Red chicken meat is what part. The largest Canadian turkeys: description, photo, breed productivity

13.07.2019 Grill menu

Most people who inhabit our planet eat meat, with the exception of vegetarians. Today’s market offers a huge selection of meat and meat products. In supermarkets you can buy ready-made meat dishes or convenience foods. True chefs, and just the hostess, prefer to cook themselves, the benefit of the shelves in the shops are full of all kinds of meat: from poultry to lamb. It is no secret to anyone that meat is divided into varieties, or rather, red meat and white meat. What kind of meat should be preferred: red or white, in this we try to understand our article. It turns out that red meat is good for health and when our body is sick, doctors recommend eating red meat.

Zinc is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and the proper balance of the thyroid gland, sex and pancreatic hormones. In addition, chicken is an important source. This mineral, also indispensable, plays a role. Thus, selenium helps fight free radicals responsible for certain pathologies, including some types of cancer. In addition, he is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

Chicken, good source of vitamins. It also plays an important role in the metabolism of fats and lipids. In particular, it allows to reduce the synthesis of bad cholesterol and thus reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, he is involved in the transport of oxygen into the cells. This vitamin also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.

What is the difference between red meat and white meat? According to many ordinary people, the meat is divided by color, but this is not entirely correct. Take, for example, a chicken, to which sort of meat should it be attributed, to red or white? Most people will answer that chicken is white meat and will respond incorrectly. Chicken meat is both white and red. Red meat includes the legs of chickens, geese and ducks. But the breast and wings - it will be white meat. Pork and beef can rightly be called red meat, but this applies to mature carcasses. At the same time, veal and lamb are called white meat, as well as lean pork tenderloin.

In addition, he is involved in the synthesis of glycogen. This vitamin is necessary for the cells, because it allows them to produce energy. In addition, it is involved in the development of tissues and their healing. Finally, the chicken is well endowed, in which it is actively involved in the production of certain hormones, neurotransmitters and hemoglobin. White meat has the advantages of noble animal protein, without typical red meat, fat, long digestion and a source of red meat. That is why it is ideal for a diet that targets fast weight loss.

A few decades ago, American scientists said that red meat does not bear any benefit for the human body and that it is even harmful and can damage health. Basically, their opinion was that red meat is carcinogenic and causes cancer in the body. After a few more years, already European scientists prove the opposite opinion and categorically refute this result of research by American scientists. Red meat is good for the body and should definitely be eaten, except for those options that are preferred by Americans: fried using the barbecue method, until dark crisp. Carcinogenic substances are formed and contained during frying not in the meat itself, but in the upper crust. For such dangerous meat, with carcinogens, is our favorite kebab. After all these statements, red meat was recognized as useful, but the color division into red and white remains to this day.

What do we mean by white meat? In common sense, it is identified with a poultry nursery. In fact, it is the “white” meat of young animals, and therefore in this generic name a calf, a child, lamb, pork, fish, and rabbit fall in addition to poultry. For our diet, we will choose different types of chicken, rabbit, turkey, which will alternate with fish. We exclude duck and goose, which, being a bird, according to their characteristics, fall into red meat. To avoid capon, although its meat is defined as white.

The young castrated and fattened member has a dangerous feature: the fat accumulates inside the muscle mass, and it is impossible to “separate it”, what can we do with other poultry. We use kidney, lamb, young pig and calf for occasional use, although it is white meat, they are fatter than chicken.

The color of the meat speaks of its calorie content. Traditionally, the dietary meat left white varieties: chicken breast and rabbit meat. In this meat is actually a smaller amount of harmful cholesterol and therefore it does not belong to fatty meats. However, red meat in no case can not be attributed to dangerous food and excluded from the diet. Low-fat veal and lean pork are successfully used in the preparation of stews or steam cutlets and meatballs. The basic rule is to properly cook red meat so that it becomes healthy. No dietician in the world will offer his patient dietary white chicken meat, fried in a large amount of butter, such meat will harm the body.

Soft, rich in noble proteins, meat is useful for the replacement of muscle protein, it is used for their creation and storage during weight loss. - Update tissues and contribute to the formation of enzymes and antibodies. - It is well absorbed due to the low content of connective tissue, fat and reduced diameter of muscle fibers. This allows you to quickly affect the gastric juices. Another advantage of white meat is that all the fats it contains are concentrated in the skin and under the skin, where they are separated from the rest.

