Beef Burgundy: recipe. Burgundy meat: traditions in cooking.

08.07.2019 Grill menu
  • 1 kg of beef (spatula or neck);
  • Cup of olive oil;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 3-4 small carrots;
  • 1 glass of dry red wine;
  • 1 clove garlic;
  • bay leaf;
  • parsley stalks;
  • fresh thyme.


For this recipe, you can even take the meaty meat: in any case, after two hours of stewing, it will become soft.

Cut the beef into cubes with a side of about 4–5 cm and season with salt and pepper.

Heat some of the oil in a pan over high heat and fry the meat quickly before browning on all sides. Roast beef should be served in portions so that the pieces have time to redden, and not to let the juice in and begin to stew ahead of time.

Put the fried meat in a separate dish, and put the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half-rings into the pan. Reduce heat and fry for about 5 minutes. Flour the onion, stir and pour a glass of dry red wine.

Return the meat back to the pan. Then send the cubes of carrot along with garlic, salt and pepper. Stir.

For aroma, a so-called garni bouquet is added to the meat - a bunch of fresh herbs tied with cotton thread. Here we have collected several parsley stalks with three sprigs of thyme. Separately, add a couple more bay leaves to the dish.

When you send herbs to the base of the dish, fill everything with water so that the meat is covered (the ratio of beef and water should be about 2: 3).

After boiling, reduce the heat, cover and simmer the beef in Burgundy for two hours.

Approximately every 15–20 minutes the dish should be stirred, especially closely following the process towards the end of cooking. Along the way, collect the formed foam and fat from the surface.

Extract the aromatic bouquet and laurel leaves from the finished dish. Serve, sprinkled with herbs, with bread or any side dish.

With mushrooms and vegetables in red wine sauce. Such a scant description may seem rather “dry” to those who have already felt its delicious taste. As they say in France, meat in Burgundy is an exquisite, nutritious and incredibly delicious delicacy, which has no equal.

It should be savored on cold winter evenings in a narrow family circle. According to gourmets, even in a heated form, the meat in Burgundy does not lose its excellent taste and magnificent flavor. In the classic variation, the obligatory ingredient is the Burgundy quality wine.

In fact, there are many recipes for its preparation. In different countries of the world culinary specialists use local varieties of alcoholic beverages. If you are going to cook this solemn dish and do not spoil its special and unique taste, then choose the red quality, such as "Myushin", "Romane-Conti", "Chambertin". It all depends on the possibilities and priorities.

Burgundy meat: recipe

Ingredients: beef (1 kg), carrots, onion, champignon mushrooms (200 g), bacon (100 g), flour (10 g), tomato paste (50 g), dry red wine (300 g), black pepper, salt, a little mustard, garlic, rosemary, bay leaf.

Before in Burgundy, it must be marinated overnight. For the marinade, chop the onions, carrots, add laurea, pepper, rosemary and wine.

Chop the beef into small portions, salt and put in the prepared sauce. Leave for at least 6 hours, for better impregnation. After the time has elapsed, fry it until golden brown, and then add it to the cauldron. During the quenching process, sprinkle the mass with flour, mix well. Sauce, in which there was meat, pour into a roasting pan and bring to a boil. Squeeze in the garlic and put the tomato paste. Simmer for about 40 minutes.

Preparing vegetables

Striped bacon is fried in olive oil. Do the same with champignons, then add vegetables to our meat. Close the lid and leave to languish for half an hour. Rice, boiled potatoes and fresh greens are perfect as a side dish.

You can use other varieties of meat - chicken, lean pork, young veal. You can change components at your own discretion, for example, add pepper or chili. Instead of tomato paste, use tomatoes. Very tasty with oyster mushrooms and chanterelles. Experiment with dry herbs, spices and seasonings to give the dish a zest and spice.

The most important thing in this recipe is good red wine. Some add brandy, the taste does not change much. Properly cooked meat in Burgundy will surprise you with its taste, softness and juiciness. Of course, you have to put a lot of effort and time for an amazing result.

Although you can slightly modify the recipe and make a quick. Do not make marinade and not a few hours. All components are mixed and sent to the oven, covered with cheese. Many may not agree with this method, but the recipe will not take more than an hour, and you will not have to mess with the products. In principle, it turns out very tasty.

