Coconut vodka name. History and preparation of coconut vodka

11.08.2021 Restaurant notes

It will take you about 3 weeks to prepare a flavored liqueur with coconut. Therefore, if you are planning to pamper your guests with a delicious treat, take care of it in advance.

Pour coconut flakes into a large glass jar, fill it with vodka and close the dish tightly with a lid. One week will be enough for vodka to brew well and absorb the aroma and taste of this exotic product. Leave the jar of vodka in a cool dark place for 7-8 days, after which you can continue preparing the liqueur.

Make a filter from a piece of gauze - fold it in several layers and carefully strain the vodka tincture.

The shavings can be used to make desserts or to decorate them, so don't throw them away. Add a mixture of condensed and coconut milk to a jar of vodka. So that they mix well, you can beat them separately in a blender or using a mixer, and then pour them into the coconut liqueur.

Close the jar with a lid, shake well and place in a cool place for another 10 days. After that, the liqueur can be poured into a convenient tableware and served to guests.

What to drink coconut liqueur with: neat or as part of cocktails

Homemade coconut liqueur can be made with simple, affordable ingredients. It turns out to be very tasty and is in no way inferior to those drinks that are presented on the shelves of specialized stores.

It is best to serve the liqueur neat by adding a few pieces of ice to the glass.

But for a festive table, original cocktails are more suitable. The recipe for coconut liqueur will be useful to all lovers of exotic. It is part of such exotic drinks as El Ultimo, Malibu, Pina Colada and others.

With what to drink coconut liqueur you decide for yourself - with a soft, delicate dessert of whipped cream and fresh fruit, or making a cocktail from it. The taste of liqueur in any form will leave only pleasant impressions.

In the Chinese culture, traditions, way of life, alcoholic beverages play an important role. Most state, national and family holidays are accompanied by the drinking of various types of alcohol. Along with strong Chinese vodka, liqueurs, wines, liqueurs and beer are in demand. Special attention is paid to the production of strong drinks, their storage and registration in the PRC. Indeed, the quality of the final product depends on the correct adherence to the recipe, strict control of each stage of production.

What is vodka made of?

The Chinese know how to drink and make strong alcoholic beverages. Whole settlements with its inhabitants are involved in this production. Local grain crops are used as raw materials in China: wheat, nomi glutinous rice, several varieties of kaolyan (sorghum), and corn. They are specially grown on plantations for the further production of vodka. Whole grain is taken for production, not ground grain.

Note: Thanks to the use of kaolyans, vodka has a pungent, rich smell, vaguely reminiscent of soy sauce. It is unusual for a European, but pleasant to the locals. They believe that the more pronounced the smell, the better and more solid the product.

Old vodka recipes are passed on from ancestors to a new generation, reverently preserving all the subtleties of production and accepted proportions. The land of the "rising sun" claims to be the first in the discovery of an alcoholic product. Traditional transparent vodka is called baijiu. In this word, "bai" means "white", and "tszyu" means alcohol. The latter prefix is ​​applicable to other alcoholic products.

For the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, the process of vodka production is a special ritual. For more than 4 thousand years, the principle of making Chinese alcohol has remained practically unchanged. As in ancient times, the drink is obtained by fermentation of grain raw materials and distillation. You will not find diluted alcohol on the shelves in Chinese stores, as in Russia or Europe. But the prices for such alcoholic beverages are several times higher. After all, the process of making baijiu in China is long and laborious.

