Honey cake is an economical recipe. Master class: Honey cake at home.

14.07.2019 Desserts and Cakes

Honey cake - a cake loved by many since childhood. it relatively low-calorie dessert  with a delicate pleasant taste. However, not everyone knows how to make a honey cake with your own hands. There are several recipes for cake, its taste can be varied as desired. Cooking honey cake is a rather laborious process. You need to bake cakes, make a cream, make a cake. A lot of time is spent on soaking the cake with cream. But it is worth it, because the result is an excellent dessert for the holiday table with the taste of caramel and honey.

To make the cake tender and melt in your mouth, you need to take into account the nuances of its preparation. Cooking honey cake is easy, you just need to choose the right products, observe the proportions and know some cooking rules:

  1. For baking the cake you need to take liquid honey. If the honey has already managed to sugar, it must be melted in a water bath. With the liquid product will be easier to knead the dough.
  2. For honey cake suitable light honey. Dark honey has too strong taste. And also you should not take buckwheat honey, otherwise the cake will be too tart.
  3. Honey cake will be soft and tender, if the dough is heated for a couple. To do this, boil the water in a saucepan. And inside the dishes put the second pan so that it does not touch the bottom of the water.
  4. It is necessary to strictly observe the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe, since honey also gives a sweet taste to the cake. If you put a lot of sugar in the dough, honey cake will turn cloying.
  5. In the cakes roll out only warm dough.
  6. To get a delicate honey cake, it is better to use sour cream. Sour cream gives a pleasant taste to the cake and makes the cakes airy.
  7. For the cream should take fat sour cream. And instead of sugar is better to use powder. Before making cream, sour cream needs to be cooled, so it is easier to mix with powdered sugar.
  8. You can add condensed milk or cocoa to sour cream for cream. And also you can replace sour cream with these products.
  9. The taste of the cake can be varied by adding prunes or walnuts to the cream.
  10. Before you collect the cake, you need to put a layer of cream on the dish and spread the first cake on it. Assembling the cake should always start with the cream, and not with the cake.

Honey cake recipes

Cooking honey cake consists of several stages:

Honey is better to cook 1 day before use, since the impregnation of the cake takes about 12 hours. Do not soak the honey cake 2 - 3 days.

The classic recipe: honey cake "Tenderness"

For the preparation of cake layers  You will need 600 g of flour, 300 g of sugar, 50 g of butter, 150 g of honey, 1 teaspoon of soda, 3 eggs. In the cake according to the classic recipe, 2 types of cream are used: sour cream and condensed milk. To make a cream of sour cream you need 500 g of sour cream (fat content of at least 20%), 300 g of sugar. For condensed milk cream - 1 can of condensed milk (360 g), 200 g butter.

Honey cake with nuts and prunes without rolling cakes

On the preparation of this version of honey cake  it takes a little time. Baking cakes will require 100 g of sugar and butter, 150 g of honey, 3 eggs, 350 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of soda. For the manufacture of the cream you need 0.5 kg of sour cream (25% fat), 300 ml of cream (35% fat), 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 300 g of prunes without stones and 200 g of walnuts.

Cake honey cake "Ryzhik" with custard without water bath

Honey cake can be cooked  without heating the dough on a pair. According to this recipe, you will need 1 cup of sugar, 2 - 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 teaspoons of soda, 3 cups of flour, 100 g of margarine. For the cream you need to take 0.5 liters of milk, 125 g of sugar, a bag of vanilla, 4 tablespoons of flour and 2 eggs.


In the shops you can often find honey cake long-term storage. These cakes use sandwich cakes and margarine. Homemade honey cake does not look like a cake from the store at all. Homemade Cake much more gentle and not so sugary. It is worth spending time on its pastries to please yourself and guests with a wonderful dessert for tea.

Each housewife has a book, or rather a notebook of recipes, in which the most delicious dishes are recorded. Initially, recipes from her mother’s and grandmother’s books are copied to her, and then new ones are added.

Therefore, in each such notebook, at least one recipe is a honey cake.

It often happens that the recipe for honey cake is far from being one, but the oven is preferred according to the old and proven method.

A little about notebooks recipes

Very few people do this, but this method of filling in a notebook is considered the most rational. Before you write one or another recipe in a notebook, you must bake this recipe. Pre-record your favorite recipe on a piece of paper with a sticky layer and paste it into a booklet. When the time comes to prepare a dish according to a new recipe, take out a leaf, or a snack to your taste, rewrite to the appropriate leaf in a notebook.

