Sour cream, its benefits and harms. The benefits and possible harm of sour cream for the body

18.08.2019 Lenten dishes

Fermented milk products should be present in the diet of every person, because they are a source of a huge amount of useful substances. Such food saturates our body with proteins and fats, has a positive effect on the state of the entire digestive tract and helps to optimize the activity of many organs and systems. One of the most popular dairy products is sour cream. On the shelves of supermarkets and shops, it is simpler to offer us many manufacturers, of different fat content and in very different packaging. What is sour cream useful for a person's body, what benefits and harms it does, how many calories it contains. All of this will be discussed further.

Sour cream is one of the original Russian products. It is prepared on the basis of cream, subjecting to lactic acid fermentation. Many people love such a product due to its mild taste, mass of useful qualities and absolute versatility of use. After all, sour cream is used in cooking, in cosmetology, and even in recipes for traditional medicine.

How nutritious is sour cream, what is its calorie content?

On store shelves, you can see sour cream of different fat content. 10% sour cream has a calorie content of 115 kcal. 100 g of a product, similar in composition to milk, contains 158 kcal at 15% fat. Sour cream contains 206 kcal of 20% fat, which corresponds to the composition of milk.

Homemade sour cream usually has forty percent fat, one hundred grams of such a product is a source of three hundred and eighty calories.

Why is sour cream valued by us, what properties does it have?

Sour cream is a natural quality product, its consumption contributes to the optimization of metabolic processes. It is absorbed better than milk. Taking it in food has a positive effect on the condition of the entire digestive tract. This product is often included in many diets, both for weight loss and medicinal, which have been developed by specialists. So, sour cream is strongly recommended to be consumed with intestinal colitis, as well as with ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and anemia.

High-quality sour cream is perfectly digestible and gives a feeling of fullness. In addition, it does not burden the stomach, activates appetite and stimulates the digestion process. It is believed that consumption of such a product can improve mood. This dairy product is a source of a whole complex of various useful substances. Among them there are quite a few vitamins represented by provitamin A, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, B vitamins, vitamin PP. Also, sour cream contains a number of organic acids. It is particularly rich in calcium, magnesium and sodium, and contains some phosphorus, biotin, lecithin and other minerals. In addition, such a fermented milk product saturates the body with carbohydrates, animal proteins, acids and sugars.

Consumption of sour cream in combination with raw carrots helps to increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases and improve the quality of vision. Such a product will be especially useful for men, because with systematic consumption, it effectively supports and increases potency.

Sour cream is actively used by the people to treat sunburn, in this case a couple of tablespoons of such a product should be combined with egg yolk, as well as a tablespoon of sunflower oil. Apply this composition to the affected area, cover with gauze and change once a day.

Also, eating this fermented milk product can play the role of a good antidepressant. Sour cream helps to cope with stress and irritability.

Systematic intake of it in food contributes to a significant improvement in human memory. After all, only one hundred grams of such a product contains about a quarter of the daily requirement of choline. This substance is an excellent brain stimulant, it activates memory and helps to improve intellectual ability. Choline in the diet of a pregnant woman has a positive effect on the development of the fetal brain.

With obesity or ailments of the cardiovascular system (the same atherosclerosis), sour cream can be an excellent alternative to oil. After all, it contains very little cholesterol. However, it should be consumed in these cases only in limited quantities.

It is believed that if a woman eats sour cream every day after the age of thirty-five, then she will face menopause an order of magnitude later. This property of this product is explained by the presence of copper in its composition, which is important for the synthesis of female sex hormones.

Sour cream has long been used by the fair sex as an excellent cosmetic product that can soothe the skin, saturate them with a mass of nutrients, eliminate wrinkles, minimize pores and whiten somewhat. This fermented milk product serves as an excellent base for many masks, in addition, it can be added to baths.

Can sour cream be dangerous, does it harm?

Excessive consumption of sour cream can really harm your health. If there is a particularly fatty product, over time, such an additive to the diet can provoke disorders of fat metabolism and cause problems with the liver and gallbladder. Also, excessive intake of sour cream in food can harm the figure. This hobby is also contraindicated for people with liver, heart and blood pressure problems.

Among other things, insufficient quality sour cream can also harm, for example, the one that was not stored correctly during delivery or in the store itself. Such sour cream is contraindicated for consumption. Try to identify it by the slightly bulging appearance of the packaging.

