Vodka: composition. Chemical composition and nutritional value of vodka

27.09.2019 Salads

Tsarskaya vodka is a synthesis of acids: nitric and hydrochloric. This product has a strong oxidizing ability, which makes it possible to dissolve even gold in it. From these features the name comes from - royal vodka. If this product is able to dissolve the king of all metals, then its name should be appropriate - royal.

Getting aqua regia

Tsarskoe vodka is obtained by mixing part of nitric acid and 3 parts of hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions so that the reaction is strong. Otherwise, the reaction can be short-term and weak. Do not mix reagents by eye, as this way you will not get the required accuracy.

A graduated tube should be used that will give the best accuracy. Moreover, you should avoid using different utensils, and add acids in one tube. The more you pour components from one container to another, the more likely you are to spill them and get a chemical burn.

Step-by-step preparation of aqua regia

First of all, hydrochloric acid must be poured into a test tube, since it needs more to prepare aqua regia than nitric acid. And when mixing these kind of reagents, it will be better if you add less to more. This will avoid unnecessary splashing of components and therefore chemical burns.

After you have poured hydrochloric acid, add nitric acid to it in the right amount. The last thing to do here is haste. It is better to do everything slowly and deliberately, so as not to spill reagents and not get burned. It is necessary to pour nitric acid in a thin stream, which eliminates splashes. It is not recommended to bend over to the test tube, as acid vapors are extremely dangerous for the human body, both for the respiratory tract and for contact with the eyes. Pour reagents as far from your face as possible, at arm's length.

After both acids are in the test tube in the required amount, mix them very gently with a stick. It is strongly not recommended to shake the test tube, it is extremely dangerous. When the sediment sinks to the bottom, the vodka is ready. At first, its color will be yellow, like the color of hydrochloric acid. Gradually, over half an hour, the color will turn dark orange. This acid color indicates that everything has been done correctly and the chemical reaction you need is taking place.

Ancient alchemists called gold "the king of metals". Ordinary acids do not affect gold, so when an acid was discovered that was able to dissolve this noble metal, alchemists called it "aqua regia" ( Aqua regia- it is more correct to translate from Latin as "royal water"). Tsarskaya vodka is capable of dissolving not only gold, but also platinum.

What is aqua regia? It is a mixture of two acids - hydrochloric and nitric in a 3: 1 ratio (three parts by volume of hydrochloric acid to 1 volume of nitric acid). Tsarskaya vodka is a yellow liquid with the smell of chlorine and nitrogen oxides.

For the first time, royal vodka was obtained by the Italian alchemist Bonaventure in 1270. It is curious that at that time hydrochloric acid was not yet known to science. Tsar's vodka was then prepared by distilling a mixture of saltpeter, copper sulfate and alum with the addition of ammonia.

The oxidizing properties of aqua regia disappear during storage, because chlorine evaporates from it in air, namely, it is the main one in oxidation reactions. Therefore, only a freshly prepared reagent is suitable for work.

How does aqua regia affect precious metals?

First, nitric acid interacts with hydrochloric acid. In this case, two strongest oxidizing agents are formed - nitrosyl chloride and chlorine:

HNO 3 + 3HCl = NOCl + Cl 2 + 2H 2 O.

These two reagents in pairs are able to oxidize gold even at room temperature:

Au + NOCl 2 + Cl 2 = AuCl 3 + NO.

The formed gold chloride AuCl 3 immediately adds another molecule of hydrochloric acid HCl, forming tetrachloroauric acid (known as "chlorine gold"):

AuCl 3 + HCl = H].

In total, the oxidation reaction of gold aqua regia looks like this:

Au + 4HCl + HNO 3 = H + NO + 2H 2 O.

Tetrachloroauric acid crystallizes with four water molecules: H (AuCl 4) 4H 2 O. Its crystals are light yellow, the aqueous solution is also yellowish.

The reaction with platinum proceeds in a similar way to form hydrochloric platinum acid H 2:

3Pt + 18 HCl + 4HNO 3 = 3 H 2 + 4NO + 8H 2 O

It is very simple to obtain pure gold from tetrachloroauric acid hydrate: it needs to be heated. When heated, "chlorine gold" decomposes with the release of HCl and reddish-brown crystals of gold (III) chloride AuCl 3. If a solution of gold (III) chloride is treated with caustic alkali NaOH, yellow-brown gold (III) hydroxide Au (OH) 3 precipitates, which, when heated, turns into gold oxide Au 2 O 3. And gold oxide decomposes at temperatures above 220 °: 2Au 2 O 3 = 4Au + 3O 2.