It will be better if each page has its own baking page. In this way, in my notebook, there were several pages with honey cakes. There is and, and biscuit honey cake with butter cream. As well as cook or in a slow cooker and much more. Every time fresh honey appears in the house, I begin to look at which of the cakes I have not baked for a long time.

Since in my recipe book there are only proven baking types over the years, I'm not afraid to spoil the cake. It’s like riding a bike, even if you haven’t cooked one or another pastry for a long time, then starting to cook, your hands will immediately remember all the manipulations. Why can you say this with confidence? This comes from the fact that when we like to bake a cake, then at first we cook it several times in a row until it gets bored, and then we forget the recipe for a long time, switching to a new one. But your hands are already full and if you start baking according to this recipe in a few months, you will definitely remember the cooking sequence and even the taste of the cake.

Cooking Honey Cake - Different Ways

As already mentioned, honey cake can be both in the form of biscuit and as from puff pastry. A variety of creams and fillers also change the taste of the dish, but the most common honey cake that just melts in your mouth is a classic recipe with custard. By the way, oddly enough, but there are also many such recipes. It seems to be a classic, but everyone perceives it to their own taste. The point is not even in the composition of the dough or cream, but in the very method of preparation. One of the classic recipes was described in the article: "".

Consider a slightly different recipe for a delicious cake that you can bake at home.

What is needed for the cake layers:

  • Sugar sand - 1 glass;
  • Chicken Egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Butter - 50 gr .;
  • Top grade flour - 350 gr .;
  • Baking powder dough - 11 gr. (one package).

For cream:

  • Milk - 0.5 l .;
  • Sugar sand - 1 glass;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Chicken eggs - 1 pc .;
  • Butter - 70 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 package.

We start cooking with the dough for the cake layers, since we still have time to cook the cream while the cake layers cool down.

A delicious honey cake is almost like "Napoleon" - a lot of layers soaked in cream. But we must remember that in order to get a tasty snack that melts in the mouth, it is necessary to take only very fresh honey, as the old and candied can give the baked bitterness, which will forever discourage the desire to cook this cake.

Dough preparation begins with the melting of honey in a water bath.

To do this, mix honey, sugar and butter, mix and put in a water bath. Constantly stirring, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, and you will not see a single crystal. In order for this to happen faster, I prefer to buy very fine sugar and use it only to bake cakes or to make icing sugar.

After the mass has become homogeneous, remove it from the bath, add baking powder and mix well. Cool and just stir, add one egg.

Flour must be sifted, you can do this at the moment when the dough cools down before introducing the eggs. It is necessary to add flour in small portions, if there is a multicooker at home, then a very successful small ladle was attached to it. When all the flour is added, the mixture is well mixed, send this mass to the refrigerator for 30 minutes, and preferably to the freezer.

After half an hour, remove the dough, divide it into 10 parts, roll the balls and send them again in the freezer for one hour. Take out one ball one by one and roll out on the working surface with a bit of flour. But it is better to lay out the baking paper and roll it on it, covering it with another sheet of baking paper on top - this not only saves the working surface of the table, eliminates unnecessary cleaning, but also allows you to quickly move the cakes to the oven.

It is necessary to roll thin, but try so that the dough does not break. In order not to be mistaken, attach a template of the size you want to see the cake. The best option is a bottom from a detachable cake mold or a plate on which this baking will be collected in the future.

Cake oven should be in a preheated 200 degree oven for no more than 3 minutes. You can immediately cut the cake in a pattern, and trim a little away from the main cake and bake with it. The finished layers are placed on the working surface, covered with a cloth, and covered with a thin towel. Trim the same folded in a separate bowl, without covering.

After all the parts are ready you need to prepare the cream.

Mix all ingredients except milk, then pour half a glass of milk and mix well. Put the rest of the milk on the fire and wait for boiling, then reduce the temperature of the hotplate and, with constant stirring, pour in a thin stream of pre-cooked mixture. Next, the cream will have to constantly interfere, and keep on low heat until you achieve the desired thickness. The cream should not be liquid, but not very thick. Then this impregnation must be completely cooled and only then be engaged in assembling the cake.

