Dream interpretation pick fresh green cucumbers from the garden. Esoteric dream book. The meaning of the dream "Cucumbers". Fresh cucumbers on the garden.

08.07.2019 Snacks

A dream in which you grow cucumbers, foreshadows a sharp deterioration in health as a result of stress and the call of an ambulance. Tearing cucumbers from the garden - to great well-being and family joy. To cut cucumbers for salad - share the plight of the unemployed, being fired as a result of the reduction.

Salting or pickling cucumbers - you will be deceived when exchanging currency. There are salted cucumbers in a dream foreshadowing undivided love. To cook pickle from pickles - get a flattering review about your culinary abilities. Wash dirty cucumbers - gossip about your secret love affair.

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   Dream Interpretation - Cucumbers

In general, cucumbers in a dream talk about health and profits.

  The dream of cucumbers is usually unfavorable for those who are going on the road, because it foreshadows an accident. After such a dream, you should postpone the trip.

  Sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers in a dream to see is a sign of auspicious, especially for the sick, since it promises them recovery.

   Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed of a cucumber, then you will sleep peacefully for many days and nights: you do not need to earn money on medication, because sleep implies good health, success in business and personal life. A cucumber woman who is ill with a woman dreams that the illness that is soon tormenting her body will go away. If a woman is in love, then after a while she will meet her destiny, and this person will be with her always.

In addition, cucumbers dream as a warning: a swarm of unfulfilled desires is spinning in your head, and you need to get rid of them. You want the impossible and therefore you cannot succeed; Take what is now available. If a person eats cucumbers in a dream, then disappointment awaits him in reality. Overripe yellow cucumbers dream of frustration and sadness, which will soon be replaced by faith and hope.

If you dreamed about how you pick cucumbers, then the dream indicates that you need to reconsider your past life and find out for yourself that there was a lot of good and worthwhile in it. Probably, there were not so many great accomplishments, but, trying to climb as high as possible, you lose sight of the important and valuable. If you do not stop, you can lose everything that you still have.

Dream Vanga

Fresh cucumbers in a dream is a good sign, after such a dream we should expect the end of the period of anxiety and trouble. If you have been ill for a long time, your illness will subside, and you will be able to fully engage in all the activities that you have planned so long Collect fresh cucumbers - sleep can be associated with planting vegetables in real life. If in a dream the vegetables are sluggish and small, then the harvest will be bad. Large fruits in large quantities means that it is worth waiting for a good harvest.

Eating in a dream a large number of fresh cucumbers is interpreted as the replenishment of material wealth, due to an unexpected gain, inheritance or other large kusha. The dream, where the sleeper is engaged in pickling cucumbers, warns of fraud, deception or debt. It is likely that the dreamer is planning some financial fraud, which he will not be able to implement.

Freund's Dream

It is known that cucumber is the personification of the male principle, and it is on this fact that the significance of such a dream is based. If you see a dream with cucumbers, then know that the subconscious tells you about some long-standing problems in intimate life. This interpretation applies to women. Most likely you suffer from unsatisfied desires and aspirations of a sexual nature.

But the men who dream about cucumbers, should be congratulated. For them, this is a clear sign that everything is fine in the intimate sphere. In a short time, a man who had a dream with cucumbers will have to endure an interesting erotic adventure with a very attractive person.

Dream Dream Meneghetti

When dreaming a lot of cucumbers, fresh and strong, it is extremely favorable and heralds financial gain. Sometimes this can mean new career opportunities. If a bunch of rotten cucumbers dreamed, you shouldn’t expect much success in the near future. Salted cucumbers in the bank - a symbol of the fact that the dreamer wastes his strength, talents and time. In fact, it would be necessary to do a completely different matter, but the person does not understand it in reality. Pickled cucumbers symbolize a state of longing and loneliness. Most likely, the dreamer is boring to do everyday things and want to somehow diversify his life.

Family Dream Interpretation

To dream about cucumbers - you should get rid of unnecessary, unrealizable dreams. What you want is unattainable and you should be content with what you have. There are cucumbers in a dream - to the disappointment. To dream of yellow, overripe cucumbers - to the chagrin, which will soon be replaced by bright hopes. Collect cucumbers in a dream - to the fact that you need to rethink the achievements of recent years. There are probably so many good things in your life, but in striving for more you don’t appreciate what you have. Such a dream symbolizes that you can lose the existing, if you do not appreciate it in the future.

