Buckwheat nutritional value. Useful properties and nutritional value of buckwheat

10.04.2019 Lenten dishes

Today we will take a closer look at what buckwheat contains. All valuable properties this cereal is explained precisely by her unique composition... Knowing its features will help you apply your long-loved porridge with maximum benefit for yourself.

Compared to other cereals, buckwheat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the most favorable ratio. A large amount of protein almost equates it with meat, which vegetarians have long appreciated. Due to its relatively low carbohydrate content, buckwheat is useful for diabetes. It is also important that a significant part of the carbohydrates contained in this cereal are complex, so they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time. Small number vegetable fats renders beneficial effect on exchange process, which in combination with the rest of the components makes effective diet on buckwheat.

The main composition of buckwheat consists of the following components (in grams):

  • Proteins 12.7;
  • fat 3.4;
  • carbohydrates 62.2;
  • water 14.1;
  • ash 1.6;
  • dietary fiber 11.2;
  • mono - and disaccharides 2.1;
  • starch 63.6.

Chemical composition buckwheat is saturated with vitamins B9, B8, B6, B3, B2, B1, which are necessary for normal work carbohydrate and water-salt, as well as lipid and protein metabolism. They are involved in the natural synthesis of various hormones and the process of hematopoiesis. The intake of B vitamins into the body directly affects the activity of the brain and affects the quality of vision.

Buckwheat contains the maximum, in comparison with other cereals, the amount of vitamin P (rutin flavonoid), which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and heart, increases the elasticity of the artery walls, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, unground is valued for a high percentage of minerals (per 100 grams of raw cereals):


Calcium 20 mg
Magnesium 200 mg
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 380 mg
Phosphorus 298 mg

Trace elements:

Iron 6.65 mg
Zinc 2.05 mg
Iodine 3.3 μg
Copper 640 mcg
Manganese 1560 mcg
Chromium 4 μg
Silicon 81 mg
Cobalt 3.1 mcg
Molybdenum 34.4 mcg


PP 4.3 mg
E 6,7 mg
AND 0.006 mg
IN 1 0.43 mg
IN 2 0.2 mg
AT 6 0,4 mg
AT 9 32 μg

It is important that all these elements in buckwheat are contained in an easily assimilated form by the body. That is why buckwheat porridge at regular use easily restores the necessary balance of trace elements.

In buckwheat, gluten (gluten) is completely absent, therefore, for people who cannot tolerate this substance, buckwheat can replace rye, barley, wheat and oats.

In addition, the "queen of croup" is distinguished by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, phospholipids, phytoestrogens, flavonoids; organic acids: oxalic, citric, malic, menolenic, maleic.

Energetic and high due to the most beneficial balance biochemical composition... That is why she is considered a leader among dietary products and serves as one of important components for baby food.

Buckwheat takes an honorable priority among dietetic foodstuffs. Representing not grain, as many mistakenly believe, but cereal, it was brought from Greece.

The composition makes buckwheat useful. The cereal contains a large concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids... They help reduce bad cholesterol and have a positive effect on the metabolic process. Thanks to the latter quality, a person who eats buckwheat loses weight faster, despite the fact that it is high in calories.

This cereal contains many flavonoids that prevent the growth of oncological tumors, prevent the risk of thrombosis. Buckwheat normalizes blood sugar and is recommended for diabetics for inclusion in the diet. The folic acid present in the product makes it valuable for women during pregnancy.

The energy value of dry buckwheat is 370 calories, and boiled, including the water absorbed during cooking, is 150 calories for every 100 g of product. Carbohydrates account for 29, proteins - 5.9, and for fats - 1.6 g.

How many calories are in buckwheat in water?

The cereal, boiled in water, turns out to be quite liquid and low-calorie. The calorie content of the dish is approximately 90 kcal. It contains vitamins and minerals. Adding meat and other ingredients to such a porridge will significantly increase the calorie content.

If you add salt and oil to buckwheat in water, its calorie content will increase almost to 500 calories per 100 grams! Heat treatment does not affect the amount of calories in the porridge.