While the cream cools, chop the crumbs off the cakes, you can do it in a blender, but it is better to dry a little more in the oven and roll it out with a rolling pin, placing it in a linen bag.

We collect ready honey cake.

Cover the cakes with plenty of cream, about 2 tablespoons of the cake and cover with the following. The remaining cream cover the top layer and sides and sprinkle with crushed crumbs from scraps of cake layers. We put in the fridge for one night - this is the ideal time for full soaking, but if you start to eat this baking in a couple of hours, then believe that it will also be very tasty.

Biscuit with honey and protein cream

Such baking can be baked on a small home party, or you can do it like a regular Saturday honey cake. Why do I say the Sabbath, as I myself used to indulge my men, of whom I have three of them at home, precisely on Saturday. Saturday is an ideal for many housewives, because, firstly, there is time, and, secondly, in two days baking is completely destroyed in 2 days off and does not take place in the refrigerator.

What it takes to bake cakes:

  • Top quality flour - 300 gr .;
  • Sugar sand - 200 gr .;
  • Margarine - 100 gr. (I use margarine "Miracle baking");
  • Fresh natural honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soda - 1 tsp.

To make custard for the layer between the cake layers:

  • Milk - 300 ml .;
  • Sugar sand - 200 gr .;
  • Butter - 50 gr .;
  • Egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

To decorate the cake and make protein cream:

  • Sugar powder - 150 gr .;
  • Perfect chicken egg - 2 pcs .;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

If you pay attention to the ingredients of all the ingredients that this recipe contains, you can see that honey is present everywhere. Therefore, the taste will be so honey that it will melt in your mouth and leave the unique taste of this beekeeping product. But if someone from the family does not like honey in such quantity, then it is better to exclude this baking from the diet. You should not cook this cake if someone is allergic to honey, since such an abundance can cause very unpleasant consequences.

Begin cooking cake layers.

First you need to melt the margarine, and cool it a little. The ideal is the room temperature of the liquid, since if you add hot margarine to the eggs, they will roll up. Beat eggs with sugar until strong foam, then add the melted margarine and beat a little more. Honey drown in a water bath, when it is heated, then add sifted soda. Do not be afraid when you see white foam, it should be so. After adding the soda we cook honey until it becomes dark, do not forget to stir. At first the mass will be golden, and then acquire darker shades. If you do not want too dark cakes, then stop at the golden stage and remove the bowl from the bath. The darker the honey mass, the darker the cake itself.

Sift flour and combine it with a mixture of eggs, margarine and sugar. Mix well and add honey substance. At this stage, you can work with a mixer so that there is a homogeneous mass. Ideal - the mass of golden color without the slightest lumps. Now we grease abundantly the baking dish, heat the oven to 180 degrees and put the baking inside the oven. Oven this cake should be within 35 minutes, check with a match or toothpick readiness.

If you want a high hill in the middle part of the honey cake not to form, then you need to cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 20 minutes, then remove the mold, quickly remove the foil and bake for another 15 minutes. In this case, you get an absolutely flat cake. So far - this is the easiest way that I learned on the Internet, which allows you to bake a classic biscuit without a constant slide.

Next, while the cake is baked, make a simple custard with honey.

To do this, mix eggs with flour and mix well, then pour sugar into milk and set on a small fire. It is better to constantly stir the sweet milk, so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Next, remove the milk from the heat, and pour into the eggs with flour, beat with a mixer very quickly. And then we put the whipped mixture on medium heat again. The cream will begin to thicken, so it will have to constantly interfere. When the density becomes what you need, then remove the saucepan from the heat, add the butter and honey and beat again with a mixer. Leave custard honey cream to cool completely on the desktop. If it is necessary to cool faster, then the easiest way to do this is to put the saucepan on ice or in a large cup of ice water.

During the time that the cream was being prepared, the cake was already baked in the oven, which needs to be cut into two equal parts. Of course, you should not do this right after you got the cake out of the oven - you can get burned. It is necessary to cool him a little, and only then begin to cut. Chilled cake soaked with any syrup and spread with custard, using all the prepared mass. Cover with a second cake and put in the fridge for 2 hours.

While the cakes are soaked, prepare protein cream for decoration.

To do this, separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites to a good density. A simple way to recognize readiness is to tilt a bowl of proteins, if they do not flow, you can pour powder in a thin stream without stopping to beat. Next, add liquid honey and whip again. The cream must be stable and keep well in any shape.

