryazhenka is well absorbed, contains a healing set of vitamins, minerals. One glass of such a drink can fill the body a quarter daily norm Calcium. Contraindicated with a stomach ulcer.

Yogurt . It is a special kind of source. This dietary drink Often meets in America and Europe. The birthplace is considered the Balkan Peninsula. For cooking used whole milk. Razvaya stands bulgarian wand and thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus, which must be taken in the ratio of 1: 1.

IN natural form Yogurt has a pure fermented dairy taste. In combination with sugar - sweet, and fruit-berry yogurt has a characteristic taste with aroma fruit syrup. Drink slightly mate, homogeneous consistency.

Varenets . It is produced from bustling milk. The role of the swarm is performed by thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus and the Bulgarian wand. The method of preparation and properties are similar to the ionage.

Kefir . The technology of its development includes interaction with special fungi, capable of producing alcohol in the finished kefir. The drink may differ in terms of fatty and readiness:

  • one-day - contains less than all alcohol of lactic acid;
  • two-day - contains large quantity lactic acid than one-day;
  • three-day - stands out the greatest fortress due to the content of high percentage of alcohol and acids.

The antibacterial properties of kefir are much stronger than yarn. It is useful for anemia, lung inflammation.

This is a favorite product of sliming people who establishes the digestive process, serves as an antiseptic and antibiotic. Helps the absorption of vitamins throughout the day.

Kumys Also rich in vitamins. He is excellent tool In the fight against tuberculosis, and most importantly, it helps to prevent it. For cooking, milk, serum and sugar are used, mix well and frown with yeast fungus.

Cottage cheese . It is formed when driving milk with a gradual severity of serum. The modern market offers several types:

  • degreased - best suited for diabetics;
  • non-fat - a great choice for allergies;
  • classic - universal type of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is the most useful product Due to the presence of protein, minerals, vitamins. It is easily absorbed, calorie content is 226 calories per 100 grams of product. Cottage cheese is popular among adherents of diet for weight loss, as well as people suffering from liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Cottage cheese wonderfully contributes to the dissolution of fats in the human body. He strengthens bone system, increases hemoglobin levels, perfectly affects nervous system. The product is useful for the children's and female organism.

Sour cream . Flavoring gamut, smell I. appearance The sour cream gives lactic acid bacteria, they also contribute to the intestinal settlement by the desired microflora, setting it on the right job.

There are many iron, manganese, copper and other no less useful minerals in sour cream. It contains fat, organic acids, animal proteins, natural sugar, carbohydrates, biotin. Due to the balanced composition, this product is absorbed far better milk, cream, yogurt and even kefir. TO useful properties Sour creams also include:

  • brain performance stimulation;
  • improving muscle functionality;
  • improving performance;
  • strengthening male potency;
  • chief supplier of calcium for children.

The use of sour cream found cosmetologists. Masks help improve skin condition, toning it, make more elastic. The product is actively used when dealing with solar burns.

Acidophilic milk . Is a mixture of acidophilic Bulgarian stick and cow Milk.. It has a specific taste, viscous consistency. Because of the unpleasant taste, it is used with the addition of cinnamon, honey, sugar and other additives.

Acidophilic milk is introduced as feeding to breast children, but with caution, so as not to cause unwanted allergic reactions. As for adults, reception this drink Recommended if available:

  • problems with kidneys and liver;
  • anemia;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious diseases.

The acidophilic milk is contraindicated only by people suffering from lactose intolerance.

Efficious goods are important and useful for the body in any form, it does not matter about prostromasses, cottage cheese or yogurt, and the most useful milk product is difficult to allocate, as each of them has its advantages. These universal delicacies will help to lose excess weight and extend muscular weight. And also become an integral ingredient nutritional masks For skin.

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If consider daily diet Nutrition modern manIt should be noted that fermented milk products occupy a leading place are almost a mandatory food product, along with bread, vegetables, meat products. No on earth people who would not know did not meet, did not eat such products that contemporary offers food industry around the world.

This feature is not some new trend or fashion, it was always, the whole story of the existence of man and humanity, as evidenced by numerous historical documents, some of which are dated millennia to the Nativity of Christ.

To figure out why it happened, it is necessary to consider in detail what kind of products are made from what they are produced, what is their usefulness for people.

What is fermented food production

The easiest answer to this question gives ecyclectric word etymology, one of the roots of which is the word lactic, from the word milk. This product is somehow with milk, which is oxidized, as evidenced by the second word.

