No such page exists. Characteristics and review of the moonshine stills "Domovenok" Model range of devices "Domovenok"

11.08.2021 Seafood dishes

Mini-distillery "Domovyonok" is designed to produce high-purity alcohol at home from alcohol-containing raw materials. If the technology is observed, it is possible to obtain 96% alcohol with an impurity content in accordance with GOST 5962-67.


The design of these devices is a patented development. The use of fundamentally different technical solutions made it possible to design apparatuses that surpass rectification columns in terms of convenience, compactness and ease of use, and in terms of productivity and quality of the final product, they are absolutely not inferior to steep laboratory installations. At the same time, the Domovenok home distillery costs several times cheaper than the noteworthy rectification columns.
The device is made of food grade stainless steel, i.e. in the manufacture of a welded connection, and not soldering, as in the case of a copper coil. This solution can significantly increase the strength of the structure and the service life of the product. The service life of the moonshine still "Domovenok" is more than 50 years!
Another advantage of the "Brownie" moonshine still is the presence of a nest for a thermometer, which allows you to control the temperature, and this is the basis of the distillation process!

Features of the model

The refrigerator of the mini-distillery "Domovenok" works on the principle of a condensation chamber, so the alcohol is warm (50 ° C), this is normal. The alcohol should run off in a small trickle, possibly with short pauses - this is also normal.

Preparing the device for operation

The device is mounted on the lid of a sealed container in a pre-drilled hole (D21mm) using a threaded connection. The necessary fasteners (nut and paronite gasket) are included with the device. The paronite gasket must be installed on the outside of the cover.

The connecting hoses are supplied in one piece and cut to size on site. To install the connecting hoses on the outlets of the device, you will need to warm them up under hot water.


Moonshine still "Brownie", instructions (with a detailed description of the technology of obtaining "pure" alcohol), connecting hoses, nut, paronite gasket.

Even at first glance, the moonshine still arouses sympathy - neat, well-made, with a well-thought-out design of the main elements and an original design. What attracts in the Domovenok devices is the flight of design ideas - each model uses its own original engineering solution.

This fundamentally distinguishes these devices from competitors, where the new model, at best, has an increased tank volume or a different bend of the cooler tube. Moonshine stills "Brownie" of different models differ from each other more radically, so it is difficult to choose the best one among them, but it is much easier to buy an apparatus for your likenesses.

Model range of devices "Brownie"

The moonshine still "Domovenok 1" starts the lineup. This unit is produced in standard tank volumes of 7, 9 and 12 liters for the company. The relatively small volume of the cube imposes some restrictions on the productivity of the apparatus, but when making moonshine only for one's own needs, this is quite enough.

Moonshine still "Domovenok-2"

A characteristic feature of the "Brownie" apparatus of all models is the presence of a cube lid with a lever lock. This allows you to assemble the device in a matter of minutes, ensure reliable sealing and gives the installation a very original look.

The main difference between the models of the apparatus is the design of the distiller. On model No. 1, it differs by the inclined position of the rectification column and cooler. Why this situation is better - manufacturers do not argue. But, according to user reviews, the device works quite well.

The fact that such a design turned out to be nothing more than an experiment is evidenced by the fact that in subsequent models the manufacturer returned to the standard vertical arrangement of the distiller elements.

The design of the apparatus makes it possible to install a thermometer in the upper part of the distillation column, where, theoretically, alcohol vapors should be collected without fusel oils. The control is quite efficient and it is not difficult to tune the device for maximum performance. The thermometer nest is isolated from the main volume and to obtain more accurate data you need to fill it with water (information from reviews of real users).

The designers returned to the classical scheme of a rectification column combined with a flow-through type cooler. The productivity of the apparatus reaches 1.5 liters of alcohol in the first distillation and slightly more in the second. The column is made in the form of a multi-section unit in one body. Alcohol condensation is carried out in the upper part.