Is it possible to eat sour cream with a diet? This question worries many people who have set themselves the task of losing extra pounds. Traditionally, it is believed that only vegetable oil can and should be added to a vegetable salad, which is eaten by a losing weight, it is best to fry on it. Is it really so? What about butter? Can cream be used? The answers to these questions lie in the energy value of the products.

When it comes to calories, most fat people get bored right away. Some calculations and weighing, special tables. How can all this help you lose weight? Whether it's some popular diet, which clearly describes what you need to eat in order to lose weight immediately by 7, 10 or 15 kg. Just follow clear and understandable guidelines - and no problem. Even if you do not adhere to any diet, but simply eat salads with vegetable oil and vegetables fried in it all day long, you will definitely lose weight.

But this generally accepted opinion is nothing more than a delusion. The most high-calorie product is vegetable oil.

Animal or vegetable fats?

At the end of the last century, the media imposed the opinion that animal fats do not bring any benefit to the human body. And vegetable fats are very useful. Traditional butter on a sandwich was replaced by margarine; they preferred to refuse animal fats altogether. This approach was explained by the need to lower cholesterol levels in human blood.

It was believed that animal fats are completely unnecessary, since they are produced in the body from proteins and carbohydrates supplied with food. If we consider fats as a source of energy, then there are enough ways to obtain it.

However, deeper studies in the United States, as well as practical observations of overweight people, showed very quickly that completely eliminating animal fats did not bring the expected weight loss. Moreover, fat is an essential structural element of cell membranes. Together with proteins, it is present in most intracellular formations. Such substances are not synthesized in the body on their own, their supplier is animal fat, and it must be included in your diet.

It is estimated that in the diet of a healthy, physically active person, fat should be at least 30%. However, it is found in many foods used in food. In terms of grams, the body's daily need for fat is approximately 80-100 g. If we take into account the fat content in other foods, then the net fraction of fat should be at least 30-40 g.

For a dieter, this share should be reduced to 25-30 g. On the recommendation of nutritionists, it is better to use sour cream rather than butter or fat in its pure form. It is a supplier of fat and fits perfectly into the total daily calorie intake.

Avoiding animal fats completely when losing weight is a mistake. Moreover, a sharp decrease in the amount of sterols entering the body, which enter there exclusively with fats, is dangerous for the endocrine system. Sterols are used by the body to form most hormones. This explains the depressed mood, the occurrence of depression and a general deterioration in the condition of a person sitting on an unbalanced diet based on the rejection of fats.

Is it possible to eat sour cream with a diet?

The main problem faced by a person starting the process of weight loss is the preparation and calculation of the diet within the calorie corridor. It is believed that if you eat in the range of 2500-3000 kcal, then the weight will be stable. The body will completely spend the energy received from food during the day. If you reduce the calorie content of the daily diet to 700-1400 kcal, then you can achieve significant weight loss without even resorting to physical activity. This amount of food is enough only to partially satisfy the daily requirement of the body. He will have to "extract" the missing energy by processing fat reserves.

The main problem with reducing the diet is that a person who is losing weight should not feel hungry. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

  • there is only at the table;
  • chew food slowly, enjoying every bite;
  • include foods and meals of low energy value in your diet.

If you remember about the introduction of animal fats into the diet, then the latter condition may seem impracticable.

Indeed, with a calorie content of 748 kcal of butter, even 10 g of a product will increase the calorie content of any dish by about 75 kcal, and with a calorie content of 700-1000 kcal, this is a large figure. If we talk about animal fats, then their energy value is even higher: pork fat has a caloric value of 816 kcal, mutton and beef fat - 897 kcal.

A dairy product such as sour cream can come to the rescue. It can be eaten by introducing the required amount of animal fats and protein into the body and without fear of such a significant increase in the calorie content of the dish, as when using butter or lard.

The fattest 30% village sour cream contains only 294 kcal. And 10% fat-free sour cream can become a constant ingredient in all dietary meals, because its energy value is only 118 kcal per 100 g of product.

Is there a sour cream diet?

Among the large number of mono-diets, which imply the use of one product for a certain time, the sour cream diet causes numerous controversies.

