What can be cooked from small carrots. Carrot Recipes

30.10.2019 Bakery

Stewed carrots as a side dish is a tasty, original and incredibly healthy dish.

Unfortunately, it is not as popular as, for example, potatoes.

Many do not even suspect that a light and tasty side dish can be prepared from carrots.

The article contains the best recipes for stewed carrots.

Basically, this vegetable is added to other dishes to enhance the taste. We will learn how to cook an independent dish from carrots.

Stewed carrots - the basic principles of cooking

Carrots are peeled, washed well and cut into rings, cubes, sticks or rubbed coarsely.

Stew carrots in a pan, cauldron or slow cooker. The chopped vegetable is laid out in a heated cauldron, a little drinking water or broth is added, covered with a lid and stewed for about half an hour. In general, the cooking time depends on how finely chopped the carrots are.

As an addition, carrots add onions, apples, green peas and other vegetables. Stewed carrots are cooked with poultry or lean pork and beef.

Carrots will turn out very tender if stewed in sour cream, milk or cream.

Recipe 1. Stewed carrots with onions


250 g of onion;

freshly ground pepper;

500 g carrots;

80 g butter;

150 g of tomatoes;

5 g turmeric;

green onions - a bunch;

5 g ground coriander.

Cooking method

1. Cut the peeled and washed onion into half rings. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Put onion half rings in it and fry until golden brown.

2. Peel and wash the carrots well. Cut it into fairly large pieces.

3. Put the carrots to the fried onions and continue to fry for another seven minutes. Then pour in drinking water so that it slightly covers the vegetables. Simmer covered for half an hour.

4. Rinse the onion greens, pat dry and finely chop.

5. Wash the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water and peel them. Place the vegetable in a blender and grind it into a tomato puree. Transfer the tomato to the carrots. Salt, season with spices and mix. After a minute, turn off the heat, add finely chopped green onions, cover with a lid and leave for several minutes. Garnish with parsley leaves when serving.

Recipe 2. Stewed carrots with apples


large carrots - 7 pcs.;

finely ground salt;

60 g butter;

80 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking method

1. Peel apples and carrots. Wash the carrots and cut into small cubes. Remove cores from apples and chop finely.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Put the carrots in it and fry over medium heat for about two minutes.

3. Pour in a ladle of boiled water and simmer for a quarter of an hour over moderate heat. Add water little by little as it evaporates.

4. After the allotted time, add chopped apples. Sprinkle with salt and sugar. Stir and continue to simmer for another 15 minutes. If there is not enough liquid in the pan, add water. Remove from heat, transfer to bowls and serve on its own.

Recipe 3. Stewed carrots with green peas


400 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

200 g frozen green peas;

vegetable oil;

250 ml of milk;

50 g butter;

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add carrots. Fry vegetables for five minutes.

2. Then add green peas to the carrots and continue to fry for another three minutes.

3. Put the saucepan on the fire, melt the butter in it and fry the flour. Pour in warmed milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Reduce heat to low and simmer until thickened. Salt the sauce. Constantly check that no lumps form.

4. Put the fried vegetables in a thick sauce and mix. Keep on fire for about three minutes, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Serve sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 4. Stewed carrots in sour cream


kg of carrots;


a glass of sour cream;

extra salt;

bunch of parsley.

Cooking method

1. The first step is to prepare the carrots. Clean the vegetables and wash well. Cut carrots into thin circles.

2. Heat up a frying pan with oil and put chopped carrots into it. Pour boiled water so that it barely covers the carrots. Cover with a lid and leave to simmer.

3. While the carrots are stewing, prepare the parsley. Wash it, pat dry and chop finely.

4. As soon as the carrots become soft, pour in the sour cream, salt, pepper and add the chopped parsley. Stew carrots in sour cream for another five minutes. Arrange the stewed carrots on plates and serve as an independent dish, or as a side dish.

Recipe 5. Stewed carrots in tomato sauce


600 g carrots;

finely ground salt;

250 ml of tomato puree;

freshly ground pepper;

60 ml olive oil;

4 tomatoes.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots, wash and cut each carrot crosswise into five pieces. Wash the tomatoes, wipe with a napkin and scald with boiling water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes. Chop the pulp into small cubes.