By the way...

Gold, in addition to aqua regia, dissolves in hot concentrated selenic acid:

2Au + 6H 2 SeO 4 = Au 2 (SeO 4) 3 + 3H 2 SeO 3 + 3H 2 O.

The unique property of aqua regia was used during the Second World War by the famous Danish physicist, Nobel Prize laureate Niels Bohr. In 1943, fleeing the Nazi invaders, he was forced to leave Copenhagen. But he kept two gold Nobel medals of his colleagues - German anti-fascist physicists James Frank and Max von Laue (Bohr's own medal was exported from Denmark earlier). Without risking to take the medals with him, the scientist dissolved them in aqua regia and put an unremarkable bottle on a shelf away, where many of the same bottles and bubbles with various liquids were gathering dust. Returning to his laboratory after the war, Bohr first of all found a precious bottle. At his request, the staff isolated gold from the solution and re-made both medals.

Academician Bolotov had his own idea of ​​the treatment of many diseases, especially those that are usually called incurable. For many years he was engaged in such sciences as chemistry, biology and physics. Official medicine today shows more and more "misfires", while folk medicine, on the contrary, is gaining popularity. Such famous scientists as Bolotov, Neumyvakin and others open medicine to us from the other side.

Despite the fact that among the supporters of traditional methods of treatment, many facts remain unrecognized, people often use unconventional methods. In the article we will talk about such a tool as Bolotov's balm. He sometimes even provokes indignation among doctors. But people have the right to choose for themselves how to heal their bodies.

Aqua regia

The mention of this product first occurs in the Middle Ages, in the fourteenth century. And before that, many alchemists tried to derive its recipe by mixing ammonia, vitriol and other substances. Hydrochloric acid had not yet been invented at that time. But the goal was to formulate a solvent that could act on the precious metals. The created royal vodka became it. She was able to dissolve even the elements of gold, which at that time were considered indestructible.


So, aqua regia is an acid that is formed from two acids in high concentration. For three parts of nitric acid, one part of hydrochloric acid was added. Sometimes sulfuric acid was also added to it. A transparent liquid was obtained, which gradually acquired a yellow-orange hue. At the same time, a pronounced smell of chlorine was released and such a vapor is dangerous to humans. The product was strictly forbidden to be used inside.

Today it is used for sterility and metal separation. And in the Middle Ages, liquid was used for torture. Alcoholic drinks have been developed on the basis of aqua regia. Among them are the famous vodka "Tsarskaya" and "Tsarskoe Selo". The latter belongs to the premium category.

Bolotov's balm

The scientist has developed 5 rules on which the principles of a healthy life are based. These include:

  • multiplication of the number of young cells in the body;
  • conversion to salt of slags;
  • excretion of salts;
  • fight against harmful microorganisms;
  • restoration of internal organs.

Bolotov's balm, which he developed on the basis of aqua regia, will help in achieving the above goals. People doubt the usefulness of a product based on its composition. How can sulfuric, salt and have a positive effect on the state of the body? However, it's all about concentration.

Today Bolotov's balm is used not only for treatment, but also as a prophylactic agent. In some cases, it is able to cure serious diseases, as well as significantly strengthen the immune system. For example, the product neutralizes harmful substances that accumulate during sleep. Therefore, taking it in the morning will help a person find vigor for the entire next day.


Consider the most common purposes for taking this medication by mouth:

  • The creation of pepsins (special enzymes of gastric juice) is stimulated.
  • Low secretion of gastric juice and zero acidity return to normal.
  • Blood thinns.
  • The increased sugar content returns to normal, and the vessels are cleared of fatty acids.
  • The body is rejuvenated.
  • Old and diseased cells are broken down.
  • Heartburn, ulcers, hemorrhoids, gastritis, herpes and other diseases pass.
  • Immunity is strengthened.
  • The work of the digestive tract system is normalized.
  • split.
  • Free radicals are neutralized.
  • Diseases such as vascular atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia are prevented.
  • In addition, the poison of the protein, which is formed in AIDS, is neutralized, and various types of cancer cells are broken down.