Its essence lies in the fact that on any two arbitrarily chosen days of the week, you must limit your diet exclusively to sour cream. The amount of the daily allowance varies according to various recommendations from 400 to 600 grams. In addition to sour cream, you can use an unlimited amount of water, as well as a rosehip decoction.

The following arguments are cited to prove the usefulness and effectiveness:

  • quick results;
  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • getting rid of excess fluid in tissues and organs;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improving the state of the nervous system;
  • introduction of vitamins and minerals into the body.

A person with a strong will will survive for two days on the recommended diet. But how effective is the diet really? A quick result, characterized by a loss of a couple of kilograms, is quite possible. But these pounds will quickly return as soon as the normal diet is resumed.

Like any fermented milk product, sour cream has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and on metabolic processes. But at the same time, such an amount of this product can provoke flatulence, bloating and indigestion. Therefore, hypothetical benefits may be crossed out by real harm, especially for people who do not tolerate milk protein well.

It is difficult to say what exactly the creators of the diet meant by improving the functioning of the nervous system. But with a high degree of probability, we can assume that such a meager diet will cause fatigue, irritability, provoke a bad mood, headaches and general malaise.

Thus, the possible effect of such a diet is highly questionable. And it is worthwhile to think carefully about whether it is necessary to limit the diet so sharply. It is better to try to compose a complete, well-balanced dietary menu within the calorie corridor, without subjecting your body to such restrictions. After all, a sharp restriction in nutrition is perceived by our subconscious mind as a threat to the body, and it will try in all possible ways not only to replenish the lost pounds, but also at the next attempt to lose weight find ways to "persuade" its owner to abandon this idea. This explains the numerous breakdowns that occur with overweight people who periodically try to lose weight with the help of mono diets.

The main condition for stable and effective weight loss is a balanced, nutritious diet.

A person who is losing weight should not feel hunger, otherwise breakdowns and additional weight gain are inevitable.

Can you eat sour cream on a diet? A frequent question from people trying to lose excess by following a certain nutritional method. If there are no doubts with mayonnaise, then they remain with a fermented milk product, given that the fat content of sour cream can be low and for the body it contains a lot of useful substances. Is the ban on sour cream categorical or is the dosed use of the product acceptable? Details in the article.

General characteristics of sour cream

If we talk about natural sour cream, then it is made in compliance with the original recipe, when the cream removed from the surface of the milk is fermented with sourdough and nothing else is added. Such a composition is declared on the packaging of many manufacturers, but the taste is different, which indicates certain deviations from the recipe standards or non-observance of the aging time, temperature regime.

There is a lot of sour cream on sale, which can hardly be called such, because components are used in the manufacture that have nothing to do with the natural composition. This product has the trade name "sour cream product". It contains vegetable fat, flavorings, stabilizers and much more, which makes the products unsuitable for dietary nutrition. The benefits of a sour cream product for the body are doubtful and the calorie content exceeds the permissible doses of sour cream for weight loss.

Useful qualities of sour cream

Natural sour cream contains various minerals and vitamins, which make it useful for people of different ages:

  • Calcium, potassium, sodium, iodine, selenium, zinc;
  • Vitamins of group B, A, PP, C, D, E;
  • Animal fats with different percentages;
  • Protein in a large amount, which is useful for a person with a diet to provide cells with energy;
  • Acids of organic origin, involved in various metabolic processes, for example, during digestion and removal of processed products from the body;
  • The product contains beta-carotene, which helps to maintain normal vision;
  • The riboflavin substance contained in sour cream helps the absorption of vitamin B6;
  • Cholesterol is another substance in sour cream that is considered harmful because of the risk of atherosclerosis formation, but there is also a benefit from it - it participates in the production of certain hormones and in the construction of cells.

Therefore, sour cream, even with a diet, helps to restore strength and provide reserves of nutrients, vitamins, which are received in limited quantities during systemic weight loss.

The benefits of sour cream for a person not only in its composition, but also in active participation in the following processes:

  • Launching exchange mechanisms that for some reason have ceased to be active;
  • Stabilization of blood glucose, which is important for people with diabetes mellitus or a predisposition to it;
  • Helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels, being involved in its formation;
  • Participates in the processes of strengthening and renewing bone, articular tissue, in maintaining the excellent condition of tooth enamel, skin and hair area;
  • Prolongs youth by inhibiting the internal aging processes of organs.

