Cabbage stew with eggplants and meat. Braised cabbage with eggplants - friendship is a success! Recipes for braised cabbage with eggplants and chicken, potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables

08.07.2019 Blanks for winter

Meat or sausages. You can do it using different recipes. The most accessible and fast of them will be described in the materials of this article.

Braised cabbage with eggplants: a recipe for cooking

Preparing such a side dish is very quick and easy. For this you need to prepare:

  • eggplants are not very large - 2 pcs .;
  • fresh white cabbage - 1/3 fork;
  • large carrot - 1 pc .;
  • big sweet onion - 1 pc .;
  • vegetable oil - approximately 45 ml;
  • salt, dried herbs, black pepper to your liking;
  • drinking water - 1 cup.

We process fresh vegetables

Braised cabbage with eggplants is prepared in stages. First process the vegetables. Fresh eggplants are washed, cut the stalk, and then chopped into cubes. After that, they are plentifully sprinkled with salt (cooking) and set aside for 35 minutes. After the time the vegetables are washed and shaken off in a colander.

Other components are also treated separately: freshly cut into thin strips, onions - into semi-rings, and tinder carrots on a Korean grater.

Heat treatment of vegetables

To make the cabbage with eggplants turned out as tasty as possible, some of the ingredients are roasted. To do this, heat the oil in a deep stewpan, and then spread the onion and diced eggplants into it. Thoroughly mixed vegetables, they are cooked to a ruddy state. After that, the ingredients are laid out in a separate bowl, and white cabbage and grated carrots are placed in the pan. Having added to them some water and table salt, they are stewed under a lid for 42 minutes.

As time passes, previously fried eggplants and onions are added to vegetables. They are also salted, peppered and flavored with dried herbs. After mixing the products, they are closed again and cook for about 8 minutes.

Proper serving to the family table

Braised cabbage with eggplants is served at the table only in hot condition. A ready-made vegetable garnish is laid out on plates, and a piece of meat, fish or some sausage is placed next to it.

Some hostesses present this dish to the table as a snack. To do this, it is pre-cooled.

How to prepare stewed cabbage with eggplants and zucchini in a slow cooker?

In the preparation of such a vegetable dish is nothing complicated. It can be made together with meat, and mushrooms, and even with sausages. However, we decided to stew the vegetables without using all the listed ingredients and serve them to the table as a side dish.

So, for the preparation of dinner, we need:

Component preparation

Vegetables for such dishes are processed easily and simply. They are thoroughly washed, removing the peel and other inedible elements. After that, start their grinding. White cabbage is cut into large pieces, and carrots, zucchini, onions and eggplants are cut into slices. By the way, the last ingredient is pre-salted and kept in this condition for an hour (then rinsed well). This treatment will allow you to get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in this product.

As for fleshy tomatoes, they are blanched and cleaned skin. In the future, make mashed potatoes through a blender.

Process of forming a dish

To form a vegetable dish should be directly in the multicooker tank. At the bottom of her put first circles of carrots, and then alternately - cabbage, zucchini and eggplant. After that, all the ingredients are salted, peppered and flavored with herbs.

At the very end, the vegetables are covered with mayonnaise mesh, and then they are poured with plain water and tomato gruel.

How to cook?

Braised sauerkraut is cooked very quickly. Putting all the ingredients in the bowl, they are closed and set the mode of extinguishing. In it, products should languish for an hour. During this time, the vegetables should be soft and form a small amount of rich broth.

Serving for a family dinner

Eat vegetable eggplant, zucchini and other ingredients should be hot. It is laid out in a deep plate and presented to the table along with meat, cutlets, fish or other products. Also, you can serve a slice of fresh white bread and home-made marinades for the finished vegetable dinner.

Let's sum up

Now you know the easiest ways to cook. Using such recipes, you diversify your diet, and also make it more useful and nutritious.

Good all the time of day. When I was cooking this dish, it was lunch time. I really wanted to do something simple, but at the same time nourishing and cheap.

The fridge opened, and the opa got out of it:

1. cabbage (0.5 Kachana)

2. eggplant (1 piece)

3. onions (not everyone loves him, so there were only 0.5 onions, for the smell :))

5. tomatoes (2)

6. potatoes (7 medium pieces)

So let's get started.

Cut the eggplant into cubes, and cut the onions into quarters, shred them. All this throws in boiling sunflower oil for roasting

At this time we cut cabbage

When the eggplants and onions have turned red, we spread cabbage to them. At first it will certainly not fit, but after some 5 minutes it will be quenched. + Add a little water, half a cup.

Put the peeled potatoes on the fire to cook. Mom always taught me that there wasn’t much water, just to cover the potatoes with a finger high.

Cabbage stews for 10 minutes. At this time I am wise with ketchup. I add water to its remnants in the jar to make a good tomato juice.

Pour into our cabbage diluted ketchup, as much as you want to get tomato cabbage.

(I had 4 tablespoons)

We are waiting for another 5 minutes, wash the soiled dishes :) open the lid and salt it with pepper, interfere with all our cabbages. Try, ok? almost ready? fine!

Take a tomato and cut it into cabbage, as in a salad.

Close the lid and simmer another 7 minutes until ready, then sprinkle with herbs and voila! Cabbage with eggplant is ready!

And then our potatoes arrived. Salt it and a little more (minutes 3) boil it, pour it.

Cut the tomato for the decor, as anyone.

Pour into glasses of life-giving moisture. It is very hot in the kitchen in the summer.

Getting Started

So everything is simple and fast and tasty. Especially good for those who do not eat fat.

Cooking time: 35 min.

Preparation time: 5 min.

Servings: 4 pcs.