Dreaming longo

Cucumber in a dream - a symbol of health. Such dreams are a symbolic reflection of your well-being, as well as relationships with the opposite sex. Seeing good, strong cucumbers is a sign of excess energy. Lovers and spouses such dreams - promise a wonderful relationship.

Shriveled, sluggish cucumbers - a sign of exhaustion. It seems that you are too tired yourself, and you do not interfere with how to relax. Cutting cucumbers in a dream - foreshadows a quarrel on the basis of jealousy or rivalry. Try not to exacerbate the situation, otherwise it may adversely affect your health.

Dream loft

Cucumber, on the one hand, can act as a phallic symbol, but at the same time is a symbol of fertility. It is believed that this vegetable is 98% water. But few people know that the remaining 2% are invaluable biochemical compounds that are not found in any other vegetable or fruit. If you dreamed of cucumbers, this is a sign that you will be healthy and your business will flourish. Especially well in a dream cucumbers for those who are sick - such a dream promises them a speedy recovery. And to pick cucumbers in a dream means to get a good profit from commercial enterprises in reality.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

Fresh green cucumbers for married women dream to an unexpected surprise, which will present someone from home. For a single woman, such a dream is a pleasant acquaintance with the future elect. If a cucumber dreamed of a lover, then expect a change for the better in the near future.

English Dream interpretation

Dreams of cucumbers are interpreted in the opposite sense. If, for example, these were already spoiled, rotten vegetables, then your health would simply be excellent. Patients after such a dream will get better, lonely in the near future will marry, which will be very happy.

Dream Miller

If a cucumber was dreamed up, it means that the dreamer will be different in good health (if he is sick, he will recover) and will become very successful. And if he is in love with someone, then the dream promises changes for the better in his personal life.

Cucumbers - a healthy tasty vegetable. We regularly use cucumbers for making salads, snacks, etc. Salted cucumbers are very popular with pregnant women and often come to them in their sleep. What can mean a dream in which there are cucumbers in one form or another? How to understand why dreams of buying cucumbers or slicing a salad with cucumbers? The meaning of this or that dream can be different, depending on the plot of the dream.

  • What dreams of cucumber seedlings: a dream foreshadows good luck, material well-being.
  • What a cucumber dream about in a breadbasket: such a dream speaks of the need to take active steps.
  • In a dream to see a lot of cucumbers in the garden foreshadows a meeting with people who will cause you admiration and a desire to see again.
  • Sleep "cut pickles" - there will be a quarrel with loved ones, a tough fight with competitors at work.
  • The dream of Juno: cucumber - auspicious symbol of wealth and fertility.
  • Dream interpretation online: cucumber - a symbol of your dissatisfaction with a partner. Try to find a way to improve your relationship.
  • To pick a cucumber in a dream foreshadows getting a good chance or opportunity.
  • Dream: pick cucumbers in a dream - learn to love the world around you and he will respond the same.
  • Collect and cucumbers foreshadows a complication in relations with a loved one.
  • Why dream of making a greenhouse as a cucumber: you are too concerned about your sex life.
  • What dreams of pregnant cucumbers: such a dream foreshadows the successful birth of a child, most likely, a boy will be born.
  • Why dream of planting cucumbers: you are waiting for peace and joy in the family, financial success, replenishment in the family.
  • What dreams pick cucumbers in a dream: you are waiting for a period of passivity and laziness.
  • The meaning of sleep "pickles in the bank" is as follows: you can cope with the surging problems thanks to the ability to keep everything under control.
  •   cucumber: a dream foreshadows a large number of good opportunities.
  • “To dream of a big crop of cucumbers” says that you will soon receive a large number of people at home.
  • What does “fresh cucumbers” mean in a dream: you will have difficulties with food and small incomes throughout the year.
  • Why dream of a field of cucumbers: dream predicts a fun holiday in your home.
  • What dreams of cutting a fresh cucumber: you run the risk of a quarrel with family and friends if you try to compete with them in something.