So, everything is clear about the benefits of sour cream, but will it not harm and slow down the process of losing weight if it is present on the table during the diet?

If you follow the dosage calculated by nutritionists as the permissible norm for one day, then you can not be afraid that the kilograms will not go away.

On the contrary, sour cream helps to improve bowel function, which is important with any diet due to stool retention (constipation), as a side effect of the desire to lose excess.

What sour cream can be considered a dietary product

A fermented milk product of different production methods has a different fat content and calorie content, which is important when choosing sour cream, if you follow the system for dumping extra pounds.

Home product

Its fat content is the highest, but it depends on the breed of the cow, which gives milk of different fat content, which affects the properties of the cream, which was removed from the jar after settling in the refrigerator and added the leaven to the resulting volume. In some cases, the fat content of the milk is enough to get sour cream without additional fermentation. The thickness of the top layer in the jar can be up to 2–5 centimeters. Village sour cream cannot be called dietary, because the percentage of fat content can reach 50-60%, which will bring up to 500 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Industrial sour cream

It is produced under the control of fat content, which varies from 10 to 30%, which is always indicated on the package and the consumer has a choice. For a diet, you should take sour cream with a fat content of no higher than 15%, because in terms of calories per 100 grams, this will amount to 115-170 kcal.

Sour cream product

It is not worth considering for consumption with a diet, because there is no benefit, fats are not of animal, but of plant origin, various flavoring additives, stabilizers and much more are added to the composition, which is unacceptable for a diet. The benefits of natural sour cream are many times greater, even with an accidental departure from the daily norm, the calorie content at 10% fat content is 202 kcal per 100 grams.

How much sour cream can you eat while losing weight

Is sour cream possible with a diet? If you follow the recommended daily rate, then there will be no harm to the figure.

Nutritionists are allowed to consume 25 grams of sour cream up to 20% fat or up to 2 tablespoons per day.

You need to eat sour cream in the morning or at lunchtime, given that the product is high in calories and must have time to be processed so as not to settle on the body with extra centimeters. The inclusion of sour cream in the evening is prohibited, unless we are talking about a mono-diet, where sour cream is the main product for losing weight.

It is advisable to combine sour cream with herbs, vegetables or fruits in order to diversify the menu and dilute the calorie content of the fermented milk product.

For example, carrots, fresh cucumbers, celery, spinach - this is a large amount of fiber, which in tandem with sour cream better gives the body vitamins and reduces the fat content of the sauce.

What else to combine sour cream with when losing weight depends on the principles of the diet, because some methods exclude a number of products from the diet, considering them useless and inhibiting the process. This should be noted and consulted with your dietitian.

Is it possible to lose extra pounds on a sour cream diet?

Lovers of fermented milk products will like the sour cream diet, which is developed by nutritionists and is considered effective if there are no health contraindications.

  • It belongs to the number of mono-diets, where sour cream is the only product that needs to be eaten during the day in a volume of 400 ml. But this portion is designed not for one dose, but for 5-6 approaches during the day.
  • Additionally, a rosehip decoction is allowed in a volume of 400 ml per day.
  • No other products, spices, drinks can be consumed. Only pure sour cream and a decoction.
  • The fat content of sour cream should not be more than 20% for the result to be maximum. The term of such weight loss is 3 days, it is not worth prolonging it, because there is a threat to the body due to the lack of other products.
  • The result of a mono-diet on sour cream is three kilograms, mainly due to the release of fluid from the body.

The splitting of subcutaneous or internal fat is difficult to achieve with such a diet. It is better to use the sour cream day as a deload 1-2 times a week to get the metabolism off the ground.

Banned sour cream

Any disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract are a contraindication for the use of sour cream, not only with a diet, but also during normal meals. An increased acid-base balance in the stomach when sour cream enters it, even 10% fat can provoke heartburn, which is unpleasant and dangerous for the esophagus. Severity in the stomach is the second side effect if sour cream is eaten during a diet with intestinal pathology.

Although gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, ulcers) in themselves are a contraindication for many methods of losing weight. Only a special diet prescribed by a gastroenterologist is relevant in this situation if you want to lose weight and bring the digestive process and digestive organs back to normal.

