How to take honey without honey extractor from the framework. How to get the maximum amount of product

03.04.2019 Restaurant notes

It will be a very difficult event.

In fact, everything is even more complicated. If you want to go the easy way - leave. And do not bother, and valued such a product is more expensive. But if you decide to pump out, then it is best to conduct it in the summer, after the end of the honey collection.

  1. We must decide how many products will be collected. Leave it alone to feed the hive, or collect everything.
  2. Honey is harvested once in spring, twice in summer and once in autumn. In the fall, you will have to do the most work, since you will need to prepare for the winter.
  3. It is important to protect yourself, because you should wear a special protective suit.


Pumping out without a honey extractor is a waste of time, nothing will work out for you. Maybe you will be able to manually open the lids on the comb and squeeze out the sweet nectar, but in this way you only lose more time and valuable product.

The most common in apiaries acquired chordial four frame medogonka. Firmly fixed on the cross, they allow you to set the keg at a convenient height.

In the presence of non-standard hives - the device has to be customized to the size of the frames manually.

Pumping process


Pumping honey requires some preparation. It is important in the evening to bring the framework with honey into a heated room in advance, or simply a very warm room, so that in the morning you can start pumping out products.


In the morning, a table with honey extractor, dishes and knives come in handy. It is necessary to carry out all the action with direct access of boiling water, in which the knives are heated. The heated knives open the frame, the honey will flow down the oblique trays into the dishes. Printed frames must be placed on the device cassettes.

Load distribution

Pumping honey requires a uniform distribution of the load on the honey extractor, so as not to break it.

Correct installation of frames

When installing frames into cassettes, it is important to check the mobility of the lower slats forward. This will not unduly spoil the honeycomb, with the best pumping honey.

Well, now you know what pumping is and how to carry it out. Over time, this process will become familiar and simple for you, but for now we can only advise on the practice!

Video on pumping bee nectar

Practically everything that bees produce is beneficial for the human body. Medicinal and cosmetic tinctures are being prepared from the bee collar, it is not even worth talking about the benefits of honey, and the honeycomb, which insects build themselves, is also useful and has found application in various spheres of our life. It is surprising that tiny bees build such constructions in a relatively short time, and the structure has just perfect forms. The construction of honeycombs is an indicator of a good swarm device, the presence of the uterus and a strong family.

Bees in families of weak cells do not build at all. Today we will talk about the benefits of wax, propolis and pollen from honeycombs, about the honey that is mined, about storage methods and fakes.

The most tasty part: how to use honey in honeycombs?

Honey in the comb always loved by buyers. It is sold in broken jars or as a solid tile for further use or heating. Small children are very fond of soft plates and cubes that can be chewed. Honey melts gently on the tongue and wax is thrown away. Of course, it can also be eaten, chewed for a long time, or consumed with black bread.

Honey comb - an excellent delicacy

Small children, and even adults, are extremely discouraged from swallowing wax - it is poorly digested by the stomach, can cause heaviness, bloating and other troubles. The best option is chewing, during which propolis and perga are released, terribly useful for our body.

Honeycomb honey is good at diets. The calorie content of honey in honeycombs is high, but it is 100% absorbed, not deposited on the sides, cheeks and other problem areas. And the fact that the honeycomb will have to be chewed plays a part - you simply cannot eat a lot of honey, your jaws become trite. Honey is especially important for people who practice prolonged fasting and diets, whose daily ration consists of 500–1000 calories. Your body will receive support, nutrients.

No matter how you eat honey, its useful properties will not decrease. If you badly wanted honey, and he even dreamed about you, then you should not look into the dream book and the Internet, just go and buy it. By purchasing honey sectional honeycomb, you get an exceptionally natural product that will give you a charge of vitality and health. Not always honeycomb chew, because they still contain a certain part of the garbage, even insect parts. In this case, it is melted. Put in a saucepan, do not boil, but simply heated. You can also put broken honeycombs on the balcony under the rays of the sun. The sweet treat is separated, and all the trash floats to the surface. By the way, this method is also used in apiaries, but we will tell about this in more detail later.