Children's dream book

  • What dreams of cucumbers: dream says about receiving praise for the work done.
  • What dreams of cucumbers and fresh tomatoes: your health will improve, diseases will take a long time.
  •   pickles: you will soon be called to a fun party from which you will get great pleasure.
  • What dreams of a lot of fresh cucumbers: such a dream suggests that fun and joy will soon come to your house.

Dream Vanga
Dream Vanga: green cucumbers in the garden - a symbol of your hopes and new goals.
Dream interpretation: fresh green cucumbers on the beds - a sign that you need to take care of the house for its well-being.
Female dream book

Dream for the whole family

Dream interpretation Tsvetkova

Dream interpretation Hasse

  • Why dream of a cucumber to eat fresh: a dream foreshadows pleasant events and good news. To dream of fresh cucumbers promises good news and encouraging events.
  • Why dream of stealing cucumbers: in the near future you will avoid health problems.
  • To dream about cucumbers in the garden promises the possibility of cooperation with influential people.
  • Buying cucumbers in a dream foreshadows worsening of affairs, a decline in mood, possibly ruin.
  • The Big Cucumber dream suggests that you should be more involved in your family’s life.
  • To dream about cucumbers in a green bed foreshadowing a big profit or a lottery win.
  • Sleep "pickles in the bank" predicts danger during the trip. Some time it is better to refrain from traveling.
  • Dream interpretation: to see cucumbers in a dream - your life will gradually begin to improve.
  • To dream of "fresh cucumbers to collect" promises material well-being and a secure life.
  • In a dream, picking cucumbers from the garden foreshadows a lot of interesting and profitable work.

Modern dream book

  • What dreams of cucumbers in the bank: a dream suggests that you are missing good opportunities because of your laziness.
  • To dream green cucumbers promises good health, success at work.
  • Why dream of buying pickles: you will suffer a loss in business and suffer a series of failures.
  • Why dream of a fresh cucumber woman: you will have a lot of energy to do everything conceived. The mood will be good, and health is strong.
  • Why dream of pickles in the bank: exchanging small things, you miss a lot of chic features.
  • Why dream of big cucumbers: a dream suggests that you should take an active part in what is happening around you.
  • What dreams of pickled cucumbers in the banks: pickled: making senseless actions you waste time. Review your to-do list and cancel everything that is not important now.
  • What dreams of a lot of pickled cucumbers: all the good that you do or still do is sure to return to you.
  • What dreams of pickled cucumbers in a barrel: you completely control your life and know what you want.

French dream book

Ukrainian dream book

Dream Miller

  • What dreams of pickled cucumbers: you are tired of your loneliness. Dream interpretation advises to make peace with relatives, find a favorite cause and become open to favorable changes.
  • What dreams of salted cucumbers: a dream promises you to know love without an answer, which will bring a lot of negative emotions.
  • Why buy fresh cucumbers in a dream: such a dream foreshadows difficulties associated with work or study.
  • Sleep "cucumbers" Miller's dream book is interpreted as recovery, getting rid of most problems and good earnings.
  • Eating a salted cucumber in a dream means experiencing an unpleasant period in life.
  • To plant cucumbers in a dream to what: do not take small things into debt, there is a chance to collect a tidy sum.
  • The dream of Miller: pickles - a harbinger of the calm before the storm.
  • Dream Interpretation: collect cucumbers in a dream - your desires do not match your abilities.
  • Dream interpretation: what dreams of cucumbers in the garden - this dream foreshadows a good period of fun and celebration of something.
  • The dream is “eating pickled cucumbers in a dream” foreshadowing an early pregnancy.
  • Lightly salted cucumbers: a dream speaks of a series of minor troubles.
  • The dream of "picking fresh cucumbers from the garden" foreshadows a good income.
  • Sleep "buy pickles" - you can be the culprit of their own troubles.
  • To dream of pickled cucumbers is an unpleasant dream. You are waiting for various obstacles to the goal.
  • The dream “watering cucumbers” is a symbol of wealth and well-being.
  • A woman to see cucumbers in a dream - to pregnancy. To dream of fresh cucumbers in the garden promises well-being at work and at home. To see fresh cucumbers in a dream - you have to defend the struggle for your interests. There is a chance to be attacked, moral or physical. Canned cucumbers in a dream promises the need to take care of a close relative in connection with his illness.
  • Dream "a lot of cucumbers in the garden" portends a good profit from sales.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