2. Pour oil into a saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as the oil is hot, put the carrots in it and fry lightly. Then add chopped tomatoes, mix and simmer for ten minutes.

3. After the specified time, add tomato puree, salt and pepper to taste. Cover the saucepan with a lid and bring to a boil. From the moment of boiling, twist the fire to a minimum. Simmer until carrots are soft.

Recipe 6. Stewed carrots in milk


100 ml sour cream;

citric acid;

finely ground salt;

Art. l. butter;

granulated sugar;

half a glass of milk;

kilogram of carrots;

Art. l. flour.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the peeled carrots under the tap. Cut into slices five millimeters thick. Put the carrots in a thick-walled pan, pour in the milk. It should cover half of the carrot, as in the process of stewing the vegetable will give a sufficient amount of juice.

2. Sprinkle carrots with sugar and salt. Add some citric acid and butter. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetable, stirring occasionally, until soft.

3. Heat the pan and fry the flour in it until golden brown. Dilute the sour cream with a little water, add the fried flour and mix well to get a homogeneous mixture without lumps. It is better to do this with a blender.

4. Pour the carrots with the resulting sauce, mix gently and simmer for about another five minutes. Before serving, carrots can be garnished with fried onions.

Recipe 7. Stewed carrots with bell peppers


six carrots;

four red bell peppers;

granulated sugar;

four ripe tomatoes;

extra salt;


olive oil;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the onion, rinse and chop finely. Place a heavy bottomed pan on the stove, add olive oil and heat. Put chopped onion in it and fry until soft.

2. Rinse the bell peppers, wipe with a napkin, remove the tails and seeds. Cut the vegetable into thin strips. Send chopped peppers to a pan with onions. Pour in olive oil and continue to simmer.

3. Remove the peel from the carrots and crumble it into thin strips. Transfer the carrot to the onion with pepper, mix and simmer, covered with a lid.

4. Grate the washed tomatoes. You should get a fresh tomato mass.

5. Salt the stewed carrots with vegetables, sprinkle with sugar and curry. Mix. Add tomato paste and mix again. Simmer for five minutes under the lid.

6. Wash the greens, dry and finely chop. Before the end of cooking, sprinkle the carrots with herbs, mix and then simmer for a couple of minutes.

Recipe 8. Stewed carrots with rice in a slow cooker


four carrots;

a little sour cream;

half a cup of round rice;

a pinch of fine salt;

half a glass of prunes;

sugar - 80 g;

butter - 90 g.

Cooking method

1. Peel the carrots with a sharp knife. Wash it under the tap and chop into medium cubes.

2. Wash the rice several times. Rinse prunes and fill with hot boiled water. Steam dried fruits for half an hour. Drain the liquid, if there are bones, remove them. Dry the prunes and cut into quarters.

3. Turn on the "Frying" program on the multicooker. Melt the butter in the capacity of the unit. Put in the carrots and fry for a few minutes. Then pour in the washed rice grits, add the pieces of prunes and mix.

4. Set the program "Rice". Sprinkle the carrot-rice mixture with sugar and salt, pour in boiled water and mix. Cook until the beep sounds. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

Recipe 9. Stewed carrots with beef


ten carrots;

extra salt;

beef pulp - 300 g;

freshly ground mixture of peppers;

onion - 140 g;

a quarter of a pack of butter;

meat broth - one and a half glasses.

Cooking method

1. Clean the beef pulp from films and fat. Put in a saucepan with water, add peppercorns, bay leaves and greenery branches. Boil the meat until soft. Then take it out of the broth and let it cool. Cut the meat into pieces and fry in butter. Strain the broth.

2. Peel the carrots, wash and cut them into small cubes. Put the chopped vegetable in a saucepan, pour in the broth and cook for a quarter of an hour.

Drain liquid from carrots. Mix carrots with meat, salt, pepper, mix and send for half an hour in the oven.

3. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped parsley or dill before serving.

Recipe 10. Stewed carrots with prunes


half a kilogram of carrots;

butter - 15 g;

half a glass of prunes;

50 g sour cream;

25 ml milk.

Cooking method

1. Chop the peeled and washed carrots into small strips. Put the chopped vegetable in a saucepan and add butter. Pour in the milk and simmer, stirring occasionally, until half cooked.