Agree! Over such “broilers” that we have, I do not want to excel. But I also want to cook this dish. Just from the culinary excitement. It (“the rooster is the same”) is in essence close to the beef burginon. Like the Irish stew (absolutely popular peasant dish - where the principle is the same: soften with wine (beer) tough and inexpensive (affordable for the peasant) meat. But in Ireland in pubs I tried several varieties of Irish stew - with NOT fundamental differences: everything revolves around the presence or absence of potatoes and celery stalks, bearing in mind that the classics of the genre is only meat + carrots + onions + water (by the way), and Guinness to drink. I have a stew “on the water” + with a glass of Guinness in Dublin , and in Limerick and Waterfor At home, I cooked all these kinds of Irish stew, and I wasn’t fed up. This is the same attitude I have towards “rooster.” Let it be not an authentic rooster, but an unintelligible broiler, but I will think that I cooked something very French. you know, Alexey, now everything is becoming somehow especially sad, even the preparation of simple pasta is not pleasing - without parmesan.Oil is not my favorite Irish “Carrigold” and so on ... So let it be at least a broiler in French. And so be comforted!

P.S. I am reconsidering now Nigella Express with Nigella Lawson is one frustration: “take” good dried jerky ham, Spanish chorizo \u200b\u200b+ provolone cheese + I have fresh pak choi and other sprouts here ... .. ”. And since such circumstances (apparently) will last for a long time, you will have to “love” broilers on hormones!

Come up with a recipe, huh? !!!

I think you exaggerate. For example, there is the same Parma ham in the shops, and you can also take a farmer's chicken, and not a broiler for doping. Yes, some of the usual products once from us while "gone", but this is an occasion to try others. Especially surprising is the information about the rise in prices for cucumbers and tomatoes: you might think that they were cheaper in the winter.

And to reply to a comment (for example, mine) - click “Reply” next to the name of the commentator (for example, mine).

No, Alexey, I do not exaggerate! There is no Parma ham in Moscow. Including in the cheap Stockmanna, where I was at the weekend. The purchasing manager, in general, sadly frankly said that it was extremely difficult to find new suppliers of “departed” products. And what to try? Belarusian cheese? Yes, we try ... forced. You can even replace everything. What really is the difference with what is pasta (sorry ... we will now logical to the end - pasta)! If the pasta, then - you can do without Parmesan, and nastrozhat in them (pasta) - processed cheese ”Druzhba”. That's really - all cheeses (cam) - cheese !!!

At prices: when people talk about the rise in price of cucumbers / tomatoes, I think they mean the comparison is not! with summer prices, and with prices last season.
  Prices have risen very seriously for some items: I regularly buy walnuts - I can compare. Yesterday I bought 1 kg. packaged peeled walnuts for 980 rubles. This is a price increase almost doubled over a short period of time. M., in St. Petersburg prices rose slightly less?

Today I already wrote to you about our native vegetable “palette”. I look at all this as a depressing picture. Time goes by, but farmers do not expand the vegetable “list”. Neither the Savoy cabbage nor the leek (so often needed) are grown! So try something ?!

Yes, I buy farm hens, and farm butter (including, and in the network “Izbenka”, but the Irish “Kerrigold” put much higher - and farmers, and Finnish, and “President”, and New Zealand (which No. Domestic oil of large dairies - ... no, better keep silence!

This lack of choice is very uncomfortable - especially for those who love to cook. I, Alexey, as a senior comrade, have already swallowed the philosophy of “cooking porridge from an ax” - in youth and in maturity. I do not want to go back !!!

Well, I will not argue about Parma ham, perhaps in Moscow things are different than in St. Petersburg, although I bought it quite recently, and the production date was clearly after the announcement of counter-sanctions.

But nobody definitely canceled pasta and products from New Zealand, I can assure you of this with full responsibility. :) It is from NZ that I now buy oil, domestic, which is expensive, that cheap, alas, oil is called only on the packaging. But to become disheartened because of this? Dismiss.

I was recently advised cook beef burgundy. This dish came to us from far France, where it was cooked in peasant families. The highlight and peculiarity of which was the very method of extinguishing meat - in wine, and certainly in Burgundy. As a result, the beef turns out to be unusually fragrant, juicy and tasty, which your household will rightly appreciate.

