Cherry pits: harm and benefit to the body. The unique composition of apricot kernels, their benefits and harms to the human body

28.09.2019 Bakery products

They grow all over the world, where the climate will be favorable for them. Everyone knows these delicious and healthy fruits. However, many people do not know about the healing properties of apricot kernels. In the article, we will analyze the benefits of apricot kernels and their harmful properties.

Apricot pits: description and composition

Apricot kernels are rich in fat, protein and carbohydrates. The calorie content of the product per 100 grams is almost 500 kcal. Therefore, they are recommended for people to gain muscle mass.

The fruit nucleoli include:

  • Complex lipid compounds (phospholipids).
  • Tocopherols.
  • Organic acids (saturated and unsaturated).
  • Lots of essential oils.
  • Amygdalin (B17) is a substance containing hydrocyanic acid.
  • Inorganic substances (potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus).
  • Vitamins (A, B, C, E, F, PP).
  • Natural pigments.

Due to such a unique set of components, apricot nuts are often eaten. The nucleoli can be either overly bitter or sweet.The bitterness of the bones is given by substances poisonous to the human body, the source of which is vitamin B 17.

If the bones taste sweet and only slightly bitter, then the product can be eaten.

Nuts are used both raw and fried, dried or salted.

Beneficial features

For men

For women

The fair sex always wants to look great, which can be helped by apricot seeds, which play an important role in preserving youth.

Large amounts of tocopherol act as an antioxidant in the body, preventing cell aging and slowing down skin aging. And the increased amount of vitamins, glucose, minerals and silver ions contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

During pregnancy

The effect of the bones on the body of a pregnant woman is not very different. Besides, iron helps to increase hemoglobinwhich is important during pregnancy. However, you should not abuse such a delicacy.

If the cyanide content in the bones is high, this can adversely affect the child's condition. The consumption dose should not exceed 20 grams per day.

The benefits of apricot seeds for diseases

The composition of apricot kernels allows them to be used for easier disease progression.

Video about the beneficial properties of apricot kernels and contraindications:

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Plants often lack nutrition and minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get a good harvest even on low fertile soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Contraindications and harm

There are times when you shouldn't eat apricot pits, as it can cause side effects and complications.

Apricot kernels are contraindicated in:

  1. diabetes mellitus;
  2. diseases of the thyroid gland;
  3. liver disease in acute or chronic form;
  4. while carrying a baby and during feeding when overeating;
  5. individual intolerance to the components.

All healthy products, in addition to having a beneficial effect on the body, can also have a negative effect if the dosage is not followed, apricot seeds are no exception.

The nucleoli contain hydrocyanic acid, which, if the product is consumed excessively (more than 40 g per day), causes poisoning.

The symptoms are:

  • nausea;
  • stomach cramps;
  • general weakness;
  • headaches.

An increased content of hydrogen cyanide can be determined by the strong bitterness of the nucleoli. Old stale bones are also rich in acid. According to those who took apricot kernels for medicinal purposes, nausea and weakness are often present. Before treatment, you need to consult a doctor.

Application of apricot pits in different areas

The healing properties of apricot kernels make it possible to use them in various fields.

The medicine

For use in medicine, special varieties of apricot with a large pit and kernel have been developed.

In traditional medicine, cold-pressed apricot kernel oil is mainly used for the preparation of medicines and mixtures.

The oil acts as:

  • emollient;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • antioxidant.

The product is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

  • eye diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

Apricot pits are widely used in alternative medicine to fight cancer, colds, maintain the cardiovascular and digestive systems.


In the cosmetic industry, apricot pits are widely used:


Apricot pits are often used in the preparation of sweets:

  • ice cream;
  • caramel;
  • waffles;
  • sweets;
  • jam;
  • yoghurts;
  • confectionery creams and glazes.

Ground kernels are added as a spice to the first, second courses and even salads. Used in winemaking. The kernels are consumed both raw and fried or dried.

Separate dishes are prepared from seeds, for example, in Dagestan, Urbech is especially popular. In addition to apricot seeds, it contains butter and honey in liquid form. Take 1 part of each product and heat it in a water bath without boiling. When the paste reaches a homogeneous state, it should be cooled and refrigerated.

This mixture contributes to:

  1. Strengthening immunity and reducing the risk of colds.
  2. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.
  3. Accelerate metabolism.
  4. Stories from our readers!
    “I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, they gave more harvest than usual. And they did not get late blight, this is the main thing.

    Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you cannot grow a normal crop without fertilization, and this feeding increases the amount of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result. "


    There are many useful substances in apricot seeds, they have a beneficial effect on the body of adults and children. The main thing is not to exceed the daily rate and monitor your condition.

As a child, I was sure that nettle burns are good for blood vessels, and my friends on the Black Sea diligently smeared with jellyfish washed ashore, claiming that it was good for the skin. The most popular idea of \u200b\u200bthis kind is the benefits of fruit seeds.

Many people believe that fruit pits and seeds contain valuable substances - it is not for nothing that apricot and peach kernel oils are so valued by cosmetologists, and nutritionists extol the wonderful properties of grape seed oil. Of course, few dare to eat a whole peach, but often for reasons of benefit, for example, they make jam without extracting seeds from fruits and berries.

Apple pits

It turns out that the benefits of fruit seeds are controversial. Firstly, the kernels of many plants of the plum genus contain a substance that is dangerous to health: “The kernels of the kernels of apricots, peaches, apples, cherries contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is split in the stomach with the release of hydrocyanic acid, which is a poison,” explains Irina Russ, nutritionist. endocrinologist at the European Medical Center. It is the amygdalin that gives the apple seeds their bitter taste. Of course, the concentration of toxic substances in them is very low, but this fact should not be neglected.

“At the same time, apple seeds are a source of many vitamins, minerals, and most importantly, iodine., - says Irina Russ, - however, you can eat no more than five or six pieces a day. "

The situation with other bones is also contradictory.

Grapes and pomegranate

"Pomegranate and grape seeds, if not chewed, are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but they can enhance peristalsis, acting like fiber," says Irina Russ.

In addition, grape seed contains a lot of vitamins and plant phenolic compounds are very strong antioxidants. True, if you just chew the bones, these substances will not be absorbed too well - it is much more useful to make tinctures.

Pomegranate kernels contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

However, you can eat these seeds only if you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, otherwise they can cause an aggravation. In addition, take care of the enamel of your teeth: hard bones are also not useful for it.


You can probably only swallow a cherry pit by accident: hardly anyone will deliberately eat something absolutely inedible. However, if this happens, you should not panic: despite the content of hydrocyanic acid, bones are not dangerous in a small amount.

You can also cook cherry jam without taking out the seeds completely calmly: under the influence of high temperatures, amygdalin is destroyed.


Peach kernel kernels are difficult to get, and if you manage to do it, you will find that they are completely tasteless. Due to their high amygdalin content, they taste bitter, so you really don't need to eat them.

Another thing is peach seed oil. It is rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and since amygdalin is water soluble but not fat, there is no hydrocyanic acid in the oil and can be added to salad dressings.


The most edible bone is insidious: in addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, it also contains the notorious hydrocyanic acid. Eating more than ten delicious nucleoli is not worth it.

But heat treatment makes the kernels of apricot pits completely harmless, which is why they are so often used in the cuisine of the Caucasus and the Middle East: it is enough to ignite the kernels in the oven - and you can mix it with honey and dried apricots or eat just like that. And Europeans also found a way to use apricot pits: bitter kernels are used to flavor jams and fondants (two or three kernels are enough) or to make Italian amaretti cookies.


What can you do with an avocado seed? The first thing that comes to mind is to sprout and plant in the ground so that something exotic will grow at home. But what will you say if I offer you to eat this bone? Not entirely, of course. First, insert the tip of the knife into the bone and press lightly to crack it. Grind the resulting wedges in a powerful blender or food processor. Add the finished powder to a milkshake, smoothie, porridge or fruit salad.

So is an avocado seed edible? Certainly! It is nutritious and quite healthy, high in soluble fiber, potassium and antioxidants. Although it has a bitter taste due to the presence of tannins, which in very high doses can be toxic.

Nutritional information for avocado seed Avocado seeds contain potassium and phosphorus, and much more than fruit pulp. The maximum amount of potassium, which is especially needed by the nervous, muscular and digestive systems, you will find in unripe fruits. As it matures, the concentration of this trace element decreases.

It is also one of the most generous natural sources of soluble fiber, according to Dr. Tom Wu. The presence of soluble dietary fiber is vital for the heart as it helps lower blood cholesterol.