2. Rinse the prunes several times, pour warm boiled water over them and leave for 15 minutes. Remove the pits from the steamed prunes, add it to the carrots, mix and simmer until the carrots are completely cooked. Serve stewed carrots with sour cream.

    A young carrot cooks much faster than a vegetable that was in storage.

    Add a little sugar to the stewed carrots, this will make the dish tender and juicy.

    To make carrots stewed in sour cream spicy, add a mixture of peppers and ground coriander to it.

    For cooking, take smooth, orange fruits without damage. It will be good if it is with green tops, which means that the vegetable is fresh.

As you know, carrots are a very useful root vegetable. The traditional, familiar carrot is orange, but there are also purple and white varieties. Carrots are high in vitamin A and are part of many diets, although the way carrots are cooked can greatly reduce their nutritional content. We are used to the fact that carrots are one of the ingredients of various first and vegetable dishes, but you can be sure that carrots can be an excellent independent side dish for meat or fish. For the preparation of carrot dishes, you can choose large or small carrots, fresh carrots from the garden or the last harvest. Here are a few ways to cook carrots that will help preserve their natural sweetness and flavor. You can choose your cooking option for carrots depending on your eating habits.

A small note: the amount of carrots given in the description is not accurate for the recipe. The main purpose is to show you cooking options. Take the right amount of carrots for your particular occasion.

The first step is to prepare the carrots.

Before cooking, carrots need to be prepared. Here are some recommendations:

Small carrots do not need to be peeled and cut. Cook it whole, after rubbing it well with a hard culinary brush or dishwashing sponge. Wash carrots with cold water.

Large carrots can also not be peeled, but wiped with a sponge. But if it's last season's carrots and it already has very pronounced skin, then it's better to peel it. To do this, it is best to use a special knife for peeling vegetables. And don't forget that major nitrates and pesticides accumulate in the skin, so that's another reason to peel carrots.

Cut clean carrots into circles, slices or grate, depending on the recipe.

Method 1 - blanched carrots.

Cut the carrots according to your wishes, for example, into oval slices up to 5 mm thick, cutting them diagonally.

Place carrots in a pot of cold water and bring to a boil. The water should just cover the carrots. Boil for 5-6 minutes. If the carrots are cut into large pieces or whole, cook a little longer - 10-12 minutes.

Drain and use the carrots as directed in your recipe.

Method 2 - steamed carrots.

Steaming is a great way to cook any root vegetable. Steam carrots retain the most vitamins and nutrients. For steaming, it is better to use young carrots.

Wash the carrots, cut off the ends, if necessary, cut into quarters.

Prepare a pot and steam basket or use a steamer. Pour in the correct amount of water. If you are using a basket, the water should not touch the bottom of the basket.

Bring water to a boil, add carrots and close the lid. Cook until carrots are soft. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the carrot. After about 8 minutes of cooking, check the carrots regularly to make sure they don't overcook.

Serve hot. You can pour it with your favorite sauce, cream or sour cream.

Method 3 - boiled carrots.

Boiling carrots is the most suitable way to cook already mature root crops. You can add chicken or vegetable broth to add flavor.

Peel and cut carrots. Put in a saucepan and fill with water or broth 1-2 cm above the carrots. Salt if necessary.

Bring the carrots to a boil, cover and cook over medium heat until tender. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes. Carrots should not become completely soft and fall apart.

Ready boiled carrots can be sprinkled with fresh herbs or finely chopped green onions.

Method 4 - carrots in the microwave.

Place 400 g peeled and chopped carrots in a microwave-safe dish. Add 2 tablespoons of water, cover. Cook the carrots until slightly soft so that they are a little more crispy. Depending on the power of the microwave and the size of the carrots, the approximate cooking time is:

Thin slices are boiled for 6-9 minutes.

Sliced ​​carrots, cook for 5-7 minutes.

Cook whole small carrots for 7-9 minutes.

Method 5 - stewed carrots.

Preheat oven to 140 degrees.

Prepare the carrots, cut them into strips or circles. Place the carrots in an oven dish. For 400g carrots, add 1/3 cup chopped onion or shallot, 2 teaspoons grated orange zest, 1 cup orange juice, 1/3 cup olive oil. Add pepper and salt to taste. You can also add a few sprigs of thyme.

Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Then cover with a lid. If you don't have a suitable lid, cover the dish tightly with baking foil.

Put the carrots in the oven and bake for about an hour and a half until soft.

Remove the dish from the oven, serve the carrots hot, sprinkled with fresh parsley.

Method 6 - Glazed Carrots.

For this method, young medium-sized carrots are best suited.

First, steam the carrots for 5-8 minutes.

Melt 25 g butter in a frying pan, add half a cup of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of orange juice. When the sugar has melted, add the carrots and cook for 1 minute, then remove from heat.

Serve the glazed carrots warm with finely chopped parsley or chopped nuts.

Method 7 - fried and baked carrots.

Slice carrots lengthwise in half or quarters. Melt the butter in a frying pan and quickly brown the carrots on all sides over high heat.

Spread the carrots on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-40 minutes, depending on the size of the carrots. The carrots should be soft and caramelized. It is advisable to turn the carrots several times during cooking.

Such carrots can be served with other fried vegetables, such as zucchini.

Method 8 - fried carrots.

Cut carrots into thin strips. You can use a special grater. Pour some vegetable oil into a hot frying pan.

Roast the carrots until they are softened but still crispy.

Remove from heat and serve hot, sprinkled with fresh mint.

Method 9 - carrots with raisins.

Cut carrots into small pieces or circles. Fry in melted butter.

Dust lightly with flour and add water just to cover the carrots. If desired, add a spoonful of cognac.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Add a handful of raisins and continue to cook until the carrots are soft.

Method 10 - BBQ Carrots.

Cut the carrot lengthwise into 4-6 pieces. Melt some butter and use a brush to brush the carrots with butter.

Place a grill grate on the stove and place the carrots on it. Cook until it caramelizes.

Method 11 - carrot puree.

Cut the carrots into circles and boil in salted water until softened. You can add some sugar.

Drain the cooked carrots, reserving some for later use.

Rub the carrots through a sieve or chop in a blender. If the puree is too thick, add some drained water.

Put a spoonful of butter and mix well. You can also add a few tablespoons of cream.

Carrot puree is the perfect side dish for grilled meats and vegetables.

Method 12 - carrot soup.

There are many recipes for carrot soup, some simple, others more complex. Here is one option.

Grate 4 carrots.

In a small amount of butter or vegetable oil, fry finely chopped onion with a small piece of grated ginger. Squeeze 2-3 cloves of garlic and fry as well.

Put the grated carrots to the onion and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Add 1 liter of vegetable or chicken stock and simmer for 30 minutes.

If you want puree soup, grind the carrot mass with a blender. You can add some cream. Serve sprinkled with parsley.

Method 13 - carrots with turnips or rutabaga.

The natural sweetness of carrots pairs beautifully with turnip or swede flavors.

Wash the carrots. If the carrot is not young, peel it. Cut the carrot into thin slices. Also chop the turnip or rutabaga.

Place vegetables in boiling water or broth and cook until soft enough to puree.

Drain and mash the vegetables with a fork, draining any excess liquid as needed.

Add ground black pepper and a piece of butter, serve hot as a side dish with meat.

Method 14 - sweets with carrots.

The natural sweetness of carrots makes them an ideal ingredient for many sweet dishes. You can cook, for example, carrot halva, carrot cake or pie, carrot donuts.

Tip 15 - Carrot Juice.

And, of course, let's not forget about the simplest and most vitamin option for cooking carrots - carrot juice. For him, it is best to use young, juicy carrots. The ideal option is to mix carrot and apple juice.

Lastly, a few tips.

When choosing carrots, look for brightly colored vegetables that aren't shriveled or too twisted.

The liquid used in cooking carrots absorbs their sweetness. So try to use as little liquid as possible.

Carrots pair especially well with foods like onion, apple, orange, raisins, cumin, mint, and parsley.

Do not store carrots next to apples, pears, or potatoes. Their proximity can make carrots bitter.

Several carrot recipes.