  • Why dream of pickles woman: you want to fix their weaknesses, because they interfere with living in full force.
  • Why dream of pickles: a dream foreshadows the lack of money for quite a long time.
  • Why dream of fresh cucumbers: green cucumbers say that you will soon get rid of the disease, and you will be healthy for a long time, like a bull.
  • What dreams of cucumbers on the garden woman: a lonely lady dream promises a meeting with a potential husband.
  • What dreams of green cucumbers in the garden: a dream for a married woman predicts a pleasant gift from her husband.

Summer dream

Small Velesov Dream interpretation

  • Why dream of collecting cucumbers: such a dream promises death in your social circle.
  • Why dream of fresh cucumbers in the garden: girls such a dream promises a pleasant meeting.
  • Why dream about what you eat pickles: sleep predicts complexity in money or even poverty.
  • Why dream of cutting a cucumber: a dream speaks of your concern about a potential opponent or rival. Your jealousy has no reason.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: a dream can have a direct meaning and foreshadow a rich harvest from your vegetable garden.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers and tomatoes: there will be a lot of work, the forces will be running out.
  • Why dream of sowing cucumbers: a child will be born in your family.
  • What dreams of picking cucumbers in the garden: if the garden was a stranger, take the property of others into your hands. Collecting vegetables in your garden promises to acquire things rightfully belonging to you.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • Dream interpretation “what dreams of cucumbers” gives a good interpretation. Such a dream promises money and good deals if he dreamed of a man.
  • What dreams of “collect fresh cucumbers”: a dream says that you need to change your principles and revise goals in life.
  • What dreams of “fresh green cucumbers” for a woman: your friends or relatives will soon give you pleasant gifts.
  • Why dream of buying cucumbers: your work will not be appreciated and will bring solid trouble.
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers from the garden: you will live in prosperity. You are satisfied with your achievements, it remains only to learn how to love, what you have.
  • Why dream pickle cucumbers: you have to face deception or petty scam.
  • What does it mean if you dream about cucumbers in the snow: they will try to confuse you with gossip about your beloved. If a cucumber dreams, then there will be a son.
  • Why dream of buying tomatoes and cucumbers: you have to make a lot of worthless purchases that will eat up your entire budget.

Autumn dream

  • What dreams of "dream cucumber": Prepare your home for the guests. Pleasant gatherings are already on the way. Cucumber dreams of pregnancy, if in a dream you see him in the garden.
  • Why dream of a lot of cucumbers: you will soon find yourself in a place where there are a lot of people. Or in your house will soon be held any event where there will be a sufficient number of people.
  • Dream interpretation: what dreams of fresh cucumbers. You will be driven on all fronts, you have a lot of strength, enthusiasm.
  • Dream interpretation "what dreams of pickles" treats negatively. It is necessary to prepare for minor troubles and failures.

Sonic Fedorovskoy

  • Why dream of a cucumber salad: you will be able to cope with all the tasks.
  • What dreams of cucumber seeds: a dream predicts success in business, prosperity of business, financial well-being, well-being.
  • What dreams of “collecting fresh cucumbers” to a woman: you need to stop complaining about life, otherwise you risk losing everything you have.
  • Why dream picking cucumbers: if you have collected a large number of cucumbers in a dream, in reality you will receive a large amount of money.
  • Dream interpretation “what dreams of cucumbers in the garden” interprets the dream as an opportunity to have fun with friends.
  • Why dream of collecting cucumbers in a dream: you can expect some difficulties, but they will not strain you much.

Dream Aesop

  • Why dream of buying fresh cucumbers: there may be difficulties at work, you will have to do someone else’s work at no additional cost
  • Why dream of picking cucumbers: you will manage to make money dishonestly. If you decide on this, then your conscience will torment you.
  • Dream Interpretation: pick cucumbers - you will succeed and recognition at work.
  • Dream Interpretation: dream of green cucumbers - wait for successful weekends and joyful events.
  • Dream interpretation: to collect fresh green cucumbers - you will encounter difficulties in communicating with colleagues.
  • Dream interpretation: soft cucumbers herald grief and sadness.
  • Dream interpretation: pickled cucumbers and tomatoes promise an invasion of detractors and cunning.