The product is purchased ready-made. However, they do it on their own. Consider how Bolotov's balm is prepared. The recipe must be followed exactly. Otherwise, it will not only fail to show its medicinal properties, but can also harm the body.

For one liter of water add:

  • 100 milliliters of 6% grape vinegar;
  • one to two small spoons of 98% sulfuric acid;
  • one to two small spoons of 36% hydrochloric acid;
  • four tablets of nitroglycerin.

The ingredients are added in the order shown and mixed thoroughly.

How to use

Take one to two small spoons three times a day before meals or dissolve in tea, compote or coffee after meals. At the same time, a minimum dose is enough to treat a serious illness. And the maximum can be two large spoons, which are taken four times a day. Bolotov's royal balm is useful to drink immediately after sleep.

Reception begins with a minimum dose. Add one small spoon every week. If an exacerbation of the disease is felt, then on such a day they do not drink the drug, and the next they resume taking it in the dose that was the previous week. Do not be afraid of exacerbations of the disease. This just indicates that the body is being cleansed and healed. After exacerbations comes complete disposal of chronic diseases. They will manifest themselves in a lighter form.

Balm for gangrene

Gangrene develops with burns, injuries and frostbite. It also occurs in vascular diseases, endarteritis and diabetes. In most cases of gangrene, limbs are amputated.

According to the scientist, this effect can be avoided by taking higher doses of the balm. In this case, the course of treatment is from two weeks to a month. Drink three to six times a day, 30-50 ml of medicine. Then the gangrene will stop. This fact is called the Bolotovs phenomenon No. 27. It develops when the balance of cell birth and dissolution is shifted.

It turns out that a certain number of cells die. The same amount of them dissolves in the body. But with gangrene, there are fewer dissolving cells than dying ones. Therefore, the balance is imbalanced when Bolotov's balm is applied - "Tsarskaya vodka".

It should be emphasized that the medicine helps to dissolve only dead cells. It has no effect on the living. That is why the gangrene process stops. This phenomenon works in all types of this disease.

Bolotov's balm: reviews

There are heated discussions about the usefulness of the tool. Some people are sure of a positive effect and have already been treated with it. Others ridicule the scientist and ask: "Why did not he and his loved ones become rejuvenated?" It is clear that serious research should be carried out and officially proven whether Bolotov's balm is useful. Reviews of doctors due to a lack of information and research are mostly negative.

But, on the other hand, there is an opinion that for official medicine the goal is not a person's health, but his morbid state. Otherwise, where to go to the entire pharmacological industry, which makes colossal profits, and unscrupulous doctors who live off the treatment of patients? Supporters of this position believe that this is the reason for the constant negative position of official medicine in relation to everything that can be used to improve human health practically free of charge. There may be many opinions, but folk remedies, as well as medicines, must be treated very carefully.

Ordinary people who have nothing to do with chemistry do not always know what Tsarskaya vodka is. It is often confused with an ordinary alcoholic beverage. In fact, aqua regia is a mixture of concentrated acids that is used to dissolve any metals, including precious ones.

The aqua regia contains hydrochloric acid (one volume) and nitric acid (three volumes). Sulfuric acid is sometimes added. This solution has many recipes. In the Middle Ages, royal vodka was prepared by distilling a mixture of saltpeter, copper sulfate and alum with the addition of ammonia.

Today, the most popular recipe involves a combination of nitric and hydrochloric acids. The peculiarity of such a solution is that it doubles and triples its oxidizing properties.

Separately, none of the acids included in its composition will be able to dissolve metals.

It is often used to dissolve rare earth and precious metals in the industry of aqua regia. The chemistry of such metals has its own specific features: the dissolution process is carried out in stages. First, nitric acid oxidizes hydrochloric acid.

In the course of this reaction, chlorine and nitrosyl chloride are formed, which, in turn, can also platinum. In the course of the reaction, tetrachloroauric acid is formed, commonly known as "chlorine gold", from which metallic gold can be easily obtained.

The resulting acid, which contains gold, is readily soluble in water. Its crystals are light yellow.