Carrot is a valuable vegetable in all respects, nutritious and has a healing effect on the human body, increases immunity and removes toxins, and it has no equal in terms of carotene content. This is a godsend for connoisseurs of healthy and diet food. But despite all these advantages, there are people who do not like the specific taste of this root crop, they simply do not know how to cook it properly. Well cooked carrots are very tasty.

What to cook from carrots so that not only lovers of this root crop, but also its opponents enjoy the served dish? There are many dishes, the recipe of which is extremely simple, and the result is stunning. You can not bother yourself much and make a salad, this is available to novice cooks and even teenagers.

Carrot salad - simple and delicious

How to cook a carrot salad quickly, but so that it is both tasty and unusual? Vegetable salad can include various ingredients and taste sweet, spicy, sour, or savory. Housewives most often stop at generally accepted combinations: carrots with beets, cabbage, celery, or sweet fruit options with the addition of apples, pears, prunes or berries. However, if you want something unusual, you can use the recipe below. What to cook from carrots if there are exotic products?

Carrot salad with avocado and salmon

It will take no more than twenty minutes to prepare the dish, but even a novice cook is guaranteed to get into the TOP of the best, and all friends will ask how to cook carrots deliciously.

Ingredients: canned salmon, carrots, avocados, lettuce leaves, juice of one lemon, black pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking: we rub the carrots, preferably larger ones, you can just cut them into thin slices, then peel and cut the avocado, wash and dry the lettuce leaves. We combine all the vegetables with salmon, cut into small pieces, and season.

Seasoning preparation: Mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. For the preparation of this mixture, sunflower oil, which has a specific taste and smell, is not used.

The most delicious carrot salad recipe for kids

How to cook a carrot salad for little whims so that they ask for supplements? Children love sweets, but it is not always good, but a vegetable salad with honey is healthy and very tasty.

Carrot salad for little gourmets

Ingredients: dried cranberries, carrots, orange, lemon, honey.

Cooking. For this dish, juicy sweet carrots are taken, preferably young ones. Peeled and grated on a coarse grater, mix the vegetable with cranberries.

Separately, we prepare the dressing: Mix freshly squeezed orange and lemon juice with liquid honey and add to the salad.

Guaranteed - kids will ask for more.

Many adults cannot live without spicy, and then the question arises of what to cook so spicy. The answer arises immediately: carrots in Korean. How to cook Korean Carrot Salad no worse than in your favorite restaurant? Cooking a dish in Korean with the addition of boiled pig ears.

Korean-style carrots with pig ears

Ingredients: kilogram of carrots, hot vegetable oil, two heads of garlic, three tablespoons of vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste, red sweet paprika - one teaspoon, a teaspoon of sugar, bay leaf, cloves, pig ears.

Cooking. We clean, wash and boil, cut into strips. When they are ready, we rub the carrots on a special grater with long thin slices, chop the garlic into the grated mixture, add one clove and grated bay leaf. At the end, fill with vegetable oil. To improve the taste, we put the finished dish in the refrigerator and forget about it for twelve hours. Enjoy your culinary masterpiece.

Each hostess turns out this dish in different ways, and what’s a shame, it’s not always as tasty as we would like. How to cook Korean carrots at home so that it turns out like in your favorite restaurant? Experienced chefs use special techniques for saturating vegetable oil with spices to obtain excellent taste and aroma.

Korean carrot. Culinary Secrets

  • Add garlic and pepper to the heated vegetable oil, then remove the garlic and pour over the salad with fragrant hot dressing. Garlic should not be fried in oil, it will acquire an unpleasant taste and smell.
  • Fry the onion in oil, then discard and add the spices: sesame, red pepper, mustard seeds, coriander. Warm up the fragrant mixture and pour over the not abundantly peppered carrots.
  • We lay on the chopped carrots: a layer of onion rings, sprinkle with black pepper, then red, then a layer of garlic, we sprinkle it with coriander. Without stirring, pour everything with heated vegetable oil. Mix just before use.
  • The main secret of mass cooking Korean carrots is the addition of monosodium glutamate in large quantities. This additive is harmful, so using a flavor enhancer at home is not recommended. How to cook Korean carrots at home without but fragrant? Experts recommend dressing the finished salad with sesame oil or roasted sesame seeds.
  • If you do not like the taste of sunflower oil, you can replace it with corn or melted butter.
  • Fresh herbs, such as cilantro, flavor well.
  • Vegetable oil infused with spices in advance is an excellent aromatic addition to a salad. To make fragrant oil, you need to pour it hot into a jar of Korean carrot spices. After a few days, it can be added to the salad.