The use of buckwheat porridge in water during a diet provides the body with oxalic acid, calcium, iodine, iron, amino acids, phosphorus, vitamins from B and PP groups. It contains folic acid, which strengthens the heart muscles and blood vessels. Product features excellent taste, what is he doing boiled porridge excellent choice for both dietary and health improvement menus.

Calorie buckwheat with milk

To cook milk buckwheat diet porridge, you should take exclusively fat-free whole milk... Losing weight is important to constantly count calories.

Including buckwheat porridge with milk in dietary menu, it should be borne in mind that the energy value of both products is summed up together. For 100 grams of cereals, take 50 ml of milk, which gives about 200 calories.

Porridge has no restrictions. You can eat the dish at any time of the day. It improves metabolism and provides the body with protein (protein). The presence of fiber helps to cleanse and get rid of slagging.

On average, the chemical composition of buckwheat is as follows (%): water - 14, protein - 12-15.5, starch - 61-62, fiber - 12-15, fat - 2.5-2, 9, sugar - 1.5, minerals - 2-3. Among the features of the buckwheat composition, it should be noted the high usefulness of proteins - globulins, albumins, nucleoproteins, favorable mineral composition, especially in the amount of calcium and iron, and a high content of vitamins B1, B2 and PP.

Water - in dry, normally ripe grain, its content is 10-16%. The amount of moisture in a grain depends mainly on the degree of ripening. The following three stages of grain ripening are distinguished: milk ripeness (when pressing on the grain, a white liquid is released from it); waxy ripeness (grain has yellow, but still soft consistency); full ripeness (the grain is fully ripe, has maximum amount dry matter and minimum moisture).

Therefore, the time of harvesting grain crops significantly affects its consumer properties.

In unripe or harvested grain under unfavorable conditions, the water content increases to 17-19% or more. Most of the moisture contained in cereal grains is in a bound state. An increase in humidity leads to the appearance of free (unbound) moisture, which contributes to a significant increase in activity biochemical processes... In grain, respiration processes are more intensive with the release of carbon dioxide, water and heat, which in turn causes more significant losses of dry matter during storage, creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms and ultimately leads to grain spoilage. In addition, wet grain has low processing properties during processing; it is difficult to grind and sift, the flour yield is reduced due to the rapid evaporation of moisture from the grinding products.

Proteins - buckwheat are well absorbed by the human body. Water-soluble proteins (albumin) make up 58% of their total amount, and salt-soluble proteins (globulins, etc.) make up 28%. In terms of the amount of valuable amino acids, buckwheat proteins are close to animal proteins, which determines the nutritional value of cereals. The core contains arginine, lysine, cystine, cystidine.

Buckwheat fats are non-drying oils. They are characterized by low iodine and oxidation numbers. Their important feature is the high content of linoleic and linolenic acids. The kernel contains a significant amount of vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. Therefore, buckwheat is stored for a long time without losing nutritional qualities, which is of great importance when creating food stocks.

Buckwheat contains a significant amount of mineral salts of iron, calcium, phosphorus; there are also salts of copper, zinc, iodine, boron, nickel, cobalt.

Carbohydrates rank first among the organic substances of grain: starch, sugars, fiber, pentosans.

Starch is the main carbohydrate in grain products. Its content is 50-75% of the grain mass. Grain starch swells and gelatinizes well; these properties significantly affect the consumer value of flour and cereals. Starch is a valuable nutrient that is almost completely absorbed by the human body. Sprouted or self-warmed grain and products obtained from it contain an increased amount of starch hydrolysis products - dextrins and maltose. Although these substances are nutritious and harmless in themselves, their high content indicates the technological inferiority of grain products (due to the excessively high activity of amylolytic enzymes).

Fiber - is found mainly in the shells of the grain. Component plant food, which is not digested in the body, but plays a huge role in its life. Cleans gastrointestinal tract and enhances its activity, which as a result has a beneficial effect on almost all digestive disorders. According to its types, it is divided into soluble and insoluble fiber. Research has shown that fiber is an essential part of healthy eating... In another way, it is also called dietary fiber.