Functional changes in the liver, gallbladder also do not allow the inclusion of sour cream in the daily menu.


Can i eat sour cream while dieting? The answer is yes, but with a caveat - the fat content of sour cream is not more than 20%, the daily rate is 25 grams. Breakfast and lunch is the best time to enjoy sour cream, and for dinner it is better to use kefir, if allowed by the food system chosen for losing weight. The benefits of the product are great, but abuse will lead to even more weight gain and all efforts will be reduced to zero.

Sour cream diet and is it possible to eat sour cream with a diet?

There are many different ways to lose weight, the Internet is full of all sorts of ideas for fasting days. But often they only harm our health. Therefore, I would like to give an example of one of the useful options for unloading, the main product of which is sour cream. It turns out that it is an effective aid in weight loss, and even has a beneficial effect on our entire body.

How does it work?

The benefits of sour cream

It is known that sour cream is quite useful. It has the ability to remove stagnant fluid, contributes to the process of restoring the metabolic process and the entire digestive process, as well as to remove toxins. In addition, sour cream is a storehouse of vitamins (for example, E, A, group C, B, PP) and many substances that have a beneficial effect on the body, such as, for example, lecithin and calcium. Also, when choosing how to dress a salad, do not give preference to salads with oil and mayonnaise. You can choose sour cream as a salad dressing for weight loss, but you need to use sour cream with a low percentage of fat. Salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, any greens, seasoned with sour cream are very tasty. Such a salad is very useful for those who are going to lose weight or are already in the process itself. It is also combined with many other dishes: for example, dumplings, dumplings - some cannot imagine them without sour cream. Various sour cream sauces are very useful: they will be an excellent addition to your healthy food. An example of such a sauce: a combination of spices, herbs - at your request - sour cream with garlic. Many also use basil, herbs of Provence, or parsley and paprika. After the sauce has been steeped for a while, it will taste even better. This kind of sauce can be combined with fish and meat. Plus, it's quick and easy to prepare. The housewives are also very fond of cheese sour cream sauce.

Here is his recipe for your attention:

The following ingredients are taken: sour cream, hard cheese, cream and eggs, butter and flour. The eggs need to be mixed with sour cream and beat well either with a whisk or with a blender, then grate the cheese and add it to the mass you have received, the cream with a little and flour must be heated over the fire for about four minutes, but without bringing to a boil, there add our ingredients. The fire should be small. Salt as desired.

Should I go on a sour cream diet?

By starting to adhere to the sour cream diet, you can not only lose the hated kilograms, but also make your bones strong, improve the condition of your skin, and also improve your well-being.

In turn, you do not need to be intimidated by the fat content of this product, because it consists of a completely different fat, not from what is present in meat, butter and other similar products. Sour cream, like other fermented milk products, has a good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. But it is much fatter than milk, but its properties are much more useful than the properties of milk itself. There is no better product than sour cream, which saturates well, leaves a feeling of satiety, and after which you do not want to eat. Many people are worried about the cholesterol content of fatty dairy products, so they are wary of using them. But it turned out that in sour cream it is four times less than in butter, for example, butter, and two and a half times less than the same cream contains.

Features of the sour cream diet

It is recommended to adhere to the sour cream diet for no more than two days in a row. To carry it out, you will need to buy four hundred grams of fresh sour cream. Better if it is a homemade product. But a store one can also work, only it contains fewer useful elements, but since it is problematic to find a home one, use the first option. Also, do not try to use an already open jar of sour cream for a fasting day. The only thing is, when buying, carefully look for the date of manufacture - after all, we use only fresh product, since sour cream loses some of its useful properties over time.

Choosing fat

Which fat content to choose - you have to decide for yourself. If you have set yourself a clear goal - weight loss, then you will need to take 10-15%, if you want to arrange a so-called unloading day for yourself - you can give preference to sour cream fatter - twenty percent, for example. Be careful, if you have problems with the heart and blood vessels, then you need to refuse the high fat content of the product. On average, sour cream has the following calorie content: from 100 to 300.

So, we will divide four hundred grams of the sour cream just bought into approximately equal portions of eighty grams each. For 1 meal, you need to eat only 1 portion. In this case, about three hours should pass between snacks! You may think that eighty grams is very little, but don't give up, use the trick: eat from a small bowl and with a small spoon, trying to enjoy the product.