Ingredients for cooking beef in Burgundy:

  1. Beef (chilled tenderloin)  1 kg.
  2. Champignon mushrooms)  500 gr.
  3. Bacon 100 gr.
  4. Carrots 4 pcs.
  5. Bulb onion 1 pc.
  6. Shallots - 12 pcs.
  7. 4-5 cloves garlic
  8. Red wine (dry)  1 liter
  9. Wheat flour 2 tablespoons
  10. Butter 50 gr.
  11. Olive oil 50 ml.
  12. Thyme greens 2 sprigs
  13. Parsley 2-3 sprigs
  14. Salt to taste
  15. Black pepper peas  taste
  16. Bay leaves to taste
  17. Vegetable oil for roasting  taste

Not suitable products? Choose a similar recipe from the others!


  1. Pan
  2. Pan
  3. Cutting board
  4. Kitchen knife
  5. A bowl
  6. Tablespoon
  7. Iron Spatula
  8. Colander
  9. Serving dish

Cooking Beef Burgundy:

Step 1: Marinate the meat.

   The first step is to prepare the meat. Immediately make a reservation, we will marinate beef at least 12 hoursso if you want to cook this dish for a holiday, then begin the process in the evening. By the way, meat can also be bought with layers of bacon, but in my family they are not very happy about it, so I use clean tenderloin. Wine, of course, it is desirable to find a Burgundy, but if that suits any red, but dry, you can even homemade. So, since I bought a fresh piece of meat, I immediately began to prepare it. If you took frozen beef, then start by defrosting it at room temperature. Now wash it thoroughly under cold running water until the last drops of blood are drained from it, and then cut into pieces about the size of 5x5 cm.. Shifts in a deep bowl.

   Then we clean the onions and garlic from the husks and wash. Onions are cut into large half rings or quarters, and the garlic is crushed using the flat side of the knife. Add all this to a bowl of meat, then lay out a few bay leaves, a couple of thyme and parsley sprigs, peas, and salt to taste.

   Fill all with red wine. Stir, cover, and marinate in the fridge. hours 12-15.

Step 2: Stew meat.

The next day we get the meat from the marinade (which in no case can not be poured) and shift it to a paper towel. While it dries, put on a medium heat to heat the pan, pour some vegetable oil and spread the bacon, finely chopped. Fry, stirring constantly until it gets a golden hue and does not let all the fat ( 3-5 minutes). After that, remove it from the pan with the help of an iron spatula and shift it to the pan, in which we will cook the beef in Burgundy. And in a pan with bacon fat lay out the roast pieces of beef until it is browned in color, while you need to stir it periodically ( 5-7 minutes).

   As soon as the kitchen smells like grilled meat, pour it into the pan two tablespoons  wheat flour, stir it thoroughly in the oil and in this form fry beef more literally one minute. Meanwhile, we quickly filter our pickles from onions and other spices with a colander. Roasted meat in flour is put into a saucepan with bacon and pour over all the marinade, then we send everything to medium-high heat to stew.

   After boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and continue to simmer the beef about 1.5 hours.

Step 3: Cooking beef in Burgundy.

   About in an hour  put on a medium heat to heat the pan, and spread butter and olive oil on it. As long as it heats up, quickly peel the carrots, wash well and cut into large pieces. After that, lay out it to fry in the pan until golden. about 2 minutes).

   At this time, peel shallots from the husk.

   We transfer the finished carrot to the saucepan with the meat, and lay the onion on to fry in a frying pan, also until golden. 3-4 minutes), which is then also shifted to the beef and continue to stew everything under the lid. Now my mushrooms, cut into quarters and spread fry everything on the same pan within 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add them to the meat and simmer another about 20-25 minutes. At the end, try the sauce and add salt and pepper to taste.

Step 4: Serving Burgundy Beef.

   As a side dish, cook boiled rice or mashed potatoes. And as an aperitif, open a bottle of red wine. Enjoy your meal!

In this way, you can cook not only beef, but also pork and chicken. True for pork you need less time for the marinade and stewing, and the chicken is best cooked in white wine.

If you doubt what kind of wine to take for cooking beef, then be aware that it should be dry and semi-sweet, and the brand in principle does not play a big role here.

This dish can be served to the holiday table, but after tasting it once, your family and friends will be asked to cook meat in Burgundy just like that, for no reason. After all, this is a very tasty and hearty dish. You can serve it with or without a side dish.