Insoluble fiber - called cellulose and lignin. Insoluble fiber swells in water and, like a sponge, accelerates the emptying of the stomach and helps remove cholesterol and bile acids from the body that are found in the digestive tract.

Soluble fiber by absorbing a large number of water turns to jelly. Due to its large volume, it completely fills the stomach, which gives us a feeling of fullness. Thus, without consuming a large number of calories, the feeling of hunger disappears faster.

Sugars - the amount of which in buckwheat is 1.5%, in grain and products from it are represented mainly by sucrose and reducing sugars - maltose, glucose and fructose.

Sucrose, glucose and fructose are very valuable nutrients. They provide positive influence on the consumer properties of grain, flour and cereals.

Vitamins - buckwheat grain is rich in water-soluble vitamins. Cereals are the most important sources of vitamins B2, PP and partly B2. Grain germ also contains significant amounts of vitamin E.

Vitamin B2 is also called Riboflavin. Let's dissolve in water, easily absorbed.

Vitamin B2 regulates protein metabolism, activates the processes of fat metabolism, takes part in the formation of gastric juice, improves lipid metabolism in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, ensures reliability immune system, regulates the balance of sodium and potassium in the body, has a positive effect on hair growth, visual acuity, normal blood circulation.

Vitamin B1 is also called Thiamin. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) plays important role in the processes of metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. The substance is necessary for the normal course of growth and development processes and helps to maintain the proper functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems... Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is not stored in the body and has no toxic properties.

Vitamin PP is also called: nicotinic acid.

Vitamin PP promotes protein metabolism, contributes to normal functioning nervous system and digestive organs. It has a mild sedative effect, helping to cope with anxiety and depression, and normalizes blood cholesterol levels.

Signs of a lack of vitamin PP: depression, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, cracks and inflammation of the skin.

Vitamin E is also called Tocopherol. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, a substance that protects cells from damage, protects cells from aging and prevents the formation of free radicals, stimulates muscle activity and the function of the gonads, participates in the formation of intercellular substance, connective tissue fibers, vascular smooth muscles, and the digestive tract. Vitamin E is effectively used for the healing of various burns, promotes fertilization and sexual potency, prevents atherosclerosis and heart attacks. The effect of vitamin E can be enhanced if used in combination with vitamins A and C.

Buckwheat is not only a tasty and aromatic side dish, but also an excellent substitute for meat. Its nutritional value and high vitamin content make it an indispensable product for vegetarians, athletes and people on a strict diet.

Calorie content is an important indicator of the energy released during digestion. The higher the data, the faster the person replenishes daily rate... The nutritional value of buckwheat in 100 g is on average 300 kcal, however, it should be remembered that the cereals and unground will differ somewhat both in chemical composition and in nutritional value.

However, such figures will be true only for raw product... The nutritional value of boiled buckwheat is quite insignificant - no more than 135 kcal per 100 grams. This applies to boiling in water without sugar, salt and oil. Buckwheat cooked with the addition of oil, the value of which will double, will not only taste better, but also healthier. Butter is rich in vitamins A and D, making it easier to digest with them.

A portion of buckwheat will have different value depending on the cooking method and the ingredients added. Calorie content ready meals It is easy enough to calculate - you just need to add the nutritional values \u200b\u200bof all ingredients.

Buckwheat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates in an ideal ratio for the body: 80% carbohydrates (242 kcal), 13% proteins (38 kcal) and only 7% fats (21 kcal). The world's leading nutritionists are convinced that a person needs to get 60% of energy from carbohydrates and 30% from fat. That is why buckwheat is so highly valued by all who lead healthy image life.

In addition to magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper and other micro- and macroelements, buckwheat contains a large amount of folic acid. It helps to increase endurance, significantly improves resistance colds, stimulates hematopoiesis and participates in the renewal of body cells.

Since the energy value of buckwheat is low, it is often used during weight loss. Correctly chosen in just a couple of weeks allows you to lose up to 15 kg without feeling discomfort and constant hunger due to the high content of carbohydrates. Also, thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in buckwheat, there is no risk negative consequences... The main thing is to drink more than 1.5 liters of water daily to cleanse the body.