Before baking, it is better to remove this visible fat by removing the skin. Diet with a winning formula of white meat. Here is a diet plan to get the maximum effect for losing weight. Follow the dosage tips and cook it lightly but tasty. You will get a quick weight loss, as well as a pound a week, while maintaining weight loss.

What is so useful red meat? In red meat in large quantities contains iron, which is the building material of red blood cells - red blood cells. Thanks to the red blood cells in our body oxygen is transported, saturating each cell with energy. Doctors recommend red meat for people who have undergone surgery, patients with anemia. Be sure to such meat is recommended for children and adolescents who still have an organism. Red meat is shown to athletes, people whose work is associated with heavy physical labor.

Mix 80 grams of rice pilaf or polenta, barley, spelled, couscous cousin twice a week, preferably at noon. Use it as a unique, diet and satyr dish. Eat 100 grams of legumes once a week, such as chicken or rabbit stew.

In those days when you do not eat meat, your share of protein will be given to fish. The rest of your meal program is free, do not eat sweets or do not wear too much food. White meat is rich in proteins and amino acids, essential elements for the elimination of toxins, tissue repair and metabolic rate. They are also easily digested and poor in fat compared to red meat and rich in iron, despite the white color. The thin connective tissue of these meat products makes them more chewable and more digestible and can be useful in the treatment of weight loss.

The world famous cancer research fund recommends eating red meat for at least 500 grams per week. Such an amount not only does not harm the human body, but also provides the body with the right amount of nutrients.

Red meat - a complete source of protein, without which our body can not do. Red meat contains essential and essential amino acids that the human body itself does not produce, but it cannot do without it.

It is wrong to think that white meat is only chicken, turkey and rabbit, while we can include calf, pork, lamb and baby in this category. Meat usually stands out in white, red and black meat. In fact, white meat also contains young animals, which are generally classified as red meat, such as calf, lamb and baby.

White meat is so defined because they are poor in myoglobin. Myoglobin is a special globular protein that transports oxygen to muscle tissue. The more muscle activity is active, develops and develops, the higher the concentration of myoglobin. For this reason, juvenile red meat and some breeds, such as poultry, are classified as white meat.

Also great and vitamin reserve of red meat. Vitamins PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, E and a large number of minerals: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, fluorine, tin, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum - this still incomplete list of beneficial substances contained in meat.

Fans of roasted meat can not refuse the appetizing crust, you should only cook meat on the "grill". This method of cooking red meat allows you to free it from fat and "bad" cholesterol. But before you buy meat on the market or in the store, carefully examine it and select the least fatty piece. Such meat can be cooked, stewed and baked. And in any case, do not get carried away sausages and sausages, even if they include natural meat.

For these characteristics, white meat is considered a very important food in a healthy and balanced diet. But what are the properties of this meat are important especially for certain categories of people? White meat is rich in noble proteins, which are fundamental to the tone of muscle tissue and are useful in weight loss processes, as they are able to maintain their muscles as smooth and elastic. In fact, this meat contains a high percentage of all of them and at the same time contains the same percentage of iron as beef.

Since it is white meat, it is a favorite place inside. This category of meat also contains less calories if they are cooked in a simple way, for example, bread, baked or fried. It has a low intake of fat, which is usually, at least in poultry, concentrated in the skin, which can be easily removed.

In a healthy diet, they have long preferred the dietary meat of chicken compared to beef or pork. Chicken dishes are included in the diet of people of different ages, different countries, different times.

It is not by chance, only by approximate calculations, there are over 700 different breeds of poultry. Unpretentiousness, simplicity of cultivation of hens, and huge advantage of meat for full-fledged work of a human body is appreciated.

All white meat consists of a specially decomposable amino acid chain, which facilitates the digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestine. This type also has an important function for eliminating toxins during physical activity, which makes turkey, rabbit and corresponding meat especially important for supplying athletes and athletes.

In addition, as chicken muscle fibers, those of turkey are extremely thin compared to those of animals for slaughter, this means that white meat is more easily chewed and digested, even if prepared in this way, in a simple way, for example, on a plate, boiled or fried and without the aid of heavy or fatty seasonings.

On the composition of chicken

The smell of chicken in the cooking process is easy to recognize. Pleasant aroma appears due to the characteristic essential oils.

The unique composition of a low-calorie product is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, C, PP, and various trace elements. Provides the need for the necessary components:

  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • silver;
  • animal protein

Despite the light color, whites have much more red meat, especially turkey. In addition to providing other minerals, such as zinc, which helps hormonal functions and enzyme production, white meat is the main source, useful in the metabolic processes of carbohydrate transformation and in the restoration of connective tissue.