Ingredients for meat in Burgundy. It will take 1 kg of beef, 100 g of bacon, a tablespoon of olive oil, one large carrot, large onions (1 pc), 200 g of champignons, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 500 ml of dry red wine, 50 g of tomato paste, 250 ml of broth, salt and black pepper (to taste), a teaspoon of mustard, rosemary, garlic.

Bef Bourguinhonne Cooking Video Tutorial

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The process of cooking meat in Burgundy

Wash and dry the meat. It is better to make a paper towel, so you remove excess moisture after washing. Cut the meat into pieces. It is recommended to cut them the size of a matchbox, but this, of course, a matter of taste. Some people like to cut meat smaller. Put the pieces in an enameled bowl or pan, add the chopped onions (rings or half rings) and the carrots, cut into slices. Salt the meat, add black pepper and rosemary, bay leaf, pour dry wine. Optionally, you can add a little brandy.

Turn the meat over and leave to marinate. When a sufficient amount of time has passed (at least 3-4 hours), fry it over high heat until golden brown, using olive oil for frying. Vegetables that are marinated with meat, while leave. Their time has not come yet. During the frying process, lightly sprinkle the meat with flour to form a crisp.

Take a deep brazier or griddle, and even better a cauldron. Pour the marinade, which was meat, bring it to a boil, put the pieces of roasted meat, add chopped garlic, tomato paste. If the marinade is not enough, add the broth. Simmer everything on low heat for about an hour.

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Cooking vegetables and mushrooms

Cut bacon into strips, fry it in a griddle, put on a plate. In the fat left over from the bacon, fry the vegetables from the wine marinade. Mushrooms cut into plates.

Add fried vegetables and bacon to the meat, simmer everything together for another 30 minutes. Meat in Burgundy is ready. Serve it with coarsely chopped parsley, garnished with green onion feathers. Want a side dish? Cook boiled potatoes or rice.

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Another way

  Beef will need 1.2 kg. You can, by the way, use other meat - lean pork, chicken. Very tasty turns goose in Burgundy. You also need 250-500 g of champignons, 80-100 g of uncooked smoked bacon, a tablespoon of tomato paste, flour, dry red wine 350 ml, 0.5 l chicken broth, a clove of garlic, pearl onions (onions) - very small onions - 100 g, 3-4 large carrots, 30 g of butter, bay leaf, salt and pepper, ground to taste.

This recipe for meat in Burgundy, many love for the speed of cooking. Pre-pickled meat is not necessary. Prepare both the first and second recipe to evaluate the taste. A dish of the same ingredients is prepared in different ways, the meat prepared by the first method differs in taste from the meat prepared according to the second recipe. Rather, it is not even the meat that is different, but the sauce, but it plays an important role in this dish.

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Quick Cooking Step-by-Step Guide

  • Step One: Cooking Mushrooms

They must be washed, cleaned and fry in vegetable oil for 8-10 minutes until golden brown. Please note that you do not need to cut the mushrooms - they are fried completely.

  • Step Two: Fry Meat

Cut the meat into small pieces, salt and pepper, fry on high heat until golden brown. Do not put a lot of meat in the pan, it is better to fry in a few visits for 2-3 minutes.

  • Step Three: Fry Bacon

Slice the smoked bacon into thin strips, fry until golden brown, add the tomato paste and fry for another 2-3 minutes, not forgetting to stir, so as not to burn. Add flour and fry the bacon with flour and tomato paste for 30 seconds.

  • Step Four: Cooking Gravy

Put the beef in the cauldron, pour in wine, broth, add chopped garlic and bay leaf, bring to a boil, mix. Cover and simmer for about an hour in the oven at 160 degrees.

  • Step Five: Add Vegetables

Peel the onions and carrots, cut the carrots in thick circles, remove the cauldrons from the oven, put the onions and carrots in there, stir the dish and send to the oven for another 1.5-2 hours if it is beef and for 1 hour if it is other meat. It should be very soft.

  • Step Six: Add the mushrooms and fill the dish

Fried champignons are added 15 minutes before the readiness of the dish. And in the finished meat in Burgundy, add butter, mix everything.

Serve the dish, garnished with parsley.

Many will disagree that this method can be called fast - the meat is stewed first an hour, and then two more. But while it is in the oven, you can safely go about your business. Preparation of ingredients for quenching will take no more than half an hour. But in three hours you will get amazing Burgundy meat, which will surely be to your and your family and guests' taste.