Freund's Dream

Why dream of seeing cucumbers: cucumbers are a phallic symbol. Sleep talks about your desire to improve your sex life. Since cucumber is a male symbol, for a woman a dream speaks of excessive concern for her personal life. If you are not satisfied with something, just say so to your partner. After all, except for you, no one knows exactly how you feel better.

Dream Interpretation: a man dreams about green cucumbers - he is waiting for a vivid sexual adventure. If a man is busy, he is waiting for a new round in his sexual relationship. A free man is expected to meet a bright and active girl who will change his stereotypes about women.

As we can see, the dream "cucumbers" has many meanings. Some of them are favorable, some are negative. One way or another, a dream gives us a tool for how to achieve or avoid something. Any, even the smallest detail in a dream can be of primary importance. So, for a better interpretation of your dream, try to remember as much as possible, and you will get a clear interpretation of your dream. Of course, do not take the interpretation too seriously. There is always a certain probability that the dream you saw will not come true or only half will come true. The phases of the moon, days of the week, and so on have an influence. Do not be discouraged if you have a bad dream. It does not mean at all that it will be instantly fulfilled. Perhaps this is just a warning.

To dream about cucumbers is always a positive sign. Practically all dream books relate the dreamed vegetable to well-being and excellent health, which will lead the sleeper to success in all undertakings. It can be love, success at work, own business, health, as well as many other aspects of life.

In Miller’s dream book, cucumbers in a dream foreshadow a speedy recovery, the healing of the illness that the sleeper has. If a sleeper is hopelessly in love with another person who does not manifest his feelings, these green vegetables in a dream will foreshadow reciprocity.

It is important not only to remember which particular item or product you had in your dream, but also to know what situation the cucumber was in your dream. If you dream of pickles, it means that you are characterized by self-doubt, loneliness, a desire to improve your position in society or family. The use of salted cucumbers may portend unrequited love, which over time will turn into good luck for the lover. If the vegetables in the dream were large, strong and green, the dream may portend great successes on the “love front”, as well as good health, financial benefits and a tangible energy potential.

If you want to know what dreams of cucumbers, you definitely will help modern dream book. According to the latter, the vegetable speaks of the frivolity of the sleeper, his frivolous nature, which still foreshadows success. If a sleeper has to salt a vegetable and put it in a jar, this means missed opportunities that pass by the person, as well as a situation in which the sleeper loses his talent in vain. In this case, the dream suggests the need to revise priorities.

Much nicer to know what dreams of fresh cucumbers. They are a symbol of good health, vitality and strength. Love dream will foreshadow a strong cloudless relationship. If a lonely person enters the realm of Morpheus, the meeting with this vegetable can promise a romantic love adventure.

If an elderly person wants to know what a cucumber is dreaming about, he will be pleasantly surprised, because it portends a speedy expansion of the family circle by his grandchildren or great-grandchildren or a visit by relatives. If the vegetable on the garden was seen in a dream by a young man, he can count on career growth and material stability.

Interpretation of action in a dream

Rarely do people dream about cucumbers on their own, more often they are just a part of a more detailed dream. If you dream of pickles, you should definitely give up even minor debts to avoid financial difficulties. In rare cases, a cucumber in a dream can be a harbinger of the imminent loss of relationships with distant relatives.

There are a number of interpretations interpreting certain actions with cucumbers. To buy - the dreamer is expected to face heavy workloads, certain difficulties in professional activity. In ancient times, it was believed that the purchase of green vegetables in a dream may herald the receipt of good news from old friends.

Cutting vegetables - the sleeper is experiencing because of a competitor or because of a rival on the love front. If cucumbers are cut for cooking, all problems will be solved safely. Plant - the birth of children and family well-being.