White meat all has the same light pink color and is bad in the nerve veins, but, of course, not all of them have the same properties as we will soon see. However, it is important to emphasize that in order to preserve the benefits of various types of white meat, it is necessary to cook them easily and with a small amount of seasoning.

In terms of 100 grams of chicken meat: protein content - 23.2 grams., Fat - 1.65 grams, caloric content is 110-210 kcal. depending on the selected part of the carcass and method of preparation.

The least calories in raw meat. Chicken boiled, smoked, stewed and fried more calories. The lowest figure corresponds to chicken in kebabs.

White and light calorie white meat is chicken, rabbit and turkey meat with similar calories, about 110 calories per 100 g, which is associated with less than 4%. Chicken and turkey for dietary purposes should be eaten without skin, because it is on the skin that most of the fat is concentrated. It is also preferable to cut the chest compared to the hips, because they are more compact. Pork more fat and calories, with the consumption of saturated and unsaturated lipids up to 15% of one hundred grams of meat, is also less digestible due to the dense connective tissue. Not all pieces of pork are equal, and pork chops are certainly smaller than cuts and have a calorie intake of about 120 calories per hundred grams, while they, to avoid the thigh and shoulder, are used for sausages and sausages that have a higher concentration of fat, even unsaturated and more calories: more than 200 calories per 100 gr. Nutritional values, unlike pork, do not vary greatly depending on the cuts. Keep in mind that although poultry is by definition white meat, playing such as duck, pheasant, pharaoh and quail is not considered white meat, but red or black.

The benefits of chicken meat

Nutritionists assign chicken meat one of the first places in the ranking of healthy and nutritious foods.

Enriching the body with essential protein contributes to rapid recovery in the period of fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion.

Sports loads, stresses, hard work take power. Strengthen the work of the nervous system, to avoid insomnia, depression will help the regular use of chicken dishes. Increases stamina and immune defense.

Is it better to eat white meat or red meat?

Calorie intake is very high and the presence of saturated fat. In addition, the connective tissue is thicker, and the meat is heavier. There is a lot of confusion about what is the best choice between white meat and red meat, but scientific studies have shown that white meat is preferable.

People who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and high cholesterol, because they contain harmful fats, such as saturated fats clogging the cardiovascular streets for pregnant women, because high content of minerals, such as iron and zinc and proteins contribute to the formation of the fetus. The diet of athletes and diets, because branched amino acids for the mobilization of lipids and the massive presence of noble proteins stimulate an improvement in the elasticity of the connective tissues, which tend to lose their tone during weight loss. Finally, white meat prices are usually lower than those of red meat and games.

Low calorie chicken   allows you to include the product in a diet for the normalization of weight. It is important to use the most useful boiled breast recommended for the daily diet.

Chicken meat, rich in vitamin E, protects against premature wilting of the skin, strengthens the nails, hair, prevents the general aging of the body through the establishment of fat metabolism and sugar levels.

Table with the nutritional values ​​of different types of white meat

If chicken, turkey and rabbit meat costs about 10 euros per kg, then beef can exceed 18 euros, and horse meat.

When to eat white meat

  For all these characteristics a healthy and balanced diet, not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who simply want to maintain a healthy and vital body, should expect that a good percentage of protein will be obtained from white meat.

Frequent consumption of white meat is not recommended as red meat, which is high in calories and contains saturated and harmful fat. In sports and athletic, this type of meat can be consumed even five times a week, as a single dish and is always accompanied by raw or cooked vegetables.

The product is well absorbed due to the small amount of connective tissue. That is why it is so important for aspiring to be beautiful and young to eat right, not to forget the benefits of chicken meat.

Doctors note the composition of amino acids in chicken meat, affecting the proper nutrition and development of children, the formation of their bone and muscular system.

In any case, if you do not follow any diet and are not athletes, it is useful to limit the consumption of both white and red meat twice or three times a week. Recent studies have shown that there is a close relationship between the frequent consumption of meat and the appearance of colon cancer, although the cancer factors present in the flesh have not yet been identified. However, do not be afraid: you can consume your meat without exaggeration, even because it is useful for our daily diet.