Types of alcoholic beverages

All alcohol in China is divided into several categories, which have their own names and definitions. Each species differs in strength, preparation method and raw materials. Experts distinguish five main categories:

  1. Huangju. This line includes rice wine. The strength of the product does not exceed 20 degrees. It has a specific taste and smell. The color ranges from light yellow to red or even brown. During feasts, it is drunk mainly by women, men choose stronger treats. The most popular varieties: Shaoxing, Mitszyu, Fujian. In China, they are used not only for family gatherings, but also in the process of preparing traditional dishes.
  2. Baijiu. This name means any kind of vodka, transparent or having a barely noticeable white tint. These drinks are characterized by a pronounced smell and strength up to 60 degrees. There are several brands of Baijiu, the most popular in China: Maotai, Yanghe. But the price for an elite product is decent and starts at fifty thousand yuan.
  3. Ergotow. In this category are budget vodka brands, the strength of which is the same as in Baijiu. Their cost is affordable for ordinary people. Chinese alcoholic beverages Ergotou are produced mainly from chumise and corn. The quality is worse than that of elite brands, but this category is in demand among local residents.
  4. Putaijiu. Under this name, a group of grape and fruit wines, as well as sweet liqueurs, liqueurs are united. For the production of grapes, pears, lychee, citrus fruits, hawthorn, sugar cane are used. Aromatic spices are added to some drinks. Often in transparent bottles, as in the photo, you can see snakes, tiger claws and other exotic things. Therefore, this category of drinks is often called mixed or combined.
  5. Piju. This is the name of all beer products. It differs from its European counterpart in strength. The beer contains no more than 2.5% alcohol. It is made from malt and hops, so the taste is familiar to a European. They drink beer at a family dinner or during friendly get-togethers.

This is interesting: In order not to be considered a hypocrite, you cannot refuse the offered alcohol at a party. Such an act can offend the owners. An exception is made only for girls. Refusal to drink with superiors is considered disrespectful and can cost a person a ruined career. At a wedding in China, it is also unacceptable to be a prude and neglect a strong meal. Guests empty their glasses or glasses at a time, turn them upside down, demonstrating that they have drunk every last drop.

Rice vodka

A national elite product that local producers are proud of. It can only be bought in China. The cost of one bottle is decent and is due to the numerous stages of cleaning, three years of aging. In China, vodka made from rice has five benefits:

  • The next day after drinking, the head does not hurt,
  • There are no signs of intoxication;
  • If you do not pay attention to the specific smell, it is easy to drink;
  • The product is soft, you can not wash it down with water.

But the rice product also has disadvantages. It is necessary to get used to the pungent, haunting smell. The feeling of intoxication appears after a while - abruptly and suddenly.

The drink has a smell similar to a similar vodka and a sweet and sour aftertaste. It is drunk with the family and added to national dishes for flavor, along with other spices. The finished product has a yellowish tint. The color of the drink is not very intense. It is for its appearance that it is called "yellow wine". When going on a tourist trip to China, many travelers try to buy a couple of bottles as a souvenir for themselves and friends.

The production of the drink has a two-century history. This is the oldest type of strong alcohol in the country. They decided to name Maotai vodka in honor of the city of the same name in the Guizhou province, since it was in this place that it was produced. Sorghum is used as a raw material. The entire process of preparing one batch (from fermentation and distillation to aging) takes more than 5 years.

Moutai is currently known not only in China, but also in many European countries. The drink is often served at social events and parties.

Interesting fact: The most popular toast during a feast is "Gan Bey", which means "drink to the bottom" in Russian. Saying such a phrase, it is necessary, together with the invited guests, to drain a glass, a small jade glass or a porcelain bowl.

This exotic product is especially popular with tourists and vacationers. Such a drink is drunk in its pure form, diluted with tea, coconut milk or in the European manner with cola. The strength of this exotic does not exceed 38 degrees. The process of making a drink is similar to the previous options, the only difference is in the use of raw materials. Instead of grains, coconut milk is fermented and distilled. In the future, it goes through several stages of purification from harmful impurities.

Anise vodka, known since ancient times, has mild medicinal properties. On its basis, medicinal tinctures from medicinal herbs are made in China. Anise has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, has a disinfecting effect. Anise drink is often used as an aperitif in China. It is drunk in small quantities for colds, problems with gums and teeth, and for female diseases.