Health benefits of avocado seed

  • Antineoplastic properties. Tests in rats and mice have shown that avocado seeds contain compounds with anti-tumor properties. According to the Encyclopedia of Natural Ingredients Used in Food, Drugs and Cosmetics, these important benefits of seeds are due to the presence of flavonol in condensed form.
  • Natural antibiotic. Brazilian scientists, after a series of in vitro experiments, found that avocado seed extract kills some fungal infections (such as Candida) and pathogens of a dangerous tropical disease called yellow fever (vectors are mosquitoes). For details, see Tropic Medicine March 2009.
  • Benefits for digestion. Centuries ago, American Indians used the avocado seed to treat digestive disorders such as dysentery and diarrhea. Maybe this amazing product will help you too: o).
  • A source of antioxidants. Avocados are often mentioned among fruits with a high concentration of antioxidants, this is true not only in relation to the pulp, but also in relation to the seeds of this fruit. In 2003, scientists from the National University of Singapore concluded that, like mango, tamarind and jackfruit seeds, avocado seeds contain significantly more natural free radical fighters, namely catechins and procyanidins. More precisely, the seed accounts for up to 70% of all antioxidants.

  • Reduces cholesterol levels and protects against the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries , according to laboratory tests on animals. The corresponding results were published in the journal "Plant Food in the Human Diet" in March 2012. Scientists believe that the cholesterol-lowering effect is directly related to the high fiber content of the avocado seed, which inhibits the absorption of harmful fats in the gastrointestinal tract.
    Additional benefits for the cardiovascular system are provided by natural antioxidants. They inhibit lipid oxidation and arterial plaque formation.

Avocado seed as food coloring and preservative
According to an article in the Journal of Food Science, scientists are now taking a very close look at the orange pigment that is produced when the avocado nucleolus is milled to be used as a natural food coloring. This pigment remains stable in a fairly wide range of temperatures and acidity of the environment, it is completely safe and can be an excellent substitute for synthetics.
The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (May 2011) provides interesting data based on research on antimicrobial compounds in avocado seeds and skins. These compounds prevent food spoilage, protect fats and proteins contained in meat from oxidation, inhibit the growth of some pathogenic bacteria.

Grapes and pomegranates... Many of us, eating grapes or pomegranates, are wondering what to do - to eat berries with or without seeds. For clarification, we turned to the capital physiologist, Ph.D. Valery Mirgorodsky.

“In the nuclei of the bones, as in any embryos, the fantastic energy of the living is concentrated, they are extremely useful for humans,” says the doctor. - When the bones enter the stomach, the digestive glands secrete enzymes more intensively, and the work of all digestive organs improves. It is no coincidence that many inhabitants of the animal world swallow pebbles in order to achieve a similar effect. And in the bones, in contrast to pebbles, there are still many healing essential oils, vitamins and essential trace elements. "

Some bones can be swallowed whole, they completely dissolve in the stomach. Others need to be chewed or pre-grinded, since saliva triggers the primary breakdown of nutrients from them. But before leaning on the bones, consult your doctor. Especially if you have digestive problems. And know that the more the better principle does not work with bones.

« Especially dangerous is overeating small berry seeds along with cottage cheese., - says Valery Mirgorodsky. - Casein has the property of sticking together solid food fragments into lumps, and this is a serious risk of blockage in the intestinal lumen. In my youth, I myself, having gorged on raspberry jam with cottage cheese, ended up on the operating table with an attack of appendicitis. Therefore, it is important to stick to the measure and not overeat. "
If you really could not resist and ate, for example, a whole pomegranate with seeds, then do not lie down on the sofa, but do the cleaning or gymnastics - this will help reduce the risk of inflammation of the appendix.
“If you move a lot, then its cleansing happens spontaneously,” says the doctor.

Improving the properties of plum and apricot nucleoli. The nucleoli from fruit seeds (apricots, plums, cherries) are useful, but they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is broken down in the stomach with the release of hydrocyanic acid, which is poison. Because of this feature, doctors do not recommend eating large quantities of nucleoli.
But you can neutralize the effect of the poison in this way: fill the bones with cold water, soak for 6-7 days, prick with forceps so that the nucleoli are visible. Pour salted boiling water (200 g of salt per 1 liter of water), leave for 3-4 days. Remove the kernels, dry, fry. It's both tastier and safer.

Opinion: Don't be tempted by avocado pits.The hand does not rise to throw out a beautiful avocado bone, but despite the above facts, it is believed that it is not recommended to eat it. Not only is it completely tasteless, but also poisonous.