What dreams pickles in your plate? If you are lucky enough to eat cucumbers, this may mean adventures, acquaintances, as well as other kinds of pleasure that await you in the future. If during a dream you were salting cucumbers, perhaps you are waiting for trouble and serious conversations with relatives.

If you look at any dream book, fresh cucumbers at your dinner table herald recovery for the sick, as well as a lot of joy in life and escape from life's difficulties. If you dreamed how you plant green vegetables in the garden, you will have to face difficult challenges in your life, and you will also have to work hard to bring a good income to your family.

Want to know what dreams pick cucumbers? As a rule, this means a quick receipt of large incomes from those sources that have not brought you any profit for a long time.. Sowing seeds on beds is a symbol of unforeseen but pleasant expenses.

To whom the dream has come

What is important is the fact that dreamed cucumbers, because this dream can be interpreted differently depending on the sex and social status of the sleeper. Cucumbers in a dream promise:

  • Woman - the emergence of waking new boyfriends, as well as an increase in attention from the stronger sex. Men will be attracted like a magnet, but do not lose your head.
  • A man - a quick large profit. This may be a bonus, an increase in salary, a return of debt or a gain.
  • Lover man - successful, filled with light and joy of relationship.

Cucumbers lying in, can mean that about you someone spreads rumors that do not correspond to reality. Most likely, these rumors contain information about your partners, personal life and relationships, so you need to be careful.

Cucumbers on the beds is a very good sign.. They symbolize the well-being in the family and mutual understanding. As a rule, all quarrels go away and relationships bring joy. A large number of cucumbers can mean a quick arrival of guests or a noisy company, thanks to which the house will be filled with joy and positive, and new colors and sensations will appear in your life.

Spoiled cucumbers hint that a novel that has begun recently or is about to take place may be unsuccessful and you better stop this relationship in favor of another person. Also, poor-quality vegetables can symbolize the insincerity of the person caring for you. In this case, you should not worry - as a rule, such a dream suggests that you will make a decision in good time to break up the relationship.

Yellow vegetables indicate that you are too negative about your life, are prone to despondency and do not believe in miracles. You should be more optimistic and positive, since all your difficulties are temporary.

Cucumber in a dream is a very good symbol, which often foreshadows the imminent success of a sleeper in all endeavors: you can profitably buy, sell, happily love and work successfully, open bank deposits, receive income from real estate. Therefore, if you dreamed of cucumbers, the dream book will help you figure out exactly where you are lucky.

Dreams are often so unpredictable that in order to understand their meaning, it is often necessary to turn to dream books. Here, for example, why dream of fresh green cucumbers, without some knowledge just can not figure it out. This vegetable can be both a symbol of health, and portend an improvement in well-being and success.

  This vegetable can be both a symbol of health and foreshadow improvement in welfare and success.

Vegetables that have dreamed in a dream foreshadow an elevated mood and personal growth, the achievement of lofty goals. For many, cucumbers are associated with health, respectively, and dreams, in which they are present, can be interpreted as a speedy recovery. To understand these dreams have to go to the dream.

When interpreting a dream, one takes into account the individual perception of the dreamer. Depending on this, a dream can mean something good as well as bad. Be sure to take into account the details:

  • watery fruit - the opportunities are overvalued, and, accordingly, hopes will not be justified;
  • to eat cucumber - after a large number of failures, a favorable sleep period awaits, which will be accompanied by calm and self-confidence;
  • gherkins in large quantities - when solving problems, you can count on the help of friends;
  • watch how they grow in the garden - an unforgettable journey is expected;
  • harvesting - the perception of life will change dramatically, however, as well as the attitude towards it;
  • buying is meaningless work.

A cucumber dreamed up to young people promises a dream come true, and for the elderly he promises a long-awaited meeting with loved ones.

What dreams of cucumbers (video)

If a woman sees fresh green cucumbers in a dream

  According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that dissatisfaction in personal life is inherent in the girl.

In the event that fresh vegetables are dreamed of a woman, the interpretation of sleep is somewhat different. According to Freud, such a dream may be a sign that the girl is dissatisfied with her personal life. She needs a new romantic relationship. It is possible that soon such relationships will appear.

If the cucumber dreams of a married woman, then in the near future she will receive a gift from her companion. To foretell such a dream can and new relationships. It is highly not recommended to dive completely into them, since an adverse outcome for a woman is not excluded.