Liqueur is in great demand among tourists. In China, it is actively purchased as a souvenir. Such a product is poured into beautiful bottles and packed in gift boxes. Regardless of the raw material, it is classified as spirits. The Chinese themselves rarely buy it, mainly for holidays and special events, due to the high cost.

How to open a drink in a ceramic bottle?

The design of wine and vodka bottles in China deserves special attention. Craftsmen work on their color, texture and original form, decorate with hieroglyphs. Whole divisions work to make them. Glass and ceramic vessels look aesthetically pleasing and distinctive. What can be seen in the photo.

To open the ceramic bottle, you must use the metal key sold with the drink. To do this, it is inserted into a special slot and rotated clockwise. The top of the neck should gently break off. It is advisable to open it to a man, since the process will require sufficient effort.

Prices for alcoholic beverages in China

Alcohol is only sold in large specialty stores and supermarkets in China. Prices depend on the quality and the category of drinks occupied. So products from the Baijiu line are much more expensive than Ergotou, which is widespread among the people. This is due to the cooking time and the number of cleanings. An elite drink can cost from five to several hundred thousand rubles, if translated from Chinese yuan. Whereas the budget option can be purchased for 100-200 rubles. But its quality will differ significantly.

To imbue with culture, plunge into a new environment that is different from our world, it is worth getting to know what they drink in China. Local alcohol has a pronounced, distinctive taste and original aroma, imbued with centuries of history and traditions.

This coconut vodka has the original name "VuQo Premium Vodka". Its slogan goes something like this: "Each tribe has its own ritual, each drink has its own story."


  1. History of coconut vodka
  2. Self-preparation of coconut vodka
  3. Coconut vodka producers

1 History of coconut vodka

Coconut is an exotic palm fruit native to the equator. An average coconut weighs about 2 kg and has a diameter of 30-50 cm. The fruit cutting season lasts almost 8 months. They eat pulp, as well as a sweetish milky liquid. Oil is extracted from coconut, which is used in both the food and cosmetic industries. But not everyone knows that coconut can be used to make a delicious alcoholic beverage that has a rich and unique history. What is the story behind coconut vodka?

According to the manufacturers, the age of this drink is at least 400 years old. Its preparation method is based on ancient Filipino technology. Even before the Spanish conquistadors first set foot on the island, the natives treated each other to this amazing drink. Yes, in those ancient times, when no one knew what civilization was, coconut vodka cemented the friendship of the Pacific natives. She was a traditional tribal drink.

Coconut drink according to ancient Philippine technology

  • Apple vodka - ours or overseas, which is better?
  • Juniper vodka - strong alcohol from the depths of the 17th century
  • Austrian vodka Oil

The name of this vodka speaks for itself.

Unlike most varieties made from wheat or potatoes, this vodka is made from coconut juice. With a tropical climate and rich volcanic soil, the Philippines is home to the world's finest coconut trees. The fruits bloom at a height of about nine meters. But the locals taught themselves to collect them every morning and prepare them for fermentation and distillation.

When coconut nectar begins to ferment, the process of its repeated purification from impurities begins. After that, the product is mixed with water and filtered with special filters with the addition of activated carbon. Coal has large enough pores that attract large molecules of harmful substances. Thus, having gone through this important purification process, coconut vodka becomes a natural product, pure perfection. With the help of merchant ships, Filipino sailors brought their recipe to Mexico. By changing a little and adding new ingredients, the Mexicans invented tequila.

VuQo Premium Vodka is made from real coconut, not just coconut flavor. Therefore, in the alcoholic market, this is perhaps the only real coconut vodka.

2 Self-preparation of coconut vodka

Coconut vodka can be made at home, although it will be strikingly different from the original, because instead of coconut, we suggest using shavings of this fruit. Ingredients:

  • 1 bag of shavings (you can make your own from half of a medium-sized live coconut);
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 egg yolks;
  • 200 g cream with 20% fat (or coconut milk);
  • 0.7 liters of vodka.