How to cook white meat: recipes

It has also been shown that white meat protects the liver from chronic diseases, because it does not affect them, as they make red meat and saturated fat. These meat products, in order to keep their properties intact and their quality for weight loss, prefer simple, quick and poor preparation of seasonings. Therefore, it is better to consume them cooked, steamed, cooked, roasted and baked. Do not abuse the oil and butter, and for its aroma you can use spices and odors, avoiding excess salt.

It is important for expectant mothers to know that dietary chicken meat has a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. Vitamins B9, B12 are needed for the reproductive organs of the female body.

  • traditionally recommended warm chicken broth in the period of influenza, ARVI, other cold infections to restore the immune system;
  • the healing composition of the product with the presence of glutamine helps during recovery after surgery   for building muscle;
  • diabetic white meat chicken - the main dish of the daily menu. Thanks to him, the metabolism and the work of the pancreas is normalized;
  • for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is important that the composition of meat contains polyunsaturated acids that contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis, the elimination of unnecessary cholesterol, the prevention of stroke, hypertension;
  • "Cores" need chicken broth to restore normal heart rhythm;
  • in the period of ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in chronic gastritis chicken meat becomes a medicine for the patient;
  • dishes from boiled chicken facilitate the condition of patients with gout and polyarthritis;
  • treatment of anemia and improvement of blood circulation is carried out with the addition of homemade chicken meat to the diet.

Connoisseurs of chicken meat, whose benefits and harms depend on the method of preparation, are recommended to prefer cooking, stewing, but not roasting and smoking.

White and red meat

Often the question arises about the differences between white and red chicken meat. The unequivocal answer, which is better, can not be.

White meat has more magnesium, a little less calories, but the difference is so tiny that it matters only in cases of very strict diets.

Red meat gets coloring due to the presence of iron and various minerals. All components are vital to man. In the red part of the carcass more zinc, riboflavin, vitamins of different groups.

In this way, the combination of white and red chicken meat equally strengthens the body, gives energy and strength. Features of physical condition and preferences will tell you what meat to choose: white or red.


Keep in mind that rooster meat is tougher than chicken. When choosing, you must be guided by the determination of the age of the bird. Young rooster meat is useful and useful, and the old threatens indigestion. The most tender and low-calorie meat is chicken.

Modern technologies allow to obtain dehydrated chicken meat, that is, dried, freed from liquid. This product is intended for the preparation of animal feed.

About the dangers of chicken meat

Harm causes improper preparation or use of the product. Most of the fats and bacteria accumulate in the skin of the chicken.. The use of natural adipose tissue is unsafe for the stomach, pancreas.

The skin on the wings of a bird is different from the skin on other parts of the carcass. It is safe, especially in domestic birds, which were fed without the addition of antibiotics for growth.

Important careful heat treatment of meat to ensure the safety of the product, the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, do not avoid poisoning, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of worms.

There is a risk of allergy to chicken protein. It is important to comply with the measure and not to overeat the product, so as not to provoke the manifestations of the disease.

How many calories in chicken and chicken offal

There is a significant difference in caloric content of dishes from different parts of the chicken carcass. These factors are important given the method of preparation.


  1. The advantage of low calorie chicken breast, only 115 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  2. White meat contains less fat.
  3. The legs, thighs, and necks differ only slightly in calories and occupy the second position.
  4. Wings and backs are the leaders in calories, almost twice as many as in breast.


Chicken offal is also different.

  1. Navels and ventricles per 100 g of weight contain 110-130 kcal.
  2. Liver - 140-145 kcal.
  3. Hearts and skin - the most high-calorie, 165-205 kcal.
  4. Chicken offal from the liver, hearts and stomachs averages 130-140 kcal per 100 grams.

Cost of

The constant advantage of chicken meat is its availability to the public. Chicken is inexpensive.

Even in the “black” time for our economy, the dietary product did not disappear from the shelves. The price of a product in different regions depends on supplies, domestic or imported, the quality of raw materials, and the conditions for the sale of products.

The market dictates price fluctuations, sets upper and lower bounds. 1 kg of meat can cost much less in a rural area than in a capital supermarket.

In the private sector, many independently breed and maintain chickens on their farm.

The cost of feed, the creation of conditions for the maintenance of chickens pays off and bring "income" in the form of fresh chicken meat and eggs.


In their search for healthy eating habits, people often forget what is common and accessible at all times. It is necessary to use the knowledge and recommendations of nutritionists, to choose chicken or chicken meat, to cook according to the preferences of the household.

Recipes with chicken in the dishes are a huge amount. Listen to your body and find your solution to the dietary problem.