Often vegetables dream of lying in the snow. In this case, they are forerunners of the fact that the fair sex will avoid gossip about her intimate life. If, however, trying to taste a cucumber does not have any sensations, then in the near future strong disappointments await. Family gossip can be expected if you had to pour the fruit with salt in dreams.

To dream of fresh green cucumbers in the garden

  The dream in which the dreamer was led to see cucumbers that grow in the garden, often has a positive meaning

The dream in which the dreamer was led to see cucumbers that grow in the garden, most often has a positive meaning. In the near future, we can expect favorable changes in life:

My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a bit different - how to decipher?

How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes - lost. The meaning of sleep is hard to understand, not taking into account all its aspects, the person’s personality and context. In order to find out what really means a dream - write to the site expert, it's free!

  • a happy family;
  • good health;
  • old debts may be paid back soon.

If a large number of growing small cucumbers are dreamed up, then soon you can expect guests to come without warning. The big fruits in a dream warn that you need to think about your own achievements. If a young girl sees such a vivid dream, then soon she can become pregnant.

Gather, tear fresh green cucumbers in a dream

Dreams, in which you have to pick vegetables from the garden, have several meanings

Dreams, in which you have to pick vegetables from the garden, have several meanings. Among the main ones, the following are distinguished:

  • in the life of a sleeper everything is all right, relations with a companion are strong, income is high and stable, there are many reasons to live in joy and tranquility;
  • a warning that it is necessary to appreciate what a person possesses and not to risk it in the process of achieving doubtful goals;
  • tear small fruits - cash receipts;
  • the harvest of a rich harvest - a significant replenishment of the family budget;
  • to clear the fruits of the earth that is stuck to them - secrets will soon become known to those around them;
  • oiled cucumbers promise recovery to the patient as soon as possible.

Green fresh cucumbers dream of a man: what does it mean

Special difficulty is the interpretation of dreams for men. The value in different dream books is radically different:

  • see - soon a man will reap the fruits of his many years of work;
  • in the basket - the appearance of a strong contender. And it could be, as an unexpected bridal boy, and a new employee at work. Both in the first and in the second case you will have to defend yourself;
  • to harvest the fruits of this crop - a novel is expected soon, which will surely turn the head:
  • dreamed cucumbers to the farm worker promise a big harvest this year.

Clean cucumbers in a dream: interpretation

  If in a dream I had to clean this vegetable, then soon we can expect a serious quarrel.

If a dream had to clean this vegetable, then soon we can expect a serious quarrel. If, however, the dreamer had to wash the fruit of dirt for a very long time before cleaning, then it is worth preparing for the development of a whole web of gossip around it. When sprinkling it with salt, one can expect disappointments, from which there will be many tears.

The process of cleaning and cutting in dreams is a harbinger of impressive losses and deception by the closest people. Cut off the skin from vegetables in the winter - possible colds. In rare cases, shredded cucumber may portend dismissal from work and a difficult financial situation.

If a woman saw such dreams, then an early pregnancy is likely. In rare cases, such a dream may lead to separation from a partner, but you should not be sad about this, as soon a new satellite will emerge, with which strong relationships will be created.

If you had to buy cucumbers in a dream: the meaning of a dream

Quite often buying vegetables in dreams foreshadows stagnation in all matters. It is possible that the financial situation will become worse and even have to borrow money. But a dream in which large purchased fruit had to be carried home, promises long and hard work that will be ungrateful.

Choose dense cucumbers in the process of buying - you can expect to hear from people with whom for a long time there was no communication. Paying for them - soon there will be a big celebration. It is possible that in a short time, the sleeper will be invited to the wedding.

What dreams of cucumber (video)

Dreams in which a person sees green and fresh cucumbers almost always have a positive interpretation. In most cases, these dreams foreshadow the improvement of the material condition, recovery and the emergence of romantic relationships, which will soon lead to a marriage. Even if, when comparing all the details of the vision, it turned out that troubles are coming soon, there is no need to panic and worry, because the solution to these problems will be found soon enough, and life will return to the same direction. Perhaps even better conditions in the future.