How to store and where to buy?

You can buy honeycomb and honeycombs on the market, on the Internet or in special stores. Be careful, sometimes honeycombs fake. To answer the question of whether it is possible to forge honey in honeycombs, it is worth understanding that honeycombs are cells sealed by bees. Open and close them in order to remove the honey and replace it with another, it is impossible. But beekeepers feed bees with sugar syrup, and the use of honey drops significantly.

Unfortunately, you can check the naturalness only when you come home, open the cells and try the product. You can also use a pencil. They are carried out on the product, the reaction occurs and the color appears.

The amazing device of the hive, or all about the construction of honeycombs

During the construction of the honeycomb insects use the rear and middle legs, removing wax plates from the abdomen, chewing them, and then folding the bottoms of the cells. To determine that insects are involved in construction is simple: they are collected in large groups, simply hanging over the honeycombs in clusters.

As we have said, the state of the bee family can be determined by the pace of construction and the size of the honeycomb. A strong family creates smooth designs that are distinguished by excellent wax. But weak insects are not able to build anything, in this case plastic honeycombs are installed for the bees, which completely imitate the real ones.

It is important to ensure that free cells that are not occupied by insects or honey are constantly present in the comb. If the cells are not enough, the bee colony may stop breeding, be alarmed, which will affect the quality of work.

About pumping and storage of honey from honeycombs

Of course, the main mass of honey is pumped out during the honey collection. A little earlier, when spring honey plants fade, honey honey is pumped out, but it is not mature enough and is usually used for blending. The first honey that is pumped out after the spring varieties retains or separates the necessary part; it will serve as food for insects.

This honey is the most useful and nutritious. But it is better to choose honey from herbs, medicinal plants, such as marigolds, it crystallizes more slowly, and even last year’s honey is used for top dressing. This is especially important if you are in the apiary practiced besotovaya wintering bees, which requires less feed.

A few tips on how to get honey from honeycombs at home:

  1. When selecting frames with honeycombs filled with honeycomb, it is advisable to choose those that the bees have already sealed at least 75%.
  2. If there is a lot of brood in the frame, then move this frame aside and wait. When the brood comes out, it will be filled with honey. It is impossible to set aside a frame with bees for storage, they will begin to decompose with time, and the whole frame will be unsuitable for sale or consumption.
  3. Pump honeycomb gently in a room with tight-fitting windows and doors. The fact is that during work the honey smells very strongly, the bees start to worry, fly out of the hive and restlessly rush through the apiary, stopping work. To avoid this, reach the honeycomb in parts at a time when insects are absent during mass departures.
  4. On how to pump honey from old honeycombs or previously taken out, you can say this: put them in a warm place, and the honey will simply melt.
  5. On the question of what to do with honey in the comb after winter, there is no definite answer. It is melted down, used for top dressing. If possible, siphon off honey immediately, without accumulating honeycomb for later.

Another way to extract honey from their old honeycombs is a steam bath. Especially with long storage, you can see that honey is candied in honeycombs. What to do? The answer is simple: after breaking the honeycombs, putting them in a saucepan, putting them on a steam bath, you can get a melted mixture. A large number of old honeycombs are pounded, put in a large tank and placed in the sun or in a bath. After 2-3 days, the mixture melts, and the remains of bees, debris and wax float to the surface. All this is collected with a small amount of the top layer of honey.

This is an old method, it is good because it is suitable for large and small batches of honeycombs. In modern apiaries, you can heat honeycomb using a stove or microwave, making sure that honeycombs do not reach the boiling stage.

Be sure to watch the instructional video before pumping out.

Pumping process

Pumping is carried out by a group of 2-4 people, all tools and equipment to be used must be disinfected, sharpened knives, several liters of water prepared. It should be recalled that the disinfection of bee honeycombs, all equipment used in the apiary, should be carried out regularly. For honeycombs, water is poured for 1 hour, and after water - with formalin solution for 5 hours or 12.