This version of the distiller is equally convenient for both the first and the second distillation. Secondary distillation allows you to get a fairly pure alcohol, which can be used as a basis for the manufacture of quality drinks, free from the characteristic smell and taste of moonshine.

It differs from the previous model only in the structure of the column. It is just one section with product withdrawal at the bottom of the column. Productivity is similar to the second model. The degree of purification is somewhat lower. For the production of moonshine it is quite suitable and quite effective.

"Brownie 5"

Moonshine still "Brownie 5"

The moonshine still "Domovenok 5" is equipped with a rectification column, divided into two separate sections - a reflux condenser and a refrigerator. Most of the fusel oils are deposited in the reflux condenser. Alcohol vapors enter the upper section - the refrigerator, in which they condense and flow out of the alcohol receiver.

The peculiarity of the refrigerating section is that the branch pipe is raised above the bottom level by 10 mm, this allows additional filtration of condensate - heavy impurities settle in the sump, and a clean product enters the alcohol receiver.

In the passport of the device "Brownie 5" the maximum capacity is 6 l / h. Even with secondary distillation, this does not seem entirely realistic. But the impressive dimensions of the column and refrigerator theoretically allow this. Moreover, this device is intended for containers of 20 liters or more.

This unit is a creative development of the design of the fifth model. The refrigerator from the top of the column is moved to the side and installed parallel to the reflux condenser. This made it possible to reduce the height of the apparatus, which is especially important when using large-volume containers - up to 50 liters, - no more than 0.9 m in the assembled state. At the same time, the productivity of the installation remained at the same level.

Moonshine still "Brownie 7"

The variety of models of the Domovoenok brand allows us to believe that the manufacturer is in constant creative search, and it is worth buying these devices, if only because their authorship is known.

Making moonshine and alcohol for personal use
absolutely legal!

After the end of the existence of the USSR, the new government stopped the fight against moonshine. Criminal liability and fines were abolished, and an article banning the production of alcohol-containing products at home was removed from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. To this day, there is not a single law prohibiting you and me from engaging in our favorite hobby - making alcohol at home. This is evidenced by the Federal Law of July 8, 1999 No. 143-FZ "On Administrative Liability of Legal Entities (Organizations) and Individual Entrepreneurs for Offenses in the Field of Production and Turnover of Ethyl Alcohol, Alcohol and Alcohol-Containing Products" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 28 , art. 3476).

Excerpt from the Federal Law of the Russian Federation:

"The effect of this Federal Law does not apply to the activities of citizens (individuals) who produce products containing ethyl alcohol not for the purpose of marketing."

Home brewing in other countries:

In Kazakhstan in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Administrative Offenses of January 30, 2001 N 155, the following liability is provided. So, according to article 335 "Manufacture and sale of home-made alcoholic beverages", the illegal manufacture for the sale of moonshine, chacha, mulberry vodka, home brew and other alcoholic beverages, as well as the sale of these alcoholic beverages, entails a fine in the amount of thirty monthly calculation indices with the confiscation of alcoholic beverages , devices, raw materials and equipment for their manufacture, as well as money and other valuables received from their sale. However, the law does not prohibit the preparation of alcohol for personal use.

In Ukraine and Belarus things are different. Articles No. 176 and No. 177 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provide for the imposition of fines in the amount of three to ten non-taxable minimum wages for the manufacture and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale, for storage without the purpose of selling devices * for its production.

Article 12.43 repeats this information almost word for word. "Making or purchasing strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine), semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), storage of devices for their manufacture" in the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses. Clause No. 1 informs: "The production of strong alcoholic beverages (moonshine) by individuals, semi-finished products for their manufacture (mash), as well as the storage of devices * used for their manufacture, - entail a warning or a fine of up to five basic units with the confiscation of the specified drinks, semi-finished products and apparatus ".

* It is still possible to purchase moonshine stills for home use, since their second purpose is to distill water and obtain components for natural cosmetics and perfumery.