Small carrots: how to use them

Do you still have small carrots in the garden? What to cook from it? Many recipes for the preparation of early vegetables can be found in old books, especially in English. The English of the last century were served carrots stewed in a small amount of water, oil and spices were added to it. Everything is very simple here, you can do without a recipe by including creative thinking and imagination in the selection of spices.

But not only for a dish for every day, small carrots are suitable. What to cook to surprise guests? From a small early vegetable, an excellent sauce with spices for meat is obtained.

Carrot sauce for meat

Ingredients: young carrots, garlic, coriander, nutmeg, turmeric, butter.

Cooking. Fry the spices in butter, then add the grated garlic. Stew the pre-peeled carrots until soft, chop and mix with fried spices, at the end - a couple of drops of lemon juice. The sauce is consumed cold.

Carrots in a slow cooker

How to cook carrots in a slow cooker? For lovers of baking, there is a recipe for an excellent carrot cake.

Carrot cake

Ingredients: raw grated carrots - 200 grams, sugar - 200 grams, two eggs, flour - 200 grams, soda, vinegar or loosening powder, vanillin, salt, melted butter.

Cooking. We make dough from carrots, flour, salt, vanillin and baking powder, add eggs beaten with sugar. Then knead the resulting mass in melted butter. We cook in the "Baking" mode for one hour, greasing the bottom of the baking dish with oil.

Canned carrots

What to cook from carrots for the winter to preserve the vitamin composition and unique taste?

Carrots are an inexpensive vegetable in any season, and it is advisable to eat them fresh. However, having grown root crops in the country in sufficient quantities, I also want to roll up some special dish in jars, intended for the winter holiday table.

How to cook carrots for the winter for feasts? A spicy appetizer of carrots, apples and horseradish is perfect.

Spicy carrot snack

Ingredients for a half-liter jar: carrots - 120 grams, horseradish - 10 grams, apples - 200 grams, vinegar. For brine we take: a liter of water, about 80 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar, vinegar - 10 grams.

We rub carrots and horseradish on a coarse grater, cut apples. We put the salad in jars and pour boiled brine. Sterilize the appetizer for 10 minutes over low heat.

For future use, you can prepare a Korean version of the dish. How to cook carrots for the winter in Korean? Below is a recipe for a delicious carrot snack for the winter.

Snack for the winter in Korean

Ingredients: one and a half kilograms of carrots, two heads of garlic, spices intended for Korean-style carrots (ready-made set), 4 glasses of water, sugar - 9 tablespoons, salt - one and a half tablespoons, sunflower oil - 300 milliliters, 5 tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking. We rub the peeled carrots on a special grater, then finely chop the garlic, it is better to dose it to taste. Mix carrots with garlic and spices and leave for twenty minutes, so that the grated vegetable starts juice. In washed and sterilized jars, we lay out the finished snack, but not to the top, but so that you can add the brine. Prepare the brine: add vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil to the water, bring to a boil. The snack can not be sterilized.

Carrots are a great choice for a vegetarian

What to cook from carrots for those who adhere to the idea of ​​non-violence and do not eat meat? There are many options for vegetarian dishes, but salads, cutlets, casseroles, carrot soups, sometimes with the addition of other vegetables, sometimes without them, hold the primacy among them. In any case, it will turn out tasty and healthy. For example, how to cook carrot cutlets?

Carrot cutlets

Ingredients: grated carrots - 500 or 600 grams, flour - 10 grams, vegetable oil for frying, two eggs, salt, sugar.

Cooking. Add eggs, flour, sugar, salt to the grated carrots, mix well. Fry in hot oil.

How to cook exotic? Very simple - add a component with an interesting taste to them.

Carrot cutlets with almonds

Ingredients: half a kilogram of carrots, two buns, grated almonds, one onion, vegetable oil for frying, breadcrumbs, four eggs, butter, a bunch of green onions, cottage cheese - three hundred grams, curry, salt, pepper.