“Avocado seeds contain persin toxin,” says nutritionist Natalia Samoilenko. - It can cause an allergic reaction and impairment of the digestive system (vomiting, diarrhea). With prolonged exposure to the toxin on a person, irreversible processes occur in the heart muscle. The first symptoms of avocado bone poisoning: cough, choking, heart palpitations, swelling in the upper half of the body.

Natural massage. Fruit seeds can be used for the benefit of yourself, your beloved. Place them in some kind of bowl, a basin, for example, and stomp on them barefoot for 10-15 minutes. There are many biologically active points on the sole, your body will receive a charge of vivacity, health will be strengthened. A person gets a similar effect on the seashore, walking barefoot on pebbles.
Based on materials from,,

From childhood we were taught that the seeds from fruits must be spit out in order, at least, not to "earn" appendicitis. However, doctors and scientists have long referred this statement to the category of myths. On the contrary, many bones contain such unique and useful substances in their composition that it is stupid not to use what nature has created.

But, before including them in the "diet" it is worth remembering the golden rule of moderation. After all, the norm is our everything.

Grape seeds

Kiwi seeds

The seeds of this exotic fruit contain a record amount of vitamin E, which is the "beauty vitamin" for nails and hair. In addition, if you systematically eat them, you can get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Orange seeds

They are rarely eaten - they are difficult to swallow due to their size. However, the usefulness of these bones has long been proven: they have a high content of salicylic acid, as well as the legendary and mysterious vitamin B 17, which, according to many experts, is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer cells. To eat an orange seed, you should not swallow it whole, but chew it thoroughly.

Olive pits

Pomegranate bones

They should be used by people when the nerves are "at the limit", as they help to overcome irritability and nervousness.

Watermelon seeds

Contributes to the normalization of blood sugar

Apricot pits

Traditional medicine in the fight against oncological diseases simply adores giving recommendations on their use to people suffering from cancer and those who are engaged in the prevention of cancer.

However, mainstream medicine keeps a proud silence regarding their effectiveness in fighting tumors, citing the fact that there was no serious research that would confirm their destructive effect on cancer cells. But many doctors, nevertheless, admit that the vitamin B 17 contained in apricot pits, which is also the substance letril, really had a positive effect in severe diseases. In addition, he can cope with fatigue.

Apple bones

Vitamin B 17 is also contained in them, preventing the spread of cancer cells. In addition, they contain a large amount of iodine. But they should not be abused. Recommended no more than 5-7 pieces per day.

Many people believe that fruit pits and seeds contain valuable substances - it is not for nothing that apricot and peach kernel oils are so valued by cosmetologists, and nutritionists extol the wonderful properties of grape seed oil. Of course, few dare to eat a whole peach, but often for reasons of benefit, for example, they make jam without extracting seeds from fruits and berries.

It turns out that the benefits of fruit seeds are controversial. Firstly, the kernels of many plants of the plum genus contain a substance that is dangerous to health: “The kernels of the kernels of apricots, peaches, apples, cherries contain the glycoside amygdalin, which is split in the stomach with the release of hydrocyanic acid, which is a poison,” explains Irina Russ, nutritionist. endocrinologist at the European Medical Center. It is the amygdalin that gives the apple seeds their bitter taste. Of course, the concentration of toxic substances in them is very low, but this fact should not be neglected. “At the same time, apple seeds are a source of many vitamins, minerals, and, most importantly, iodine,” says Irina Russ, “however, you can eat no more than five or six of them a day.”

The situation with other bones is also contradictory.

Grapes and pomegranate

"Pomegranate and grape seeds, if not chewed, are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but they can enhance peristalsis, acting like fiber," says Irina Russ. In addition, grape seed contains many vitamins and plant phenolic compounds - very powerful antioxidants. True, if you just chew the bones, these substances will not be absorbed too well - it is much more useful to make tinctures. Pomegranate kernels contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

However, you can eat these seeds only if you do not have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, otherwise they can cause an aggravation. In addition, take care of the enamel of your teeth: hard bones are also not useful for it.


You can probably only swallow a cherry pit by accident: hardly anyone will deliberately eat something absolutely inedible. However, if this happens, you should not panic: despite the content of hydrocyanic acid, bones are not dangerous in a small amount.

