De-volay cutlets: a recipe with a photo. Cutlet de volay "Original We start to wrap cutlets

20.08.2021 Salads

The progenitor of the Kiev cutlet is the cutlet de will. There is no need for double breading and twisting of butter, as in the preparation of Kiev cutlets. The main difference between the two dishes is the filling. In the cutlet de volay, sauce is used as its quality.


  • Whole chicken - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • chicken egg - 3-4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • green apples - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • white bread - 1 loaf;
  • vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • fresh frozen lingonberry - 300 g;
  • salt to taste;
  • pepper to taste.


1. For the cutlet de volay you need a whole chicken. Separate the fillet from the legs, remove the skin, and then remove the fillet of the legs along with the wing bone, remove the second fillet in the same way.

2. We clean the chicken bone from the pulp, chop it so that the length of the bone is two centimeters. From the inside, we chop off the head and leave the bone on only one tendon.

3. Separate the large fillet from the small fillet with a knife, unfold the large fillet in the form of a book, carefully beat off both fillets.

4. It is not necessary to beat off a large fillet very thinly - the filling will not flow out of this cutlet.

5. Now the filling: for the minced apple, peel the apples and grains, cut into small pieces.

6. Put apples, a handful of lingonberries in a saucepan, add sugar and simmer over low heat with a little water. You can add a little softened butter.

7. Put the resulting filling in the middle of a large fillet, cover with a small piece of fillet and press with a bone so that the cutlet does not "fall apart".

8. From a beaten egg with flour and salt we make ice cream, prepare a breading of white bread.

9. Dip the cutlet in flour, dip in ice cream - and in white breading.

10. Pour butter into a stewpan with a thick bottom, fry the cutlet until the breading acquires a golden color, bring the cutlet to readiness in the oven.

11. Serve with lingonberry sauce.

De Volai cutlets are a gourmet French dish. By the type of preparation and even appearance, they are incredibly similar to the classic Kiev cutlets. But these two dishes are distinguished by the most important thing - the filling. To fill the Kiev cutlet, butter is used, while the French prefer to add a sauce, mainly creamy mushroom, to the De Volai cutlet.

The popular culinary masterpiece was created by the chef Nicolas Appert in the early 1900s. And only many years later, the dish gained its popularity in Kiev. At the same time, local chefs modified the content of the cutlets, but retained the basic requirements for cooking.

Advice! To make it easier to cut the chicken fillet into plates, they begin to cut it up without waiting for it to be completely defrosted.


Servings: - +

  • chicken fillet 800 g
  • fresh champignons300 g
  • onion 1 PC
  • egg 2 pcs
  • cream 150 ml
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, spices to taste
  • breadcrumbs200 g

Calories: 234.16 kcal

Proteins: 32 g

Fats: 21 g

Carbohydrates: 37.5 g

50 minutes Video Recipe Print

    The first to prepare the sauce for the cutlets is De-Voliai, since during the collection of the cutlets, it must be cooled down. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in hot vegetable oil.

    While the onions are fried, the mushrooms are washed and chopped. The chopped mushrooms are added to the pan and cooked until golden brown.

    Salt the filling and add cream to it. It is simmered over low heat for about 5-10 minutes, until the excess liquid evaporates and the mass becomes thicker. The finished filling is removed from the heat and left to cool.

    The chicken fillet is cut into strips. The width of each is 5-7 mm. After this, the workpieces should be beaten off. In order not to stain the kitchen, the meat is covered with cling film and worked with a hammer. Beat off the strips on both sides, while not being zealous so that the meat does not become too soft. Broken blanks are salted and pepper to taste.

    Now they are preparing themselves by De-Voliai. For this, a strip of meat is laid out on a cutting board. The filling is placed closer to one edge. For each cutlet - 2-3 tsp. cooled creamy mushroom sauce. Roll the rolls so that the filling is tightly wrapped inside.

    After 5-10 minutes, the workpieces are laid out on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the De-volai cutlets in it. Until the dish is fully cooked, you need to stand for another 20 minutes.