The sugar needs to be caramelized, but be careful not to overheat. When it comes to a melted state, add coconut flakes to it and mix. The shavings, getting into the heated sugar, give off more smell and juice.

Caramelizing sugar

Pour the vodka into a bowl convenient for whipping and add the resulting syrup and cream to it. Beat until the syrup is completely dissolved. Beat the yolks separately and add to our cocktail. We bottle the finished product and leave it for 2-3 days, after which you can safely, but wisely, consume and share with loved ones. Coconut vodka can serve as an excellent aperitif and no less pleasant digestive.

The estimated strength of the drink will vary within 30 degrees. You can get creative and change the recipe a little. The main thing is to cool the vodka after cooking and let it brew.

Making homemade coconut vodka takes only 20-45 minutes.

3 Producers of coconut vodka

Russian vodka "Belochka" is produced according to an interesting recipe. It contains the following ingredients:

  • luxury alcohol (96.3 degrees);
  • tincture of grapes;
  • mango tincture;
  • tincture of coconut.

Russian vodka & Belochka &

Domestic vodka with a tropical taste has established itself as a worthy and high-quality product. Manufacturers recommend eating strongly chilled.

French vodka Gray Goose has been experimenting with different fruits for several years: pear, orange and coconut.

Therefore, one of the varieties of this brand can rightfully be called coconut vodka. Although, of course, it is far from the original.

Vietnamese coconut vodka Dai Viet has a very pleasant smell. The taste is soft, you can drink without snacking. Designed mainly for ladies.

Despite the fact that only VuQo Premium Vodka can be called real coconut vodka, many companies are trying to bring their products closer to the original. It turns out pretty good. You can find a good vodka that reflects the taste of coconut in almost any supermarket, or you can make it yourself.

coconut vodka

Alternative descriptions

Araka, aragy (Turkic) arkhi (Mongolian) erekh (Chuvash) strong alcoholic drink made from milk, grapes, potatoes, grain among the peoples of Central and Western Asia and the Caucasus (ethnographic)

Oriental moonshine made from coconut or date palm juice

Strong alcoholic beverage (barley, wheat, etc.)

Palm juice vodka

Rice vodka

Asian vodka

Rice or palm juice vodka (produced in South Asia)

Asian liquor

Central Asian vodka

Vodka from Asia

Palmyra vodka

Palm vodka

Eastern moonshine

Coconut moonshine

Palm vodka

Vietnamese vodka

Palm juice vodka

Palm alcohol

Eastern vodka

Rice vodka in Asia

Palm, vodka

Gorilka on the table of an asian

Oriental homemade drink

Russian drinks vodka, and Asian?

Vodka bought in tenge

Asian alcohol

Asian homemade drink

... "Swill" for a Central Asian drinker

Vodka in the mouth of a resident of the East

A genus of vodka from Asia

Asian booze

What kind of vodka do some Asians drink?

From agave - pulque, and what from rice?

Eastern Homemade Drink

Alcohol from Asia

A spirit drink from Asia

The culprit of the Asian hangover

Vodka native to the Middle East

Asian sister of Russian vodka

Vodka "eastern" nationality

Raisin vodka

Palm booze

Asian liquor

Liquor from Asia

Asian alcoholic drink

This is how vodka is called in Asia

Moonshine from kumis

Palm Alcohol

Alcohol from South Asia

Palm juice alcoholic drink

Vodka with an Asian twist

Alcohol from the juice of palm trees

Rice vodka

Alcoholic drink

Asian homemade drink

Middle Eastern vodka

Alcoholic product

Asian counterpart to German whiskey

Vodka in the mouth of an Asian

Rice or palm pervach

Palm intoxicated

Palm juice alcohol

Asian moonshine

Vodka that "emigrated" to Asia

Strong alcohol

Vodka of Asian "nationality"

Asian vodka

Asian liquor, rice vodka or palm juice

... "Asian vodka

... "Poylo" for Central Asian booze

Vodka - palmovka

Tropical liquor

Finnish vodka

Asian hot

Alcohol from the island of Java

Arabian vodka

In Ukraine, vodka, and what in Asia

Vodka "eastern nationality

Vodka "made in" Asia

Vodka "date"

Vodka of Asian "nationality"

Asian style vodka

Vodka that "emigrated" to Asia

From agave - pulque, and from rice

What kind of vodka do some Asians drink?