You can also cook cherry jam without taking out the seeds completely calmly: under the influence of high temperatures, amygdalin is destroyed. For the same reason, one should not be afraid to do it with cherries the way the French do it, without taking out the kernel.


Peach kernel kernels are difficult to get, and if you manage to do it, you will find that they are completely tasteless. Due to their high amygdalin content, they taste bitter, so you really don't need to eat them. Another thing is peach seed oil. It is rich in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and since amygdalin is water soluble but not fat, there is no hydrocyanic acid in the oil and can be added to salad dressings.


The most edible bone is insidious: in addition to polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, it also contains the notorious hydrocyanic acid. Eating more than ten delicious nucleoli is not worth it.

But heat treatment makes the kernels of apricot pits completely harmless, which is why they are so often used in the cuisine of the Caucasus and the Middle East: it is enough to ignite the kernels in the oven - and you can mix it with honey and dried apricots or eat just like that. And Europeans also found a way to use apricot pits: bitter kernels are used to flavor jams and fondants (two or three kernels are enough) or to make Italian amaretti cookies.

How harmful are fruit seeds? What processes occur in the body when we accidentally eat a bone? These and many other questions regarding fruit seeds are asked by most people. It's time to quell your curiosity and find out if bones can be eaten, and in what form.

Chief Editor

It often happens that, carried away by juicy grapes or a ripe apple, chewing the fruit avidly, we do not even notice how we eat the seeds of the fruit. Of course, if your favorite fruit is, say, a peach, it’s hard enough to imagine that you are quietly eating its huge bone, which in size would be quite similar to an independent fruit.

Children often deliberately get carried away with bones. And we, as caring mothers, cannot ignore this fact. However, in most cases, the only thing to really worry about is choking. For the rest, if the bones are not included in your usual daily diet, there will be no global harm.

General information about useful and harmful substances of seeds and seeds

Many are convinced that fruit pits and seeds are the custodians of valuable substances. Therefore, often the composition of creams and other cosmetics contains peach and apricot kernel oils... Nutritionists note the excellent properties of grape seed oil. And the Old Believers, when cooking jams, do not separate the fruit from the stone and seeds in order to preserve the maximum amount of useful properties.

However, the valuable substances of the bones, which many like to talk about, are a rather controversial issue.

On the one hand, the nuclei of most plants of the genus plums contain a substance hazardous to health - the glycoside amygdalin. Breaking down in the stomach, it secretes hydrocyanic acid, which is known to be a poison. Now you know why apple seeds are so bitter, although the concentration of toxic substances in them is very low. On the other hand, apple seeds contain many minerals and vitamins... And most importantly - iodine. However, this does not mean that now you can absorb tons of bones, the daily rate is no more than 5-6 pieces.

The situation with other fruits is also contradictory.

Grapes and pomegranate

Often enjoying grapes or pomegranates, we swallow the seeds without chewing. This is fundamentally wrong because poorly chewed seeds of these fruits are not digested at all in the gastrointestinal tract... But at the same time, they contribute to the strengthening of peristalsis, acting as fiber. As noted earlier, grape seeds have excellent properties due to their many vitamins and phenolic compounds that are very powerful antioxidants. In order for these substances to be well absorbed, you should not chew handfuls of grape seeds, it is best to make tinctures from them.

Pomegranate kernels are rich in vitamin E and fatty acids. However, they are recommended only for those who do not complain of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Otherwise, you can easily and simply earn aggravation.

It is unlikely that among the readers there are lovers of cherry pits. However, very often it is swallowed quite by accident. In this case, we will do without panic and hysterics, despite the content of hydrocyanic acid in it, 1-2 bones eaten are not dangerous. You can calmly cook cherry jam with a stone: high temperature destroys amygdalin... It is not for nothing that in French cuisine there is a very exquisite dessert clafoutis with cherries and cherries, the kernels from which are not removed during cooking.

Peach pits are bitter and inedible. Despite the fact that they are very hard, with a special desire, you can bite through them and stumble upon kernels, which contain a large amount of amygdalin... So I advise you to believe in words and forget about the idea of \u200b\u200btrying to bite through a peach bone. In addition, it can be very bad for your teeth.

But peach seed oil is very useful because saturated with omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. And as noted above, dangerous hydrocyanic acid is the result of the interaction of amygdalin with water, and not fat. Therefore, you can safely add peach seed oil to salad dressings, for example.