Ready cutlets De Volay are served hot. They can be used as a stand-alone dish or with various side dishes. Most often, mashed potatoes become a companion of De-Volay chicken rolls. But to add some sophistication to the dish, fill it with original notes, it is served with baked vegetables. Lettuce leaves will help give a festive look.

Advice! De-volai cutlets are cut at an acute angle during use so as not to splatter the filling.

Delicate, juicy, golden-brown crispy breading, with a surprise from melting "green" butter in the middle - these are the famous Kiev cutlets! This is a very tasty dish, rightfully worthy of a restaurant menu. At the same time, you can easily cook chic De-Voliai cutlets at home.

Why "De-volay"? ...

The history of the dish is mysterious and fascinating. According to one version, the Kiev cutlets originate from France in the 18th century. Young cooks, who came to France to study the art of cooking in the direction of Elizabeth I, brought with them a foreign recipe. In French, the dish was called exquisitely and mysteriously: cotelette de volaille. Translated, it sounds more prosaic - "cutlet de-volay" means "chicken cutlet". The original dish was soon tasted and loved, but after the events of 1812, the French cutlets were renamed into neutral "Mikhailovskie", and in the twentieth century they were completely forgotten.

But closer to the 1950s, a delicious dish was revived thanks to a chef of one of the restaurants in Kiev, who found an undeservedly forgotten recipe and cooked delicious cutlets. Everyone who tried it liked the dish very much, and the recipe again became known and popular - now under the name of "Kiev cutlets".

Many variations on this theme have been invented: "Kiev" cutlets are made from chicken and minced meat, stuffed with butter, mushrooms or cheese; sometimes - on the bone, sometimes - without.

Today I have De-Voliai cutlets from minced chicken:


  • 1 chicken fillet,
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 egg,
  • butter,
  • breadcrumbs,
  • sunflower oil,
  • flour,
  • greens,
  • salt,
  • spices.

Welcome to my cozy diary. Today I decided to please my family with an extravagant and unusually delicious dish - cutlets "De valyay"... Agree, few people know about such a dish, nevertheless, in various restaurants, such cutlets go "with a bang", they are somewhat similar to Kiev cutlets, only in Kiev the filling is butter, and in the cutlets, the filling is fried mushrooms (champignons) and processed cheese with garlic and herbs. So let's get down to cooking chicken fillet cutlets with mushrooms and cheese.

Products for 6 cutlets:

  • 2 chicken breast fillets
  • 100 grams of fresh champignons
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Processed cheese (1pc.)
  • A bunch of parsley
  • 3 eggs
  • Half a glass of flour
  • Loaf of white bread (with a reserve)
  • Salt and spices


Cut each fillet lengthwise into 3 pieces, sprinkle with seasonings and salt, beat off through a plastic bag.

chicken fillet for cutlets de walley

We beat off the fillet through the bag.

how to beat chicken fillet

Preparing the filling for the cutlets de walley.

Cut the mushrooms, fry them in a pan.

preparing the filling for cutlets - fried mushrooms

Rub the garlic, chop the parsley and add to the grated garlic. Then rub the melted garlic there on a coarse grater.

grated garlic with parsley

filling for cutlets de walley

Add fried mushrooms there, mix it all.

filling for cutlets with fried mushrooms and cheese

preparing the filling for stuffed cutlets

We divide the filling for cutlets into parts, I got 10 parts, since I took more products.

ready-made filling for stuffed cutlets - fried mushrooms, cheese, herbs, garlic

We start wrapping cutlets.

Place the filling on the edge of the beaten chicken fillet and begin to wrap.

wrap the filling in chicken fillet

The last stage of cooking cutlets stuffed with fried hornbeams and cheese is rolling in flour, bread (pre-grate the loaf or grind it in a meat grinder) and an egg.

roll the cutlets de walley

First, roll in flour, then in an egg, then again in flour, then in an egg. Further in grated bread.
Then in the egg.
Then again in bread.

That is, roll it 2 times so that the cutlet becomes large and strong. The top layer is grated bread, about half a centimeter.