Type of cuisine: European

Type of dish: side dishes
  main dishes

The recipe is suitable for:
  dinner lunch.

Ingredients to the recipe "Cabbage with stewed eggplant":

Eggplant blue 150 gWater 150 ml White cabbage 400 g Onion bulb 1 pc. Sunflower oil refined 2 tbsp. L. Cream butter 35 g Carrots 1 pc. Black pepper powder 0.3 tsp. Salt 1 tsp.

How to simmer cabbage with eggplant

Cabbage stew with eggplants is a delicious, juicy and tender dish. This cabbage can be served as a separate dish, as a side dish for meat, sausages, or used as a filling for pies, cakes and strudels.

In this dish it is very important to choose the cabbage variety correctly so that it is not entirely stone. It is also very important how you chop cabbage. Best of all, if the cabbage is chopped very thinly. To do this, use a special grinder.

Cooking according to the recipe "Cabbage with eggplant stew":

Step 1

For work, we will need white cabbage, carrots, onions, eggplants, butter, sunflower oil, salt, black pepper, water.

How to remove the bitterness from the bow

How to remove the bitterness from the eggplant

  Step 2

The first step is to stew the cabbage. Cabbage (400 g) chop very finely and put in a saucepan with water (150 ml), sprinkled with salt (1 teaspoon).

  Step 3

Add butter (35 g) to the pan. Bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring until you bring the cabbage to the desired softness. At the end all the water should evaporate.

How to cook cabbage

  Step 4

While the cabbage is steaming, let’s deal with other vegetables. Onions (1 pc.), Peel, cut into small cubes and fry in sunflower oil for 2-3 minutes.

How to clean the bow and do not cry

How to chop the onions without tears

How to fry onions

  Step 5

Add 1 carrot, peeled and grated on a coarse grater. Cook, stirring for 3-4 minutes.

How to clean carrots

  Step 6

Add peeled and diced eggplant (150 g). Stir and cook for 3-4 minutes.

  Step 7

During this time we must stew cabbage.

Cabbage stewed with eggplants can be served as a starter or as an addition to a meat, fish, side dish. Cabbage will come down and like a snack, you can put a couple of spoons on a piece of bread, sprinkle with green onions on top and it will turn out very tasty. In addition to eggplants and carrots, you can add onions, green beans, mushrooms, zucchini, sweet peppers and tomatoes to cabbage. Tomato component in the recipe is obligatory, you can use pasta, tomato juice or grated tomatoes.


  • 300 g white cabbage
  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 tbsp. l vegetable oil (for frying)
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp. spice
  • 1.5 Art. l tomato paste
  • 50 ml of water
  • greens before serving


1. Rinse the cabbage under the tap and shake off excess water. Using a sharp knife, finely chop the cabbage. The strips should be thin and not too long. Heat frying oil in a pan, reduce heat, and shift the cabbage. Stir fry the cabbage.

2. Wash eggplant and carrots, remove thin top layer from carrots or rub with a stiff sponge (if the vegetable is young). Cut carrot and eggplant into strips.

3. Transfer the sliced \u200b\u200beggplants and carrots to the pan, stir and continue to simmer on low heat. At this stage, you can add some salt to the vegetables, add spices and simmer under the lid closed for about 15 minutes.

4. Add tomato paste and 50 ml of water (broth). Also add peeled and chopped garlic to the pan - the snack will turn out incredibly fragrant. Stir everything and simmer for 10 more minutes with the lid closed.

5. Serve a vegetable snack can be in any form - warm, hot, cold. Before serving, garnish with a sprig of fresh parsley or sprinkle with chopped green onions.

One of the easiest summer dishes that everyone likes is that you can cook from any and your favorite seasonal vegetables or from the ingredients that grew in the garden in your own garden.

Such summer dishes are always healthy, vitamin, and the taste is unparalleled - after all, in one plate are gathered vegetables, saturated with summer air, sun and fertile soil. And then from these wonderful vegetables, in a good mood, a quick and simple dish - stew is cooked!

I propose to make eggplant and cabbage stew, I like this combination: eggplant is well cooked, rouge, and braised cabbage gives its original flavor. Today's dish is different from the standard, which is so often prepared in winter. We will make a vegetable dish without starch potatoes, because eggplants give you satiety. We will also add young zucchini, a bit of onions and garlic for flavor, and ripe tomatoes, which give a thick and expressive taste thanks to its juice.

Tip!Cook in a cast-iron pan or a cauldron with thick walls, then the vegetables will better preserve their structure, they will not overcook and will not absorb a lot of oil, giving their juice in return. Vegetables stewed in a cast iron skillet is always tastier!


  • 1 large eggplant;
  • 1 squash;
  • 1/4 of a small cabbage or 300 g;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion (medium size);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l tomato paste;
  • 2 black peppercorns;
  • salt, black pepper;
  • greenery for decorating optional

Vegetable stew with eggplants, zucchini and cabbage

Peel onions and garlic. Cut the onion into rings or half rings, and the garlic into small cubes. Carrots cut into half rings.

Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil.

How to brown - carrots.

Next - eggplant large cube. Soak the blue little ones in advance is not necessary, let them stew and sate with vegetable juice. Eggplants should be fried until golden brown.

Squash and cabbage put at the same time. From now on, simmer everything under the lid.

And after 2 minutes, lay the tomatoes.

And tomato paste. As well as peas allspice.

Tomim under the lid until all vegetables are cooked. And 5 before this point - salt and pepper to taste.

We lay out a juicy, thick vegetable stew with eggplants, cabbage and zucchini on a plate and decorate with fresh greens. I have basil leaves.

Enjoy your meal!