Today buckwheat, the value of which is indisputable, is not only the most affordable, but also incredible useful culture... High the nutritional value in combination with useful properties make it an indispensable product in the nutrition of both adults and children.

Buckwheat is one of the most healthy cereals in human nutrition. Since ancient times, the Slavs were aware of all the benefits of this cereal and was considered a product of physical strength. These properties are given to buckwheat by a large amount of protein and fiber. Buckwheat is very useful for the normal functioning of the heart, it can prevent the development of diabetes and support the functioning of the digestive tract. It includes quite a few nutrients, including antioxidants and vitamins. Learn more about the benefits of buckwheat and possible harm from this article.

Characteristics of buckwheat

Many people think that buckwheat is a product of some kind whole grain... In fact, buckwheat is the seeds of the buckwheat plant.

For the first time, buckwheat and the plant from which it appeared (buckwheat) became known about 5 thousand years ago. And the first who began to cultivate this grain crop were the peoples of North India. True, they called such a dark grain nothing more than black rice. The fact is that in those days it was rice that was considered in asian cuisine "Second bread" and that is why people never came up with another name for the darker and smaller, but quite satisfying after cooking, grain.

In European countries, buckwheat appeared thanks to Turkish merchants. So in Turkey it is known as Turkish grain.

But it came to Russia from Byzantium under the usual name buckwheat (some associate it with Greece) or beech wheat (all because of the Latin definition of Fagpyrum, which means "beech-like nut".

Today buckwheat is cultivated everywhere in all countries as a food product. Only in France, buckwheat is not yet in great demand, and there buckwheat is grown mainly as an excellent honey plant.

Having become a completely "domesticated" agricultural crop, its varieties are subdivided into cultivated (common and winged buckwheat is the most widespread and well-known) and wild (this is the so-called Tatar buckwheat, most often found in Siberia, it is not eaten, but processed into fertilizers and animal feed).

Buckwheat composition

Buckwheat is one of those food products, which, having a lot of useful for human body substances, do not lose them in full at heat treatment... Therefore, it is worth noting the entire chemical composition of buckwheat in order to understand it. beneficial influence on the body. In both fresh and boiled cereals (some raw foodists use soggy grains) there are:

  • water;
  • tocopherol vitamins - alpha and gamma (in other words, useful vitamin E);
  • b vitamins;
  • vitamin A and beta-carotene;
  • pP vitamins;
  • pure vitamin P (or rutin);
  • minerals include titanium, silicon, fluorine, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, iron, iodine, selenium;
  • important amino acids;
  • natural citric and malic acid;
  • proteins (about 13 g per 100 g);
  • fats (only 3.3 g), represented by the polyunsaturated form;
  • long-digestible carbohydrates (approximately 57 g).

Buckwheat refers to low-calorie foods, so the level energy value depends only on the additions to the porridge and ranges from 132 (boiled in water) to 308 (with the addition of butter) calories.

The benefits of buckwheat

Possessing such a wide range of vitamins and minerals, “ heroic porridge", As the Russians called it, is very useful:

  • as a natural antioxidant agent capable of removing ions heavy metals and radiation products;
  • for those suffering from excess "bad" cholesterol;
  • for those who have chronic constipation (plant cellulose prevents and relieves them, at the same time suppressing putrefactive fermentation in the large intestine);
  • with anemia due to record iron content;
  • thanks to beta-carotene, the use of such porridge maintains and maintains visual acuity;
  • to help buckwheat and with a decrease in physical and mental activity;
  • for diabetics, porridge will become an excellent regulator of glucose in the blood;
  • for those who are obese or who simply want to lose weight, buckwheat will start metabolic (metabolic) processes;
  • cooked cereal has a beneficial effect on liver function;
  • rutin promotes thickening blood vessels and capillaries, preventing their fragility, and also improves blood clotting;
  • also rutin promotes the absorption of vitamin C and reduces fatigue, eliminates depression;
  • who have a decreased gastric secretion, such porridge will help in the digestion of food;
  • for vegetarians, it is one of the main products that replace meat;
  • for those who care about the health and beauty of nails, hair and skin, buckwheat will also be a good helper;
  • cleaning the intestines and liver from toxic substances, as well as preventing the appearance of anemia, buckwheat porridge helps to strengthen the human immune system;
  • taking buckwheat porridge is important for pregnant women due to the fact that this cereal plays an important role in the normal intrauterine development of the baby;
  • improving blood clotting and hardening of blood vessels will not harm those who have thrombophlebitis;
  • the flavonoids contained can prevent the development of cancer.