Compared to most of the foods we offer you, our diet has severe restrictions on the consumed liquid foods. It is allowed to drink about two cups of tea per day. Choose tea, mostly herbal, or weak, or rosehip infusion.

The benefits of such a diet:

Following the principles of the sour cream diet, it takes up to one kilogram of unnecessary weight in a few days. But remember that you cannot test your body for more than two days. It has been established that if you arrange a day of sour cream about once a week, then after a month you can get rid of five kilograms.


This method should be used only if you had overeaten up the day before and your body needs to be unloaded. You should not abruptly sit down on a sour cream diet, before that you need to prepare the body by reducing the amount of daily calories consumed. So, by gradually lowering calories, you will not cause sudden changes in the body, and it will not switch to a fat-saving mode. And for those who dream of how to say goodbye to excess body fat, this is not necessary at all. Therefore, you should be careful.

Also, you do not need to resort to this diet as a helper for losing a lot of body weight. To do this, there are all kinds of nutritional techniques that will help you and your body stay healthy, while removing excess weight. Keep in mind that if you have any health problems, you should consult with a dietitian before deciding to go on a diet.

Sour cream is the most popular dairy product, which long ago occupied one of the most important places on the table of almost every person in our country.

This product is made from cream, which is then prepared by sour milk fermentation.

We love sour cream for its pleasant taste, a huge number of useful properties and universal application, since it can be used both in cooking and in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Sour cream: composition, as used - inside and out

Every knowledgeable housewife knows how to make sour cream at home. This process is quite simple, all that is needed for this is to remove the cream from the settled whole milk and leave it in the refrigerator for several days. Alternatively, you can pass the whole milk through a separator, which can skim it, separate the cream and clean the milk of excess dirt and debris.

Lactic acid streptococci, which are contained in the cream, transfer the desired acidity, taste and aroma to the sour cream.

Sour cream from store shelves, which is prepared in dairy factories from special sourdough and pasteurized milk, is not always useful. The fact is that unscrupulous manufacturers use vegetable fats, various stabilizers, additives, and so on instead of cream.

How to define a fresh and quality product? It should consist of a uniform consistency, have sufficient thickness and fat content in the absence of any grains, and have a slightly sour taste. The density of sour cream increases in parallel with the fat content, so it should be in a natural product. If one of the indicators is high, and the second is underestimated, it means that sour cream is literally "stuffed" with various chemical additives.

To get a classic taste and look, you need to use only natural heavy cream. Sour cream, which was produced by any other method, not only will not bring any benefit to the body, but can also harm it.

Also, when storing the product, the required temperature level must be observed without fail, since otherwise the process of oxidation of milk fats may begin in it, which will subsequently lead to the multiplication of harmful microorganisms.

High-quality natural sour cream is perfectly absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach, it can also improve appetite and stimulate the digestion of food. It contains a huge amount of various useful vitamins and minerals, such as, for example, vitamins A, C, E, B, PP, organic acids.

Also sour cream is rich in:

  • leticin and other micro- and macroelements. Also, sour cream contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, acids, animal proteins and sugar.

Calorie content

    10% fat: 100 g of sour cream contains 115.4 kcal;

    15% - 158.9 kcal;

    20% - 202.8 kcal;

    30% - 290.8 kcal.

As for homemade sour cream, its average calorie content is about 235 kcal, which is equal to 11-12% of the daily value for an adult.

Sour cream: what are the benefits for the body?

Diet properties

Nutritionists know better than anyone about the beneficial properties of sour cream. First of all, their positive effect on the secretory function of the stomach is mentioned. This fermented milk product is perfectly absorbed by the body and helps to fight intestinal colitis and ulcers. During the period of ripening and fermentation, it gains useful substances that are perfectly and quickly absorbed.

If you want to cleanse your intestines, you can use this method:

1) for the first 7 days of breakfast, replace 100 g of sour cream with the addition of one dessert spoon of flour;

2) for the second week, add 2 tablespoons of flour to the same 100 g of sour cream;

3) and in the third week the amount of flour increases to three tablespoons of flour.

For all three weeks, be sure to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Thus, the intestines will be gently and delicately cleansed of viruses, mucus and fecal stones.