The finished protein mass is applied to baking and decorate as you wish.

You can use grated chocolate or crushed nut topping, but a simple type of quick and beautiful decoration is honey-colored confectionery beads.

Cooking honey cake in a new pan

This recipe is obtained as from puff pastry, only with the difference that honey is added to the cakes.

What we need to cook at home an almost classic honey cake in 30 minutes:

  • Butter - 70 gr .;
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Sugar - third of a glass;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • Flour - 1.5 cups;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Crushed Nuts - ¼ cup;
  • Chocolate - ½ tile.

We start by preparing the mass for the cake layers.

Mix honey, butter and soda and set on slow fire. The mass will start to foam and boil. At this moment we immediately remove from heat. Now beat the egg with sugar, add a spoonful of sour cream. Mix well and add flour, pre-sifted, in small portions. Everything is well knead and combine with honey mixture. Knead the dough and divide it into 5 equal parts. Then each part should be rolled out. The diameter of the cake should be the same as the diameter of the pan on which you are going to cook the cake. You can use the pancake, it should be well heated, and then bake on low heat without adding oil.

When the cake blister, turn over. Pieces are baked very quickly. When all the cakes are ready, they should be cooled and cooked custard or sour cream. Any kind of impregnation is well suited, except for ordinary boiled condensed milk, since it does not soak the cakes at all. When blot all the layers of cream, sprinkle the cake with chopped nuts and grated chocolate. In order for all the cake layers to be well soaked in the cake, it is necessary to refrigerate for at least 2 hours, but if it does not work, then immediately it is quite tasty and is destroyed by the household in a few tricks.

Of course, the ideal honey cake can be prepared at home, the main thing is to decide what is considered an ideal for your family. Each cake, cooked at home, my mother's caring hands, will be the most delicious for all young children and a loving spouse.

We pour sugar into the pan, put the honey and margarine cut into slices (and butter is better).

Put the saucepan on a very small light and heat it, stirring occasionally, until the butter melts and the sugar is dissolved.

Meanwhile, beat the soda and eggs with a mixer in a separate container.

When the sugar and butter are completely melted, pour the beaten eggs with soda into the pan. Stir - and the mixture will immediately fill up, begin to rise.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and start slowly stirring the flour, sifting it through a colander.

First, while the dough is thin and hot, stir it with a spoon.

It turns out choux dough for honey cake. It gradually thickens ...

It should make a soft, not very cool dough.

We divide it into several parts, roll balls for cakes, sprinkle them with flour, so as not to dry out, put in a bowl and cover with a clean towel.

Now turn on the oven! While it is warming up, we crush the table with flour and roll out the first cake in a thin manner, as for platzindas. Yes, from a small ball the size of an average apple, it is possible to roll the cake on the whole baking sheet! To prevent the dough from sticking to the table and the rolling pin, it is rolled evenly, we act like this:

  • roll out a rectangular cake from a ball;
  • first we roll this cake along, then across, then turn to the other side, not forgetting to sprinkle the cake and the table with flour - and then roll it again in the middle, then along the edges in all directions.

Try to shape the baking sheet to make full use of the space - then you can cut out the desired shape from the finished cakes. A sprinkle sprinkle ready cake or pave them as an additional layer between the cake layers.

ATTENTION! Upgrade :)) Addition to the recipe: baking honey cake many times, I found out that:

  • firstly, it is not necessary to roll out the dough very thinly, as I did before - 1-2 mm, that it was directly glowing - honey cakes can be made fat too! 3-4 mm, half a centimeter - then they will be lush and thicker, though smaller in size :)
  • secondly, it is not necessary to try to take the whole baking sheet - you can roll out round loafs the size of a plate, bake, and then hot (while soft cakes), immediately after getting out of the oven, cut to shape, using as a template, for example, the lid from the pan.
  • thirdly, you can even roll out 1 cm cake, cut out a glass and bake honey cakes!

So it turned out to be a thin cake - once again lightly crush it with flour and gently wrap it on the rocking chair.

Transfer to a pan greased with sunflower oil and unwind.

We put in the oven on the fire a little more than the average - baked cakes for honey cake at a temperature of about 200C, and very quickly - 4-5 minutes. The first can bake longer, while the oven and baking sheet get warm, and then just have time to shoot and roll!