Its benefits are confirmed by numerous studies of scientists around the world. Therefore, there is no reason to dispute its benefits today. Buckwheat is a component of many diets. And not only for weight loss. She enters into health food with many diseases. By including buckwheat in your menu, you can lower cholesterol levels, get rid of extra pounds, improve metabolic processes in the body. Buckwheat quickly gives a feeling of satiety, helps cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Not many people know about another significant advantage of buckwheat. During the growth process, buckwheat does not need to be treated with any chemicals. It is believed that it itself inhibits the growth of weeds growing nearby and repels pests. In addition, buckwheat does not lend itself to genetic modification. And many people now pay special attention and try to avoid genetically modified products in your diet.

Green buckwheat

The stores sell mainly buckwheat dark in color. This is already ripe and processed buckwheat grain. But recently it began to appear green buckwheat... It is also called "live" buckwheat. Its benefits are higher than that of dark buckwheat, since such buckwheat retains more nutrients. It is this buckwheat that is recommended for germination.

Green buckwheat is perfectly absorbed by the body. It is more beneficial for those who are obese as it promotes falls. excess weight... She is great source antioxidants, is able to slow down the aging process of the body, improves immunity.

Green buckwheat removes "bad" cholesterol from the body, normalizes blood sugar levels, and protects the body from the negative effects of the external environment.

Buckwheat porridge with milk

With the onset of school days, parents are increasingly asking the question: "How to feed the child in order to restore his spent emotional and physical strength." And here everyone is simply obliged to remember such a useful and familiar from childhood buckwheat porridge. True, adults will have to try so that the child does not abandon her. And for this, a mother (or another loved one) must become a culinary connoisseur and, most importantly, understand all the usefulness of this product nutrition.

But nevertheless, for many children, buckwheat porridge with milk remains a favorite food. And many mothers think that such porridge is very useful. But nutritionists consider these two products to be completely incompatible. And that's why.

The fact is that buckwheat, due to the large amount of carbohydrates, is considered a difficult to digest product. To process buckwheat, one needs enzymes. And for the digestion of milk - others. The iron contained in buckwheat can interfere with the absorption of calcium from milk.

Therefore, in order for buckwheat to digest well and give a lot of strength to your child, it is better to eat it with vegetable or butter... Such a serving of buckwheat porridge will better promote its breakdown and assimilation. useful substances cereals.

Potential harm

No matter how useful buckwheat is in a person's life, it is necessary to take into account some precautions when using it:

  • it cannot be abused and long time "Sit" on a buckwheat mono-diet. Despite the excellent results of the buckwheat diet, it should not last more than a week;
  • a large amount of buckwheat porridge is not recommended for people with renal failure and people who are ill diabetes mellitus (buckwheat contains starch and, when overeating, may not reduce, but, on the contrary, increase blood sugar);
  • it is also necessary to limit buckwheat for hypertensive patients, because rutin can expand blood vessels and cause an attack;
  • often gluten (even a very scanty amount) is strictly prohibited for allergy sufferers and people suffering from nervous diseases, because it stimulates autoimmune activity (and it is unpredictable);

Excessive consumption of buckwheat can in some cases cause stomach cramps and flatulence.

Regardless of what kind of buckwheat you are used to cooking, it is still useful for our body and it has more advantages than disadvantages.

Nutritional table of buckwheat groats per 100 grams of products

For the beneficial properties of buckwheat, see the video