2 people start the selection of frames, shaking the bees with brushes in the hive, put them in special boxes. Frames for honeycomb set in such a way that during printing the honey can easily flow. For printing a thin object is used - the teeth of a fork, a sharp knife. Next, the cells are installed in the honey extractor.

After the pumping out of the honeycomb honey is completed, the prepared honey is prepared for further storage or sale. It should be infused for several days, until the surface of the small debris that fell into the mixture during pumping and laying bees. How it looks, you can see in the photo. To speed up the process, set the jars and honey containers in the sun, in 4-5 hours the garbage will appear.

How to store honey in comb at home?

For long-term storage of pumped honey, it is recommended to use containers made of materials that do not oxidize and do not enter into chemical reactions. Try to spread the maximum amount of the product in glass containers. Yes, so honey will take more space, but it will not lose its beneficial properties, color and flavor. In short, the presentation.

Put honey in a room with moderate temperature, where there is no access to sunlight. The best option would be the equipment in the apiary of a special farm building where the product will be stored during the season. The air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees, and can not fall below the mark of 10 degrees.

And at the time of cold weather, honey is brought into a warm, but not hot room, in which it successfully survives the winter and the beginning of spring.

A few words on how to extract the perga from the honeycomb

Perga is the pollen that the bees tamp inside of each cell of the honeycomb, and honey is put on top. Perga is very useful, and only experienced beekeepers know how to extract it correctly. If you do everything correctly, then you will add another item of income to the account of your apiary. Perga from honeycombs is extracted in small quantities, it is less than honey. So, the price of the product increases tenfold.

The old method is used for extraction. You will need a powerful blender and free time. The method is ideal for a small number of cells, the only rule is that the power of the blender should be at least 1.2 kW.

So, we put the dried honeycombs in the freezer or on the street, if it is winter outside, and leave it for 2 hours. Bee honeycombs can be wrapped in a bag so as not to clog the camera.

After freezing, the honeycombs break into small squares of 2 x 2 or 3 x 3 cm and are placed in a blender bowl into 1/3 of a bowl. After that, turn on the device in maximum mode and wait for 15 seconds. You will hear the readiness of the sound - broken honeycombs will stop jumping and knocking.

The resulting mixture is poured into a sieve and sifted, it is also possible to use a faceted grid with a stand. The mixture is sifted - the husks fall to the bottom, perga remains on the surface. Agree that everything is simple?

Some experts claim that the freezing mode spoils the natural qualities of bee bread, but beekeepers have been doing this for many years. They are sure that the material does not deteriorate, they add perga to the feeding of bees. Another point is that at the beginning of spring, the bees feed themselves on the remains of bee-bread from honeycombs, and she survived the winter frost and humidity.

Properly organized production and well-arranged apiary will help you to profit from your favorite business, nature, bees and healthy, tasty products. Now we know how to get and process cells, how to eat them, and how many vitamins our body receives. And the aroma and appearance of such a product, even if it’s a picture, makes you want to eat or chew it immediately, because we all remember from childhood how delicious it is!

Honey in honeycombs - a great alternative to the "pure" product, which is already poured into glass jars. After all, initially the bees put their nectar in wax “containers”, and, therefore, acquiring bee delicacy in this form, there is no doubt about its naturalness, and therefore its benefits. The only disadvantage of buying such honey is the cost, because the product is usually sold by weight, which is quite expensive. But given his benefits, he is really worth his money.

Is it possible to eat honeycombs from honey?

It is possible, but in small quantities. It is important to understand that the wax "capacity" does not contain harmful substances - it is a natural product that will not harm a person, even if you accidentally swallow a certain amount. But still you should not get carried away, so as not to earn problems with the digestive system.

How to use?

Honey in honeycombs is chewed - like a sweet gum, it is rather hard at first, then becomes softer and gradually loses its taste. And, as in the case of chewing gum, it remains only to spit out the empty wax.