The solution therefore turns yellowish. When heated, the composition decomposes with the release of hydrochloric acid and gold chloride, which has a reddish brown color.

With continued heating, all gold compounds decompose with the release of metallic gold. When platinum is dissolved in aqua regia, hydrochloric acid is obtained. When the solution is evaporated, it is released in the form of red-brown crystals of the composition.

Often, mining people want to know how to make aqua regia on their own. This highly oxidizing solution is not sold off the shelf. To extract precious metals, you can prepare it yourself.

Tsar's vodka can be obtained by mixing one part of nitric acid and 3 parts of hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the proportions so that the reaction is strong.

Nitric and hydrochloric acid

If this is not done, then the solution will not dissolve precious metals due to the weakness of the reaction. Do not mix reagents by eye, as this way you will not get the required accuracy.

When preparing such a solution, you should:

  • use protective equipment for hands and eyes;
  • a measuring tube, which will help to accurately establish the proportions;
  • extractor hood for removing toxic acid fumes;
  • a specially prepared area on the work table, which will provide protection against the spilling of hazardous acids and chemical burns.

The preparation of aqua regia must be carried out in compliance with strict proportions. Only in this case it will be possible to obtain a composition that will dissolve gold and platinum. How to prepare aqua regia in stages will be described below.

Stages of preparation of aqua regia

  1. First, hydrochloric acid must be poured into chemical dishes with risks, since it takes more for the preparation of aqua regia than nitric acid. When mixing reagents, nitric acid must be poured into hydrochloric acid. This will avoid unnecessary splashing of components and therefore chemical burns.
  2. Then add nitric acid. It must be poured in a thin stream in order to exclude the appearance of dangerous splashes. Do not bend over to the test tube, as acid vapors are dangerous if inhaled or in the eyes. Pour in reagents at arm's length from your face.
  3. The resulting composition of acids should be mixed with a stick very carefully. Do not shake the solution very strongly, as it is very dangerous. Tsar's vodka will be ready when the sediment falls to the bottom of the container in which it is located.

At first, its color will be yellow, like that of hydrochloric acid. Within an hour, the solution will change color to dark orange. This will be proof that the reaction went right.

The recipe for "Tsarskaya Vodka"

Pour 100 ml of 6% grape vinegar per liter of water. Vinegar of this dilution is usually sold in stores, so it's not a problem to find. Then pour a tablespoon of sulfuric acid 96% into the mixture, and last of all a tablespoon of hydrochloric acid 38%. Please note that the sequence of infusion of fluids must be exactly as stated! Finally, add 4 nitroglycerin tablets to the mixture.

How to take Tsarskaya Vodka

The composition should be taken one tablespoon immediately before a meal, if the acidity of the stomach is low or normal, or half an hour after a meal, if the acidity is high. Can be added to tea or any other beverage.

The number of meals is four times a day: the first time immediately after waking up, and also after each meal, according to the scheme described above.

Why grape vinegar?

In principle, you can also add apple cider vinegar to Tsarskaya Vodka, but in this case you will have to add two tablespoons of dry red wine in order to introduce pyruvic acid, which is present in grape vinegar, into the mixture.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is better to immediately purchase grape vinegar, especially since finding it is not a problem now. There are many shops and the variety is really great.

Additional ingredients

Separately, it is necessary to tell about what you can insist on Tsarskaya Vodka. Bolotov himself says that it can be infused with any medicinal plant that you use in your therapy. That is, the royal drink is combined with all plants.

For one serving of "aqua regia" take three tablespoons of your crushed medicinal plant. Insist the composition for three days, after which the infusion can already be taken.

Infusion of Tsar's vodka on Celandine or Wormwood

Very good bitterness supplements that stimulate the production of trypsins in the pancreas. Trypsin is an enzyme that breaks down proteins and peptides and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Its special value is that it is able to selectively break down tissues that have undergone necrosis. In simple words, this enzyme cleanses our body and helps to prevent tumors of various natures.

You can add a mixture of wormwood (2 tablespoons) and celandine (1 tablespoon). Or 3 tbsp. l. each plant.

Interview with B.V.Bolotov

In conclusion, I suggest watching an interview with Academician Bolotov. See if it will inspire you to change yourself and your attitude to life. Well, if you are already on the health track, then let this interview give you confidence!