Kara backwards

Strong alcoholic beverage

M. vodka, expelled from sugar cane, molasses, rice or raisins (fruit vodka, from grapes, etc., called rum and cognac). Arak smell. Arak or araki cf. reluctance. sib. milk vodka of foreigners distilled from stinking kvash; among the Chuvash, Kumyshka. novoros. in some places the name of vodka. crayfish. Arakovat sib. sit araku; drive korcha vodka

Inverted punishment

Russian drinks vodka, and Asian

Palm juice alcohol

Inverted punishment

Kara in the opposite direction

Kara backwards

There are enough exotic alcoholic drinks on store shelves today.

Surely you happened to see (and maybe taste) alcohol with scary alcoholized snakes, Japanese rice vodka or various other drinks, not all the secrets of the production of which we, Russians, are known.

Coconut vodka, which came to us from afar - from Phillippin (see others), fits into a series of such "exotic" things.

History of coconut vodka

Filipinos claim: the drink is at least 400 years old.

Inhabitants of the warm "paradise" islands at one point discovered: coconuts can be used not only for cooking food and various cosmetic and medicinal drugs, but also for adding additional fun to friendly parties.

Coconut nectar can be used to make an excellent strong alcoholic drink.

Filipino sailors brought their vodka to Mexico, where people liked it. Since then, it has gained popularity in many countries.

Coconut vodka manufacturers

If we talk about the manufacturer of the original product, then it is still the Philippines. You should look for a branded drink under the name.

Its strength is approximately 45º, and it is made from the nectar not of the fruit of the coconut, but of its flowers... Every morning, Filipino winemakers climb the palm trees (about 8 m high) and collect fresh juice. Then the following happens:

  • the juice ferments;
  • fermented nectar is filtered by adding activated carbon;
  • fermentation and distillation processes begin.

Europe also began to compose its own recipes for coconut vodka, experiment and create new creations. Of course, they taste different from the original, but they are also pleasant and easy to drink.

So, the French version of the product - "GreyGoose"... This drink is available in different flavors, since it is used for production:

  • oranges;
  • pear;
  • coconut.

French coconut vodka is a good alternative to the Filipino “brother”.

The Vietnamese are also not lagging behind - they have established production "DaiViet"... Even ladies taste this vodka with pleasure - it tastes soft and has a pleasant aroma.

Russian "Little squirrel" is also considered an analogue of coconut vodka.

Homemade coconut flakes recipe

Do you want to start the production of a new and unusual drink at home? Buy a bag of coconut flakes and get down to business. You will also need:

  • vodka (0.7 l);
  • cream (200 ml);
  • sugar (half a glass);
  • egg yolk (three pieces).

Sugar needs to be caramelized, that is boil it into a thick syrup... But do not brown the sugar syrup, otherwise the taste of the final product will change.

We mix all the ingredients, put in a cool place for 2-3 days. The resulting drink will have a coke flavor and more resemble our "bitter" one. But on the other hand, it can be put on the table when ladies are invited to visit.

Home product strength - 30º.

There is another way to get a drink - quite simple. For those wishing to try this coconut vodka, there is no need to master even the basics of winemaking. Take a fresh coconut, drill a hole, pour out the milk and pour vodka instead. Let it stand for 3-4 days. The main condition is that the fruit must be fresh!

Coconut vodka can serve as an aperitif (that is, served before serving), and as a digestif (since it has a pleasant taste and often does not require a snack). Try to make alcohol from coconut at home and feel like a guest of the hot Philippines!