Beneficial features

Chew honey is recommended for problems in the oral cavity. This product will help remove plaque, get rid of stomatitis, heal minor wounds on the gums. A bee treat will come to the rescue in case of diseases of the throat, nasopharynx and respiratory system. A small amount of wax that enters the stomach during chewing - it cleanses the body, removing toxins and harmful substances from it.

If honeycombs are sealed with a grain, honey that is inside is considered sterile. It is diluted in water and for the treatment of cataracts - the dosage is selected based on the characteristics of the disease.


  • oncological diseases;
  • idiosyncrasy, cross-allergic reaction;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • temperature from 38.5 degrees;
  • gallbladder and excretory tract diseases.

In any of these cases, it is better to refuse the use of honeycombs. If there are no such problems, then the wax “capacity” of honey is not only possible, but even in small quantities is needed.

Can I eat beeswax wax?

If the bee treat is already pumped out of the honeycomb, then the remaining wax is not recommended. You can use it as a useful chewing gum, but not to eat.

How to get honey from honeycombs at home: ways

It is rather difficult to get honey on your own. In addition, exactly what is of particular value in this product will simply be lost. But you can try - two ways will come to the rescue.

  1. Medogonka. This is how many beekeepers get honey. The device is a centrifuge - under pressure, a viscous liquid simply flows, and the cells remain.
  2. Sieve. Carefully remove the zabrus and put the product on a prepared container covered with a sieve. It is only necessary to leave the construction for 5-6 hours - and the work is ready.

If there is a press at hand that is used for squeezing apple juice or similar devices, then they can also be used in action. But it is better to eat honey directly from the honeycomb, because only this way it will be possible to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Honey pumping

When it comes time to pump honey, set aside all the other things. How long does it take? With a manual honey extractor, from two o'clock in the afternoon until the evening, you will release a couple of beehives from the shops and download honey from four supers. Forty-eight store frames in total. Sixteen bookmarks in the standard three-frame honey extractor. It will take at least 3–3.5 hours to simply download honey from such a number of frames. This is not straightening your back. It also takes time to free the frames from the wax caps, and for each full-bodied frame with good skill it takes at least 3-5 minutes. And pour honey on banks, and clean up the room!

In short, until the evening you will be very busy. Therefore, if you have five or six hives, do not try to remove all the extensions in one day. Remove something to remove, and then what to do with the cooled framework? Download this honey is very problematic. We'll have to heat the frame, and how and where is it good to do it? Extra trouble and headache. Remove as many shops as you can. Start with one store extension. See what you are missing. Try to slowly do what you will do rather quickly, but it will be later. Now the main thing is skills.

On the eve of the honey extractor carefully washed, scalded with boiling water and set to dry in the sun. Do not forget to periodically lubricate its mechanism with oil, and wipe its surplus with a dry and clean rag.

The most correct thing on this day is to go to the bath. There are several difficult days ahead.

The room where you will siphon off the honey should not be accessible to the bees, otherwise you will provoke them to theft. It should be perfect cleanliness, access to warm running water, in order to wash hands from sticking honey and propolis from time to time. Dishes with freshly pumped honey cover with a light cloth or gauze.

My honey extractor

If you have not got an electric honey extractor, then the process of pumping out honey is laborious and tedious. During the day you wind the handle of the honey extractor so that, at night, with unaccustomed hands hurt. And before that, it is still necessary to open the honeycomb, prepare dishes for honey and not by any means, but it is advisable to sterilize and dry all the jars. In the place where you are pumping honey, it should be clean and spacious enough to place mobile boxes or empty stores where you will place the freed cellular frames. The floors are washed in advance, the table is free from foreign objects. There should also be a small container with hot water for heating knives or forks.

Frames with honey for pumping are usually taken away in the afternoon and are pumped out immediately, so that it does not cool. Bees are gently shaken in the hive or swept with a soft brush. Look, do not shake the uterus accidentally wandered into the storeframes in the grass. It also happens sometimes. It is better to put the frames in a special plywood box. From the boards such a box should not be done, only extra weight when carrying the framework. You can use a spare magazine with temporarily plywood piled to the bottom. Do not forget to cover the box or store with a cloth so that the bees do not fly there. It is better not to let them in now than to chase them around the room.