Cooking. We clean and rub the carrots on a fine grater, soak the buns in water. While the oven heats up, fry very finely chopped onion, which is then mixed with grated carrots and eggs. Add buns to the prepared mass, salt, pepper, sprinkle crackers and almonds. Formed cutlets are baked on a baking sheet covered with special paper. Cooking time - 20 minutes. Serve finished products with sauce.

Sauce preparation: mix cottage cheese with melted butter, add ground onion, curry and salt.

There is another delicious dish for vegetable lovers. How to cook stewed carrots with apples? This dish is an excellent vitamin breakfast for children.

Carrots stewed with apples

Ingredients: carrots - 3 pieces, two apples, sugar, butter, sour cream, milk.

Cooking. We cut the washed and peeled carrots into cubes, pour milk in a pan, simmer until tender, then add the apples and sugar cut into pieces, simmer until the apples soften. The finished dish is seasoned with butter and sour cream.

How to cook stewed carrots for lovers of experimenting with products, new tastes and new sensations?

Young carrots in red wine

Ingredients: a kilogram of carrots, a head of garlic, a glass of red wine, olive oil, rosemary, black pepper and salt.

Cooking. To prepare this dish, carrots are cut into long thin strips, which are then fried in heated olive oil. In the fried carrots, add garlic, cut into large pieces, a few sprigs of rosemary, wine, black pepper and salt. Cooking for five minutes. served with fresh herbs.

Carrots as a snack for meat

From this root crop you can cook an excellent snack for meat dishes. How to cook carrots in the oven to emphasize the taste and aroma of meat on the festive table?

Carrots baked with honey

Roasting an orange root vegetable in itself increases its sweetness, but for those who like sweet, additional honey is added.

Ingredients: carrots, cut lengthwise into long pieces, olive oil, salt, black pepper, honey.

Cooking. We put the chopped carrots on baking paper, pour over with olive oil, salt, add spices and honey. The dish is served as a hot appetizer or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Caviar is considered an excellent appetizer for meat and fish dishes. How to cook carrot caviar so that guests lick their fingers and ask for the recipe?

Carrot caviar with onion and tomato

Ingredients: carrots - 1 kg, onions - 300 g, tomato paste (200 g) or a few fresh tomatoes without skins, half a glass of vegetable oil, sugar, salt and vinegar to taste, bay leaf.

Cooking. Fry the grated carrots in vegetable oil, add a tomato or fresh tomatoes without skins, vinegar, spices. We simmer on a small fire. At the end, season the appetizer with pre-fried onions. If there is a lot of vegetable oil, the excess can be drained.

The finished dish is perfect as a "fur coat" for fried fish or just as a cold appetizer for everyday and festive tables. If desired, the resulting caviar can be rolled up for the winter.

This appetizer can be prepared not only with vegetables. How to cook caviar from carrots with cottage cheese? Nothing complicated even for a teenager mastering culinary wisdom.

Carrot caviar with cottage cheese

Ingredients: carrots, cottage cheese, fresh herbs, garlic, salt.

Cooking. Cut the carrots into cubes or circles and simmer in a small amount of water until tender. Leave to cool completely, then grind with cottage cheese through a sieve or with a blender. Salt the finished mass, add greens and garlic. The more garlic, the sharper the caviar.

How to make carrot juice at home

Freshly squeezed vegetable juice is an excellent vitamin addition to the daily family diet, especially if it is a healthy and tasty carrot juice that adults and children love. How to make carrot juice at home?

carrot juice

It can be prepared in three ways: using a juicer, squeezing the grated vegetable through cheesecloth, or using a pressure cooker. The modern busy hostess, rather, is most comfortable using a time-saving juicer.

Since freshly squeezed juice does not undergo heat treatment, carrots must be thoroughly washed and then peeled. It is best to drink the resulting drink immediately; for better absorption of carotene, cream or a little olive oil is added to it. For children, the juice can be slightly sweetened or mixed with apple juice, as kids do not always like pure juices, especially vegetable ones.

Carrots in any form are a healthy and tasty vegetable. Using the recipes and tips above, even a novice cook will prepare many delicious dishes for a family and holiday dinner, as well as snacks for the winter, caviar, salads, juices and much more, having managed to feed even small whims and people who do not like this vegetable. Believe me, they will appreciate, and from those who cannot stand carrots, they will move into the category of connoisseurs of the sweet orange root crop.