For people who want to lose weight, famous nutritionists around the world consider the sour cream diet to be one of the best ways to combat this problem. With the help of this diet, in addition to getting rid of extra pounds, a person can balance his metabolism, improve the gastrointestinal tract and remove excess fluid from the body.

The sour cream diet is carried out for only 2-3 days, during which a person must observe the following diet: during the day, consumption of 400 g of a product with a fat content in the range of 20-30%. So, every 3 hours you need to eat 400 g of sour cream, in just a day there should be at least 5. In between meals, you should also drink rosehip infusion (at least 2 glasses per day).

With the help of such a diet, a person is able to lose up to three kilograms. However, it also has negative aspects. For example, such a diet is prohibited for athletes and people with major health problems, since their body is very weakened by the disease.

Sour cream with a low fat content is considered a dietary product that will be useful for both a child and an elderly person. Nutritionists also recommend it to sick people, as it can accelerate rehabilitation after illness and improve hormones.

For better preservation of the useful components of sour cream, it is better to add it to ready-made dishes, for example, in the first: soup, borscht, hodgepodge, and so on. In this product, you can also stew and bake fish, meat and vegetables, as well as various desserts: creams, jelly, casseroles, it is also added to the dough.

It is extremely difficult to imagine most of the traditional dishes from our area without this fermented milk product, since it is an excellent dressing for pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, cheese cakes and various vegetable salads.

Application of the product in folk medicine and cosmetology

Quite often, sour cream is used in folk medicine. For example, if you take it in combination with grated raw carrots, you can significantly increase the body's immunity to various infectious diseases, as well as improve vision.

Sour cream is also very popular among men, as it is able to maintain and improve their potency.

It's no secret that sour cream with a high level of fat content can relieve redness and burning, as well as soothe skin irritations. In the event of any burn, immediately, until bubbles form on the skin, the following mixture should be applied to the problem area:

    2 tablespoons of sour cream;

    1 egg yolk;

    1 tablespoon of sunflower oil.

All ingredients are well mixed and applied to the burn site, after which a gauze bandage is applied on top. You need to change this bandage once a day.

Among people, sour cream is known as an excellent antidepressant, relieves stress, improves mood. To cheer you up, you just need to eat a glass of whipped fresh sour cream with a little sugar for flavor.

Also, with regular consumption of this product, you can significantly improve memory. For example, only 100 g of sour cream contains ¼ \u200b\u200bof the choline norm per day. Choline is an excellent brain stimulant, it helps to sharpen memory and increase intelligence. Also, choline is very necessary for pregnant mothers, since it has a positive effect on the development of the fetal brain.

From time immemorial, women have been using sour cream as an excellent cosmetic product that can soothe irritated skin, fill it with nourishing ingredients, smooth wrinkles, narrow pores, and so on. Also, this product is often used as a base for creating various cosmetic masks and creams.

Sour cream: what is the harm to health?

The harm from consuming sour cream is small, but it also needs to be mentioned. For example, with regular abuse of this product, a person may have problems with the metabolism of fats, which will subsequently result in problems with the liver and gallbladder.

Many people with a tendency to be overweight are frightened by the increased calorie content of sour cream. However, if you take it in small quantities, it will only be beneficial and will not affect your weight in any way.

Some people believe that sour cream is high in cholesterol. In fact, there is much less cholesterol than butter. At the same time, it is absorbed faster than milk.

Thus, it is impossible to abuse sour cream for people who have problems with the liver, heart and blood pressure, in a limited amount it will not harm anyone.

Sour cream for children: good or bad

For children, sour cream is very useful, and from the age of one, it can be added to the baby's diet, adding to baby food. At the same time, sour cream should have a minimum fat content.

As for homemade sour cream, it can be given to a child from 3 years old, since it is more fatty. In general, sour cream is very useful for a child, as it has the following properties:

1) The product contains calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus, which are very beneficial for the child's body;

2) Sour cream in combination with other products, for example, carrots, can increase the child's immunity;

3) The presence of organic acids and vitamins in the composition has a positive effect on the growth and development of the bone and muscle tissue of the child.

Thus, sour cream is a very useful and tasty product for absolutely any person. At the same time, do not forget that you should not abuse it, because in addition to problems with excess weight, you can get "gifts" in the form of a load on the liver and heart.

Enjoy your meal!