Indeed, all products of this group are made from milk. For this, any milk of cattle - cow, sheep, horses milk and even buffaloes and camels are taken. Specific, acidic, qualities such products are obtained due to introduction into milk to change its initial properties of lactic acid bacteria or yeast (made from mushroom digestive purposes). This process is called fermentation, and the bacteria used (regardless of their species) - Rodvaya.

Technologically, there are two types of fermentation in the preparation of all milk products:

  1. officon (for rolling milk, some one or more types of lactic acid bacteria use)
  2. mixed (yeast, sugar, sometimes useful bacteria are not a lactic acid group, enzymes).

Milk is for such bacteria natural environment habitat. First of all, because of the polysaccharide contained in it, with lactose, which feed bacteria. After the splitting of milk sugar bacteria, side substances are distinguished - lactic acid, which gives a specific source, carbon dioxide, water. Modern manufacturers add other additives that become a nutrient medium for the vital activity of bacteria.

A variety of fermented milk products and their main types

Types of milk and other bacteria, additional ingredientsThe types of one or another milk used in production determine their huge variety. Milk production technologists regularly improve production and offer new types of K.-Mol. Products.

Main species K.-Mole. Products:

This list of types of ferocular products is not limited, only types of cheese thousands and it is prepared from different species milk. About the manifold and the widespread prevalence of types K.-Mol. Beverages indicates a set of local, common in a particular geographical area, with local specifics of production. So, among the peoples of the Caucasus received the distribution of Kumiv, in Central Asia - Ayran, in Tataria Local K.-Mall. Drink Suzma and Court, in Bashkiria - Orot and Kaimak. The inhabitants of Armenia prefer Tang and Machun, the inhabitants of Georgia produce Maceni, Ukrainians prepare Varents. National K.-Mall. Drink Egyptians - Leben, and the inhabitants of Iceland use a skir.

What are acidic products useful?

Their benefits are directly dependent on the usefulness of basic raw materials for their production - milk. Despite the processes of fermentation, fermentation, most of the useful substances of milk does not undergo any changes, and, one can say, inheritated by K.-Mol. Products.

Almost all proteins and amino acids, animal fat, vitamins of groups A, B, D, PP, E, micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorides, selenium, iron, copper) milk "inherit." Carbohydrates, mainly lactose (milk sugar), under the action of bacteria is split to glucose and galactose. The livelihoods of dairy bacteria also turn out to be useful for people's nutrition.

The main utility is that they may have people who have problems with the intolerance to the proteins and milk carbohydrates in pure form. So, people with hypolactasia (the intolerance of milk sugar - lactose) can use almost all K.-Mol. products, since they are almost no lactose, even in fresh form They contain it in minimal quantity.

Patients with allergic reactions on pure milk proteins (for example, caseinogen) can use their fermented species in cheese, cottage cheese, in which the structure of the protein structure on casein occurs.

The amount of so-called "harmful cholesterol" contained in pure milk, under the action of bacteria significantly decreases. The structure of polynaturated animals of fats is changing, which makes less harmful milk fat.

Fermented milk proteins are easier and faster and digested and absorbed by the body. Carbohydrates do not require additional body forces on their splitting, as they are already cleaving with bacteria to monosaccharides, which are the main construction means for tissues and body cells.

Bacteria and their livelihoods are very useful for normal work intestines, normalize exchange processes, eliminate the inflammation of the mucous membranes, destroy most of the grinding bacteria. Probiotics and lactobacilli, which in yogurts are especially useful in this sense. They are almost the only means restoring the intestinal microflora in the initial forms of dysbacteriosis of different nature. This property of yogurt gives an unequivocally positive response to a frequently discussed question: whether yogurts are K.-Mol. or not?

High fatty goods (sour cream, rippy, varets) and containing a large amount of protein (cottage cheese, cheese) doctors are recommended during the period of rehabilitation after severe operational interventions, body weight deficiency, dystrophy, muscle lack of muscle.

Degreased cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts, due to their low calories, are a mandatory part of some diets and reduction programs.

What are the fermented dairy products?

The damage to fermented milk products is also due to the peculiarities of harm from the use of milk.

Due to the increased content of organic lactic acid, it is not recommended to use K.-Mol. Drinks suffering from ulcerative stomach disease, gastritis with increased acidity.

Patients with allergies on milk protein are offered to refrain from receiving any dairy products to accurate allergen establishment.

People S. elevated cholesterol They offer to use only degreased K.-mol. Products.