If in the process of baking the cake began to “bubble”, poke it with a fork.
  While baking one cake, prepare-roll the second. And prepare a saucer with vegetable oil plus cotton wool wrapped in cheesecloth. It is convenient to dip it in butter and grease a hot baking sheet before putting a new cake on it.

When the cake has become golden - reach out with a thick oven mitt, gently pry the cake with a spatula around the edges and tilt the tray so that the cake slides onto a tray or a clean towel. Note that honey cakes are soft only hot, and when they cool, they retain their shape. Therefore, it is desirable to lay them on a flat surface.

If you miss the cake, it can fry until chocolate tan. So look in the oven in time! Although, if the cakes turn out to be part gold, and some reddish, it will be very beautiful, a real striped Red will come out! If you want light cakes, bake for a long time, just to not be raw. And if you want to make dark honey cakes, to contrast with sour cream - or hold in the oven a little longer, or ... cook on buckwheat honey! It is dark brown.

So you baked a stack of thin, golden honey cakes. Now you can make a cream - you can choose from cream recipes - wait an hour or two for the cake to soak in and treat the people to a delicious homemade honey cake! Checked: it is softer and tastier than the store. Enjoy your tea!

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Push class

This is a standard method of making puff cake, which is used in the manufacture of many types of this dessert.

How to cook it at home, what is needed for this, I will try to describe the whole cooking process in as much detail as possible.

  Honey cake, classic recipe with condensed milk

This cake is baked with cake layers with a layer of cream, for its preparation you will need an oven, a mixer, a blender and several types of deep dishes, as well as a small list of products that almost every home or in the nearest store has.


For the test:

  • Flour - 300 - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Soda - 1 tsp.

For cream:

  • Butter - 300 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.

Almond petals or chocolate for decoration

How to make a cake:

Bake cakes

We start to prepare the cake with the preparation of the cake, they will be nine.

To prepare the dough, we apply the method of a water bath; for this, we pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil.

Put the bowl on the pot, pay attention so that the water does not reach the bottom of the bowl. Put the butter in the bowl, pour in the sugar and lay out the honey. Honey pick to your taste. The taste of the cake also depends on the type of honey.

Heating in a water bath, mix everything well, you will spend 4-5 minutes to dissolve everything to a homogeneous mass.

We add soda, again we mix everything, from adding soda, the mass should lighten and add in volume.

Remove the bowl from the water bath and immediately add the eggs one by one, stirring quickly so that the eggs do not cook in the hot mixture.

After slightly cooling the dough, add flour, in several portions, stirring each, you may need no more than 300 grams, make sure that the dough does not turn out very steep, then the cakes will be softer. Finish kneading dough with your hands, adding some flour if necessary.

Make a dough like sausage and cut it into 9 equal parts.

From each part of the rolls palms bun.

On a baking sheet, roll out the future cakes in a thin layer.

A few general tips for cooking Honey cake according to the classic recipe: firstly, the number of eggs is indicated for category C-0 (these are large eggs), if you have a different category, and eggs, respectively, are smaller, take 4 pcs.

Secondly, the taste of the cake is very dependent on honey: the darker the honey, the more intense the honey taste of the cake. But be careful - dark honey can give a slight bitterness. Honey can be taken liquid or thick (I have the last option).

Let us proceed to the preparation of our Medovik (a classic recipe).

In a bowl, slightly shake the eggs with a whisk.

In a small saucepan with a thick bottom, combine 200 g of sugar, honey and half of butter. I give the honey to melt over medium heat, stirring. To the honey-oil mass, pour the eggs and stir until sugar and butter dissolve. I cook 5-7 minutes.

I add soda and leave for another minute on fire. Everything should grow twice in volume. I take off from the fire.

I pour the mass from the pan into a large bowl and gradually pour in the flour. Knead the dough until smooth. Carefully form a ball and let the dough cool for a couple of minutes.
  The dough is divided into eight parts and rolled into each ball. I cover it with a towel so that it does not blown away while the oven is heated (temperature 200 ° С).

I roll out a thin layer of each kolobok, make chops with a fork and send it to the oven (3 minutes for the cake).
  So that the cake does not deform, roll it right on paper and then transfer it to a baking sheet.

I cut a circle or a square of the required size from the still warm cake.
  What I have left of the cake layers, put them in a blender and grind them - they will be used to decorate the cake.