Carrots stewed with rice and prunes
Ingredients for 5 servings: 300 g chopped carrots, 50 g chopped root
parsley, 150 g dry prunes and 400 ml water, 50 g margarine, 125 g rice, 30
g sugar, salt to taste, 150 g sour cream.
We clean the prepared carrots and parsley root, wash and cut into small pieces.
cubes, lightly fried. We wash the prunes, pour boiled water,
add sugar, cook until softened and remove from the broth. In a decoction of
prunes put fried vegetables and raw sorted and washed rice, lightly
mix everything, salt, close the lid and simmer. Seasoning prepared vegetables
sugar, put on a plate or dish, decorate with boiled prunes, separately
serve sour cream.

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese
Products for 5 servings: 1000 g (1 kg) carrot mass, 300 g cottage cheese, 30 g
sugar, 30 g margarine, 30 g ground crackers, 30 g sour cream, 30 g cream
butter, parsley, 200 g sour cream.
Carrot mass, prepared as for carrot cutlets, mix with
grated cottage cheese and sugar. Put the mixture in a pan greased with margarine and
sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs, level the surface, apply a pattern with a spoon,
brush with sour cream and bake. Cut the finished casserole into portions, pour over
melted butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs, serve separately
sour cream.

carrot casserole
1 - 1.2 kg of carrots, 2 raw eggs, 50-100 g of butter or margarine, 200 g of sour cream, sugar and salt to taste.
Rinse the carrots well with a brush, put them whole in a saucepan, pour hot water over them, boil once, put them in a colander and peel them. Peeled carrots cut into slices or grate on a coarse grater, pour hot water to barely cover, put half the oil and simmer under the lid until soft, stirring so as not to burn. Then finely chop the carrots, add the eggs, the rest of the melted butter, sour cream, salt and sugar to taste, stir everything. Transfer to a saucepan or a frying pan greased with oil, brush with sour cream on top and place in a hot oven for baking (30 minutes before serving).

Fish snack
1kg fish
3 large onions
3 large carrots
1 glass of milk
1 can of mayonnaise
salt, pepper to taste
Boil the fish in salt water, separate from the bones. Put in a bowl. While the fish is boiling and cooling, chop the onion and grate the carrots on the CT, fry in vegetable oil until a good golden color and stew a little under the lid without water (look to not burnt). Then pour 1 glass of milk, when it boils, pour in mayonnaise, salt, cook and bring to a boil. Pour everything hot into the fish, cool and refrigerate for 12 hours (at least). Can be used as a second dish.

carrot caviar
1 kg carrots, 1 kg fresh tomatoes or 1/2-3/4 cup tomato paste, 1 kg onion, 3/4 cup vegetable oil, bay leaf, salt and ground pepper to taste.
Wash ripe tomatoes, dry, finely chop, put in a saucepan with a small amount of vegetable oil and simmer until a mass of creamy consistency is formed; put finely chopped onions into it, pour in vegetable oil and put the pan on a high heat until the mixture boils, and then simmer it over low heat while stirring until the excess liquid from the tomatoes has evaporated and the onions become soft. Washed, unpeeled carrots are put into boiling water and boiled quickly in a tightly sealed container to preserve color and carotene. At the same time, the less water there is, the more nutrients will be preserved (vegetables should be covered with water by no more than 1.5 cm). Carrots can also be steamed. Peel the chilled carrots and pass through a meat grinder along with the tomato-onion mass. Add salt and pepper, mix well and simmer everything together with bay leaves (3 pieces) in a heated oven or on a stove with low heat, stirring constantly. Put the cooled caviar into a clean, preheated jar, close with foil and a plastic lid. When fresh tomatoes are not available, they can be replaced with tomato paste. To do this, dilute the required amount of tomato paste with water to a creamy consistency, combine with finely chopped onion, pour in vegetable oil, and otherwise do everything in the same way as described above. If you put 3/4 cup of tomato paste in caviar, then it will be more spicy.

Since I love carrots in any form, I have tried all the recipes, I like 04/02/2003 21:23:19,