We remove shops

If irritated bees annoy you, enter their position. They are not so insolent in their arrogance towards their "golden" stock of honey. Do not wave your hands, do not make sudden movements, do not panic, do not throw the hive open, and as calmly as possible bring the work begun to the end. Those who breed bees in the south of Russia, such advice may seem strange. Their bees are peaceful, and you can work with them even with your bare hands. With our bees, mostly Central Russian breed, such things do not pass. To work with them you need reliable means of protection. But no southern bees are able to safely endure wintering for at least six months at temperatures twenty degrees below zero. And the Central Russian bee has been doing this for thousands and thousands of years in a row, without problems, just to have enough feed.

In the room, get rid of excess clothing, wash your hands with soap and immediately, before the honey is cold, proceed to pumping it.

Cut the wax caps from the bottom up with a hot knife or a special fork very carefully so as not to touch the honey. The better the cells are rebuilt, the more convenient it is to print them. A stained knife or fork is placed periodically in hot water. Lids do not rush to melt in wax. As mentioned earlier, according to Dr. Jarvis, there is a substance that reduces allergic reactions. The main thing is to make their chewing regular, for 15–20 minutes a day. So put the caps in the jars, top with honey. Maybe someone you know will come in handy. Allergy is a very common disease, especially in urban children. In addition, the lid with the remnants of honey - a real delicacy.

The frames are charged into the honey extractor and begin to rotate slowly, gradually increasing speed until honey begins to splash out of the honeycomb. Do not forget that wax cells from the rapid rotation can easily break. It is important not to overdo it and find that speed when the honey, sparkling, scatters to the sides from the open cells, flows down the walls of the honey extractor downwards, but the honeycombs remain completely intact. The dryness obtained after pumping is still useful more than once.

The honey on the one side of the frame put in the honey extractor is not completely pumped out, but approximately half, so that the honey does not destroy the honeycombs with its weight. The frame is gently turned over to completely download the honey from the opposite side, and then turned over again to download the remaining honey. It takes me 10 minutes.

To avoid the vibration of the honey extractor, the frame is chosen approximately equal in mass. From the honey extractor, the honey is poured into a container through a double sieve, from which it is convenient to pour over the banks. Pour honey slowly, so that the bank does not jump out of your hands. After a couple of days, the settled honey will push grains of wax that have slipped through a sieve, which must be removed from the surface of cans or aluminum flasks, to the top of your container.

If you are not yet tired of bee stings, after you have freed the framework from honey, put them to bees to dry. If it is already unbearable, leave everything as it is and immediately hide the cells in special storage boxes. Especially the next day - the continuation of pitching honey.

Frankly, I always think with a shudder that tomorrow, somehow, the bees will pounce on me already on the way to the hive and will mercilessly torture, if not me, then my clothes. It happens, but most often processed with smoke, they do not have time to tear me apart, and I have time to select honey almost with impunity.

Of course, once is not necessary. It seems that the costume is clean, without any traces of poison, and the hands, or rather the gloves, are rubbed with mint, and the bees sting as if you are not breeding in the Central Russian breed, but some kind of a mixture of an African bee with a South American one. That and look, zazhalyat to death. But sometimes it turns out that all fears were vain and useless. He opened the hive, took the honey, and the bees broke up with him just with some kind of fatal calm. Miracles, and more!

Remove the caps

Swing honey

And one more observation was made by experienced specialists. The later after the main honey harvest you take honey from the hives, the more resistance you will have to face. Again a dilemma. Sooner you start to take away the honey, it will be unsealed. Later - you will receive from the bees in full. What can you advise? Search by the golden middle of August! As there are no two identical apiaries, there are no two identical tips for different beekeepers.

     From the book Beekeeping for beginners   the author    Tikhomirov Vadim Vitalevich

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